If I am running with the zerg, the main problem with LB is not the damage. Honestly, I think in zergs, damage is never the real problem. What i lacked was the aoe abilities to get more bags/wvw experience. Even if I get the piercing arrows, the aoe dmg is so limited that the sniping is actually not worth the time i put on it.
Then i tried adding a Sigil of Torment to my LB and i think now i do far better in wvw. Torment stays for 8 seconds so even though i have a power build, it last enough for me to enter battle. I just try to spread as much torment as possible in zerg fights and then enter the combat with sword/warhorn which gives me more damage output and ability to escape from danger (Sword 2 and LB has many good combinations that can save my life).
I understand everyone has their own objectives when playing. In GW2 though why care about bags or experience? …especially experience. You mention the word sniper…and that is exactly the class, and the build you are playing. When I run that build I hang back and have patience with my target selection. I look for someone that has strayed to far to the sides …or, I especially look for Thieves trying to gank someone near me. That’s when the sniping begins.
If I want to AOE I use my LB Warior, Necro or Staff Ele. My play style depends on my class and build at that time. They all play differently.
You’re a sniper man. Be patient. One shot, one kill !
yep. Good value for my dollar so far.
Plenty of people want high WXP rank nowadays. So, here is a guide to get WXP fast! Follow this guide and soon you can brag about your insane high rank to your guildies and server!
Don’t build siege, building gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t heal people, healing gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t rez people, rezzing gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t repair when a tower is not under attack, repairing gives 0 WXP when not under attack. Let other people do it.
Don’t stand guard in a tower, guarding gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t escort yaks, escorting gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t kill downed people, killing gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t upgrade towers or keep, upgrading gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t down people, just do a bit of damage to get credit, downing people give no extra WXP. Let other people do it.
Don’t buff people, buffing gives 0 WXP. Let other people do it.
Enjoy your new ranks!
lol so very true….and sad. What is surprising is a few of the Anet staff say they are from Daoc. If so they would remember Daoc had the same problems with WvW XP. They made adjustments so you did get good XP from healing etc. They even worked on a system to spread the XP out when killing someone. You got much more XP when you killed someone solo as compared to being part of a 10v1 kill.
I agree with you Chrispy. Tweaks. That is all that is needed to make the Ranger legit. Look what happened to Warriors. Offhand sword added torment….increased passive healing and a 3 condition wipe on full bar of adrenaline.
Class went from laughing stock under powered to laughing stock over powered.
We all complain at times about GW2 but their balance is fairly close. A couple of small, well thought out changes is all that is needed.
Not a total redesign.
….best line of the week ….. The whole thing seems more like a corporate focus meeting rapid fire idea thread that’s just as effective as our rapid fire is now.
One shot, one kill !
poor critters
Hey, some of those chickens in north supply camp are pretty tough !
Strangely Anet has decided to change history. Usually the people inside a fortification had the advantage over the attackers. Anets version of siege warfare gives the attackers the advantage.
Nah, I get frustrated like the rest of you. Anet drives me crazy at times with some of their decisions. At times I honestly believe that during their weekly meetings they laugh their arses off after trolling the community with some of the “features” they have in the game. I could make a long list of things that I think are a joke.
I think highly skilled thieves are almost impossible to counter. One took 5 of us out in approximately a minute in SM today. We all knew the thief was there but had no answer – one or two hits & you were down then the thief vanished before anyone could try & counter. Should their stealth skills be nerfed? I don’t know. Are they any worse than the op hammer wielding opponents or any other perceived op classes?
Yes, they are a lot worse than other any perceived OP classes. At least I can see the other classes.
Unfortunately, no.
Because of the new Survival of the Fittest trait, it can cure 2 conditions in addition to immobilize (and the usual evade and stunbreaker). It would be OP if it removed 5 conditions on use.
My ele clears more condi with just a single heal, and I don’t have to trait anything. When I trait for water and EA, I can get rid of 3 more on top of that….
