Showing Posts For lojer.8576:

PvE Condi mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: lojer.8576


Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: lojer.8576


I think revenant class mechanic is more like swaping legends, not staying in them. Mesmer isn’t good comparison – he has acces to all his F1-4 skills all the time, no matter what utility he chose (and yes, he can mix them). Revenant is kinda lock in very specific role per legend. It is more like specialisation with trade off, and when You use all your energy there is no difference which legend You invoked. This proposition change it.

Thik of it like this – after invoking legend revenant can feel his/her power through mists and that connection affect revenant somehow.
It adds some decision to gameplay – I am low on hp – do I want to stay in Shiro and try to finish off my opponent, or switch to Jalis/Ventari to heal/defense; and this also give ppl reason to stay in one legend in pve (which will propably happen anyway).

The Legends already dramatically change your utility

And that’s it! Ivoking legend is right now is just a button to swap right side of bar + 50 energy. With this change we can make it sth more.

wouldn’t be fair since the other professions have to trait when their core mechanics gets modified.

Reve mechanic is legends swaping look at Invocation line e.g. stun break on swap, fury on swap, etc.

Plus, core mechanics don’t have an ICD

Swaping legend has 10 cd.
Swaping ele atumnets – cd.
Guard virtues – cd.

Plus agrument “there isn’t kitten like that in game already” isn’t good. Think outside the box.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: lojer.8576


Would it be nice when You are attacking sth after invoking Shiro legend, which is now “beside” You, your offensive power is little higher?

Just quick idea:
Each currently invoked legend gives revenant sth small. (so only one effect at time)

Shiro: “+5% Dmg”
Jalis: “-5% Dmg taken” or “-10% Condition duration applied to you.”
Mallyx: “+10% condition duration:”
Glint: “+10% boon duration” or “You are healed for 150 hp each time You gain a boon / 3sec ICD”
Ventari: “50% chance on hit (or ‘50% chance when struck’ to be more in defensive theme): Remove a Condition from yourself / 15sec ICD” or “You are healed for 150 hp each time You gain a boon / 3sec ICD”

Just simple generic stuff, because then it will be usable in all game modes. Effect like “Shiro: Your first attack is unblockable / 15 sec ICD” looks nice, but it is near to useless in pve.

Roy Cronacher what You think about it?

Maybe You have some others examples to inspire devs?

(edited by lojer.8576)

Lego Duplo mechcanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


I hope they address this problem.

Lego Duplo mechcanic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


Each class can choose weapon + other set on swap (except Ele one_weapon_set x 20 skills, and Engi+kits), then can choose heal/utility/elite one by one, from big pool. This allows players to tailor their character to their need/style/etc. Some times it is only needed to change one skill (ex. take projectiles protection utility), to fit situation in game.
In other words it is kinda Lego Technic complexity, adjustment and diversity.

Now, when we look at Revenant, we can choose only one weapon set and two predefined set of skills for “right side of bar”. You can’t suit your character other than very general blocks, that are trying to put you in predefined role, cutting away heavily from others (ex ventari – no dps, no cc).
Ex. if you want to have protection from projectiles, you need to sacrifice your dps a lot, by either taking hammer, or sacrificing your whole right side of bar just for one skill your need. In both cases you need to change whole block on skills, and it seems, that there is none advantage for doing so right now (in skills power (raw number or effect)/ cooldowns/ class mechanic/ etc).
In other words, in comparison to rest classes, it is like going from Lego Technics to Lego Duplo, which doesn’t seem to be the best decision.

No weapon swap, no pools of skills to choose from in each legend is IMHO not good way. Many ppl supposed that it will be either “weapon swap + set block of skills” or “no weapon swap + pool of skills per legend to choose from” to customize right side of bar.

EU ToL. When? EU go figure out when exactly

in PvP

Posted by: lojer.8576


Yes, I know that DPS is aware that world is bigger than NA, and thank You for that.
I know when it starts – I put link at end of 1st post with simple tool that check what is your time zone and show time/date.
But look at latest post from A-net:
Again the same situation – “NA: stream will be at noon Pacific Time, EU: go figure out when stream will be.” Again middle finger.

Good practice looks like in this post:
“Tournament of Legends Details
Dates: Saturday April 26-27 starting at 3pm CET (7am PDT) for Europe (…)”

Why this chaneged? Maybe someone from A-net will tell us.

EU ToL. When? EU go figure out when exactly

in PvP

Posted by: lojer.8576


The Third European Tournament of Legends Takes Place on May 23
but show time only in american time zone. I don’t want to check when was last post that took into account european players and their time zone. It was done in past (showing both time zones), but somehow ended.
Each time I see no CEST / CET I feel like someone is showing a middle finger to eu playerbase. The fact that it is european event makes it… kinda funny.,0,12&h=8&date=2015-5-23&sln=9.5-10

(edited by lojer.8576)

how do i kill bunker guards fast?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lojer.8576


Also, no, don’t blow your Lich for a Bunker Guardian =/
In the odd chance that he might survive due to blocking, blinds and LOS you will find yourself maybe with a decapped point and that is it… It is far more useful to punish multiple targets if possible (with an emphasis on if possible)

100% true.
It is fun to 1v1 liches on guard: (only one claw connected).

Poll - Revenant weapons and utilities

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


It would be nice. Some kind of a generic/universal set of skills for Revenant + legend theme one’s (depending on active legend) to choose from.

Poll - Revenant weapons and utilities

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


We know they will be a locked weapon profession, like Elementalist and Engineer.

I know, but unlike Ele on Engi, they don’t have attuments/conjures or kits, so e.g. Reve hammer will be almost dead weapon on dungeons/fractals because lack of cleave/aoe on auto attack. Swirling hammers around You won’t comensate that dmg loss (according to numbers seen on PoI).
Who knows, maybe They change thier mind…

Poll - Revenant weapons and utilities

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


As this isn’t decided yet, lets make poll, to check what community thinks.

