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Raid Healing Role: Healing Turret vs Med Kit?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I just finished using the med kit in a raid yesterday. The facts are that it just isn’t as efficient as the Heal Turret. People call for waters and not Healing Blast. I did heal someone with healing blast at the very end of their life bar to keep them alive one time though, but it still wasn’t close to being as effective as the heal turret. Even in full Cleric’s you don’t get much benefit for heal blast to the point it is even moderately effective. At least with heal bombs I could dps and do 400 points of healing per bomb and heal 4k in a few seconds when I popped the quickness elixir. I hope they improve the scaling for the new skills and give an attack power converter for healing power so we can have moderate dps back.

Nothing seems to warrant Cleric's for engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Unfortunately I have yet to see anyone point out a real answer to a Cleric’s set use. I have an idea of how the med kit could work in the place of healing bombs by using healing blast after 3 engi nukes, however the nuke damage would be reduced by 1/2. The other problem is healing blast does not heal the user which causes greater trouble. Another thing that is missing is the power converter. Cleric’s build needs to get back that Healing power to Attack power converter.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Even if they buffed the med kit, I think healing power stat is a joke as to the way it scales.

Nothing seems to warrant Cleric's for engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Before I had healing bombs which gave nearly instant support at the push of a button, but now I am finding that engi does not seem to have enough healing skills to warrant cleric’s gear anymore. If there is anyone that runs full cleric’s that can give advice on this it would be much appreciated. (I really hope I don’t hear to go celestial again.)

Adaptive armor + Ironblooded

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Why must “THAT GUY” be here to ruin everything that is good? The one that wants to nerf every good thing that makes something fun. Its like he enjoys finding good things and bringing them to an end.

Time to give up hope for healing bombs?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I’d say we tried our best. It is time to say goodbye for good to an amazing trait.

/me cries.

Ya I’m sad to see it go too. I was on par with pvt armor with a full cleric’s set. Fortunately I didn’t make the full ascended cleric’s set or I would have been very angry. Not sure what ascended to make now since engineer healing sucks now. EIB was a way to do what engis do and heal your allies. It was dps and heals all in one and it made actual sense. The game right now does not in any way shape or form support a full cleric’s build anymore which sucks for engi.

Med Kit Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Whelp, just tested after patch aaaaaaaand it’s crap…
Back to healing turrent

Still laughing cause this is the truth. I hope they get more trolls since removing Elixir bombs. I really can’t see a good use for medkit at all in comparison to the other skills. Even the AED is more effective than the medkit… Laughing at the comment but still sad they removed Elixir Infused Bombs for this trash.

I love you again ANET! I'M THE JUGGERNAUT

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Its nice and all, but painful if you hit alot of people with Retaliation on.

Med Kit Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Should bring back them healing bombs so I can dps while I heal. Everything else is weak.

Thoughts on Engineer's heal skills

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


They have broken engineer healing and I don’t think they have the proper fix for it. I’ve just about given up on the idea of them improving engi heals because they seem to be sucking at making it something worthwhile. I hoped to one time create that full Cleric’s armor in ascended, but now I wouldn’t want to make anything because they keep making an entirely different class every couple of updates. They really do motivate me not to want to play GW2 if I were a healer again.

Waiting for healing bombs to show up, if not I’m cutting my GW2 time tremendously if not completely.

Med Kit Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Honestly, what common sense person would use heal blaster? It doesn’t even heal the user. Also Engi is known for its DPS and that would be taking a reliable DPS out of the fight. I don’t know anyone who likes med blaster and even if they DOUBLED the amount of HP it gives, I don’t think the skill will ever find its way onto my bar because of how horrible it is. 500 HP? Also what this does is since the game doesn’t reward healers for being pure heals in combat, expect to get alot less gold and blow your chance at a legendary weapon. That 36% increase does not motivate me use the skill one bit.

