Showing Posts For Aevic.9675:

Music: Am I missing something?

in Audio

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Well for one in your options turn down the bar on “Music Interval” it allows it to play a lot more often. Found that out.

Asura Engineer - A Loser's Jumping Puzzle Hero

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


As a charr some puzzles can be rather annoying as my jump feels awkward compared to others. (I have to jump on all fours and I have to figure out where my “feet” are going to land but it’s not actually where my feet are… because my feet according to the game are at the center of my torso when I jump on all fours.) It’s very strange… but manageable. I’ve adapted.

Do people actually want (vertical) "progression?"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I prefer gear progression because once you hit max level that’s all there is. I don’t really progress my character anymore once I hit max level, I sit at the same strength I am regardless of what I do. I’d like to see my character become more powerful, it’s satisfying knowing that. However, I am not against my character being acknowledged for accomplishments at max level and doing things in the world.. I just feel the latter is more satisfying to me.

Why are Lemons so blasted expensive?

in Crafting

Posted by: Aevic.9675


When life gives you lemons…

Hilarious moments during personal story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Wasn’t a fan of this twist.

Oh man, I can’t breathe. <applause>

I love Trahearne

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I like that he respects me and considers me his good friend and adviser. What I don’t like is that he takes over MY story and takes credit for EVERYTHING.

Not Even 3 Months and Anet Already Killed GW2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Even if they went full gear treadmill the game wouldn’t die, the playerbase would just have a shift in ideals.

I’d actually prefer they started to increase gear so that we can have some sort of gear progression. I just don’t want them to go crazy like Blizzard and have me upgrade from a piece of gear that has 40 stamina to a piece of gear that has 200 stamina. Who the hell does that?

Next gw2 Expansion Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


As far as I can tell the Dervish/Monk/Paragon were merged into the Guardian class from what I can see of abilities and what not. See certain abilities like shouts… and Contemplation of Purity (A Monk skill in GW1). I doubt we’ll see these classes… personally I’d like to see a monk who is a martial artist, perhaps in a Cantha expansion. But like I said I doubt we’ll see remakes of what we saw in the past. At least from those 3.

Decreased movement speed during combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I want a mount so that I can watch my horse trot past mobs because it’s in combat.

GW2 is not living up to its potential

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


The really big killer for me that I hate in most games is the instancing of zones… If I’m suppose to be immersed in a living breathing world… why am I going through instance portals into the next zone? I want to walk into that next zone… I get it helps load times but I’d take the hit on load times if everything was linked together. Other than that the PVE can stay as it is as long as they expand on dynamic events being more dynamic.

Rift has no loads, no instances in the open world, its all seamless. Just bringing it out there because the technology is there to do it. Why Anet choice this ancient method, who knows.

An 8 year old game did it (WoW) Each continent has no load times unless you go to another by boat. Not sure why other games don’t do this.

GW2 is not living up to its potential

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


The really big killer for me that I hate in most games is the instancing of zones… If I’m suppose to be immersed in a living breathing world… why am I going through instance portals into the next zone? I want to walk into that next zone… I get it helps load times but I’d take the hit on load times if everything was linked together. Other than that the PVE can stay as it is as long as they expand on dynamic events being more dynamic.

This game is unbelievable...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Music, art, leveling have all been praised again and again, so I am going to discuss the common complaints people seem to have in Guild Wars 2.

1- “Hearts and Dynamic Events are just like regular quests, kill this, protect that..”

Easily the most common complaint people have, and I simply cant understand the reasoning, its like complaining about Super Mario Galaxy because all you do is jump and collect stars, or complain about Portal 2 because all you do is complete puzzles and ride elevators.

What did you expect? Its a fantasy RPG, of course you are going to spend most of your time protecting villages and killing bad guys and collecting treasure, that’s the ENTIRE point of the genre! This game did it in a way I have never seen an MMO do it, I actually enjoy exploring every corner of Tyria and completing every heart and D/E I see, I agree that there is more room for variety but this is a huge step foward in the genre, this game spoiled me in a way that I could never go back to older questing models.

