Showing Posts For Aevic.9675:

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I just started playing GW2 again after months of boredom from match ups. Still nice to see nothing changes. TC dominating as usual and everyone giving up first day. Another boring week!

Glad I came back.

Too Much Temporary Content Can Only Harm GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Stopped playing after Dragon Bash again for the 3rd time now.

-No permanent content = bad I feel alienated and left out because I can’t see all the content or have any idea what’s been happening

-Gear is still a real issue in this game for me. I’ve been stuck with rares for a while and getting a group to go farm exotics is a hassle for me for when I play. Spamming LFG XXX dungeon all night brings me nothing which brings me to another issue

-No LFG tool still? I might consider playing again if more convienence was added to this game. Like I said it still feels like a hassle to have or feel like you are on level with everyone else if you only play casually like I do.

Are accounts flagged for good/bad loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I feel like the loot system in this game is bizarre. I have tons of Karma but no idea where to spend it and what to spend it on. The places I can are only available during events like Orr which makes no sense to me because nobody is ever there when I’m playing to complete them. So I sit with rare pieces and can never get exotics.

I refuse to run dungeons as sitting at night spamming LFG blah blah all night is annoying.

The New Blog Post for Second Half of Year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


GW2 is lacking something to me want to play it more regularly. I play another mmo alongside this game and I don’t see myself logging on GW2 or wanting to first thing when I get on for the day if at all.

It doesn’t seem to have that thing other mmos have to keep me drawn in and wanting to play.

Few things off the top of my head that would make me stay on longer:

1. Accessibility: No LFG tool to get into dungeons easy (This is a big thing for me, I want to be able to queue up and do other things while waiting for a dungeon. Not sitting in town all day hoping someone will pick me up.)
2. Permanent content I can enjoy. This needs no explanation.
3. More endgame? I don’t believe for a second that end game should be running around old areas farming. I feel like there’s nothing to do in this game besides WvW. That’s all I can bother to enjoy (This goes back to the issue of not being able to find groups for anything.)

GW2 as it is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I hate the idea of living story in some ways. It makes for less permanent content and more content geared towards people who play every single day. I for one do not play this game everyday. So having content that isn’t permanent isn’t a good thing for me, but I’m not alone. I wish the living story would continue and evolve the world, but I want it to be permanent in some parts too.

Run to Thing, Press F. That Game Design!

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Aevic.9675


most of the achievements during dragon bash is a repetitive grind.

they did southsun achievements right; dragon bash achievements sucked

I’m glad someone agrees. This is such a huge grind fest. 300 holographic minions is a tad ridiculous of a grind. I’m at 172/300, I get we get 4 per but come on.

Low FPS and nVidia employee response.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I don’t get why developers lately are just uncaring of how the game runs. It’s the same story with Bioware and SWTOR. They just don’t care enough to get their game in a working state that everyone can enjoy. It’s all about content and money to them. It boggles me how they can think that fixing their engines will not help them in the long run.

They couldn’t be more wrong. The more people you have able to play your game because of how easy it is to play on any setting, the more money you have coming in from purchases, etc.

This game isn’t the worst optimization I have ever seen. It’s up there though. I am sPvP and my GPU Usage is through the roof as well as my CPU being at 80%. Unacceptable in my opinion. I run a i5 2550k @ 3.4 Ghz and a GeForce GTX 660 2GB.

Just don’t understand why they don’t put some more priority on this. I understand how companies work where they have a team on each part of the game. So why is the coding team slacking? Why no improvements? The first wave of optimizations was ok, but they are far from done.

Moa racing should NOT be part of the meta

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Yeah.. I’m passing on this awful achievement. This is not worth the gold and time invested. Completely random achievements are not fun.

Dragon Ball, meh

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Aevic.9675


It’s about sticking together to take down people who split from the pack, I think. If you play solo you will lose.

