Hello my fellow Friends.
As someone who has a bit of a chaotic mind and isn’t a native English speaker it’s hard for me to put the things I want to say on paper. therefore my apologies to the people who find it hard to get through this long post.
Link to full album: http://imgur.com/a/o8Hgq
I hope this post will be read by a lot of people and maybe inspire some developers at Anet. First I want to with my critic with the map design, immersion and the world map. As someone who hates giving critic but no solutions I will try my best too always give an answer to the critic I’m giving. So let’s start with part 1.
Why do we play mmo’s? Well, because we want to lose ourselves in another world, forget about our own world and to have fun. For this reason it’s really important to design a world where you can relate back to the real world and limit immersion breakers (you don’t want to get pulled back to the real world). The time-discontinuity in GW2 is an immersion breaker for example. Playing a revenant and talking to pre revenant Rytlock who is the first revenant is a bit weird, but that’s something minor as it only occurs in the personal story. It will just bug you for a small time but after playing a bit longer, you will forget about it. This makes it not that big of an immersion breaker and not really important to be fixed. What is still bugging me even after 3,5 years and a lot of friends of mine who are playing GW2 is the way the zones are designed. The content in the zones itself is really good but there are a lot of things wrong with the usage of space in zones.
Because Arenanet is limited to an [x] amount of m2 for the zones they tried to fill the zones with as much content as they could to prevent seeing too much loading screens. But by filling every corner of a map the world doesn’t feel organic. Every time I show someone the map of gw2 the first thing most of them say: why is everything a square. The solution for this is making the zones between 10-20% smaller to make them more natural. http://imgur.com/LGUje9H
The reason why this is important for more immersion is because when you are walking in a zone and you are at its borders you want to think what is behind this mountain range and not what is behind this invisible wall surrounded by mountains. By giving the zones more unique shapes the maps themselves will become more unique. Whenever I think of a zone I played trough, I remember it as beautiful square zone #3. Instead of really %@&!!! Awesome Gendarran fields. It would cost a lot of resources to redesign the zones to give the current zones a more organic feel. Maybe in the future when the old zones will become outdated and need a redesign like cataclysm did for wow. Something like “rage of the elementals” where the Elemtals have become filled with magic because of the leaking magic from the dying dragons and start terraforming the land (dream will be dreams). Heart of thorns is luckily doing the zones a bit more natural but there is still room for improvement.
At this moment Anet only uses 2 ways to hide borders: mountains and water. This is a bit lacking as there are more ways to hide your zone borders. Every time I see a high mountain range in Tyria I will know: “that’s the end of the map”. Water is a much better zone border because Arenanet made it possible in their game engine to make it look like the water never ends. Orr is a good example for this. Whenever I’m walking through Orr I really get the feeling of walking on a peninsula. Because you know the city of arah is a rocky mountain like place with lots of height difference it’s logical for cursed shore and Malchor’s leap to have a mountain range as a border. Arenanet made it a bit hard for themselves to let most of the game take place inland. By doing this they have only used mountain borders in their zones. For heart of thorns this isn’t really a problem because the zones itself have lots of height difference and the borders feel natural. The border between Diessa Plaeau and Iron Marches however makes no sense. As they are both flat lands it doesn’t make any sense to have a straight mountain range between them. Because all the maps inland have mountains as borders I always get the feeling of “living inside a box”. The solution for this is more diversity in the use of borders. http://imgur.com/SZiQJV5
The image above shows 2 of my own ideas on map borders. The first one is canyon with a bridge. The canyon is the same on the 2 maps. By making the canyon a bit wide. The trees on the opposite side will become more vague. By this it really looks like there is a forest on the opposite side while there are only maybe 4 rows of trees. By never making it able to climb out of the canyon you will never know there is nothing on the other side of the canyon. The second idea is a map border of a sandstorm or a blizzard if you stand long enough in the storm you will get killed. By making it in a way you will always get killed before reaching the “other map” it doesn’t feel like an invisible wall. This one shouldn’t be used too often as it is a bit weird to have a storm only alongside a line on the world. You can get to the other map by using a chariot pulled by beasts who can endure the storm.