2- “There is nothing to do when you hit 80”

When I hit 80, I still had only 60% of the entire map explored, I am still working on exploring all the map and finishing every single heart and vista and skill point, when I am tired of exploring I run dungeons and do WvWvW and complete puzzles, I am still probably missing a lot of activities that I am unaware of but the point is.. this game offers a LOT of content, and much more is being added on top of no subscription fee!. What more can we ask for?

The game isn’t perfect, stealth is too strong in pvp, tagging mobs in orr can be difficult for some classes, finding groups for dungeons is rather punitive, and home cities desperately need more tourists, but a game this young did so many other things right, i am not worried for time and patience will wash away all the minor flaws.

Hats off to Arenanet for creating the best MMO to date, the forums can sometimes be negative and grumpy but that does not reflect the opinion on the majority of the playerbase, most gamers are too busy enjoying their time playing the game instead of posting, so naturally angsty players are more vocal.


Urgh, both your arguments for each really didn’t defeat any of the complaints really…

1. Hearts

Yeah sure they are all over and range from defending a village to killing this and that but none of them are unique. You do the same thing at the same time with the same result. A big thing this game boasted was that I would level through the game a second time and it would not be the same each time. But it is… every single part of it is the exact same thing.

2. Plenty to do @ 80

Exploring is fun… but when I have to WALK everywhere to explore it gets really boring. Nose bleeding type boredom. I hate to say it but mounts would have been nice in this game, have it follow you around and when you need it, mount it.

WvWvW is fun but also gets repetitive after a while, I can play it for maybe an hour or so before I start to hate the fact I have to walk everywhere only to get killed by someone and have to run all the way back to where I was.

Can’t comment on dungeons as I’ve heard they aren’t that great. I haven’t touched them yet myself to comment.

Game is fun for an afternoon hour of play, but then I drop it and go play something else. For an MMO that is suppose to grip me in for hours, it doesn’t do it.

Never do a "one time only" event again.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I disagree. Tyria is supposed to be ‘a living, breathing world’ and one-time events should be part of it. Besides, it’s not like the cinematic was actually that interesting.

Then why do I run through instance portals to get to the next zone? Shouldn’t I just walk into the next area? I suppose WoW is the only game that will ever do this.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Trahearne’s personal story. It’s all about him.

Lol This really should be the seller for GW2.

Charr Enjoyment, why?

in Charr

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Well, I don’t believe in a god or higher power and neither do they… felt fitting?

Can we have a real personal story, please?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I kind of knew this going in, that the story was going to be terrible. A game that’s strong point is PVP was never going to have much going for it in the PVE section. Honestly, as far as I can see when you hit level 80 all you have is the WvW and sPvP. The PvE is very stale from what people are saying. The game could use a good overhaul on the PvE and the story but that won’t happen.

What are the lines you hear the most?

in Audio

Posted by: Aevic.9675


“I can outrun a centaur!”

So many human females…

Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I agree with the OP 100%. That needs to be implemented. I just got back from a break and realize that I’m all alone now in starting zones.. It’s rather depressing and sometimes hard… to get anything done. More games need to adapt and allow cross server play. WoW has done it with the new expansion, seems to be working well for them.

Why more people don't play Charr - The Simple Answer.

in Charr

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I agree with a few posters. I find the Citadel to be one of the better zones to navigate. Divnity’s and Rata are awful. The Draenei city was the best… So easy to navigate. There were 3 areas everything in one section. I see a lot of Charr on my server too… so this post really confuses me…

Why Charr Have the Best Story *1-30 Spoilers*

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I found that the Human story from 1-30 was good but then the guy I had been working with all those levels, Logan. Just disappears really and only sends my little love letters every so often. I haven’t finished my story yet however so maybe I’ll get a surprise visit?

Serious log in issues to the forums

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Bumping this thread. Maybe this will get looked at, no issues today but it’s been like this on an off for a while.

Serious log in issues to the forums

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Aevic.9675


It takes a while for me to log into the sites forums and sometimes it won’t even let me at all giving me random errors in length that I really don’t understand. I could post one when I get it again. I’ve cleared my cache and cookies and used different browsers. I’m on Chrome by the way.

BUG: Bloodfiend Flapping sound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Every time I’m walking around with my Blood Fiend I hear this annoying flapping sound from it moving it’s tentacles. Can you please turn it off >_< ?

