Showing Posts For oli.4786:

Suggestions to fix wEXP fiasco.

in WvW

Posted by: oli.4786


What fiasco? I like it how it is. Daily cap on wEXP…? Why, so you don’t get left behind…? I see no reason to add this and punish active players.

In-game newspaper

in Suggestions

Posted by: oli.4786


I find it hard to keep up with all the evolving story lines in the game. Occasionally I’ll get a mail telling me to do something, but it’s often at a bad time where I can’t be bothered to read it and it gets forgotten. There are now Heralds in game, but all they do is tell you where the action is and not details on why/how/what/when.

What I would like, is a newspaper (anyone remember The Black Horse Courier from Oblivion?) that you can pick up/get given/read at a certain location in game that goes through all the latest goings on. It would be great for immersion and a fun way to keep players in the loop with story lines, especially if they have been away from the game for a while. I just think it would be a fantastic story telling device.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d like to learn and read about the game from inside the game, rather than from twitter, reddit, forums, blogs and wiki’s.

(edited by oli.4786)

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: oli.4786


It’s absolute madness that this is still in the game. This has gone on for far too long. How many people have to ask for a fix before ArenaNet even begins to listen? So many minor things have been addressed yet this major frustration among players is left alone.

So please ArenaNet, at least acknowledge that this is an issue, even if you are not fixing it yet, it would make a lot of people happier if you said it was in the pipeline at least.

Easily implemented Guild Housing. Thoughts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: oli.4786


There would be literally thousands of ships clogging up the harbour. I can’t really see any way to have something physically in the game like this, it would just be unmanageable. If they introduce guild halls/housing then yes, it would be cool if it were an airship/boat, but it will definitely be instanced.

Having a ship could be like owning a town in GW1 (Cantha). The alliances with the highest faction at the time got ownership of them.

In GW2 they could ‘rent’ the docking areas to the highest bidder, and have say 10 different bays. Of course this means only the larger guilds would be able to do this on each server but it would still be awsome. They could always add alliances and have alliance ships instead though, allowing smaller guilds a chance to get in on the action.

Or they could add some other method to earn a docking bay that is fairer for different sized guilds.

(edited by oli.4786)

Looking for a friendly PvX guild

in Guilds

Posted by: oli.4786


Hey! You seem like a perfect fit in our guild! We are mostly around your age and on desolation. Currently 40 members and looking to grow some more but not get huge that we don’t know everybody. We have a good laugh on teamspeak and don’t take things overly serious, just have some fun doing dungeons, pve and WvW.

…and we are short on engineers! see our site (you can apply there if you wish), or message me in game and I’ll send you an invite or answer any questions you have

Ooli – Brothers of Aesir [BoA]

(edited by oli.4786)

LF decent guild

in Guilds

Posted by: oli.4786


Hey Mjk, I’ve sent you a PM with some info on our guild! Hopefully see you in game soon!

PvX player looking for active guild

in Guilds

Posted by: oli.4786


Sent you a PM with some info on our guild

[BoA] LF members for WvW on Desolation

in Guilds

Posted by: oli.4786


  • [BoA] Brothers of Aesir
  • Members: 38
  • Location: Europe
  • Sever: Desolation
  • Focus: WvW, PvE
  • Voice comms: Teamspeak 3

Who we are

We are a medium sized Guild that are expanding to around 50 members. Our goal is to have a good WvW presence while still being able to get to know everybody. We are based in Europe but welcome anybody to join if you are active when we are, usually 8pm – 2am GMT.

We have lot’s of skilled players to play alongside whether you are new and need someone to show you the ropes or a veteran looking for some good team mates.

We have an active teamspeak3 server and encourage you to join us for a bit of banter, tom-foolery and general shenanigans!

What we do

We have a strong presence in WvW but are looking to increase our numbers so we can consistently have 2 or 3 party’s out each night and get some great coordination going with our WvW alliance. This is currently our main focus.

We also do dungeon runs most nights and general PvE on occasion, so if 100% WvW isn’t your thing then you are still welcome to join the fun.

Who we are looking for

We are looking for 18+ members who can have a laugh with us. We are skilled players but don’t like to take playing the game overly serious. We like to win but only if we are having a good time! We have 1 week trial period, in which we will meticulously scrutinise your every word and move to discover whether you are cool enough to roll with us. If you are under 18 but really think we sound like some super cool dudes (which would be a correct assumption) you can have a trial period of 2 weeks to see if you’re mature enough to come have fun with us.


