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Pt. 1 Critic on immersion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


Hello my fellow Friends.

As someone who has a bit of a chaotic mind and isn’t a native English speaker it’s hard for me to put the things I want to say on paper. therefore my apologies to the people who find it hard to get through this long post.

Link to full album:

I hope this post will be read by a lot of people and maybe inspire some developers at Anet. First I want to with my critic with the map design, immersion and the world map. As someone who hates giving critic but no solutions I will try my best too always give an answer to the critic I’m giving. So let’s start with part 1.


Why do we play mmo’s? Well, because we want to lose ourselves in another world, forget about our own world and to have fun. For this reason it’s really important to design a world where you can relate back to the real world and limit immersion breakers (you don’t want to get pulled back to the real world). The time-discontinuity in GW2 is an immersion breaker for example. Playing a revenant and talking to pre revenant Rytlock who is the first revenant is a bit weird, but that’s something minor as it only occurs in the personal story. It will just bug you for a small time but after playing a bit longer, you will forget about it. This makes it not that big of an immersion breaker and not really important to be fixed. What is still bugging me even after 3,5 years and a lot of friends of mine who are playing GW2 is the way the zones are designed. The content in the zones itself is really good but there are a lot of things wrong with the usage of space in zones.


Because Arenanet is limited to an [x] amount of m2 for the zones they tried to fill the zones with as much content as they could to prevent seeing too much loading screens. But by filling every corner of a map the world doesn’t feel organic. Every time I show someone the map of gw2 the first thing most of them say: why is everything a square. The solution for this is making the zones between 10-20% smaller to make them more natural.

The reason why this is important for more immersion is because when you are walking in a zone and you are at its borders you want to think what is behind this mountain range and not what is behind this invisible wall surrounded by mountains. By giving the zones more unique shapes the maps themselves will become more unique. Whenever I think of a zone I played trough, I remember it as beautiful square zone #3. Instead of really %@&!!! Awesome Gendarran fields. It would cost a lot of resources to redesign the zones to give the current zones a more organic feel. Maybe in the future when the old zones will become outdated and need a redesign like cataclysm did for wow. Something like “rage of the elementals” where the Elemtals have become filled with magic because of the leaking magic from the dying dragons and start terraforming the land (dream will be dreams). Heart of thorns is luckily doing the zones a bit more natural but there is still room for improvement.

At this moment Anet only uses 2 ways to hide borders: mountains and water. This is a bit lacking as there are more ways to hide your zone borders. Every time I see a high mountain range in Tyria I will know: “that’s the end of the map”. Water is a much better zone border because Arenanet made it possible in their game engine to make it look like the water never ends. Orr is a good example for this. Whenever I’m walking through Orr I really get the feeling of walking on a peninsula. Because you know the city of arah is a rocky mountain like place with lots of height difference it’s logical for cursed shore and Malchor’s leap to have a mountain range as a border. Arenanet made it a bit hard for themselves to let most of the game take place inland. By doing this they have only used mountain borders in their zones. For heart of thorns this isn’t really a problem because the zones itself have lots of height difference and the borders feel natural. The border between Diessa Plaeau and Iron Marches however makes no sense. As they are both flat lands it doesn’t make any sense to have a straight mountain range between them. Because all the maps inland have mountains as borders I always get the feeling of “living inside a box”. The solution for this is more diversity in the use of borders.
The image above shows 2 of my own ideas on map borders. The first one is canyon with a bridge. The canyon is the same on the 2 maps. By making the canyon a bit wide. The trees on the opposite side will become more vague. By this it really looks like there is a forest on the opposite side while there are only maybe 4 rows of trees. By never making it able to climb out of the canyon you will never know there is nothing on the other side of the canyon. The second idea is a map border of a sandstorm or a blizzard if you stand long enough in the storm you will get killed. By making it in a way you will always get killed before reaching the “other map” it doesn’t feel like an invisible wall. This one shouldn’t be used too often as it is a bit weird to have a storm only alongside a line on the world. You can get to the other map by using a chariot pulled by beasts who can endure the storm.


