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Welcome to the thief club. We’ve been getting kittened about since launch.
lol :P im pretty sure 70% off the people who moan are Ranger’s/ele’s atm…well ele’s i understand your pain…but face it getting our hands on you was like nailing jello to the effin wall …and that jello was a unstable mass ready to explode and kill everything nearby…:( and rangers…well i guess they woulda gotten the clue…Ranger does not SPECIFICALY MEAN ARCHER…u kno RANGER/ARCHER same number off letters…NOT the same thing try the RRR ranger…or a Spirit build…hell Trappers rock ALOT off unsuspecting foes :P
Nope. Since launch everyone cried for thieves to be nerfed. Thus we have continually been nerfed since then. Where now we only have 1-2 viable competitive builds. And even then the builds are not that great. So yea, we’ve been kittened about till finally we have been pidgeoned holed. Now it seems warriors taking the heat. Elementalists had it a little bit, guardians had it more. But thieves had it the worst.
Welcome to the thief club. We’ve been getting kittened about since launch.
Please, many of us enjoy or class because of the archetype. Many of us just want to her why our class has been so nerfed/underappreciated. We have been speaking loudly since the nerds started happening and all we hope for is answers.
Would like a heavy active based RP guild!
I have many years of experience in RP, and would like to join an active community to share in the stories and fun.
I think its better to not have giant shiny flashing IM RIGHT HERE, PLEASE KILL ME graphics on Thief.
Thats what i was thinking :P, I really want to be an assassin looking character, and many of the legendaries completely throws that look under the bus. Hell, it was hard enough to get equipment to make my thief look like an assassin, Whispers hood, assassin’s coat. etc. Compared to the variety of medium armors that looking nothing like it.
You forgot Quip
How could I forget quip… lol :P
I find it extremely difficult to pick a legendary for a thief, because in all honesty, a stealthy, hidden looking character seems to not belong with daggers that light your footsteps where you walk, nor a bow that shoots rainbows and unicorns. The only one I can even consider is Bolt.
So im curious what many other thieves out there have gone for or are going for and for what reasons.
S/D is an absolute counter to alot of Bunker build Guards and Boon built Eles and mesmers. I think its pretty good substitute up against those match ups.
Hello there!
I have been playing since pre release as a thief, thought I mastered the way of the thief, through assassinations, sneak attacks and ways to bring down my enemies in a multitude of indirect ways. However, in the past 3 WvW roams I have gone into, I have been absolutely slaughtered, with only being able to pull out about 3 kills for 10 deaths. I cant figure it out what I am doing wrong, mainly and most likely because of my frustration of how I used to be great at this. But its time to ask for some advice. My build I have used for awhile, but would love some tips on it.
Berserker Glass Cannon Build for PvP/WvW-
Blindness PvE/ Some WvW Build-
Basically, I was always the killer, the tackler, the one who could kill so quickly before you could turn your head and now i dont know what to do.
I use Sword/Dagger to beat all the bunker/boon builds and steal the boons, and D/D for everyone else. Would love some help.
Lief Ronin
So I have always had the urge to fully invest in a warrior, I usually lose the urge with the basis of equivalents to other classes and builds. I’ve had an 80 thief since the 2nd week of release which I have invested a ton into to make a deadly dps build for PvP. I don’t usually enjoy axes or great swords so I tried to duel world swords or sword and shield as a viable option for PvP but I always felt sub par. Any tips? Should I try to fully reinvest my time again to try to become superior in pvp?
Hm. Ill try to focus on more bunker than dps. Something that can outlast most classes. Feel like it’ll be a whole lot different than my thief who is moving 24/7 :p
since op specifically mentions sword/shield+rifle, im going to point out that 1h sword is essentially a condition weapon (unless you use it just for the flurry immobilize like those guys..) so its not that great with power only.
So does the cond dmg at all keep up with other classes?
So I have had an 80 thief for awhile and I am considering getting my warrior to 80 to play for a primary basis of PvP. I would prob go for a bunker build with Sword/shield and switch to rifle. I do alot of WvW and in small groups but primarily I’m wondering how warriors are doing PvP wise. I’ve fought many warriors on my thief and I can usually win unless I can get stunned easily or by another person while he unleashes the kraken on my face. Anyways with the information I’ve retained from the other threads it seems warriors are not doing so hot in PvP atm along with nearly complete focus on rifle/longbow builds. Any tips for a sword and board build? Thoughts suggestions if I should do this or a specific way I can do it more efficiently?