And the Ele has lower overall health, and lower overall armor. More Condi removal is kind of a requirement for that class. (Also, Ether Renewal is somewhat vulnerable to interrupts, even though it can remove alot of conditions. Most Ranger Survival Skills (as well as signet of renewal) are instant and wont be weak to that.) While people want a profession to have more of this and that, I would say the balance is not that bad right now.
You speak as if there’s reason behind that balance. Pray tell, how do you explain the warrior then which has better HP/Armor/Condi removal than the ranger? You’re projecting things that are not really there.
I don’t know what game you’ve been playing if you think the classes are balanced.
No one cares about spvp so please don’t bring that up.
This has always been and will be my litmus test: can you solo roam as a power ranger on wvw and do is successfully? The answer is a resounding no, ever since the inception of this game.
I think what you, and many others would like to see is ..
1. Pick a class. It really doesn’t mater what class because it’s just a name…because there is only:
-1 trait tree in the game
-You can use every weapon in the game
- You can use any armor you want. Light, medium or heavy.That way everyone would be the same (except for the class name). Everyone would be welcome in groups in all phases of the game.
Sounds fantastic !
You’ve never played a game before that has proper balance, have you? LOL that was so far off to the left field, I’m not even going to dignify you with a response.
That is correct. I have never played a game that is properly balanced. Ever. There is always 3 or 4 classes that excel over the others. Then things get patched and a couple of new classes move up into the top 4 and a couple drop out. Rinse repeat. The only difference is the developers tried harder to balance by doing it more frequently.
EQ, EQ2, LOTR, Daoc, Rift, WoW, Vanguard are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. None were balanced. Same complaints Ad Nauseum
12 pages of comments, and no one can agree on anything…. the playerbase is too divided to come up with a viable solution. At this point, why even bother trying to fix what seems to be broken, if we can’t even agree on the best way to fix it?
Not exactly. It is two things
1. non Thieves complaining about Thieves
2. Thieves supplying disinformation trying to muddy the waters to prevent the corrections that are coming. Common tactic of someone trying to keep the status quo.
Running Air and Fire together is amusing for random damage bursts.
but they share cd or are they changing that too ?
I love these kind of logical answers.
A child is born and the mother asks “Is it a boy or a girl?” and the doctor replies “Yes”…
Even worse if the doctor replies “No”
Man this thread could be written as a soap opera.
SoR…sorry y’all imploded. I miss the good old days of you and BG snuggling together.
These server dramas are soap operas. Me thinks shows like Jersey Shore and the Kardashians is having more of an impact on the general population than we figured.
100% agree. My main is a Ranger and my second is a Warrior. I have been playing my Ranger with GS + S/D = total melee in your face fighting. My Warrior is LB + A/S. When i was roaming last night on my Ranger I realized that I played him like a Warrior and I play my Warrior like a Ranger.
There is no way my Warrior would survive if I played him like I was playing my Ranger…why ? because the Ranger heals for a ton. He is waaaay more durable. How wacked is that ? Shouldn’t it be the other way around ?
Please keep the modes APART.
Ranger is in the higher tiers in PvP, High tier in dungeons, viable but not preferred in PvE and useful in smaller WvW encounters.
snip.Are we talking about the same class?
Ranger is in the higher tiers in PvP
Which high level PvP team is looking for rangers?High tier in dungeons
And getting kicked from most groups even before saying hi?viable but not preferred in PvE
hummmm… Solo PvE, maybe… Not gonna do the 6 mins achiev on any server that has half rangers, though you’re pretty sure to win it if there’s half that’s war…useful in smaller WvW encounters
Though, once again, when partying the question is always “do you have an other character?”
Some people would rather have me bring one of my level 40ish uplevels than my level 80 ranger…
Does that not give an idea of how well is the ranger profession doing?
That statement is laughable.
