Showing Posts For dash.1952:


in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I for one actually enjoy playing on Skyhammer. Yes, I am well aware that many people highly dislike this map. For me, I enjoy the change in tactics the map provides for capturing points A & C. I especially enjoy trying to find ways to throw people off the ledge without getting thrown off myself.

For the record, I play between four classes (thief, mesmer, engineer, and my necro main), so I’m familiar with the challenge of not getting pulled off with little to no stability (I’m talking about the necro).

Reach r55+ (current) to Craft a Legendary

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


As both a heavy pve and pvp’er, it would be great to have pvp only skins that you can acquire only from pvp. I understand this adds a level of work for the development team, but it would be nice to have ways to show time spent in pvp versus time spent in pve. For one thing, I always get a kick doing /rank in pve and dropping a tiger, while others drop rabbits, deer, and dolyaks.

It’s not that this is necessary, but it helps create a sense of achievement and a way to display where we’ve spent our time, instead of people who spent time only in pve getting to showcase the best skins in every part of the game. I feel for those who pvp only.

Minion Mancers

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I’m with Ron about MM. They do have their strong points, but they have some severe weaknesses as well (which Ron has mentioned). The main argument I’ve heard about MM’s is the AI clutter, which can be challenging. Fighting an MM is one of those times when you have to change your tactics and fight smart. One of the big things to remember is to keep mobile, use AoE if you have the build for it, and use CC’s on the Necromancer (which is a huge weakness for them).

MM’s are not the only ones with a lot of AI. It’s a matter of playing smart, and exploiting their weaknesses. I’ve played a lot of other classes, and must admit I smile whenever I see an MM, as they are fun to take out as they don’t know how to properly play the class (Ron, why have I never had the pleasure of doing battle with you!?). Those who play the MM relying upon the AI to do the bulk of the work greatly misuse the class, as it is more about learning to micromanage them for maximum effectiveness.

I’m sure Ron would agree, that at the high level of competition, there is a lot of skill involved with playing as an MM. The players at that level know how to keep moving, and will exploit your weaknesses as an MM. Mismanaging your minions will lead to your death.

As for the AI clutter, ANet has done a great job of enhancing the targeting system to place the player at a higher priority level. So it is easy to target them through the AI (unless you have a tendency to fudge your targeting). It’s ok if AI frustrates you—just stop, take a breath, and adjust your fighting tactics. I have actually laughed at players who charge in, and attempt to DPS me to death while standing in the midst of my minions. Believe it or not, but I have ran across a number of people who are very adept at tearing apart an MM. Before the HamBow meta was fixed, every warrior and his grandma was taking me out due to the high dps, CC, and damage mitigation.

One important thing to keep in mind about MM’s is this: their pathing and response is horrible. Putrid explosion is one of the few that will reliably activate when we push the button. Other minions may take a while to execute, or get stuck (I’m looking at you Flesh Golem). As much help as the Flesh golem charge can be, it also has as much a tendency to fail to work properly. With the previous living story patch, the minion AI was broken to the point where I could be in a fight for a good 20-30 seconds before they would finally join up. Imagine playing without your utilities (passive or not) for that length of time, and see some of the challenges an MM faces.

I’m not saying the MM isn’t a strong class, but it has some serious weaknesses that make it reasonable. I often play as a Thief, Mesmer, Engineer, and Guardian, and have no problems when it comes to the average MM player. Please, if you hear other MM’s pipe up to your response about our abilities, it is only to help you understand the other side of the story as well with our challenges. Otherwise, people only see things from one perspective.

Game Just Crashes, Can't Even Open Client Now

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dash.1952


I’ll check it out later when I get home from class.

Currently I run gw2 off a 2TB hard drive, but I do have a 64 GB solid state drive I could put it on. What could be wrong with my HDD if gw2 is the only program that crashes on it?

