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Name the Worse Warrior Trait

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641



worst Warrior trait imo

Unhappy with HOT overall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Took a break from GW2, bought HOT in hopes of being interested on the game again…. nope, not really.

HOT feels like I’m fighting in another planet. The artwork although cool in some creatures, leaves much to be desired in terms of inovation and aweness.

Expansion leaves me with the feeling of:

- playing a caotic platform game, run here, jump there, glide there.
- a stupid grindfest to be able to glide, to jump on a mushroom, then to use air currents, yada…. yada

As a veteran fighter who supposedly fought his way into a somewhat prestige level 80 (whatever that means in real-life-game world) not being able to jump on a mushroom that automatically transports you to a higher platform is like a 30 year old not being able to enter an elevator before reading a 100 page book manual.

It’s ilogic that you force people to grind to do such simple tasks as this.

Last and not least, I play a Warrior and what brought me to HOT was the Berserker new line of specialization… just to find out you guys messed up the base Warrior tree and the Berserker line of work is just bland.

Bland compared to what other classes have, Bland in terms of balance on the Warrior itself, on lack of utility and FUN, specially in PvP where Zerkers are decimated to practically any other class.

Bland in terms of inovation (a torch? pffff), in terms of skills available, in terms of new weapons (wheres a battleaxe? and i’m not even a fan of axes)

So what HOT brought new? A Super-Mario grind-fest festival, another chaotic map expansion, completely lacking the real feeling from early levels in GW2.

A complete mess in terms of balance between classes, the complete lack of response from Devs to broken classes. The forcing of players to change to DHs or Revenants just because their class became broken after HOT came live (not me thanks).

So… wasted money again. Thank you for breaking my class, for taking my money again and for delivering an expansion that lacks addictiveness and feeling.

HOT? Not so hot, end of rant

(edited by davishwulf.9641)

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Request received: 566663


It is 8 days old now, can you look into it?


CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Ascended gear shoud be kept the top tier, now regarding horizontal progression:

- make an alternate skill tree, you earn alternate skill points through quests, pvp, dungeons, dailies, etc. and put those points in that tree – divided between DPS, Tanking & General stats – more variety in builds, more reasons to experiment (you would have an alternate skill point limit of course)

- Specialized weapon tree where you can choose a weapon and specialize in it – either gaining 1 or 2 extra skills or more power with it – part of the Advanced tree system

- houses – what you do daily could reward you with quest house items, pvp/dungeon house rewards – houses would have at least 3 tiers & sizes

- with player houses come guild Halls – bonuses to players as house progresses, items that give special bonuses, etc – new rare items for house as well

- crafting options for house items – market would be more dinamic

- Solo dungeon versions – that reward players at a slower pace, but reward them still.

Group dungeons would provide better items than Solo ones (could exist in Solo but more rare), reward faster XP / Money than Solo and reward guild unique items both in looks & usefulness

- Pet rewards that you can feed & develop with special rewarded items – then you can compete with them in tournaments – yes a mounted tournament could exist, if you had a mounted Pet and develop it

Issues with the new Braham Armor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Beard bump to keep it on top!

Issues with the new Braham Armor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


The beard disappearance is real, on this set & on the 1st Tier of Norn cultural armor.

I sincerely hope they fix that, since i reported the norn one ages ago and nothing was done about it.




(edited by davishwulf.9641)

Braham's Heavy Armor Skin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


It seems you guys have a problem with helmets & beards. First the cultural 1st Tier Norn helmet makes your beard disappear completely.

Now Braham’s Heavy Armor Skin makes player’s beards disappear completely again.

One of the coolest looking helmets in game leaves you with a shaved look.

What’s the point of having beards in game if you can’t see them with your favorite helms?

(edited by davishwulf.9641)

Why do you still play the Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


I always play Warrior classes (since 99) & the description of the class in GW2 was enough for me.

I like the playstyle of Warrior in GW2, always go for a Berserker 2Handed type in this games & here its a fun, hard to master class.

Also, being a norn, i found the Warrior the best fit into this race… somehow i don’t see a Guardian hiding behind heals & walls a true norn to me.

Warrior just needs some useless skills to be replaced/changed, our Burst skill fixed in some playstyles (GS for instance) & banners reworked to both function in PVE and sPVP.

Warrior love!

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Warriors in PVE are great and a challenge, can’t say the same about a Guardian, he practically just stands there, putting a wall and healing/regen till its over

Warriors are very versatile too in terms of builds or weapon combos, we have good range attacks and every weapon can be viable in PVE

What Warriors need in general is the improvement of some “never-used” utility skills and traits.

Also a block chance 4s skill, maybe with some retaliation to it.

Would love to see a portable banner or F2 F3 F4 slots being used in our class, but its a very challenging, addicting play-style class

WvW we do ok but in sPvP atm, due to limitations in valid builds, we’re lacking a lot with some classes being overpowered as hell.

I hope that in time ANet realizes that either they try and balance the game out more ASAP, or 8 bit mini-games won’t save this boat for long

3 needed things for the Warrior class

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


I like Berserkers & the idea behind them in fantasy games, so Warrior & the fact that it is almost an exclusively melee class was the choice for me.

