(edited by gorma.3725)
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I tested a similiar build myself and it works. But there were some differences. Instead of the torch i used the pistol. Torch #4 is great, good dmg + the stealth but the phantasm is really weak. The pistol phantasm hits like a truck in condition builds, usually you get 5 stacks of bleeding from a full attack. pistol#5 is insanely strong and low cd. Another benefit when using pistol is, that you can focus on bleeding duration as torch #4 is burning. So after all you will deal a lot more damage with the pistol. When going 30 chaos I would encourage to test chaotic interruption + halting strike. Its really powerful in this type of build as you get a lot of opportunities to interrupt the enemy. Its didn’t read very strong but in reallity it really makes a huge difference and adds up alot to your dps and survivability.
GS is a surprisingly good condition weapon. clones usually apply 2 stacks of 5s bleeding, berserker usually 2-3 stacks of bleeding + the cripple which is really helpful. Knockback also really powerful in this build. And remember, in a conditionbuild range makes no difference with the gs. Even in melee range you deal something like 600 dmg which is ok for a conditionweapon + you do 3 hits(use sigil of earth)
im running two flavours of that build one with gs and one with staff, they are both great cant decide which is better
(edited by gorma.3725)
One more thing….mesmers have a lot of access to invisibility, but not like thieves. And they shouldn’t have the same access as thieves. For thieves it is their core mechanic. For mesmers it’s a side trick. So something that may be trivial for thieves should require more from a mesmer when it deals with stealth.
Yeah our mechanic is CLONES and PHANTASMS and yet we get no elite that benefits from this mechanic? and again i havent said that ALL of them suck or anything, i just think that they could be more Mesmer like. Sure despite the long cool downs and the fact that one is just a weaker version (and on longer cool down) of a Thief Utility doesnt mean that MI or TW are “bad” but Moa, thats another story i personally think it needs to be replaced with something more Clone/Phantom orientated
Look at the thief guild elite. Its so rubbish, the only thing which annoys me is that they randomly eat up some of my iDuellists projectiles, i find my phantasms stronger than those two kittens, even though I don’t play a phantasm build. There is not one single elite skill in the game which I consider extremly powerful/useful. They are all a very speacial kind of utility nothing more. Not like ulti in league of legends.
Apart from that I’m very happy with TW and MI, I use them a lot. For Moa, you are all right. It’s a bad skill. Long CD, moa’ed people can troll you just a really bad skill. I would prefer it to be changed to something like a stationary illusion that fears people. Like Shaco’s jack in a box skill in League of Legends
Awesome in condition builds. As long as there are not to many different dmg sources(mesmers illusions, ranger pets, necro pets, thief elite etc) it’s doing a good job.
I managed to record torment not being applied. Seems that using a dodge or beeing interrupted just after the block ends up that tormet is not applied.
iDisenchanter has a low cd, but it’s to slow to remove a condition burst. I personally use arcane thievery, CD is ok, its instant. If you have problems with enemies dodging your thievery keep in mind you could also immobilze or stun the enemy before using AT. If in panic you could also target a pet or npc for fast and secure condition removal. Apart from that, you could also use this skill for stealing boons.
master the d/d ele. funniest twink to have.
aegis, protection retaliation
blind, torment, confusion
- Magnet is an unblockable skill (source: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magnet)
- Damage + Torment happens ~0.5s after the successful block (not instantly), so I guess there’s a range check before the damage is applied.From what you say, it looks like when iCounter cannot determine the damage’s source, it won’t be able to damage or apply Torment. This could be an issue in group fight when you intend to block that attack but then out of nowhere another attack hits you first, the block is activated and you lose out on the counter benefits.
I agree that iCounter should be looked at and tweaked a bit to make it more useful for such encounters.
While this could also be true, I observed what I described in 1vs1 situations too. For example fighting a thief 1vs1 with nobody else around, the thief targeted one of my clones with shortbow #1, I blocked the bounce → no torment applied. I’ll try to reproduce this later.
- Sometimes torment won’t procc on ranged attacks even though I blocked with IC. This seems to be a range issue. Range > 900 -> no torment.
