Square peg …round hole.
I only have 4 level 80’s. Ranger, Warrior, Elementalist and now Thief. My mood any particular day will help me decide what class I am going to play and what build.
If I feel like supporting the zerg i will equip Staff on my ele, change the build and join in……or trait my Warrior with a banner or two and bunker up.
If I want to roam I will go condi/bunker with Ranger…or use Thief…or go S/S +lb condi with Warrior.
If I want to play on the edges of the zerg and pick off people I will go glass on ele S/D ….or go rifle with Warrior …or go LB power with Ranger
etc etc blah blah etc
Every single class has strengths and weaknesses. Play to the strengths and have fun. The whining gets real old real fast.
They didn’t kill the Ranger. Far from it.
QZ nerf ? I would suggest that the quickness nerf hit Warriors harder than us….since a higher percentage of Warriors had it on their bar than Rangers had it on their bar. Go read their forums. They whine almost as much as Rangers.
Thiefs also relied heavily on haste….again, more than Rangers did. Plus they got another second added to stealth reveal timer+ culling fix will also hurt them in WvW.
A haste nerf across the boards does not mean it effects Rangers more than any other class.
Add in the GS buff…and it rocks now. overall after this patch Rangers are ahead of where they were a couple of days ago.
So everyone in the pity party can relax. Although no matter what happens in any patch you’re going to find something to whine about. Hell you could win a million dollars in the lottery and still whine because of all the taxes you are charged. If you’re gonna quit, then quit. Send Anet a parting farewell and be on your way.
If I wanted a First Person Shooter targeting system, I would play a FPS. Sorry, but I dislike this idea.
Pretty much this. I have never really understood these type of posts. It would be like going into your Ford truck dealership and asking the salesman for something more similar to a Dodge truck.
If you want a kittening Dodge truck don’t go to the Ford dealer.
Too many have a myopic view of their class and don’t see the big picture. If Anet released patch notes that said they are increasing Ranger damage by 10% everyone would be happy and call it a buff. If you went further down the notes and realized they buffed every other class damage 20%, then you would realize overall Rangers got a nerf rather than a buff.
I still think Rangers are pretty good in solo/small man roaming in WvW, but they aren’t as good as they were before the patch. Two classes we could kill pretty easily before patch were Warrior and Necro. Obviously that isn’t the case anymore. Combine that with the pets nerf and yes, I do believe Rangers took a hit.
You think it is griefing or trolling …others think it is funny. Just depends on your perspective or opinion. Anet gives a lot of leeway to griefers/trolls. Especially since many things that Anet have put in the game are in my opinion trolling and griefing. they get a good laugh out of it. So again …perspective.
Perspective you say? I wonder in which game the “fun” one person has trolling, would make up for the anger of all the other players trolled.
The problem is the insufficient report system. I don’t even think that those “reports” are ever reviewed, even if multiple reports of the same kind are filed in in short time.
I think you have misread what I said …likely because I didn’t make myself clear.
Personally, I can’t stand griefing and/or trolling. I have no say in the matter though.
More importantly, what does Anet consider griefing/trolling? I would say except for the worst examples, in general, Anet supports it (I could list many examples of why I believe this). So an insufficient report system? Quite likely. That’s why I used the word ‘perspective’. What you or I might consider trolling/griefing is irrelevant to what Anet’s opinion on the subject is. They are much more open minded to the concept.
People who think ESO has a Cash shop clearly don’t know what an actual Cash Shop is.
GW2 has a Cash Shop.
ESO has Account Services (Character Transfers for example)
As for the Comparison between WvW and AvA in ESO..
There is no contest, ESO AvA is far far superior.
Not only does it run way way better….(Zero lag…and I mean that..Zero..I have never seen an MMO to date have the performance that ESO has in PvP)
It doesn’t have crappy gimmicks like GW2, There is no Down System, If you want to Res someone, You have to walk up to them, and cast a Res Spell, that takes like 10 seconds almost to cast…If someone interrupts you, You have to start over with the cast.
It also doesn’t have an AOE Cap, Countless times in beta I’ve seen 8 People absolutely Blow the Hell out of Large Groups of Players trying to Zerg something…
If you bunch up in ESO, you will die… Like you’re suppose to.
The Map is also vastly superior to GW2 as well…I mean its not even close… Not only its it bigger then all the Borderlands,EB,EOTM combined…It actually pushes you not to zerg objectives…
You get more for killing someone Solo, Then you do for taking an Undefended Keep..
