Showing Posts Upvoted By hihey.1075:

Did anyone lose respect for Argi?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Everyone is crying for a pause mode. Obviously i have no clue about online sports but real sports doesnt have the “ok lets stop everything for the hurt player”.

Many sports do, although there are about a bazillion other factors that matter when playing a game over the internet that can’t really be controlled that easily….. It’s simply a necessity to have a pause option in any game that wants to be taken serious as a competetive game.

@Topic: I really don’t watch the interviews…. I’d watch them if they’d talk about why they’ve made certain build decisions and precise strategic movements etc, but not that weird and boring fluff stuff or Helseth just being a troll. Maybe some of the interviews do offer more insight, but I don’t wanna listen to all the other stuff to maybe get some information Im actually interrsted in.

I really just dont understand the pause button factor. Its suppose to be as real and as competitive as supposedly a real sport. And no most of these sports dont just stop for the injured player. They are trying to get the player out of sight and out of mind and finish the game as quickly as possible.

The 3 worst injurys ive seen on t.v was kevin ware, andrew bogut and shaun livingston. They were not trying to pause the game. They had to stop because or a terrible injury which in all 3 cases could of been life defining.

Question, if Vermillion had a sub would they still be crying this hard? If dude paid for a legit firewall do we still have this problem?

Beyond that the guy tried to cheat on top of it? How can you claim this that and this when your just as maniacal to the person who cheated you? You literally have players from car crash (who treid to cheat) and players from vermillion getting paid to play this game and are doing everything possible to say the Esports scene is crap because something didnt go there way. Literally have single Pro player at anything has a book of the obstacles they had to overcome and we are sitting here talking about a necessary pause button on a game most people question is worthy of Esports.

Agreed it is a disgrace to want the basic esports infrastructure like a puase button. You are exactly right, playing real sports is exactly the same as playing video games. I mean video games are called esports so it has sports in the name which means all analogies with real sports are 100% awesome.

I also think it is a disgrace that in esports they dont get drugs tested for peds. I mean in real sports they do and esports is trying to be a real sport. So it must be identical in every way. And wtf are esports doing playing esports at lan events. They should all be lined up on a basketball court with a real ball flying around while they play esports. If they want to do like a real sport at least do it right kitten .

you are correct in everything you say. Post of the year

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

I want Thief to be True Assassin

in Thief

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


I think it is because I like to play aggressively and end the fight fast as possible.
In real life, I eat very fast, I talk very fast, I run very fast, and my favorite comicbook superhero is Flash.

I lost it here.

Bad Elementalist

Playing thief vs multiple DPS guardians

in Thief

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


I usually practice with my guardian friends, why? Cause they’re our hard counter and if I’m able to beat them then wohooow but then again it’s because they make mistakes and are usually dps guards(squishy). The ones that are truly impossible to kill are bunker guards on soldier amulet XD then you’ll have a problem especially in pvp cause non of you will be able to kill one another plus the guard can still cap points cause he doesn’t require stealth to mitigate damage. What I suggest to do if you’re about to face a bunker on a 1v1 match is to either go condi burst or take soldier’s amulet lol no one will be OP then.

Maim The Disillusioned Impressions?

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


Guys! Mirror of Anguish is the thing, I seen nobody talking about it yet !

Mirror of Anguish is good, no doubt, but it competes against BI and I always grab BI instead because of the boons. If only MoA is in Adept tier.
Imagine Lockdown builds with MoA, BI and CI traits

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dethl.2875


srsly guys

i get it’s the normal “omg nerf qq” response, but when you’re throwing out that “omg minority got all mes builds nerfed mesmer is dead” overreactions, then you’re accomplishing kitten all. it’s these godkitten overreactions that make anet do all these pingpong balance changes. there are plenty of builds that never even touched either PU or DD, that perform just as well, and in fact are getting buffed with the patch.

that’s a general blanket statement. my shatter mes bias is incoming.

