(edited by johnsonade.9547)
Hammer is cool and all, but when are we going to get a real ranged weapon? Rifle is optimized for melee, pistols are optimized for close range/melee, shield is a shield. And now another melee weapon?
Bombs are 180-240 range, Toolkit 130, Flamethrower 400, Grenades accurate on players ~400,
Personally I’m not thrilled about a Melee Hammer, hopefully it has mid range capabilities at least.
What I’m looking forward to is having movement options on a weapon for engineer class if all goes well with hammer. If I can do warrior or thief-style non-targeted jukes with my weapon (since we don’t really get those in a kit) that might increase my lifespan in wvw and whatever new pvp play mode they are making. being truly mobile as an engineer… that’s kind of a dream come true for me since I came here from Torchlight 2. I don’t exactly want to be a nike warrior, but I do want to pwn in melee without a crazy rotation. Now if they could just come up with a giant wrench or tetsubo skin for me I will be arenanet’s biggest fan and probably rent out organs for them.
A melee main weapon would be indeed appreciated.
If it was a mace, i would go for the legendary asap. Having The Moot and Quip together in hand would make for a fabolous combination.That, or a rocket hammer.
omg Rocket Hammer. Battle Angel Alita-style. #smokesInvisibleCigarette Now that’s too sexy.
I sort of expected this after playing hammer engineer in torchlight 2. It just makes sense (somehow) and it’s great that we will have it in GW2 as well.
You have any idea how much I miss my Torchlight engi?! But that archaic mouse click-to-move setup instead of WASD just… they kinda let me down on that game and I ended up here because Anet made a mac client:) now I can live the dream! If only we could get a giant wrench skin for hammer… (and also spider mines) I’ll be a happy camper. Really liking that new specialization.
I’ll be honest though, I’m getting a Windows license and running GW2:HoT through parallels to get the true expansion experience on PC. I’m kinda done messing around with the mac client.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
Hmmm, so you’re preaching to me (rather lengthily) about the virtues of being non-provocative in this forum?
I find that your post is reasonable but ultimately skewed because it utterly gives a free pass to the “hate” that has been rather well illustrated.
Now I see no reason to NOT play the Engineer in this way, in fact, most people don’t play the Engineer in this way because (as near as I can tell) peer pressure/condemnation.
Sure, kits are great, I’ve played that way, but Turrets are nice as well and their mechanics aren’t as clunky as kits.
Then do what you’re going to do friend. You don’t need anyone’s permission to enjoy turret engineer. Forum away as much as you like. I was “preaching” at you to not be babyish, bait for arguments and then try to lay in at people for not liking what you like, but most people don’t understand they are doing it until they grow out of it. Carry on.
what id love is a “besieger” that gives you access to a heavy cannon kit…sorta like that bazooka thingy horrik carries arround
Basaltface I would sacrifice all my kit rotations if I could have the heavy shoulder cannon as an elite. omg. For real though I’d also like longbow, sword, mace, spear… maybe even focus for sheer access to skins. If we get longbow, I’m definitely cosplaying shirtless Rambo on my main character. If we get mace, I’ll be so glad to go toe to toe with a mace/shield warrior or guardian any day. If I get spear, I’ll do my best to look like a LoL character guarding creeps lol. Really looking forward to this expansion.
Maybe just you are upset at the Turret engi hate, Kuldebar. I’m pretty sure you understand why they are hated, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting a list of positives about them. Of course turret engies are strong and a benefit to their team if played well. But anything that consistently beats most classes in a 1v1 in our only current pvp play mode on a point, especially newer people is going to get hate. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t master it though.
The devs know how strong turret engies are and either they are going to nerf them or they are going to give classes other tools to deal with them. The reason rangers got buffed in the first place is because the devs want more equal representation. If turret engineers are left to dominate low level PvP in the expansion, it’ll make that game mode barren. Turret engies aren’t much of a threat to top level pvp currently, otherwise every top level team would have one and we would get some more significant nerfs in this version.
But for real, be careful of posting threads and arguing down everyone that disagrees with you that doesn’t like turret engineer builds. Not saying you’ll do that. Not saying you’re not free to do that. But it tends to get pretty childish really quickly and it just tends to look a bit self-aggrandizing.
Either way, if you’re happy with your wins and kills, you’ll have to just tolerate the hate and report when it gets out of hand. I’ve received the same hate and I just had one turret on my utility bar. People think turret engineers are bad for the game, and nothing is going to change their minds outside of being able to beat turret engineers at least 50% of the time in 1v1 scenarios without drastically changing their builds or bringing more APM to the table.
What would someone called Bowler Hat know? Sounds like a newb name to me. Go back to the PvE section buddy.
Hey you leave Pocket alone! He’s an awesome guildmate, one the most helpful of the people I know and a WvW…(what’s a good word?) harmer. Harmer! People run up, he harms them! I don’t know where that’s going but yes pocket’s an awesome dude that helps my PvP-adequate yet WvW noob-self out a lot!
What’d Benecio del Toro say in The Usual Suspects? “He’ll flip you!” And yes what benecio said! I don’t know where this post is going but Pocket is my WvW big bro.
I am not going to go onto the type of bullying as this isn’t the time or place. People making huge assumptions here. It is one group who do this whenever they see a team from our guild. When they have played each other, our team will beat theirs 9 out of 10. They don’t like that so it starts. We ignore them and they dont like that and it starts again. The question was posed as a guild member walked away and others in the team didn’t. I just wanted a steer on this. Thank god I don’t pvp looking at most of these replies
Wait… I won’t say what it could be but I think I know just what kind of bullying you might be referring to. The bad thing about the systems in place is that it doesn’t stop bullying or abuse in action. And at this point lots of players know how to offend without saying words that will get one instantly banned so it’s tricky. It’s almost like you have to record each match where it occurs or screencap away so that Anet gets a backlog of trouble activity. In short, you have to take the abuse to be able to document it.
It really sucks and I’m sorry that your guildmates have to deal with it, but I’m glad they have someone like you looking out for them that will address this in the sPvP forums. What’s really at cost here is taking the bullying or getting dishonor. I’m sorry—I wish it was another way, and I’ll never tell you to “grow thicker skin”. There is no thicker skin depending on the type of bullying they might endure, though it is a personal choice if they want to ignore the offenses. I won’t give you anecdotal evidence to counter your inquiry, but I will say to definitely document each case. If you can deal a bit more with ignorant players, they will be the ones getting dishonored. This isn’t an anecdotal solution, as much as it’s what Anet wants us to do even though it sucks a lot sometimes to have to.
I see where OP is coming from but leaving a game for whatever reason just isn’t right bullied or not and I’ll tell you why. If you have one troll up to five insulting you, what about the players that are rotating properly and too busy fighting on points to watch your exchange in the chat box? That’s right, they also get penalized. Not just the troll.