There is no contest..It is the better PvP Game.
You mentioned stacking, yup, with a proper cc and aoe combat system, stacking will get you killed together. In this game, WvW again encourages you to stack as many people into the blob as possible. I never understood how stacking and following the train encourages tactical play. To me it simply encourages zerg blobs, which as we see today, is the case in WvW.
This one has always baffled me….“stack on me!!”
I still take heat for not stacking with 10+other people. I come from Daoc and that’s the last thing you would ever do….which also seem like common sense for any game.
Anet has done a good job. The strange thing is people won’t really appreciate all the little things in the game until they play another game. Then they will realize it when they don’t have it. Mad rush to to the forums to complain about the new game while saying ..well GW2 did it this way !
There is no legitimate reason why dueling isn’t available. Especially since PvP is different than WvW (pve). Harmless fun that was a blast in both WoW and daoc.
This feels like I’m getting hustled.
At least make the thing a major trait. It would only make sense if they really buffed longbow’s damage because as it is, my autoattack pales in comparison to other classes’ autoattacks.
The most frustrating thing is that they could have discussed this in the CDI and received feedback or something (because I really wonder if any of the balance team seriously plays ranger enough to have an idea of what the player who mains ranger experiences.)
Okay so I’ve done some critical thinking and looked at the other profession forums and this is what I’ve found:
It must be awful to be a dev reading reactions after a release like this. Nearly every forum feels that their new GM trait is lackluster, that it’s in the wrong trait line, and that no one at anet must play their class.
The notable exceptions are thieves and mesmers who are more satisfied than the others with their new GM trait. Also found that 4 of the classes had jokes about the ranger on the first page.
How I feel now : Shooting projectiles from long range gives you some defense against harsh melee attacks, but that should come with a cost. Correct me if I’m wrong, but similar projectile attacks on other classes are also vulnerable to strafing. I still feel that it is too little for a GM trait (combine it with Eagle eye please) but here’s the thing: like Allie said, our thing should be masters of sustained damage (burst is dodgeable, but persistent attacks can wreak havoc).
So one scenario I think this would be useful is when you have an opponent that you’ve almost downed when they start to run away. Normally they’d be able to dodge through your rapid fire for example, but this way the foe will be increasing damage to themselves by adding range to our autoattack and he’ll more likely take that damage too.
I am being a positive optimist. Besides, you wouldn’t show your best hand first and then reveal the lesser ones so maybe it’s worth waiting to see.
P. S. Go watch the anet zerg in EOTM from two ready ups ago. There’s only one ranger amongst them and he’s running hyena.
Good post. anet is far from perfect, but people wonder why they don’t make more appearances in the cesspool that are the forums?
Also agree that plunking from 1800 units shouldn’t do as much consistent damage as compared to being in melee range…especially an auto attack
What WvW should change:
- Honestly I think the WvW should be rewarded according to the time that the strengths or spots are maintained and not every time you take, it’s like going in circles all the time .. really stupid, it has nothing of pvp.
Clearly you understand WvW better than does ANet. It should be patently obvious that if you create a competition based around your team holding objectives to win … and then you offer better individual rewards for a totally different behavior (i.e., flipping objectives back and forth) … that you are going to undermine your own game. How ANet cannot grasp that, especially in the face of a classic prior example in the form of the Conquest 3-faction PvP mode in Rift, is totally beyond my comprehension.
It’s not like we haven’t told them before. It’s hard to believe they asked for our feedback again in the last livestream while what needs to be done couldn’t have been said more often and be more obvious.
Some great points. I also am surprised Anet hasn’t bought into this.
One of the big problems is the current version of WvW breaks people down. They like WvW but end up leaving it or the game because their play style isn’t rewarded or appreciated. There are people …as crazy as it seems, that enjoy defending. They enjoy building up a structure while they are in the area and scouting for their realm. They run supply, build siege, upgrade etc. All the while they are happily chatting with guild mates and friends.
Not only do they miss out on experience and loot, it costs them cash. Add to that they are basically ostracized for doing what they are doing. They call out an attack on their prized structure….the response? ..“don’t worry, we will take it back later”. Why? Because their are greater rewards letting someone take that tower/keep.
bassackwards imo
I see so much put into the PVE Living story stuff, and a lot of it is fun and in some cases profitable. But at the same time servers like NSP who do not have a large hardcore WvW population suffer from this. I for one would like to see the living world come to WvW, to bring in those who haven’t experienced WvW.
