Showing Posts For coverdale.8903:

Message on behalf of Seigfried.5938

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: coverdale.8903



I am currently using another internet connection, but I lost the email associated with the account. As a result, I cannot verify I’m the user of the account. However, I can prove that I am the owner of the account as I still have the serial code which was provided when I purchased the game. Please contact me at [redacted]. I can then provide the serial code.

yours sincerely,
Super ele fanboy,

(edited by Moderator)

Stone Flesh bug

in Elementalist

Posted by: coverdale.8903


The first minor trait in the earth traitline, Stone Flesh is bugged; You dont get any extra toughness for attuning to earth.
Plz hotfix

Rookie needs to learn the ropes

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


Thief - What Direction is this Class Taking?

in PvP

Posted by: coverdale.8903


If the upcoming balance patch comes to be there will be a very significant drop in D/P thieves. BP is the most important skill to a D/P thief and the upcoming nerf will destroy all of its uses except its ability to stealth. This was also the final nail in the coffin for P/P

The changes to BP will now carry the bad opponents against us. If the opponent has any experience against thieves he/she should move out of the field after the first blind and try and land attacks from outside the BP. If the thief can hit you, you can hit the thief. A bad/inexperienced player will just stand in the field and imo doesn’t deserve to win. Against a good player only the first blind should matter and more blind pulses affects the bad players. With just 2 blind pulses anyone can stand in the field and melee us. A thief doesn’t fare well in melee. If you look at all the weapon sets, they all have a escape mechanism when they are stuck in melee. S/D can shadowstep back, or like D/D can make use of cloak and swagger. P/D can also use its #3 skill. We aren’t always sitting on 9 init so get out of a sticky situation.

Why do we need BP to secure stomps? Because we can’t beat most professions in a downed battle. I doubt it very much. Very often we manage to down someone with a quarter of our life remaining but in the process of securing a stomp we get feared or knocked back a couple of times and we go down too. When that happens our chances of winning most likely went out of the window unless we can manage to port behind an object and heal.

The worst part is that this is just a little poke to D/P SA. With SA you would rather use BP to stealth rather than using its blinds as a shield. A part of me feels that PVE is the main reason for this nerf. You rarely see players in spvp complain about being blinded continuously if they stand in the field for 4 seconds. They either dodge the blinding projectile (if at a distance) or move out after the first blind. The only enemies foolish enough to stick around in a blinding field for its entire duration aren’t even bad players but AI. I guess Anet finally decided they had enough of thieves soloing and selling Arah p1. If PVE is indeed the reason for nerfing BP, I have two propositions. The first one would be to fix AI and actually make mobs intelligent but this won’t happen because lots of players just want their gold. So the second option would be to separate BP between PVE and WvW/PvP.

What annoys me the most isn’t that they made BP more difficult to use or that they added the ability to counter it. They just straight up nerfed it. They could have increased the cast time and made it more telegraphed so people could see it coming an hour in advance and know to stay out of the little red circle, but nope. We could at least make it such that the blinding projectile had some good damage. BP was nerfed by 50% and it would be unforgivable to have it eat up 6 initiative if it weren’t for its ability to combo HS for stealth. BP is completely useless on its own unless it has a heartseeker to go with it. S/P can now only make use of headshot because BP is useless with it and P/P is now complete garbage.

It isn’t that D/P is completely unviable now but rather that S/D and P/D (power/celestial) are much better options. If the balance patch happens I suppose only the remaining hipster thieves will still use D/P

I agree that Anet is pushing us into using less bursty specs. They’re telling us to either sit back and shoot with pistol, or sit back and evade with sword or drop hidden killer and executioner and take up a (little!) bit of healing

S/D S/D new meta?! (Subterfuge's build)

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


Yes, you can troll with it. No, it wont be of any use in tPvP – Even Jumper ditched it, and he was excellent with it. The only role thief can fill in tPvP is roamer – can’t roam without a shortbow.

Problem solved! Added build 2 =3
Instead of flanking strike spam 3 on shortbow!

Now you’re in the “doesn’t do enough damage” camp. The only way you’re taking full advantage of quick pockets is to constantly swap. Now you’re running ShBow, so half the time you’re doing subpar single target damage, on top of already doing pretty poor damage since you no longer have Air/Fire runes, and add on top of that less LS’s (since you’re spending alot of init to dodge spam).