So yeah you can walk away if you want, but you will get dishonored. In the meantime, you can block people, insult them back or just ignore them. If your guidmates want to get good at sPvP, they have to face much worst than that from people that sometimes use trolling and gestures as a strategic tool to throw your team off.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
here’s a thought: character level /=/ skill level. Just because some people don’t PvE with certain characters and don’t use the enormous amount of tomes they get from pvp instantly doesn’t make them a bad player. And btw
I do not imply that low levels are unskilled or anything i just do not want them to be part of my team when i play the only competitive part of this game – I feel better having people who have spend enough time playing the game and learning it’s mechanics rather than teaching it every match to new players.
this is implying that they are bad because you hold ill thoughts about the players based on level.
@Anet why not just hide character levels? They provide nothing to PvP as everyone is level 80 and only opens people up to idiot’s judgement.
I agree with either hiding character levels or adding a filter to q selection. Maybe call it “team settings” where you can set the lowest level of the players you’d prefer to q up with. I don’t know how it’d affect selection in our current player base, but maybe in the future you can have it be a bit more refined. Still, best option is to get a premade currently. That way you know the skill level of everyone you’re on a team with.
With the new queue system and super quick queuing times I feel it’s only right to add something which should of been in the game from day one. A surrender button is really needed. It’s not exactly a hard thing to add, just if the majority of the team votes to surrender the other team win and you don’t have to force yourself to play.
Sounds great and I’m all for it but… Is abuse possible? Like say you’re on your secondary account with your friends to keep your team ladder score on your other accounts from dropping. You run across another team that you’re friends with. Does your team surrender to feed them the points just so you can q up again against strangers? I know it’s a tangent but I’ve seen players really abuse well-intentioned options like that before i.e. skyhammer feeding to get rich quick from the last winter holiday I think. Just a thought. I’d be all for a surrender button esp. in a 4v5 or a rogue feeder scenario. I guess manual surrender is sitting in the spawn point though…
They played good just didn’t rotate well enough they were dominating game 4 but lost it idk how.
Yeah I really feel they just got tired up there. And when good fighters get tired, they just try to kill ppl, but at this level it’s way more about rotation, distraction and communication. They could really use a cc-heavy profession in their comp. Being able to lock a player out of a point while you get the decap is critical at that level where everyone is rotating properly.
This wts was honestly just a classic case of egomania becoming too much. EU has been going years of firmly believing they are vastly superior to NA and tcg just didn’t practice nor care as much bc they believed that NA would be such a easy pushover. They came into the not nearly prepared as the Abjured was, who have been practicing endlessly scrimming with Absurd and other teams.
Tcg is composed of great players but they just let their egos get the best of them and it cost them. Hopefully now, we will see a different attitude towards the NA side of things.
I honestly don’t think that’s true. Not to insult you or anything, just that both ROM and Helseth talked about how much they practiced, Grouch talked about how much they practiced and we’ve all seen sizer scrim for hours on stream and he did his job at the tournament well. Even the weekly cups were a wakeup call to TCG and they came out on top the last one. Now if TCG says they didn’t practice enough, then I’ll shut right up, but I really feel like it came down to better rotation and counter strategy on the Abjured’s part. Plus it’s a pressure marathon for all teams involved with the WTS with those back-to-back matches. I think we saw that it takes a lot more than mechanical skill and good communication to make it at that highest level. Sometimes you just have to have more mettle than the other guy. Sometimes you are lucky enough to play your absolute best game under pressure.
Dishonour should be removed. If there’s someone playing necro/engineer I deserve to rob him of the kill and F12 out. It’s not dishonour if the opposition is using dishonourable techniques.
I know you’re just kidding but right now my teeth are grinding sparks lol. Dishonorable tactics would be… I dunno hacking? Doing things that break the terms of service? Maybe not playing an engineer is dishonorable! I mean look at us we’re awesome! We can’t be destroyed at all by immobilization or condition bombing or high crit damage melee attacks because we have the most armor, most hp and so much CC we’ll adjust your computer chair for you digitally (or your stool ;D). Why everyone isn’t playing engineer is just the quintessential question of the year. Necros really should get the shaft though! No ladder points for OP Lich skills!
I don’t think forcing another player that didn’t disconnect to be frozen is fair at all. 4v5’s aren’t either, but people’s team compositions work certain ways. If your bunker dies at mid due to spike and is frozen in queue because of a disconnect, your team’s whole battle plan may have to change, especially if the classes are glassy or too evasive to hold a point. 4v5’s surely suck but pulling another person out of the match is punishing them for another person’s internet issues. I know we want to do this fairly but I don’t think that’s the way. Maybe if it was voluntary, but each player’s build isn’t equal, nor is any person’s mechanical skill. I hope we just have changes to the ladder and rewards to deal with 4v5 scenarios without it being so vulnerable that some guy can take a dive so his teammates can keep their ladder positions in a game they know they’ll lose.
One simple question to the OP, WHY do you want it to be nerfed ?
Well it could be subconscious logic. OP may not even be aware of why they are asking for it. Let’s say you’re a ranger for example. If a thief casts SR and you’re rapid fire is on cooldown. Well PBS is too slow to knock a thief out of it because of the cast time. People that want nerfs to skills like this either aren’t built to fight them or they are too new to see a ready solution to deal with the skill.
Let’s say you have a downed opponent and a thief runs up to cast SR to save them. Well if your class’s interrupt is short range or some projectile with travel time, you might not be able to stop SR. Everyone knows you can make SR useless by knocking enemies out of it or bombing the circle with cleave and AoE, but not everyone has cleaving knockbacks or the ability to kill fully with AoE. which are what you’d need to deal with SR after it’s been cast.
As an engineer I can say “SR is fine.” I have more knockbacks, launches and AoEs than I know what to do with. As eles, others can say that SR is fine because they can bomb it or launch people out of it. As a Hambow warrior, SR is fine because you can AoE it and cleave people out of the circle. As a Necro, SR is fine because even if you don’t fear everyone out of the circle, you have wells down for tells or for killing people within the circle.
Don’t get me wrong, I know there are numerous ways a ranger can deal with SR. There’s the entangle elite, barrage and a weapon swap to a cleaving set, etc. But that ranger may have to build to deal with it. I noticed thieves that fight against other thieve’s SR have to guess a lot more. I think though that’s why SR is fine as it is. It requires some counterplay but you just have to make a robust build instead of one dedicated to fighting it in order to win.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
I think it’s a creative use of that rune’s bonus.
The conditions that it gives for use of elite to me just aren’t strong enough to do anything but control an opponent. Venoms are kind of okay, but bonuses like this really up their value as an elite skill. The rune’s conditions aren’t burst at all. I don’t think thieves need to be revealed through it. It’s just another way to control constantly healing and kiting opponents like warriors, rangers, eles and engies.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been killed by it before in PvP, but I just thought it was really cool condi pressure since thieves are kind of a slave to power burst until they maybe get their traps buffed. Not saying there aren’t condi thieves, just these krait runes add to build diversity. I don’t want any class to feel pigeonholed into a small pool of builds.
I actually hope necros get more build diversity soon as well.
So expansions. The thing about them is they are part of a tried and true MMO formula that drums up traffic and sales right? What we’re dealing with right now on the forums and reddit are suppositional expansions for this game. As in, “gw1 had this expansion with these features so if they do it for gw2 then…” and “usually when they make expansions you get new lands and classes and skills and play modes…” etc etc.