One of the other biggest immersion breakers in game is the way zones are connected to each other
and to the world map. Every time a look at the world map I got broken out of the game (immersion wise). Because you spend a lot of time looking at the map the map needs to be top-notch.
Let’s start with the way zones are connected to each other. The connection from Queensdale to Divinity’s Reach works very well and feels natural. It works cause whenever I stand in Divinity’s reach I know unconsciously the next zone would be queensdale, because I can see Divinity’s reach from Queensdale. This really gives the feeling the zones are connected to each other and give the feeling they are part of a bigger world. The connection between Diessa plateau and snowden drifts however feel unnatural, because it snows on one side of the zone and there is dry land on the other side of the zone. This won’t be possible without a lot of height difference. It’s not unlogical however from a developer perspective as you don’t want to spend a lot of resources on the map when you want to spend all those resources on just making a good and big zone. The Grove has a same problem, the zone clearly shows it’s on the coastline but you can’t see the sea anywhere in the grove. The same goes for dragon’s stand the final boss battle is supposed to be next to the sea but you can’t see it anywhere, because all the resources they had for the map were spent on making it a fun map. A solution for this problem would be so called “filler maps”.

The first release of Drytop has shown that people actually are oké with small zones as long as there are enough big zones. Filler maps are like a bridge between big zones and make the big zones feel connected to the world and not just a random place somewhere on the world. A good example would be a filler map between Diessa plateau and Snowden drifts: The lvl 15 Icy Staircase zone. You have this long staircase where you have to walk along the mountain to finally get to the portal to Snowden drifts. Filler maps don’t necessarily have to have a lot of gameplay content but they can have a few events like protecting Dolyaks to the top of the mountain and down the mountain. Maybe a jumping puzzle and some other small achievements to make them feel alive. They would be great too for raid and instance entries as the maps don’t have meta events. This way people afk’ing for raids aren’t interfering with the max map player count for meta events. Roleplaying players also have a great place to hang out, because they are on a more quit place where they can do what they want without being disturbed too much.


One of the other problems is the world map. Like I said before the world map is something you look at an awful lot so it needs to be top-notch. When I look at a map on the world map the artwork of the map doesn’t really blend in to the artwork of the map itself. There are a lot of ugly lines between them. Like there is this strange out of place line between Rata Sum and dragon’s stand. This is an area Anet is never going to make a zone out of. So why is there still this ugly out of place artwork between the two maps.
The solution for this problem is really simple. Just update the world map artwork. Spending a bit more time on the artwork of the map also gives more solutions to the problems with zone shapes. Whenever Arena net wants to make a big map it needs to be rectangular. To give it a more natural feeling by just placing the zones a bit further away from each other. This way there is more artistic freedom to make the zones more connected and blend-in to the world map.


[Problems] =>
-Solution 1
-solution 2

[unnatural zone shapes] =>
-smaller maps
-smarter use of zone borders
-more diversity in the use of zone border

[little connection between zones and the world map] =>
-placing maps further away for more artistic freedom on the artwork
-filler maps

[the outdated world map]

By fixing all the problems with the given solutions the world will become much more immersive and natural. this is the world at this moment: and this the world I would update it to wit arena net’s current engine possibilities : As you can see the strange islands from Bloodtide coast, Sparkly fen and South sun Cove are gone. Something is stirring in the waters and flooded the land. Steve is getting stronger. The artwork is fixed. There are two new filler maps. One is below dragon’s stand. It has a connection between Dragon’s stand and Rata sum. In the filler map you can see the dragon’s tower and strange rock formation standing in the sea. You will get a good scope how big it really is and the waves crashing onto the cliffs it’s standing on. The other maps is the grove’s roots a lvl 15 zone where you can walk alongside the roots of the grove. The road to the tarnished coast is still closed off by Sylvari guards. There also is a dockyard with a ship to Southsun cove, a portal to Caledon forest and a pod that is flying you above to the grove. There Is also now a portal from Caledon forest to Southsun Cove. Well this was it on my frustration on the world of Tyria next post I will talk about the absence of creepy content in the game and why it needs to be in game

