Showing Posts For ixiduffixi.6384:

Persistent Waypointing Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


This small bug has been occurring to me for the better part of the last year. I haven’t been able to find anyone else who experiences it. What is happening is about 75% of the time after I waypoint, no matter how far away I run, if I take no actions and then suddenly dodge roll I get reset back to the last waypoint I used. This is NOT due to lag as you can tell from the video below, the game is behaving as normal.

Chain-Whip and New Ranger Auto

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


So with the new Ranger Sword Auto attack, the Chain-Whip no longer has the extension animation that makes it so unique. I don’t know if it’s a bug, or if it just wasn’t designed for the new animation; but is there any chance of having it updated to at least have a standard whip animation like other autos?

Burning/Condition revenant build - WvW/PVE

in Revenant

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Question: What’s the reasoning for Frigid Precision over Bolster Anguish? Is it for the WvW use?

Help with Condition Build

in Revenant

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Right now I’m using Mace/Axe with Hammer or Sword off hand. Legends that I’m using are Mallyx (of course) and Shiro. For the time being I’m using full Carrion gear with sup. runes of tormenting (can be expensive) and sigils of bursting, corruption, and Torment. Traits are Corruption, Devastation, & Invocation. Primarily I’m using Shiro to build up might as well as the channel ability when at max to quickly stack Torment with the mace. Then swap to Mallyx to build up to 100 and Channel the elite. My traits give Poison with Torment as well as giving burning when using an elite.

This is what I’m using right now. I am going to see how the herald traitline will work with the periodic might or fury stacks. Also I am planning to swap carrion with a mixture of sinister and either viper’s or trailblazers.

Account bound mini from Black Lion Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


The only thing you can do with them is destroy them. That is hardly fair to all those little Ravens.

Yes ArenaNet – please think of the Ravens and make them either drop less, Mystic Forge-able, or Sellable. These poor ravens need a home somewhere!

Oh sure. “need a good home.” So you flush them down the toilet? Harsh bro, harsh.

Monk's Outfit and new dyes in gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Well I’ll be kitten ed. Isn’t that nice. A skirt wearing asura. Never before heard of.

Damage/Healing Calculator Mods

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I understand the restriction of mods that allow for skill macros or other such mods that provide an advantage. But is there any specific reason we can’t have mods that are nothing more than Damage or Healing calculators? I know a lot of min/maxers would love to have a more accessible tool to monitor damage output, and for a game that provides so many options for builds it really would be incredibly useful. We know that it’s possible as there is one that we made just to prove the effectiveness of the scaling mechanic. So why can’t we have something similar for daily use?

Aviator Cap animation loop

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Confirmed. I’ve characters affected by this also. Flashing of Replica Job-o-Tron backpack messages and non-display of doge animation are most annoying. Fix, please!

Oh god there’s doge animations now?! I thought the horrible poems were enough.

Animation bug, character/text twitching

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Earlier mine got stuck in the leveled up pose.

Animation bug, character/text twitching

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


That would be it. Thank you. Hopefully some red see this.

Zodiac Weapons gone from merchant?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


My only request is that sets that are removed, do come back at some point eventually. Sets like the fused and aetherized sets are impossible to complete for new players due to some skins no longer being available or prices just being outrageous.

Animation bug, character/text twitching

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Same here. Predator as well and asuran. Looks like it’s only affecting asura. It appears as though the animations are resetting.

(edited by ixiduffixi.6384)

Aetherized Skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


If they are brought back…expect it to be 5-7 tickets not 2 because we all know stuff you can buy for gold is “prestigious,” right?

Yeah my 2 tickets was being very optimistic. I fully expect them to be 5-7 like you said if they ever do come back. Which is sad.

Aetherized Skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


What are the chances of bringing back the Aetherized Skins? Even for a limited time and maybe a 2 ticket cost. As it stands the prices for these skins is phenomenal, and in dwindling supply. It’s going to get to the point where the collection is going to be impossible to do because there’s no source for the skins. Bringing them back in some limited fashion would give a new supply and keep their value at a reasonable price.

P.S. This also applies to the molten weapon skins.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


First off I own the ears and I wouldn’t mind making them obtainable again.

But I’ll also be that guy reminding you (mainly Anet) about the witch hat, santa cap and mad memoirs… Whenever those events come around a vast majority speaks for the inclusion but yet again halloween passen with less than optimal solutions (got better but please explain me why china had the mad memoire event while it was scrapped from our version? That was cheap!)

