Showing Posts Upvoted By MikeRocks.9243:

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I’m 35 and this thread is making me feel like it.

I’m sorry I didn’t want to make anyone feel bad, just saying that GW2 has a lot of things that show people like me weren’t their focus when designing said things (if that makes sense)

I think a more correct assumption would be that “people like you” aren’t their only focus. There are a myriad of types of gamers out there. Generations are being spanned these days. I’m extremely pleased with the “something for everyone” approach as opposed to the “all for one demographic” approach.

Now quit worrying about your particular demographic and go play and have fun! Danged kids…


Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


If anything the 35+ demographic is the least catered to. My first game was pong. Glad they didn’t go that far back. :P

OP it’s great you have a few years with all that extra time but RL will creep up. If you don’t have a job already, you will. Then comes a more demanding job and so on. Not even going to mention a partner or a family since that is down the road. At some point you’ll realize that the next time you’ll have that kind of free time is when you retire. Which can still be a long way away for some.
You won’t always have the kind of time you do now, so enjoy it. And don’t waste all of it on video games. It’s nice to have a game made for people that have lives outside of Tyria. I still feel behind most of the time but at least it’s not impossible to catch back up.
And VOLKON said it best below me. It’s a focus that is spread across demographics giving something for everyone.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

(edited by Infernia.9847)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kidbs.8920


Maybe OP should spend more time on his schoolwork and less time being “hardcore” in a video game.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grizm.4560


I’m 35 and this thread is making me feel like it.

Tarnished Coast
My characters think I’m crazy.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Am I seriously the only 22 year old who has played and enjoyed 8 bit classics AND seen those “so terrible it’s hilarious” commercials?


I shed a tear for my generation.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.

I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.

With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.

With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.

I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I’d love to see it permanent, but it the reasons are likely below;

1) rolling it out once a year gives a chance to refresh new related items in the shop
2) keeps the focus on the event over a short period of time. Even the greatest of these events tend to slow down after a few weeks and once a year keeps it from being repetitive. Also, Something like Wintersday not only slows down, but only has short term appeal anyway. It would remove the special feel of the season to carry it through
3) To prevent demands from the community to adding more content to it throughout the year which is probably time consuming
4) To prevent distraction from the main game which they will want to push above all else – that’s what they market.

Having said that, SAB works, it’s fun and I’d be happy to ignore all the above and keep it in for longer if it’s what players want

SAB: Ok what kind of game is this?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


250 years of time is no small amount in the realm of technological and scientific advancement. Throwing magic in the mix can just speed things up.

Props to ANet for not making another fantasy world that stagnates for millenia.

Best. Commercial. Ever.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

I don’t understand how this commercial is genius. I expected something good considering all this praise. Are you guys being sarcastic? Is it so bad it’s good? I don’t get it.

It’s great because it’s an almost perfect reference/parody (depending on how you look at it) of all the absurdly cheesy ads 80’s & early 90’s games had. Remember, a lot of people here grew up when ads like that one were running on TV, it’s a fun nostalgia trip for us.

Best. Commercial. Ever.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


X-TREME 80’s RYTLOCK is my new favorite character. You have to bring him back for a cameo at some point, for whatever reason. This commercial is the greatest thing ever — nay, perhaps the greatest thing possible. The only thing that might tip it above 100% is if Rytlock started rapping.

My name is Rytlock, and I’m here to say
Super Adventure Box is comin’ your way!
Funky fresh graphics with 8 whole bits,
The cool chiptunes are all instant hits!
My main man Moto is a radical dude,
so visit Rata Sum when you’re in the mood!

Screw Tyria...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Josh Foreman


Josh Foreman

Environment Design Specialist


I also heard you like treasure chests…

I think it’s a funny commentary on 1st/3rd world dynamics, that at the same time you have a tragic event in a virtual world like Flame and Frost, complete with sick and dying fugitives, half the population of heroes is distracted by virtual entertainment, ignoring their plight.

Screw Tyria...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Katz.5143


However, the centaurs took over much of Queensdale in our absence. o.O

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

World 2 bugged?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Josh Foreman


Josh Foreman

Environment Design Specialist


For World 2 I absolutely want to make rifle and dagger skins.

Kudos to to the ArenaNet Team![Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Cyanchiv.2583


I play as an engineer who uses a rifle, therefore no weapon skin for myself. The content is so good that I don’t really care though. The rewards aren’t what is making this fun for me, the content itself is a blast. I just wish this would stick around forever instead of just the month of April.