Question about hammer auto attack

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


Warrior ( can have GS on one set to dps and sth other on second set (for special tasks):
- axe/mace for dps increase + cc,
- warhorn for support,
- rifle/long bow for ranged, when sth goes wrong,
- etc.
Similar other “swap classes”.

Engi have weapon and kits to do other stuff.

Ele have different attunements for different stuff and conjured weapons.

Revenant have one weapon and that is all.
He is locked in set of only 5 skills. No swap, no kits, no attunements, no conjure, nothing.

Question about hammer auto attack

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


ok, how does all engi and ele weapons cleave? I don’t play engi a lot so I’m not sure, but eles attacks usually don’t cleave except for lightning whip and fireball and chain lightning if you count it as a cleave

Who told that all attack cleave?

Engi has kits and bomb #1 hits 5 targets, nades #1 hits 2x (3x if traited) 5 targets. (and it is one of the reasons why engis complain about being forced to use kits)

Ele has 2 ranged weapons: staff and scepter.
From staff “dmg attunements”, fire and air #1, hit 3 targets (either by aoe hit around target, or by jumping to next targets). So it isn’t “cleave” by definition like Mike linked, but efect is the same – You can hit at least 3 targets, like (almost all) melee weapon. IMHO this compensate lack of abiility to swap to “cleave” weapon like other classes can.

From scepter only air #1 can hit more than one enemy, but they must be in line, so in reality it doesn’t work. That is one of the reasons why s/f (s/d) builds in pve use lighting hammer – conjured hammer can hit more that one enemy.

Ele fire autoattack on staff doesn’t cleave and that doesn’t stop an ele that sits in fire attunement from being top damage in dungeons.

But I agree that there needs to be a good amount of AoE on the weapon overall to ensure viability in groups, whether it’s from a cleaving autoattack or a low recharge, high damage AoE.

Yes, it doesn’t cleave in “cleave definition” (, but it still hits 3 targets (, so end efect is the same and that is what I am trying to ask developers.
I know that probably some melee weapon will be the meta, but IMO it isn’t reason to make weapon, which you can’t swap, more subpar to “meta one”.

If now isn’t the best time to talk about it and avoid possible mistakes, then I don’t know when will it be.

Question about hammer auto attack

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


They don’t cleave because other characters have another weapon on swap, which can cleave. Revenant (like elementalist) don’t have other weapon on swap, so You can’t compare weapons without class mechanic.

Question about hammer auto attack

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lojer.8576


We all know in how bad situation was (is?) necro in dungeons/fractals mainly due to lack of cleave on auto attack.

Having in mind that revenant can have only one weapon (like elementalist):
Will revenant hammer #1 auto attack “cleave” (aoe hit)? (like ele staff fire #1 or air #1)

If not, I am afraid that hammer will be unusable in dungeons/fractals due to being very subpar in terms of dmg when fighting trash mobs.

PS Pierce =/= cleave.
PS2 “If closer then less dmg” mechanic is also killer for ranged weapon, which You can’t swap in combat.

(edited by lojer.8576)

Lightning Whip & Stow Weapon

in PvP

Posted by: lojer.8576


Was just thinking of a simple way to fix this without having to put in any complicated code:

LW hits 2x during the cast, currently 50/50 on damage.

Simply split the damage between hits to something like 30/70 or 25/75. Now you can still cancel/stow if you want to get some higher HP/S, but you are really hurting your dps. This basically removes the advantage of current cancel-casting except in the most niche of situations. Also, doing this doesn’t really hurt the sustained dps under normal operation, unless your opponent goes super-pro and is able to evade the 2nd hit every time. With the current attack rate, that is highly unlikely to happen.

That doesn’t fix anything. What about other skills that are not divided in two or more attacks or stowing is abused to get rid of aftercast?

The most simple solution:

Stow weapon button pressed:
IF (player=in_combat)
return 0;
return stow_weapon_action;

That kind of code is already used in checking possibility do change skill/traits/gear, so it should be easy to copy it and fix stowing weapon problem with all classed on all weapons now and in future = complex solution.

Custom Arena roles

in PvP

Posted by: lojer.8576


No info from A-Net? It usualy take 6 months to function land in game, so I think it is about time to ask why it isn’t in game yet?

Custom Arena roles

in PvP

Posted by: lojer.8576

and many more…

So how long till this future? When we will be able to change settings in arena other way than asking over and over again person from guild that clicked “buy custom arena” at vendor? Because one year in game life is more like “century” than “future”…

(edited by lojer.8576)

Cliffside Fractal Hammer Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lojer.8576


Same here yesterday. Usual wipe din’t help.

Fix the burning speed glitch please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lojer.8576


Also stow weapon “bug”, beacause now it’s very common and I don’t think it is intended to boost dmg for xx% and get more healing signet proc.

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: lojer.8576


1. Mesmer
2. Engineer

3. Elementalist

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: lojer.8576


Yes, but dmg boost isn’t per stack, but per uniqe condition.

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: lojer.8576


Yes, I know that, but during hit, he has only 3 conditions on him.
If wiki is correct:
Phantasmal Swordsman: Damage: 672 (1.925) = usualy hits for 3k-4k on medium armor.
Phantasmal Warlock: Damage: 438 (1.65) = should be less than iSwordman, but -30% from conditions it is 4,3k; so better than average iSwordman and is still far more then I expected.

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: lojer.8576


I always thought that Phantasmal Warlock was more for condi builds, but that changed when it hit thief for 5,6k dmg in sPvP on non-phantasm berserker build.