Been there done that. The only other game that was similar to GW2 was daoc…in terms of 3 way WvW. They also made the mistake of spreading out their WvW action with additional zones.
Eotm will also prove to be a mistake. You fix something by making it better, not adding another zone to water down the WvW population.
That is awesome Kodiak. Innovation is a great thing !
People have been asking for a handicap system based on population. So when you log in, and your opponent has a bigger presence in WvW, every thing you accomplish is worth more. Take a tower ? you get credited for 100 points. If the larger server takes a tower it’s only worth 30 points to them. etc etc
What we have now is a handicap system based on both server population, server WvW population and server WvW ability. So when SB is matched up vs Dragonbrand, Anet knows it’s a mismatch. So the handicap system goes into effect. If it was a football game, dragonbrand is supposed to win 100-0. So SB starts the game with a 100-0 lead. So if they score 10 points during the game, and Dragonbrand scores 80 points, the final score is SB 110 and DB 80 = SB wins. SB was supposed to lose by 100 but they played well, defied the odds and did better than expected. Challenge was accepted and beaten.
People need to change their mindset going into a week vs a powerful opponent. Figure out a plan and stick to it. Make it a point to never give up garrison…..or to own briar in enemy lands…..whatever. You are not expected to go toe to toe. It is still a blast to load up on siege in an enemy tower and defend/badge farm. You can still roam and find smaller fights etc etc. Don’t let the actual score for the week decide for you whether you have fun or not.
Keep score not by the weekly matchup, but by how your server ranking rises and falls. That is a more accurate number based on a handicap system.
Change your mindset. If you played Tiger Woods in a 1v1 and he gave you 25 strokes. He shot a 68 and you shot a 90. Would you cry because you got smoked or be happy because based on the talent difference you overcame it and won ?
Play the game….kill some people…have some laughs with friends and have fun. Don’t worry about playing a tougher server. You are rewarded for doing you best and it isn’t a fail if you don’t beat them with the actual score for the week.
June 24th?
What year?
Defense is nowhere near what is should be. It should take the attacking force at least 2x the numbers of the defenders to succeed. Currently wall fighting is completely slanted towards the attackers….which is crazy in itself.
L2P according to the thief:
You should guessing where the enemy is, unleash your six sense. Because a enemy thief is like an NPC, you can “learn” their moves, because enemy thief does always the same moves, because he is mental deficiency. Feel it bro, feel they move, close your eyes and feel the KI around and HIT HARD.
Is because that nobody play a D/P thief, because is easy to fight against. Too much pro guessers.
L2G, learn to guess.
That is some good advice. I’m going to go watch Blood Sport with Van Damme. He was able to defend himself with his eyes closed. Maybe if I watch it a few more times I could gain the power needed !
Think “Low-Hanging Fruit” and then go even lower. ….snip .
Exactly. So many people think they have a green light to give suggestions how to redesign the Ranger class. They put in a bunch of hours writing a novel explaining what could be done. ….Don’t waste your time. It aint gonna happen. Anet is not going to redesign anything or for that matter put all their resources into ONE class.
Any potential “fixes” are going to be small supplements to what Rangers already have. Think Warrior healing signet or adding Torment to offhand sword. That type of thing.
Thanks for removing more builds from the meta like ranger and staff ele. For staff ele it was the only way to apply counterpressure and survive, the bird could survive due to ele heal and protection and hit the target when i cc people. If you think chubz ele build without vigor/evasive arcana procs works you just go the na noob syndrom, sry.
You seem to have no clue about meta builds. Most team q builds work around might stacking/air fire procs, why don´t you start nerfing this first or atleast wait until after the next big tournament so we don´t have to learn a whole new class and adjust the lineup and strategy?
Pirate was the only way for less op builds to get near to those classes who can stack might / proc air sigil.
Team: Cheese Mode
Makes sense
Another horrible night of no fights. Ghost town.
