Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Just once again boils down to putting out content and features over a huge time frame every two weeks and then turn the faucet off, to terrible drip fed information about the beta.
Because people DEMANDED that they changed it.
And now we can start demanding that they do both expansions and 2 week releases!
Yeah we players are pretty unreasonable at times.
hmm that’s odd. 95% of the community I run into seems fine.
Sure we’ve all run into people who are terrible but the majority has always been pretty good.
Honestly for pvp, if I’m just looking around to have fun and mess around, I play hot joins. For unranked, I’m looking for wins and I’m guessing most others are as well.
Whenever I see people ping something nice that dropped or when they’re forging their legendaries, I usually see people saying “grats” or such in chat.
Either you’re playing at the worst possible times or you’re only picking up the negative comments.
Just think of it as… Chronomancers deciding to play a prank and threw Revenants into the past, then screwed up the timeline a bit, and there we go! Deus Ex Machina~
Would have been great to be taught by Rytlock himself, in the Mists, indeed, as it was meant to be.
In term of lore, it poses serious chronologic problems, but as far as I remember, Anet does not give a s**t.
It was easier to justify it lore-wise before Rytlock was declared as the “world’s first Revenant”, but I have a feeling it is recoverable. The Mists can affect time, so I could see Revenants running through a simulation of the past through the Mists, doing the personal story as they go and eventually killing Zhaitan in their own “instance”, all the while still existing in the game as it is right now, before the assault on Mordremoth. This will likely not be explained at all in-game, but hopefully Anet tells us something canon about this. It’s hard to justify otherwise.
Rytlock has a friendly chronomancer who sent him back in time to deliver the lore to the masses.
kitten though he forgot to mention about mordremoth. What was he thinking?!?!
The REAL reason we will never have playable centaurs: mounts, including horses, are on the table and centaurs riding horses would look… awkward.
Then again, ya know, maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe the REAL reason we won’t ever have mounts, including horses, is because playable centaurs are stabled on that fabled table, waiting to be enabled!
It reduces races to mere skins with no other impact on gaming…..
And that’s exactly what races should be.
The content drought-moaning continues…
i think Anet needs to contrac a wizard that makes code apears from nowhere and can realease a full expac every 2-3 weeks.
Strange that they would encourage use of our class mechanic, isn’kitten
I enjoy sprint. Keg brawl and crab toss are ok. I despise survival. But I would rather do an activity than a world boss (I hate waiting on timers) or do 4 events in a zone.
I dislike every one of the daily activities, they are overrun by farmers who run them all day long and have no chance to lose however they pale in comparison to frustration of having to do the daily fractal for those who don’t do them.
There’s a lot more options to finish the daily which is the nice thing about the daily system. It is designed so that each niche can fairly easily finish but encourages players to explore new areas of the game.
Or, just log in each day and collect your free loot minus the 10AP which is worthless other that a few tokens and percentage points anyways. It’s nothing more than a giant peakitten plume for players to feel elite about.
Edit: I lol’d at peakitten, maybe they should have a daily spam filter violation?
~Dr. Seuss
Or you could just wait a while until the price has normalized.
EDIT: see it as the universe (or some market player) incentivising you to reinvest your gold and once the dye is back to normal price have some left over
If the animators can’t pull it off, that’s one thing. But saying it can’t be done because ‘centaurs can’t do that!’ is not a valid excuse.
I imagine that it’s not that it can’t be done but that it would be a lot of work and then still look kinda awkward. It’s a costs/benefits thing (as is everything of course).
Do you know how many tengu they need to pluck to make each pair? These things take time!
Why indeed have level ups? New players should be able to instantly equip max level gear.
Why scale us down? How dare you try to let content designed for lower levels continue to be challenging to level 80s. This is not some game we play, we just want to insta-acquire everything.
Why would you ever put selfish personalities in the story?! People never put themselves above others, or try to take advantage of a terrible situation to strengthen or further their own position, or increase their wealth. During the wars, companies didn’t manufacture weapons and sell them to invading countries for profit at all!
Exactly! Why are we constantly evacuating civilians? Why not let them all be dead after the first iteration of the event? If players weren’t online and in the area immediately after the update that brought that event, they should not be able to play it. I mean seriously, what it this, a game?
And the different races being the same! It’s just terrible. I mean who of us knows anyone that picked a particular race for a particular class purely for styles or the animation differences?
(Tried to type serious response. Couldn’t do it. [This part isn’t sarcastic.])
He slipped up big time there! Even though it’s not an official statement, I’m happy they’re aiming for a summer release.
EDIT: I won’t grab a torch and a pitchfork if not! I totally understand this was just a slip.