class diversity, roles, and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


all build are viable but you clear the dungeon at twice the speed if you were running it with zerker armor. i play sometimes with power toughness vitality and i notice that i’m slowing the group down. my skill lvl and understanding of the game doesn’t change just my build. for this reason zerker is almost a must, try doing 30+ fracs with your own pref gear. It doesn’t work, becasue the damage build have almost just as much as sustain as other build because they can use the same skills (endure pain, block, distortian) This makes the other build not really that viable.

and please stop using wow as an argument. It’s not that wow is the all evil of mmos. You can’t deny that wow has alot of great stuff. for example not unreal square like maps. gw2 is revolutionary in a lot of ways but sometimes you need to accept that tings didnt work as planned and you have to change the formula. Taking a step back is not always a bad thing. just like humanity learned alot in the The Renaissance from the old greek and roman times.

going back to a bit more traditional like role system is therefore in my opnion not that bad. They just need to find a way not to make the basic form (3dps, 1 healer, 1 tank) obligatory

class diversity, roles, and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


yhea but it’s not about speedruns. it’s about just completing content. speed runs are the consequence of one of the game problems. diversity isnt needed in the game for 98% of the content just for speedruns. and what about all the armor, you are not going to tell me you are doing speedruns in power touhness vitality armor

(edited by mricezombie.4560)

class diversity, roles, and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


The reason why this is not working in the current state of the game is because anet has given the classes too much options and skills. Yes this sounds crazy but i’m going to explain why less is more. For example a pure zerker mesmer still has a lot of sustainability and can easily solo all kinds of bosses, because the way skills work. You can evade all the time becasue you keep giving yourself vigor distortion etc. while doing max damage. This is bad for the game because this makes support not viable, why would you need it if you could do it yourself. The tank/ manipulation role is also not viable, because you can easily just keep the enemies busy yourself and keep spreading your boons to other people so they have a lot of sustain too.

A solution for the new system to work is the Class diversity. At lvl 40 or something like that you are going to have to make a choice are you support, damage, tank

The Elemtalist for example

If you reached lvl 40 you get a pop up saying what you want to become.

-lava elamentalist (tank) you can only switch between earth and fire 25% protection
-life elamentalist (support) you can only switch between earth and water
25% boon duration+15% protection
-plasma elematlist (damage) you can only switch between fire and lightning+25% damage

You can only change your talent out of combat and maybe with 30 min rest or something like that. As you lvl you unlock more skills that are only available for that talent like a lava can only summon a fire or an earth elemental.

For the new roles to work, damage roles can cant spread boons, can’t evade too much and can only give themselves few boons like might, fury swiftness. Support roles can give everybody a lot and all sorts of boons. Tanks can only give theme self boons like a few stacks of might protection aegis. The tank warrior for example can only wield shield maces great swords and hammers, while the damage warrior can wield swords rifles etc.

This solution is in my opinion one of the best as it would solve a lot of problems. Making a lot of weapons viable again, solving the zerker meta, giving character diversity, it could even go as far as making conditions viable in PVE as not all talents could use condi’s like you have a

Soul eater necro +25% condi damage
Life shredder necro +25%damage
blood necro +15 protection +15% life stealing

If you disagree with my solution, post your own solutions, feel free to talk and discuss the problems I talked about and if you just want to fantasize about crazy talents for classes go ahead.

Sorry for the long and chaotic post and for my bad English it’s not my native language.

class diversity, roles, and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


This thread is pure PVE and for it to work their needs to be difference between pve and pvp balancing. Playing your class in pvp needs to be the same as always, but PVE needs in my opinion an overhaul. This is my solotion to a problem that exist in gw2 and if you disagree with it tell your own solotion or how it could work etc.