Feel free to PM me on here or any of our officers in game if you would like more information.

  • oli.4786
  • brunners.7251

(edited by oli.4786)

What should we do in the case of a golem uprising?

in Asura

Posted by: oli.4786


The conversations in Rata Sum are brilliant but soon get annoying. I hope they add more conversation to existing areas in the future rather than let the same old stuff get boring.

Personally I’m sick of hearing this already:

“You know what they say, a rotating cog amasses no Sporophyte”

about level cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oli.4786


Increasing level cap is just another power creep really is it not? I mean…if suddenly over night ALL of your current gear is 5 or 10 levels below max then it’s pretty much worthless. You would have to earn all new max level exotics/ascended gear and transmute your hard earned skins back onto those.

about level cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oli.4786


“Q: What of the level cap? Have you guys decided whether you’re going to be increasing the level cap in future expansions?

Colin Johanson: Yeah. The level cap will be 80 on the initial release of the game, and we absolutely would increase it further into the game, probably through expansions is the most likely place we would do that."

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: oli.4786


I joined RUIN teamspeak a few hours after WvW reset and went along with the RUIN zerg. That particular zerg wiped 3 times against a Kodash keep in a row.

After that I started to follow another commander who tried some more subtle tactics.

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: oli.4786


No, the reality is that it is supply and demand.

I’m going to call shenanigans on this. I just went to post 100 of my gems, and guess what? I didn’t get to set a price.

So, the price of gems is whatever ANet/NCSoft/Nexon wants it to be. As I stated in my first post.

It doesn’t need to be player set prices for it to be supply and demand. If more people are buying than selling then price goes up, if less people are buying than selling price goes down. All Anet have done is program the intervals in which the prices change. It is of benefit to Anet to let it be supply and demand and it should keep everyone happy, but some people just want things at the price they were 1 month ago and that is no longer their value. I’d like to buy a car at the price it was 50 years ago but unfortunately the price has gone up since then…

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: oli.4786


No, the reality is that it is supply and demand. You may be unhappy with the prices but plenty of others are not and so it shall keep rising. When people deem them too expensive then people will stop buying them and a stable price will be reached or it will go down. The reason it’s been steadily going up is simply because the game is new people are accumulating more money as time goes on and they can afford more.

"Message suppressed due to excessive chat"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: oli.4786


Yup that seems pretty aggressive, I assume because it was the same message each time. Try and vary your messages and that should stop it I’d imagine. (Thanks, Thankyou, TY, Thx…etc)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: oli.4786


There are 2 fees:
Listing fee of 5% – collected at time of listing item. Non-refundable.
Selling fee of 10% – Only collected upon successful sale of item.

Most people are unaware of the Selling fee (it doesn’t seem to be mentioned in game anywhere that I’ve noticed), and don’t factor that into selling price, and so end up selling for less than merchant value!

Custom level adjustment

in Suggestions

Posted by: oli.4786


Yeah perhaps they will add a ‘Hard Mode’ like in Guild Wars 1, but based on lowering your gear and level further rather than the enemies up. Then you can still play with everyone else As long as the rewards are a bit better. Would be cool to see that in dungeons especially, say 2 or 3 levels down from what you are supposed to be.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: oli.4786


So it seems a very widespread problem…lets just hope there are logs somewhere of this happening so we can all get our coin back If not then I guess just suck it up and move on. Do not use the trading post until fix is confirmed I guess!

Traits reset in the Mists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: oli.4786


Probably not available in PvP for balancing reasons? They had PvE only skills in GW1 I suspect it could be the same idea.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: oli.4786


I placed an order, it took my money, and the order was never placed. Not in bought items, not in buying items, not in item pick up. Over 50% of the money I earned over the last 50 hours gameplay is gone…

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: oli.4786


That is very odd if true. If the demand is high enough you could be stuck at the back of the queue forever once you have missed your chance at the front!

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: oli.4786


Very good points there, I agree with most of them. Field of view especially I would like to be able to change (I like the FOV during world events!). The camera smoothing etc I do not mind (I maybe even like it…) since it feels the same as GW1 and I’m just used to it, but I’m sure going to something closer to 1:1 would be very nice too.

Biggest thing is the camera getting stuck on stuff though. My god it is annoying. All level props need to not collide with the camera, that would solve a lot. That way if you rotated your camera around a tree, it would go around it and the tree would go between player and camera rather than zooming in stupidly. A lot of games work that way and it’s much nicer. You can then make the props transparent if obscuring player if that becomes an issue.