ANet may give it to you.
ANet may give it to you.
ANet please return the animation for elementalist fire staff one to the ‘old’ animation. I am not a fan of the new ‘small’ fire balls.
This game in the current iteration is EASY. I promise you if you would read your skills and not just auto attack, it is possible to kill these creatures.
What is the point of playing a game if you’re not challenged at all and everything is an automatic win? How can that be fun to you people?
players spend money, gold and time for this stuff…
If other players can hide my expensive minis or weapons I also can play a single player game.
We can already hide their Armor and Character looks. So what now?
Either allow us to turn off everything or nothing.
I dislike minis and the back items but I have no problem with Armors and character looks.
PS: People who purchase cosmetic items do so for themselves not others.
PSS: Wings SUCK!
Yes The roles for the playstyle and the mechanics necessary exist. The issue is at this time no content in the game is difficult enough to considering running such build types. Though you can see in the elite specializations encouragement to branch out of PURE dps roles into hybrid roles. So its likely HOT content is designed around the idea of making sure that multiple roles is viable. I doubt youl ever seen content that NEEDS 100% dedicated tank builds. But I imagine there will be content where having someone that can keep you topped off or having someone that can take the attention of mobs like risen abominations (which do simply too much damage to fast for active defense to compensate without heavy kiting) will be useful.
With regard to flippers, I know people who have or had over 150.000 gold in the past, I know people who could debalance markets when they wanted cash, cause they could buy up the WHOL supply for “rare” or better items and put m back a dozen silvers (or sometimes 100’s of gold higher.
To discourage the poeple contnuing this stuf was hidden behind gated walls…
People can buy EVERYTHING. but some can buy ALL of EVERYTHING.
To make sure this is limited some stuff was restricted, either behind a play wall (sinister, zealot nomads gear), a timegate (celestial) ascneded crafting mats (well now supply is ok, but when people started making asc. paying 50 gold for 1 damask was normal…
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Perhaps, the retailers will sell them at a discounted price, for those players that only want the core game. Some people prefer to spend a little to try out an older part of a franchise, before purchasing the more current offerings. /shrug
My understanding is that with the expansion they’re modding all the maps outside the starter areas to function similarly to Dry Top/Silverwastes. Maybe that will solve this issue as well?
It’s a simple suggestion, but I’d like to see special missions and rewards added to the game that you complete specifically for your order.
These could be repeatable and rely on a token reward system (Dungeons) or point system (Karma).
In the first instance, the token could be badges related to your Order.
In the second they could be “Honor” or something to that effect.
The missions can be a mixture of solo and group ones and can place you in instances with other members of your Order. Examples could be defending outposts (Vigil), subterfuge and assassination (Whispers) and exploration/experimentation (Priory).
Think Guild content (exploration, missions, rush, etc) but for the Orders.
This would be especially rewarding from a lore perspective and for Guilds who form based on their Orders for roleplaying.
This way, people who like to be ranged will not be yelled at in dungeons. If a player is not in a party, perhaps his/her boons will apply to the 4 closest allies not in party.
I just bought the “Infinite Watchknight Tonic” hoping to play around with it a bit and it only lasts for 5 mins with a 30 min “Recently Transformed” cooldown. Aren’t these items supposed to be for fun and even if its a combat tonic it doesn’t negatively affect balance in any way. I don’t see why it needs to be so long and couldn’t be brought down to ~15mins or less. It just seems unfair how long we have to wait between uses for something that only lasts 5 mins and ends on death/zoning.
No, they’re not the same thing.
A server merge only affects low population servers. A server merge does nothing for higher population servers.
With this plan, a person playing off hours on ANY server, will have people to play with. With a server merge, that’s not true.
I’m telling you that if the busiest servers NOW have dead zones at certain times, then a server merge won’t help smaller servers. It’ll make them like bigger servers.
Bigger population events WILL be populated….most of the maps will be dead.
Server merges do NOT solve that problem. The meta server does. The megaserver is not another name for server merge.
To the devs who worked on Taimi, who wrote her and created and animated her model:
I want to thank you for Taimi. I live with multiple sclerosis, and while I was only diagnosed a handful of years ago and am looking forward to a future where I won’t be trapped in my own body, I value characters like Taimi more than you can know.