Well, since the tooltip state a range of 900, I am inclined to think it is intended behaviour
Sure, that’s what the tooltip says. But I have the feeling thakittens not working as intended. Remember when iCounter was only a block that created a clone on the block event? If you got hit from 900+ range the clone didn’t appear but you did the block. The clone you create is a standard scepter clone, this means that the torment is not applied by the clone but by the block itself. So the way it is now, it does make no sense to me. If I block the attack, torment should be applied regardless of range because the block triggers torment not the clone. Get my point? I feel that this the design for this skill and they simply made a mistake implementing it. Dev comment would be highly appreciated.
hey boys and girls I want to discuss the illusionary counter skill. At first I thought it was useless even with the new torment debuff added. But after alot of testing in spvp I created a new build from scratch in which illusionary counter perfectly fits, i love it
But after many hours of testing and having fun with it, i noticed some strange behaviour perhaps some bugs.
- You can’t block skills like magnet, this is strange but it’s working as intended I guess. Even though, it seems that the skill goes on full CD when interrupted by magnet. This seems to be a bug to be honest, as you get like 3s or 4s CD when beeing interrupted.
- Sometimes torment won’t procc on ranged attacks even though I blocked with IC. This seems to be a range issue. Range > 900 -> no torment.
- Sometimes torment won’t procc for no reason. I think it has something to do with AOE skills that require a target. For example you are getting hit by a targeted AOE but you are not the target of that aoe spell. Thief shortbow #1 perfekt example. Torment proccs on direct hit but not on bounce.
Those are my observations regarding strange IC behaviour. While it’s hard to track down whats exactly wrong, I’m pretty sure there’s something wrong :>
Would be cool if other players or devs will have a look on it.
(edited by gorma.3725)
I think the improved uptime of phantasms is because of the improved health pool for phantasms in pve. I think there are very few pvers out there any more. Thats because dungeons are boring and casual as hell with lame rewards.
The complaints come mostly from pvp’ers. And for pvp it’s true the nerfs hurt a lot. Go figure out yourself.
BF nerf sucks but apart from that shatter is still fine. Can still beat any profession.
I play shatter build myself since uhm november or so. I would not say, that it is better or worse than phantasm. Also shatter isn’t harder to play than phantasm. Most people think the key about shatter builds is to time your attacks, manage endurance and stuff like that but thats only half the truth. Most important thing in shatter builds is to develop something like uhhm lets call it terrain tactics. Especially when you play the shatter build version with staff instead of gs, its all about terrain and line of sight, using the terrain to dont get hit, manage your defensive cooldowns and then strike back really hard when you are rdy. This is were shatter really shines if played well.
While phantasm builds have really high damage on the longer run, shatter builds dont bring so much dps but HUGE burst dmg instead. But this means also, that failing a burst can make you loose a fight.
Both builds are strong, im simply used to the shatter build and feel more comfortable playing shatter.
My thoughts on torment:
My first thought on torment before release was, that it would be a cool tool to prevent people from fleeing in wvw which happens way to often in this game. While roaming solo or in small groups you will really often encounter those ultra mobile roamers mainly thiefs and elementalists(playing both classes myself, no hating) which can choose to leave any fight without consequence. On the other hand you simple can’t flee from certain builds of those professions, you choose to fight or to die while fleeing. And that aspect is just great it should apply to every profession in wvw. If you choose to fight you shouldn’t be able to leave the fight. I hoped torment would bring this aspect to mesmer and necro gameplay.
Problems on torment itself:
- it should not inflict damage while you don’t move
- it should tick at rare intervals but for more damage
- it should drain endurance while moving or apply cripple with each hit from the condition while moving.
Why this? When you have the torment condition on yourself you basically have 2 options:
1. Stop running and get dmg from torment condition + your enemy.
2. Continue running and get double damage from the condition.
Ask yourself which does more damage. Of course option 1 does a lot more damage. Nobody will stop fleeing just because of torment. They continue to flee, some will cleanse conditions, some maybe not, it makes no difference.
So why should it tick at rare intervals but for higher damage(but with the axact same DOT)? In my opinion this makes the debuff itself more unremarkable and it rewards watchful players. You will stop fleeing and start fighting because you can work around those intervals in which you can move and in which you shouldnt. Perhaps one tick every 3 seconds.
- it should drain endurance while moving or apply cripple with each hit from the condition while moving.
just because crowd control is cool, and just a DOT is boring. perhaps tune down the damage a bit.
Problems on mesmers torment:
- Application
Srsly… illusionary counter is just a bad option for this condition to trigger. I mean how am i supposed to punish a fleeing enemy when i need a block event for this kitten to happen. even a melee skill would be fine, but seriously a block? It should be applied by a utility skill, perhaps a mantra or a signet. Every weaponset with exception of the gs is pure bs at stopping fleeing enemies, why tie torment to a specific weapon i dont get it.