Sylvari t2 heavy culture looks amazing on warriors.
Is OP just the word for strong or good nowadays? I always thought OP meant broken, imbalanced etc.
Guess its like troll someone that disagrees is a troll it seems now.
I have kind of been wondering the same thing. You’d figure OP would mean just that, overpowered, broken, and imbalanced. Now it kind of seems like people spout out the OP term if they can’t beat a class in wvw. Anyway, as the post is talking about pve I would have to say I’ve noticed little to no change with the stealth update.
I’ve noticed a huge change. Once I get threat on a boss, I can’t do anything anymore to shake it off.
Exactly why stealth shouldn’t have been ‘nerfed’ squishiest class in game and now we can’t get rid of the Aggro in a fractal for example like we used to. So we’re going to be downed alot more often.
Overall I’m noticing some people talking about the pros and cons but I continually see people constantly post about thieves and how bad they should be even though they are not. In most fractal groups my thief is the primary dps with my massive 24/7 hitting crits. Do people want thieves to get nerfed? I don’t understand why thief has been the most hated on class since November (when I first heard the massive hate for the class)
This is an MMO. There is no place for real PvP in an MMO.
No PvP? player versus player. I’m pretty sure we have PvP in gw2 and many other games :P
In SWTOR people do it a TON in Dromund Kaas with the word ‘Jawa’
Please add dueling Anet
Would a Legendary skin transmuted into an exotic’s stats for build viability scale up in stats if ascended weapons were added?
I like the idea in theory…my problem is this. If enough people are necessary to beat it, and the lag remains the same, I won’t be able to use strategy because my input lag would prevent me from doing much of anything.
That kind of strategy requirement, in my opinion, is best reserved for instances until such time as the lag problem can be countered.
Fair enough :P fix lag then lets try it out. Lol.
I think it’s become relatively easier. (Stupid gift of fortune is an exception) where if you have a geared 80 alot of the reqs are filled from just playing the game. It’s not grinding at all unless your trying to make it miserable for yourself. The fact that I can do my dailies or dungeon runs for my 500 tokens along with the gold I get from the runs gives me enough for the t6 mats or I can get majority of the mats from loot from dragons,dungeons, etc. so overall it doesent seem that bad when you look at it from a different perspective.
They suddenly made Teq and claw of jormag insanely difficult like the old EQ dragons where you couldn’t just face roll them and the dragon itself could destroy 400+ people with ease? :P I’d say that’d be a great way to fix the grind for dailies and loot in this game. Make it so kitten hard that the dragons and other WB would take alot of skill and time and coordination to beat instead of spamming your skills in a Zerg. Thoughts?
Legendaries are only cosmetic skins, nothing more….and not even the nicest skins in my opinion.
I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who thought Bolt and Twilight were not the best skins for a one handed and a gs
You don’t know a lot of people.
So having a storm of lightning flowing all around a runic sword and your body isn’t that great? :p or space dripping from the tip of your abyssal sword?
Legendaries are only cosmetic skins, nothing more….and not even the nicest skins in my opinion.
I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who thought Bolt and Twilight were not the best skins for a one handed and a gs
Why all the sudden rise in population? Is it the RP? I’m confused why we have so much traffic lately :P
Well not necessarily. It could simply be we are apart of a united force etc. camping out and so many options. The issue is, Anet doesent publicly ‘sponsor’ us RPers as an actual player necessarily
Any devs that can expand on the plans for RP?
Tarnished Coast was supposed to be the ‘unofficial’ RP server and I have been in that server since pre release but sadly it seems it’s nearly non existent. How are the other servers? I mean of course you have those mini group of Rpers you see rarely. But the numbers have dwindled to where you hardly see them ever anymore. What happened?
There’s RP everywhere on TC. I’m not sure how you’re not seeing it. I even encounter it in open world gameplay pretty often. My main and another character were walking across queensdale the other day and came across no less than 9 people in active RP.
