Showing Posts For despair.1385:

Best theif build currently?

in Thief

Posted by: despair.1385


What is the best food for WvW d/p 10/30/0/0/30?

Question about Blind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


it says it makes the opponents next attack miss.

so does an attack mean an autoattack, or a spell on the castbar? or both?

Movement speed cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


i have a thief and use the Signet of Shadows utility (+25% movespeed).

if I use Rune of Traveler (+25% move speed) will it stack? so will I in total have +50% movespeed?

How to play D/P build?

in Thief

Posted by: despair.1385


just hit 80 with thief planning on using the 10/30/0/0/30 shortbow and D/P;1Rwk0-7-FOFd0;9;49T;0T2;025A;446B5NW4;2Ewk2Ewk25By

anyone want to explain how to use this build? when do we use shortbow and what skills? whats the main rotation when using D/P? openers? etc.

ps. this is for WvW

Do thieves normally use zerker in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: despair.1385


so for the current meta build that every thief is running, whats the best zerker armor combination if not full zerker?

Mistforged Hero Weapon Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


so to get 1 of those weapons how much WvW’ing would one have to do? how difficult to get one?

Best theif build currently?

in Thief

Posted by: despair.1385


How is thief roaming? (WvW)

in Thief

Posted by: despair.1385


i prefer to roam/solo instead of going with the zerg, i made warrior but got bored of it so going to try thief next. is thief the best roaming class? and is it fun?

What thief armor is this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


Transmution crystal question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


say u are a thief (medium armor wearer). if u use a transmutation crystal can you make a medium armor helmet change its appearance to a heavy armor helmet and then be able to wear it?

When will Scarlett living story end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


anyone know what day?

Did I mess up with Scarlett?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


is the chest a one time thing or does it reset every day? (nice way to get obsidian shard)

Fastest way to farm skill points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


i see. now i take it there are different trains for different zones? so i assume higher zones would be yield better rewards? which zone is the best for champ trains?

Did I mess up with Scarlett?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


we killed the hologram and then scarlet went into her room and i followed and went into the instance and then killed scarlett.. however wasnt there was supposed to be a chest after killing scarlett that gives you obsidian shards? where was it? did i forget to get it?

How does battle for lions arch work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


i never did the battle for lions arch before

can i do the entire thing at any time? from beginning to the end (kill scarlett)? or is there certain times only?

Fastest way to farm skill points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


ok, and what about for solo? (if i cant find a champ farm group)

Fastest way to farm skill points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


anyone know what’s the fastest/best way to farm skill points? need quite a lot to craft stuff

Servers to guest on to farm World bosses?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


My main home is Jade Quarry and I am wondering what is other most active 2 worlds to guest on to farm world bosses? (excluding the Full servers). I randomly chose 2 worlds to guest on and no one was doing any bosses.

What time do dailies reset? (PST)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


can anyone tell me? what do the colors mean?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


thanks for the info, and what about light blue? what do the colors mean?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


hovering over the colored circles does not show what it means

what do each of the colors mean?

Vision Crystal can it be bought with gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


wow, that would be quite a lot of farming needed.

does anyone have any estimate as to how long it would take to farm only the account bound items needed?

Vision Crystal can it be bought with gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


wondering can all the crafting materials needed to craft a vision crystal be bought from TP? if not, which materials cannot be bought?

Eotm what to do while roaming?

in WvW

Posted by: despair.1385


what objectives can 1 guy do (roamer)? im still new to the map so all im doing is running around looking for people to fight. can a lone roamer make a difference in the bg? what objectives do i want to do?

How to turn off mouse smoothing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


you cant turn it off via in game options you have to do it outside of the game somehow. does anyone know how to turn off gw2’s mouse smoothing/acceleration?

What armor set to buy with g on TP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


thx for the input, i will be going with berserker draconic because i will be a roamer in wvw

so i am good on the armor set, but i dont have any clue about rings and trinket. can anyone suggest which rings/trinket to buy with gold? (either tp or npc vendor)

What armor set to buy with g on TP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


You don’t want to buy a set of armor – it’s much, much cheaper to buy individual pieces.

As for what pieces, well that depends on what content you do doesn’kitten

i want to get geared for WvW so can you suggest me what gear i should buy from TP? i am warrior

edit: i found out the name of the thing i was thinking of.. “Box of Berserkers Draconic Armor”. would this be a good choice?

(edited by despair.1385)

What armor set to buy with g on TP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


so i just hit 80, what is the best armor set you can get on the TP with gold? i read somewhere that there is a box you can buy for gold that grants you an entire armor set, what was the name of that?