Bust Size

in Human

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Uh, as far as I know you can make a flat chested Human. Mess around with the selections on a side view.

Beards, hair styles, faces

in Human

Posted by: Aevic.9675


What? I love the male models for Humans in this game. Not like another 8 or so year old game that never updates old models. Not naming anyone, World of Warcraft. Would you rather have that kind of modeling?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


City Wide Trade Chat/LFG:

  • Make it so there is a channel when you enter major cities: Lions Arch, Divinity’s Reach, Rata Sum, Black Citadel, The Grove, and Hoelbrak. This makes it so more people can be spread out in cities and still be able to talk to others and get groups together. Having everyone crammed in Lion’s Arch is fine but I’d like to hang out in whatever city I wish

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Dunno, I feel the complete opposite. He’s mysterious to me but he has a cool place in the story as my sidekick. I like him, shrug.

A Light in the Darkness was best mission yet

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I agree completely, this quest really grips you into the story of Orr and what you will be facing. I felt a strong connection with Trahearne towards the end I couldn’t wait to get out there and fight with him. This is by far the best part of my story so far. Great job Anet!

Console Port

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I don’t think the game would work really well on the Xbox. Even with a keyboard. It would be on medium graphics at best. You realize how old the graphics card in the xbox is right? lol

AFK and OFFLINE players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Yes! This is a great idea. I want this! I always find it hard to tell who is AFK and who is there just by looking around town. SWTOR never added this and it always bugged me. WoW has had it since release and it makes it easier to see who is there and who isn’t.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


No thanks, I prefer everyone being able to do whatever they need to. Having no healers tanks or dps is great and refreshing to see. If I want that I’ll go back to WoW.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Gold Spammers:

  • Whenever you report a person who is spamming automatically put them on your block list please!

Getting put into French Suggestion forum?

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Aevic.9675


So, I wanted to post a suggestion on the suggestion forums and I seem to be in the french section? Even though when I look up top I’m on the English forum? Any help with this?

Disregard, it seems to have fixed itself you can close this.

Getting put into French Suggestion forum?

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Aevic.9675


So, I wanted to post a suggestion on the suggestion forums and I seem to be in the french section? Even though when I look up top I’m on the English forum? Any help with this?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Speed Boons:

  • Remove the NPCS that give these and just give us a passive bonus in all major cities that increases our movement speed. Having to go and find a NPC with the buff is annoying and silly.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Aevic.9675


You could turn off Dialog if you don’t care for it the things you complain about are really silly imo. If you don’t care to hear it turn it off. I for one love the sound effects for abilities and npcs. Makes it feel real.

Quest Path on Map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Seems to be bugged as of the update last night. What I mean by this is the Green Triangle Trail you get on your mini-map that shows your quest location.

Tool Tips

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Shrapnel Mine (Charr Racial Slot Skill, Tier 1)

  • It reads “Throw a shrapnel mine that bleedD and cripples foes.” I believe you want it to say “Throw a shrapnel mine that bleeds and cripples foes.”

Just a heads up, only tool tip error I could find so far.

"Hold the Line!" Sound File

in Audio

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Is it ever going to exist again? It’s been bugged since release and I still have seen nothing about them fixing it I want to hear my character shout it’s shout please!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Mini Pets:

  • Make a Pet ‘Journal’ or ‘Storage’ that can be accessed from anywhere. Also, make them consumable and account wide like they already are. That way they do not take up inventory space.

Race Change:

  • As stated above, retain all map exploration and everything that does not involve personal story.
  • Reset personal story, as there is so much replay ability in this game, this isn’t a bad thing for the player to go back and play another story.
  • Cost is up to you but this should not be free obviously.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675



  • Spirit Weapons: Can we get a Duration on the icon or somewhere to show much time is left on said spirit weapon? I find it frustrating when my sword is about to expire and I forget to use it’s second ability to maximized damage.
  • “Hold the Line!”: Ability is still bugged and doesn’t play a sound file as a shout. Needs a fix it’s been like this since release

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


It’s Strange, because i get 60 fps everywhere i go, i5 2500k +gtx 560ti.

I don’t know what is causing the low fps in good machines.

Now this is something I find extremely odd as I have the exact same set up with barely 60 fps everywhere and at times I can drop to about 30.