After playing for a whole long time in gw2 I still don’t have a really strong connection to my class. I know that more people have a problem with this matter (including woodenpotatoes).

One of the problems causing this, is the lack of class and build diversity and the functionally implantation of the “new” roles damage/support/tanky or manipulation role. Anet talked about this before launch i think (if not i will claim the idea myself). Having to rely on someone as much as for example a healer is really bad and will cause for a lot of frustration. So all the roles need to be implemented in a way that will cause no frustration and without obligatory form of a basic structure (3 damage, 1 support, 1 tanky/taunt role).

I’m now going to discuss how it will work in practice as it all seems a bit unreal. This is off course a basic explanation and all the values are a bit off. But this is kind of how it works

If you got a basic group of 3 damage, 1 support and 1 tanky/taunt roles,
The tank class will keep the enemies busy while defending the support and damage roles. The support role is keeping everybody up with goodies and sustainability and after some time they complete the wave of enemies. This is the basic form

For it to work with a lot of other possible group formation anet needs to do a lot of balancing. But it is certainly possible. having a group of 2 support, 2 damage and 1 tank should take the same time to complete the wave with enemies as the basic formation group. Because there is one fragile damage clkitten, there are less wipes and more dps given to all the other people in the group because there is one support extra. It will take roughly the same time to complete the wave.

Even in the some extreme cases it is able to work, for example 5 support.
Since there are 5 supports in the group everybody is always almost max stacked with boons they almost do the same damage and have the same sustainability as the basic form group. The new roles shouldn’t work with all formations, otherwise the roles don’t really have a purpose like 5 tanks is not really useful or 5 damage because everybody keeps dying too much.

2-men dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


I think it would be a great addition for gw2, because most players got 1 good friend
who they are playing with, but there are not alot of players who got 4 good friends for doing dungeon runs. offcourse you can pug, but doing someting challenging just with your best friend without 3 random players is the most fun. (in my experience)

Some ideas are 2-men arena fights, 2-men survival games or just normal 2- men dungeons. What do you guys think about 2-men dungeons? and in what form it should take place?

(sorry for my english)

A Note on Repeating Last Year's Halloween

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


It’s not going to be copy paste. There was a tweet some time ago from a dev where he sort of complained about remaking assets for an holiday event. Woodenpotatoes mentioned it in one of his videos. There is a very big chance that this holiday event is halloween becasue it’s the first holdiay event since that tweet. If they even took time to remake the looks of halloween the chance is also very big that Anet took the time to update the whole halloween event.

(sorry for my english)

Omadds Machine Cinematic. Item to rewatch it?

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


It would be great if there would be an asura who made a well of memories and is showing it in Rata Sum. By going to rata sum and paying the Asura 50 copper he will show you your memories by looking into the well. This way you can see all The cutscenes that have ever been in the in the living world.

Challenge mode achievement

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


This boss fight was really well done. I completed it solo on the first try with my power/toughness/vitality warrior with a rifle and greatsword. We need more bossfights like these good job Anet. My only point of qritique is that this achievment is a bit too easy for someting called challenge mode. Something like challengde mode tier 2 would be nice with more crazy boss mechanics. Just to get me busy for another couple of days or weeks, to give you that special liadri/clocktower feeling.
The achievment wasn’t that easy but completing it on the first try is not something i would want for the hardest content of this patch.

But nevertheless keep up the good work Anet

Zephyrites new city

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


found this new wallpaper here
It’s called “kite city”. Are the zepherites going to build a new city somewhere close to dry top. It looks really cool


Disconnecting and Lag outside of Dry Top

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


lots of ds outisde Dry Top on my pc too

Lions arch should never be rebuild

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


the city looks amazing right now, it should never be rebuild, just leave it the state it is right now. All the litle details really did it for me, like the underground palmtree bar and the way the crafting staions are set up in, good job anet

Patch riot

in Community Creations

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


patch is live now, i think the riot helped

Goodbye Queensdale Train!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


all i got to say to this one


Patch riot

in Community Creations

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


hahahaha thats great hahah

Patch riot

in Community Creations

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


better release the patch now or big riots are coming up in tyria

Logan Thackeray is Zhaitan

in Lore

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


By the 6 gods…

What time will the patch drop?