Just saying, don’t get your hopes up since as it seems Anet values the few (like 5) players opinion on being special snowflakes over the masses. :/

Every word of this. I have been pining for the Witch’kitten for over a year now. I even went as far as to write support begging for it. I don’t understand why things like this are ignored, yet the gemstore is flooded with ugly outfit after ugly outfit.

So About That Witch's Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I wrote support begging for one. Got a resounding no. So sad.

So About That Witch's Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I received 2 of these witch’s hats recently as part of my 2 year birthday (edit on 2 different characters). I also received the devils horns. So there is hope if you have not already gotten your 2 year Bday gift.

All but 3 of my toons are asura. It doesn’t bother me in the least. I just want my little wizard tot.

(edited by ixiduffixi.6384)

So About That Witch's Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


A guildee of mine told me a wonderful tale. Where a brave little girl asked the mighty devs for a free Witch Hat. Which she received without cost.

I’m not beneath begging.

So About That Witch's Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I know it was exclusive to the 2012 Halloween event, but this year’s events have made me realize that there is a hole in my heart. A void that can only be filled with the return of the Witch Hat. Personally, I would be more than willing to pay for the item. It opens the door to so many beautiful cosplay possibilities. Please Arena Net, bring it back! For the good of Tyria, for human compassion, for the sake of my sanity! 200 gems, 300, 500, I would gladly pay any price, as I’m sure others would too.

Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Add an option buy gems in 100 gem increments instead of making 400 gems the smallest denomination possible. Problem solved.

THERE! Thank you, Errant Venture — that’s a solid suggestion with a reasonable tone. Thank you.

Regardless of the increments (though I also wish for smaller increments if this new system is here to stay), please keep in mind the pricing of current, new, and on-sale items. The system you have right now is inconvenient with anything priced at 500 gems, 900 gems, etc. This goes especially for items priced anything in between those 100 gem intervals (125 gems, 275 gems).

Hey everyone, whatever your opinion is on this new currency exchange, hyperbole doesn’t help. It wastes everyone’s time trying to read them and filter out the BS.

I understand what you’re saying, WindFall, and thanks for providing the team with a clearly expressed suggestion.

Please don’t take this to mean that increasing the price to multiples of 400 is acceptable either. Because it isn’t. It will truly make matters worse.

Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Hey there,

  • The goal was to make the Gem Store more like other shopping experiences, and if you think about it, there is more of that feel to it now.

I just have to add to this comment.
If you wanted to make this more like a “shopping experience,” you should have imagined it as a candy store.

When you enter a candy store, you are not forced to buy pieces of candy by the carton. On the contrary you are given a box and you go around picking the individual pieces you would like. Then, when you are ready to checkout, you are charged based on the weight of your selection. This is EXACTLY how it should have been handled. Instead you are treating it like a bulk buy location, where in the end we’re left with a garage full of laundry detergent that will never be used.

Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


You want constructive criticism? Well I honestly don’t know how you expect anyone to be constructive here. You guys have been told in the past that the best way to do gold to gem conversion is to have custom gem integers and display the amount of gold required. The community have been saying this for a very long time and it, like usual, was ignored.

You should honestly be ashamed of this post. Once again you make a change to the system, that you know will not be accepted graciously, then try to claim that is for new players. This is a blatant lie and I cannot fathom how you expect us to believe this. I used to feel at ease when you replied to a community issue. I thought of you as our white knight. But this post reeks of corporate bs. Once again an outrageously greedy change was made to the game and we, the “vocal minority,” are being portrayed as overreacting. This is what happens when we invest money into a product we firmly believe in, one that likes to hype how involved they are in the community, only to have nonsense like this thrown into our faces.

These past few months have shown me just how unwilling ANet is to work WITH the community. We are being led to believe that our opinions and thoughts are being heard, yet we get next to nothing in return.

This change of yours has certainly had an impact on me. The 10 bucks I was going to spend on my next gem purchase is now, instead, going to the renewal of my FFXIV subscription.

Will I keep playing your game? Probably, as I have friends that play and don’t like leaving any story, no matter how contrived, unfinished. But you have assured me that my money is not going to improve the product in any fashion. Therefore this company will no longer receive said money.

You want some honest criticism and feedback? Tell corporate to get their hands off the strings and let you run your own kitten game. Period.

Beyond Ridiculous

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I’ve had to change my character names because of Tawt, which is phonetically Tot. It’s disappointing but you move on.