Basically players are creating an imaginary sandwich and guessing at how good it will taste based on experiences they’ve had in other MMOs or the prequel to this one. You see comments of “what an expansion would do for this game” above mine right now, but one thing we may need to keep in mind is that GW2 has a different MMO monetization setup than many previous MMO’s. They make money by selling skins, toys and features via microtransaction and by new boxed and digital purchases. Everything: security, server maintenance, QA and new features in production may hinge on this current income model.
Making an expansion is kind of a risk. I’m not saying they aren’t working on one, nor am I saying it would be a horrible idea. I’m just saying only Anet knows if they should or shouldn’t do one. You can want that imaginary sandwich so much it keeps you up at night guessing at how it will taste. You can make it the only solution to your boredom. You can hound the devs and argue with everyone on the forums who’s currently enjoying the content and appreciate new things however Anet decides to to give them to us.
But you aren’t seeing the metrics Anet is seeing and you don’t know their full roadmap. We may never know it until they make another move because our community has been so fickle and hard to please to the point where no one can search GW2 on their browser without seeing us flaming about a probably tasty imaginary sandwich. It’s a gamble to release an expansion because of the resource dedication, the marketing budget and expectations. If it goes over badly, GW2 will die. Besides, Anet is owned by NCSoft. We really don’t know if Anet’s resources are fully dedicated to this franchise right now… They could be working on other projects for their parent company.
So yes, you can want an expansion, but don’t let desire for it blind you to what Anet’s been putting out. Please don’t constrain Anet to a set of rules of MMO success when they aren’t restraining you to traditional MMO membership requirements to enjoy what they’ve been giving us. In short, relax and appreciate the content releases. Anet has proved all throughout the previous months that they have the best interests at heart for this franchise, it’s lore and it’s fans. We just have to be more patient and participate in the things they’re prioritizing.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
I dunno, I beat mesmers 1v1 all the time. Granted I play on NA so the quality varies, as some mesmers seem to be able to burst you down in seconds, and some are popping with tells like an ear of corn in the sun.
In a mesmer fight is I do a few things (I’m an engineer). I don’t run meta so it’s usually bomb kit and normal weapons. First, I NEVER fight a mesmer off point unless I’m ganking one. A trick I use against them is going in and out of the point when they have lots of clones up. What happens is the real mesmer (a bad or desperate one lol) will start to decap it so I know where my target is even with a lot going on. I go for AoEs and big cleaves at that point And I have the advantage if they try to withdraw because clones don’t dodge or strafe. If the mes i’m targeting does dodge or strafe, I can chase it down.
When I down one, I AoE the heck out of them. They can only warp so far when downed and the clones die quickly. I rarely straight up stomp a mesmer tho. Heavy armor is the easiest to stomp besides engineers. Mesmers and thieves warp places so AoE helps me, and ele just delays it’s own death with the invuln. Ranger is probably the hardest for me to stomp depending on the situation. So thankful I have access to blinds.
So those are just anti-mesmer strats I taught myself because I had so much trouble with the matchup. Mesmers are actually my toughest fight usually. Necro is my worst matchup when I’m on a pure condition build, but If I run power rifle, utility CC and boon strip, the matchup in my favor.
Anyway, we can’t convince you that PvP is balanced if that’s what’s keeping you from enjoying it. You can argue us down about it, but you’re hearing from people that get wins and enjoy figuring out how to succeed in or outside of the current meta. I’m sure you know though that it is possible to one-shot or chain someone to death and secure the stomp before they know what hit them.
Actually my escape setup goes like this. if you’re a solo roamer, invest in cloaking device in inventions. That coupled with the minor trait that converts conditions 1 condition into a boon every 20 seconds means you get a free 5 seconds of invis if someone tries to immobilize you and you can keep moving. Elixir s on your bar gives you an invuln and another 5-6 seconds of stealth depending on your build. That coupled with rocket boots means you can get up to 10 seconds in stealth and get out of their field of view before appearing again. With bomb kit, train yourselve to swap to it and drop glue bomb on the run. It won’t do much to a profession with warps, but for warriors that try to chase you down and burst you, they will get slowed. Best thing to do against a mesmer that’s chasing you is learn how to run on a straightaway with your camera reversed. 2 benefits: 1) you can see mirror blade and dodge even on the run, 3) you can use crippling or frost grenades to toss back at them.
next, bind a drop bundle key. That way when you use rocket boots, you can cancel the animation right before the roll. rocket booting into a keep might get you killed since it bugs out mid air if the terrain has any obstacles, including keep walls and doors. With enough practice, you’ll be able to tell when your rocket leap will bug out.
At this point if we give out more burning we’ll be put in a witch hunt for sure. But it’s true, the only way to extend burning is to use other sources or to make sure to pack sigil of smouldering or burn extension runes. that definitely helps. Really wish they’d shave about 1/4 second off of Air blast’s cast time though so I could finally use it defensively again.
Here’s what you absolutely have to learn about conquest pvp, OP.
1) it is absolutely unfair
2) everything each class has to bring to the table is unfair
3) in that way it’s balanced
4) pride will get you killed
5) sometimes getting killed isn’t that bad compared to what you gain
1) because it’s 5 on 5, any random number from 1-5 can face another 1-5. that means 1-3, 2-4, 5-1, 1-2 etc.
2) eviscerate is unfair to a light armor class, fear is unfair on skyhammer, immobilize is unfair in a team fight, bombs and turrets are unfair to anyone trying to decap a point, mesmer confusion tactics are unfair to anyone with trouble targeting, thief burst can kill you before you know it’s there, guardians healing to full after you got them to 5% several times during a match is unfair, rangers bursting you down before you’re aware of their presence is unfair.
3) All unfair, but each profession has it, which adds variety and strategic balance, just like the differences in down states. (also you can cancel your stomp with dodges) so you can trick a downed opponent into whiffing their downed attack and resume stomping)
4) not properly rotating, being led like a bull into a 1v1 when you should be decapping or supporting a teammate or at least fighting on point. Stubbornly going for a stomp when you can rotate your camera while the stomp animation goes through to see who’s coming, or you can cleave the body as bait and down their ally when they come by. Now you have two fools out of the fight or distracted by you while your team gets control of the map.
5) if you end up in a fight you can’t win on a point you capped, 1v2 or whatever, but your team need 4 more ticks for the win and you’re fighting 2 dudes that don’t have launches, guess how downed state is beneficial even if you lose that fight. That’s right, if they can’t get the stomp off in time to decap your point, you’re going to still win even while downed since downed bodies can still contest points.
This is a team game. It’d be different if you were only dueling, but in a team game it’s tactical to take advantage of every situation you find yourself in to get that win. Let’s say you beat the hell out of a ranger that’s got ego problems. 9 times out of 10, that ranger is going to come back to where you are to try and beat you. Do with that knowledge what you will. Gank him, juke him, engage him off point if he has no hope of beating you. as long as your point is capped and you’re not dying, you will gain more points than he can with by killing you just by delaying him for 10-15 seconds. If a teammate shows up, it’s cool to run away and go gank some dudes on another point, putting matchups in your favor. It’s rotation, and even if you die a few times per match, you can always be doing something that puts your team ahead in some way. let’s say you die on far and your mesmer teammate is having a 1v1 at your home point. Well now you can go assist that friend, either resing her or bursting down her opponent (or both). Once you learn what PvP is about, then you can understand what your contribution is past beating or losing to someone in a 1v1.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
I hear you mika, but sometimes you have to take responsibility for your connection and being distracted in matches. If you’re really that busy to where you can’t support teammates, then constantly wanting to pvp with those same distractions and issues in ranked won’t be fair to the people you play with.