That’s a good question. The same thing happened to me after the last patch. From what I understand, some files got corrupted. Best thing to do is to send a ticket to Guild Wars, and let them help you. I’m currently in the midst of re-installing the entire game after wiping everything, as it kept freezing up on me.

Fix Minions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dash.1952


I’ll add that I’ve noticed the behavior of the minions has changed drastically after yesterday’s patch. I got engaged in a number of pvp fights, and would wonder where the heck my minions were, just to see them finally saunter into the fight about halfway through. There is definitely an issue with the AI after the update.

Glory Boosters, what happens to them?

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


Same here, I have a full stack of glory boosters.

MM necro is getting ridiculous..

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


There is a lot of interesting discussion regarding the MM, as there has been a number of threads in the past regarding this build. One of the issues that people bring up is that the MM is a ‘passive’ play build, and that it is OP for it’s passivity. I’ve mentioned in a different discussion that there are two separate skill floors for the MM, and that the higher end is one that most people don’t see.

I’ve played various classes as 1 on 1 against friends who are skilled with the MM. Honestly, I’ve found that playing against an MM requires a change in tactics from how I normally attack other builds. The biggest thing is to avoid standing still and getting mobbed by the zerg. I found that if I kept moving, utilized CC’s, and timed my dodges from critical attacks, MM’s can be easily beaten.

Having a separate strategy to tackle MM’s is no different than having a strategy to handle a bunker engie or a d/p thief (or another build). Mesmer’s have the annoying ability to summon an army of clones and confuse people. Part of beating an MM is learning their mechanic.

I’ve been playing as an MM for close to a year now. It has it’s strengths, and it has it’s weaknesses. In the upper end of the pvp matches, a MM has to play actively to be competitive. That’s the upper skill floor that I’ve mentioned earlier that most people don’t see. There is a lot of micro-managing minions, which means timing their activated abilities. At this level of play, playing minions passively will get you killed—and quickly. I can discuss this in detail at a later time.

Fractals: A List of Changes

in Fractured

Posted by: dash.1952


Snowblind definitely has more patrols. At least, I noticed more of them at lvl 32.

Show off Your PvP Armor *^*

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


Thought I would throw mine into the mix.


(edited by dash.1952)

Anyone else have skill activation problems?

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I’ve noticed it occurring a lot for me lately myself (like the last couple of weeks), and it is quite annoying. There is a lot of times where I will use a skill at the end of a dodge, only to find that it didn’t activate like it normally used to. In particular, I find myself having to mash the heal button multiple times to get it to go off.

Glory Cap

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I can appreciate efforts by the developers to put a limit on the Skyhammer farm. I mean, I can understand why people farm it, as reaching rank 80 is a pipe dream for most. At the same time, it undermines efforts pvp players have gone to acquire their rank through legitimate games. However, the concern of this post is that players who are trying to play within the boundaries of the game are being punished.

I’ve attached a screenshot of my most recent match, of which I played in a hotjoin. I played how I normally do, which on this map involves using the cannon (very effective on cutting down the zergs). At the end of the match, I saw my score was 471. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that my rank points were a mere 310 (glory was 500).

I must admit, I’m disappointed in this bottle-necking. I know the root of this may be an implementation for controlling Skyhammer farmers, which is good that they are trying to contain the situation. I can’t help but feel punished for the actions of others though. It is a long and difficult road to rank up in pvp, and I feel that the task has been made even more difficult by limiting the amount of rank points legitimately earned in a match.

Mostly, this post is here to let others know about this rank points cap. Back to the grind now….


Minion Necros

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I feel like there needs to be an article on the definition of OP is, as I get the feeling people ‘s definitions differ. I won’t attempt that discussion here, as I wish to address the topic at hand. I mention this only to help people consider what they think is OP, and how they can discuss this in a way to benefit the community, opposed to making vague comments that some may take as being antagonist.

