Showing Posts For dagne.8542:

NA Team Adorably Dangerous LF bunker.

in Looking for...

Posted by: dagne.8542


What kind of days/hours are you all playing?

[NA] Guardian/Engi/Thief for Tourny

in Looking for...

Posted by: dagne.8542


the response here is overwhelming let me tell you, I have had to delete like so many messages. This community is rediculous.

[NA] Guardian/Engi/Thief for Tourny

in Looking for...

Posted by: dagne.8542


Hello Pvpers

I’m looking for a group with experience to do tournaments with on the weekends. I’m currently rank 54. I’m sure with the changes to rank points that will be higher soon enough.

*I play bunker guardian-staff and mace/shield sword/shield depending on map. Build is a condi cleanse build.

*I play engineer as nades condi spam.

*I play thief mostly as s/d decap.

Prefer Guardian or Engi play.

Please message me in game, thanks for replies. My name is Aethaer

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dagne.8542


I’d have to disagree with the Stability thing above, but mostly because I think Stability is always way too common in the game as a whole.

Agree, but I don’t see arena net bringing other professions down in stability. Plus a lot of classes have immobilize which trumps stability atm anyhow.

Also I see no reason for necro to have stability buffs with the amount of cc it possesses.

(edited by dagne.8542)

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dagne.8542


Changes for elementalist I would like to see:

If nothing else read the bulleted stuff. The paragraphs below the bullets are provided to substantiate my reasoning.

  • Stability utility increase
    Elementalist has one stability source through utility. 75 seconds is entirely too long for 6s of stability regardless of class. Bring this inline with other classes who have access to stability.

Warrior has access to 8s stability at 40s cd, and 8s stability on 60s cd. Guadian has access to 5s stability on 30s cd, and 10s through hallowed ground. Necro has well of power for 5s stability at 50s cd. Ranger has 8s stability at 60s cd.

The only classes that do not have access to stability through utility are the classes who also have stealth ability. They also have invulnerability utility on a much shorter cooldown.

I see no reason why armor of earth should not be on 60s cd for the duration of stability it is giving. Even with boon duration and cantrip reduction. Other professions are able to increase their stability durations easily through adept tier trait lines and boon duration just like elementalist.

  • Rework of Cantrips
    Cleansing Fire is not really worth taking any more.
    Lightning Flash’s range is pathetic.

The effectiveness of a teleport ability as an escape is its range of distance. Looking at other classes with abilities that help to gap close you can see that lightning flash needs a distance increase. Otherwise what is the point of having it? As an example I give the biggest offender as to why this ability has become some what ineffective in helping the elementalist to survive.

Thief- ties this ability in range with steal, infiltrator’s signet, infiltrator’s arrow, shadow shot, and two heartseekers. They have greater range with their shadowstep, and scorpion wire allows them to pull you to them even after a teleport.

  • Reduction in dependence of boons
    Elementalists at this point are very much dependent on boons. Many classes have boon stripping abilities which render the elementalist ineffective.

Elementalists can’t get by without their boons. Might, protection, regen, swiftness, fury, and stability are all essential to staying alive and doing any semblance of damage. The problem is that at current removing boons is fairly easy. After this occurs and the elementalist has lost all his stacks of might they are doing little to know damage at that point.

  • Damage increase changes for elementalist auto attacks
    Other than air auto attack the general damage for auto attack is not comparable to most other professions. I don’t think it needs to be equal, but I think it needs to be higher in the other attunements. It is fairly easy to run yourself out of attunement swaps, get stuck in an attunement, have abilities on cd due to long cds, and do little to no damage suddenly due to the miserable damage of your auto attacks.
  • Terrain fixes for any teleport moves
    This ties into lightning flash, but also many other abilities that are buggy in general. This is seen even in the new edge of the mists map. As an example warriors hammer stuns when going down hills. Lightning flash all together not teleporting me anywhere when I click on certain parts of the map. I’m sure other professions abilities do this as well.

(edited by dagne.8542)

Need a nice and fun leveling build

in Elementalist

Posted by: dagne.8542


If you’re just looking to lvl a character none of that matters. Just go and run the champ train till you hit 80.

If you’re looking to actually experience pve and work on world completion than you’re going to want a build/gear set that has swiftness up-time as high as you can plus damage.