Does ANET really hear you engis?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I was planning on buying HoT with extra gems, but I’m waiting on ANET to return EIixir Infused Bombs and the Healing power to Attack power conveter. The rest of the stuff they have here, I could care less about. Hammer engineer seems like an engineer that is pretending to be a warrior or guardian. Definitely forsee alot of PVT gear changes with this. As far as right now goes its all or nothing, if they can’t deliver, I’m no longer interested in getting a playing style that doesn’t work. Its as if they were working on a car and took out the coolant container and replaced it with a milk carton with spoiling milk inside.

How does the Zerker engineer compare?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


So after running into a couple of one on one fights I have come to the conclusion that condition damage seems to be superior to crit damage with the engineer. I have been constantly practicing zerker engineer and switching out pieces of ascended accessories for Power Toughness Ferocity here and there to the point I actually live in combat and don’t get one shotted by a backstab.

The issue is that I had to use a rocket turret, a thumper turret, and a crate to kill a thief. It felt great to finally win, but this makes me kinda question whats going to happen next with turrets. Actually kinda started winning a couple fights against mesmers when popping turret with smoke field for invisibility.

After this, it seems like bomb damage may have been reduced or overall damage as a whole has been reduced. With fully charged bloodlust on average I’m hitting for 1k less than what I was before. Either alot of people are stacking on more toughness or something happened to the power.

Does ANET really hear you engis?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Things that need fixing in my opinion;
- Why Pistol isn’t 1050 Range and piercing
- Medkit
- The Explosives line
- The effectiveness of certain traits

I feel after the expansion, there will be more hands free to fix things but for right now, it’s all hands on deck to get the expac out.

This right here is what I am hoping for. I hope they pay more attention to us soon.

I will give them a chance to do something about Elixir Infused Bombs and the healing power to attack power converter. It was a unique build that was on par with full PVT gear. Whatever they did to engineer healing, they took some really nice parts out and replaced them with scrappy sludge. Healing line needs an overhaul back to the older line all except for bunker down. Bunker down I say was a good addition to the healing line for those people who are all about zerker raw dps. Medical Dispersion field is by far on par with healing blast in terms of usefulness. Note that Healing Blast does not heal the user, does no damage to enemies, has very low healing power, and takes away a useful fighter out of the fight with animations that have little to no effect on combat.

To the other person saying the comment about tripping on the way out: not a way to keep people interested in the game. Its people like you who make a bad situation worse. I’m here to look for answers and not self righteous crap that disturbs the mood.

To you guys donating suggestions and other things that are good, even if they are from the other side, thanks for bearing with me and helping me understand the situation a bit more. I still await the answer from ANET like most of you guys, but thanks for the encouragement so far. I will give them a chance to set things right shortly after this Heart of Thorns crap finishes up. This HoT seems to be becoming a real nuisance when it comes to getting game mechanics fixed.

Does ANET really hear you engis?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I’m only grinding for gold at the moment to see how this all plays out. So far I’ve collected a good amount for the time. If they can’t deliver on talking to us or giving us things we ask for that are not really game breaking, then I’m out. I tire of a one sided conversation with ANET.

Scrapper - Engi Elite Spec Preview

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


“In all seriousness, however, the profession is one of my favorites and it has had solid long-range”

As i read this i thought which after they nerfed granades?

Im still laughing at this because those grenades must be pretty heavy to only throw them such a short range XD. Its like someone broke the throwing arm of every engineer in the entire realm of Tyria.

Does ANET really hear you engis?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


My problem is with the entire update they did with the engineer. All the moves they removed were actually quite useful for the most part. The only partially good change was the mortar until they nerfed that by 28%! Outside of that they should have really just left everything else alone because it worked properly and had good flow. My problem originally was the healing bombs and power converter from healing, but after putting on my full Cleric’s gear, I have found it to be much worse now. I tried on my all cleric’s gear to find my ATTACK POWER was less than 2k and even with all the runes and reverting back to Superior sigil of Bloodlust my attack power only hit around 2.4k attack power with full stacks. Don’t get me started on healing people and trying to keep them alive. I kid you not there was nearly no difference in heals whether I was in Cleric’s gear or full Zerker because engineer NO LONGER HAS THE HEALING SKILLS TO SUPPORT HAVING HEALING POWER. The heals were not enough nor is healing power needed anymore for engineer. Now we are left with scraps of what used to be a somewhat decent class to play, hence the new title we are given, Scrapper! Right now I am here to question whether or not I should play this class or throw GW2 in the scrapheap. I really hope they give Engineer something good rather than break the class apart even more than they already have. Its like we are talking to some heartless, money making machine that could care less about the opinions of its audience and leaves them wandering in an ocean of darkness and randomly bumping into things they can’t recognize. When will we get a real answer?