blackwater mesmers did not require a buff. when the most common counterplay to your build is “don’t give them a bag, just run”, then, get this, you aren’t a well balanced build. this isn’t even getting into how useless they were outside of wvw roaming. but suddenly all of you are out of the woodwork crying about how DD’s unavoidable conditions were such excellent design choices and that their counter was to not kill the clones, like that is the easiest thing in the world and you get countered all the time by people who kill you instantly because they know where you are at all times and can keep their weapon skills and aoe’s from hitting every clone that gets produced from you dodging an attack or throwing a greatsword in their face or whatever. the trait was downright broken, and if you are defending it, then you are simply doing it to benefit yourself and no one else. but this is the forums and that’s what qq is for right, everyone wants the best class so they can just kill everyone and learn nothing from any fights ever because who needs to learn their class or anyone else’s right.

if you thought that blackwater was the only viable way for a mesmer to take out a backstab thief, then it’s entirely a l2p issue. are thieves difficult to fight solo? yeah, they are. are they always going to win? no. from a shatter mesmer perspective, the fight is over quickly. you need to be fast, you need to be moving, you need to be using your distortion and diversion, you need to use any weapon blocks you have. if you’ve given yourself up and are just whining about how thieves are impossible, and that the only way to fight them is to tank yourself up and pressure them down slowly, then idk why you’re still playing a mesmer, because you obviously think thief is the better class. backstab thieves are glass, and they have nowhere near the amount of base damage mitigation a mesmer has. if a fight is hard, learn. find an spvp arena you can borrow, practice the matchup.

yeah no one is going to read this.

tldr: if you played blackwater mes and are getting salty about this, then all i see is someone who didn’t want a competitive game with actual competitive play in it. there are plenty of mesmer builds that are just as effective, as fun to play (i’d argue more but w/e), and more effective in different gamemodes. for kittens sake the IE buff should be wetting the panties of actual legit condi mesmers right now, not just the “come dual me broseph” mesmer groupies. and it’s not like DD clone death roots you and teleports all zergs on the map to your position.

brb tomorrow to read denials

some server who knows
Foolsworn (M) | Dehtl (M) | Iofo (G) | Foolburt (W) | Fooloop (T)
Fools Foolentine (EN) | Fooliqi (EL) | Fooniols (N) | Foylshen (R )

(edited by Dethl.2875)

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


i want to see more open legs across all type of armors

Should’ve named your account “Flesh”.

20 level 80s and counting.

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Most females are dudes IRL , skirts are better to look at.

girl = Guy In Real Life

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

[Video]New meta: no OffHand(for poor people)

in Thief

Posted by: epic.2450


haha nice work, this was fun to watch. However, you should change divinity runes to ruby orbs for really poor people.


March Sales Gem Exchange Record

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


This is in sympathy with the March Sales item record.

I’m listing the gold to gem previous 24 hour running average just before UTC -8 or midnight Pacific time from GW2Spidy at the end of each sale. After a few days GW2Spidy starts throwing away the minute by minute data.

