Showing Posts For lyfe.5683:

SotG drinking game

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


We need a more feasible drinking game that wont kill us, then we get a bunch of us on Tinychat and see what happens during the SoTG lol.

PvP Gear on Character Select

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Thank you Evan! It really means a lot to those of us left to have someone who pays attention to us and makes a visible difference for the good of the community

Time to add GvG+HA

in Suggestions

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Guys, you’re going to have to come to terms with this just like most of us have. The PvP is not what we expected and the changes needed to bring it around are honestly way too big for their team to tackle.

We’re talking about a team of developers for a game whos title insinuates that your guild will be fighting…other guilds, that didn’t even add dueling or guilds fighting each other. Pretty sure dueling would be part of a popular PvP game, just throwing it out there.

A ton of the downfalls are really obvious, so obvious that many have either moved on or are like me, just waiting for whats next on the horizon. If the game was to take a radical change for the better then someone would have to admit they were wrong about a heap of implemented and omitted features, not happening.

It sure looks nice on the shelf next to Swtor and Diablo III though!

"connection error..." AGAIN

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lyfe.5683


I’m getting the same error as well

Opinions & Concerns about upcoming PvP changes

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


I don’t want to uninstall the game, yet with no word from the devs on the patch and….no patch…

This is long past starting to sound like a joke they are playing on the community, have we been trolled by a few angry people working at a f2p game company?


What features are you expecting on the 26th?

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


When patch day goes live, what kind of features are you expecting to see implemented?

Matchmaking is making us play less and less

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Agreed @OneManArmy, I get extremely sad when I see the list of the top 100 or so NA folks with QP’s; 1402 for the first guy then only 90 folks later its 159 =(

Why is there 0 Team Recruitment?

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Head on over to Anvil Rock, join up with the guild “tPVP”. I am confident that you will be able to find a team pretty easily within a couple days, you being anyone that needs a team and or wants to get in on some paid tourny action.

A Crazy Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Interesting point Felivear, perhaps it could be shorter with defined segments that would each take somewhat of an equal portion of the video.

sPvP Features in developement this week – 30 sec
One random sPvP team member introduces themselves to community – 10 sec
Update on features that have made progress since last weeks video – 20 sec

Surely there is an intern out there with a camera phone and the heart enough to reach out to the players, or a developer with the passion enough to set aside 50 seconds of their entire week towards a project that just MIGHT make the player base, happier.

A Crazy Idea!

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


What if:
The current team working on sPvP in all its glory were to make a short two minute video to be posted every Monday giving us a simple update on features they are working on and how last weeks features have come along?

How would you feel about this if it were a possibility?

Is it just me or does smoke bomb never work?

in Thief

Posted by: lyfe.5683


This is too funny, I just rage quit because I kept dying in duels because my smoke bomb rarely ever works. I thought to myself, I wonder if anyone else is having this issue on the forums…

Anet, please fix stealth in your updates for first quarter!

Power build

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


I use all Elementalist runes for my 5/6 and then a random +25 power rune for the last one to maximize my attack.

Power build

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


I have been running with this build for the last couple weeks with great success. The build can be adapted for tournament play by switching out Arcane Thievery with Portal.

The build relies on the heavy use of the greatsword for the majority of your damage while falling back into staff for more defensive play.

The last rune I use is any +25 power for the increased attack bringing it to 3,479 before your bloodlust stacks.I keep a bloodlust sigil on both the staff and greatsword.

I hope someone is able to enjoy this build as much as I do

Blinks discription is misleading

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Blink works if you can WALK to the point. If the path requires you to JUMP to get there, you cannot blink there

Fantastic response FLIMP, I have come to learn that this is absolutely true. I would like to recount my previous suggestion and instead pose that we change the tooltip to say something to the effect of “Blink out of sight and quickly re-appear at another location if a path is available”

Blinks discription is misleading

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


UnknownFreak, I’m not sure if I believe the screenshots. Blink wont even get me up onto a rock half my size a few feet in front of me, it just places me at the base of the rock.