Because I don’t know your experience with the game outside of playing ele I don’t know where exactly to start in telling you how to build. My suggestion would be to start putting points into the power trait line as you level, than at lvl 20 when you get 10 points retrait and put them into arcane so you can get windborne dagger and keep perma 25% run speed.

From there feel free to do what you want. I would continue to put more points into the fire trait line afterwards because at low levels adding more power will do more for you than most the other stats will in my opinion. When you get to a higher level; say maybe around lvl 60 than worry more about an actual build for your character. Most of the established builds you will find online are meant for an 80 lvl character that can make full use of the combination of the trait lines build. Until you reach that point just work with power and movement speed buffing.

I could go into more depth, and I’m sure there are a lot of different ways that other people would do it. I just gave you a quick idea of one way you could go. Good luck

Has anybody geared around Diamond Skin?

in Elementalist

Posted by: dagne.8542


From what I understand this would not work very well for a number of reasons, but I haven’t tried it out. Feel free to give it a shot though since who knows.

The reasons I can see against it is that sustain for ele is not good enough to keep 90% at such a close range to heavy direct damage classes. Even if you stay fairly mobile your base hp will be low, and various classes pick up increased damage when a certain hp % is reached. So you would be making it a bit easier for them to reach this damage increase. Even with high toughness you have to take into account that ele is in a place right now where you’re going to be focused first. Mostly due to the fact that ele is seen as easy kills at the moment.

After that I think there have been enough survivability theory craft posts about overall survivability, and generally stacking just toughness or just vitality is less effective from my understanding. I believe the suggested route is to hit around 2500 armor and 17k or more hp. There are a lot of theorycraft posts on reddit about this. I believe they are for the most part still current.

New build to try out in spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: dagne.8542


I’m just posting up this build for people to give a shot.

I wanted to play d/d in spvp

If anyone else has posted something similar than excuse me for stealing your thunder. So far I have been having fun using it in hot joins. I have not tested it in tpvp.

Some nice points about this build:
Good health pool
Good amount of toughness
Two stun breaks
Not bad damage over all

Tips for the build:
I use glyph of elemental power as much as I can since its 36s cd and 30s duration and despite losing the stun break it provides a lot of cc. Fairly good for weakness and cripple stacking. Chilled and burn procs are an extra nice addition. Especially chill since you can stack it well with frost aura and frozen burst.

Signet of air is good for on demand blinds and stun break.

Signet of fire is good for extra pressure.

Also remember that all signets keep limited passive with Written in Stone. So use up your healing signet when needed since you’ll be keeping the passive

Fiery Greatsword is pretty standard:
Use it in large group fights-deselect people and use skill 4 fiery rush for lots of good damage. Also skill 5 for extra aoe. Conjures are good overall right now. Don’t forget to use the summons damage on players since the extra damage and fire is nice.

The signets and runes are up to you. I’ve tried a few different kinds, but extra vigor is always nice.

Glyph heal is ok as well if you want to swap that in since the reduced cooldown.

Good luck, and hope you enjoy this build. Appreciate any feedback, but try to keep it friendly.

(edited by dagne.8542)

Can't leave overflow

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dagne.8542


I’m getting this same thing while trying to guest into another server for Tequatl


in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


Really funny reading a T_T post by maguuma about zergs. I’ve seen them rolling around in 50 man zergs through out the day for the last few days.

If i remember earlier in this forum post Maguuma was touting about being a server as a whole and being one united bunch.

(edited by dagne.8542)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dagne.8542


I completed the daily combo killer achievement and was promptly disconnected from the server and when i logged back in my achievement progress was set back to 70% which in turn caused me to miss the 1st laurel

question on runes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dagne.8542


I was just wondering if someone could point me to a link of a website that has all of the properly working runes or if there is a post somewhere on the forum that shows all the bugs with runes in a list known at the moment.

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


I’m just going to say for all the people that made spiteful comments about meows transfer it really shows how upset you are about their leaving. I read some comments about them just being numbers etc etc. Not really sure why you felt the need to come on a forum and say something like that if they weren’t really significant. Same thing with this talk about being carried. Get over it already. NSP is doing a lot of whining over nothing.

If anything why don’t you try and get organized and do well in wvw instead of sitting on the forums being victims.

