Showing Posts For derekisazombie.2359:
I wish they would at least split the price. A PvE pack and a PvP pack.
Because while I really dislike PvE in GW2, I love PvP. But I’m not spending $50 to play half the game, because it’s the only side I like. Haven’t touched HoT because of that.
WvW mounts would be really cool. I don’t really need one anywhere else for anything other than cosmetics, Which is still really cool.
Future Client Side/Server Side Optimization ?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: derekisazombie.2359
I agree, It seems to be more of a problem for us FX users. But I’ve seen i5s and i7s get the usual slow down in heavy WvW scenarios.
But I’m even more eager for a optimization patch after seeing the MASSIVE improvement in fps from the Planetside 2 patch. I really hope Anet can do something similar because PS2’s patch was stellar.
I just think the bosses need more attacks and they are in DIRE need of some good phases to go through where they act differently.
For example, The Shatterer. Once he gets to 50% he should start throwing out hits faster and harder as if he’s getting desperate and his animation should change as if his back legs are getting weak and his front torso is wildly lashing out at anyone he can possibly kill. THEN fly off and explode.
That’s just a rough example. But I feel like these bosses just need to act less robotic in any way you can make that possible.
Idk what you’re talking about. I’ve met many many friends and randoms to just talk away with.
This is the first MMO my gf has ever really gotten into and this game made her come out of her anti social gaming shell. She’s met a few people on there that she enjoys playing with now.
Just have to know how to chat in /map or /guild and not be a butt.
Idk. I get what you’re saying. But personally fishing and gardening aren’t the best examples. Both of those activities, Deserve your time to go outside.
I’m not trying to be rude by any means. But I enjoy ACTUALLY doing those 2. Lol. I think a strong housing system would fit better for what you’re talking about. It’s not everyday you get to build a fantasy house! But on the housing topic. They gotta make it worth while at time to want to build a house for the people who just think it’s “a waste of time”. I’d pay for a small secondary bank chest to put in my house.
It is pretty solid, As they said on Game Breaker “Guild Wars 2 is one of those games where you don’t have to get somewhere to see something pretty. It’s one of those games where if you gotta get over a hill. That hill probably looks gorgeous” lol
It could work! It’d be interesting to see. Besides, Who in their right mind doesn’t like aesthetics?
Didn’t fable do this?…..It’s been a while since I played it. But I remember having a sword and rifle on my back at the same time.
The irony is that you’re talking about a Cryptic game…
Gotta love mmo gamers. Love to hate on the things they love. Low self esteem issues i guess.
I dont really care about personal homes, guild halls though? Yes. Yes yes yes. Then again im also for ground mounts. More customization = win for me. I dont care about the arguments against either. The pros outway the cons for me.
You’re jumping to conclusions OP. Stop yourself while you’re ahead.
I agree, Orr should have felt this way at release.
Or maybe he only has one testicle?
A random brown testicle when non of the cat is brown?…..hmm
13 minutes in. over 200 views. Didn’t know so many people were so fond of cat butt.
(edited by derekisazombie.2359)
Bowler hat cat gotta butt hole! Look for youself….Made me giggle. Why? Idk. Inner 4th grader I guess.
(scroll to bottom)
Just kinda stares you in the face…and if he’s smart enough to wear a hat and spectacles you’d think he’d know how to wipe.
(edited by derekisazombie.2359)
WOO! Can’t wait to see WvW! It’s going to be a queue nightmare, But I can’t wait to see culling changes!
Not only WvW though, I’m anxious for just about everything in this patch! (Except Quaggan backpacks…Not really my style). Now if you give me a hog tied and gagged Skritt I can strap to my back, As a lesson to the little kittens I’LL BUY THAT.
YES don’t let this topic die! Cam needs to be fixed in a lot of OBVIOUS areas! Please update us Anet!
You gotta be kidding me lol, This game has a huge population! I see people all over the place!
(Server: Crystal Desert)
I dont think anything will break the game for me. I really like it. Sure, its in a primative state. But i see this game only improving over the next few years. I cant wait to see what Anet does this year! Especially with making the core game stronger i would love to revisit previous areas given there was some cool new events, things to see, bosses, ect.