I don’t know how many times I have seen in map chat “WvW Sux! It’s nothing but a gold sink”. Because people either went in a couple of times and got steamrolled by a zerg, and had to fix their armor. Or because they spent 5 hours and lost 3 gold buying siege and such to actually try to make a difference, yet got nothing in monetary return. I think if Anet would put more emphasis on putting equal reward in WvW as they do in PVE some of these people might be willing to give it a try. This could also potentially make what was a supposed “low population” server into a “high population” server without even a single transfer.
Just my random thought.
Great post…and absolutely true.
This one has always baffled me….“stack on me!!”
I still take heat for not stacking with 10+other people. I come from Daoc and that’s the last thing you would ever do….which also seem like common sense for any game.
The reason why commanders call for stack (those that know anything about combat in this game) is to control boon timers and for blast finisher effects to spread over more players. If you’re not within range of those boons and combo effect finishers, you’re missing out in vital boons such as Protection, Regeneration and Might.
Spreading out and not moving in a stack is actually the best way to combat a hammer train. Restack when boons run out.
Somemost commanders are just bad.
oh I understand why it happens, it just feels very wrong to do it. Also when I watch 2 groups fight I find it amusing they both stack up…do their little blasts…then charge each other..pass through each other…then blob up again for heals. Rinse repeat. Like two Rams fighting or something….or like the movie Braveheart where the two blobs run at each other screaming and clash in the middle. The fights are completely different than daoc and just seem a little counter intuitive.
Lol do you need to see him? Where does a thief need to position to get a BS? Your back! You should revise how you deal with stealth if because you can’t see him, all counter play is void to you for his one trick pony build.
He can also just hit you from either side and get the back damage bonus. Basically it gives thieves a 75% chance of landing a good backstab.
Personally I don’t care what class is doing it, but there shouldn’t be ANY skills in the game doing such huge bursts. I mean some classes can literally be one shot and that’s not skilled play. It ultimately pushes everyone to have survivable builds, oh I wonder why bunker builds are a big thing…
ArenaNets balance team has failed by every single metric since launch. Conditions are an absolute mess both in PvP and PvE. Rangers…nuff said. Tons of traits are absolutely useless and misplaced in trait lines. I mean the list goes on. If I failed at my job for a single month I would be fired, but here we are 1.5 years in and every patch we get the same trash where things that need fixed weren’t, things that didn’t need changed were, and makes you wonder if they even play the game. They need some new blood on the balance team and most certainly a new direction for where to take balance. Whatever they are doing is not working and it needs to change.
That’s one of the problems, they do play the game. Most games have a test server where the players can test things out. Here? They do it themselves. Did you see the twitch feed when they were introducing the new pvp map? the dev was giddy with excitement talking about how the map was gonna be great for his thieves blinks/teleports. We are in their world.
New blood? Maybe, maybe not. What they do need is some oversight. Someone that is in charge of quality control. Someone that doesn’t play the game so he has no bias towards any class. Someone that reads the forum or talks to a few random players about game flaws. Then goes back to the team and asks why?
Why is everything considered cheese? Regen build that hopes the pet kills someone is something many have used.
I put leeching there for something. Do you know how much it does?
I dunno….maybe about 1200 or so?
…and why is it cheese? Is it a Ranger only sigil?
If you all want to be objective you must provide numbers or examples to the table.
These are examples of how OP can be any class . . . the people here complaining about thieves has no objective points . . they are just angry because they still do not how to deal with thieves.
Warrio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiXhgsfoL6c
Mesmer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54UCCEinT5oEngi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zy5cANG4Hk
Necro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfGdT896JZ8
Also here is a link of a thread talking of wich profession is the most hard to play against.
Is funny how Sanduskel and Burnfall are basically the only ones again attacking the profession.
I invite you to use the time you expend here in the forums learning the mechanics and improve your game play instead.
Sorry for my bad english i try my best.
That’s because the non thief pvpers who want some balanced pvp were ignored since launch so they ditched the game.
Have you noticed a significant decline in pvp skill level in spvp and wvw recently? Yea..
That’s what happens when you ignore your customers’ valid complaints. Favor a minority of people who are after the next fotm and you lose the majority. Brilliant tactic.
100% true. The WvW chat channel is always filled with people complaining about Thieves. No other class produces the amount of frustration and anger to the player base. Most bit the bullet thinking that Anet would make some much needed adjustments. They haven’t, so I agree it has forced people out of WvW …or into zerg blobs only.
Um, you get that it’s across the board right? This isn’t a thing that was done to us specifically.