(edited by dagne.8542)

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


The problem with that picture you posted npac is that that was after we chased you from the middle of the bottom of the map back to your borderlands cause you ran and/or were dead and respawned to come back out and fight more.

It’s not really a problem for us to turn and wipe you. Half the people that initially wiped you turned around and went back to dueling cause you ran. If you’re going to complain about numbers being too high maybe you shouldn’t jump into 30 people and complain about it.

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


What does it really matter what my guild tag is? Are you judging me by what guild I’m in now? I’m pretty sure that if you put a PAXA tag on a newb he would still be a newb. So your point?

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


More like you’re interrupting our fun, and we came over and trounced you till you retreated back to NSP borderlands you delusional space case.

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


Hey PAXA was that you that just ran into the duel event and got trounced? I think you killed one guy that was afk. Are you hoping for afk kills?

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


[Meow] were effectively free kills for us. /shrug

Needed to follow the NSP/AR/Kaineng forum cause you were lonely? Why don’t you go make more videos of beating random pug zergs.

Zaphiel Faires - WvW Roaming #1 [Guardian]

in Guardian

Posted by: dagne.8542


One suggestion I would make to better your game play is your use of elite skill. Renewed focus resets all of your virtues and there were a number of times I saw you use it with all your virtues still up. You can even spam all of them while casting the elite skill.

I personally favor tome of wisdom to troll zergs, but that is just me.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


Stfu this match is over so stop babbling and get to fighting and let the thread die!

I would but I’m bored and I can’t play gw right now. This guy seems to want to make some point so I’m waiting for him to get it out.

Plus I’m just giving him what he wants. I mean isn’t that what any person who makes videos of themselves playing a video game wants? Some attention that is.

(edited by dagne.8542)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


No it is actually called an opinion and I’m entitled to say what I like about your utilities. If it bothers you no need to get upset about it. Just be the grown up that you are so obviously trying hard to be and live with the fact that I think you’re bad.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


That is funny. Did I just read on a forum to “grow up”? How about you start by not replying back since you’re such a grown up.

Actually it would take me little time to kill you solo. Because you’re playing hammer and every bit of your cc is easily avoidable and your utilities are bad.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


“There was a [Meow] guardian next to you that popped “Save Yourself!” really early in the fight. One of our necros almost immediately corrupted it and then spread it. It had an absolutely huge impact on that fight.”

I was the nsp guardian you’re talking about. I like the name drop thanks. Now if you could just get on to posting the video you have of yourselves 1v4’ing me, and having trouble killing me by myself earlier in the night. I’m full glass cannon and it took 4 of you. Cause I know you have the video of it it was the hammer guardian that couldn’t do any damage by himself.

Also the necro had less to do with your win all though it was a smart play. The fact that you had us bottle necked at the archway to spiritholme is what helped you win. It is the same way I beat 25 DR pugs with 6 other people a few nights ago.

Having line of sight and people rushing around a corner into a group of players waiting for them while they funnel in like unorganized groups so often do is not very impressive.


That hammer guardian that hardly does any damage, did he have Juggernaut or a Candy Cane? And who builds glass cannon and complains about dying? You would think that the one that builds glass cannon would expect to get stomped. Were you expecting to win in that 4v1 let alone drop anyone?
Also Oozo doesn’t record those at all. His hard drive is pretty small so he doesn’t record useless crap.

At no point was I complaining that I died. I was making a point that I find you lacking skill for having to 4v1 a glass cannon guardian. You couldn’t even do enough damage to kill me solololololololololol? My build wasn’t made for survivability and it took four of you a minute to kill me. Plus you stood there and watched as I cast a 5s heal from tome elite skill. I mean pro guardian cc right there.

Everyone knows you edit the videos to only show when you guys do well. As far as I know if you’re recording you probably have a large hard drive to store hours of video play because I’m pretty sure unless you’re staging it its impossible to know when to turn on the video to capture.

(edited by dagne.8542)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


“There was a [Meow] guardian next to you that popped “Save Yourself!” really early in the fight. One of our necros almost immediately corrupted it and then spread it. It had an absolutely huge impact on that fight.”