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


It really differs from time to time, but it will likely drop between now and 4 hours

Lacking Terror Music

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


i completely agree that there needs to be specific music to areas and more terror music just like Orpheal posted

new writer (Ree Soesbee) for Living World?

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


Bobby Stein are you the good counterpart of Bobby kotick?

more then 6 dragons

in Lore

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


well you could have a
-darkness/shadow dragon
-light/star dragon

what is this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


No it’s from the endless fractal tonic, its the molten transformed grawl from the volcano fractal

why was the better one not used?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


There are lost of small details for example: The gold outline added to the character and Red hair. The slightly more detailed fortress in the background, the far castle in the back, the broken ship pole andThe frist pic Has higher color density. I’m drawimg alot myself and i was just wondering why idd they make this decision

Sorry for the typos, i’m writing this on my tablet

why was the better one not used?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


when i was browsing some artwork of Kekai Kotaki, i discoverred this pic of timberline falls. It looks much better than the current one used in the the loading screen. Why did Anet made the choice not to use the more detailed one?


Interesting community reactions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


People need to start realizing that the only thing happening in this patch is winning and some people win more than others. there are no losers in this patch but because some people didn’t win the jackpot like others they feel like they lost on something. thats it

+1 totally agree with you on this one

Narrative Lessons From 15 Months of Scarlet

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


As a writer myself, I’m taking note. This sums everything up incredibly well done; you hit the nail on the head with Ogden’s hammer.

Perhaps the biggest problem you noticed about Scarlet, is the fact she never interacts with anyone…

I will admit though, she did have two very memorable commanders, though: Mai Trin and First Mate Horrik

agree with you about Mai Trin and mate Horrik they were well done, and gave us some perspective about Scarlet, but there were still to less commanders.

Btw Mai Trin is still somewhere hiding, after she escaped we never heard from her again

Narrative Lessons From 15 Months of Scarlet

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


By the 6 gods this is a really good post, it’s really well done. I agree on almost all of them except for #14 you are mentioned quite alot nowdays. If you go to LA you name is mentioned alot on posters and people know you killed scarlet. think it was well balanced in the last patch, i believe that mentioning the player’s character even more will only effect the game in a negative way. #8 is also a bit strange, becasue the other races like the tengu and largos have nothing to do with scarlet they have their own prolems at the moment. But i fully agree on the other tips

is Cragstead coming back?

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


Btw how do you upload 2 images in the same post


is Cragstead coming back?

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


Cragstead is one of my favourite places in Tyria, because of it’s beauty (the wolf theme is just wonderfull) and becasue it is one of the few villages that has a history. The npc’s that are located in there have alot of interesting dialouge, for example there is a charr gladium that lost her warband from the Molten Alliance, and is not welcome anymore in her own land so she is now living in Cragstead, becasue she is accepted there. I was there in the beginning fighting against the molten alliance and it felt great coming back

Now my question is: is it coming back somewhere in the living story?
because i think it’s true hidden gem, that should not be forgotten

If you have missed the living story in Cragstead a year ago, i would still recommend going back there, becasue there is a norn that will tell the story what happened in there and lots of other talkative npc’s

Kudos to the team that made it


Wurm Kill confirmed (eu serers) please awnser

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


thx guys for the awnser

Wurm Kill confirmed (eu serers) please awnser

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


I had a discussion with a friend of mine, he said that the wurm has been beaten, because he saw somebody walking around in the blacktide server with the wurmslayer achievement. I said that would be strange because i never saw a pic of the kill on the forums or a confirmation by the devs that some server had killed the wurm.