Apparently he doesn’t. In fact it hurts the other classes more than it hurts Rangers.
Walls of Text aren’t bad, as long they are clearly formatted, good readable through this and make use of spoilers to blend out text passages of maybe other topics to visually reduce the size of the posting, so that the reader can stay focused on what interests him/her and those things, that saren’t of your personal interest, stay just unopened under their spoiler.
However – I made a few minutes ago just a test for myself with a suggestion concerning the thief to see, if I can put really all of my thoughts together in 150 words and I surprisingly were able to put that off , when I could have gone far more into details xD
-They are not going to redesign a class
-They are not going to redesign the game
They are going to make tweaks. Small adjustments, then sit back and reevaluate. I have seen far too many posts that completely redesign a class or parts of the game. Not …going…to …happen.
Brief, concise suggestions and ideas. Walls of text won’t accomplish anything
I think you underestimate the hatred of WvW for PvE people and vice versa. The PvE will enter WvW if they have to but they enter kicking and screaming. The multiple posts complaining about it are numerous.
You can leap back with sword 2, press the key to rotate 180 degrees, and press sword 2 again to do a double leap away. You have to cancel your target first though, and disable auto-target.
In practice this doesn’t work as well as it seems it would. I tested it and for covering a set distance it’s pretty much the same speed as just running away with signet of the hunt (25% run speed buff).
true, but if you don’t want to use a utility slot on signet of the hunt, it’s worth it in certain situations.
Thought of another tip – The longbow 4 knocback knocks them back further the closer they are to you. When i first started using it i’d wait until the enemy was almost upon me to use it, but i did the math, and if all you want to do is create distance, it’s better to use it sooner rather than later:
for some reason the exact numbers aren’t on the wiki but i remember they are or were on the game tooltip at one point, i’ll just use example numbers to demonstrate my ppoint:
knockback = 50 if witthin 600 range
knockback = 100 if within 300 range
knockback = 150 if within 100 rangeso as you can see from these made-up figures, whilst the knockback is increasing, the sum distance you create between yourself and your target is actually decreasing. Assuming the skill wasn’t changed – i don’t have access to the game at the moment to check the tooltip or test it etc.
However if you want to create maximum distance between your target’s original position and their final position, ie moving someone as far off a point in spvp as possible, then it’s best to use it at point blank.
Faulty logic imo. The point of knockback is for two things.
1. He can’t hit you in melee unless he is close.
2. He eats arrows because he loses interupts when he is not close.
Using your numbers. Assume he can travel 50 feet every second.
1. He starts at 600, and you knock him back another 50 feet to 650. He can damage you in melee at 50 feet. So you have 600 feet/50 = 12 shots (1 per second)
2. He starts at 600 feet. You shoot at him until he gets to 100 feet = 10 shots of damage. Then you knock him back 150 feet = 250 feet away = 5 more arrows for a total of 15 shots.
Of course it is just theory craft unless we know the exact numbers.
I mean bloody hell, Simply look at the chat during the Event to see what we’re talking about..Every class was getting “Wow that’s op” spammed down it..Not a single person was like said anything remotely like that during the Ranger ones..Everyone was pretty much like “meh”
100% true. I watched the whole thing and when other traits were introduced..especially Ele it was like …“wth” ..“lol wow” etc etc
Agree you will do some damage. I will disagree enemies won’t chase you because you are 1500 units away. The truth is you will be an absolute magnet for Thieves and the resulting quick death.
Not sure why you have a bear pet.
1.) Ascended is not required and this ‘vertical progression’ is miniscule enough to be ignored without noticing any improvement
2.) You can get an ascended backpiece without any crafting (and if you use the Forge as an example of crafting, all you do is click buttons a few times and you get your backpiece)
That’s good news. Not sure where or how I can get that piece though.
I gotta love these threads.
“This guy crit 6k on heartseeker!”
“Its fine cause this guy can crit 8k on eviscerate”
“Yah, but the 6k can be spammed!”
“pff, the guy from 6k is squishy… the 8k guy is hard to kill!”
“But this guy can combo from stealth instantly and drop 15k+ on you!”
“well, this guy can chain-CC you untill you die.”
“…so can this guy!”
“But this one can pierce a ranged attack for 19k!”
“Well this one can backstab you for 11k from stealth!”Ow, but yah… conditions are overpowered.
It’s called misdirection, and many think using misdirection is a good debate tactic.