I think a lot of people that want to climb the ladder are in for a rude awakening as far as their behavior match behavior is concerned and not just rage quitters. Some people rage quit, and some can’t be bothered to fully participate in a match for whatever reason. If I get dishonored for having to leave a match, I’m going to go do pve or something else and play at times when I’ll be able to dedicate to participating in a full match. If I have internet trouble, I’m going to try and participate out of prime time so that I won’t get as many DC’s. It’s not fair to everyone, but I hope Anet refines their connectivity issues to minimize the impact on the player base to help even it out.
I’d be cool with this, that way I could play both with and against guildmates.
It’d be like volleyball with all my bros and sisters.
Anyway sorry to sound so deadpan but I was too tired last night when I wrote this up lol
Thanks for the detailed replies!
I have seriously considered Thumper Turrets over Elixir Gun, especially since Acid Bomb’s displacement has, on some occasions, caused grief to me and my party. (I know it’s technically possible to cancel the jump animation, but insofar as I have tried, there’s still a 200 unit jump, unless I’m doing it wrong.) However the problem I’ve had in execution with Thumpers is the delay over Overload, which makes it rather difficult to time Detonate Turret while trying to spot the Thumper’s attack animation amidst the dog pile of bodies and flashy lights. Do you have any tips on better use of Thumpers?
Also, Sinister vs Rampager?
With thumper (and every other skill in the game) there’s skill queuing and priority. Which is why mashing works and doesn’t work at the same time. But basically, you can double-tap thumper to deploy and overcharge it wait a split second and detonate it for 2 blast finishes. if you keep practicing it in your spare time, you’ll get the timing down. I think it might be a bug, but it’s the reason thumper sometimes has 2 knockbacks instead of just one on overcharge. It’s only supposed to trigger when an enemy gets in close to it, but for some reason the double tap deploy, OC then detonate gives you an extra finisher in and out of combat. Add the rumble stunbreaker and now you’ve got three on a 40 second cooldown. What you want to do is get the timing down without looking at your fingers. Like playing the piano, it comes from just practice.
The acid bomb cancel is a little different in timing. You have to use the “drop bundle” key (I think it’s the “~” key on default, I have mine bound to left mousewheel tilt). You want to hit that right before you leave the ground, a split second after you hit the acid bomb. If you do it to early, you’ll see purple cancel sparks and acid bomb will go on a 3 second mini-cooldown as you swap back to your regular weapons. if you do it just right, you’ll see the “you cannot drop bundles in the air!” message in red on your screen and you’ll stay in the kits while barely leaving the ground. That version will give you the finish. This is the trick that makes rocket boots cancel the landing roll. I believe teldo made a video tutorial about it.
Rolling with thumper turret instead of EG is a bit more man mode since you lose out on heals, cleanses and weakness on a boss, but getting 3 blast finishers instead of one is great for melting a target with team burst or getting about 9 seconds of stealth in a smoke field. You can get equivalent damage from thumper overcharge and deploy+rumble as you would from acid bomb without crits, but only if you’re stacked against a wall or boss has defiant stacks. Otherwise you get party foul knockbacks. Same with Big Ol’ Bomb.
As far as Sinister vs Rampager, You’ll have a lot more precision with Rampager, but lower condition damage. It’s like Sinster is to Rampager what Berserker is to Assasin’s. With sinister, you’ll have basically a lot more condition damage, decent power, and just enough precision to proc on-crit sigils and IP. Might be really great with grenade and bomb kit. Definitely good for might stacking, but risky since it’s a carrion stat with precision instead of vitality.
Yeah please close it, please silence it, but don’t nerf it, right?
If you don’t want bad rangers dragging down your profession, please at least think about some of the points brought up. It’s not like we’re whining that LB4 is OP lol. Just give LB4 more cohesion with group play.
So you don’t like an option then is should be removed, that is a real great arguement there. Should every knock back/launch in the game get similar treatment? It isn’t like there are not trolling/bad/causal (whatever barely allow insult you choose to use) players on other professions, but you came to start conflict with the Ranger. So why don’t you and devil doc start trying to get a taxi group together so you can circlejerk to your hate for the ranger profession and other players in general.
Wow friend.
Yeah I’m actually not trying to antagonize anyone, just venting about why I think that simple skill should be modified for PvE group play. That’s really all. I don’t even know OP. All the excess has come from me just trying to elucidate my perspective and fence off any accusations that I’m here to troll, because I’m not. I’m sorry it came in on the wings of a thread that’s got everyone upset and makes them feel attacked. To be honest, LB4 is a great in PvP. It’s owned me up a lot until I got used to ranger buffs. It’s not a bad skill by design, but by how it’s used by the community at large. And yeah I’m okay with anything getting removed or modified from my chosen profession if it’s just not conducive to group play. That includes BoB, that includes Overcharged Shot, Air Blast, you name it. I’ve even requested nerfs to my own profession to make turret play more active so we get less hate (and boy are we hated in PvP right now. Just check those threads and see how they feel about engineers.)
Anyway, just my perspective. No harm intended.
Yeah please close it, please silence it, but don’t nerf it, right?
If you don’t want bad rangers dragging down your profession, please at least think about some of the points brought up. It’s not like we’re whining that LB4 is OP lol. Just give LB4 more cohesion with group play.
Wall of texts up there. Cbb to reply, like i said ppl like you goes round and round and round. Can never win with noob QQer. Keep going, lol.
Lol keep on trying to get me now that you took a break and had a good QQ buddy. Keep on trying to win friend, you might do it one day.
Yeah please close it, please silence it, but don’t nerf it, right?
If you don’t want bad rangers dragging down your profession, please at least think about some of the points brought up. It’s not like we’re whining that LB4 is OP lol. Just give LB4 more cohesion with group play.
@Kanebrake Then you know I’m in your corner too. It is sad what’s happening, but I know this subforum’s in good hands with WvW’ers like you. I’ll def keep +1’ing and trying to give support to great WvW ideas.
@Nanyetah Elohi I can’t agree more. WvWers should be able to get best-in-slot gear and make decent gold just as much as dungeon runners do. You even earn decent gold per hour in PvP. I’d suggest high tier gathering nodes in keeps, castles or on borderlands with high PPT, but top quality ascended wvw gear would be really impressive. To make WvW more like war, there should definitely be ways to get better spoils, whether its from raiding, gathering or outright winning. Find ways to reward every type of wvw’er and I can guarantee we’ll get an influx of players back.