My greatest trouble spots are my legs, specifically the joints in my hips and knees. There are days that I wake up and I can’t get out of bed. I’m young (in my 20s) and I walk with a cane and have a handicapped tag for my car – and I get nasty looks from people all the time because I’m young and, clearly, I shouldn’t need a cane or a handicapped space. I’ll never forget the day a pregnant woman berated me outside a grocery store for taking the handicapped space she wanted.
When I play games, it’s usually as an escape. I like to imagine that I’m the perfectly healthy Commander Shepard, or some outrageously good looking Final Fantasy character on a quest to save the world with magic. Games take me out of my situation and, for a little while, allow me to be someone else. Maybe this is why I play a hyper-mobile d/d Elementalist.
But when you introduced Taimi, I was overjoyed. I didn’t play the Marionette weapon testing update, so I didn’t see Taimi until just recently when I was mucking around the refugee camp in Gendarran. The friend I was playing with pointed her out, and I think I shrieked loud enough to wake the dead.
I don’t know where you’re going with Taimi. But honestly I don’t care. Because now, in Tyria, I can imagine having a giant golem cart me around when I can’t feel my legs or when they hurt too badly to walk. Now when I get derisive or pitying looks, I can take a minute to imagine I’m sitting on a golem’s shoulder like a complete kitten.
So thank you for thinking of people like me. Thank you for thinking about how someone with a disability might get along in your world. And thank you for making her awesome.
PS Since I’m incapable of fanart of any kind to show my appreciation, I bake. If your office would like to receive a tupperware full of cookies, I’d like to bake them for you as a thank you.
Lavvok | Asuran Warrior • Ankaya Esbensdottir | Norn Necromancer • Lydia Felshire | Human Thief
Tarnished Coast
Since the other thread was deleted for whatever reason, caps? Thought I’d continue here since it is still terrible and needs looking at.
Brisban Wildlands – Dual Axe Warrior.
I opened one of the Wintersday presents and Skritt popped out, I killed 3 and of the two left, one was standing slightly out of melee to my left (I was almost facing it) and the other was pretty far to my right, off camera and couldn’t see it. I hit throw axe assuming the appropriate target would be the only skritt on my screen. Alas I was mistaken and I chucked my axe at the one offscreen. Couldn’t get a screenshot.
Everywhere – Dual Pistol Thief
Obstructed targets or out of range enemies are chosen as appropriate targets except when in fights where it’ll be yellow named targets that become priority.
(edited by Paul.4081)
Remove achiev : Six Minutes to Knightfall
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: RoseRosenberg.8396
Remove this achiev because the conditions to do are not possible for more players.
1 – Overflow
2 – We need 150 active players:
- More players afk
- More players leech
- More players do other things: others achievs or farm
- More players don’t known the strats and wouldn’t like to excute this strat or they can’t to do it: stuff, food, potion, build.
- The gameplay of more players is very poor: they dont know an aoe or escape (maybe to create a tutorial)
4 – During Event – only 2 weeks and this achiev was bugged during more days
It’s the reallity, we can’t organize this achiev with few players who are motivated.
I think only one guild among many servers has finished this achiev.
We have no time to win it. We are not in organization as Tequatl: only 2 weeks !
So delete it or change time to kill the 3 knights less 9 minutes.
Thank you
Remorwk for your system of loot:
- Fail = 6 chests and 4 cores
- Win = 6 chests
- stop also green wepon or other thing in the big chest . We win so more, we dont need more.
(edited by RoseRosenberg.8396)
I believe Ascended gear should be removed from PvP. It creates the typical “Grind to Win” scenario that is so common in other MMO/Games.
I feel that Arena Net created an amazing PvP game with Guild Wars 1 and they should stick to how things were run. I also predict a very certain power creep for Melee classes like Warriors/Thiefs who benefit so much from weapon power as opposed to classes like Mesmers/Necromancers, this will create a distinct imbalance between these classes that will be compensated by 1) Nerfing the Warrior/Thief/Guardian/Ranger and effectively screwing players who don’t have Ascended armor on these characters; OR 2) Not nerfing them and creating a huge gap in power between “Physical DPS” classes and “Magic” users.