MM’s, as a whole, are not OP in my opinion. As I’ve mentioned before, there exists at least two skill tiers to the MM player, and the ones most people complain about are the lower skill tier. Some of the comments I am reading appear to come more from a source of personal disdain for AI’s in general, as opposed to understanding the complexities required for high end game play. For those interested, these are the skills I run (though I’m not supplying runes, traits, etc. for a good reason. Also, this is not my sPvP build, as the speed is needed to avoid zergs in hotjoin):

There does exist one move as an MM, which may be OP. This move is the Flesh Golem’s charge ability. I’m not talking about how it operates, as I think the functionality is fine regarding the base effects. However, there is a pro/con with the skill, and depending upon how you use it, can give you a smashing advantage in a fight.

The issue lies in the way the Flesh Golem deals damage. In general, it rushes through a target (which deals some damage and knocks them down), and then continues on it’s way for the duration of the skill. This skill in itself is not a big deal. It’s annoying when it occurs to you, but is easy enough to recover from. The issue is when an opponent is against a wall. The golem will continue to charge on against the wall, and essentially crush the opponent into dust. What I mean is, whereas the base of the skill allows the player to take some damage, when they are against a wall, they take damage for the entire rush of the Flesh Golem. This is the part where I may consider this to be OP, and that would have to be determined by Arena Net.

It takes some skill (or just dumb luck), to get this to work right. Often times, I’ll see someone running close to a wall, so I’ll fear them into it, or just unleash the Golem and watch their life drop drastically. There is one spot in Skyhammer where this tactic is extremely useful…

One thing to consider with the Flesh Golem, which balances out the smashing-against-a-wall tactic. Oftentimes, the Flesh Golem doesn’t get to even hit it’s mark, as it gets caught on a rock (or something), so it just runs in place and accomplishes nothing. So, for the number times I’ve had great success with the elite, I’ve also had an equal number of times where I’ve scratched my head while he runs helplessly in place.

To my surprise, I managed to get the jump on a signet warrior and smashed him fully with the Flesh Golem. In most circumstances, this would severely wound a player, and I can finish them off quickly. I was shocked to find that he fully survived everything I threw at him (and I can stack the damage/cc’s up extremely quickly), and then he destroyed the trebuchet and ran off.

Just some food for thought…

Minion Necros

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


tested a necro to kill me with only his minions, it took 21 seconds to beat me with 2000+ dps what more if he used his dagger. that build is just OP to the highest level.

i’m aware that they can get killed in a team fight quickly but you still cannot deny the fact they can faceroll any build out there 1v1. if a spirit ranger gets pawned by MM, just imagine what it can do to ele’s, theives and mesmers.

There appears to be a general misunderstanding of MM’s and their skill cap. From my experience, there are two skill caps with the (general) MM build. First off, I’ll discuss the low skill level build.

Low Skill MM
This is typically the inexperienced MM, whom relies heavily upon his minions to do the work for them. They tend to not dodge much, and primarily focus on managing themselves and hope the minions do most of the work. This particular MM will be successful against players who are themselves inexperienced, or not very high skill level. It is this level which most people tend to insult MM’s, as it is this type of skill level that people typically understand. However, if a player has any decent skill, they can win these matches by kiting/killing the minions, and destroying the MM. I’ve done this numerous times as a Mesmer, Guardian, and Engineer.

High Skill MM
These type of MM’s are indeed lethal, but require a high level of micro management of minions and skills to be effective against skilled opponents. A good MM will know when to blow up the bone minions to deal high damage, and possibly getting blast finishers. They will also know how to use the bone fiend to immobilize their target, and when to effectively use their Flesh Golem to charge.

If a MM mismanages their minions, then they waste their potential. For instance, minions don’t always path correctly, so blowing up your bone minion could be wasted, resulting in no damage dealt and no extra minion to pressure your opponent. On the other hand, if timed correctly, sacrificing the minion deals excellent damage, and can be used as part of a burst.