Feb 28th: 7.913163g per 100
Mar 1st: 8.282175g per 100 – Collection Expander; 10% sale
Mar 2nd: 8.213522g per 100 – Braham, Megitech, Phoenix Armor Skins; 20% sale
Mar 3rd: 8.817895g per 100 – Black Lion Chest Key; 15%/35%/15% sale
Mar 4th: 8.388506g per 100 – Crafting Booster; 20% sale
Mar 5th: 8.190425g per 100 – Instant Repair Canister; 30% sale
Mar 6th: 8.169352g per 100 – Flute; 20% sale
Mar 7th: 8.502428g per 100 – Total Makeover Kit; 20% Sale & Kasmeer’s Staff Skin; 0% Sale
Mar 8th: 8.102759g per 100 – Metabolic Primer; 20% Sale
Mar 9th: 8.169047g per 100 – 2 Week Banker Golem; 50% Sale & Fuzzy Hats all styles; 20% Sale
Mar 10th: 8.492287g per 100 – Rox’s Short Bow Skin & Rox’s Quiver Backpiece; 0% Sale
+Mar 11th: 8.522785g per 100 – Gathering Booster; 20% Sale
Mar 12th: 8.349008g per 100 – Dye Pack; 20% Sale
Mar 13th: 8.317955g per 100 – Mystic Forge Stone; 15% Sale
Mar 14th: 8.214028g per 100 – Experience Booster; 15% Sale
Mar 15th: 8.605648g per 100 – Transmutation Crystals; 20% Sale
Mar 16th: 8.676984g per 100 – Phalanx, Viper, & Trickster Armor Skins; 15% Sale.
Mar 17th: 8.392304g per 100 – Magic Find Booster; 20% Sale & Pirate Captain’s Outfit; 10% Sale & Mini 3-Pack Set 2; Exiting Store
+Mar 18th: 8.892308g per 100 – Trading Post Express; 25% Sale
Mar 19th: 8.878539g per 100 – Consortium Mobile Crafting Station; 0% Sale
Mar 20th: 8.849836g per 100 – Marriner’s Horn; 20% Sale
Mar 21st: 8.628988g per 100 – Plush Charr and Quaggan Backpack; 20% Sale
Mar 22nd: 8.955157g per 100 – Marjory’s Axe and Dagger Skins; 0% Sale
Mar 23rd: 8.939717g per 100 – Aetherblade Armor Skins; 20% Sale
Mar 24th: 8.767769g per 100 – Box o’ Fun; 50% Sale & WXP Booster; 15% Sale & Threasher-Sickle 5000; Exiting Store
+Mar 25th: 9.227262g per 100 – Bank Access Express; 20% Sale
Mar 26th: 9.134028g per 100 – Permanent Spectre Finisher; 15% Sale
Mar 27th: 9.024413g per 100 – Braham’s Mace and Shield Skins; 0% Sale
Mar 28th: 9.058239g per 100 – Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic; 20% Sale
Mar 29th: 8.938644g per 100 – Royal Terrace Pass; 0% Sale
Mar 30th: 9.036830g per 100 – Primeval, Krytan, & Profane Armor Skins; 20% Sale
Mar 31st: 9.317227g per 100 – Black Lion Key; 10% Sale & Communal Boost Bonfire; 25% Sale & Scarlet’s Champions Mini 3-pack; 0% Sale

This is the range the exchange rate fluctuated during that day, actual data.

Mar 1st: 7.53g – 9.10g
Mar 2nd: 7.17g – 8.74g
Mar 3rd: 7.74g – 9.77g
Mar 4th: 7.66g – 9.47g
Mar 5th: 7.30g – 8.92g
Mar 6th: 7.54g – 8.96g
Mar 7th: 7.55g – 9.14g
Mar 8th: 7.50g – 8.78g
Mar 9th: 7.41g – 8.72g
Mar 10th: 7.62g – 9.33g
+Mar 11th: 7.75g – 9.08g
Mar 12th: 7.84g – 9.02g
Mar 13th: 7.64g – 9.11g
Mar 14th: 7.39g – 8.79g
Mar 15th: 7.89g – 9.41g
Mar 16th: 8.04g – 9.49g
Mar 17th: 7.93g – 8.98g
+Mar 18th: 8.04g – 9.74g
Mar 19th: 7.89g – 9.48g
Mar 20th: 7.99g – 9.53g
Mar 21st: 7.47g – 9.41g
Mar 22nd: 8.14g – 9.58g
Mar 23rd: 8.18g – 9.47g
Mar 24th: 7.74g – 9.38g
+Mar 25th: 8.39g – 9.65g
Mar 26th: 8.53g – 9.93g
Mar 27th: 8.03g – 9.63g
Mar 28th: 8.24g – 9.62g
Mar 29th: 8.16g – 9.48g
Mar 30th: 8.22g – 9.49g
Mar 31st: 8.60g – 10.53g

- March 11th introduced Scarlet’s Grasp and Scarlet’s Spaulders to the Gem Store.
- March 18th introduced Mini 3-pack Set 3, expanded the number of Collection Expanders to 5 from 3 and added new hairstyles to the Hair and Makeover Kits.
- March 25th introduced Lion’s Arch Survivor’s Dyes, Frost Wasp Logging Tool and Golem Pummeler Finisher.