I understand where you are coming from. But after reading colins post about them making it a priority to make already implemented bosses and encounters more fun, i think its too early to really disscuss. Its a brand new system and Anet was very brave to take the risk. But i feel like its still primative and theres a lot to be expanded on as far as the core gameplay. Lets see what happens in the first half of 2013 first. Thats what I say. Post some suggestions on how they could apease the healer crowd/tank crowd in the suggestions section. But personally they cant weigh in on it too much. Many people including me love the unpredictable aggro and i dont think they should break and just set things up like a conventional MMO. There just HAS to be some middle ground.
Anyways sry if this post looks like poo, im on my phone. Im nterested in hearing about what Anet has disscussed about this. Because theyre always trying to make everyone happy as a whole. I wish i worked there so i could get in on the internal conversations…lol
I think it was awesome! And quite impressive indeed, if only there were more groups that coordinated like this all the time lol. But ah well gotta love zergs to i guess =]
Totally gonna roll an ele to play around with my guild.
Nobody really said anything has to be more difficult NovaBlast. =P
And I didn’t mean armor sets with different stats. I’m very very keen on wanting to keep things in HORIZONTAL progression not vertical. All I’m saying is variety! From the ultra rare legendary, To normally achieveable exotic. (mostly exotics)
I would like to see MORE of what those fantastic art designers can come up with. Without having a grind that ISN’T fun. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have to work a little towards anything. But there needs to be more variety in exotic gear that is obtainable as normally as craftable exotic armor/Temple exotic armor (not sure on the other kinds, as I’m a warrior) and not as hard as obtaining a legendary or ascended piece.
Keep in mind I’m not saying more tiers. I’m saying more variety in exotics, With other ways to obtain than just dungeons tokens.
(edited by derekisazombie.2359)
As long as they arent clones of what conventional MMO do. By all means offer gear upon completion but dont make it the only way alongside dungeons TO obtain gear. Karma points cant be left behind. One of the key features is dynamic events!
I notice a lot of people getting confused on what they want for GW2. Lots of people thinking they want vertical progression or raids back.
Now, I’m not really going to touch on THAT subject. What I did want to do here is list some things I think should be added as far as content. Content that isn’t going to damage the manifesto and also, Get some good discussion going. =]
- New dynamic events that are a bit more creative than the majority that we have. I’ve seen some pretty creative mechanics going on in dungeons (Example: AC and CM) why not implement things like that into DEs!? Also, add them to already existing areas. We don’t want areas to become obsolete or not fun. There’s already an awesome level to area scaling system in place. Add to it!
- More gear options. This is a big one for GW2, Since vertical progression has always been touted. What we have is fine for launch. But I expect to see a lot more variety down the road…A lot. Because that’s what is ultimately going to be fun here AND fill up our banks/inventory causing us to buy more room with gems (We DO have to support them lol they are nice enough to not have a sub. But I feel like the “You scratch our backs, we’ll scratch yours scenario” Will always be important with this model) So new looks please!
- New routes TO GET gear, Not everyone has fun dungeon running here! I was thinking hard about this today and though I didn’t come up with too much, I did think of some. The easiest answer being MORE OPTIONS FOR KARMA GEAR. I hate that there is ONE exotic set purchasable with karma from the temples for all 3 gear types…They are all the same look! Other things I thought of were, tokens from participating in the temple events, Meta events (dragons, Shadow behemoth, Fire Ele, etc.). That we could use for new gear. Like the already dungeon token set up. These are just rough ideas that need elaboration but for the sake of being short. There you go.