Only problems so far: It’s buggy. I get hit through walls constantly for no apparent reason.
Abilities seem to not land or land when they shouldn’t. Also, you cannot catch up in this game. If you are over 100 points behind it’s over just sit there. Teammates don’t show on your minimap making it impossible to figure out where they action is.

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Miniatures, time for an update maybe?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I’d like them to not be deposited as a collectible. Instead make a Tab for mini-pets and have us “learn” them. Thus making them account bound and accessible whenever you want. Can’t count how many times I hit “deposit collectibles” to clear my bags only to put my pet away too.

Could Combat Be Improved?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Combat can feel slow when you spend a lot of time auto attacking as a melee class because your abilities are on CD. That’s one of my only gripes right now, eventually though it will come down to abilities becoming old. I want more variety in my GS abilities instead of spinning around. :P

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


You can’t expect me to participate in WvW when we conquer all of the map when I am able to play. This is just a slaughterfest for my server and is not fun. I didn’t even play last night like I usually do every night.

I assume you’re on SoR…I spent a few hours today winning back parts of TCBL from you guys, we had garrison, we were escorting yaks there, building it up…We tried to ninja hills unsuccessfuly and then made a solid play for bay. At each point we were outnumbered, but we hung in there. Then I log off and come back like an hour later, just in time to see garrison go down, and the entire map is green.

I know this is not fun for anyone…SoR gets to feel superior for like 2 seconds, before they realize that it’s not even tactics or player skill that are winning the games half the time, it’s just superior numbers.

I feel like they’ve just decided to take over maps in brief shifts and then quit, because it’s not fun for them either…as defending stuff and spawn camping are the only things to do.

Someone also mentioned allying ourselves with SoS…that’s not really an option either, They can barely manage to take a single tower on their own map much of the time. We pummeled them last week when they were matched with us and FA…now they have to deal with this. It really makes it less fun for everyone involved. This has nothing to do with their skill level either. When we were well matched with SoS in terms of numbers, we had some good battles…this just rarely happened because they don’t have the same wvw population as us, and much less than SoR.

I understand that this will possibly change a bit over time – but frankly where my server stands right now in the rankings, I imagine we’ll be going up against the top tier servers fairly often, and losing like this (constantly outnumbered 10-1) is really not the kind of play that I’m looking for.

No I am on FA we have a 50k lead in points right now. It’s boring.

Solution for WvW population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


It kind of ruins the whole “server spirit” ANet is trying to get across. They want you to be proud of your server, not your faction.

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


You can’t expect me to participate in WvW when we conquer all of the map when I am able to play. This is just a slaughterfest for my server and is not fun. I didn’t even play last night like I usually do every night.

New Server Matchups Was Worst Idea Ever

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


All I know is that FA is currently dominating Ehmry Bay and Maguuma. Two servers we don’t really have business playing. We have a 4k lead and it’s the first day.. System seems more flawed to me.

I don’t get how this is suppose to make things more enjoyable in WvW when we control the whole thing.

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Charr Guardians

in Charr

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Depends on what paladin you are referencing. If you reference the DnD Paladin I could agree with your assessment. I’m basing mine off the Warcraft Paladin though, which wasn’t about religion really. It was about the “Light” guiding you and your actions, much like the force guides a Jedi in Star Wars.

So why imply I’m wrong if it depends? WoW palladins originally did have religion guiding them until it was changed. And they still have a dogma. They have the Light. GW2 guardians don’t even have any sort of force guiding them at all. No force, no Light, no nothing. They access the bloodstones like any other magical class.

And then when we get into the thematics of a paladin and a fighting mage, we see that A-net is correct in how they differentiate them. WoW paladins are a combination of priests and warriors. That’s how they began. Priest taught warriors and warriors taught priests their craft. Palladins don’t use wands or staves because they aren’t mages. They are “Holy warriors”. Guardians on the other hand are battlemages. No holy magic. No ties to a belief about the greater universe and light against dark, right against wrong. No bonus against undead or demons. They aren’t purely scholars or associated with any religion or dogma of any form. And we see this in the spells of the guardian and the lore as well. From a-net:

the Guardian is much more of a pragmatic and tactical user of a magic as opposed to an Elementalist, who is a pure student of magic. The Elementalist casts discrete spells, and you have the feeling that there is a heritage and body of knowledge behind those spells. Guardians seem to use magical energy in the heat of combat, from the front line. That sense of immediacy sets the Guardian apart from more traditional spell-casters and allows for a heavily armored magical character.