Dude. Then why even respond to me? If we’re saying bads, trolls and scrubs are effecting group play negatively with LB4 and you agree then there’s no need to even be hurt. If you’re agreeing that ranger is a popular PvE class and that’s what this issue stems from, so am I. I’m not saying to remove LB4 like OP is, but I can agree with them while a lot of the people in this thread are arguing about skilled rangers that don’t have issues with poor use of LB4. Or rather maybe others just tolerate it at this point. I know I do on Dry Top and Silver Wastes. The caliber of ranger there tends to be much higher though. Anyway the fact that I have to stop my DPS rotation to ask a new or inept ranger to please stop mashing LB4 when a targeted enemy is in the open with no walls to push it against or to put pets on passive to keep them from aggroing enemies we want to skip or don’t want to focus yet is kind of messed up. At Mad King’s Labyrinth, the amount of times we had to ask rangers to put pets on passive and stack when fighting Lich was astounding. As in every time. We didn’t always fail because of rangers. Most times we failed because we failed, but it’s like I’m playing with toddlers when all I want to do is look at rangers and see them do awesome, beneficial things in group fights. They definitely do that with other weapon sets. I think we can all agree on that.
Then you start splitting hairs with what a cc engi is when it’s pretty obvious I used that to lend some authority that I know about knockbacks, knockdowns, immob, cripple, chilled etc and how to use it beneficially in group play. Me saying “cc engi” indicates that in just a few characters. Keep fumbling over it if you like. And while you’re bringing up kits, that’s just the thing. I had to purchase kits with skill points. This meant that during the natural leveling process, I got to know what kits do and figured out what would be self destructive, lend in dps and what wouldn’t be worth the time. Flamethrower kit has the best cone knockback and instant blind, but only one buggy dps skill and a lackluster auto attack. Compared to grenades, it’s a no brainer what to take. Compared to bomb kit, bomb kit wins and BoB is slow enough that most monsters aren’t affected by it unless engineers learn proper kiting, aggro and CC. In short you have to learn how to effectively use them because of each kit’s drawbacks. You can’t say the same about longbow. Engi’s don’t have any knockbacks that you can land from long range in kits or weapon sets. if We want to knockback, we have to get close and make that decision. Such a minute difference, but it may be the exact issue rangers have. They don’t have to think with LB4 and they usually don’t.
And yes I want some kind of nerf that won’t affect skilled players, but that new players have to work for. If grenadier is the only GM trait that’s virtually mandatory for an engineer to take with grenades (and it really is if you’re focused on that kit), I’d be happy with a master or GM ranger trait that increased longbow knockback to 600 but set the base level to maybe 2-300 units. I dunno maybe roll that into Eagle Eye or even two-handed training simultaneously. Maybe double LB4’s cooldowns so we don’t see it as much. maybe keep the long knockback at melee range but get rid of it at long range? It’d be unfair to do all these nerfs, I just want one to mitigate the scrub factor and I’m spitballing for what that could be.
But if you’re fine with things as is with LB knockback on both skilled players and newbs, there’s nothing to discus with you. Keep on comparing bad rangers to other bads and keep on minimizing. And yeah I’ve seen bad play from a lot of other professions. I don’t like GS knockback from mesmers or thoughtless ones from other engies. But we’re rare unicorns outside of PvP where knockbacks are mostly welcome so that may be part of it. The point is I don’t see as many party fouls from other professions like LB4 at the exact wrong moment or poor pet management. I’ve never heard a group tell an engineer to destroy her turrets or tell a mesmer to destroy their clones, or even a necro to kill their minions. If you want to pretend then please come to those other subforums and demand they stop knocking targets out of your group AoE or needlessly aggroing mobs with their adds.
I guess that’s all I’m asking for. LB needs more group synergy and less solo synergy since it’s the most prevalent weapon rangers have at this moment, like it or not.
Personally I have spent tons of money on the Gem store expecting something new for WvW after EotM and I am truly disappointing that my money didn’t go to produce more WvW content.
There you go.
As far as when devs are going to do something with WvW, that’s complicated. They are trying things and soon. They have done cdi’s, They read feedback. What the community has done naturally with WvW is flock to stronger servers for greater competition, rewards and reputation. And regions just don’t have 24hr coverage like some servers. Also an issue. I don’t know how to fix that and they are having a hard time with it as well, but it is being looked at. The thing is, when fixes do come, are we going to be the kind of WvW’ers that can’t be satisfied or patient? Are we going to forget when we get great features, consume them and just get bored again? I know we will, but I’m glad a lot of us are really trying to find ways to improve it.
That’s one person who seemingly feels they should have gotten something for their gem store purchases. One person, not indicative of the wvw community at large.
Keep in mind that we’re looking at the pace of changes, updates, new content, etc on the pve/ls side of the house and comparing it to what happens with wvw. That’s where a huge part of the issue lies. They get new stuff every 2 weeks (mostly). They get constant updates, constant bug fixes, blah, blah, blah.
But the wvw side goes for many many months waiting for any sign of life. Then they come a long, do cdi, ask for feedback, and decide that removing white swords is a “good idea”. Which for the life of me I can’t figure out what makes them think that anyone in the wvw community wanted that change. Which just illustrates they don’t seem to be paying attention. Or they really don’t care. If I were to bet on it I’d say they don’t care.
I wish I could agree with you and I’m not knocking wvw community’s momentum, but this same attitude of theatening to not buy gems because you’re not getting what you want is prevalent in all modes of GW2 and also on reddit. If it was just one person I’d seen this out of recently, I wouldn’t have taken the time to type it up.
And yeah, I get it. You’re jealous of the attention that other modes get because you don’t want to lose players and you don’t want matchups to be skewed and people to server hop or to keep blowing gold just to maintain critical buffs and you don’t want to be bored with what we have in WvW currently. I don’t want those things either but I look at gw2 as a whole, and if given enough time I think the devs will improve wvw for the better, regardless of what we think they should be doing right now. If you’re fed up though I can’t convince you to stay. Lots of WvWers have moved to ArcheAge from my server, and I want them back. But we’re having a non argument right now in that I’m agreeing with your points but not the hopeless attitudes I’ve encountered in this subforum and out of wvw’ers in other forums.
To tell the truth, a good LB 4 is kind of hard to time…
Wth, lol, what hard to time? Just don’t press 4. Nothing high skill about it. How hard is it not to press 4? Seriously. Spoken like a true scrub.
Lots of angry QQ here for stuff u already know is true. Please keep on quoting out of context to try and shame. LB4 is easy, but using it smartly can be tough in a group setting if you don’t know what you’re doing. Hence why I said “good” at the beginning. Emotion seems to cloud your judgement. I don’t hate rangers. I fear and revere highly skilled PvP rangers, but entry level rangers anger a lot of ppl with bad practices and having to stop and ask them to understand how group fighting works or putting pets on passive every time in PvE is tiring because it’s up to them if they want to comply. Tiring like replying to champion forum QQ’ers. Me a scrub? That’s a lol if I’ve ever seen it but keep on trying buddy, you might mount a good argument someday.
I’ll give you all an example you can test. Go to the Champ Troll cave in Gendarran Fields. Solo that Champ. Solo giants, solo anything. Let a low level ranger show up and it’s like you have to turn your brain off, stand still and just press 1[…]
If this what happens to you when you play rangers, you are one of those.[…]Rangers that can’t manage their pet are scrubs.[..]