Devs should really try to play conditionmesmer in wvw and see how funny it is when any enemy just presses W for one minute and will escape.
If you think you have difficulties to close the gap, then don’t play into their hands. 20 pts domination + greatsword will teach those rangers not to kite.
As already mentioned, 10 pts in chaos is almost useless in a shatter centred build you won’t get the random conditions when shattering illusions. Put those 10 points into illusions and you got the “standard” gs shatter build, which is indeed really good. I use it in wvw roaming and pve.
Just fix scepter to make it viable in power and condition builds aswell.
Scepter #1:
- slow
- low damage
- single target
- easy to dodge
- no conditions
- clones coming from chain 3 are as horrible as the scepter itself.
Scepter #2:
Nothing wrong with it
Scepter #3:
- used to be good in condition builds, now weak
- used to be bad in power builds since release
- channeling skills does’t fit mesmers style, we already have 4 bad channeling utilities, no mesmer likes slow skills.
I like my mesmer but scepter is just a horrible weapon, it just isn’t useful.
Fix things first before adding new stuff.
Personally my stats are around:
2k power
1,8k precision
1,5k toughness
~50% critical chance
~90% critical damage multiplier
this has all the defense i need, its really tough combined with active defense. previously i ran a build with:
2,4k power
2k precision
standard toughness standard vita
60% critical chance
112% critical damage multiplier.
this works too. usually in small fights your active defense via stealth, dodging, clones, invulnerability, blink and so on gives you more than enough time to burst through your enemies. pure glascannon is getting kittenty when you wanna fight outnumbered or when you fight really tough and good skilled players. so don’t let anybody tell you that running pure glascannon is a noobish behaviour it is pretty awesome in a lot of situations.
I like both. You can’t compare them, staff is the ultimate survival tool with good dps while gs is the ultimate burst tool with little to no survivability, but burst is very strong. Also staff should be used at close range while gs is for max range
Seems to be your class, some things to remember:
- active defense is strong, which means that if you don’t defend yourself(dodge, blink, stealth, invulnerability, target dropping….) you are very squishy. if you manage to defend yourself right, you have a very strong defense. so situational awareness is a must.
- out of combat mobility is bad(no reliable speed buffs), in combat mobility is very good(low cd blink, numerous stealth abilities, some cc, portal + the mental insecurity of your enemy which of the clones is you)
- stealth is just a tool, that means, you will not do extra damage when you attack from stealth or you will not get special skills when you are stealthed. stealth is just a tool to confuse your enemy or wait for cds to come up.
- when you plan to zerg as a mesmer you’ll have a hard time. there are a lot of ways to help your zerg as a mesmer, throwing portals, cleansing conditions, mass stealth and stuff like that. but when it comes to dealing damage in a zergfight mesmer is not the best choice you will rarely see loot.
- mesmers are great in 1vs1 and small scale fights(5vs5 and stuff). Mesmers are also capable of surviving for a long time until reinforcements arrive in case you are outnumbered by far.
- ranged aoe is really weak. melee aoe is decent in some builds(mainly gc shatter builds)
- playing mesmer is all about trolling people, confusing them, use tricks and stuff, its not faceroll. if you don’t have a idea what you are doing, you’ll be the trolled person
- you should really read about illusions, clones and phantasms in the gw wiki. this gameplay is not for everyone(a lot of people QQ about the mechanic, like killing your main dmg source for the shatter effects and stuff…)
so if you are ok with this you will have tons of fun playing the mesmer.
(edited by gorma.3725)
If we can’t get perma swiftness passive, then we should get some more options to cripple our enemies. Sword #3 has low duration(1,75s) and not everyone is using a GS.
So, congratulations I guess on picking the clearly OP class in this game. You can try to defend it but there is a clear gap in professions and Mesmer is sitting very high.
I hope you got what you wanted! Now I will feel really sad every time I kill a warrior. congratulation Sir :*(
Playing Shatter cat Mist, which target would you choose first fighting 1vs2 against mesmer + ele?
Greetings, I’m trying out the same build but i’m using the focus offhand for obvious reasons. Its really fun to play as long as your enemies want to fight which leads me to the cons of this build. While this build really shines in static fights, I’m not able make it work when chasing people.
“Able to stop people from running relatively well compared to most condition builds.”