Personal Thoughts
I feel the MM does reward a player with high risk/reward. Low skilled players do see some advantages against similar players, but will get crushed in the higher end arenas. High skill players, on the other hand, must know when to utilize their minions to CC and burst other skilled opponents. A simple mistiming could lead to a wasted skill, which would only leave more of an opening for a MM’s opponent.

I have played against some great builds of every class, and these have always resulted in near wins/losses and coming down to who executed their skill at which point in the fight. This suggests to me that either every class has access to OP builds, or the players running these builds are skilled.

Tactics Against MMs
One of the biggest weaknesses for Necromancers are CC’s. Stuns in particular are effective, but so are other forms of CC’s (such as knock back). Whatever you do, don’t stand around so the minions hit you. If you have to, kite the MM and use long range weapons. If you choose to melee, get close, burst some damage, then kite again to keep outside of the minions range (thieves do this excellently). Another tactic is to use massive aoe damage, as this will kill off the minions and give you easier access to the necro.

@Valentin: As you are a ranger, you have access to the Elite Entangle (if you choose). Which will lock down a necro and their minions, allowing you to go to town on them.

Final Thoughts
For anyone that may be curious, I’ve been playing as an MM for five months now for pvp, and am sitting at rank 53 on the Solo Leader boards. For some, this won’t mean anything, and that is fine. Honestly, I’ve been surprised that I’ve done so well, as I play in my spare time for fun.

Here is a thought to take home. If at first you don’t succeed against a build, try a different tactic. If that tactic doesn’t work, try a different one. In the end, your opponent may be more skilled, or you may need to adjust your build as it isn’t an “S” tier one. Otherwise, you may need to accept a certain build type will beat yours (I’m looking at you stun warrior).

Axe always "Out of Range"?

in Necromancer

Posted by: dash.1952


One thing I do that really helps is to set a hot key for targeting the closest enemy. It’s not a fix all, but it definitely helps for targeting enemies that are closer in range. In my case, I use the “Enter” button on the number keypad on the side of the keyboard (I don’t have a mouse, so I’ve set up the number pad for using skills and such).

Colliseum Arena with bets!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I think a colliseum arena would be pretty fun. There would need to be a lot of work put into this, but it would definitely create an arena to showcase a person’s skills for others to observe. Maybe even have different levels of arenas, so people with different skill levels can be pitted against others of a similar category. Also, this could create a tier set so people can win their way into the high level colliseum, where prize matches could take place.

Just think, you enter an arena filled with NPCs and players cheering wildly. Your opponent stares you down from across the arena. There is a strange calmness that comes over you while you patiently await the match to start. And then the match starts—the sand shifts beneath your feet as you rush toward your opponent. The cheers of the crowd are a dull roar while you expertly time your dodges, cc your opponent, and begin to whittle away his life.

Somehow, he manages to break away and gain some distance from you. One look in his eyes confirms what you felt at the beginning of the match—your opponent knows he is outmatched. You smile to yourself as you know exactly what moves to execute for the kill.

A few short minutes later, you find yourself over your opponents downed form, ready to execute the finishing blow. You give pause to take in the moment—your glorifying moment of triumph over this foe. It is then you take notice that the crowd has changed in its dynamic. No longer are there a cacophony of voices, mixed with cheering, whistles, and bells. Rather, the crowd has become unified in a single chant declaring, “Noob, noob, noob!”.

With a single keystroke, you end the poor noob’s life as this match has proven you the victor. The glory is yours for the moment. But a question sits at the back of your mind. This match was your victory. Will there be a match in your future where the crowd will declare you as the noob…?

The arena is certainly an interesting concept…and one I think I would enjoy!

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: dash.1952


Necromancer > Warrior

You just need to learn better tactics then spamming scepter 1 and staff 2.

No offense, but I don’t play scepter, nor do I follow the meta for my builds. Please don’t assume you know my tactics or what build I am running, as it makes your assertions skewed, and detract from the premise of the discussion. I’m trying to share constructive feedback, while not putting down other players in the process.