Fine u agree with me about scrub rangers. Also I said I’m a career engineer? Which means I’m on my engi when a ranger shows up? I hope you can follow along. No need to get all gestapo because you don’t like the topic.
Career CC engineer that knows how to fight in groups. I’ve seen lots of flamethrower engineers noob it up with the knockback as well, but it’s been disproportionately rangers.
~respondent goes on to link and explain engineer kits in some vain attempt to shame~
You don’t even have to trait for CC. Just be a dps and the cc is built in. Lol …. /facepalm
Are u daft? No one said CC wasn’t built in. And then actually “/facepalming” hahaha. I’m seeing forum scrub tactics from 2005. When I say CC engi, that means I chain immob targets for my group, use frost grenades and glue bomb to keep target within group DPS. But let’s compare. FT Air blast knocks back far, but it’s a no damage skill so it’s not usually in engi rotations unless you have a terribad or troll on your hands. Rifle 4 knockback is good design in that it’s also self-cc. If I don’t want to lose dps by being flat on my back, I avoid using it. I came to that conclusion early on like lots of engis did from how the weapon is designed.
Anyway, you’ve got a lot of hurt in you to try and lash out like that.
Also trying to minimize pet management as an issue in gw2 because it’s a problem in other mmo’s doesn’t change the fact that a lot of scrub rangers don’t know what they’re doing and make smooth PvE and dungeon runs a problem. No one’s talking about good rangers. A lot of people are just tired of trying to police and admonish the bad ones.
All I’d really like is for LB 4 to be a knockdown or crumbling daze but only in early stages […]I think having LB 4 knockback right out of the gate is kind of what makes for a bad group play environment.
Wth did i just read? Almost every classes has knockback come right out of the gate. GW2 primary skill system is based on weapons. ~goes on to link knockback wiki like a real genius~
Read what I said again if you’re having eyesight issues. I want new rangers to have to spec into 600 unit kb on LB because they apparently can’t use that power wisely. Comparing rangers to every other class with knockback built in would work if bad and new rangers weren’t specifically a problem in group settings when using LB4 and weren’t as popular as a first profession. Minimize and obfuscate much? I think the bad foundation starts because of how the class is built at early levels. You can tank with ranger longbow setups on every map and not die in PvE while getting decent, riskless long range dps. That can cement bad practices because rangers don’t have to do much else to win at PvE. Most pets are disproportionately tougher and have more HP than the ranger does at level 1-80. No need to swap most times. LB4 is beneficial when solo farming. But conveying that they shouldn’t do it in group settings means u have to warn them after the fact. Like GMs catching hackers. They catch them eventually, but the damage is done because foundation issues with the game are being exploited. But yeah go for that last word to somehow “prove” I don’t know what I’m talking about. Make it good and try to actually pay attention to what I typed.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
Sorry I agree with OP and I’m also sorry it hurts ranger feelings. There’s a lot of hyperbole here and a lot of escalation of it from the OP, but it really is true: Asking PvE rangers to not knock back and put their pets on passive will maybe get a few decent responses and compliance, but if you have trolls or players that don’t read chat or follow commanders like at labrynth or rangers that just don’t know what they are doing, you’re going to have the flow of the fight broken and critical group skills miss because ranger was mashing knockback as part of his/her regular rotation.
To tell the truth, a good LB 4 is kind of hard to time. I think what the actual problem has become is that ranger was designed to be a high APM and high skill class, but it’s unfortunately the most attractive to new players that only make use of one weapon and trait set to PvE farm and be virtually unkillable by NPC’s. It’s also designed to be self sustaining in PvE because of other game modes. The reason the pet armor and vitality got buffed 3x a long time ago was due to how they performed in dungeons and fractals, WvW and PvP, but it was just a health band-aide to make up for unresponsive an unintuitive pet management, not to mention real human tears by forum gods about how pets were 30% of their dps but not performing. With all that history affecting change in the class, in open world your average new ranger is just going to tank with it’s pet and gather because of dumb enemy NPC AI, gain levels and wealth and never question how to improve. That’s how you get veterans in this game that still don’t know how to fight in groups or time dodges.
I’ll give you all an example you can test. Go to the Champ Troll cave in Gendarran Fields. Solo that Champ. Solo giants, solo anything. Let a low level ranger show up and it’s like you have to turn your brain off, stand still and just press 1. That’s usually what the ranger’s doing since the pet can tank all the attacks, and the NPC is aggroed by it’s armor and health easily and facing backwards (since now pets attack targets from behind. I think that was one of Robert Hrouda’s suggestions). If an enemy’s AI is designed like that, to not go after the ranger instead of it’s pet, how can anyone learn anything crucial for deep mechanical knowledge in PvE? I don’t hate on NPE, but my NPE was trying to solo vets and champs and dying, then learning tells and killing them.
As an engineer main (and I really do play ranger) I learned early on that turrets would get me killed if I relied on them. Well, because they did. I learned also that if I was downed, no downed skills or pet res would ever save me. I learned early on to “get good”. When I’m on my ranger, it’s the complete opposite. I don’t have to learn anything but cycling attacks on longbow. I’m not knocking any ranger mechanics, they have options for highly skilled players. But the combination of certain utilities and weapon skills gives rangers some options that are misused. This is coming from a career CC engineer that knows how to fight in groups. I’ve seen lots of flamethrower engineers noob it up with the knockback as well, but it’s been disproportionately rangers.
All I’d really like is for LB 4 to be a knockdown or crumbling daze but only in early stages. I think the knockback should be made into an adept or even master level trait. it could even be a minor, but I think having LB 4 knockback right out of the gate is kind of what makes for a bad group play environment, just like shared resource nodes, down stated and group credit for kills makes for a good community environment.
Personally I have spent tons of money on the Gem store expecting something new for WvW after EotM and I am truly disappointing that my money didn’t go to produce more WvW content.
There you go.
As far as when devs are going to do something with WvW, that’s complicated. They are trying things and soon. They have done cdi’s, They read feedback. What the community has done naturally with WvW is flock to stronger servers for greater competition, rewards and reputation. And regions just don’t have 24hr coverage like some servers. Also an issue. I don’t know how to fix that and they are having a hard time with it as well, but it is being looked at. The thing is, when fixes do come, are we going to be the kind of WvW’ers that can’t be satisfied or patient? Are we going to forget when we get great features, consume them and just get bored again? I know we will, but I’m glad a lot of us are really trying to find ways to improve it.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
Quick question. If I went and used 4/4/0/6/0 and used acid coated elixirs, could I strip the stability off of lich form for a necro?
Yeah you can do that if no other/few boons are present. Beware though… Elixir S toss will basically become useless as it will cast reveal on you instead of stealth the majority of the time.
Hey I think they fixed this. I’ve been able to use acidic elixir to strip and reset fights in pvp and pve, it’s just if that I attack right out of it or have a bomb on the ground, I’ll get revealed. I’ll have to test it further but I think they got around to fixing this bug.
