Showing Posts For illdeath.9617:

Backstab Victims Please Read

in Thief

Posted by: illdeath.9617


dude they nerfed the dmg of thief backstab by over half of its dmg from release kitten used to hit for 16k+ and people still complain i mean backstab hits for as hard as a lichform necro auto attack now and we have to stealth and get behind them and its only 1 hit. i would just leave it alone man. people who play at higher calibur dont complain about it at all its just the scrubs and newbs that dont have situational awareness or get caught without CDs or at low HP. sometimes when the stars align and you proc both air and fire sigil as well as critting your backstab and both sigil procs can i see the dmg maybe reaching 8k but like i said the god kitten stars need to align for a situation like that. Unfortunately with online games people will always blame the thing that killing them rather than admit the fact that they may not be so good at the game and need to practice.

HoT Thief Weapon/Specialization Discussion

in Thief

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Hey guys like the title says I would like to discuss everyones ideas on the potential new weapon and specialization for thief in HoT.

My personal hope is Duel Sword. Like we saw with mesmer shield anet is not against giving a class an off hand weapon. I personally like this way more then rifle because 1st off as we have seen thief is more oriented around small compact ranged weapon like pistol and shortbow and as i feel Rifle can work it just doesnt fit thief. plus what would the specialization that unlocks rifle be called?

With dual sword not only will it add a new 3rd ability with sword something different then pistol whip and flanking strike but they can also get an Assassin or even Ninja specialization.

So what are some things you guys are thinking/hoping thief will get in HoT

Rangers over looked again...

in Ranger

Posted by: illdeath.9617


hopes are lost man, i just dont like how vulnerable LB ranger is in WvW i like to roam the zerg ball isnt my ideal way to play in WvW. but ive played trap and spirit rangers, they work while roaming but the play styles just arent that fun, i like the LB play style and ive tried it with all kinds of secondary weapons and stat builds you either do 0 dmg or get blown up there is no middle ground with that weapon. one of the big issues is that you get obstructed from people moving right or left while firing and they arent even addressing that issue which is rly annoying. the increase missle speed on LB might help but honestly that is NOT worth a trait that should be standard in the LB which needs a lot of help as a weapon over all.

Rangers over looked again...

in Ranger

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Multiple pet AI quality-of-life changes and bug fixes are being made for the ranger. For example, commanding your pet to use a skill or attack an enemy will now occur instantaneously and will break the creature out of its current action. The skill activated by Keen Edge is now considered a Survival skill and will benefit from other traits that impact this skill type.

honestly i dont even know why i expect anet to do something about rangers. Probably the class with the most potential to be fun and interesting and anet just doesnt even care enough to put some kind of effort into them.

wow yay our pet f2 can finally be used instantly…. all these other classes are getting new and exciting changes and ranger get this garbage something that should have been implemented before this game even got out of beta, and its not like our pets can live long enough anyway or arent completely useless when it comes to AI so this change is worthless to me.

Im honestly tired of them putting so much energy into pets. their AI is obviously a mess so just take em out put more power into the ranger itself and screw the kitten pets this game did a horrible job with them and its annoying to even have to worry about them unlike other games where pet control is smooth and rewarding this game its just a nuisance.

thought this big patch would get me back into the game hoping that they will finally do a REWORK on the ranger class not just some stupid pet AI balancing but anet has made it extremely clear that they can care less about this class. good thing ESO is coming out which did more balancing in their beta then Anet has done in over a year.

D/D Thief Struggling with Gear choice

in Thief

Posted by: illdeath.9617


im currently running a very similar trait set up and have had the same struggle with gear. i finally descided on valkyrie armor knights/valk accessories valk short bow if you use one and a pvt and a valk dagger. also using divinity runes if you wanted to know.

im trying to stay at 30% crit chance with this set up and with hidden killer i found this to be just enough since it goes up to 50% with fury. you will have well over 2k power 3k attack and 78% crit damage as well as some HP and a little bit of toughness to help keep you alive.

game wont start after hitting play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Was playing last night no problems, log on today download the quick little patch hit play screen turns black as if the game is starting up but stays that way. there will be some quick little flickers on the screen then nothing ive let it sit for 10 mins before i just couldnt look at a black screen anymore. if someone can help me with this i would greatly appreciate it because i currently am 100% unable to get on gw2

E-sports can't be accomplished fast?