One of the other biggest immersion breakers in game is the way zones are connected to each other
and to the world map. Every time a look at the world map I got broken out of the game (immersion wise). Because you spend a lot of time looking at the map the map needs to be top-notch.
Let’s start with the way zones are connected to each other. The connection from Queensdale to Divinity’s Reach works very well and feels natural. It works cause whenever I stand in Divinity’s reach I know unconsciously the next zone would be queensdale, because I can see Divinity’s reach from Queensdale. This really gives the feeling the zones are connected to each other and give the feeling they are part of a bigger world. The connection between Diessa plateau and snowden drifts however feel unnatural, because it snows on one side of the zone and there is dry land on the other side of the zone. This won’t be possible without a lot of height difference. It’s not unlogical however from a developer perspective as you don’t want to spend a lot of resources on the map when you want to spend all those resources on just making a good and big zone. The Grove has a same problem, the zone clearly shows it’s on the coastline but you can’t see the sea anywhere in the grove. The same goes for dragon’s stand the final boss battle is supposed to be next to the sea but you can’t see it anywhere, because all the resources they had for the map were spent on making it a fun map. A solution for this problem would be so called “filler maps”.
The first release of Drytop has shown that people actually are oké with small zones as long as there are enough big zones. Filler maps are like a bridge between big zones and make the big zones feel connected to the world and not just a random place somewhere on the world. A good example would be a filler map between Diessa plateau and Snowden drifts: The lvl 15 Icy Staircase zone. You have this long staircase where you have to walk along the mountain to finally get to the portal to Snowden drifts. Filler maps don’t necessarily have to have a lot of gameplay content but they can have a few events like protecting Dolyaks to the top of the mountain and down the mountain. Maybe a jumping puzzle and some other small achievements to make them feel alive. They would be great too for raid and instance entries as the maps don’t have meta events. This way people afk’ing for raids aren’t interfering with the max map player count for meta events. Roleplaying players also have a great place to hang out, because they are on a more quit place where they can do what they want without being disturbed too much. http://imgur.com/y6jVzfS
One of the other problems is the world map. Like I said before the world map is something you look at an awful lot so it needs to be top-notch. When I look at a map on the world map the artwork of the map doesn’t really blend in to the artwork of the map itself. There are a lot of ugly lines between them. Like there is this strange out of place line between Rata Sum and dragon’s stand. This is an area Anet is never going to make a zone out of. So why is there still this ugly out of place artwork between the two maps. http://imgur.com/TUUaLLF
The solution for this problem is really simple. Just update the world map artwork. Spending a bit more time on the artwork of the map also gives more solutions to the problems with zone shapes. Whenever Arena net wants to make a big map it needs to be rectangular. To give it a more natural feeling by just placing the zones a bit further away from each other. This way there is more artistic freedom to make the zones more connected and blend-in to the world map. http://imgur.com/lidkIUN
[Problems] =>
-Solution 1
-solution 2
[unnatural zone shapes] =>
-smaller maps
-smarter use of zone borders
-more diversity in the use of zone border
[little connection between zones and the world map] =>
-placing maps further away for more artistic freedom on the artwork
-filler maps
[the outdated world map]
By fixing all the problems with the given solutions the world will become much more immersive and natural. this is the world at this moment: http://imgur.com/TUUaLLF and this the world I would update it to wit arena net’s current engine possibilities : http://imgur.com/Ym8DIR8. As you can see the strange islands from Bloodtide coast, Sparkly fen and South sun Cove are gone. Something is stirring in the waters and flooded the land. Steve is getting stronger. The artwork is fixed. There are two new filler maps. One is below dragon’s stand. It has a connection between Dragon’s stand and Rata sum. In the filler map you can see the dragon’s tower and strange rock formation standing in the sea. You will get a good scope how big it really is and the waves crashing onto the cliffs it’s standing on. The other maps is the grove’s roots a lvl 15 zone where you can walk alongside the roots of the grove. The road to the tarnished coast is still closed off by Sylvari guards. There also is a dockyard with a ship to Southsun cove, a portal to Caledon forest and a pod that is flying you above to the grove. There Is also now a portal from Caledon forest to Southsun Cove. Well this was it on my frustration on the world of Tyria next post I will talk about the absence of creepy content in the game and why it needs to be in game