I like entering solo q without armor …completely naked. My team rarely wins a match. Since I really like this play style I think Anet should buff it.
So yes, I support your post.
Short bow is for sissies, run both. Use d/p to gain almost permanent stealth, and then switch to d/d to deliver the usual mug combo.
Scholar runes, traits 30/30/0/0/10 or 30/30/0/10/0 depending on what you prefer. Utilities are assassins signet, shadow step, shadow refuge and basilisk venom.
It’s a cheap setup but you are a thief, right?
That was the exact thing I have been thinking about. Seems like the best of both worlds by not using SB
This is a comment from a Warrior who just made a post titled ..“Well I Tried …”
He is upset after the haste nerf and how much he, and other Warriors relied on it. Pretty good read. The funny part is what he says near the end ..
“So this leaves me thinking this class is now officially and utterly broken and I will be playing my thief and ranger until it gets fixed”
WvW. Something has definitely changed. My canines and kitties got completely pummeled last night. I was only roaming so it wasn’t because of zergs. I eventually put pets on passive but even then they still took damage.
tldr – 100% accurate that something has changed with pets. I find it weird…not really…that they correct instantly a pet doing too much damage ….pet taking too much damage ? nada
I think there are plenty of viable builds for each class. The problem is people either don’t experiment or there is 1-2 that make the other viable builds look bad. Trust me this happens in all games. It very hard to create several viable builds without 1 or 2 being that much more viable.
Agree. Someone comes up with a build…promotes it, and the sheeple lap it up. Then someone else comes up with a new angle and creates a new build…and the sheeple change over.
Same old same old
It’s a new game show ..Guess That Build !
I am still learning the class so the build wouldn’t help me. You play very well. The things I need to work on are the combos. Like someone earlier said you do have a fairly set combo that you start many fights with..then adjust how the fight develops.
I was just on my ele and can’t figure out what you are doing with LF and Burning Speed. I don’t see any combo there
I cannot express enough how much I dislike this idea. As spells image says – this is not a dating site. How sad and alone must you be to want to get married in a game that has nothing even to do with romance? Go home.
+ 1000
It is sad…and a little creepy
I think it is debatable that SB needed a nerf. Still, I find it silly that I can throw an axe or dagger further than SB range.
At minimum SB should be able to be traited to 1200 units.
Your server gains rating, you WIN, and you get rewarded
Your server loses rating, you LOSE, and you get a consolation prize
over time servers will even out at a 50/50 win/loss rate, as your server rating increase it becomes more likely for your server to lose, and as you lose it becomes more likely you will win rating.
That would be a brilliant move by Anet. What an excellent idea.
I wonder if going through the trouble of putting up a thread makes people feel better when they leave their servers at their utmost convenience, and at the server’s utmost inconvenience.
But then again these threads always smell foul of guilt.
lol no doubt. What amazes me is the sheeple from the entire guild that make the switch. Like they don’t have a mind of their own.
“I quit” topics are against the Code of Conduct and as such, you should lock this thread.
Many good answers. The most basic answer ? It’s fun…..and why else would you play a game if you weren’t enjoying it?
Nice vid. You are a slippery little guy !
…good to hear a little Green Day in there
Too much talk about ranger being op. I AM SCARED GUYS.
Irony, or you’re just here trolling again – as usual. Hard to tell irony from a serious post on a forum, but with no
I’d go with trolling.
I will go with trolling also.
You guys are kind of missing the point I was trying to make. Usually Rangers are the first class I go after when I play something else since most are glass. Obviously this guy wasn’t glass and caught me by surprise. If we dueled I’m sure I would win more than I lost but in a one off I think it would have come down to the wire.
The damage was really good. I wish the logs would show condi damage
It’s not hyperbole. There has been a drastic difference in WvW since EoTM came out..as in it’s dead out there. Unplayable.
