Showing Posts For razn.7160:
I didn’t farm months to simply transmute it O_O…
I’ve just seen the codes for the Wuppwupp sets or whatever they’re called.
Why are they so ugly ? They look like cozy royal fashion more than epic fighting armor. Would an adventurer were this ? I’ve been playing GW2 since launch and am an old WoW vet, I’d love for Anet to release some cool armors and not sets coming straight out of whatever that is.
I mean, have you seriously tried to see what a Charr looks like in this ?
How on earth did this get approved ? ? ?
Anyways, to check ingame the sets for yourself: Heavy [&AgE4uwAA][&AgE5uwAA][&AgE6uwAA][&AgE7uwAA][&AgE8uwAA][&AgE9uwAA] Medium [&AgFEuwAA][&AgFFuwAA][&AgFGuwAA][&AgFHuwAA][&AgFIuwAA][&AgFJuwAA] Light [&AgE+uwAA][&AgE/uwAA][&AgFAuwAA][&AgFBuwAA][&AgFCuwAA][&AgFDuwAA]
Hey guys,
Starting from an argumentation that I’m having with my guildmates, I’m wondering what do YOU think IS or HAS BEEN the best patch up until now ? As in FAVORITE including everything (lore, buffs, nerfs, etc etc).
For a list of the releases here they are !
^^ grats and snap, i love your color scheme. looking good!
Thanks it’s hard for Charr Necro to get something going on with Meteor :p
Finally finished Meteorlogicus today. My girlfriend finished Frostfang today too, we are finally glad to be done with the farm, all of it worth it ^^ !
I want Isaiah Cartwright as a Mini please
Title says it all. Looking for good necro streaming spvp, somebody to learn from.
Thank you
unless I go to LA, and then I see 10 people.
What kind of server are you playing on… Even at 5AM we’re at least 30 in LA on Aurora Glade server.
when you mean other areas, you exclude the popular ones right?
Screw you ele’s got mobility, burst, cleansing, healing… Stop trolling
Hi guys,
I’m having the worst time defeating Eles,
I’m condi 0/30/20/20/0
1k6 condition damage
1830 toughness
20,5k hp
2k7 armor
It’s always the same thing, I apply all the bleedstacks I can, Corrupt Boon when all his boons are activated, but he keeps on cleansing and healing.
Other classes usually go down fast after Corrupt Boon but Ele’s hardly seem to be bothered at all by this. Don’t ask me what build it was using, it was WvW 1v1.
Thanks for any advice
We want it in LA already…
Bought 200, 1 Ticket after 80th opening.
Wants to feel the dragon vibe in the city :O !
Everything’s in the title!
Its not rocket science.
Either fix it quick, or inform your community why it can’t be done rapidly.
Cuz right now it’s just frustrating.
Title says it all.
Come on ANET, Red post already please !
I’ve personally made a good bunch of gold crafting and selling Explorer Gladiator gear :o …
Yes but I like Meteor, it’s just that I’d love an FX patch ^^. I’m sticking to it for sure.
Hey everyone,
I am not far from having everything for my Meteorlogicus.
I personally think that it’s one of the dullest legendaries with the Minstrel and expect an FX patch soon (this is what I believe, anyone else can believe otherwise and this post does not treat this matter).
My question is: when I’ll craft Meteorlogicus and transmute it to have my desired stats, and if later on ArenaNet releases a graphical and FX patch on Meteorlogicus, will my xmuted Meteor still be affected by these changes ? Or will it stay the same like a 1rst-generation Meteor ?
If not, might as well wait and xmute it later on?
Thank you for your feedback everybody.
I still have 86 of these to farm… YaY me right ? 1lodestone per hour @165MF.
My girlfriend: 1/hour @40MF
My farmmate: 2/hour @202MF.
Go figure, this thing is broken. Some legendaries require nothing majorly hard except precursor. I’m stuck with 100 Charged requirement.
I farm Peni/Shelter but it’s not that profitable … I’m looking for a good solo place too
first they made sure all risen drop all t6 mats = less t6 dust
then they upscaled/overbuffed all mobs/events and less mobs = less t6 dust
then they made sure that most the enemies that do come are considered summons (no drops from them) = less t6 dust
then they introduced southsun cove with free 200% mf buff and guess what doenst drop there, t6 dust = less t6 dustRESULT: Not really a lot of dust left in the loottables
What he said.
Brace yourselves, Crystalline Dust is about to hit the 40silver/unit mark.
For fast skill points:
- CoF p1 farming = a good chunk 60% of your level when @lv80
- FotM = buy Skillpoints with FotM relics.
That’s it, 200 in no time.
Precursor with MF is pure gambling. My guildmate got one on first try and 2nd one on 5th try T_T …
I need spare toaster parts more than I need an Xbox One.
Okay so we all experience it, sometimes we’re in a dungeon party with a kitten member, that finds it funny to leave the group right before the endchest therefore evicting the whole party outside and denying them of their progress in the instance and last boss chest.
I find the way this works to be unfair and EXTREMELY frustrating, pre-disposing “mean” or “sadistic” players to penalize the whole party.
Especially when you’ve spent 1h30min in Arah.
So yes I’d like some feedback on that.
Those “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” are a pain to read…
Meteor & Minstrel please…
Badges of Honor are one of the simple part of crafting a legendary alongside doing completion ! You do all 4 puzzles everyday for around 20-25 badges a day…
I mean really? Complaining on forum for that is useless, you’re going for a Legendary or you don’t .
Legendaries aren’t all fun man. To get it you must endure stuff. People like you ruin games by making them easy.
And yes you will have to participate in ALL ASPECTS OF THE GAME. Legendaries are weapons for people having MASTERED the game. Not tourists.
I’m 95% to Meteorlogicus and I’m really hoping for footprints AT LEAST!
I see :o Thank you
If you havent noticed the price of Crystalline Dust has increased by 10 silver in last 3 days.
Anybody know why that is ?
Leave DPS meters out of this game. It might satisfy your curiosity as to how effective you are, but will kill the game and the mentality every has of each other. Some things are better left in the dark.
@OP, I don’t know how you got that info but the online guides aren’t the most efficient way. My girlfriend has gotten Master Crafter with barely 40-50gold. You just have to be smart with your decisions and have a Crafting Boost.
175% Magic Find with food and boosts.
4 hours long Spark farming.
0 Charged Lodestones.
My hair grows faster than this.
Dreamer -> Nightmare Skeleton ponies that leave a trail of green and black smog when shot out. Foot steps would be black and green pools with bony hands popping up.
stop with ponies already
Something like the spvp match finder but adapted to dungeons. my 2 cents.
I am going for Meteorlogicus, currently at around 60% of it. I do have to say that I would love simple cloud footprints or something. I sure do hope that I’ll be proud to wield it and that aestheticaly I’ll enjoy the final result.
I’m just sad that the greatswords look really like legendary weapons whereas some others are simply neglected.
Please ArenaNet. I could at that effect over my lunch break. It’s not that complicated T_T.
God when are they going to implement simple clouds for footprints, it would double my motivation to continue to farm it >< …..
Not getting any confirmation email for account registration…
Another problem concerning this item is that they do not display on your character tab nor in menus.
And they do not display either while DOING ANY EMOTE!!!
And since I am a necro, they are not affected by the Spectral Walk green transparent effect so when I use Spectral Walk, I’m all green with the normal-looking karka shell on my back which kind of ruins the appareace.
We need some bug fixes Anet please ! :O