In regards to burst. Yes, I think you can get burst damage with Ranger …but at an extreme cost. I have been watching a bunch of videos of different classes recently. What I have noticed, and especially with Thieves, is their target selection. You can watch them click on target after target in a zerg situation looking for the perfect victim. You can almost see their eyes light up when they find a Ranger ….and especially a Ranger with the Opening Strike icon.
It’s game over for that Ranger if he is “bursty”. Not only is he glass, but he is standing back from the crowd using his range IE a perfect victim.
If you go burst as a Ranger you have to be alert like a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
First step would be to make “Heavy” armor actually mean something. Damage mitigation because of armor is nowhere near where it needs to be for heavy armor.
You people are really serious about this? Complaining because arrow carts stop karma trains? Seriously? What about those of us who legitimately enjoy the WvW experience in general and do not participate in your zergball karma trains? Where does that leave us?
I’ll tell you where. It leaves us solo defending our towers while our own server’s zerg is off “training” some other BL. Stuck with that feeling of dread an inevitability of death and failure when your 30-40 zerg comes knockin’ (for those of us who won’t flee or back down anyway). That’s gone now. Towers are actually defensible now. That inevitability is no more, and now you guys are complaining because your frothing zergmob is inconvenienced? Gimme a kittening break.
I know I’m likely facing infraction here, but if that’s the way you guys feel about it, you have no place in any WvW of mine. I was lighthearted and joking with my last post here, but the more I read the posts here, the more I say good riddance.
Agree with you. It seems like defending is a 4 letter word on these forums. It appears everyone has more fun going to an enemy BL, taking a tower, then moving on to the next one. Meanwhile the enemy follows you around capping the towers/keeps you just took …and left undefended. Rinse/repeat. Everyone is happy because they got their karma/xp.
Defending was a joke. You couldn’t stand on the walls or you got pulled off to your seath. Defenders literally laughed at you when you used ACs. There was zero point in defending. Now their is…and taking a tower/keep should actually mean something and be a little more difficult than taking a supply camp,
So much angst after 1 of 5 new traits is announced. We don’t know what the other traits are. We don’t know what the other classes are going to get. We haven’t tested this new trait so can’t know how effective it is or isn’t.
If you all want to be objective you must provide numbers or examples to the table.
These are examples of how OP can be any class . . . the people here complaining about thieves has no objective points . . they are just angry because they still do not how to deal with thieves.
Warrio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiXhgsfoL6c
Mesmer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54UCCEinT5oEngi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zy5cANG4Hk
Necro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfGdT896JZ8
Also here is a link of a thread talking of wich profession is the most hard to play against.
Is funny how Sanduskel and Burnfall are basically the only ones again attacking the profession.
I invite you to use the time you expend here in the forums learning the mechanics and improve your game play instead.
Sorry for my bad english i try my best.
That’s because the non thief pvpers who want some balanced pvp were ignored since launch so they ditched the game.
Have you noticed a significant decline in pvp skill level in spvp and wvw recently? Yea..
That’s what happens when you ignore your customers’ valid complaints. Favor a minority of people who are after the next fotm and you lose the majority. Brilliant tactic.
100% true. The WvW chat channel is always filled with people complaining about Thieves. No other class produces the amount of frustration and anger to the player base. Most bit the bullet thinking that Anet would make some much needed adjustments. They haven’t, so I agree it has forced people out of WvW …or into zerg blobs only.
The majority of those chat comments (as well as half the comments on these forums) are about how annoying thieves are because they can’t be seen and they can be so evasive, not because they got killed by one. Burst thieves are indeed powerful 1v1, but thieves in general pretty much suck in a group battle as countless posts here have also pointed out. *Situational disparity exists in almost every game … it’s what makes you actually have to think. Try it.
Annoying does not equal overpowered or broken. Read the frigging GW2 thief class description and educate yourself*
You can try and justify it and make excuses. It’s really very simple. People play to have fun. If they have fun, they continue to play. If they don’t have fun, they leave….and what many don’t want to accept. We don’t all lose every fight to thieves. There are 3 common outcomes. 1. Thief wins. 2. Opponent is winning but thief stealths and runs away. 3. Thief makes a mistake and opponent actually wins.
All 3 scenarios are not fun for the non thief. Even after beating a thief I am ready to log off in frustration. It’s not fun.
Maybe you educate yourself and see what every game in existence does when their customer base isn’t having fun. They try and fix it.
OK Oddoad, you make a dramatic, but resonable point.