Scrapper - Engi Elite Spec Preview

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I think Scrapper is the perfect name for Engineer. Why? Because thats all that it has left going for the class, SCRAPS!

Does ANET really hear you engis?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I question the effectiveness of starting threads to get the attention of ANET to change in game mechanics of the engineer. There seems to be absolutely no feedback for months at a time and in that feedback there seems to be very little talked about the problems that you are having. There seems to be no list of suggestions that they take from here.

So what do we do when we want something in the game? Do we have to consistently make threads about our problems until they decide what we are saying is valid one day at a glance? Seems like you have to be a really good thread politic then and get like over 100 replies in order for them to take what you are saying seriously.

This system as it stands is constantly resulting in many repeat threads of the same things being said with different words. Seriously this is getting to be less communication and more of venting. Venting is one sided where as communication is where both parties talk to each other. If playing GW2 is an investment of relaxation time, and I want something that will improve my investment, you would think that someone would be all over helping me so they could get more money. I thought about getting gems and this new “Heart of Thorns” thing, but unless I find them taking what I say seriously, then I think I am seriously done with this game.

Players talking to other players only goes so far until it hits this dead end where both parties agree to disagree on alot of things or they both agree. The problem I have has yet to be fixed and talking about it and switching the build around has done nothing but made absolute frustration because it doesn’t work. So since it doesn’t work, why isn’t there an “engineer” to listen to the problem and fix it?

How to improve the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Very short:

-Elixir Infused Bombs
-10% Healing Power to Attack Power Conversion
-Get rid of Medical Dispersion Field
-Make the automatic cooldown of all healing skills a passive trait again.

How is medical dispersion field a GM?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


MDF is a waste of time. Unless they bring back Elixir Infused Bombs, I suggest for you healers to quit. Keep getting promises that they will bring back alot of stuff for HoT but I am not seeing much in writing. Had great plans for a clerics build with full ascended gear, but now they have taken away the purpose of engineer healing by getting rid of EIB. Unless they do bring it back, I think I’m out too. Done enough of zerker and condi to be bored of engi.

Death of Cleric's Engineer and Healer

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


personally, i loved the cleric armor engi for its insane power output..3k power is no small amount when you have 3.2k armor and a crazy high sustain on top of all that. and although i am sad to see its WAS over- powered … my biggest frustration is the near complete lack of info on Engineers so far for HoT, all we know is 1 word…“hammer”

Perhaps they will listen to us and not be so hammer focused that they forget about Elixir Infused Bombs and the healing power to attack power converter that got you up to 3k attack power under the right conditions without Might. Engi was a tanky healer with just enough attack power to make you feel the hurt but not too much to the point it was op. Now healers hit like a wet noodle and people keep saying to fall in line with some other build. I’m not on board with other builds. While condi and zerker were fun, I want my healing build back. If they are so tunnel visioned on Hammer and drones to the point they forget about healer engi, then I am going to play something else that actually pays attention to all of the aspects of the class. If they are punishing the engi healer, who knows how bad it is going to be for the other classes as well. Maybe they might take away over half of the ele’s waterfields? Or for engi cut the attack power of bombs and grenades by 1/2? All people keep paying attention to is Heart of Thorns as a title and not the details as to how jacked up they are making the classes. The only hope is that through a thread they may possibly listen and restore some of our abilities that made us somewhat worthwhile in zerging. Until then, it doesn’t matter if you are meta or not, you will still be picked LAST for zerging and frowned upon for being engi rather than a more stable class that doesn’t constantly change like the wind.

