Showing Posts For pixfan.2407:

Greatsword Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Hey I’m a mesmer and I’m going to use my giantic and sharp two handed sword to shoot purple laser beams. Sounds legit.

Anyways, I do like the idea of a katana for the thief. Of course there’s no weapon available for only one class, maybe rangers and necromancers could use it as well?

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Make a male norn mesmer and name him “Faaaabulooooous”

The guys that say war is OP are describing:

in Warrior

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Just imagine a Charr warrior using 4 greatswords at the same time (one with each hand, one with the tail and one with the mouth).

So I hear thief burst was nerfed months ago?

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


I was crit for 48k by a Quaggan, please explain this.

The stealth class is always hated.

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


-You can still hit a thief with AOE when he/she is in stealth, AOE stuns and chills are the perfect tool to win.
-There are many ways to counter a backstab, timing the stealth of the thief and dodge can be very useful, the best way to understand this timing is by dueling with thieves or creating a thief and learn by yourself, but if that’s not an option for you, you could evade/block the backstab.
-If we want to have a decent backstab/burst damage, we have to sacrifice a lot of survivability, this means a thief can drop you as fast as you can drop him.

But, I do agree with foofad, a blocked or evaded backstab should reveal the thief. Maybe Anet could make it so that a failed backstab reveals us (not only with blocks and evades, just by hitting the air instead of the enemy), that way it would take more skill to play a backstab thief.

To be a Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


In WvW, thief is one of the best classes for roaming and 1vs1 situations, and if you like to be the “scout” of your group, then you won’t regret playing thief. But in team fights, thieves aren’t that useful because they can’t contribute with their team as much as other classes can.

You can make it work in PvE, but you will never be a warrior or a guardian. Our DPS against a single target is really good, but we lack of AOE damage unless you run with a shortbow. Other classes can do a lot more in dungeons than us, mostly because we lack of support abilities (Shadow Refuge and stealth revives are an exception).

But even when we’re not the best in PvE, let me tell you that thief is my favorite class, if you can evade most of the damage while still doing great DPS, your team will appreciate you.

Why should I play engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: pixfan.2407


I don’t want to sound mean, I actually think that Engineer is the most original profession I have ever seen, but I can’t understand what are they good (or bad) for.

I know engineers can be a challenge at 1v1 situations, and they’re good point defenders in sPvP, but what about everything else?

I don’t see engineers in PvE or Dungeons very often, and when I do I just can’t understand what they could offer to the team that other classes couldn’t. WvW is something I really care about, and yes, I see some engineers capables of roaming pretty well, but would they work well with small, medium and big zergs?

I mean, Warriors are great for constant damage output, thieves are beasts when it comes to fast and high burst damage, guardians are perfect for any kind of team support, but what about engineers?

What’s so good about the engineer? Why do YOU play engineer?

Another armor thread

in Charr

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Actually the ash legion NPC’s can use necromancer skills too

Anyone else having ridiculous lag issues?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


This happened with the Dragon Bash update as well, and all Anet said was “it seems you’re having problems with your ISP blah blah blah it’s not our fault blah blah blah”.

Yes, for some reason my ISP (as well as other ISP’S around the world) decided to change something the SAME DAY an update got released in the game, but, for some reason, GW2 is the only game I’m having problems with. It’s always the same, after every single update my game starts lagging.

It’s such a shame, Anet doesn’t care about us because we’re the minority, a company like this shouldn’t be able to exist. They needed ALMOST TWO MONTHS to fix what they did with the Dragon Bash. I shouldn’t be wasting my time tipping this, because I already know what’s going to happen: nothing.

Shame on you, Anet. I can’t play knowing that the next update will unable me to play.

Thief Dual Claw Weapon Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


It would be awesome if Anet allowed us to use spears in land, because the Ascalonian spear looks great.

Sexiest/best looking armour for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


What about this?


Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Well, I’m leaving this game, it’s sad to think that my first MMORPG experience ended like this, it was such an awesome game when it used to work properly, but I guess I’ll have to stick with First Person Shooters like I used to.

Anet, this is unprofessional and embarrasing, a company that doesn’t care about their costumers shouldn’t be allowed to exist.

But of course, if the people having problems aren’t even 1/4 of the players, why bothering yourselves with a permanent fix, right? After all, something like that would require hard work.

You don’t care about us and say that the lag is a problem of our ISP, well, let me tell you something: not every latin american and european country have the same ISP, shocking right?

To Ashley, you’re telling me that ALL of our ISP’s decided to change something the SAME day Anet updated the game with the Dragon Bash, but for some reason GW2 is the only game we’re are having problems with? Yeah, of course! Why didn’t I think of that before?

I will stop playing for some months and if this situation doesn’t change, goodbye GW2.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Don’t even bother yourselves sending a ticket, you’ll get the same response we got.

“There is an issue with your connection, we can’t do anything blah blah blah”

Yes Anet, of course there is a problem with our ISP’s, ALL the connections of Latin America started having problems the SAME day you updated the game with the Dragon Bash, but for some reason GW2 is the only game we’re having problems with, nice logic you got there lol, stop being lazy and fix this.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


The fact that we have been lagging for a month and Anet keeps telling us that we are having ISP issues (even when GW2 is the only game we’re having problems with) is a shame.