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


How about you put this “retention for new players” theory to the test. Do a trial weekend. Do this NOT during one of your 50% off sales. Then make it public knowledge the metrics of new players vs the number of players who played the trial. I would LOVE to see these “metrics” you insist drove you to these god awful changes proven in practical use.

Very disappointing news for you guys

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Anet is giving me more and more reasons to just stop playing. The only reason I haven’t is because I don’t want to pay a monthly sub. Which, given the amount of gems I’ve bought with IRL, I could pay for a monthly sub. They want to say they listen to our feedback, they have yet to actually prove any of it.

About that blix exploit....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Meh, all the farmers knew it was going to happen. “Toxic” community or not, it happens to every farm. I agree that some people go off the deepend about others completing the event. They have every right to complete it for legitimate reasons. However, there was rarely a case of anyone completing it just to complete it. I’m not defending one side or the other, but no one was ever at those events other than to farm, otherwise they would still be completed just whenever a small group of players felt like it.

That’s nonsense.

If I go out there right now with the intention to complete it with my friends, I’d bet you gold at least one person will have a conniption about it.

Likely several, if not the whole map. Try and say that isn’t true. Show me how convincing you can be to sell that pile.

You actually only proved my point. Were you going there before the farm? Did you regularly do the event for the sake of doing it? It doesn’t sound like you did which is my point. It was an event nobody had any desire to complete until its suddenly be biggest spot on the map. Now the ones who do act like it’s the only thing they live for. Also, if you read further in my comment, you’ll notice that I don’t disagree that anyone with the honest desire to finish it has the right to. My point is that the ones who are so insistent on doing it now, are very much trolling. There have only been a handful of those who honestly did not know what was going on or were there just to complete for completion’s sake.

About that blix exploit....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Meh, all the farmers knew it was going to happen. “Toxic” community or not, it happens to every farm. I agree that some people go off the deepend about others completing the event. They have every right to complete it for legitimate reasons. However, there was rarely a case of anyone completing it just to complete it. I’m not defending one side or the other, but no one was ever at those events other than to farm, otherwise they would still be completed just whenever a small group of players felt like it. Now suddenly there’s a way to profit off of it (again Anet failure having a greater reward than success is something that really needs to be addressed), and everyone just HAS to complete this event. It’s their God given mission. However, on the flip side. Those who were getting aggressive and insulting at the ones who would complete are just as much at fault here as anyone who was trolling. Guys, we have megaservers now. If your farm is ruined, put a little work in to find a new server. If you are in a map that won’t complete the event and, for whatever reason you have, you absolutely must complete this event, you can also find you a new server. I saw far more servers with the chain completed than not. There were taxis to get into the farmed maps, not the other way around. So you can’t say that the farm was truly hindering anything. You mostly had to go out of your way to find a farmed map. Beyond this though, if there was an honest way to actually make money in this game farms like this wouldn’t exist. Instead the minority of players who have anything of value control the market, making it far more difficult for those of us w/o the blessing of RNGesus to get anything worthwhile. I personally will go weeks at a time w/o a single exotic drop from anything. And when I do, its something like a cleric’s pistol. It shouldn’t be this hard to achieve something you truly want. If you don’t have the luck, we should have the ability to earn it. It shouldn’t be that those with luck determine how much work the rest of us have to put in. Before this farm I was saving ever coin I got for a precursor. However, for every 100g I saved, the price went up by 200g. It’s infuriating and off putting.

[Suggestion] Wizard's Hat

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


This and this again.

some maps are not loading

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I’m having the exact same problem. Two different toons one in metrica the other in la.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Can I get someone to take another look at my ticket 541571. I got the generic response of unable to replace item or items as you have requested. I would accept that if these were in-game items, however these were gem store purchases, which means that they were essentially purchased with real world money. I did not convert gold to gems to acquire them and if the items themselves cannot be returned, is it possible to get a gem refund.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


541571 Accidentally deleted characters containing gem store purchases.

Duplicate Gemstore Skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I’d like to know this as well. And if there will be any difference b/w those who spend real world vs gold.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Update: 24 March 2014

462257 – Resolved.
449120 – Resolved. The team is not able to replace your items.
476988 – Resolved. Three tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets.
470346 – Resolved.
465546 – Two tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. Agents have been responding to you, as early as last Tuesday. Please see this thread for information about non-receipt of e-mails.
30673 – And agent will review this GW ticket for you. We apologize for the delay in responding.
468921 – Under review. We apologize for the delay in responding.
468377 – Under review. We apologize for the delay in responding.
460472 – We are treating this as a hacked account issue. The account has been secured and an agent will address this as quickly as possible.
434963 – Five tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. Final Answer: You were not phished, you were not hacked, and account sharing (which you admitted in February) is forbidden. After three separate incidents of botting, the account will remain closed and no further information will be provided.