Draw whatever conclusions you like.

*Now with a chart. Hope some think it’s informative.

Blue line is the range of the exchange rate that day.
The box shows start and finish averages for the day. Black box the average rate increased, red box the average rate decreased.


We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Decap Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


Decap engi is a horrible build, there is no counterplay for the majority of builds/classes. It´s only good for diversity and only aslong as it stays out of meta.

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile:

1v1 Balance

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


nerf rock, paper is fine
greets, scissors


Why Run a Thief?

in WvW

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490


The problem is and will be the same, no skill players get killed very bad by a X profession and come here and create QQ topics.

Not only thieves, they complain about everything . . .


Why does everyone think we're OP?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I would argue that there’s a skill difference between those that sPvP (even hot join) and those that WvW, along with a different mentality (which effects their general PvP skills).

Skill difference can be seen for yourself if you frequently do sPvP for a while and then switch to doing WvW.
The mentality changes from “I’m on my own” or “I have some weight to pull” (sPvP) to “I’m in a zerg” or “I don’t need to do much since i’m in a zerg, someone will do it for me” (WvW). It’s not EXACTLY those words (since i know some troll will take it literally) but i would say your mentality between the two modes does changes. With that being said in sPvP you should be “in the zone” while in WvW you might be hopping along carelessly with the zerg.
That’s why we see a lot of complaints from the WvW folks….
People that roam a lot should have better PvPing skills than those that are constantly with the zerg.

And then there’s the different environmental things that effect the general PvPing, for instance in sPvP there’s no critters/mobs you can CnD off of whereas in WvW there are…. But at the same time if the victim has that switch in his brain set to “off”, i dont think it matters what environment he may be in.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Why does everyone think we're OP?

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


1 second makes little to no difference in wvw. Pvp maybe, things tend to be close quarters and often quick but wvw is open and unpredictable.

Thief isn’t op, OP. It’s a learning curve that people are either lazy or selfish to learn. When playing against other players there are multiple things to learn.

Too many conditions? Bring condi clear/negation.
Too many stuns? Bring a stun breaker.
Too many evasions? Bring lock-down abilities like immobilize, and cc.
Too much damage? They prolly die in seconds, out smart them.
Too much stealth? WELL, you could, _______ (multiple suggestions, varies by profession and build).

Problem is stealth counters aren’t obvious, they are learned by playing the game. Most people rather just get a 1200 aoe reveal for 20 seconds and call that a fair buff to their class to deal with thieves, because they don’t care to L2P. It’s a sad truth, most people aren’t interested in working on kills. I can bet that atleast 80% or more of main-thieves rarely run into troubles when playing against other thieves. Why? Because they know what to expect and how their things work.

Thief isn’t broken, and stealth isn’t broken (which btw Mesmer has). It’s the ability to ask questions and learn that is absent.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Stealth spamming specs

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Karolis.4261


Can we remove stealth spamming specs once and for all? Not to call it OP, but it pretty much ruins the gameplay of the player facing it. It’s not fun to fight and there are too less counters. The specs are too easy to master and sometimes are really strong.

Of course I mean D/P Thieves and PU mesmers with this. These 2 specs heavily rely on stealth. In my opinion stealth should be a luxionary, not something you can spam. If you can’t handle the enemy’s damage and get outplayed, you shouldn’t be able to cast 2/3 skills and have a free escape ticket. With both specs you have kittenness outplaying you so you can’t interrupt it. With D/P thieves you have blind spam just before stealthing. This makes it almost impossible to stun or interrupt them from stealthing and with PU mesmers there’s a fair chance to get aegis so they can’t get stunned either. Not only that but mesmer’s gameplay is really dodgy, making it pretty useless to try to lock them down on 1 point cause they can easily blink away.