It is sad to hear that you are going to stop playing ranger because they will no longer be viable. Unfortunately as it is, if you no longer feel useful, you should try to be more productive in a different manner.I wish you good luck with whatever profession you choose to reroll to, and i sincerely ask you to send me your stuff.
Good luck, and thank you for reading this post
- Lynx
Too late. He PMed me earlier. We met, and he gave me his stuff about an hour ago.
Hence the name quick /wink. If you can’t catch me and cant out heal me you can not kill me /smile…
Seriously though I enjoy a fight that takes some skill to win, even if you are out numbered.
That fight with the Warrior and friends was epic. They sure wanted a piece of you!
Seeing as how this class has issues, and this thread is so full of unhelpful banter about broken bows and under-powered underpants. I thought we should have a thread where we just gave out tips on how we are overcoming our shortcomings, something for the new Rangers in town, it’s not all that bad.
This is not for posting builds. This is where we share the things that we think everyone should know about. Anything really. You may think everyone knows, but new Rangers might not! My only request would be that you name your tip with a * bold *
I’ll start it off shall I? lol
Ascended Quiver
If you can’t get a fractals group, but boy do you want that vial for your Quiver. Just set it to level one and jump on in. You can solo those initial elite harpies, you can solo those greedy grawl. The vial drops off of any mob loot dropping mob in the dungeon it’s all down to luck.That’s actually all I can think of off the top of my head, what tips do you have for new Rangers?
What is this about ?
DAoC had a really great mechanic where the guild that claimed a keep or tower would get messages in guild chat when a guard near their tower was killed. The message looked like “a guard from your tower was killed with 25 enemies in the area” and showed up in guild chat even if you were in a PVE zone.
That is a good system. It definitely feels like something like that is missing out in WvW
I could live with all the issues, but the one that really bugs me is we seem to have no viable means of escape like most every other class in the game… I am WvW mostly and seeing other classes with 2 or 3 real options to escape (before a downed state) and we have… lightning reflexes… then in a downed state we wait to die while a couple favored classes can still run into a tower or keep.
100% agree
We can’t run away from anyone and we can’t catch anyone. Really frustrating to see an enemy zerg 10+ units away. You exit stage left and 10 seconds later they catch you.
Fight a thief and are actually doing well ? He decides to leave the fight. He waves goodbye and there is nothing you can do.
THERE IS COUNTER TO STEALTH. Stealth doesn’t give you protection nor invulnerability, you still take full dmg in stealth, you still sit in CCs, YOU DO NOT DO DMG WHILE IN STEALTH (unlike mesmers), there are 1000000 ways of preventing thief going into stealth, there are 10000 ways from preventing thief dmg out of stealth.
QQ like this is reason why you guys keep dying to thieves. Bad players QQ -> class keeps getting nerfed every patch -> most thieves either quit or reroll -> only very few dedicated still play class and get good at it -> those few dedicated are still capable of kiling noobs -> bad players QQ -> class gets nerfed again…
No matter how much Anet will nerf the class, really good players will still kill bad players and place their amazing quaggan finisher simply because instead of L2P against already overnerfed underrepresented class ppl rather spend their time crying on forums.
It’s a good story, it’s funny, you’re a funny guy
I honestly thought these were fake when I first read them.
Longbow is very good against squishies. Against a bunker there isnt much you can do. The key is to peel them from range with 2-3k auto attack shots. You also have solid life expectancy if you go survival skills.
That being said, inside combat is far superior in this game then ranged combat. If someone gets on you, and most meta builds can, you will lose out to pressure pretty easily once your utilities and pet abilities are on CD.
100% true.
The 5 things that will determine how your day will go.
1. Positioning. Initial position and constant reset of position.
2. Target selection
3. Awareness of your surroundings. It is always changing
4. Pressure pressure and more pressure. Put them on defensive
5. Know when to hold..and when to fold
In regards to pressure. Mesmers drive me crazy. I don’t like fighting them. Usually I try and out play them or finesse them. Rarely works. Today got on my Ranger for first time in a few weeks. Semi-glass LB. Bumped into a Mesmer right away. Went pure pitbull mode on him from 1800 units. Before he had time to think he was at 30% health. He bailed ….and died. People tend to panic when the HPs are dropping fast and especially when you are out of their range.
Wait and see. It wouldn’t be the first time that a blog description did not fully convey what a skill did. This might be a lot better than you think. Furthermore, it is 1 of 5.
Too sensible and logical. You’re type not welcome around here !