WvWvW players like to PvP, but any PvP’er will do everything in their power to achieve an advantage over the enemy, the important thing for most PvP players is winning (yes they have fun too but winning is the most important), pretty soon we will have fully ascended players in WvWvW which will make it unplayable for people who don’t have hundreds of hours to dedicate to a single character in order to equip them with full ascended armor, I believe the weapons cost 200g each, the trinkets/accessories using Laurels would take almost a year to get and the back piece is not even available, and that’s assuming you do your daily every single day. Fractals should not be required to play PvP competitively.
WvWvW players already have to spend ~50+g on Runes + exotics to remain competitive, I believe that’s enough as you should naturally accumulate that gold levelling your character and doing a few dungeons along the way, a lot of people will say ascended armour makes no difference but if we assume both zergs are of equal skill, the zerg that is fully ascended will always beat the non ascended zerg that has 5-10% less stats, it’s the same thing as putting a level 80 zerg vs a upleveled zerg, which zerg do you think will win? And don’t get me started on roaming/sniping groups fully ascended vs non ascended people, in the law of averages, we have to assume everyone is at the same skill level so the person who is better geared will win. Could a pro player beat a fully ascended “newb”? Of course, but pro players a very rare and they don’t make up the average WvWvW in our realm. Heck, my realm is full of PvE players (Desolation) so if anything Ascended gear is awesome as the sheer power of these people will carry me but I still believe these items should not be implemented in this game mode.
Solution: It’s simple, just scale Ascended gear to Exotic stat level upon entering a Borderland. I believe fair play should be encouraged and “grind to win/pay to win” (crafting) should not be encourage or allowed in PvP, this is not World of Warcraft and I believe the fair play/balanced gear model from Guild Wars 1 was perfect and it should be encouraged not scrapped. If I wanted to go “3 Shot noobs with overpowered gear” I’d go back to WoW and grind RBGs to 2200.
Maybe the best way is to make an ingame barber with low prices (10-50s)
that offers you the BASIC options,
and if you want a special one, there is the Self-Style Hair Kit.
Would be nice if we can unlock these cuts/colors to the barber NPC tho – so we can change it back after a while without using another self-style hair kit.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
-1: We already have an in-game “barber.” It’s called a Self-Style Hair Kit and it’s available in the Gem Store. Even better, we just got 3 new hairdos per character, and they are quite nice (at least for us females). So I respectfully suggest that no change is needed for this.
I disagree. We have all paid well above the average PC price for this game and yet the presence of the Gem Store continues to make me feel like I’ve bought an unfinished product. I may as well install a credit card reader in my PC just in case I want to make my character look slightly different to everyone else.
This game needs the ability to change hairstyles/purchase NPC town clothing in-game with in-game gold. For the overpriced Gem Store clothing items, there needs to be a way to reclaim clothing items if they have been accidentally deleted like there was in GW1. A proper wardrobe system would help too.
-1: We already have an in-game “barber.” It’s called a Self-Style Hair Kit and it’s available in the Gem Store. Even better, we just got 3 new hairdos per character, and they are quite nice (at least for us females). So I respectfully suggest that no change is needed for this.
+1: We need FAR more variety in our town clothes. It’s discouraging when NPCs have so much variety in what they wear while we’re limited to some pretty mundane clothes. Even the Gem Store clothes, for the most part, are funky- some nice tops but the only bottoms are cargo shorts and riding pants? Why do the cargo shorts have a butt flap? Where are the skirts, dresses and slacks?
-1: I, for one, would not want to auto-change to/from Town Clothes on entering/leaving a city. Also, since that change is already key-bindable to a single keypress, I don’t think changing between one and the other is the least bit onerous or troublesome as it is.
(edited by Lolyta.4582)
Can you please put an in-game barber and clothes designer, and then implement some options for in cities? I’d like to get similar town clothes that NPC’s have for my characters, and then for them to automatically switch to those clothes when entering a city.
it would require more voice acting but i think it would be an amusing and perhaps informative addition to hear my character say “so hungry!” or some variant when the nourishment buff ends
Kernel, there’s just too many problems.