Guild – Heróis Lusitanos [LS] Server – SFR
(edited by Rexx.1805)
I actually think its heartwarming that people genuinely start to worry about Gaile when she is not around! Also I wonder if the European river happened to be the Danube
We are constantly looking for Guildmembers which contribute to an awesome community
It would be interesting what other mechanics are also attach to the break bar;
- Invulnerable
- Immune to physical dmg
- Immune to crits
- Immune to condition dmg
- Bar only effected by certain conditions or CCs but not all.
- Medium to large heal regen
- Contant condition application (poison, weakness, cripple, chill…)
- Contant damaging field (physical, condition…)
- Summoning waves of reinforcements
- Endurance draining field
- Unblockable attacks
The largest part about Zerker is the ability to survive through active defend. If encounters start to effect this minimum active defence other build option might open up.
It would also be interesting if some areas & encounters locked skills & weapons with only some area were you still could swap. This might mean you can’t optimise for individual encounters but need a kit or group composition which varies from standard zerker to complete the whole challenge.
I suggest that the Crab Toss achievement “Crab Toss Champion” should work like the Sanctum Sprint achievement “Speedy Sprinter”. For Speedy Sprinter, the top three people get progress towards the achievement with 1st place getting three points, 2nd get two, and 3rd getting one towards the achievement. Both of the achievements require a total of 250 wins/points, so I feel it would make sense for “Crab Toss Champion” to work the same way.
They don’t want you to be able to buy these features without giving the company money.
This is such a flawed argument i see time and again for getting things in gemstore, if you have gems you are giving ANet money, just not necessarily your own money(okay there is the 400gems for every 10k AP you get, but AFAIK that is the ONLY way the game generate free gems, so that is a minuscule amount in the big scheme for things), but the gem exchange works as a player trade post for gems only, if noone sells gems, then there would eventually be no gems to buy there either. That said i still do doubt you will able to buy the specs separately, if you lucky MAYBE there will be a pack with all elite specs but no other HoT content, but most likely the best you can hope for is the whole expansion for gems, and likely not from day 1 if anything like it goes this way
Player A buys gems and sells them to Player B
Player B bought the gems from Player A with gold
Player B uses the gems to buy a specializationPlayer B provided Anet with no income.
Player A provided Anet with income.
You realize this doesn’t discount what he was saying, right?
Player A bought gems, sold them to B, who use the gems to get a specialization. One purchase of gems, one specialization unlocked. Player A provided Anet with income, but didn’t get anything from them. He got something from Player B instead.
It would be the same if A bought gems, used them to buy a specialization, and then could somehow sell the specialization to B for gold. One purchase of gems, one sale of a specialization.
This is not me advocating for any part of HoT to be sold for gems. I couldn’t care less about that. But trading gold to get gems doesn’t mean you are buying things for Anet and they aren’t getting paid. Those gems had to get paid for somewhere.
If you have trouble dodging KDs, then perhaps you need to equip a utility skill that will break stun?
If you have multiple stun breaks and dodges and are still having trouble avoiding KDs. Then I really feel it is a L2P issue. As much as I hate to be someone who says that.
I have 10 level 80 characters and in all my time I’ve never felt that PvE knockdowns were ever an issue. Never even registered.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
When are people going to learn how to play the game instead of QQing about how certain mechanics are wrong just because they don’t like them?
Heaven forbid you actually have to use a skill other than good ole #1 or use your dodge in PvE.
And for not having all of the items you call out above… I am thankful!
Tequatl can’t actually fly he uses magic to either push the planet away from him or bring it closer to him.
The Hulk can’t fly but can jump really—really far. Maybe the dragons are just taking long run ups out of eye sight. OOORRRR, they have constructed very big trebs and launch themselves out of eye sight. And you thought they could fly—-puny humans
Where is promised challenging HOT content?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291
It feels like aNet is selling us DLC, which is sadly far from expansion!
I expected bosses to be more challenging with new mechanics, not just CC bar, but actual AI (Artificial Intelligence) behaviour, they don’t hit hard enough to even force you to dodge, you can “in your face” all the dmg, but that’s not even the point. Static non-movement creatures are making me not even want to go in HoT PvE.
What i’m expecting from GW2 AI creatures:
- zoning mechanics
- area control mechanics
- special combinations to defeat enemy
- higher DPS from mobs to force people to dodge
- more Dry Top Coloque Queen mechanics
- non-static smart path finding and decision making
- faster damage target changing and applying more pressure on player
Where is the content that they called challenging for “non-casual” players in HoT?
“Beautiful content is not enough for me, where are the AI-npc mechanics that were promised?, Artificial Intelligence of creatures is under expectation of 2015 era..”
With other words, I can hardly call this EXPANSION, when it looks more like DLC pack..
Wow! I know there are players who rush through new content but here is someone who has compleated the whole expac before it has been released! Awesome!
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]