I dunno it depends on the encounter. If you’re stacking might with BoB as an opener, of course you could displace your boss and mess up your group’s cc rotation, but I’m sure you know that.. I’ve actually found that thumper turret is better for stacking might at the risk of loss of heals and trading your stun breaker for another finisher. It’s bad for sustained might gain because of the cooldowns though. If you have experimental turrets traited, you offer group protection if you decide to leave it out. To tell the truth, I use napalm for all the long setups for might stacking. There’s no delay on it like with bomb kit and the window is so huge for all your finisher rotations. You don’t really need flame aura since at best you’ll probably get 1 stack of might from a bosses attack, but jumpshot’s 2 hits are great vulnerability stacker. What’s really needed is knowing your party’s rolls. If you have eles on your team or others that stack group might and fury, you’d be better off with grenades for vuln stacking. If you decide to use healing turret instead for might and fury share from the runes you run, you also get 2 conditition cleanses for party out of it, perma regen and another blast finisher, but you run the risk of messing up fire fields that are on the ground with the turret’s overcharge water field. if you’re after personal might stacking, zerkers with strength sigil and the dry top roasted cactus dish will help you stack more sustained personal might. And I always assumed bomb kit hits were more damaging than hip shot to single targets, you can also sustain dps while you dodge due to the explosives line.
But yeah I’ve gotten up to 18-21 stacks of group might with BoB > Napalm > Flame Blast (~detonate, it’s tricky, you might want to have something targeted before you try if you use 3/4 ovehead cam like i do, otherwise you have to almost mash double-tap) deploy healing turret, deploy thumper turret, overcharge thumper, detonate thumper > rumble (stun break) > detonate healing turret > stow kit, double tap shield 4 > swap back to flamethrower and double tap flame blast again. That’s a lot of might if you decide to take along a shield, though the runes don’t have power so you’d be losing personal dps increase your party’s dps. Hopefully it’s worth the group benefit of 3 might stacks on heal and fury.
For hybrid vuln/might builds, I just do hgh with triple elixirs and grenades and condi duration food. You can add acidic elixirs to boon strip if you like. You can get up to 9 stacks of group might and 16 personal might just downing all elixirs and tossing them on your stacked group. this is before any crits with sigil of strength or procking sigil of battle. The might duration on these is pretty long, and if you equip trinkets with boon duration, you can get really high personal stacks and keep 25 stacks of vuln on boss at all times. You just would have to give up incendiary powder for enhanced performance, which is okay if you have party members that do burning better. This might be really great for soloing with carrion or (ideally) sinister gear.
Frosty George Champ train , between 10 and 1000g per hour depending on your luck
I want to meet this frosty george and work for him on his train of champions ;-;
I guess I’m not getting 1 shot because I don’t wear zerker armor? I keep seeing people complain about mobs 1 shoting them. Yet I have not experienced this with any of the content over the last month.
w….wait. You mean that the stat combinations they released on dry top will actually help you tank living story bosses? I know I’m stubborn but that never crossed my mind. I just kept hammering away with my assassin’s ascended. Maybe if others tried changing their armor stats they might do better? I don’t know.
Man I really hope we might get something like the Zephyrite masters as a profession, but I guess a lot of that is covered by elementalists. Other than that I’d be cool with trying out professions from GW1.
i think when hes mentioning being thrown against bosses hes referring to the terragrif boss on story with its vine buddy’s its a chain knockdown fest poorly thought out if you ask me i found it relay frustrating when i got knocked around 3 times in a row in the space of like 1-2 secs
for a while now ive thought knockdown should have a cool down timer on to prevent chain knockdown on a target like that it just makes most stun breakers useless coz as soon as you use it you get knocked down again making your stun breakers useless
+1 to CC and KD cooldown. That stuff can be instant death in PvP. You have about a 1/4 second immunity when you get resed to prevent instant downing, but I’d still like that before I got downed.
(edited by johnsonade.9547)
When people use words like “marginalization” seriously in a conversation about living story chapter boss fight mechanics, it might be a time to take a break from the internet.
Okay. Scenario 1: new plant boss that impaled an npc to death at beginning of the intro becomes actual threat to main character. However, main character’s NPC friend is in the room. This means that main character can get resed if downed, or have a difficult time and try again, and also get resed. maybe main character needs to pack defensive buffs, traits, stun breaks or regen food? Or maybe try ranged attacks. You know, actually try to figure out the boss’s mechanics and best them until they win. We do this in every other game we play but for some reason we can’t learn from our defeats in living story, jog back a short way and keep trying. It’s not like we’ll miss the next chapter since if we log in we get it for free and can play at our convenience.
Scenario 2: player is actually physically handicapped when it comes to this game’s mechanics. Now that is marginalization, and not the scrub tears in the previous scenario. So what can I do if I find myself in scenario 2? Well I can use the LFG tool and ask for help, or I can ask guildies for help, or hell I can ask strangers in map chat for help with living story. We have trolls here (myself probably included), but we have some earnestly good people that will help.
Is it bad design if you have to rely on others in Scenario 2 (and also in Scenario 1 if you’re a whiny, wordy internet QQer that can’t be bothered to look up boss mechanics you have trouble with)? Possibly, but what’s happening is kind of great. Living story is for level 80 characters. Think about that. If you got to level 80 and you don’t know how to defeat bosses or solo champs or even look up walkthroughs, is it really bad design? Or are you just bad (and no offense to those who earnestly need help to see the story through)? If your only answer before was to bearbow until it died or hundred blade it without trying to dodge or move out of aoe, that’s kind of not working anymore and I couldn’t be happier about that. I also got defeated about 5-6 times by the crystal boss in glint’s lair, but I learned and eventually I beat it. And it felt good when I did. I know ppl don’t want’ dark souls 2 in their gw2 game, but I’m completely okay with trial and error as long as I don’t have to start an entire chapter over.
I think I +1’d every comment in this thread so far.
Hope everything works out great with the new changes!
Can we get some Kill, Death, Assist, special map stats (i.e. lord kills, treb hits, etc.) and profession stats as well? Or have they been there all along and I just haven’t found them? I’d even like some kind of 2v1 or 1v1 stat sooner or later. All those stats don’t have to be on the ladder, but they can definitely add excitement for shoutcasting and pregame strategy purposes.
I think it’s kind of silly to say “I spent X in the gem store so I’m mad they didn’t give me this!” That’s like taking someone on a date, spending a lot of money and posting on their facebook wall the next day that you’re upset they didn’t sleep with you. In that sense a lot of gw2 players feel like they bought their way into arenanet’s pants with all the gems they purchase. Everything you buy in the gem store is of your own volition. They give you skins, toys boosters, upgrades and dyes to play around with for your money, not influence over their dev practices and direction, and frankly it’d be unfair to the whole player base if some rich gamers got to influence the game for their own benefit just because they spent a lot. That doesn’t just go for wvw’ers, that goes any gamers that use those same sentiments.