Maybe the additional might stacks will help mitigate the crappy damage, but I doubt it. Most likely just a troll build.

It may just work out hahaha crosses fingers
I just want a meta build to my name :x

S/D Destroyed

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


I completely agree with Amonatory. The S/D weaponset isnt OP, Acro is OP and S/D synergized the best with Acro which makes it “OP”. They dont need to nerf S/D any more. Furthermore they are literally changing the playstyle of S/D thief. THIS IS NOT OK. They cant change the playstyle that many thieves have spent hard work and time mastering. I know for sure that there are no Anet people that play S/D at a high level, their making blind changes. This doesn’t even fix the issue because it makes MORE EVADE SPAM.

-Teef Teef Teef Teef, soon to be Ele Ele Ele Ele Ele because the most skillful Thief build is dead.

I plan to main ele after this unless anet nerfs them too…
It has become quite clear that Anet is clueless when it comes to balancing. Instead of nerfing shadow arts they nerf D/P and instead of nerfing acro they nerf s/d. We have been asking for P/P to be buffed. They respond by buffing unload but weaken BP and make the set more vulnerable than before. We would expect P/D to get nerfed indirectly as it generates most QQ but it is left untouched and possibly buffed with ricochet.

S/D S/D new meta?! (Subterfuge's build)

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


Yes, you can troll with it. No, it wont be of any use in tPvP – Even Jumper ditched it, and he was excellent with it. The only role thief can fill in tPvP is roamer – can’t roam without a shortbow.

Problem solved! Added build 2 =3
Instead of flanking strike spam 3 on shortbow!

S/D S/D new meta?! (Subterfuge's build)

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


This is more or less an exact copy of Jumpers build from when S/D first got fixed (when FS first got split).

Jumper had 6 points critical strikes =3 so I can still call this build mineeeee!

S/D S/D new meta?! (Subterfuge's build)

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


Thats not fair! That was before the flanking strike changes. Also, if he is known as ‘somebody’ I’m sure we can stamp my name over his

I also doubt he had strength runes :P

(edited by coverdale.8903)

S/D S/D new meta?! (Subterfuge's build)

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


Disclaimer: This is very much a QQ post

With the recent buffs/nerfs to teefs I’m sure that eventually a lot of players will try to take advantage of the new flanking strike. I thought that the build which I am about to post may eventually become popular and so it would make sense to label it with my name before anyone else

There it is! A true masterpiece, if I may say so myself. With this build you gain 22 initiative every 20s for all your dodging needs. That is 11 flanking strikes every 44s.

Quick pockets: 3 initiative every 10s
Quick recovery: 1 initiative every 10s
Kleptomaniac: 2 initiative every 20s

With all the weapon swapping and dodging I am certain that this build would maintain at least 15 stacks of might in combat.

The playstyle would involve waiting till your opponent uses all his heavy hitters on you, dodge them and then close the gap to deal damage (tickle him if you don’t crit)

The main source of QQ for S/D was the insane amount of dodges (and steal in conjunction with the trickery traitline) which were ironically buffed. GG Anet.

If this build somehow becomes the meta, I demand that it be named after me.

Build 2:

(edited by coverdale.8903)

A call for help (bugs)

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


There is a bug on the S/P set and its called pistol whip. The skill shouldn’t exist and must be fixed (removed) immediately

Last effort with my Thief

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


I use D/P 2 6 0 0 6 in both wvw and spvp and it works well for me. Here is my build

A few points to note:

-Use hide in shadows since the its the only condi clear you have. You shouldn’t be using shadowstep for clearing conditions. Also withdraw when poisoned makes it quite useless imo

-Rather take infiltrators signet instead of blinding powder. the shadowstep is another stunbreaker and it also allows you to land important skills like heartseekers and backstabs. Unless you use shadow arts infiltrators signet is better than blinding powder.