Part of this discussion is to determine if other members in the community are encountering unreasonable* difficulty when encountering class mechanics (which in this case, is the stun warrior). By “unreasonable difficulty”, I mean this as something which Anet should determine. Feedback from the player base will help them to understand this; whether it be by sharing our frustrations, observations, or successes.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: dash.1952


This will not be a problem once Paralyzation doesn’t add an entire second to the stuns. Your QQ is somewhat justified now, but at the same time there are the following options:

stun breaks
ranged damage
blinking out of their LOS
your own CC
playing one so you know its weaknesses on your main

Mesmer does fine against Warrior 1v1

As a necro:

dodging – I do not have access to vigor
kiting – I’m a slow kitten necro with no mobility
stun breaks – Limited stun breaks
ranged damage – Can’t because I cannot kite nor does my ranged damage really do any damage vs a berz stance warrior
blinking out of their LOS – No mobility
stealth – What stealth?
your own CC – Cant because of berz stance or they have stability
retreating – No mobility to get out
playing one so you know its weaknesses on your main – I have one and I own necro so hard

I’m not a good player so any other tips on fighting a stun warrior as a necro would be greatly appreciated. Thanls.

As a necro player, I second this greatly. I have timed my dodges, and use every CC I have available. The problem is, the warrior has too great of a mobility with access to too many stuns for me to even be effective against them. Against decent stun warriors, yeah, I can kill them. But against a skilled stun warrior, it’s GG as there is nothing I can do to counter him (and I have timed my fear between their stability, and tried kiting with a 25% speed signet—they still catch up easily).

Some classes can deal with stun warriors more easily. The issue as a necro is, we are an easy target for them (and yes, I can drop a 5 sec stability with a 60 sec cd, which does little). I think the stun should be reviewed, because if I’m using all of my available resources and still getting stuck in massive stun locks, something is wrong.

For anyone that may think I need to learn to play, I’m ranked high on the solo leader board, and know my class mechanics extremely well as an MM. I’m not advocating for stun to be removed, just for it to be reviewed in light of the situation. I’m all for a class to be challenging, and love seeing warriors back as a competitor since their class revamping.

Engineer Bunkers Need NERF NOW!!!

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


i play full bunker engi ,and i can say only to u (if u cant kill engi with 5 players) learn to play first and than write topics ….
bunker engi has 3 counters s/d thief ,shater mesmer, full condi engi ,if they are good ofcourse…..something that can be killed in 1v1 is not OP …..again l2p ,maybe watch some streams first read something and than write BS

I know there are at least 1 viable build for every class, as I’ve squared off with every class and have ran across each class that has given me a serious run for my money. So I would agree, any class that can be killed in 1v1 is not OP.

Also, I would like to throw one more counter in there for consideration on countering bunkers—the mm powermancer. I know the condition meta is big right now, but you might be surprised how well a mm powermancer can tear apart a good bunker if done right.


in Necromancer

Posted by: dash.1952


I’ve seen a number of threads on this topic, and I have to say, I strongly disagree with the premise that necros are unable to escape from fights. I’m able to engage multiple people, and escape from hairy situations quite easily. It depends upon your build, just as with any other class. Our class has access to Signet of the Locust, which is a constant 25% boost, along with some gnarly CC’s.

As with any class, it depends upon your build. Some builds have a lot of agility, but they lack in other areas. I often find there are trade-offs with any build, and it’s a matter of what you will give up…unless you can perchance find a build that will strike a healthy balance.

Just food for thought too. If anyone happens to be running a meta build, it is easier for other people to know how to counter it since they see it so often. Try a variety of builds, as I assure you, there are some for the necro that deal excellent damage and can escape.

I hate Solo queue!!!

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


Win/loss is at the very least a major contributor to your ranking, if not all there is to it. If I win games, my rank goes up. If I lose, my rank goes down, but my play style is identical between games. Sure, some games I do better than others, but I would expect my rank to remain somewhat consistent if win/loss wasn’t the biggest factor in determining rank. Instead, my rank swings wildly up or down depending on whether or not I’ve won or lost.