Engineer healing combos

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I like your elixir idea, its just how many elixirs you will need to achieve that kind of power and how long it takes in a prolonged battle. They should add back that attack power from healing power converter so it makes up for that missing might. Add that to elixirs and theres a formula for a cleric’s user that actually wins something.

Sick of getting shunned in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


You play in t1, you play by their rules.

Us scrubs feel bad for you, honest ~_^

By this logic Engi should not exist in T1. I think we should find another source.

Death of Cleric's Engineer and Healer

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I normally dont respond to posts like this but you are so far off base I had to.

What is a Clerics engi? I almost thought this post was a troll but then I read the entire post and saw that you were serious. As far as not wanting to play an engi in HoT I think you are missing out. They just gave us an AOE moa which is incredibly strong AND a mini sky hammer. Soon we will also have hammers. What more can you want? Condi is amazing p/p and p/s also zerk riffle is still just as good as ever if not more. You have so much cc as an engi I dont even understand why anyone would want clerics anything. I run full glass in spvp, wvw and pve and never run out of buttons and escapes. When we get our hammers the trolling and joy will be endless. Seriously it sounds like you should roll a guardian or a girlfriend specced ele.

I like the AOE moa and the idea of the hammer. I was only wanting to get back the Cleric’s engi for a bit with healing bombs. Everyone keeps saying “Wait til Heart of Thorns and almost everything should come back” And I’m more concerned that things are not only going to severely change, but engi will end up probably being an entirely different class.

Death of Cleric's Engineer and Healer

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


So with the dropping of healing bombs I noticed that now things are shifting towards people no longer putting points into healing or claiming to be full healers with celestial armor on. I have yet to run into another Cleric’s build that has been able to do decent damage enough to kill and have enough points to heal properly in 1 v 1 and WvW. As far as right now goes, Cleric’s does nothing but get you killed even with the 3k+ armor.

So as far as right now goes, I am going to save ascendeds for something more worthwhile like zerker because it seems that it is official that healing engineer will not be of any good use. You don’t get enough value out of going full or even partly heals enough to warrant Cleric’s armor. Its kind of discouraging to see what engineer has become and what it has lost. Im really not sure I want to play the class much anymore after HoT comes out. All I wanted was to do something besides zerker and condi, but apparently they seem happy to nerf engineer out of every category.

Engineer healing combos

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Until you can prove to me that going full cleric’s works with this build and you can kill decently in full cleric’s it is worthless to me. Show me a build that works with FULL cleric’s gear and wins 1 v 1 fights.

The Forge-Continuing Engi's Mediocrity?(WvW)

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


No more Healing with Medkit

BAHAHA! didnt even think about that one 10\10

Down with Medkit! Give me back EIB! Need to know if they are going to do this so I can know if I’m going to be playing this game or something else. No elixir infused bombs, then I think I’m going to leave.

Healing Bombs WITH Medical Dispersion Field

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Right now I am still trying to come up with a reason to wear Full Cleric’s armor again. This is the closest thing that I have found to fix me wanting to go full Cleric’s. Alot of these other things aren’t very appealing and point me back towards wearing zerker, rabid, or celestial gear.

Some of these ideas are suprisingly very useful. Im starting to like the awesome ideas about the situation. Just hoping we can grab ANET’s attention to the broken healing of engi and hopefully get something done.

I really desire Elixir Infused Bombs because I’d like to show people the reason as to why they were so good and some winning combat with it. I just want another chance to show video of the success rate that it had rather than just throwing out the idea because others think its bad.

Healing Bombs WITH Medical Dispersion Field

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Who says that healing bombs had to be an activator for the skill? They could leave out the activator and keep the bombs.

Healing Bombs WITH Medical Dispersion Field

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


My idea is to add Elixir Infused Bombs to the Medical Dispersion field that doesn’t get the job quite done. It would be 2 skills in one and definitely help give Engineer a more unique way of healing people. What do you think? I am posting this because I used to run full Cleric’s and EIB and it was really pro. Hope is to modify the skill so that I get some more healing on top of the Medical Dispersion Field. This actually is starting to sound like the true healsplosion.

Incoming Condition potential answer.