See that’s the point. They are taking a servers performance and going from there. For one server that success could be based on 90% population and 10% WvW participation. Another server could have success based on 50% population…25% WvW participation and 25% tactics. End result is the same. How well does your server perform. So the only thing Anet has to figure out is how you actually perform …which is more accurate than any population number.
..and that’s exactly what they are doing now.
My biggest worry is we get the Warrior Treatment, as in to much to fast..
I read the suggestions Allie posted that she wants to pass on to the team, and i’m worried we’ll get a lot of that stuff.
Because frankly, I’d be a monster if I got even half of it..
Crap like wanting Shortbow to have Confusion/Torment/Burning just blows my mind..
That weapon would be so bloody overpowered.
Things like Lowering Trolls Urgent Cooldown + giving it condition removal…TU is pretty powerful as a heal right now..It doesn’t need anything, Heal as One could use something like that.. but not TU
Some of the trait suggestions are fine.. I just don’t want this class to end up like the Warrior.
Which is likely to happen…..and it isn’t surprising because pretty much every game like this evolves that way. The classes play a game of ‘tag your it’ taking turns being the strong class. A class can go from zero to hero with 1 or 2 minor tweaks.
The one thing I will say about Warrior though…and most classes, are their trait lines make sense. Ranger is always going to have a hindrance because their trait lines are all over the map. I never realized how bad it was until I started playing other classes where it seems there are so many more tough choices to make when picking traits. I always feel I am leaving something good out. Too many times with Rangers I end up picking a trait i don’t really want or need …but there isn’t anything else to pick.
These type of positive Ranger posts are not allowed in this forum. Only tales of ranger woe and defeat are acceptable.
Question : How long did the fights last ? The log would have been very interesting both for the damage he put out and how much the pet did …and what pet.
To someone above who asked if the community should or shouldn’t complain. Go read the rest of the class forums. Warriors apparently are all quiting because of the haste nerf. Thiefs are all quiting because of the haste and stealth nerf.
How is it possible that almost every class is upset in some way after each patch ? Some of the comments are very funny.
“I am quiting my Warrior. It is obvious the Devs all own Rangers.”
I am quiting my Ranger. It is obvious the devs all own Thiefs"
I am quiting my Thief. It is obvious the devs all own Warriors."
Honest suggestion: Play a different game until ANet adds Guild v. Guild. No need to be cynical about the whole thing. GvG will come with or shortly after guild halls, and it’ll be tied to influence/merit progression, gems (tickets), or both. I’d bet on it. Best to be patient and at peace with reality.
I play this game like its left 4 dead 2 survival mode now. Grab a couple buddies and go fight the zombie horde, see how long you can last.
WvW as intended. See also: Just Cause 2 Multiplayer.
WvW as intended is try to avoid PvP at all costs. Fighting an enemy is the worst thing you can do with your time when you’re trying to get the most points.
They have our garrison! Let’s let them keep it. It is a silly place. We will attack theirs instead, and I promise that they will not fight us for it. I promise.
You’ve confused PvP with defending/attacking. Sitting in a keep on a cannon is not PvP.
You’ve confused the strategies of defending and attacking inside the WvW PvP zone with the tactic of utilizing specific available weapons during same.
Buddy, I don’t think you get what the man is saying. Sitting on AC’s, cannons, catas, trebs ect…. Is what 8 year olds could do. “here honey, try this… Just click on the red guy, and press these 3 buttons”. Isn’t hard, isn’t challenging, but it supposedly makes you feel “epic”???? Dude were talking maximum character output…. Using a characters abilities to the max in a fight against other people. Fighting over objectives is just push pull push pull whoever has more people wins the fight. Open field by good players on either side can go either way when skill is par. It’s all about clutch moments. Utilizing your “available weapons at the time” is what 8 year olds could do. We open fielders all know we could jump up on seige and do what you do… Easily. We push ourselves past the 8 year old limit and strive for more challenge. Problem is 99% of the games population isn’t any good at what we do.
..or maybe isn’t interested ? People have bought into the game for what it has offered. You are trying to reinvent the wheel. This isn’t Daoc…and even daoc, the hardcore 8 man groups had to fight bigger groups. Sure you could try and arrange an 8v8 fight in a remote area, because it didn’t happen very often naturally because you would always have adds.