I suspect win/loss has an impact upon rankings, but not near the extent some may believe. Of course, no one has seen the algorithms, so we are sharing opinions based upon observations on a very limited data set.

What I was sharing is what I have observed based upon my own experience, and from wins/losses of others who are around me on the upper end of the leader board. I’ve noticed that a lot of them don’t have particularly high win%. In general, the range is from ~60% to 90%. If win percentage was a heavy factor for rank, I would expect to see most of the win ‘s to be in the high 80’s/90’s. In looking through the leader board, I do see a trend where higher percentages tend to be ranked higher, but then I still see people who are ranked a lot lower, even though their win % is high (example: BusOnTheRun.2310 ranked 675 with 84 for wins).

I think win % are more like an indicator of a person playing well, opposed to win’s being the primary metric being measured. Players who are skillful are more likely to have higher win percentages as they will outplay their opponents. Even if these players are skilled though, they can still be put on teams that don’t play well together, which is why it is vital that win %’s are not the highest measurement.

Personally, I’ve been in matches where my team could not sync together well. Players would go down, and other people wouldn’t res them. Meanwhile, the other team would be quick to res one another, and it was difficult to kill any of them. I found myself sparring against two members over a control point, while the rest of my team was slaughtered continuously on other areas of the map. Needless to say, we lost that match.

Despite setbacks I’ve seen with having games where my team was outnumbered, or being on a team where the teamwork was outmatched by the opponent, I still managed to make it on the leader board. I share this to encourage others not to worry so much about winning, as having fun and playing the match well. I see a lot of myths people discuss about the players on the upper end of the leader board, and I have to smile because I know many of them simply are not true.

I understand opinions will differ, especially since experiences can vary vastly. I know it is frustrating to be in a 4 vs 5 match. The next time it happens though, look at it as an opportunity to prove your skill. If you are a skilled player, you should enjoy the challenge it brings, and know how to manage situations that are unfair. I know I do.

Just some food for thought.

I hope to see you in the arena!

I hate Solo queue!!!

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I think ranking is only affected by win/loss. You may have gotten put against a much higher-ranked opponent, which can improve your rating with a loss, or perhaps hadn’t played for a bit so your rank had decayed a little?

Not to bust the bubble on the theory, but it would be difficult for me to have been put up against a higher-ranked opponent when I lost that match giving what my own rank. I think there are a number of things being factored in the algorithm, which is why winning/losing isn’t as important as how you play the match (if you are focusing on your rank).

I hate Solo queue!!!

in PvP

Posted by: dash.1952


I think what we are seeing here is a reality check for some Tpvp folks that used to farm pugs and for the people that thought not having a team was holding them back.

When one of the strong GvG players on my friendslist seen I was rated he decided to get top 100 went from 0% to top 70 (in 100 range now) in less then a week. Moral of the story, you are all not nearly as good as you think I and many others have had loses from 4v5 its happens but law of averages says you will climb if you have the skill.

There are alot of things wrong with the PvP side of the game namely conquest mode and the leader boards have people still top 100 that have not played a single game in over a month however if you are good you can climb to top 100-200.

I hate to step on some toes, but I agree. I’ve heard people complaining about 4-on-5. Yes, it does suck, and I’m not a fan of when it happens. However, I have been in matches where my team has won those matches. It boils down to how good of a player you are, and how well you can work with others. If you are a skilled player, it will show. I have lost matches and gone up in ranking, just because of how I played that match. Just….do the best you can, and have fun. At the end of a day, its just a game.

Spectre Finisher

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dash.1952


Like others, I really enjoy the new finishers. One idea that came to mind would be a “Heaven and Hell” finisher, where you see a light appear (similar to the Ray of Judgement). You can see the poor soul’s spirit (whom you killed) start to ascend, only to have a fiery hand reach up, grab their ankle and yank them down into a cloud of smoke and fire.