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Look at it this way, no MMO has ever been an esport and thats because they arent that fun to watch, they lack diversity and strategy that mobas, certain FPS’s and RTS’s have, and because most MMOs are split between 2 parts pve and pvp which means the company can never put enough man power and time into the pvp aspect to make it an esport. if you want to play an esport game then play one that already is or is 100% working its way towards it gw2 will not be an esport no matter how much anet and you guys want it to be.

ANET would have to do what Final Fantasy 14 is doing and fully re release the game with 100% emphasis on PvP and completely rework the trait system in order for it to even be slightly enjoyable to watch. the trait system how it is right now there are 2 kinds of traits 75% being completely useless and boring for pvp and 25% being the obvious choice. with this you will never get the enjoyment that LoL, SC2 and DOTA2 fans get when they see something completely meta changing and different during a tournament.

Do you guys really think that with a ranking system and spectator mode and private arenas are going to make tournament coordinators be like “o look! gw2 has a ranking system now they are ready to be an esport!” Yea the rankings and everything are good for the players and give a sense of pvp progression but none of the updates coming out will make this game stick out as an esport. Im not sitting here saying that gw2 is taking “too long” to become an esport im sitting here saying its flat out not going to happen and i was a very firm supporter of it for a very long time, but when it comes down to it its not possible and not because its a bad game the pvp is amazing and fun to play, but because from an outside view point there is no telling whats going on, you cant see anything but spell effects and jumping around. I will be surprised if anyone can even be an announcer for a gw2 game because that will be an impossible task on its own, and the viewers will be so confused and lost.

(edited by illdeath.9617)

Gw2 281 Twitch Viewers

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


the same reasons why there are no twitch viewers are the same reason why me and many others are not playing til something happens.

1. gw2 has NO build diversity, thieves are backstab/pistol whip, warriors are 100b, mages are d/d, guardians are bunkers, necros are wells, egis are useless, rangers are trap, mesmers are shatter. also no team diversity most teams consist of the same classes. leading to watching and playing the SAME thing every time its boring and uninteresting.

2. most people that would watch gw2 streams are all playing trying to get their paids in because they only go on for a couple hours a night. LoL on the other hand goes 24/7 even during holidays.

3. gw2’s lack of updates has made the game boring unbalanced and easily exploitable. you can back anet up as much as you want (i did for a very long time) and think that a game 5months into release wont see many updates or changes right away but youres wrong. Anet is probably the worst company i have ever come across in a video game. i played league of legends during the 1st 5 months of release. a FREE TO PLAY company was pumping out balance patches almost every week during the 1st 5 months and “the most anticipated game of 2012” 60$ a player has done close to nothing.

in a nut shell: gw2 wont be an esport because anet doesnt care anymore and it will never have the diversity that these esport games have so even if it does it wont be a big title because its not fun to watch.

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Is there anyone else out there that agree with this. Once the ranking system comes out i feel like “paid” tournaments shouldn’t cost tournament tickets! 1st Free tournaments should become Unranked and Paids can become Ranked. 2nd the current paid system is helping out the more experienced players by constantly refilling their tournament tickets while the lesser teams dont get anything and then may have to wind up spending money or finding other ways to refill their tickets also adding another reason why paids only happen for a 5 hour window a day! (i currently have 1600 gems and have not had to worry about tickets in months so this isn’t a noob player complaining) 3rd NEVER in the history of a competitive pvp game have you had to spend ANYTHING to play competitively. For instance League of Legends dont need to do anything but be level 30 and own atleast 16 champions to play ranked after that you can keep going as many times as you want (none of which require real money) World of Warcraft Arenas are FREE nothing in game or real cash needs to be spent on this. This tournament ticket thing is probably the leading cause of the paid downfall because new teams have to think twice before signing up for a paid because they dont want to waist there tickets and I find that extremely dumb. Leave the ticket system in until rankings come out and then please GET RID OF IT as long as its in place Paids will not have the population it should.