470346 – is not resolved. there was absolutely no research done into the problem. it was given a generic response of “common slang spelled backwards will be censored.” there was no use of slang it was a use of phonetics that one player had a problem with and suddenly I’m being forced to repeatedly change my character names. this is a severe lack of customer service for players who spent several dollars on both the game and in game items, not to mention those who support the product as a whole.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


470346 No response in almost 5 days. Constantly being forced to change my name because of “offensive” wording. Nothing in my characters names’ is offensive.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Map Completion shows that you mastered the map, so to speak. So if you’re unable to do all three Borderlands, and EBG, then you can’t get your shiny medal.

Working as intended.

Shows that “you” mastered that map. WvW isn’t a solo experience, so again this argument doesn’t apply. You can’t keep arguing that it’s something doable solo, it isn’t. Maybe if you are on a larger server with high WvW population, then you yourself can jump in and chase a zerg. But, I don’t know how many times it has to be explained, not all servers have large groups of players zerging around. Come up with a better argument already.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


It’s elitist mentality like that driving people away from WvW also. No I don’t think only the PvPers should be allowed full access to a product. We spent the same amount of money on it, just because YOU play one way and I play another doesn’t make you any more worthy of a reward. Look at how WoW (yes WoW) did their legendaries. It was a group effort but not on the scale of WvW. Now I’m not saying all legendaries should only be obtainable in PvE, but rather it should accessible from both sides. Why not remove the map completion requirement and replace it with an item that can be obtained either through WvW/PvP or PvE. Not forcing us to do both in situations where the largest population of WvWers is not even enough to create an overflow.

You are allowed full access to everything in the game, just like everyone else. WvW is not the only way to get a legendary, you can buy one on TP.

Yeah, because those prices aren’t inflated at all.

Excuses, excuses, difficult rules shouldn’t apply to me, excuses.

I’m beginning to wonder if you honestly believe what you say or aren’t just a troll.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


It’s elitist mentality like that driving people away from WvW also. No I don’t think only the PvPers should be allowed full access to a product. We spent the same amount of money on it, just because YOU play one way and I play another doesn’t make you any more worthy of a reward. Look at how WoW (yes WoW) did their legendaries. It was a group effort but not on the scale of WvW. Now I’m not saying all legendaries should only be obtainable in PvE, but rather it should accessible from both sides. Why not remove the map completion requirement and replace it with an item that can be obtained either through WvW/PvP or PvE. Not forcing us to do both in situations where the largest population of WvWers is not even enough to create an overflow.

You are allowed full access to everything in the game, just like everyone else. WvW is not the only way to get a legendary, you can buy one on TP.

Yeah, because those prices aren’t inflated at all.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Then you are doing it wrong or your server simply doesn’t choose to participate in which case my condolences. At the very least you should be able to get the POIs etc your server controlled area and since that rotates every so often you should be able to secure 80% of what you need within 4-6 weeks.

I’ve single-handedly stormed the area behind the keep in the other server areas just to get the Vista on top of the house, only to die moments later. But I get the Vista. Be bold, be sneaky, zoom out to see if the coast is clear of opposing players and accept you will be repeatedly defeated. If getting a Legendary was easy everyone would have one.

I’ve been holding out for over two months and all I’ve been is blue or red. Green is for the top scoring server so that’s never going to happen. As far as sneaking in, I’m on my Warr and there’s no way to sneak into it. Besides, it shouldn’t be like this. We shouldn’t have to sneak around just to grab a vista or a poi, its a ridiculously glaring design flaw whether Anet wants to admit it or not.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


A legendary weapon currently requires you to be relatively versed in the game. This means PvE to reveal all those maps; one or more dungeons run repeatedly to earn those badges; WvW to get that map reveal.

I believe ANet had the common sense not to ask players to go PvP because it’s pretty much a like/dislike thing. Yes WvW is PvP but it doesn’t have to be. As long as you don’t start taking out guards and camps and stay away from the action, you can get a lot of the POIs, Vistas and the limited Skill Point areas. Then there’s always going with the crowd, zerging the areas you don’t have, just don’t be in the front lines.