So how do you achieve this? Staff clones just tend to do nothing when chasing people, same for iWarlock. Chaosstorm will only hit like two times(given the enemy doesn’t dodge). As a result dmg is really poor when chasing people and its impossible to kill something this way. So you have to switch to Sword +X when chasing people. Swords #3 + the leap tend to fail a lot but even if I’m successful at rooting the enemy, the blurred frenzy + f1 shatter combo does poor damage and has a long cooldown.
As a result the easiest counter to this build is a) just run away or b) long range kiting. The build is really fun and strong but the chasing thing is annoying. Any way to improve this build so it is viable at chasing? Or am I doing something wrong?
Focus because
- massive aoe dmg
- aoe reflection
- aoe bleeding
- phantasmal warden is a whirl finisher
- aoe intterupt with temporal curtain(only works against enemies withouth stability…)
(edited by gorma.3725)
If you just want to escape:
Use Staffs #5 chaos storm, look at the oposite direction you want to escape, use staff #2 phase retreat, it will port you away and give you chaos armor(protection, 33% Run speed, regeneration). After this you use blink to get away further, after this you can try to use decoy to stealth. If its a longer escape way, you shall drop focus #4 temporal curtain to buff swiftness again and after the thief goes through the curtain you pull him away. You should be able to avoid all those baddies this way, but skilled thiefes will kill you anyway, and this is working as intended.
Played shatter before the patch, will play it furthermore. I like to lacerate my enemies instead of mass tagging people for loot. But honestly, I run around alone or in small groups so playing a burst style build with high in combat mobility is a good idea.
Blinding Befuddlement trait:
Increased duration of applied confusion from 1 second to 4 seconds.
Can now trigger only once every 5 seconds on any target that is blinded by the mesmer.
WvW: Updated confusion and retaliation effects to do the same damage as they do in sPvP
I saw the damage nerf coming which is way too huge according to most people. But the change of blinding befuddlement is just …. wooow.
ANET this is not a nerf, this is genocide :>
Depending on your description i would build something totally different.
Try Sword / Focus + Staff with a build like this:
Mantra Heals, Option to use Centaur Runes for 100% Swiftness uptime, Focus Reflection, Focus CD, Illusions Heal allies, Phantasmal Defender soaking up half of you incoming dmg, a second reflection(feedback), conditionremoval via nullfield, 30% phantasm damage, staff cooldown, staff support. Tons of chaos armor and protection. You are pretty much unkillable in this build. Toughness, Power, Precision in this build.
Really strong defensive build with some nice dmg and good support. Really balanced.
(edited by gorma.3725)
Problem with mesmers is the learning curve to kill one is higher than say a warrior, so to newcomers it can seem ridiculously hard to kill one, if not impossible.
Mesmers are really strong in pvp just like ele and guardian for example. I feel some kind of gap between those classes and the rest. Those other classes need some buffs imho.
On the other hand, people need to accept that mesmers come with some very annoying handicap. Illusions often bug, Mesmers suck at DE and to some degree in even dungeons. Leveling sucks, any solo pve sucks, most annoying part is the slow movement speed which you just accept or build around loosing other important stats. Not everything about mesmers is fun.
It depends on the situation.
Blade training is more defensive and good in 1v1 or if you are outnumbered.
I would choose fury for pve or mass pvp when u try to blow up things from range. Like summon 1 phantasm let it attack create 2 clones and shatter.
Which would break their manifesto about roles and healing …. And the hard gate …. thats what i’m talking about the whole time. Doing that stupid repetitive grinding instead of challanging content.
The only thing i can do right now is to cheat my teammates on my AR and hope nobody notice or grind low lvl fractals until i got enough ar or grind gold for crafted AR.
I fully understand what you mean. I know how to avoid the agony and only died in this fractal(yeah some drama about being no help for my team …) because of agony multiple times during multiple wipes. No difference to lvl 19 apart from the agony part. You get my point?
a) ocean fractal is bugged because you cant avoid agony here
b) agony itself is bugged, it isn’t meant to be avoided at all but mitigated through AR. I say this because they changed the way how skills like distortion work(dont work anymore on agony) and how agony works in the ocean fractal
There’s no logic, one time you need the AR to succeed and one time you don’t need AR at all because you can avoid it.
just look at gw2lfg…. they all want ar20+… that has nothing to do with me.
one time you say avoid agony one time you say it cannot be avoided, then you say you have to to be rezzed … wow elite tactics, rezzing people because they did no mistake just because of bad dungeon design. thats not challanging. i really would like to see a group of 5 people with 0 AR like suggested above rezzing each other after getting hit by the agony in ocean fractal for example.
the point with agony is: its sometimes challanging to avoid it sometimes impossible. but you don’t get that it isn’t meant to avoided at all. you are supposed to mitigate it by having AR. because of this you can’t avoid it anymore by using skills like distortion. i’m 100% sure that they don’t want you to avoid agony by staying at range or dodging at all, its just poorly implemented so it is possible ….. just like the agony system in general.