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


NA sPvP is dead if a couple of teams don’t play one night no paids, i have never in the history of gaming ever not been able to pvp or play during the holidays because of such a severe lack of player base. I am currently not logging into gw2 anymore because im tired of playing against the same teams every night and gaining nothing from it but QPs which wont mean anything because if a monthly tournament ever came out there probably wont be enough people to get it started. I will however come back to gw2 when ever anet does something to bring back some players because this game in its current state is unplayable which is sad because i really like it. maybe the jan/feb pvp updates can do this but i have my doubts but either way it should not have taken this long. look at firefall for example i am not a big fan of this game but it is currently still in beta and has EVERYTHING gw2 should have and already has a 1 million dollar prize pool tournament set up for shortly after release. explain how an indie company was able to pull this off when anet which has made the most anticipated game of 2012 cant? Rant ended good luck to you anet ill be back when or if anything gets done.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


1st off 100b isnt a one shot its actually 9 hits or so, and 2nd warriorx are acouple fixes away from actually being useful in competitive pvp. In paid tournys thieves and warriors never get their burst combo off because EVERYONE that is at a higher lvl of play knows how to deal with it. If you are out of evades and stun breaks and stuck in a corner YES you should get one shot by a warrior because you gave them an opening. Thieves and Warrior are high damage low survivability classes if you let them do what they do best that is a problem with your team or your ability not a problem with the game. Get your necro to stack condition on the warrior he cant deal with that, or have your aura share ele pop shocking aura. there are SO many ways to stop a warriors 100b he even takes 50% MORE damage when he is doing it. 100b is an all or nothing moment for the warrior take advantage of that.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Gotta say i cant help but laugh at anets balancing issues when it comes to ranger. Ive been wanting to play ranger i have tryed it a couple of times but never put much time into it. Im a competitive pvper so after hearing what i have been hearing about rangers the class just doesn’t seem to fit in tpvp (which btw is ridiculous all classes should be viable in tpvp it should be based of team comps not individual classes not looking so hot on esports right now are we anet?) but i never truly realized HOW broken this class was till i spent 5 mins on this post. the fact that “hey you like short bow? dont roll ranger they suck roll thief!” or “hey you like long bow? warriors are way better then rangers in that aspect.”…. a little crazy that these insane burst melee classes can destroy a ranger (ranged class if im not mistaken) in a ranged fight lol. I dunno im not a wow fan but its pretty sad that wow can have enough class balance to where all the classes are viable in pvp its just based on which other classes they are viable with where in gw2 is only guardians thief warrior and mesmers for pvp (sometimes ele) i started playing in the hopes of this game going esports and i have been trying to defend anet and keep my hopes up but after truly seeing whats going on with the classes i dont play im losing faith.

Less QQ More Pew-Pew

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


like i said some of these topics need to be changed and others are just people crying cuz they didnt dodge at the right moment or arent quick enough with their stun breakers and what not. everyone knows that warriors are trash in competitive play but people still whine about 100B and thats the kind of stuff that is flooding this forum and is completely pointless to be stated or discussed. I honestly thought this forum was for idea swapping (i could be wrong) but all it is are people going on and on and on when anet stated they know the issues and they will get to it.

Less QQ More Pew-Pew

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


O quick addition. You guys would probably spend your time a lot more effectively if you spent have as much time learning how to counter these “OP classes” as you did complaining about them because anet will do things in their own time might aswell spend it productively.

Less QQ More Pew-Pew

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Started looking on these forums today trying to see new strats, team comps, and what have you to better my pvp play for the upcoming tournaments and all i found is NERF THIS NERF THAT THIEVES WARRIORS MESMERS MOA NERF RAGE NERF MAD SO MAD RAGE NERF.

Now just to clarify after doing some more scouting and going through countless of repeated posts about backstab heart seeker 100 blades what have you I have clearly seen that anet Devs have their own method of going about nerfs and class balancing. So I am here wondering why are you people spending so much time complaining and repeating each other out the kitten when Anet is NOT LISTENING and if they ever were they definitely stopped because this is getting out of hand. Yes i understand changes need to be made but you people are turning a forum for structured PvP into a whine and cry fiesta and its not getting you anywhere so whats the point?

Now I am 100% sure this post is gonna get tons of hate and i personally can’t wait to sit and laugh about some of the nonsense some people will be going on about now. I am sure things a long the lines of “less QQ? youre QQing right now” and what have will be said and thats all well and good. But honestly this forum is just filled with cry babies and maybe this could help it go back to what i believe it was intended for. idea swapping, builds, team comps and all that good stuff that is actualy useful. But thats reaching for the stars I’m sure. well have fun with this one guys!