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I wish they would switch Elixir R and Elixir C’s F2-4 skill. It would be nice to roll that elixir and have the ability to possibly become an engi that can banner allies. It would be a perfect fit on the toolbar. Either that or throwing the elixir adds more resistance to whomever it hits.

What do you think?

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Sorry double post, but question. Does anyone here run a cleric’s Engineer? Using this for next calculation if I can find someone who runs cleric’s.

Incoming Condition potential answer.

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


So Engineer has a problem with conditions. An answer to this is a boost to “Elixir C.” While it transforms all conditions into boons, it has a hard time dealing with people who stack a mountain of condi back in the few seconds that you get boons. The answer? Add 4-5 seconds of Resistance (The new skills that null condition effects for a short amount of time.) to the skill “Elixir C” after it is used.

What do you guys think? If it sounds good, I need people to be on board to give the approval.

Mortar & Nades together?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


It absolutely would suck to get hit by a Grenade Barrage and an Orbital strike all at once. You’d lose half your HP or more. I like the idea of it

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Ya know, what would it hurt to have both MDS and healing bombs? There are so many people asking about EIB again and some who want a stronger MDS, why not do both? In theory you could link them both into one skill kind of like how Bunker Down drops a mine and a first aid kit all at once.

As a matter of fact, I think we could put elixir infused bombs under Medical Dispersion field. It would not only add a little extra healing, but make it so we could enjoy the trait again. What do you guys think about it?

(edited by paladinecho.3024)

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


If Medical Dispersion Field is fixed, I hope that it adds at least bare minimum an extra 1k HP. Outside of that I still prefer Elixir Infused Bombs because its there instantly rather than having to wait for the heal skill to charge up. Also does MDF itself have a cooldown?

Advice on dealing with condi stackers

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


Watch the conditions before you use your healing turret. Alot of the conditions go away after 3 seconds and after 3 seconds use the turret to cleans what remains. Much of the condi problem lays in timing your turret correctly. This doesn’t mean they can’t give us some more condi cleanses like maybe adding 1 more condition removal to the turret. Passive condition removal sucks because it is wasted alot of times on debuffs that are useless and trivial that go away after a couple of seconds.

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I still highly question the usefulness of “Medical Dispersion Field”. I still want “Elixir Infused Bombs” back in it’s place, however what were they thinking when they put this skill up? It is as if they left it incomplete and the other skills are just a model for what they might put up. For instance like how they put up that extra regen with “Healing Resonator”, and the healing turrets already provide regen. It just seems incomplete like it was thrown together and not fully looked over. I care about engineer too. I like the idea of getting my healing bombs back and people who haven’t used them with full cleric’s shouldn’t be trying to change my idea of getting them back. When you go full cleric’s gear and show me that the new changes work, then I may believe it, but right now both sides agree that “Medical Dispersion Field” is a horrible skill.

POLL: How are we doing?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


ELIXIR INFUSED BOMBS RAWR! I wish you woulda put the thing in about the 10% Healing Power to attack power converter.

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


If they buff the traits, it better be so worth it to the point that it heals more than EIB and also spams just as fast and damages enemies too. If they can’t do that, then they are not the right traits.

About the 32.5% healing. After calculating, I could see how it is “healing” however doing the math its still the same points as I have posted above. I question if anyone will be able to go full Cleric’s again and still be effective in combat. Condi blend I have looked at and it would work, however it would be nice if we had something other than condi that did actual damage. Its as if they push you and you like PVT gear, then it sucks for the PVT user. The same for the other person who wants solid PVT damage and goes full Cleric’s. Cleric’s was just as effective as PVT with Elixir Infused bombs except the fact you could also benefit allies with combat.

You can run full Zerker and kill people in combat. You can run Rabid and definitely kill people in combat with conditions. You can run PVT and still kill people in combat with Medium Dps. You USED to be able to run all cleric’s and kill people in combat, then they took away Elixir Infused Bombs and the Attack power converter and made it pointless to be Cleric’s. I really wanted to make a full set of ascended in cleric’s armor to go with Elixir Infused Bombs, but with the current way they have this I don’t want to make any ascended gear until further notice. It would be nice if they made the builds something “Cleric’s friendly”. It was PVT damage and constant heals and alot of fun.