Kudos to to the ArenaNet Team![Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Aegis.9724


Yep, agreed.
First time i enounter a 2-hours-wasting bug (frog not dropping shards) and STILL be happy and satisfied about my time spent. The run was so much fun i could just not bring myself to be mad

Kudos to to the ArenaNet Team![Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Halo.8976


They deserved that. Awesome event. First one without any screw up’s.

Best. Commercial. Ever.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430



Wow, that reminds me of how some of the VHS tapes I used to record the Ninja Turtles cartoon looked, after I watched an old Nintendo commercial to death.

Super well done!

I would be curious to know how many players are completely confused by VHS tracking and artifacts.

Best. Commercial. Ever.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Josh Foreman


Josh Foreman

Environment Design Specialist

We have some crazy talented people in our cinematics department.

Lack of purple octopi during the raft ride...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Crise.9401


I mean the ninja’s are great and all (really they are) but someone missed solid reference potential when designing this.

Seriously though, I have had a blast with this… it is the first jumping puzzle that doesn’t make me wish I had never tried it if, or more likely when, I mess up repeatedly… and even when it does frustrate, it is not rage enducing like a certain clocktower.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

in Audio

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


When I imagined Trahearne saying to my azura.

“You’re a good guy, commander. You haven’t kittened me in the kitten…yet,”


Seriously, close your eyes, imagine saladhead and listen to the vĂ­deo.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

in Audio

Posted by: Maxzero.4032


“We must bring the fight to Zhaitan, He is a big dragon. The fight will be hard. I will lead you. I am a good leader. I think.”

I feel inspired at least.

Really bad lines you've grown fond of

in Audio

Posted by: ElenaDragon.8401


“I am that.” I think that’s on levelling. WHAT DOES IT MEEEAAAN?

I always thought it was “I earned that”. Of course said with a British accent.

Really bad lines you've grown fond of

in Audio

Posted by: Exterminans.9723


“No! I handraised that minion!”

“Now I need to make another one.”

“It began as a corpse and now it is a corpse again.”

Seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to make necromancers have a line EVERY TIME a minion dies?!

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Calsifer.6079


I could not believe my ears when I heard the retro log-in music! It was great! Props to the ANet audio team for making me laugh the moment I got into the char select screen!

Ninja Stokk – Thief. CD.

"D3 AH bad for game" What about BLT?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: John Smith.4610


John Smith.4610


GW2 TP is awesome. Not only is it good for our game, it’s good for the industry.

Gem store sale is a joke.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Janson Smalling.1850

Janson Smalling.1850


Black Lion Keys were on sale all day on Saturday, March 23rd for 100 gems each, or 5 for 360 gems. It’s unfortunate that you missed it, and I do hope that you’ll still keep your eye out for sales that might interest you in the future. In order to offer considerable discounts on sales such as this one, we must limit them, whether by time or quantity.

I do, however, want to thank you for playing the game and for taking the time to follow sales in the Gem Store.

Gem store sale is a joke.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

News flash: BL keys were on sale for 20% off the other day. You must’ve missed it.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

No easter event =(??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Its a religious holiday. Keep that crap out of the game.

Well, I agree with you in spirit, but none of the fun stuff we ever do in fictional in-game “holidays” are actually religious in nature. Heck, none of the fun stuff in real-world holidays is necessarily religious, depending on what you’re into. And then you have Hallowe’en, which people don’t even seem to remember was originally a religious ritual in the first place. A lot of these holidays are widespread and well-known enough that people are sort of expecting something to happen, and any excuse to celebrate or do something a little different is welcome.
Plus, if you’re going to hold an annual special event of some kind in an MMO, it only makes sense that it coincides with an actual real-world calendar event so the players can come to expect it and won’t forget.

It would be neat to see some small-scale, original Tyrian holidays, that are actually in keeping with the game’s lore and not dependent on real-world cultures. Like, do humans observe any holidays dedicated to Dwayna, Melandru, Balthazar, etc.? Do Asura have Eternal Alchemy Day, or hold annual science fairs? The Charr already have Meatoberfest going 24/7 — it’s clear they know how to party.

Average wealth of players

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Only got 20 gold in my pocket

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Fused weapon drop rate data

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kuldred.2436


Let’s see what the average will be

Statistically inaccurate

Surveying forums leads to massive biases including Sample Bias and Response Bias. In this case there are at least 3 other biases not being accounted for off the top of my head.

This is very true. The only people likely to post are either those that have opened a lot of chests and received nothing, or those who’ve opened very few and received one.

Not even accounting for the MASSIVE player base that doesn’t even touch the forums.

And this is exactly why you can NEVER obtain accurate data from a survey. OP may not like to hear it, but John Smith is spot on.

Yak’s Bend