Again, this isn’t true in all cases. This isn’t viable for some servers. There is NOT always a zerg going. And no, I have not been able to get any POIs or Vistas by staying out of the action. This statement is just, untrue.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I’m sorry, “permitted”? As far as I know, I paid my $60, I’m permitted to do whatever I want in this game. And like I said previously in another reply, had you cared to read, I may very well try my hand at getting WvW completion one day. The problem is, people are viewing map completion as some grand right of passage into the mystical path of wonder that is WvW when I see more challenge in traversing Orr than I do in joining some huge mob of people destroying everything while “locating” a map that’s already been discovered for me. That’s not a challenge. Fighting Lupicus the way he’s intended (no zerker zerg) is a challenge. Soloing your first champ is a challenge. And to be fair, WvW can be challenging, I’m not saying it’s entirely simple. But what you and a lot of people don’t get is that a challenge of the magnitude people want for a legendary doesn’t have to be in WvW. You’re acting like anyone who doesn’t want to do it or can’t or don’t care aren’t worthy to get the achievement and that’s terribly closed-minded and conceited.

To answer your question though, I just care about it. Map completion is fun, and I find it challenging to venture into some of the higher level areas. I dislike that that sense of achievement is degraded in WvW to hoping for a zerg and if not, taking off all your armor so it doesn’t break and trying again and again to avoid the same 20 people.

Yes, permitted. They could have easily been account-bound on crafting. Legendaries are reserved for the few people that put in the extra effort.

Reality check, legendaries should go to the most deserving players. Who is more deserving? Players whose highest achievement is running up to a PoI in an unchallenging environment? Or players that can also excel in the competitive scene?

It’s elitist mentality like that driving people away from WvW also. No I don’t think only the PvPers should be allowed full access to a product. We spent the same amount of money on it, just because YOU play one way and I play another doesn’t make you any more worthy of a reward. Look at how WoW (yes WoW) did their legendaries. It was a group effort but not on the scale of WvW. Now I’m not saying all legendaries should only be obtainable in PvE, but rather it should accessible from both sides. Why not remove the map completion requirement and replace it with an item that can be obtained either through WvW/PvP or PvE. Not forcing us to do both in situations where the largest population of WvWers is not even enough to create an overflow.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


This is what our WvW map looks like right now. So, yeah, joining the “zerg” isn’t going to help in the least.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


You don’t naturally deserve map completion, you don’t naturally deserve a legendary.

Those things have a high difficulty attached to them. They are restricted to only a few players that can fulfill the requirements and are willing to put in a lot of effort. One of the requirements is having enough patience to sit through several WvW cycles.

That’s intentional, it’s good design, it works fine.

It’s completely narrow minded posts like that this that get tiresome to read. Why should I be restricted from something I would like to work for, simply because I don’t like one particular aspect of the game? Why should I also be hindered because my server can’t muster the numbers to spare so I can capture a few out of the way keeps/towers? Also sit through several cycles? I’ve been sitting for months now. I need green side map completion and it’s never going to happen because of the ridiculous way they made the colors score exclusive. I have put in a quite a bit of work for my rewards. I did all of the mundane heart quests, visited all of the out of the way POIs in Lanar’s, grabbed all of the points and SPs in Orr. Why should we then have to rely on the cooperation of hundreds of other players for one personal reward. The system is not fine. It’s broken. If it was “fine” there wouldn’t so many complaints about it.

Mundane heart quests are not considered to be enough for prestige items like legendaries. You want to be rewarded top dollar for doing things that require no real effort.

Transfer to a different server if you really can’t rally your own, then transfer back. What, you also want to get the legendary without paying the gold for it?

Again, narrow minded arguments, and terrible ones at that. Now you’re stating that I should have to spend real world money because of a terrible design choice.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Please excuse any rudeness, perceived or otherwise. I have a bit of a migraine, so it’s not intentional, I promise!