Mobile Turrets Vs Man Portable Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


So there has been alot of talk about these new drones that are suppose to act similar to the AI of the minions. The concept is not too bad, but what about people who want to mix things up a bit?

Mobile turrets are these drones that follow you around that people are talking about.
I like the idea of Drones for attacking targets.

My idea is Man Portable turrets for defending targets. Let me explain. It sucks at times when you drop a turret and then it gets out of your area, but you are using turrets as scouts and in some cases a Net Turret to catch people from getting into a tower. This turret idea would make turrets able to be picked up WITH NO RECHARGE. Why would this be good? You could move your turrets around with you, but not suffer having to wait for that drastic cooldown. *If the turret is able to be picked up, there would be 0 cooldown unless it is killed or exploded. * Hence the name “Man Portable Turrets”. It allows you to bunker an area without the use of the Drone function.

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


This thread is specifically for people who are healers or would like to be healers again. If you have a difference of opinion about the Elixir Infused Bombs, explain it from a healer point of view. Why would “Soothing Detonation” be better? If it is not better now, why not? At the moment people are rightfully choosing “Bunker Down” for a reason. Bunker Down is a much better skill than “Soothing Detonation” which isn’t picked at all unless you are experimenting because of it’s poor effects.

If you didn’t try Elixir Infused Bombs with full Cleric’s gear, you missed out on some good stuff. Even if they buffed “Soothing Detonation”, I don’t think that would motivate people to want to go healer. If you go full heals you would understand why EIB was such a nice skill. It was the true combat healer where you healed and attacked all at once. “Soothing Detonation” if I want to be healer makes me feel like being an elementalist instead of engineer who used to be able to heal and attack at the same time, but now cannot do that anymore. Why is going full cleric’s gear is superior with “Soothing Detonation”? If you support it, I would like to know why it would be better than something that heals constantly with almost no cooldown.

(edited by paladinecho.3024)

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


So I went back to do a test on “Bunker Down”. I like the skill for 1v1, but for zerging it is a very selfish skill. It only heals ONE person and that person 90% of the time is the user of the skill. It can mimic the old “Elixir Infused Bombs” but it does not heal 5 people to include the user. “Elixir Infused Bombs” was great for zerging and you could get away with 1v1 with alot of skill. I would gladly replace “Medical Dispersion Field” for “Elixir Infused Bombs” because it only makes sense. “Bunker Down” for 1v1 battles and “Elixir Infused Bombs” for zerging battles is what it comes down to. No wise player would dare use “Medical Dispersion Field” because it is so worthless that I would select “Bunker Down” to heal ONE ally and get better gains than what that is worth.

“Energy Amplifier” should be replaced with 10% or 12% of healing power converted to attack power. The reason I would replace this skill back to this is because while 250 Healing points is awesome, If I could squeeze more attack power into my healing build I don’t have to rely on using a Superior Sigil of Bloodlust to get over 2k attack power. I would give the edge to increase in attack power over 250 points of healing because for instance with healing turret 3594-3469=125HP extra you get for that skill. Not as large of a change as if you were to give just enough attack power to do medium DPS.

I caught something else about “Healing Resonator” while going through the skills more thoroughly. There is only one AOE heal button for the engineer, and that is the Healing Turret. The healing turret already applies regen to allies and I can do without the extra 3 seconds of regen that the skill provides. While the healing turret is active, it constantly applies the same amount of regen repeatedly over the area as it cycles through. If I am already getting regen, then it makes the skill kind of not needed. Perhaps this skill could be switched out for the power skill? It actually makes more sense than getting rid of the “Energy Amplifier”. People will also begin to appreciate keeping the Healing turret out longer before exploding it.

When I say heal button I mean button number 6 to clear up any confusion. I don’t include healing blast because that skill is not good at all.

(edited by paladinecho.3024)

The Forge-Continuing Engi's Mediocrity?(WvW)

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I think that everyone is going to jump on the change train and accept whatever they drop whether it trashes all of your armor and builds or not. ‘Remember what they change is what they change and if you don’t like it, its your fault’. Thats what some people on here want you to do so be careful.

