Showing Posts For misterducky.4876:
I had no problem with the Megaservers until today.
I play on Crystal Desert. I like it, I’ve been on here for over a year (Switched over from NSP), and the community has been pretty good. I like the server culture. And one thing I like is a lack of RPers. I know that Tarnished Coast was the unofficial RP server in most people’s minds, and I was more than happy to stay off the Tarnished Coast server whenever possible.
Now, with the Megaserver, there is no division. I am forced into a server with people who, in my mind, do nothing but spam the chat and make annoyances. To add insult to injury, ANet has apparently been too short sighted to consider this might be a problem. Blocking someone does nothing to stop their emotes, and you have to manually add someone to the block list via the friends panel if they are using nothing but emotes, as you can’t right click on an emoted name.
ANet, please address this. Either revert cities back to the way they were, or add the ability to block people who are using nothing but emotes.
Note the huge caveat: “if you qualify” for the loot, you get the bag. No one’s said what qualifies you. There could be a bag limit per day.
It means that if you qualify to roll for loot in general. If you did enough damage to the champion that you will get loot for killing it, you will also get the champion bag.
The reason I am not doing it is indeed because of no tokens. Story mode should do so by default or introduce a ‘hard mode’. Some mechanics and encounters are awesome in story mode, but unless I am helping out friends, I feel no incentive to play them.
’Isn’t fun enough?’. No.
The point of story mode is to do them once, and do Explorable forever after.
Because for the 99% of people who are able to click the correct button, it would be nice not to have to click on the confirmation button every time I want to exit the game.
They have said over and over that a race change is not going to happen. Drop it.
Ideas 2-4 are fine, and reasonable.
But I think you should have your ability to do sPvP taken away just for suggesting
1. Kick one player on the opposite team (whoever has the lowest score).
Seriously, because one of your teammates dropped, another person who might be playing hard with their group gets kicked? The fact that you could even think up such a thing says poor things about your character.
It’s even sillier to think that your character woke up one day and knew six signature moves without ever having played Belcher’s Bluff
Here’s the question that no one ever has an answer for: How would you get past the fact that there are no horses in the game? Would we ride Dolyaks?
It really isn’t. Suggestions are for new things, not for fixes. Fixes go in the bug report section.
Also, I don’t know if this is a bug. I did Arah P4 with a pug where most of us were new, and it took us four hours. Based on what other people have told me, unless you’re a close knit, experienced group, Arah P4 is going to take a long time.
Well, to be honest, Asura kinda got a mount already. They got that awesome golem suit they can hop in for extremely limited time. Now, that is a type of mount I have nothing against.
Honest question, have you ever used the suit? Because it sucks. Hard. It’s slow, it can’t hit for anything, and it has crazy low defense. Any Asura you ever meet with the skill will regret the 10 skill points they spent on that suit.
You can already get gems from Ice and Earth elementals.
While I understand your plight, the suggestions forum is for given suggestions, not getting them.
As someone who has a legendary on an Asura Guardian (The Moot), I and other people have zero problems seeing them. People who worry about this are silly, and this is a pointless suggestion. I don’t want my Moot to be larger than my character can wield.
Trust me, people will know when you have a legendary, regardless of your size.
You know that the Melbourne Shuffle wasn’t invented by LMFAO, right? It’s been a thing since the late 80s.
ANet tells you people no, so often, and you still post threads about it.
They’re not going to do it. It doesn’t make sense. The logic of “WoW has it, why not GW2?” is stupid, and if you want to love WoW so much, go and play WoW.
They’re not going to make a special skin just for the Cleric’s gear. It’s a whole lot easier for them to just copy and paste the cleric’s stats onto the existing ones.
Also, please no wings. We don’t need wings in this game.
It’s because they don’t want you equipping two rings with defensive infusion slots (or offensive). The Solaria, Circle of the Sun allows you to wear two rings with the same stats.
I vote yes.
As long as you cannot use Legendarys in WvWvW/Spvp. They would go red and go back to your inventory if you enter these areas.
So, because you want to create imbalance, I shouldn’t be able to use the weapon I worked hard to create in WvW?
No. Legendaries will only ever be as powerful as the most powerful weapon. ANet has said this before. Please, just stop trying to make stupid, useless changes.
We don’t need minipets. Minipets don’t do anything and just are a decorative thing that follows us around.
We don’t need armors. Armors are just a decorative thing that looks nice.
Actually, armor provides stats and defense, so yeah, we do need armor. And as for Mini-pets, they, like tonics, are a hold over from GW1. They make sense within the lore.
Since reading this thread, I have changed my opinion. I think cosmetic mounts should be available… From the Black Lion chest, as an RNG, account-bound, and for a limited time.
Also, OP, if there were ever mounts in the game, you wouldn’t have a horse.
That was only because of a glitch, not anything intentional. It was only if you completed the PvE monthly before the patch, you could then do the PvP monthly after, and get both sets of laurels. It was a nice treat once, but they shouldn’t have it all the time.
But if I get attacked by an enemy, and run away, and run past someone who’s AFK, doesn’t it make more sense for an enemy to attack the one that doesn’t run?
Also, stop going AFK in the middle of an area where enemies spawn. If you die doing that, it’s your own fault.
Honestly, Ascended items are your best bet for Apothecary trinkets at the moment. Cheaper, with better stats.
There’s really no need for the hostile responses guys. This is the suggestions forum, and people should feel free to make suggestions without being attacked, however I do understand people shouldn’t make multiple threads for mounts, as there already are alot.