I’m also going to be as brief as possible. Frankly, I’m sick of being told what to do, by devs who say this tactic is suitable because some people on high pop servers enjoyed being “encouraged” to join WvW, and by WvWers who insist that it’s simple enough to follow a zerg and get what I need. Devona’s Rest doesn’t have zergs. We have militias. Nor can I take my guild of largely newbies to the game and expect to have any more success. I don’t belong to a large guild—in fact I run my own for people still learning the game. It isn’t as simple as you all are pretending it is. Maybe on Tarnished Coast this is little more than another challenge on the path to glory, but on DR it’s a hellish experience of either getting steamrolled by a group of people glitching through the gates because there’s so many of them, or waiting months or even years for DR to actually take something I need. Yeah, that sounds like a whoooole lot of fun, guys. I think I’ll go do that right now.

I’m also sick of the argument that suggests that PvEers should suck it up because WvWers have to do a great deal of PvE. Seriously? That’s just insulting. And hypocritical to boot. The same people who say skritt like this are the people who berate PvEers because they aren’t being coerced. Well who’s coercing you into doing PvE? No one said you had to level characters or do jumping puzzles or complete the explorer achievements. You’re scaled to 80 in both PvP and WvW, so you can just go and do that without doing anything else. You see how ridiculous that sounds? We feel the same way. But you know why it’s different? Because WvW and PvP aren’t huge parts of GW 2! You can play the game without even setting foot there! However, as a game that is obviously mostly PvE, that part is at least a little bit required. So yeah, the fact that one of the achievements we look forward to getting on our own like the other 95% kind of ticks us off.

Thank you. Fellow DR here and I’m in the exact same boat. Everyone thinks “oh just join the zerg.” Come down here to the bottom of the leaderboards where there isn’t a zerg. It’s not that easy. Saying “I did it so you can do it to” is like saying I’ve never been to the moon, so no ones ever been to the moon. That argument is anecdotal and does not provide and real proof or contribution.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Please excuse any rudeness, perceived or otherwise. I have a bit of a migraine, so it’s not intentional, I promise!

I’m also going to be as brief as possible. Frankly, I’m sick of being told what to do, by devs who say this tactic is suitable because some people on high pop servers enjoyed being “encouraged” to join WvW, and by WvWers who insist that it’s simple enough to follow a zerg and get what I need. Devona’s Rest doesn’t have zergs. We have militias. Nor can I take my guild of largely newbies to the game and expect to have any more success. I don’t belong to a large guild—in fact I run my own for people still learning the game. It isn’t as simple as you all are pretending it is. Maybe on Tarnished Coast this is little more than another challenge on the path to glory, but on DR it’s a hellish experience of either getting steamrolled by a group of people glitching through the gates because there’s so many of them, or waiting months or even years for DR to actually take something I need. Yeah, that sounds like a whoooole lot of fun, guys. I think I’ll go do that right now.

I’m also sick of the argument that suggests that PvEers should suck it up because WvWers have to do a great deal of PvE. Seriously? That’s just insulting. And hypocritical to boot. The same people who say skritt like this are the people who berate PvEers because they aren’t being coerced. Well who’s coercing you into doing PvE? No one said you had to level characters or do jumping puzzles or complete the explorer achievements. You’re scaled to 80 in both PvP and WvW, so you can just go and do that without doing anything else. You see how ridiculous that sounds? We feel the same way. But you know why it’s different? Because WvW and PvP aren’t huge parts of GW 2! You can play the game without even setting foot there! However, as a game that is obviously mostly PvE, that part is at least a little bit required. So yeah, the fact that one of the achievements we look forward to getting on our own like the other 95% kind of ticks us off.

You don’t naturally deserve map completion, you don’t naturally deserve a legendary.

Those things have a high difficulty attached to them. They are restricted to only a few players that can fulfill the requirements and are willing to put in a lot of effort. One of the requirements is having enough patience to sit through several WvW cycles.

That’s intentional, it’s good design, it works fine.

It’s completely narrow minded posts like that this that get tiresome to read. Why should I be restricted from something I would like to work for, simply because I don’t like one particular aspect of the game? Why should I also be hindered because my server can’t muster the numbers to spare so I can capture a few out of the way keeps/towers? Also sit through several cycles? I’ve been sitting for months now. I need green side map completion and it’s never going to happen because of the ridiculous way they made the colors score exclusive. I have put in a quite a bit of work for my rewards. I did all of the mundane heart quests, visited all of the out of the way POIs in Lanar’s, grabbed all of the points and SPs in Orr. Why should we then have to rely on the cooperation of hundreds of other players for one personal reward. The system is not fine. It’s broken. If it was “fine” there wouldn’t so many complaints about it.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I really don’t know what the problem is. I got my first map completion around december 2012. Took me quite a few times to get the WvW completion but if you log in to WvW every now and then and check if your server has the places you are missing, go and collect them. If not, try to run with the main zerg and get the points you are still missing.