Should grenades just go away?

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I used to use grenades all the time, then since the changes I don’t really use them anymore because the mortar has gotten the job done. The damage on the mortar could use some more work, but outside of that its been ok. I do give grenades major credit for the barrage, but outside of that I’m still not convinced that they have found their way away from being condi again.

Medical Dispersion Field pointless

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


If they can’t fix that trait I would be sinister and say that I hope they leave all these poor performing healing traits in there so people can have their medical dispersion field. Maybe there isn’t anything wrong with the traits at all, but all of it is the fault of the players? Think about it, maybe we are to depend on ANET to give out new builds and changes without complaint like an obedient servant. Every time they change something we are suppose to change with it and have nothing to say about it. Therefore the medical dispersion field isn’t the problem, it is you. Think from that perspective.

Who's the dev responsible for engi

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


The elite spec sounds like it is going to not be good. Why are people frowning on it before it has even hit?

Renewed Combat Medic Building

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


While I am trying to fight for healing bombs to be brought back I am going to be on here trying to give an update on the effectiveness of wearing Cleric’s armor with full heals on. It used to be a time where I could solo people left and right in Cleric’s gear, but since they got rid of the healing power to attack power converter and healing bombs, my Cleric’s gear has been sitting on the sideline.

We should be able to pick up any armor of any type and beat the crap out of people regardless the stat. Simply put, they changed a mechanic that made equipment ineffective and they should fix builds to be able to support the armor.

My stats after grabbing near every single point of healing possible with food and weapon buffs:

1969 Attack Power
3004 Defense
1898 Healing Power

I’ll put down the healing with and without points:

*Results with 0 points into healing
Greater Healing:
Healing turret and Cleansing Burst- 2520 HP;2645 HP with regeneration
Mortar Elixir Shell- 420 pulse healing for 6 seconds per second
Elixir gun Super Elixir- 700 initial heal, 204 pulse healing for 10 seconds
Elixir H- 5560 HP
Bandage self- 4920

Lesser Healing:
Elixir Gun Healing Mist-1300 HP over 10 seconds
Regenerating Mist- 780 HP over 3 seconds
Throw Bandages- 505 HP
Healing blast- 73 HP (YES it is not a typo)

**Results with max points into healing

Greater healing:
Healing turret and Cleansing Burst- 3469 HP ; 3594 HP with regeneration
Mortar Elixir Shell- 750 pulse healing for 6 seconds per second
Elixir gun Super Elixir- 1459 initial heal, 394 pulse healing for 10 seconds
Elixir H- 7458 HP
Bandage Self- 6679 HP

Lesser healing:
Elixir Gun Healing Mist-4775 HP over 13 seconds
Regenerating Mist- 2204 HP over 4 seconds
Throw Bandages- 980
Healing blast- 144 HP(Yes 144 HP)

For the information on healing blast, healing bombs did the same thing, but at least you had attack while spamming it. Healing blast is by far the worst Healing skill in the game that doesn’t even heal the caster. Give me healing bombs to replace this, and we are golden. This thread is specifically for people who liked being a combat medic, but all are welcome to join.

My main goal out of all this is to get Elixir Infused bombs and the 10% or 12% healing power converted to attack power.

The Forge-Continuing Engi's Mediocrity?(WvW)

in Engineer

Posted by: paladinecho.3024


I can one up you on the drone issue. No drones, but fast expense turrets with short cooldowns. Let me explain. So we run into a mesmer or someone who has minions and we have a hard time fighting them. We drop all our turrets and then they run out of the range of our turrets. After they are out of range we pick up our turrets for NO COOLDOWN unless they are exploded or killed. The overcharging timer would still be going, but at least you can move your turrets around as you are in combat. What do you think?

I am also on board with stationary turrets because they help me to put a “sentry” in the place of scouts. I like the idea of minion turrets too, but I think that should be optional.

Also for the record, engi is still getting the “most useless wvw” trophy because we are still picked last out of all the classes.