What do you suggest that isn’t a bird, bear, cat, or dog. How do you work them for all the races? How do they all animate, what are the skills for each one. How do their weapons work.
And if they have no weapons, do they simply get stats that scale with their level? How is that fair to everyone else who has to actually upgrade their stuff.
And what about underwater? Do they get special aquatic forms? And how do you balance that?
How do you balance them at all? A weaponless, shapeshifting class with access to four forms, 20 different weapon skills with no weapon required, and who knows what for utilities.
And how do you explain it? Where did they come from? Does this supposed druidism simply spring up and kick the Druids that already existed in the game as followers of Melandru out?
And why, look, the entire norn race are just big human druids. The thing that defined the race from the second conversation you ever had with one is now common to every race on tyria.
I could go on, but I don’t want to.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
Its a Coding/AI thing.
Its very likely that if you knock an AI off a Cliff it can’t trace a ground path to get back up, its going to bug out. Normal monsters would find themselves stuck and likely lock up if they didn’t die from their fall, meaning the area they should be spawning in would be empty and a pit becoming a death trap filled with foes (Either for the unwary player, or for the monsters vs. AoEs). If its a Skill Challenge NPC, its very likely to bug out once defeated as there is no way for it to get back to its initial point. (Then there is the matter of loot, combined with possible griefers knocking the enemy and loot over a deadly edge.)
That said, it is kinda disappointing not being able to punt an enemy off some of those sheer high cliffs, and watching them go splat on the ground below. Especially for revenge for having taken the same plunge by them.
It could work for normal monsters, who if they get stuck away from their spawn points would despawn and respawn back to where they should be after a set amount of time. Keep NPCs and Bosses/Mini-Bosses unable to be punted, just to avoid the AI hassle they could cause. But that still runs into the Loot problem for the normal monsters.
Always a problem, where AI Pathing is only two-dimensional rather then three-dimensional.
- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)
So there’s a pretty apparent problem with constantly breaking skill quests. I’m fully aware the devs are trying to remedy this, but in the mean time I have a lazy fix that might be worth some merit…
Why not put reset timer on all skill quests that are not simply Communes or Item pick up? It takes any competent player maybe one minute at most to finish a skill quest… So a hard reset occurring, even if still in combat, once every hour or so wouldn’t be that big of an issue. Even if it were to happen every 12 hours it would still be an improvement.
As it stands some skill challenges were broken within 6 hours of the last restart, that means for 96 hours those skill challenges have been un-doable. Assuming updates only happen once a week, that’s 168 hours of a broken skill quest.
This is as the title specifies, a Band-aid… but its better than the current situation. In just the past 4 days I’ve had to move on from 5 zones incomplete due to this situation. A separate but similar issue seems to effect events as well… but since all events are timed anyway, why not just have a reset timer come into effect if an event has gone 1 hour without progress?
I liked this option in Guild Wars 1 and wouldn’t mind seeing it back in Guild Wars 2.
Because some jumping puzzles and narrow areas are hard to navigate with the current camera options, the camera often gets “pushed” which is very annoying.
And I like beeing able to go into first person view now and then.
How many times have you been in a huge event battle with tons of monsters and people around and a few NPCs mixed in the bunch and you wanted to mass loot everything youve killed.
So you walk around spamming F to take what youve found and you start talking to a bloody NPC. Its frustrating when there are 10 or more corpses to loot and you end up talking to an npc 3 times before you loot them.
Ive checked and I didnt see an option to rebind that. Maybe im just blind. Im sure a lot of you will correct me if I am.
So please let us rebind loot to 1 key and interact with other things with F as it is now.
For example Id like to have my loot binded to for example V.
Since there is no way to know if target is in range of a skill until you use it, adding distance to target in target frame UI would help to minimize all those awkward moments, when you use skill and it’s effect drops few centimeters in front of target. Congratulation … you wasted your CD for nothing
I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t be able to just keep respawning and suicide running towards a boss. If you and/or your party dies, the way point should be contested, the boss area should be blocked off, or the boss should reset. It’s just really silly you can just stream people running back to the fight to down a boss, that’s not how boss fights should work.