I call bullkitten that your crew actually wants a challenge. If you did, you would create a pvp map with as much open space as possible…and ignore capture points.Then send out the challenge. There would be no adds onto the fight…each group would know what they are there for so they would have complimentary classes to support what they want to do…complimentary builds for each other and would have some type of plan or strategy. Both groups would be on a voice com. No one would have any advantage when it comes to equipment. Who cares about food. Since both groups could have it in WvW what does it matter if both can’t have it in pvp. Both cases it’s equal. It’s just an excuse.
It would be as pure and clean of 5v5 that you could ever want. The winners would win because of skill alone. Isn’t that the goal ? Isn’t that challenging enough ?…or does your group base their success on beating a 9 man group headed to a keep to defend. Two of the 9 are uplevels….most of them have magic find on their gear and none are actually grouped or communicating. You pummel them so that proves your 5 man rocks ? That was challenging ?
Full melee zerker warrior, high risk and high reward. The essence of the class. Nice video.
You think it is a full zerker Warrior? His survival looked too good for full zerker. Combine that with his traits and 25k HPs and I’m not so sure it is full zerker.
…of course I am likely wrong!
Ok, let me get this straight.
No good player dies to the Ranger. I still havn’t lost a fight to one. Not even when I am playing my Ranger.
It’s just fortunate for the Ranger community that there are a lot of bad players out there, so they are allowed to win quite a few fights because of this, and still feel good about playing the class.
So rangers are bad.
I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a glass canon Ranger. I do love the old argument used in every MMO though, that you continue to use here; (You must fight baddies, while I fight the best players in the world). Quit using that argument, it only discredits anything you ever have to say. Sure, I fight baddies, just like I fight good players.
You could always duel me on any of my toons, and post the video yourself.
But you didn’t fight PZ, or VexX, or Jbuo, or today’s PurP. So you don’t fight the best players in the world. While some of us do. So this is a decent argument.
Anyway, its been said earlier. A lot of people go experiment with ranger because that’s the only way to do it since the only viable build that people think exists for PvP is traps. Moreover, the best dueling ranger build is healing ranger. Which sucks when you aren’t in a 1 on 1 so people probably aren’t using that build. With these 2 things in mind you are probably playing baddie ranger. I can attest, I also have never lost a 1 on 1 to another ranger in WvW. In tPvP however, I have.
But this argument is silly and the OP has it right. Rangers own in the right hands. And I’ll duel you whenever if you wish.
Such a flawed comment that I see far too often.
Disclaimer: I don’t know if Rangers are strong, weak or average. In WvW, in my hands, they are a little above average….but I am only an average player. My twitch is slow and my targetting is horrible.
I have watched a lot of videos and have seen some amazing displays by some very talented players. Does that mean Rangers are strong ? Maybe. Maybe not. I would strongly suggest that the people that have been putting out the videos would kick buttocks on any class. I also bet they could go out in WvW without armor and win their fair share of fights.
So just because some very good players can succeed with Rangers doesn’t prove they are a strong class…….and just because some bad players can’t succeed with Rangers doesnt prove they are a bad class.
Invalid arguement
I will look later if I have time to convert from Into The Mists builder to something more readable for me. Not a fan of the Mists
1.Please keep the modes APART.
2. If you refuse to play the class as intended by the developers, then you will not be successful. .Two statements that should be stamped on the forehead of every Ranger new or old
You’re right. But I refuse to play a class as intended that is designed without reason and common sense. ANet’s fault, not the players.
Doesn’t that kind of go without saying?
I wont be playing Wildstar. I can’t stand the look of it. Same thing with Warlords of Draenor. Both games getting hyped, but I can’t stand the cartoon characters.
Why would I ever complain about that? they have a product. The consumer either agrees with the product…or not.
As mentioned in other posts. Been through this a few times in regards to stealth. I said a few months ago the nerf bat was coming. I see more changes coming. Anet needs to realize they have 3 separate games going on and adjust accordingly.
PvE – Thieves need a boost and/or a niche
PvP – Thieves need a slight…very slight boost
WvW – Thieves need another nerf..small, but still a nerf
The outcome of a 1v1 battle if one of the participants is a thief:
1. Thief wins.
2. Thief escapes.
There is no third option. The mythical “thief dies” outcome is only taken by bad thieves.
Inb4 tons of thieves with comments like “i am pro 1v1 roamer n i die a lot, l2p”. These comments would be sad if they weren’t so hilarious.
You forgot a 3rd outcome.
3. Thief trolls.
Harass a group of people and perma stealth over and over with no intentions of ever trying to kill someone …just troll.
Self absorbed
Self important
Short sighted
Know it all
Close minded
Just some things that came to mind when reading the first post.