- New weapon classes, This one is extremely important for me. Since the first 5 skills are dependent on weapon choice. More weapon classes will add more variety in skill choice. People will always flock to the new, But overtime might realize that sword and shield or old axe/axe was always their fave. (If you know what I mean) Some people like to complain about the lack of the first 5. This is the best way if not only way to remedy that situation due to the system chosen for GW2. (Which I like, But who doesn’t want more weapon classes! Personally I want a polearm on my warrior! Or the already talked about 2h battle axe! =D
Note: To add to the new areas section. Make them, make as many as you want Anet. But I DON’T think there should be some kind of higher statted gear only obtainable from ONE area, ever ever EVER. Never do what WoW does as far as flocking people to the new get to become “stronger”. Have the option to obtain that new token or whatever for gear, Available to previous and different areas as well. Let the players choose where and what they want to play.
Sorry for the rough write up, I’m not much of a forums poster other than reading them. My grammar isn’t top notch, and I have some movies to watch. (+1 rhyme). Lol. But I wanted to voice my opinion because I don’t want to leave this game. This is my favorite MMO and that isn’t going to change for a very long time. I don’t pick up MMO’s choose one and drop it. I stick around for a few or more years.
Thank you if you stuck around for the read!
- Derekisazombie
Thank you Colin, this is actually what I was hoping to see instead of some next area for everyone to run to. Those can wait. I cant wait to see what the team pulls off as far as providing a better core experience. Hoping for more fleshed out chain events with stronger story, expanding or rethinking some of the crafting (looking at you armorsmithing), hopefully more variety in looks that dont require a dungeon but other well thought methods of obtaining, mini dungeons, few more puzzles maybe. Thats what i expect to see come our way anywho.
Id love to see some new weapon types, but thats wishful thinking. Although i dont think entirely out of the question. Im hoping for a polearm type. Anyways without further ramble and wishes. I cant wait to see the story being laid out this year, i have high hopes for some good, well grounded Tyrian lore!
This is amazing news! Cant wait to see it in action. Hope all works out. This is the best news ive heard for the game so far. Seeya on the battlefield Anet!
Nah it’s not grieving. If you can’t pvp, Don’t.
Now if you were to come here saying somehow in PvE players were stopping you. THAT’s grieving.
Keep GW2’s pvp as hardcore as possible IMO.
There are quite a few new jumping puzzles and open world dungeons they added.
Check out your “explorers” tab in the achievements. It’s been greatly updated.
Also in a recent interview Colin J. said that the team is really working towards more things to do at endgame (lvl 80) So get your character up there so you can experience all the new stuff inevitably coming! The plan so far seems to be 1 big content patch a month.
Mounts do not make flying mounts something that HAS to happen. Personally I would love to see some ground mounts.
It’s another thing to collect and just ride around on. It’s purely for fun. Which is exactly what minipets are for. So why not the more the merrier?
Mounts don’t have a place in Tyria? Civilizations do use work animals to build….Especially horses. You wouldn’t be shocked to see a horse in Divinity’s reach…
So, My suggestion is pretty simple. The best way I can describe how I personally think the combat should evolve is taking a Wildstar style approach. If you’ve seen the video on Wildstar on their combat you know what I’m talking about.
I love the idea of telegraphs and Guild Wars 2 sets itself up so well to inherit that gameplay. It’s really hard to project what I’m trying to get at.
But these current mobs from 1 to 80 all for the most part will hit you in the same manner. Guild Wars 2 needs some less predictable fights, That’s all. I hope in my lame attempt at getting this across that some of you will understand.
You play console games with limited buttons do you not? I mean you dont have to have 5 skill bars that are 1 through 0 on the keyboard.
I understand where you’re coming from though. You even said yourself you’ve played a lot of other titles to endgame. Maybe you’re just conditioned to that same mindset when playing GW2.
What I’m getting at is it’s just NOT your average mmo. If you feel bored you can put it down and come back. But if the boredom just still follows then it’s just really not for you I guess. I can’t complain, It’s a great game to me and I’m still enjoying the hell out of it.
We really can’t contribute anything that will spiffy up your experience of gameplay. All we can do is discuss.
Honestly I’d go Nvidia.
I’m an ATI/AMD user mostly because I have to build multiple computers in my home since im not the only gamer. So sexy price tags are nice to look at.
BUT Most games seem to be developed and often optimized for nvidia. This is especially true for GW2.