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: illdeath.9617


if no one knew at this point most of the main guild alliance on Henge of Denravi went over to SoS to build up a t3 server up to the t1 server and they chose SoS for the high oceanic presence so they NA can go through the peak hours while the oceanic keep it during the offpeak. if you didnt know Henge of Denravi has been undefeated in the t1 server listings since beta and the guilds that made that happen are now mostly on SoS so good luck to you other servers but those guilds are going to dominate till they move SoS up to higher teir server listing

Worlds with Large Tournament Teams and large North American Population

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


wvw is good to i plan on doing a lot of that once i get a character to 80 but my main goal is tournament pvp so thank you for the info i will definitely check it out

Worlds with Large Tournament Teams and large North American Population

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Hey guys I wasnt sure where i should post this but i figured this forum might do. I am looking for a North American world with a high North American Population (henge of denravi and Sea of Sorrows have a fairly high oceanic population) that also has a large Tournament scene meaning a fair amount of guilds looking to do serious tournaments once paid tournys come out and when or if gw2 ever goes esports. I have been on Darkhaven, Henge of Denravi and now Sea of Sorrows and the tournament guilds are spread fairly thin. If anyone has any info regarding this i would greatly appreciate some insight. thank you!

Thief Glass Cannons etc. Stomping SPVP (it's a mess guys)

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


1st off glass cannon thieves are extremely easy to kill if you know what to do and their down state abilities arent a problem at all just dont spend the 1st 5 seconds trying to stomp them, if you down them during a team fight the AOE brings them down quite a bit and their stealth is on a fairly long cooldown when they 1st get downed. 2nd the cloak and steal is not an exploit people need to understand that you can cast instants during a cast time like elementalists can and certain other classes. And if you guys ever played a thief they dont have any kind of utility compared to most classes so nerfing their glass cannon damage would make them completely useless and im pretty sure anet is trying to keep all classes on an even playing field. in order to get 10k+ backstabs is 100% cooldown based and cant happen all the time. the one thing i think they can change without destroying the thief class is taking the ability to use sigils while in stealth away that should stop the one shotting of low toughness classes but still allow enough damage to even be useful. Thieves are an assassin class which in any other mmo means quick burst damage and high mobility and with gw2 this means killing people extremely fast so there is no reason for everyone to be going crazy about this when its counterable. all the high skill tourny teams know how to do it and spvp isnt something to be basing this off.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


i find this games pvp way better then any i have ever tried. it actualy takes strategy, builds and compositions unlike the normal “focus the healers” kinda pvp in most other pvp oriented mmos. look its very simple if you dont like the game then dont buy it. there is no reason to beg for attention on forums about how this sucks and that sucks. look you waste 60 bucks well im sure its not the 1st time GW2 maybe isnt your thing you tryed it didnt work out well o well that sucks but you sitting here going on and on about what sucks and why you hate it isnt getting anything fixed especialy when millions of other people are happy with where the game is at and wheres its heading. anyway im really excited for these changes keep up the work anet!


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Alright, fellas. Here’s the situation:

From what I’ve been seeing, almost everyone afflicted with problems are either running 32-bit systems, or have an Nvidia GTX and/or TI card. With me, having an Nvidia 550 TI, I can play the game for about thirty minutes, and then my system freezes with the dreaded audio loop.

This has been linked to a compatibility issue with the video card drivers and Guild Wars 2, and the good guys at A-net are trying to find a solution. No ETA though, so for now, most of us GTX/TI users are outta luck for the moment.

Hopefully A-net support finds the source of the problem soon. The storyline is getting juicy!

on the bright side just knowing that it is a gw2 problem and not a problem with my system is a huge relief i wont mind these issues so much now that i know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. =]


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: illdeath.9617


Having the same issue. Random Freezing to where i have to cntrl+alt+delete and restart game and the out of memory crash. I am also running 32bit windows 7 and have a nvidia gtx 550 ti gpu. have been emailing support back and forth with no info im really glad to see that you guys addressed this issue and very relieved thats it isn’t on my side. here is my arenanet.log and gameadvisor test