I would come up with a suggestion that demotes spamming stealth, but doesn’t affect those who use stealth as a luxionary:
When using a stealth within 10 seconds from the previous stealth, your stealth will last 1 second shorter. This effect will stack the more times you use stealth within 10 seconds of your previous stealth, meaning if you use a ’’3rd’’ stealth within 10 seconds of the 2nd stealth while already having the debuff your stealth will last 2 seconds shorter.

Making revealed last longer would ofc also just be just as good to nerf it as mentioned above. 3 seconds is just a joke. It should be at least 4, maybe 5 seconds.

On some way I still think stacking stealth should be possible since that can offer teams still some combo’s and surprise attacks, however spamming stealth should be punished.

We need less passive play, more active play!

Thief is probably most active played class in this game and yet you speak about passive play.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

If only every update had 1 pvp change.

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


I can tell it’s PvE content when nothing makes sense when I’m reading it:

“Thingamabob scarlet now gives increased whatdoyaknows when previously reset assault of the divine knight used to be downed.”

Why do you dislike PU mesmers

in Profession Balance

Posted by: IFreedom.4637


Lets see hmm
1. The cancer understanding mesmer ddosent even have to fight you to win.
2. Every time u attack the real mesmer, the cancer understanding mesmer will blink/ stealth away.
3 unlike thiefs where a smart prediction of movement and planning is part of the fight, there is no counter play or tactics involve in fighting a cancer understanding mesmer unless you build full cheese/ condi cheese.
4 cancer mesmers not good in pvp. My bum! 2 cancer understanding mesmers can hold a point against 4 opponents easily.
5 out of all the 3 builds I play for spvp, cancer understanding, shatter and phantasm. Cancer understanding requires the least skill. Even lesser than hambow.

6 more aegis then a class whose specialty is having aegis

What is so bad about a PU mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


The problem isn’t that other builds aren’t more viable. It’s that other builds aren’t as easy as PU.

Shatter is perfectly viable. Condition builds without PU are viable. The “problem” is that it’s harder and more risky to roam with this way, and people don’t like that. Players want everything handed to them easy mode, and it seems the new mesmer community is quickly going down that same mindset route.

This is why PU is a crutch. Players do well with it, think it’s because they’re a good mesmer so they try something else and fail. “Well PU is our only viable option.”

No. It’s because while you’re using a build that allows you to ignore half of the classes mechanics, and ignore basic game mechanics (map awareness, smart dodging), you progressively become more and more dependent on the build that allows you to do all of this and can’t be bothered to learn anything else.

This is why I’ve said in every thread about this topic: The type of players that this build has spawned are embarrassing to me and if/when the nerf happens I’ll be more than happy to see them drop the class.

I can see the threads now: “PU build nerf! Mesmer destroyed can’t possibly play moving to warrior.”

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

Info Italian Guild on Gunnars

in Looking for...

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Demetrodon i searched the whole thread and ,maybe i am blind, i didn’t see the name Far Shiverpeaks anywhere.
I will ask nicely the first time to continue your crusade to recruit more guilds at your specific thread.
Thank you

Starscream [IRON], R.I.P

in WvW

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


I know that this is the wvw forum, but this post is about a player who only ever played wvw and was known to the guys in this forum. He liked to troll in here and wrote the most hilarious things. So dear moderator, don’t delete or move this post because it belongs here and a lot of the posters on this part of the forums might want to know this.

It’s with sadness that I now tell you that this morning, Starscream/Unicron, a good friend and guild mate of mine for over a year and a half was found dead. He hung himself for reasons known only to himself. He was a very funny guy and he always made everyone laugh. He was totally crazy and out there, and we loved him for it.
I’ve been sitting many late nights just talking kitten and laughing with him on our TS and it feels so surreal to find out that a person you talked to almost daily and who could make you laugh no matter the mood you were in don’t exist no more.