I was the nsp guardian you’re talking about. I like the name drop thanks. Now if you could just get on to posting the video you have of yourselves 1v4’ing me, and having trouble killing me by myself earlier in the night. I’m full glass cannon and it took 4 of you. Cause I know you have the video of it it was the hammer guardian that couldn’t do any damage by himself.

Also the necro had less to do with your win all though it was a smart play. The fact that you had us bottle necked at the archway to spiritholme is what helped you win. It is the same way I beat 25 DR pugs with 6 other people a few nights ago.

Having line of sight and people rushing around a corner into a group of players waiting for them while they funnel in like unorganized groups so often do is not very impressive.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


here is how you lost SM


[AD] Solo & Small Group Roaming WvW Videos

in Community Creations

Posted by: dagne.8542


did you put up any videos of me beating you down in nsp bls tonight? :P

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


should of relabled this post as AR and DR vs NSP. I’ve yet to see DR push AR at all really. They wiped them maybe once the whole two weeks we’ve had this match up?

match up advice

in Elementalist

Posted by: dagne.8542


Dodge x2 . You need some toughness and also do not turn your back. Dodge sideways.

Was this actually an attempt at advice or a pathetic attempt at a troll…..lul

match up advice

in Elementalist

Posted by: dagne.8542


That to me sounds pretty solid. I’m not a big fan of mist form since you cant really do much in it, but I guess since im playing cantrip’s build. I think they’ve fixed the cantrip cooldowns and such to work properly I can run with that.

If anyone else has any advice as to what works for them that would be great. Thanks for the input guys.

match up advice

in Elementalist

Posted by: dagne.8542


I’m just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to better defend against backstab thief builds. Not being able to see the initial burst from pre-loaded CnD and other burst I find that even with a majority of powert/tough/vit gear and a 0/10/10/30/20 build im struggling with this specific thief build.

When they open I generally swap to earth and heal with harmony for the 33% damage reduction into water for regen and spam all my heals to try and get some what back up into a good health pool. Obviously the problem being that after the backstab the thieves open into heartseaker.

I’d appreciate if you would refrain from flaming my post with silly learn to play messages.

Generally I beat all thieves, but there are a handful of them out there that I run into from time to time that drop me fairly quick even as a bunker build.

Crashing no matter what I try

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dagne.8542


so far so good, uninstalling everything and restarting my computer then running the “detect drivers download” has fixed my issue it seems. I’ll update if it starts again.

Crashing no matter what I try

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dagne.8542


currently right now I redid the complete uninstall on the beta drivers, restarted the computer, and downloaded the driver autodetect from ati. Giving this a shot and i’ll see if that works.

Crashing no matter what I try

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dagne.8542


more information. I left the computer go about its business doing whatever it wanted to after it locked up the screen and it came to a blue screen saying:

An attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed
Stop:0X00000116(0XFFFFFA8010E6C4E0, 0XFFFFF880040CF26C, 0X0000000000000000, 0X0000000000000002)
atikmpag.sys- address FFFFF880040CF26C base at FFFFF880040C6000, Datestamp 50133d07

Crashing no matter what I try

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dagne.8542


Just a little bit about my system to give information to help those trying to help me here. If you have a solution that you can link to me it would be much appreciated. I don’t think my problem is unique, but I can’t find a solution by googling. I have tried a few things, and ill list them at the end.

Intel I7-2600K overclocked to 4.5GHz
Corsair Vengeance 16GB PC12800 DDR3 1600MHz 4×4
MSI P67A-GD65 B3 Intel P67 Socket 1155 Motherboard
MSI Radeon HD 6970 2GB GDDR5 PCIe 2.1
Corsair TX850W 850W Power Supply

I think my system if fully capable of handling the highest settings no problem at all. The pvp servers are specifically the cause though. While playing 5v5 structured pvp my computer will be running fine, and then all of a sudden freeze the screen. I hit ctrl-alt-delete, and it beeps once, I hear my fans cut off, and then it resets the screen to task manager allowing me to cancel out of task manager. As soon as I’m out of task manager it puts me right back into the game running just fine again till the next freeze. The game freeze only occurs while I’ve been playing structured PVP, I have not tested it on WvW, and I know that for sure it isn’t happening while playing pve.

The few things I’ve tried:

First I made sure my graphics card drivers were up to date.
Second I updated my graphics card drivers to the 12.7 beta on AMDs website.