Armorsmithing 400-500 gold cost?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


does anyone have an idea as to how much gold it would cost to buy the necessary materials from TP to level armorsmithing from 400-500?

What is this guys equipment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


cof helm, the juggernaught hammer and twilight sword

can anyone name the rest of his equipment?

When is new patch coming out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


i read that the next patch they will be restructuring pvp rewards

did they say any eta on that?

You can buy Ascended gear with gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


someone said that you can get the full ascended armor set with just gold. i know ascended gear isnt sold just for gold but im guessing the person meant with gold u can buy all the stuff required to craft ascended gear, then u craft it urself? is that correct?

Does WvW'ing aid in getting ascended armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


You can do anything to earn ascended armor. Because to get ascended armor all you need is gold. And pretty much all the currency can be converted to gold.

But the difference is some activity earns you gold much faster.

ascended armor cannot be bought from trading post so i am assuming u mean buying all the materials with gold? so ur saying all the ascended armor materials can be bought from trading post?

(btw i am referring to entire ascended armor set not just a piece or two)

Does WvW'ing aid in getting ascended armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


besides the ascended ring u can get from chests, does doing WvW reward you with the materials or stuff needed to get ascended armor? basically is there a point to WvW’ing if u want to get ascended armor or r u forced to PvE to get it


in WvW

Posted by: despair.1385


OP is exaggerating right? i thought the stat increase was negligible and doesnt make a difference

EotM vs regular WvW battlegrounds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


wondering what is the difference between EotM and the regular WvW battlegrounds? does playing in EotM offer any more benefits over the regular battlegrounds? which is more beneficial to play?

What class/build do you find most fun?

in WvW

Posted by: despair.1385


wondering what class/build everyone is having the most fun with in WvW? i want to try them all!

Do legendary weapons have better stats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


do legendary weapons have better stats than all the other weapons u can get? or are they only valuable because of their aesthetics?

Hologrphic shattered wings still attainable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


does anyone know if the Hologrphic shattered wings can still be attainable? if so how?

Rate this WvW build please

in Warrior

Posted by: despair.1385



in WvW

Posted by: despair.1385


so i like to pvp but only if my time spent is rewarded with something, which is why i dont do spvp

so wvw, what rewards do you get from it?

Is there any difference in Exotic armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


is there any difference in Exotic armors besides appearance? once u hit 80 u can buy an entire exotic set with gold, then there are other exotic armors that are harder to get like running dungeons for tokens.

just wondering is the only difference aesthetics? or are exotics tiered in stats and some exotic sets have more stats than others?

Worth rolling a warrior now with the nerfs?

in Warrior

Posted by: despair.1385


just want ur guys’s honest opinions, after the soon to be nerfs is it still worth playing a warrior? is the nerfs a big deal? or will warriors still be good?

(i am planning on creating a warrior)

Do I need to be max lvl to wear the top gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


i dont care for pve i will mostly WvW. afaik you automatically turn to lvl 80 in WvW, so then can you equip the top gear for example exotic or ascended in WvW (assuming u have it) even if ur “real” level is say lvl 10?

Is Hammerbow build THAT op?

in Warrior

Posted by: despair.1385


i dont know anything about current state of gw2 i havent played since launch but am thinking of playing again. anyways regarding hammerbow build.. without bias.. how good is it? i read it is the popular warrior class pvp build, seen lots of people saying its op and stuff. is it really though or are they exaggerating

link to build maybe its outdated though:

I see no point in playing sPvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


i play mmo’s for the PvP. i was considering returning to gw2 but the following issue is making me angry.

you don’t get any rewards for doing sPvP. you don’t even get XP from sPvP. if I am not rewarded by putting my time into something then it is pointless.

so all there is left is WvW. that is not enough to make me want to play. i like sPvP, just too bad there is no point to playing it.

(edited by Moderator)

Is there PvP gear rewards now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


i only played for a couple weeks after launch and havent played since, mainly because of the no PvP gear rewards, only aesthetics. im the kind of player that needs something to grind towards to make me play. so I just read a thread talking about “ascended gear”. so is this gear that u grind for in PvP? does Gw2 have BiS PvP gear u must grind for now?

This guy's warrior's gear looks so epic.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


he has angel wings and his character looks all shadowy and his armor looks so cool

anyone know what it is and how to get it?

How is WvW now compared to launch?

in WvW

Posted by: despair.1385


One of the things that made me not care for pvp/wvw is that there is no worthy rewards other than aesthetics. Is it still like this?

Which server has the highest pop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: despair.1385


because i dont want to play on a dead server which my current one most likely is

its always more fun with more people