Rest in peace brother, we will all miss you so very much.

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

[WvW] Thief BS High Armor Squishy Targets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: yski.7642


Why do I see mesmers complaining about evaded backstabs not interrupting stealth? Stand in your clones and the stab will hit them, revealing the thief!

Are you kidding me? a GC Ele or GC Mesmer cannot deal the same level of burst as a GC thief.

That’s a thief burst in aoe. Anything else I can help you with?

Learn the ways of the mighty Deathleaf:

(edited by yski.7642)

Thief WvW P/D Conditions (Laela Blackbird)

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Low risk- attrition game-play focused on the ever same Cloak and Dagger chaining is as boring to watch as it is to play.

Why Healing Signet is superior to other heals

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DanSH.6143


it’s funny that people say “warriors don’t have any other way of sustain”. Are you kittenning kidding me?
warriors have some of the best susatin options without HS:
1. Stances (berserker stanse and endure pain in particular).

2. Highest access to self stability in-game.

3. Adrenal Health.

4. Cleansing Ire.

5. Amazing CC skills such as “Skull Crack”, “Earthshaker”, “Pin Down”. (CC is both offensive and defensive, duh).

6. Easy access to lyss’s 6th effect via Signet of Rage.

7.Overall the best self condition removal/sustainability in-game: Berserker’s Stance, Signet of Stamina, Cleansing Ire, lyssa+Signet of Rage.

8.mace/sword or mace/shield combined with the “Missile Deflection” is incredibly defensive and also offensive. It counters projectile-focused specs to the ground.

And on top of all that, warriors have the highest base HP and one of the highest base toughtness. They’re already very sustained.
So enough with this “lol we’re glass don’t nerf pl0x”.


RIP power builds in roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Well condi need to be good at something. Why don’t you whiners just use condi if it is so good? You think that i wanna play power necro in www or when i try to kill three head jungle wurm thing? I play power necro because condi necro is totally kitten in www and PvE.

They do though. My main roaming build has been condi for almost an year now D;. It’s simply so much more effective than corresponding power builds.

Yes you are player who can evolve. These other noobs want power to be op in every part of game.

No, youre an idiot who doesnt want to balance conditions in pvp. I DONT CARE whats going on in pve becuse i play wvw and pvp only. Condis are by far the strongest
right now and maybe we should fix that. Its nothing about how zerk needs to be good at everything in the game and everything about power engis necros mesmers thieves warrior and rangers are worse than a corresponding condi build. Use your kittening brain; you thnk we give 2 kittens about pve?

How are condis op in bus?
Roam is not the only WvW gameplay…

Not all of us are scrub zerglings though. For alot of us, roaming IS the only way we want to play in WvW. And in small man groups and 1 on 1 fights, conditions are already ridiculously beyond overpowered. This nerf to power builds will make the difference even greater.

I don’t see problem. Try to take some keeps or use condition spec.

Typical pug who doesn’t understand balance.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Ready Up livestream notes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Valarauka.2719


I live-blogged the stream notes on reddit, figured I’d cross-post here so everyone can see.

Critical Damage

  • Crit Damage as a percentage stat will go away
  • Replaced by a numeric stat called Ferocity
  • Balanced to be about 10% less damage overall
  • PVP crit damage won’t change – they feel it’s in a good place already
  • Numeric amount same as “secondary stat” on gear (e.g. 90 power/60 prec/60 fero for berserker)
  • Opens up potential for Ferocity to be a primary stat on new stat combo


  • Two sigil slots for two-handed weapons!
  • No more shared cooldowns!!
  • RNG reduced – percent chance on crit will probably just become 100% on-crit
  • Still only one stacking sigil type (bloodlust, perception etc.)
  • Dual swap sigils WILL both proc. (e.g. Battle + Geomancy or Air + Fire)