It’s pervasive in Divinity’s Reach. You can “overhear” it just about everywhere in the city. Not as much in the other cities. There are a few hotspots in Lion’s Arch.
My guild is all about “adventuring” and RPing outside of hotspots. Open world stuff.
9 RPers in Queensdale is very few in my opinion. And I am trying to diverse away from any tavern RP and talking about the majority of people that RP, you don’t see them in every area. You most likely see them in either Queensdale, divinity’s reach, small part of Lions arch. That itself shows the population drop of Rpers in the game as you only see a handful a day. They are never in many of the other areas in the game or even WvWvW which I thought would be quite a place to RPPvP.
There’s no way you could RP in WvW. You’d just get left behind by the zerg and be useless deadweight.
I should mention that I only saw maybe 20 people playing in the areas of queensdale we were walking through. Nearly half of them actively RP is a significant percentage. I RP a lot…and it still doesn’t add up to half my total in-game time.
If I go into WvW I don’t plan to RP in a Zerg. I plan to slowly move across the areas and take camps or join in smaller fights and simply RP as a rank within an army at least. The simple fact we see none of this in WvW just sucks and i feel the comment itself is closing to the idea of RPing to an RP for a pvp area. I always loved RPPvP servers so it brings more back to that feeling of being on your toes.
RP is everywhere on TC. I don’t have the faintest clue how you could not be finding it. There is a very strong community of large RP based guilds that worth together in one big community. We have ministers, seraphs, criminals, business owners, noble houses, etc. RP is very much so alive and well and I frequently run into people RPing in the weirdest of locales.
Look in the taverns in DR and Ebonhawke. Look in the taverns in Queensdale. Those seem to be the most popular locations that I have seen, but there is frequently RP throughout the world.
Please refer to my previous comment. Do you really see Rpers in Orr? In WvW? In
Gendarren fields etc? Idk where your playing but I see no RP in those areas.I have personally RPed in Gendarren Fields, and it lead to others joining in with me and my friend, but this was before guesting was put in. The other two places you mentioned are a bit different.
Orr on TC just doesn’t make sense. It is supposed to be the scariest place on Tyria with Risen totally over running it, but instead in game with all the guesting and farming going on, it feels more like we are invaders of the last refuge for the Risen playing whack-a-mole as soon as they come up out of the ground.
I was able to RP a little in WvW, but PvPing and emoting is tough and the people hardcore into the WvW ranking get all pissy over it.
I really wish Anet would give us an official RP server. One with a naming policy and strict rules against trolling. Because the last time I did open world RP it eventually turned into emoting in party chat because RPing in /e or /s was like a dinner bell for trolls.
In my experience with MMO’s the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so I suggest us RPers get more vocal or else we will just fade away to other games. We want more emotes, more social clothing, and the biggest one for me is a place where like minded people can be free of those who only wish to ruin our fun.
That is something I wish they would clarify. Do they have any plans for RPers? Any new emotes, dueling? You make exactly the effect I’m having. I try to RP in open world but it seems as if we are frowned upon. And the lack of attention by Anet seems to be as if they themselves frown upon us.
RP is everywhere on TC. I don’t have the faintest clue how you could not be finding it. There is a very strong community of large RP based guilds that worth together in one big community. We have ministers, seraphs, criminals, business owners, noble houses, etc. RP is very much so alive and well and I frequently run into people RPing in the weirdest of locales.
Look in the taverns in DR and Ebonhawke. Look in the taverns in Queensdale. Those seem to be the most popular locations that I have seen, but there is frequently RP throughout the world.
Please refer to my previous comment. Do you really see Rpers in Orr? In WvW? In
Gendarren fields etc? Idk where your playing but I see no RP in those areas.
Tarnished Coast was supposed to be the ‘unofficial’ RP server and I have been in that server since pre release but sadly it seems it’s nearly non existent. How are the other servers? I mean of course you have those mini group of Rpers you see rarely. But the numbers have dwindled to where you hardly see them ever anymore. What happened?
There’s RP everywhere on TC. I’m not sure how you’re not seeing it. I even encounter it in open world gameplay pretty often. My main and another character were walking across queensdale the other day and came across no less than 9 people in active RP.