And can you get the wurmslayer title without killing the wurm?

help me please

The Norn origin

in Norn

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


hahahaha sorry i forget the “or her”, but yhea the jotun are indeed an intersting tribe as well, we also don’t know much about them too, but i believe that the jotun are a really different race, because they already exist in the norse mythology. Jötunn

I really hope that the norn and all the other northern races willl get into the spotlight some day. I’m a big norn fan too and norse mythology in general

The Norn origin

in Norn

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


First of all i want to make clear that Norn have different origins than the humans, because the gods brought the humans to tyria and the norn were already located in Tyria. But why do the norn look like humans, only just alot taller.
The kodan themeselves believe the norn are descendants from them. The wiki says this:

_Little is known of the history of the norn before they were first encountered in Guild Wars: Eye of the North.

The origin of the norn race isn’t known, but there are theories. The kodan believe the norn may be descended from a group of kodan hunters separated from the tribes during the great storm, becoming lesser creatures for giving up being bears_

further the wiki says this about the great storm:

The great storm was long-lasting blizzard and a pivotal point in the history of the kodan race. Lasting for many seasons, it caused starvation and discontent among the kodan, eventually resulting in a small group leaving to look for hunting grounds further south. Though the kodan may not actively claim to be related to the norn, some Voice believe that this early splinter group of kodan may be the origin of the norn people

What if this has happened to the group of kodan. They came down south, devasted from the storm, questioning their faith in their god Koda, because of the torment from the storm. Finally after a long and painfull journey they reached a place south with peace and they saw the fresh to tyria humans. The humas were being helped and taken care of by the six human gods. These new gods made them question their own god, why would they be tormented for no reason (the kodan religoin is strongly about balance) and why do these six gods help the humans. This made them abondon their old religion and trying to transform into human-like beings just to get into these six new gods favor.
After a long period of time the Kodan had found out that no matter what they did or tried, they would never be accepted or noticed by these new gods. The six gods only cared about their own (made) humans. Stuck In this permanent transformation there was no way back. Because they betrayed their old god koda, they would never be accepted again by the other kodan. Going further the transformation meant to give in by these new gods, because of the high pride level of the koda they would never be able to do that.

After the series of events a new race was born: the Norn.
It would be too shamefull to let the kodan and other races know of their mistakes. So the norn were hiding in the mountains, waiting till time passed, trying to forget their mistakes, hoping everybody else forget about them and what they really were.
In the meantime they started having faith in the spirits of the wild, because the animals on the hunting grounds had never abonded them and this is still their religion nowdays.

This theory would also explain some things about the norn and koda. For example why is bear the great spirit? (because they are still bear like creatures, but just with a more human form)
And why do only the Kodan voices (kodan priests) speak of norn as descandants of the kodan (because Koda was the only one besides the group of kodan that knew that the group of kodan had abandoned him and transformed into the norn. He only knows the thruth and tells it to his voices)

If somebody disagrees with my theory or has his own theory i’m glad to read it.

ps. sorry for the long post in combination with my bad english. It’s not my native language.

Why I'm leaving gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


hahahaha XD, going to leave now too for study

i like it to

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


yhea, me too i had alot of fun. But i think more people have alot of fun, but they don’t tell it in the forums. Somewaht like 95% likes it and plays the game the other 5% is here on the forums complaining they don’t like free content and a very small group is actually giving good feedback. My only improvement to this patch would be more hard solo or group related content, just to keep that diversity and keep everybody happy

(edited by mricezombie.4560)

Achievement points shown in the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


having ap shown in the forum is not making gw2 wow. I love gw2 and i don’t want to get it turned into wow. It’s the same as saying you have red healthbars in wow and in gw2 too. therefore gw2 = WoW, it’s not a relevant argument

But back on topic
Danikat.8537 i agree with you with you about daily farms and guild leaders. But if a player is above 8000 Ap or someting like that it doesn’t even matter, if you got 8000 or 18000 you are both really good players. it isn’t that much of a diffrence. Even if somebody has an insane amount of AP you cannot deny that he has done alot of normal achievemts either, because if you want alot of AP doing normal achievemetns is also necessary. By doing normal achievements you get a real good understanding of the game

It’s also more about filtering the garbage post and making it more easy not to pay attention to attention-seekers and mindless haters.

