Showing Posts For hashinshin.9271:

Orbs-The worst of all worlds slaughter rule, and why they don't belong

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


The issue is that this is a real issue and no amount of “just learn to deal with it” will in fact make it go away. No matter how many times you say “just deal with it” I log in, see a server with 3 orbs controlling 95% of the map, and log out to continue doing other things. And I’m not the only one, or there would be substantially more of us in WvW. Unless of course you think our entire server can only muster 40 people on 4 maps.

Real changes need to happen to stop this from happening to improve the gameplay and make this game less … well bad right now. If they don’t my care-o-meter will continue to go down and if/when they ever do fix it I’ll be on to other things. Simply put it’s been 5 days now of not being able to play the game. People have dropped things outright for less.

Orbs are facilitating terrible gameplay experiences.

Once Equal Power Servers Are Matched Up

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


orbs blow, trying to justify a mechanic that blows because it’ll blow less isn’t very sound.

Orbs are going to kill my enjoyment in this game.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


dont think its the orbs… Servers will dominate with or without them.

they’ll dominate LESS without them.

Orbs are going to kill my enjoyment in this game.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Log in: TIME TO DO SOME WV- wait that side has had 3 orbs for the last 5 days.

… yeahhh can we do something about this already? Is there ANYONE happy with the current state of WvW and not being able to play it due to 3 orbs giving an unrealistic advantage?

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


One side got 3 orbs, got control, not worth the repair bill and effort of trying.

Am I the only one sitting here waiting for reset or for them to disable orbs?


So I defended and did probably 300k damage.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Receive no award. Not even a bronze.

Of course since I did that as a necromancer and spamming DoTs + epidemic it really didn’t matter how much damage/CC/disorder or how long I stalled their force since they all just run away, get knocked down, and picked up.

Though sometimes I manage to get a BRONZE!

Defense events really need to not be just kills, as nobody really dies in sieges. Every kill is a big deal, and often people don’t even get them. Doing damage (keeping them from pushing) and healing (keeping you pushing back) are often FAR more relevant than kills, since kills just barely ever happen. During a siege it’s not uncommon for 3 minutes to go by with 1 or fewer death by the defenders, and 2 or 3 for the offense. I’m not talking the big glamorous cannon defended super keeps. I’m talking the no defense towers that are just defended by 10 people up top against 20 on the bottom, with neither side really capable of scoring a kill.

(And before anyone questions 300k damage I recommend you play a necromancer in sieges. Doing 80 damage ticks… with 8 stacks… to 8 people… it adds up quickly. Especially if I epidemic a target who was stacked debuffs on by other players. Then I have my AoEs, my other AoEs, etc.)

Remove Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


yes please, I hate orbs and they just wreck the game.

No Snowball mechanics/slippery slope prevention?

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


They do have snowball mechanics.

Just that the snowball mechanics help the winners win more, orbs.

Please shuffle the WvW matches today

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


So you’re being d bags and sieging spawn points, and then have the nerve to ask for a new match up because you’re bored with a situation that you created yourself?

you’re getting mad at them for winning TOO much? Should they have tried to win less to appease you?

Orbs are what is causing the ridiculous snowballing.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


I keep making these threads because people don’t seem to understand the reason why like 90% of matches are a complete STOMP right now is that once one side gets in control of 3 orbs the game is simply DONE.

The only valid strategy to beat 3 orbs is to nightcap when you have 2:1 ratios cause you have a ridiculous aussie playerbase. Except then the aussies server transfer cause they’re tired of having to clean up…

Seriously. Remove orbs until they’re fixed. They are ruining WvW.

I think that one week matchmaking is going to ruin WvW unless you remove orbs.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Out of curiosity, when the two servers are being dominated by 1 server with all the orbs, do those two underdogs team up? That should offset the benefit of the orbs… And that’s the whole reason we have 1v1v1 instead of 1v1 maps… To counterbalance that kinda stuff.

Edit: I removed some content that wasn’t really relevant

So they’re there in case the other servers perfectly team up and 1v2…? Yeah that sounds like a good mechanic, one side gets to reap the spoils of getting to 1v2.

I think that one week matchmaking is going to ruin WvW unless you remove orbs.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


It was shown in the 1-day matchmaking that once one side gets 3 orbs they just take complete control. Now that we have 7-day matchmaking there are 6 days of just waiting for the game to end.

Please just remove orbs until you can put them in in a better way. I want to WvW, but it’s just sort of pointless. My server does not have a big night capping audience, there is no way for us to ninja orbs back. As such, there is simply little reason to WvW beyond taking a tower and 2 supply camps before they notice you exist again and crush you.

It’s simply not right for the winning side to also get ridiculously massive advantages. If they want to take 90% of the territory and 1v2 then they should be GOOD enough to do it, not just given flat massive advantages so they can do it.

Also do try to remove them before everyone just gets tired of our server and leaves. We already lost all our aussies.

(edited by hashinshin.9271)

Negate the Advantages of Alliances

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


nerf orbs. They’re why guild riddled servers can win so easily, cause they just bumrush the orbs with organized pushes. Orbs should not exist.