It’s pervasive in Divinity’s Reach. You can “overhear” it just about everywhere in the city. Not as much in the other cities. There are a few hotspots in Lion’s Arch.
My guild is all about “adventuring” and RPing outside of hotspots. Open world stuff.
9 RPers in Queensdale is very few in my opinion. And I am trying to diverse away from any tavern RP and talking about the majority of people that RP, you don’t see them in every area. You most likely see them in either Queensdale, divinity’s reach, small part of Lions arch. That itself shows the population drop of Rpers in the game as you only see a handful a day. They are never in many of the other areas in the game or even WvWvW which I thought would be quite a place to RPPvP.
I have before seen RP in the wilderness and outside of taverns. However I’m mainly considering the population of these players. Thank you for the link though very much appreciated
Okay, usually the only spot I see an RPer is at the divinity’s reach tavern. You cannot deny that the role playing community seems to be quite down in population in this game. Curious as to why.
It’s because of Quaggan/Plush Charr backpacks, Afro puffs on Asuras. The bow that shoots unicorns, the pistol that makes annoying party noises.
It’s because none of the Devs role play. No news or patch notes ever posted have any role playing in them. Also there is a very lose naming policy, that further discourages Role playing.
Another reason is that a lot of RP people are stifling and elitist who tell boring stories and have issues against letting outsiders join in the fun. and another reason is that the male norn in all pink armor named X Princess Dankbudz X wearing a quaggan backpack and boxing gloves while riding a broom stick called all of you guys Nerds and that further discourages role playing.
I Rp all the time, it’s pretty subtle tho as I don’t turn on walk and hang out near the pub all afternoon.
So sad… But so true…
Looking from a character’s point of view, thieves are supposed to strike from the shadows and ambush quickly and effectively. If stealth is nerfed don’t we lose a bit of what the thief stands for? We are meant to have a play style regarding thieving and stealth. Not face tanking with daggers.
There should be more organized RP which is why I requested a forum section for that specifically. The tavern RP is only one type of RP while the rest of the world is empty with it, which I heavily pray for is assessed later to maybe give RP players more options (like dueling!? lol)
I played since beta too and I are your point :/ the balancing only seems to be getting worse for certain classes and getting better for others specifically.
Okay, usually the only spot I see an RPer is at the divinity’s reach tavern. You cannot deny that the role playing community seems to be quite down in population in this game. Curious as to why.
Tarnished Coast was supposed to be the ‘unofficial’ RP server and I have been in that server since pre release but sadly it seems it’s nearly non existent. How are the other servers? I mean of course you have those mini group of Rpers you see rarely. But the numbers have dwindled to where you hardly see them ever anymore. What happened?
I think the new recently added challenging content in the guild missions has brought veteran players like myself back to take up these supposed nearly unbeatable challenges with their guilds.
The role playing in GW2 struggles already. Shouldn’t there be a role playing section part of the forums for the majority of us to gather together and organize RPs etc?
I’m sure the feedback here and the other threads will kick Anet into gear and fix what needs to be fixed in the coming patches.
Hopefully the March patches will fix this.
I have noticed in all of the class forums there has been a massive array of complaints regarding nerfs for the classses- Elementalists, Warriors, and Thieves. Why is this? Were these classes that significantly hit that they all are that ineffective in the standards they were complaining about? Many thieves complained about PvE, Elementalists complaining about WvW pvp specifically. And warriors simply complaining how now the only viable build to play now is Longbow/Rifle. Why is this? I thought Anet was all about balancing and basing the fighting on skill not mechanics. I have seen these patch notes and I do agree that on certain parts (The stealth for thieve’s but that isnt the point) however is the hit really skill breaking where no matter what your skill level is at, you have a low/minimum chance of being successful with non popular builds/classes?
Thief without aggro breaking stealth, combined with low toughness and health = dead thief.
Apparently we are also doing lower damage compared to other classes :/ I’ve played thief since closed beta and its so sad to see it dip so low.
Order of Ronin is a guild where all types of people can come and work together, we are looking for mature players that enjoy PvP,RP, or dungeoning. We are small but starting to get bigger, we have many techs unlocked currently and want to share this with the world of Tyria. Become a Ronin today!
Leader: Lief Ronin
Vice Leader: Asher Pulse