Blinks discription is misleading

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


The description states : Teleport to a target location.

You cannot teleport to a location where the ground elevation is higher than you.

You cannot teleport across a gap between two elevated points, even if the target location is of the same elevation as your current position.

You can however teleport to a lower elevation, stretching my imagination I can think of a few useful possibilities for this.

Is there somehow a way to add in the description something to the effect of “Skill is only to be utilized to traverse around flat ground only” in order to prevent people like me from spending skill points on this ability under the wrong impression?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post

"Dueling" in spvp, out of control

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


People that duel: “Anet please give us our own place to duel!”

People that don’t duel: “Anet, please give them their own place to duel, not in our space!”

So I have to ask, are the developers aware what dueling is? If so, were they aware of its existence before they developed their game?

Something as blatant as this makes me wonder just how much the developers actually care about us, and how many of them are doing it just for the paycheck.

Questions regarding tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


I see…

Thank you for answering my questions

P.s. is there by chance any sort of PvP developers blog that is used to communicate upcoming changes to the system?

Questions regarding tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: lyfe.5683


HI there, I just have a couple questions regarding the tPvP scene and starting out in it.

1. Is there a system implemented that allows me to search through teams that are currently registered in some fashion who are looking for new members?

2. Is there a way to queue into the free tournaments while being placed against similarly skilled players?

3. Is there a fan-based website that the majority of the sPvP community is using instead of these forums?

Love/Hate relationship

in Thief

Posted by: lyfe.5683


I used to get so mad at thieves in sPvP, so I decided to roll one to figure out how to counter some of the abilities. What I found instead, was a new profession that I can switch to when frustrated over just about anything in-game, one that makes me a little happier and less frustrated. Here’s why:

1. I work with three buttons, one to stealth, one to open, and one to spam. <3 it!

I’m not making fun of this profession, I’m not being sarcastic, I honestly enjoy the playstyle. Yes its the easiest thing in the world to do, but when you’re frustrated and need a break from whatever you’re doing, easy helps.

Now before anyone comes in here dogging me, let me say this, I get just as many glory points if not more while playing thief as opposed to my main. I don’t care if I cant stand up to anyone in a 1v1 with the class, I kill multiple folks in a short amount of time when I run in to a zerg with my own zerg, and I enjoy myself doing it.

Hitting someone for 5-7k with one button, feels kitten amazing, period. Ty Anet

Mesmer confessions

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


I make my movements mimic my illusions, pretending to be a clone is fun…but not for the other guy.

In need of clarification

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Thank you so much for your reply. You adressed all of my concerns, I’ll be be adapting my playstyle now with hopefully much better results

In need of clarification

in Mesmer

Posted by: lyfe.5683


Hello everyone,

I just started playing a few days ago, spending most of my time experimenting with different builds across most of the classes. I’ve settled on Mesmer for my PvE experience, however after a few hours I seem to be encountering the same issues and finding myself questioning whether or not I made the right choice.

Here is a short list of the issues I’m currently having. Please let me know if these are normal and working as intended (I’m still learning after all :] ).

1. Enemies actively engaging something I’m supposed to defend (I.E. a supply mule on its way to a garrison along a route) will not target me in spite of all my abilities being used on them. I’m forced to either simply watch whatever I’m protecting die while I try and go through all the mobs in time, or I clear the area before starting the quest.

2. In melee range (I use the term loosely because I still have yet to find where the game is telling me how far away I am to my target) I am shocked when my illusionary leap actually summons an illusion, using the ability from any distance besides hugging distance fails 99% of the time it feels.

3. None of the illusions/phantasms I summon take aggro, they do not hold aggro from a stealth/decoy summon, they die instantaneously. What is the point of using illusions outside of PvP besides their shatter abilities? I understand the need for phantasms as they do damage.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, any positive feedback would be greatly appreciated. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all