-Use side strike (just use it)

-Executuoner: You will have fury up most of the time and factoring the boosts to prec sidestrike and fury, you will have 80% crit chance when attacking from behind or the side (or 85% if more than 90% hp). This means that backstabs crit very very often and so I’d rather take +20% damage for all my skills when the enemy is less than 50% hp. If you want a degree of certainty in your fights, use hidden killer :P

-Low vitality: Factoring borderland bloodlust and guard stacks you end up at 14k hp which is good enough imo. I dont like sacrificing damage in backstab builds. A 4k backstab puts a lot more pressure on the opponent than a 3k backstab. Each time you can you should put a dent into them after leaving stealth so they go into a small panic mode, waste dodges and more importantly don’t pressure you when you are revealed.

-Know when you can win. Don’t blindly charge into a fight with a condi heavy profession such as a necro and an engie without a backup plan. 2 6 0 0 6 cannot last in a prolonged battle against conditions. The moment hide in shadows and shadowstep are on cooldown and the opponent seems like hes ready to do bomb you with conditions, start thinking of an escape plan. For necros you can always get them to half hp then poison them, reset the fight and return to the fight with full hp

I’m from Gandara too
If you betray us … watch your back muhahaha

Long Range HS

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


I think of it not as a bug but as the profession mechanic :P
you can also use steal/shadowstep to land backstabs or any other attacks

Thief Newbie

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


If you’re not using shadow arts infiltrators signet would be better than blinding powder.

The build is lacking in damage for the D/P set especially after the crit damage nerf. You would fare fine against glassier enemies but the moment you come up against a guardian or a warrior who have invested a decent bit into toughness you might find yourself in a bit of a jam.

My build is full berserker since I get +3.5k HP from guard stacks. If you don’t have that available yet just use valk armour(only) to get to 14k hp.
High power is quite important for dagger mainhand since you want to be very bursty for which the assasins/cavalier gear and runes of the pack dont work too well. Runes of the pack are better suited for s/d since the swiftness on dodge from the acro traitline helps give perm swiftness.
Dont get wvw gear :p

Suppose runes of strength gets a super buff you will buy them for 100g and replace runes of scholar on it (24g) you cant salvage runes of scholar from the wvw armour so u lose the 24g. next thing you know runes of strength is nerfed and you will have to go back to scholar runes. Oh no! You can’t salvage 100g worth of runes?! And you have to buy 24g worth of runes of scholar again?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

A few D/P questions

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


You should kitten and l2p with ogre runes :P

P/D build, advice and suggestions appreciated

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


I have absolutely no usefull advice for this build. I’m just here to ask why you want to play P/D?

You seem to have figured it out quite well. And you seem to be a bright and kind guy/lady. But if there is one specific build that I hate the most of all, its Thief P/D!

Now I don’t want to be rude or derail this thread. Heck I even main thief, and really like playing as, and against thieves. Except for this one. There seems to be no honor in this playstyle. Especially in WvW with the condition food.

I hope some players can give you great strategies, and perhaps clear things up for me aswell. As I think its probably a L2P issue combined with it being quite annoyingly mobile.


Thief Newbie

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


An alternative build would be the 2 6 0 0 6 build which is the D/P meta build for tpvp

The 0 6 6 2 0 build mentioned in the previous post is probably be the better choice for wvw having higher access to condi clear. The difference between both the builds is that the trickery build is a more offensive set whereas the shadow arts build is more passive

Knowing as you’ve just reached 80 with thief I would suggest giving the 2 6 0 0 6 build a try before the 0 6 6 2 0 build simply because I feel that it could leave you with some bad habits such as over reliance on stealth. A lot of new thieves just look for ways to stealth the moment the revealed debuff runs out instead of attacking. After you feel comfortable with the set feel free to use shadow arts

A few tips…

Infiltrators signet: Depending on the situation use it either offensively (a 900m ranged heartseeker/backstab) or defensively (as a stunbreaker).

Shadowstep: This skill is just wonderful! Use it as a stunbreaker, decieve a zerg, land backstabs and more trickery. The trick to playing a thief well is positioning and shadowstep helps you do that.

Shadow refuge: Try using it just before going down wink wink

Steal: With the 2 6 0 0 6 this useless non stunbreaking shadowstep becomes an ace up your sleeve. Try to land your steals accurately (since youve spent 6 points into it) and don’t use it the moment its off cooldown! Save it for your bursts, ripping stability and protection and more importantly interrupting game changing skills (heals and hammerstun :P)

PS. I hate shadow arts and I hope you couldn’t tell from reading the post

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


Although this may seem stupeed pweeze teach shortbow to