Yes, new content is always welcome. The problem is it has watered down the population that wants to participate in some type of WvW/PvP. Anet doesn’t have ‘another month or two’. Daoc was my favorite game of all time because of the WvW. They also added more WvW zones. Combine that with the game getting older and you had an empty WvW zone. Which led to more people quitting.
Any business will tell you keep your customer. Once they leave you have a hard time getting them back. Especially with the new WvW type games coming out. Anet has a chance to solidify their hold on this niche market and they are blowing it up.
There was a post where hundreds of people said they hated the new matchup system.. Wouldn’t this make them happy ?
Know what the best part about bandwagons is? They collapse spectacularly.
100% true. The drama and posting announcing the moves are quite entertaining though.
When dealing with this issue ask yourself…. am i complaining about the stealth mechanic?
If the answer is yes, it is strictly a learn to play issue. So get out there and L2P!
( Not a thief )
So when I do beat a Thief, and I am still complaining about the stealth mechanic. Is that still a L2P issue?
Do people not want resistance at all when taking towers?
No. It slows down the karma/xp train.
..and wow they hit hard. Was not expecting that.
Hats off to the Squire Ranger from the guild Abys on SBI
1. day and night is different for everyone…
there are only EU and USA servers… what about the rest of the world…
what about the EU players that play in USA servers and visa versa
you cannot force people to move to a server where there is a ‘daytime concept’2. ^also leads to the fact that some servers got way more people playing wvw in nighttime than EB can handle… means you are forcing people not to play WvW.
3. Probably most important one…
WvW isn’t about winning the match-up
It is about enjoying the concept, the fights, taking towers/keeps
Do you really think countless of people log-in everyday just because they want to win a match-up? no…
I think many people don’t log-on when their server is getting pummeled or not have much chance of winning.
GW2 = Gear Wars 2 ?
Bad trend developing leading the game into WoW like gear snobs.
blah blah blah. So much cheap talk. Step up to the plate and duel him…..applies to any of you who say you have no problems with Thiefs. Either the Ranger or the Thief will have to keep quiet after they lose.
To all the naysayers that hate the idea and say there will be horrible matchups. How about show us what you think would be fair matchups. (that are different than they are now). ……..hint: It can’t be done
To whoever made the point about looking for fun, and not worrying so much about winning and losing. I agree 100%. Especially if the matchups change every week.
That is the problem with the current system. It removes all hope when you play the same servers 3 months in a row.
I guess we’re a bit puzzled that the last WvW CDI on Commander tag functionality was LOADED with feedback and what we got was our own tags blocking our view (NOBODY asked for that…) and an increase in the price to buy them that specifically contradicts what was discussed about tags having value in both WvW and PvE situations.
All delivered in complete silence as to what was the goal of these changes is and without patch notes to boot.
This is a pretty legitimate complaint.
Asking for feedback is great, communication is helpful to all sides. But a valid argument can be made that asking for feedback, then ignoring it and in fact doing things contrary to what was requested, is worse than not asking for feedback in the first place. It’s frustrating and demoralizing.
The problems with WvW are manifest and well-known. A lengthy CDI process at this point strikes many players as simply kicking the can.
Great post. Somebody should write a script to bump it about once per hour for the next two months … after which I probably won’t care.
Yep, it is a great post. Sadly also accurate. Which is why I don’t get too involved in the feedback posts.
What it seems like is Anet has an idea of what they would like to implement next. They start a feedback post. What they hope for is that their idea is suggested in the feedback post. Then they can implement it and say “see, we listen to you”
If their idea isn’t introduced in their feedback post they implement it anyways.
It’s like the con man stories from long ago. A guy would have a store selling potions and cures. If you were pregnant, you drank one potion to guarantee a boy, or another potion to guarantee a girl. When you delivered your baby, it was a 50/50 chance the potion worked or didn’t work. if it worked, the merchant and purchaser was happy. The purchaser would get her money returned if it didn’t work.