The only other thing I can say is, Don’t be too afraid of the higher price tag. Just make sure you buy a card that will last you and make sure the card has positive reviews to back it. Also go with a good brand it really can make a difference.
I cant stop laughing at this thread. My gf who doesnt even play mmo’s. Or many games in general knew what to do with finding the ghosts. You know. Read. It helps a lot.
I think the event so far is brilliant. Just because you lack the competance and attention span doesnt mean rage and quit. Guess thats the mindset of a lot of folks now… As a lore junkie myself the riddles were a whole lot of fun.
I know you’ve been seeing these a lot, But I thought I’d throw in what I thought I owed, a huge thanks as well. Which is all I can give (other than buying a CE and a digi copy lol).
I’ve never been much of an MMO gamer, I LOVE the idea of them, I’ve researched and tried out almost all of them. But have NEVER really stuck around in one. This game has changed that. Not to mention has strengthened me and my girlfriends relationship! We love adventuring around Tyria together, absolutely adore it. From the new questing systems, to the art (Dociu and his team are madmen with art!), combat, Professions, Lore (It’s very facisnating) You can tell loads of heart went into this project.
Anyways I won’t ramble any longer lol. Many many thanks coming from Missouri, We look forward to doing our tiny part in helping and watching the team create something even BETTER through updates and expansions. =]
That’s what I’m thinking. I just wish I had an answer on if I’m just searching for no reason lol. COULD be around. The patch was rather large. But again. Who knows besides Arenanet, the sneaky people…
Any better description on where that door is near the WP?
Me and a friend, along with my gf. Have found all 6 letters. Now we’re searching high and low for the Mad King’s tower.
Any leads? We’re thinking it’s in Ascalon. But not 100% sure. “Stories yet untold despite the tower that marks a spooky site. When humans flee their home of old, where they settle cannot be told” is on the book you recieve for finding all the ghosts.
Mad King was a ruler of Kryta in the 800ish AE era. Does that mean that humans fled to Ascalon, THEN returned to Kryta later around the GW2 story era?….My brain is about to turn to mush trying to find the place. Then again. Maybe its not even here yet. But i’ll not give up!
My biggest problem is STOP THOSE kitten TRANSFERS ARENANET! pleeeeeease! It’s ruining WvW for almost everyone!
AND yourselves! You can’t possibly think you’re going to hold up true server rankings with free transfers in place. NO NO NO NO NO
Just turned 20 and I can’t get enough of GW2.
Only other games that came close or are on level to my GW2 addiction are Monster Hunter (since 2004), GW1 (Off and on over the years, starting in beta), and Diablo 2(ooooof course)! =P
Stuck loading screen after respawn in pvp free tournament
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: derekisazombie.2359
Yea I’ve never ran into this before, I decided to jump back on for some pvp and this kept happening. I can hear all the sfx, But the loading screen just keeps loading and loading. Forcing me to shut down the game. Hope you guys can address the issue quick, As Spvp is one of my top activities in the game.
I REALLY love this idea. I used to play Tera when it came out and I gotta say that reticle targeting was pretty sick. I understand the use of the wow type targeting that is currently in GW2 (I say wow type because thats what most people get in their head first. you know.)
But giving the option of a reticle, coupled with controller support? YES PLEASE ANET that would DRASTICALLY improve the game to a load of people who hate mmo’s but love console games/just using a controller for action combat.
Yes yes please please show this creator the light and give us his target system!
I JUST finished the dungeon and I think that was complete and utter crap. He’s a great visual in the back ground.
(Even though the camera goes through the freaking airship’s ground causing you not to see him as often as you’d like.)
I was expecting him to leap from that tower and hold his torso up on the side of the airship to fight us. Instead he just sits on the tower going "Ow…ow…..ow………ow…..ow…..(3 minutes later)…..Dead. Yay fireworks! I’m so shocked by just how uncomplete this dungeon is. =[
Oh, and if this is a lore thing? It’s horrible. I didn’t expect to shoot at a massive dragon, that may as well had his limbs bounded and a blindfold over his eyes…. Please fix this Anet. The rest of the game I really enjoy.