Warriors need Protection, why? Well, because we are “Warriors” and a Warrior parries attacks (the called “block” in this game) and doesn’t just stand there taking hits or rolling on the floor all the time (any class can do that and more)

The fact that other classes have it (even thieves) and not the Warrior is ridiculous.

Any expert in sword-weapons learns to defend & attack, why should the Warrior be a class without block, unless he has a shield? And that “bubble” Endure Pain doesn’t count, in fact i would loose Endure Pain over some Protection skill-givers.

A Warrior needs 1 skill to be healed when hit, he would sacrifice his damage (25%) for the duration of the skill and it would be on our F2 (whatever slot) – healing would consume Adrenaline for the duration – in Passive mode it would grant 10% faster Adrenaline regen

A Warrior needs 1 constant portable-Banner up in F3 (whatever slot) – a proximity STR/Power buff to others, can’t be used as a weapon, but when planted gives a more potent buff to all (similar to normal banners) – can’t be picked up and lasts for the duration of the cooldown

I think that with this changes, Warriors would be able to stand better in sPVP, give better support to those around them & solve their healing problems without being overpowered.

Adrenaline needs to be explored in benefit of the Warrior, you either use it for more damage or loose it for less damage, but having regeneration when hit.

Would you like a flail

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Would be cool and not hard to implement…. and not for Warrior only

But i must admit i would prefer to see 2 handed axes… don’t even know why they weren’t implemented at start, since they are one of the classic weapons in almost every mmorpg out there (although i prefer a 2H sword)

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


What Rommy said.

Been a lot of years since Dark Age of Camelot & GW2 has the potential to become a such a great PvP game both in terms of WWW or sPVP.

You guys seriously need a test server, read carefully players feedback and to be on the field.

Saying that you test things out only to injure a class completely is suspicious. I doubt there’s some testing at all.

And regarding other options, Banners continue not to be an option in sPVP, we need a constant banner effect, not a “grab and run” system.

A warrior fights with a weapon, not a banner. Might as well put a drum in our hands so we can play while others hack n slash eachother, no thank you.

Put banners in F2, F3 slots, Warriors lack in options when using a weapon & dodge and roll are not an excuse since everyone can use that.

(edited by davishwulf.9641)

Quickness Discussion [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: davishwulf.9641



But Warrior, specially the GS tree, needs tweaking so not to be so dependent on HBlades.

We need a always-on banner side-by-side with our burst damage skill & one of the kicks removed & replaced by a new really useful skill (50% chance to block/Retaliate for 3 secs?)

Also our elite skills need re-working, rampage is a joke & our beast forms useless.

Also, Protection or Blocking chance included in some skills (we have no healing skills with block chances)

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Thx for the replies Jon, it at least gives us some hope that you guys are looking into our class.

Been a mmorpg player since 99 & I just don’t want to see Warrior suffering from the same syndrome that Pallies in WOW suffered (sorry for mentioning another game).

Retribution Paladins in WOW had a complete change for the worse at launch and were stuck for 2 years without a specific role or direction, it was a long pain for players.

Warriors in GW2 need to be more on par with the other tank class in terms of survivability.

The Guardian has extra utility slots, we got a almost useless Burst damage skill up there. A constant banner there would help a LOT (changeable).

Also would help the ability to block (parry) while using a GS. We are Warriors, not a circus panda rolling everywhere to try and evade any incoming attack, after all, any class can evade, what’s so unique with the Warrior that his strongest defensive ability is common with every other class???

A chance to block should be added to one skill of ours.

Also regarding 100 blades, remove the root on the Warrior since we take 50% of damage penalty or remove the penalty altogether while rooted.

The GS tree should offer means of offense with a little of defense (blocking) that or give us Protection.

One thing is sure, Banners need 1 constant banner up, the way they work now are unusable in sPVP fights. It wouldn’t be overpowered and would give the Warrior more options to choose from.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


- Un-root the Frenzy stance or take away the 50% damage penalty (i prefer the 1st option)

- Give us a permanent Banner option side by side with our Burst Skill (like Guardians have 2 skills up there)

that banner would be changeable by choice

This would fix the GS tree & our banner problems. DPS and proper support without the lousy Banner system we have so far

If ANet wants the Warrior class to be up-front, taking hits and dishing damage, so let Warriors be the aggressive armored Warriors they should be

26.03.2013 Update

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


unroot the Warrior while using 100b and im a happy camper

Coolest race for warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Norn for sure, best looking heritage armor in game, coolest attitude in a fight (voice is superb) & animations really feel like wielding a heavy GS in your hands

Best healer in game II

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Very interesting videos & build

This is the beauty of the Warrior, healer is not my cup of cake, but the amount of possible builds for this class and versatility of it is incredible.

Beard missing with Norn T1 Helm (horned)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


Apparently wearing a T1 Norn Horned helm gives you a free shave since beard/moustache is missing now (since yesterday)

Can you fix this? Rather annoying to see my Norn all shaved up.