Yeah, I got the “it appears your connection may be suffering from packet loss” answer as well.

Game Lag/Skill Delays

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


People have been lagging after the Dragon Bash update and the lag is still here.

Just as someone said, once you get it you’re pretty much stuck with it, at least for some months until Anet releases a fix.

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Anet, we want a permanent fix and we want it NOW.

1 month of lag (even more for other players), and you haven’t done anything. This is embarrassing, unprofessional and unacceptable. What’s the point in making new content if we can’t even play without lag?

Yes, we’re the minority of the players, maybe not even 1/6, is that why we don’t deserve an update to fix our problems? Is that why we didn’t get an explanation?

Some players are thinking about leaving the game, I’m one of those, and belive me, patience isn’t my strong suit.

Jade Weapon ticket drop rate too high

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: pixfan.2407


I opened like 400 normal boxes to get my first ticket, and then I got the second one after opening another 14.

game lags

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Welcome to the lag group!

Don’t even expect for Anet to fix this any soon, some people have been lagging for months, but we’re not a priority so take a seat and wait.

P/P Vs Shortbow

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


After the Cluster Bomb nerf, SB seems to be less viable in WvW, most of the times I can’t even reach my enemies when defending a tower, and that was one of the main reason of using it, at least it was for me.

Now I’m wondering, could P/P be a better choice than SB in WvW?

What The Hell Am I Doing Wrong?

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Always have at least one stunbreaker in your skill bar, and using shadow refuge helps too, probably the most useful thief skill at dungeons.

Having 20 points in SA could be really useful. I always used berserker armor, weapons, rings and amulets in dungeons, but thank’s to my Valkyrie accesories and my points in SA surviving wasn’t that hard.

Now I just switched my Berserker armor for Valkyrie armor (except the pants) and replaced the Valkyrie accesories for Berserker accesories, and I’m really happy with it. I did lost some precision, but I got some vitality instead that made surviving even easier, with 15k of health, 2,200 of power and 53% of crit chance (with the skill that gives you extra precision and also gives you 2 dodges whenever you need them!) you have a really powerful backstab thief that can avoid and take some hits before going down, and if that’s not good enough, get some more Valkyrie stuff and you should be fine.

Mixing Valkyrie with Berserker?

in Thief

Posted by: pixfan.2407


There is no proffesion that suits me better than thief, but now I’m having some trouble mixing my loved Berserker gear with some Valkyrie gear.

I run 20/30/20/0/0 and sometimes 10/30/20/10/0 with D/D and SB.

I used to run full Berserker with two Valkyrie accesories and I was really happy with that, but I just realiced that sacrificing some precision for vitality wasn’t such a bad idea, specially with the 100% of crit while in stealth trait from CH. I bought some Valkyrie stuff and now I run with Valkyrie armor (with oryl orbs, I think), Berserker weapons (the offhand dagger and the shortbow with a sigil of precision, the mainhand dagger with a superior sigil of air) and Berserker jewels.

I wasted a good amount of gold with Eagle runes to put them in my berserker armor (this happened before I realiced Valkyrie was a good option), and with the skill that gives you extra precision I’m able to get %73 of crit chance, with the valkyrie stuff with oryl orbs I only reach %55 of crit chance when using that same skill. I know I have all that extra health from Valkyrie wich is really nice, but it seems that I just wasted gold on some runes I will never use again. Having %73 of critical chance is really good, I like that, but I do prefer the vitality over the huge amount of precision.

Should I transmute my armor to get the Valkyrie stats with the eagle runes? Or should I salvage my Berserker armor and hope to get the runes back, sell them and then buy Scholar runes? Or maybe keeping the oryl orbs would be better?

I’m really sorry about my english, it’s not perfect but I do my best lol.

Official response on the Lag issues please?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Anet, this is completely unprofessional. I have been lagging for more than two weeks now, and I have to wait until 2AM to play normally, but that’s not possible for me. The lag started after the last patch before the Dragon Bash update, I can’t play anything, WvW, sPvP, PvE, Dungeons, it doesn’t matter, the lag is everywhere.

And when I think about it, there are people who have been lagging for months, we’re costumers like everyone else and we DESERVE some attention.

Location: Argentina
ISP: Telefónica


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


The game is just unplayable. WvW, PvE, sPvP, it doesn’t matter, the lag is everywhere.

After two weeks I’m still looking for a solution (this happened to me before, but a patch solved it, I would like to see a permanent fix).

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Well, the lag is here again. It all started after the last update before Dragon Bash, and I just can’t play.

I’m sorry to say this Anet, but this is embarrassing. After every single update there are always some people with lag problems, I don’t know if you guys test the patchs before putting them into the game, but if you do, then you are doing something wrong.

This couldn’t be less professional, it doesn’t matter how much new content you add to the game if the players can’t even play.

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pixfan.2407


I used to play very well until 27th April, but now the game is just unplayable. I know I’m from South America but the game used to work so good, now all the skills have delays, and the lag in PvP matches is awful.

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
ISP: Telefónica