If you can’t get them this week, try next week again. Really, it’s not a big deal.

As a WvW player only, I see quite a few people that come to WvW, claiming to hate pvp in GW2 and only do WvW for the completion. 3 weeks later they joined the biggest WvW guilds on my server because they say PvE is boring compared to WvW.

Also, as a WvW player only, to get a legendary, I have to run dungeons. I don’t like to run dungeons. Should I write a post about asking ANet to remove the need for dungeons for a legendary? How about we start removing crafting too since I don’t like to do it?

I also want those fancy backpacks but I hate PvE.. I wish we could get them in WvW too without doing PvE!

Gamers these days really whine about every little thing they can whine about.

Yes but here’s the problem, what do you do when your server’s zerg is only a handful of people? My server has problems holding our own BLs. How can I even hope to take the towers and keeps of the top scoring server? I don’t disagree with the fact that WvW is part of the map completion, my problem is that the way it’s done it could take months just to grab 3 POIs. It’s not fun and it’s extremely frustrating for those of us who really don’t want to be in WvW at all. I’m sure for the larger servers it’s not that big of a deal because the WvW population is decent. But for those of us who are on the servers with almost none, what are we to do?

(edited by ixiduffixi.6384)

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I just finished reading four pages of banter, and I still don’t understand why the OP is complaining. The requirement for the achievement is 100% Map Completion. As stated, you must meet said requirement of doing all things on all maps. If you’re unable to get 100% of the map finished, then you don’t deserve the achievement.

This is not a matter of PvE vs PvP vs WvW. This is a CHARACTER ACHIEVEMENT.

*puts on straw hat

It’s like complaining that you can’t get PvP or WvW Ranks from doing only PvE.

Yes because the map completion achievement is a server wide reward, not a personal one. It’s something that requires the help and cooperation of a large group of players for something they may or may not benefit from.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I don’t mind so much that WvW is required for map completion, but the way they executed it is a complete and utter travesty. Putting vistas and pois inside keeps and towers completely disregards players requests and opinions. Move them outside where they’re more easily accessible, remove the requirement for doing all 4 BLs, and for God’s sake come up with a better way to rotate the colors. I’m on a server that has very little WvW population and we were lucky to be red. We will never be green and it’s off-putting and frustrating to have to keep throwing myself at the enemy just to grab one little square on a map. It doesn’t take days to do. In fact I’ve been waiting months and still haven’t had the opportunity to capture any green points. I’ve asked a zerg that was so large it forced Straits into an overflow to come into WvW with me, all I got was nopes and "this is a PvE server.

Ok enough crying and ranting. Seriously though there needs to be a better way to rotate the colors or at least move the PoIs and Vistas. The puts the smaller servers at an unfair advantage and does not motivate me into playing WvW. I don’t want to stay, in fact I just want to leave already. WvW should be inherently fun and the devs should come up with a better reason to WANT to play it then forcing us into it.

(edited by ixiduffixi.6384)

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


I’m sorry, but it feels like all the changes to Thieves are for the sole purpose of PvP/WvW balancing. This is really destroying the PvE aspect. “We have also somewhat reduced the effectiveness of high evasion thieves…” Yeah, that’s how we survive. Thieves aren’t the greatest at taking hits so we rely a lot on our ability to evade. Why is it unbalanced when classes like the Warrior are virtual tanks. I don’t mean to sound critical, but this really is ruining some players experience in the game. Guild Wars has been touted as “play how you want.” But most of the notes here seem like they are “play as you want, as long as you are doing it in PvP/WvW.”

Claw of Jormag Not Awarding Loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


The second time this week I have done the Claw Of Jormag event on my ranger, and for the second time it has not given any loot. It has been my first time of the day on any character. It has not been giving the bonus chest or the boss chest.

Lag gotten worse?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ixiduffixi.6384


Is it just me or has the lag worsened after the Twilight Assault update? I was dc’d during FE, lag was so awful none of my abilities registered, and I kept getting killed for lack of being able to self heal. Then on top of that I jump into the Steam Ogre hole and drop straight down to the pool of water below. Got put in combat and took damage until I was almost dead, then it just stopped. No more damage but I was still in combat. Had to log just to WP out. I’m sorry but if this is the kind of behavior that is going to continue, there really is no reason for me to be playing this game.