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Hall of Monuments

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: dpaul.2759


Broken for months on IE, Firefox, Safari & Chrome on both Mac and PC. DNS flush does nothing, nor does any other reasonable instruction I’ve found on these forums. Dozens of people complaining for all this time and no fix? Amazingly bad. Just create a plain HTML version that’s actually usable and fix the fancy version later.

Didn't get the gift of exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dpaul.2759


Very odd — I had the same problem, zoned into the Chantry, and there were my exploration rewards. I had already discovered the Chantry POI as well.


Critical Error, Can't Open GW2 Anymore

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dpaul.2759


Brilliant — we’re way past beta, but I was having a the same problem as the OP and the Activity Monitor suggestion worked for me. Thanks!

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: dpaul.2759


The competitive underdog spirit is great. The WvW system as related to team #24 is not great. It is broken in numerous ways, and the fact that it might be acceptable to those who like a challenge does not change the fact that it’s not working for lots and lots of people, who have subsequently transferred at their own expense, in real dollars or lots of time farming hard-earned gold. This is unfair, and needs to be remedied.

Regarding random map color, it’s good to know that there is some chance to obtain every map color within some period of time. However, I’ve been actively working on green map completion for two months and I don’t remember the last time AR was green. Is it reasonable to make 2-3% of map completion require this much time? I think not, and several of the guildies I mentioned who transferred did so not because they’re lazy zerger zombies, but because map completion has become ridiculous on our server.

Fortunately AR WvW has been pretty good the last couple of weekends, which has enabled many to obtain long-sought POI’s and vistas. If against all odds AR manages to become #23 however, another server will be ravaged by the same design problems we’ve faced for months, and Anet will make thousands more on transfers by those poor souls. The system needs to be fixed.

The AR cheering section is great. I’ll be there fighting with the team. What I won’t be doing is ignoring glaring game design problems which are adversely affecting lots and lots of people on our server, and calling it team spirit.

Anvil Rock- The Ship that keeps on sinking

in WvW

Posted by: dpaul.2759


It’s mid-September and AR is still at the bottom of the charts. This makes it about 10 times harder for AR players to achieve map completion, since the green map is never awarded to the 24th ranked team. Anet’s solution as offered to me: “buy gems with your own money (to solve our design flaw), or delete your eight level 80 characters in full exotics with 50-98% map completion and fractal progression for a ‘free’ transfer to another server”.

In this way, among others I won’t detail here, the WvW system is severely broken, at least for the bottom ranked team. 24th place is like quicksand, absurdly difficult to escape unless you pay in terms of time or real money to do so, in which case you leave everyone else on the server sinking with no one left to help them escape.

AR is hemorrhaging players and Anet’s head is buried firmly in the sand. I’d like to know how much real money they’ve banked in the last 60 days on AR players’ misfortune. I know 7-10 players in my guild have transferred for solely this reason. IMO, any AR player who has paid for a transfer due to poor WvW design should demand a refund immediately, and anyone who has been working for months to get green map completion should demand a free transfer to the server of their choice, stating WvW design flaws as the reason.

I really don’t mind being the underdog in WvW. The combat system is fun, and I like a challenge. However, tying non-WvW game progression to WvW maps is completely unfair to the bottom ranked server, especially for folks who aren’t into PvP/WvW.

Simple, quick solution:

1. Change the system immediately to allow the 24th team to rotate into the green map, and
2. Refund gems to all former AR WvW players who left due to the broken system, and allow them to transfer back to AR free of charge.

Adnul Irongut

in Living World

Posted by: dpaul.2759


Mango Pie + Rejuvenation Booster = owned Adnul. I knew those boosters in my bank would come in handy some day!

Daily: Dodger

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dpaul.2759


I like to do my dailies while leveling, and I rarely dodge while doing so. As I run a power/zerker build, things die so fast that dodging would be a waste of effort and time. Easiest way to get this daily done for me: go to Claypool Waypoint in Queensdale. There are 3 tasks you can do to complete the heart, one of which is block attacks with a shield. Equip the shield, but instead of blocking, dodge. Super easy skill to see, very easy to evade. Mob can’t die, and neither can you. He attacks you every few seconds, so you should be able to complete this daily in a minute or two. Enjoy!