Why does Range dominate?

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Because Guild Wars 2 lacks tanks (as in high armored professions that can penetrate ‘trench’ lines) and healers to back them up.

thank god.

Please reduce the power of orbs or remove them before 1 week matches.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Orbs provide another objective for players who don’t want to disappear into the zerg people are putting together in /map. Perhaps changing where they spawn is a good solution. I don’t think taking them out or nerfing them is the answer.

Most of the threads you made on the League of Legends forums were overreactions just like this one.

I play on a smaller server who regularly loses our orb pretty much instantly. The solution is to either never WvW about 5 hours in to WvW where in our enemies are long blond haired greek gods, or server transfer to a server that can hold their orbs and therefore allow fun.

Should that be the rule? Server transfer immediately off any of the smaller servers? You can say “oh just hold less forts and have fun with that!” Yeah, less forts and down 3 orbs mean their greek gods get to troll around destroying me, which means quickly nothing at all. It’s not uncommon for my server to own literally nothing at all due to orbs allowing them to have MORE players who are all WAY more powerful.

Please reduce the power of orbs or remove them before 1 week matches.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


the goal is your score. The orbs are simply a snowball mechanic that has no place in a realm that I will have to stay in for 2 weeks. Most people consider snowballing too hard in a 40 minute game of LoL, this is a 2 week game where within an hour many servers have their organized guilds raid both orbs.

Please reduce the power of orbs or remove them before 1 week matches.

in WvW

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Every time I log in and see one side has 3 orbs I just go log out. There’s really no point in trying. If they got 3 orbs they were clearly better than us (dur) and apparently that means they need to be demigods to boot that can properly 1v2 the other servers, even if we stopped fighting each other (we never do.)

Make them reward 50/75/100 to all stats, and 5/7.5/10% HP. What’s more, make them start in the middle KEEP rather than on a farm which is just begging for a guild of 20 people to take it in under 5 minutes and have the WvW locked down till next reset.

Orbs don’t add anything fun to WvW. Most people I imagine would prefer if they were outright removed so people could just enjoy WvW as it is, rather than WvW being “there are 3 orbs, also some sort of towers/keeps siege thing don’t know what’s going on there.”

I guarantee that there are many like me that see the 3 orbs (And the inevitable near complete map control that follows) and just prefer to not even play WvW until the reset. And if you make it last an entire week I imagine WvW interest is going to no be so high for many server groupings.

Necro traits that simply dont work

in Necromancer

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


chill of death gives the necromancer a -50% attack speed debuff until the target you cast it on dies. Yeah. Try it. Your main attack (your 1 button) will attack 50% slower until your target dies if you used chill of death on them.

The poison cloud trait from minion mastery that puts down a poison cloud if they die: A. Doesn’t do any damage from the poison when I used it (tried multiple times, would give poison debuff but would never tick for damage.) B. Doesn’t proc off minions that you kill yourself or the 5 point passive minions. C. Stacks duration from the same poison cloud, giving you like 40-60 seconds of damage-less poison (which if it did damage would be horribly IMBA.)

The only Norn Elite that can attack and move is the Snow Leopard.

in Norn

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


I just saved you guys 30 skill points.

Various necromancer bugs.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


all these bugs remain.

Various necromancer bugs.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Add to this list the “last grasp” trait passive will remove itself if it procs if you’re in your death shroud. Considering this is the death shroud tree… it seems ridiculously counterproductive and makes it borderline useless.

Various necromancer bugs.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


To add to THIS list:

Death Nova the Death Magic grandmaster is bugged in various ways.

The duration stacks, leading to 30-40 second poisons off a single pet. (Other poison AoEs do not stack.)
It does not proc off Bone Minions you explode (I did not realize exploding wasn’t dying.)

Reanimator, the adept passive, only has your spawned bone minions last for about 15 seconds. Not in the tooltip. Also incredibly… not cool. Would suggest a rework such that they do not ever die, but have a cap at 2.

Various necromancer bugs.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


oh, add to this that the shadow fiend takes 2-3 seconds to do its ability, making a blind not too effective if it lags behind 3 seconds.

Various necromancer bugs.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hashinshin.9271


Minions as a whole will stop moving and get stuck until the creature they are trying to attack dies. For ranged minions this isn’t that bad, for melee it means you have like a 1/3 chance for your melee minions to just sit a fight out.

Chill of death (spite master trait) will SIGNIFICANTLY slow your attack speed on your main scepter attack when it procs, and it will NOT go away until you kill the creature it procced on. Pretty much renders this trait unusable until its fixed.

Close to death (spite grandmaster trait) does not effect DoTs, nor pets. Renders it pretty meh and not very good especially with the scepter being the best performing damage weapon.

Spiteful marks. Spite trait. Improves mark damage by 10%. Does not improve their DoT damage. Seeing as how marks are pretty universally used for the DoT effect…. it makes this trait a substantially underperforming trait. Bugged? Not working as intended? I don’t know.

Siphon health seems to have questionable bonus healing ratios. MASSIVE increases in bonus healing results in tiny insignificant increases in healing.