Your last point is the exact reason people are hostile. If it was the first time a mount thread had come up, sure, it’d be more reasonable, but “mount thread density” is my typical metric for this forum
God, shut up about mounts already. They’re not going to do it. There’s no “Mystery and danger of exploration” if I run between two places as opposed to waypointing. If I have a waypoint, I’ve already explored the area. It’s not exploration anymore, it’s tedium.
This isn’t WoW. Stop trying to make it like WoW. If you want to play WoW, then go play WoW.
Exactly! The armor used to be account bound, then they changed it. Answer this: Why would they allow me to buy armor that I could never equip? Say I am a Warrior, why would that armor vendor even show me light or medium armor?
You can buy a piano if you don’t know how to play.
There are a lot of way to gain karma, whatever you do, sooner or later you can afford the karma equipments by just playing the game and having fun. In opposition to this, the laurel system forces you to do things what you don’t want to do. Having different token for every dungeon and every equipment makes it more time consuming, what might be good for someone, but it is not good for me, because i have less time to play wvw.
It’s good, because it means you can’t get Dungeon gear without doing the dungeons. Same with Fractals.
How in the world can you not do your dailies while playing WvW?
well you can always transmute to it. Therefore this woudent be a problem.
So because you have a stupid idea, I have to waste a fine transmutation stone? My build is built around how my character uses her weapon.
This idea is dumb, and you should feel bad for it.
I don’t like WvW, but I have to do it for Badges for my legendary. I’d prefer if I didn’t have to get a Gift of Battle for my shield skin. But I do.
This is a stupid suggestion. This trait is super useful. I use it in dungeons all the time (Cliffside Fractal and SE path 3, it’s super useful for both).
Wanting them to take a trait out because you don’t personally use it makes you a jerk.
Just use a different trait.
Surprisingly they haven’t capitalized on it much.
There’s no profit in the Eternal Alchemy.
They added the bonus mission pack after a couple years. Let them get to expansions before they deal with mission packs.
I support Shifted’s idea. I think we should have the option to be able to put ourselves on display, but we shouldn’t be forced to.
Other than that, Removing Breath bar was a conscious choice. Arenanet didn’t feel that breath bars were fun so they removed it entirely.
This is the only reason OP should need. It’s a simple matter of fun, and a breath bar isn’t fun.
ANet said they don’t want Underwater combat to be a chore. A breath bar would make it a chore. You already have to manage your health.
This. So much this. Every time I read the ascended item list, I get sad because there are no cleric rings or amulets. It makes me want to run fractals above level 10 less because it means I can’t get gear that suits my build but prevents Agony at the same time.
Most of the time when I come to the forum and read suggestions, they’re super stupid.
But this? This I like. I like your two-tiered approach.
I would like to see one for dailies.
Type: Salvage
Name: Deconstructor
Tier 1: Salvage 20 items.
Tier 2: Successfully retain a rune/sigil/upgrade component when salvaging.
I’ve seen the wine used at the Mystic Forge on the trading post, and it’s classed as legendary.
That’s a scam, selling merch stuff bough with easy going skillpoint making money on it.
Wine isn’t a product of skill points. It’s bought for 25.6 silver. Things you buy with skill points can’t be sold. They’re all account bound.
It’d be great if you could include information about which dungeon you did, what class you played, and what level you did the dungeon at.
Other than that, with a name like Gankfest, you sound like you should probably just stick to WoW for now.
That’s exactly my case and point. Legendaries would really be Legendary. It wouldn’t be “Oh well that guy is just a gold farmer/buyer and bought Precursor X.” People would actually RECOGNIZE their achievement and it would actually mean something.
Sorry for the all-caps, but it seems like that’s the only way to get through to you.
So, how would you go about obtaining Legendary Precursors? Because at the moment, if we stuck to the current system, you would only be able to get them if you were very lucky. Which, if we think about the whole idea behind Legendary weapons, throughout fantasy stories and history, no one had a legendary weapon because of luck. They got them through hard work. Luck is already relied on enough with the Mystic Clovers. We don’t need to side further on luck.
The only way your system would work is if there was a way to buy them using a non-transferable currency, like Karma or Tokens. And we already have to use both those things to make parts for the Legendary anyway.
You come to the table with a lot of problems, but no solutions. Saying “make them account bound” isn’t a solution. If I put four swords into the mystic forge, and for some reason I don’t want Zap, and I get Zap? I’d be pissed. Because now I can’t sell it.
To my knowledge, there isn’t one. Sigils that are expensive in the Trading Post are usually ones without recipes and ones that have to be salvaged from random drops to get.
Traits missing vital informations in tooltips to make informed decisions.
in Suggestions
Posted by: misterducky.4876
Actually, the GW1 tool tips used to be equally as vague, and substantially wordier. It took them what… four to five years to give the option for concise tooltips?
Honestly, I prefer skill tooltips where it doesn’t tell me how much damage something will do, because that’s damage factored in before the armor level. I prefer to just find out how much damage I do when I do it.
Guys. The whole point of dungeon armor is that it’s supposed to be difficult to take time to get. I can do speed runs of SE in path 1 and 3. I can get 120 tokens a day in the span of maybe an hour, at most. Arah, on the other hand, is like 4 hours a path.
If every dungeon were as difficult as Arah, they could implement a universal currency system, but then you guys would just complain about how hard all the dungeons are and that the bosses are too OP.