(edited by gorma.3725)
You’re talking about pugging it. That’s not a Fractals problem, that’s a pug problem.
As for Jade Maw, at your level, you can get by with 0 AR and a self heal.
How? I tried dodging it → impossible. Heal while agony ticks(started with full hp) will kill me, waiting for the agony to run off and heal later will kill me to. Using distortion doesn’t work. So from my understanding, its not possible to survive at lvl 20 with 0 AR
(edited by gorma.3725)
I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.
I’m not really sure what your argument is. It sounds to me like you’re just annoyed that you got killed by an agony attack and decided to make a forum post.
You have to repeat stuff(lots of times) you already did to buy the gear.
No it’s not about making mistakes its more like:
AR20+ or gtfo.
And i would like to know how i can avoid jade maw agony (which is not the issue im talking about)
(edited by gorma.3725)
Hey Anet, typically I am not one of those enrage guys. But lately I ran into a lot of situations which were just kitten annoying. So here’s my feedback about fotm and agony.
The first few weeks I actually enjoyed the fotm. Basically about 9 new dungeon to discover and on top of that some new shiny loot. The first 10 lvls were a quick thing to do and I was curious about hitting level 10 and getting the chance for an ascended ring.
When I did lvl 10 the first time, the agony part basically didn’t make anything harder, it was just a normal fractal run. And in the end I got a ring in my first run, luckily even the ring I wanted.
I played on until I reached about lvl 15 when I decided to buy my first infusion. The daily search for a PUG went slower and slower. And about every second run, somebody got disconnected, kitten off, or rage quit. Basically every second run was just 2-3 hours wasted time, because of disconnection.
I am even ok with this it’s just the nature of MMOs. I just don’t understand how a simple fix (deserves a hotfix imho) for the dc issue could take so long.
So I reached lvl 20 after spending more time quitting fotm because of dc issues, but I finally made it to lvl 20. I even got my second ring and bought an infusion aswell. So I had 10 Agony resistance now.
From lvl 20 on, everyone wants people with rarely AR15+ and commonly AR20+ or AR25+.
After checking the wiki(why is there no explanation in game?) I learned that I can craft a backpiece of ascended gear worth of like ~50g (lulz, shut up and take my money). Seriously? I have to spend 50g for the same trivial easymode bosses and mobs which involve no tactics apart from having AR? Grind stuff because of pityful dungeon design? C’mon you can do better. Then I read about that prototype fractal blabla… 1850 fractal relics really? Thats basically …. i didn’t calculate… but like 20 fractal runs I already did(because i can’t advance lvl 20+ because of AR).
So basically kill those noobish bosses I already showed who the boss is again like 20 times because of a) bad calculated token prices and b) a really unpolished dungeon design regarding AR.
Having some specific amount of AR is not a tactic, it doesn’t involve skill, the only thing which will bring you the AR is grind. So when you asked yourself if this is fun you clearly missed some points
And yes I know I can upgrade my rings to have +10 AR(after studying the wiki) but loot gods don’t like me, i simple don’t have enough of those mist essence bla bla to upgrade even one ring. And no, I didn’t skip any mobs in fotm with my groups, I even did half of them 2 times because of dc issues.
I just ignored AR and played with 10AR lvl 20 and we made it. We didn’t made it because of me … we made it despite of me(rest of the team was ar20+). Not that I am a bad player, but there are some unavoidable agony debuffs which killed me a lot. I didn’t felt to be of much help for my team although I played well.
So to conclude:
- dc issues are annoying(will be fixed[tooooo late])
- I did as much successful runs as fail runs because of dc(about 40-50 hours wasted time)
- what is the purpose of agony?
- Agony doesn’t make content harder
- Agony makes content repititive
- It feels stupid to repeat content just because of Agony
- The progress in difficulty is really low(some more hp, some more dmg, sometimes more trash, rarely a new skill, I start to ask myself why I should continue playing fotm when the only challange is, to repeat the content to take the gear hurdling)
- I expected the challange to be something like trying new tactics, rebuilding my char for specific situations and stuff … but that just didn’t happen. It’s just fast facerolling to get your relics as fast as you can because you want to advance to get some new challange.