  • Adding strong bonuses further towards rune #4/5/6 to give more benefit of having full sets
  • Added more condi duration on early bonuses so 2/2/2 is still possible
  • Examples: Strength:
    1) +25 power,
    2) 10% might duration,
    3) 50 power,
    4) 15% might duration and 25% might proc on hit,
    5) 100 power,
    6) 20% might duration, +5% damage under might.
  • Fixing Rune #6 bonuses and other rune bugs (e.g. Ranger runes etc.)
  • They’ve done a balance pass over runes and sigils to try to improve diversity.


  • Adding new unlockable stat combos for PVP (similar to how new heal skills are being added)
  • This is more speculative / for future, probably not in next build

Balance Preview – There will be balance updates in the next build:


  • Signet of Restoration is restored to full power (no more pve/pvp split)
  • Armor of Earth cooldown goes from 90s to 75s (pre-cantrip mastery)
  • 3 seconds of Regen added to Water Trident (for up to 5 allies) – support+condi removal for scepter
  • Burning Speed now evades during cast! (more melee survival for d/d)
  • Frozen Burst is now a blast finisher! (can combo with Burning Speed)


  • Net Turret immobilize reduced by 1 second
  • Poison grenades – poison applied per tick reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
  • Toolkit – Box of Nails/Piranhas cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec
  • AED cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec (may go to 1/2sec later)


  • Litany of Wrath cast time reduced from 1 sec to 3/4 sec (may go to 1/2sec later)
  • Vigorous Precision cooldown increased to 10 sec (so only 50% vigor uptime)
  • Healing Breeze rescaled so 50% self-applies on cast, then 10% per tick for 5 seconds on allies


  • Critical Infusion cooldown increased to 10 sec (so only 50% vigor uptime)
  • Deceptive Evasion will no longer create a new clone if you already have full images (no overwrites)
    (yeesh, that’s huge. RIP clone-death builds.) :’(


  • Putrid Explosion is no longer unblockable
  • Training of the Master damage bonus reduced from 30% to 25%
  • Dhuumfire changed to make only Life Blast apply 3 sec burning with 10 sec cd – no longer split pve/pvp
  • Less passive — controllable application, and makes for active counter-play possibilities
  • Vampiric Master changed (didn’t catch the specifics)


  • Spirit of Nature healing was bugged – changing to 320hp / sec
  • Considering adding combo field to all trap skills (Viper’s Nest => poison field, etc.)
  • Empathetic Bond will no longer remove conditions when pet is dead
  • Making steps towards allowing dodge during sword auto chain (server-side fixes involved)


  • Positive things coming that won’t be discussed yet (same for ranger)
  • Pistol Whip possibly split into two-part skill with separate ini cost (stun and then slashes separated)


  • Healing Signet passive reduced by about 8% (~30hps), active may be improved / altered
  • Pin Down has new animation / tell, cast time increased from 1/4 to 3/4 sec

~This is a non-exhaustive list, full set will be in patch notes.~

FINAL: Welp, looks like that’s it for balance folks.
Let me know if I missed anything in the comments and I’ll include it!

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More 4 signet bursting

in Thief

Posted by: yski.7642


That ranger at 5:20 though
* Suddenly takes some 21k damage *
“Huh, that’s refreshing!”

upscale upscale upscale

ty for the smiles!

Hey, those upscales are scary. They CHARGE at me

omg can you be more glassy D8

No, unless you take some of your gear off. It’s full zerker <3

Learn the ways of the mighty Deathleaf:

[PvX][Thief] Last Refuge

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015

Last Refuge is something we’ve been talking about quite a bit internally, and we certainly don’t like the way it can occasionally unintentionally punish players.

We’d like to keep the minor traits in Shadow Arts thematically the same (stealth based) rather than simply providing boons or something similar. Keep that in mind when you’re suggestions changes for Last Refuge.

Thanks for the feedback!