Achievement points shown in the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560



that system would work perfect for my opinion. It won’t support elitism, because it will show your interests in certain part of the game and therefore show your best and bad sides in the game.

A system like this is good to filter alot of haters and garbage posters who are here only on the forums just to complain and hate on everything and not for the feedback. WoW has also Ap points and from my memory (quit the game a long time ago) there wasn’t alot of elitism on the forums, correct me if i am wrong btw.

Achievement points shown in the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


An option to click om the achievement points to look where you earned your ap from would be a good solotion to see how much somebody has played in a certain section, someting like your own achievement panel, only all players can see it. Or your forum profile would look someting like this

Mr. Banana

Fav character: norn guardian lvl 80
Emmisionary of the mad king
3524 ap
1/24 dungeon paths completed
Pvp rank: wolf

You immediatly know that this person has alot of knowledge about pvp but not much about dungeons, so when he makes a post about pvp you know it’s legit, but when he makes a comment about dungeons you can question his statement more easily.

If Ap would support too much elitism, it would be better to add thing like pvp ranks or other kind of ranks like frac lvls

Make the dragons unique

in Living World

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


I just saw tha latest video of woodenpotatoes (a true gw2 legend)
and he hoped that the next dragon would be intelligent like smaug from the hobbit. I truly agree with WP ( i kinda always do) and i really hope that all the elder dragons are individual and unique. I understand that zhaitan wasn’t that talkative, because he is a dragon of death. The dead don’t talk that much and i would expect that from zaithan.
It would be really good to see all dragon have their own personality and unique ways of doing things.

For example:

Jormag is trying to corrupt you with power and wealth, he might send some of his minions to you to persuade you and join his army. You never really speak to him in person but just to his minions. Just like the mafia, the don feels he shouldn’t use his energy to waste it on such a small character as the player

Primordius is this large dragon that when he speaks he intimades you, and you fell like a weak and helpless mortal. (kinda like the voice in the origin of madness trailer)

The deep sea dragon is trying to make you mad. He sends whisper to your head and is trying to make you loose your mind (he is the dragon of horrors). just like Hera did to Hercules, she made him kill his own children.

Giving the dragon voice actors is making them more alive and terrifying and would truly give the player goosebumps. Just introducing a new dragon and saying he is angry and big won’t give the player the feeling of being in danger.

Thank you for reading my post, and i apologize for my english

Achievement points shown in the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


I think elitism won’t be that much of a problem. The most elitism are not he one’s with alot of AP from my experience. All the players with high AP are mostly really friendly and got alot of AP just because they love the game an therefore play the game alot. It would’t make sense to get to 7000 AP or someting like that while you hate the game.
Having alot of AP means you care about the game. This will give your post more significance.

You can still make a really good writed comment while you know nothing of the game itself. It is the same as getting an A+ for an essay you wrote about a book without even reading the book, just because you read some things about it on the internet. This will give you the highlits of it but you do not really understand it truly.

There are alot of people who stopped playing the game for example but are still trolling the forums. A timer on your forum account to show when was the last time you were online or someting like that would be a good solutioun for that.

I agree zarcsux to add more flavor to your post, showing a pic of your fav character and your fav title or something like that.

Achievement points shown in the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


I think it’s good to see the AP of players and the hours they have played. Because this will prevent trolling on the forums. When somebody says for example with 38Ap and only 20 mins of playtime: "yhea endgame really sucks and scarlet is a real marry sue villian that ruins the entire game bla bla bla.. " You can automaticly tell by his game time and AP that their message is not really of relevance.