That’s really sad. i got 60 fps with the FPS limiter on, 90+ with it off.

Min WvWvW fps is 35

I’d like to update this. It seems changing my bios settings around to optimize my performance more has improved my fps GREATLY. I run at about 90 to 100 fps with everything on high and haven’t dropped below 30. Give it a try if you guys want to. I’m running on an ASUS set up if anyone is wondering. Still I feel some optimizations to the engine are needed. There are hiccups here and there.

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Few things I came up with that would be great additions to the game but are very minor:

  • Contacts list could use a bit of a spoofing. How about a way to see when our contacts come online like a notification on screen? Would really like to see this.
  • Permanent pet names would be great. Every time I switch my pet I have to rename it because the name has been reset.

306.23 Nivida - 0x124 STOP Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


560 ti user reporting in with no issues like this. Sorry it’s happening to you.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


It’s Strange, because i get 60 fps everywhere i go, i5 2500k +gtx 560ti.

I don’t know what is causing the low fps in good machines.

Now this is something I find extremely odd as I have the exact same set up with barely 60 fps everywhere and at times I can drop to about 30.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Suggestion for when shopping for gear on vendors. I have to scroll through and look at things I can’t even use. How about a feature that adds a check box that has options like:

  • Items use-able by me (By Armor type my profession can use or Weapons I can use)
  • Items by Name (A-Z)
  • Items by type Weapons, Kits, etc.

Guardian Changes (Shield of Absorption)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Oh really?
Well I don’t actually use the skill bar as I happen to have the benefit of using a mouse with keys on it, so I can actually keep moving at all times without having to stretch for for the far off keys and keep my mouse used as my viewfinder and mover.
Does that mean I’ll have to actually click the skill bar to use that skill as intended?

Lol, I meant pressing the key not clicking it :P Yes it seems lagg may have a factor in the use of the skill it doesn’t seem to always go off.

Guardian Changes (Shield of Absorption)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I for one love playing my guardian, I can do a ton of damage if well timed, I can provide a ton of boons to help my allies, and I look cool as well with my Heavy Armour

I do have some questions/suggestions about the skill (Shield of Absorption) which I would like to ask/suggest.

I don’t know if it working or not, but I feel that my Shield of Absorption isn’t working as intended.
It’s secondary ability is that the dome is supposed to detonate and heal nearby allies, If this is an activated ability, it doesn’t work, no idea how many times I’ve spammed 5, if it’s supposed to activate after the main skill duration, I can’t tell if it’s had it’s desired effect of healing nearby allies, heck I don’t even know if I’ve ever healed anyone using it and not used my Virtue of Resolve at the same time and that’s where the heal comes from.
To help show this, I would like to suggest changing the Skill Animation/Particle Effect, specifically the secondary effect. It states in the tooltip that it “Detonates” so why not add the animation of a proper detonation, have the bubble collaspe back into the Guardian, and have the “Healing Wave” go out to heal nearby Allies, that way it makes it a lot easier to see the actual heal and allies will see that they got it instead of just seeing a green number appear somewhere on their screen.

As far as I know with Shield of Absorption, the window in which you can press the secondary ability is so small that either lagg or some other thing is effecting it, they need to tweak it imo.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Character Select Screen Improvements:

  • Allow us to organize characters to our liking
  • Items that we are not showing in game should not show at the Character select screen this would be a nice improvement!
  • Fix the glitchiness of Heroes on the Select Screen, I notice my character going about his normal stand there animations and then stop half way through let’s say looking around and go back to staring straight.

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Adding to this list of ideas I’d suggest the following:

1. Add account wide dyes, this is a big one for me as I’m playing the game and playing different characters I find it a bit disappointing that I can’t have a dye I already earned on said alt or I have to go to the bank place said dye in bank and learn it on my main. Which leads me to my next suggestion
2. Allow us to mail to alts. Why is this not allowed? I get mail is account wide when sent to the account but how come I can’t mail my alt some gold or an item? Why is everything only allowed to be sent through the bank? Which brings me to another problem…
3. The bank is just WAY too small and the cost to get another tab is expensive. For anyone with many alts this is a huge problem because I find myself having to delete or use up things I want to save. Materials I craft take up bag space and I just don’t have the room in my bank to store it.