Loving The Latest Patch

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: dash.1952


I am very pleased with this latest patch. I’ve been playing the game since beta, and am thoroughly excited with the bi-weekly updates. This one in particular has been fantastic to me for a number of reasons:

-Having all currency in a wallet has saved me time from character swapping for scrounging my finances together.

-Champions and dungeons are rewarding to do. I made 20 gold yesterday, and didn’t have to repeat a single dungeon. It feels great to not have to farm CoF, and enjoy other content in the game while still working towards my in-game financial goals.

-PvP permanent finishers are fantastic! It’s great to be able to buy a finisher and use it spice up the gameplay (I bought the specter one myself).

-1 on 1 arena is fun and challenging. True, it is buggy and I’ve seen some interesting situations (one which involved me battling an invisible opponent), but I like being able to do content that doesn’t revolve me relying upon other people all of the time.

There is more that can be said, but I’m eager to get back to the game. Don’t get me wrong, there are some bugs with this update, but I feel other people on this forum are doing a fantastic job of documenting them for the community. I wanted to share some of the positives I’ve experienced, and to let Anet here positive feedback as well.

Game not connecting to log in server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dash.1952


Having the same issue

You know you've played to much Mesmer when

in Mesmer

Posted by: dash.1952


You know you’ve played Mesmer too long when…you see a dog and try to turn invisible because you are sure the ranger is about ready to attack you.

What title gets displayed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dash.1952


Here something random to go along with this what titles are worth displaying? I use combat healer for my guardian because its a combat healer class but what are the hard to get titles that show how you play?

‘Dungeon Master’ is an excellent title to display, as it shows you have (some) experience in going through the various mechanics of the dungeon system. Overall, it really depends on what you are going for, and want to say for yourself. In pvp, it may be more effective to display a status like ‘Champion Brawler’, which would indicate you have spent some time in pvp. Use the title you want other people to know of your accomplishment.

Ways to Kill People (For the lulz)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dash.1952


One I find enjoyable to do is to give someone a speed boost just they jump on a jumping puzzle. It’s quite fun to watch them overshoot their jump and fall to their death. :P

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dash.1952


Profession: Mesmer
Traited: DPS/Phantasm/Reflection build
Experience: Paths 1 and 3
Equip: Full Exotics/Ascended Items
Time: On most week nights, though I focus on doing Arah on the weekends due to my guild’s current lack of experience and needing time to get through the dungeon.
Other: I can be a speed runner or go at a steady pace depending upon the group. I like to have fun and joke around, and am usually the one who carries my guild through boss encounters (like Alpha). I also have a guardian who is fully equipped for running Arah, if armor is needed instead of a glass cannon.

Hope to see you guys around!

"elitists lvl80 only" attitude lately

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dash.1952


Just to throw my 2 cents into the discussion. One thing I’ve noticed is that the general understanding of how the leveling system works within dungeons appears to be misunderstood. I will agree that looking for a group of lvl 80’s is likely to yield a faster run, as this group probably is properly geared.

However: I ran some tests while leveling an alt, and found that the level/traits are not the most significant factor in determining a player’s effectiveness in a dungeon. It is how well they are geared in proportion to their level. For instance, at level 35 in AC, I saw my power was well about 1,000 (and fully geared at that level). I continued to run this dungeon to level up my character, and noticed my damage getting progressively worst with every level. I wasn’t keeping up with gearing my guy, as my primary focus was speed leveling. What was interesting was the fact that at level 70+, I was dealing less damage than when I was 35.

Now, there are other factors to consider (as I’m not drawing a hard line). I just wanted to share an observation I’ve noticed, which does appear to have more impact than just a simple matter of level. If anything, we should be more concerned if a person is properly geared (if we should concern ourselves with anything imo). Just something to consider you go looking for a group.