What you’re doing now though, speaking out on it and giving constructive feedback, spitballing ideas, participating in CDI’s… I feel like that’s the way to affect change. If you’re angry, stay angry about what’s happening to WvW, but there’s no need to be babyish. I mean we can wonder what devs spend their time on but then we have people warping around maps in golems or destroying keep doors from underground. We can finally have zergs clash without crashing the client due to graphical improvements. We have waves of gold sellers and hackers. We have living story which, like it or not, probably gets the biggest influx of money into the cash shop from skins related to the current chapters. We have this looming demand for an expansion and GvG. Every fan of specific GW1 modes or PvPer or PvE champ wants what they want right now in their specific game mode. No one wants WvW ignored, least of all the devs, but the big reason they participated in the WvW tournaments and have had a huge CDI that had a lot of help from us gamers is that they want WvW to be better. They tried that with EotM and even if it failed in lending to WvW fun factor, they are going to keep on trying things.
And for real, we’ve had some really bad community ideas that made it through to production in the game. Some CDI’d ranger changes that made them into 1-trick dps ponies and didn’t solve core issues, purely instanced living world content with no map-wide events to get excited about (until recently), and the list goes on. To be honest I don’t know a simple fix that will make WvW worthwhile and fair. If we get PPK, imagine how “alliances” will work… just think about it. That’s right, we’ll see straight up wvw boosting as if all the hacks weren’t bad enough. I’ve been proposing ideas in other threads that just might be straight up bad but I’m trying to come up with something. I know you all are too. I think something good will come of it soon so I’m trying to find ways to bring gold profit and variety to wvw and balance servers. Good luck to all of you hardcore wvw’ers that want to see something better from this.
Honestly I could see some sort of impemention of a world boss, but not in WvW.
You know how worlds get bonus’ based off WvW for crafting and such. Maybe have a specific boss spawn in a PvE map, based off of WvW points and such.
I do not like the idea of more pve being put into wvw, because yes it will draw more PvE players to wvw, but only for that boss, then they will leave right after it’s dead. However basing a server’s points and bonus’ into also including a special boss spawn each week in a PvE map, might give a new thing to WvW in the weekly view which could bring in more people to WvW.
Though there are many more things ANet needs to do to amp WvW up.
ANet should look to placing the orbs back into the game, however have the orbs of power be changed to not include the buff they once had, though make the orbs worth a set amount of points.ANet could also make taking towers/keeps/camps, and defending worth more WXP/EXP/Gold as well to up the rewards for players to come into WvW.
Right now, what is driving a lot of people to ignore WvW is a multitude of things.(Rewards/maps/Players/ect…)
ANet, it would be nice, to see some sort of “talks” with WvW players of all servers then see some sort of action plan put in place for bettering WvW.
I wouldn’t be opposed to anything that you’ve come up with. I mean we go to PvE for a lot of things we need and bring them to WvW, why not the other way around and have events in PvE that will be favorable to WvW? Thing is though that all servers would do that, I think… but I’m cool with whichever way brings more ppl to wvw and keeps them from getting bored or feeling overwhelmed. At this point though I’m honestly regretting that I put World Boss in the title since what everyone associates that with is loot. The actual mechanics of fighting bosses are fun and add a little more variety to the typical camp you flip or keep lord you take on. If all you got was a great buff that would help you in wvw for specific purposes or a lot more points for your server, I’d be happy. I don’t need loot or AP, but I do want a way for WvW’ers to earn gold that’s not typical to PvE. That might have to be for another thread though since any mention of loot seems like a death knell for this idea.
No. and Hell No. Anet tried to bring more PvE to WvW and we players ignored it. We still mostly ignore the grub too so long as there are fights and PPT to work on.
Are you seriously bringing up Grub?
Nope. Scarlet’s Toxic mobs.
At this point I don’t even think you’re actually reading. What do scarlet’s toxic mobs have to do with gaining buffs you can use in WvW to help you accomplish WvW goals? Really? I mean I don’t try to feed trolls but you’re not helping with actual criticism. Take your No’s and hell No’s out of the thread or come up with something better. I know PvPer’s are combative but you’re not doing anyone a favor here.
if they implement it as a meta event connected with defense and outnumbered buff or difficult situations where an enemy server captured their keep for over 1 hour should be good .
wvw has some situations where the good performance ( or coverage ) form a server may block the wiliness of enemy servers to play in a matchup .
high level bosses can help replace the coverage problem in defense for the outnumbered servers and give more challenge to the servers with better performance and better rewards too. so outnumbered defenders win some time that maybe be crucial or a chance to keep the gar/keep and attackers will have better loot if they win … 2 gains in 1 bad situation
p.s. some nights i wished i had the option when i defended alone a t3 keep against a blob , to have the option to pay to replace the 82 lvl lord with lyssa and her mad gorillaz
Man, Bubbles the gorilla would wreck in a keep hahaha. Lyssa’s upscaled minions were such a challenge. I dunno if I’d make them as strong as they are in PvE but it would be pretty cool if you had no defenders and a powerhouse zerg was on it’s way to inner Bay, but then lyssa’s priestess showed up with some undead chums to help out. If we got like a grenth boss, having a buff that gave a chance of spawning a necro shadow when hit would be so sweet.
No. and Hell No. Anet tried to bring more PvE to WvW and we players ignored it. We still mostly ignore the grub too so long as there are fights and PPT to work on.
Are you seriously bringing up Grub? The only buff you get is more wxp. With champion spider the only thing you get is a champion bag right? That’s PvE in WvW and it’s just flavor, nothing significant. There’s no point in fighting those champs in WvW unless you’re shut out of a matchup or have nothing else to do. Don’t get blinded by the topic title and let blind hate guide your opinion. Whatever is added, it doesn’t have to be about loot or a karma farm. That’s EotM’s problem now and it’s catch 22 since in order to get ppl interested in EotM, Anet had to make it so you can get decent loot.
What I’m talking about is, and let me make this perfectly clear: Bolstering everyone that spends time in WvW. Whether you are on a strong server or a weak one, I want people to be able to do things that can generate gold (food meta is expensive as well as armor, weapons and siege), create excitement in matchups no matter how skewed, put some great and useful tools in WvW, and boost their PPT. The last time my server was matched up against T1, I think they had about 3-4 times the points we did and that was late in the matchup. When we showed up in force, we were shut down. If your average wvw’er looked at that score, they wouldn’t even queue up. That was me, and I know I didn’t queue up after a while and a lot of my friends didn’t either.
I could keep arguing points but it’s useless. At the end of the day, even if 1/10th of the ideas posted here were used or were somehow morphed in to something much better, I’d be happy. If everyone’s happy with WvW as it is, then no big. But if some kind of change is needed to make things fresh, I’m going to brainstorm right along with you.
The PvE mobs all over EotM are absolutely awful. No one wants to PvE in WvW. Even the ambient creatures annoy me.
Unless you’re a thief or a necro haha, but I understand.
Yeah I dunno, I just want to make more activities inside of WvW to keep things from getting stale. But I’m not trying to Put PvE loot grind into WvW, just want to make something with PvE’s flavor in WvW to increase fun factor and add depth. Like being able to get decent environmental weapons inside WvW that don’t cost supply, or setting things up so that havocs can go after specific champions and bosses to help even things out. “Outnumbered” as a buff is okay and Borderlands bloodlust is alright, but I just want something a bit more strategic than might, health and magic find buffs.