Ps. sorry for my english, it’s not my native language

Legion of blacktide (blacktide)

in Looking for...

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


We are an English speaking guild (legion of blacktide) and looking for new active players, our tag is (Lob). We are (as the name says) located on the blacktide server. Our guild has already unlocked all tiers in the guild upgrades, but we want to expand further so we can earn guild merits. For this we need more players to do guild bounties.

Everyody is welcome, beginners and pro’s. Also all nationalities are welcome we already got alot of polish, german, dutch, belgian and english people, but the guild’s main language is english.

The guild main principle is being relaxt, guild members don’t have any obligations.
We do want more players who are more active in guild activities, for example: doing guild team pvp arena’s; doing dungeons with guild members; guild fractals; and guild missions.

all of these thing are not obligatory and guild members can play guild wars 2 how they want it to play. But joining guild events sometimes would be nice and will get you to higher guild ranks.

Our guild leaders are:

wulf greyhunt/mricezombie4560
sky feralbow/ warof the cub/ spookie

Talk in the guild chat if you have any questions and the guild will help you out. Thank you for reading and maybe we see you soon in game.

Ps. sorry for my english it’s not my native language

(edited by mricezombie.4560)

Looking for a guild for 2

in Looking for...

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


hi, we are an english speaking guild on the server blacktide. Our guild name is legion of blacktide and we are looking for new active players. We are very friendly and you can always ask questions in the guild chat and we will mostly help you out. You don’t have any obligations. Maybe we see you in game.

Guild leaders:

wulf greyhunt/ mricezombie.4560
sky feralbow/warof the cub/ spookie

guild semi leaders:


guild window problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


same problem here on blacktide

Random one-shots are not fun.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


volkon and digiowl, I completly agree with you guys. if you know how to play your class you can surive the tower. Zerker gear is nice for killing things fast but it’s your own choice to die quickly.

The Final Challenge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


why would it support elitism?

The Final Challenge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


yhea, it would be nice if you can just save up every wave. but the wave are 30 min each on complication, but you will die alot, so 1 wave can also take up to like 4 hours, becasue it’s really hard. this will still give you the feeling of reward and progress

kinda how the darksouls bonfire system works

i will uploud some drawing soon about how the arena would look like

The Final Challenge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


I forgot this picture. The eternal mist beings should look something like this:


The Final Challenge.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


I agree endgame style like this, is really good. It doesn’t even have to be all that big of an Anera. maybe just a small one located in the mist. It could also have some nice lore attached to it.

For example to find a way to learn about some evil nemesis (a creature like abbadon or someting like Vatuu from legend of korra) and to find a way to become able to kill him, a hero of the world of tyria has to descend into the mist. By coming into the mist and asking help from the eternal mist beings (who are related to the djinn) he has to prove himself worthy to them.

And to prove yourself worthy you have to fight in their arena. Becasue if you have completed for example all 40 stages you have proved yourself to be strong enought to face the horrors that may come by optaining such great knowledge about this evil being and other heavy secret or visions. otherwise if you can’t take the challenge of the arena but still get the info or visions, you will become something like scarlet (driven by madness and a threat to tyria, becasue of her vision).

And by making this really hard you can give it as a bonus to players who are looking for a challenge. Also this boss should be a bit of a secret. So casual players wont even really notice. And only experienced players can do it. By finally completing the arena and killing the unknown threat to tyria you will become the unknown hero of tyria. You saved the day of someting so great and hidden the inhabitans of tyria won’t even know you saved them.

The rewards really don’t matter much but they need to be a unique skin and soulbould. And you will also get a the title: the unknown protector

ps. sorry for my english

(edited by mricezombie.4560)

Trailer - The Tower Within The Nightmare

in Community Creations

Posted by: mricezombie.4560


well done, i even like it more than the actual trailer