And at this point I don’t see the difference between hundreds of other mmo games and Guild Wars 2. I really enjoy this game but here Anet just copies the really poor dungeon design of other games aka gear treadmill…. And I know you can do better. I’m really bored of showing developers that I can take that gear hurdling(because anyone can if patient enough) I would much more enjoy to play incredibly hard content instead of incredibly repetitive.
Sorry for bad grammar and stuff, english isn’t my first language, but I guess you get my point.
The last scene was kind of funny but honestly its not that impressive… i counted 4-5 enemies which were not scaled up to 80. I think ganking lowies or badies is not worth showing imho. Hope to see a lvl 80 exclusive video
Its kind of misleading to call this a burst build because it involves switching your weapon 2 times+ 7 steps(roughly 14-20s). But I will try it out myself
Centaur Runes + Healing Mantra ftw
GS is just fine. I would like to have the beta version of mindstab which was a targeted skill(because i hate using the mouse in mmos)
Try condition and avoid their burst. Most mesmers run a burst build and arcane thievery + null field are rarely seen utilities in burst builds, atleast in wvw.
Its something you have to get used to but i see it like this: Other professions waste a utility slot for swiftness alone. I waste nothin
You waste nothing? Dude, even with the most cheap solution (6x Ruby Orb) you waste a
120 Power
12% crit damage
84 PrecisionWith Centaur-Runes you get a +Power-Return of +165, but no Crit, no Precision. Let alone all the possible synergies you could reach with a decent rune-set.
Yeah sure, you could see it like this. But thats just some numbers. I feel that essentially having one more skill is way more powerful. Don’t forget the bleeding part which is beneficial in almost any mesmer build focussed on duelling.
You are totally right on the synergy part thats the only part i dont like. But after all i think this is a great trade off.
But we would not need a trade off if you just had a movespeed passive or mantra.
Not saying that i don’t wanna see some kind of swiftness passive, i was just telling that there are ways to be as mobile as any other profession. tbh i liked the fact that there were professions with high mobility and some without and even though the game offered me ways to achieve that kind of stuff which is not meant for my profession … for some trade off. I totally understand anyone who is saying that they want more mobility because other professions got more mobility too. But thats just one opinion like mine… i don’t like to have lots of professions which are able to do the same things.
We basically already have a mantra of swiftness.
I use 6 runes of the centaur and the healing mantra. You get 12s of swiftness for the mantra channel + 2x 12s swiftness for every use of the heal mantra.I’ll have to try that again tonight. I could have sworn the centaur rune swiftness only proc’ed once, at the end of the mantra channel. Nothing on the two consequent uses of the mantra charges. I’m still running with the reflection heal at the moment.
Once every 15s. So using the mantra twice won’t get you 24s swiftness.
Its something you have to get used to but i see it like this: Other professions waste a utility slot for swiftness alone. I waste nothin
You waste nothing? Dude, even with the most cheap solution (6x Ruby Orb) you waste a
120 Power
12% crit damage
84 PrecisionWith Centaur-Runes you get a +Power-Return of +165, but no Crit, no Precision. Let alone all the possible synergies you could reach with a decent rune-set.
Yeah sure, you could see it like this. But thats just some numbers. I feel that essentially having one more skill is way more powerful. Don’t forget the bleeding part which is beneficial in almost any mesmer build focussed on duelling.
You are totally right on the synergy part thats the only part i dont like. But after all i think this is a great trade off.
Go home right click targetting you are drunk
seriously … at least we should be able to disable it in the options, nobody asks for it to be completly deactivated, everyone should play the game the way they want to.
i’m not sure but i feel that there already was a option to disable right click targetting in beta.
i totally want this
We basically already have a mantra of swiftness.
I use 6 runes of the centaur and the healing mantra. You get 12s of swiftness for the mantra channel + 2x 12s swiftness for every use of the heal mantra. The cooldown of the swiftness is 15s, but this is a bug as the cooldown should be 10s. You could also use some buffs for boon duration or trait for boon duration, so your swiftness will be up for 15s+ and you won’t get any trouble with the cooldown. Just a workaround … I still hope they will fix this bug.
Its something you have to get used to but i see it like this: Other professions waste a utility slot for swiftness alone. I waste nothing, I still can heal with the mantra(even while channeling another skill or while i dodge) and have all 4 utility slots left for useful stuff. Stop crying and think twice