I don’t believe you are wrong. I just don’t perceive it as that. The way the class plays and how it is portrayed in Heavy armor wielding a mace and shield makes it out to be a warrior and not a mage. Though it has a staff and a scepter I don’t really see the whole practitioner of magic. The abilities are magical yes, but it’s more of a hybrid warrior.

More updates than MMOs with Subs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Absolutely. Don’t know why anyone would pay a sub these days.

Because most sub games are games we want to play? It’s hard to grasp I know :P

I like GW2 but if a game wants to make me pay 15 bucks a month to play. I’m okay with that as long as it’s enjoyable. A lot of subs are being thrown away though with the new MMO model of cash shops. That’s why a lot of newer mmos are going to be F2P.

But back to the topic, the content is regular for sure but like another poster said it isn’t to my tastes. They are fun for a bit and then go stale after I finish them in a day. (That’s not even me playing hardcorely. As I don’t with GW2. It’s my casual MMO.)

Guild Missions are nice but I can’t seem to get a guild that does them so I haven’t done one yet. FNF was cool but it got boring and then went away leaving nothing to enjoy.

They need beefier updates imo.

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Downed states are fine. I just stability and stomp people, no big deal. #Guardians

What bugs me more is that you can sit there dead and spy on everyone. While a good tactic it’s annoying too. They should set a timer on people dead. After about 2-3 minutes they get sent to the nearest waypoint.

Charr Guardians

in Charr

Posted by: Aevic.9675


So.. Paladins.. you basically described a Paladin.

I don’t care how Arenanet wants to perceive the class. As it is right now it’s a warrior that uses magic/holy abilities to heal and smite foes.

With all the non-religious magical abilities, wands, staves, floating magical tombs, no specific religious connotation it seems to me to be exactly what a-net described. mage that can fight.

So if what I described is a palladin then a battlemage can only be a paladin.

Depends on what paladin you are referencing. If you reference the DnD Paladin I could agree with your assessment. I’m basing mine off the Warcraft Paladin though, which wasn’t about religion really. It was about the “Light” guiding you and your actions, much like the force guides a Jedi in Star Wars.

Charr Guardians

in Charr

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Guardians aren’t warriors. They aren’t even Palladins in the sense of being warriors that can use magic. They are intended to be heavily armored magic users. Magic users that can fight.

So.. Paladins.. you basically described a Paladin.

I don’t care how Arenanet wants to perceive the class. As it is right now it’s a warrior that uses magic/holy abilities to heal and smite foes.

gw2 might have the worst dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Dungeons are awful in this game. It ends up just being a zerg fest with no real strategy involved. Sure there are mechanics you need look out for but honestly it comes down to just hitting 1-5 and then watching the boss slowly do something that doesn’t really matter. (Ib4 every mmo is like this, no they are not.)

Professions don't have that "wow" factor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


On another note, none of them feel special via story. I don’t feel like a Guardian. I just feel like a common soldier. My class has no depth. Where is my super cool Guardian’s Guild of Guardians who practice the Guardian ways? Like the Paladin order in WoW? I feel like just another person with abilities that feel different. I don’t feel apart of anything..

Well what did WoW paladin differ from a common soldier? Also how is Guardian like a common soldier last time i looked a soldier ideally would not use any type of magic and would just use its weapons to preform the job of a soldier.
You want to feel different from other classes or do you want to feel different from other ppl playing the same class? If the 1st it is very different then other classes in GW2 Guardian is one of the more uniquest classes in the game its nearly a specialized class. If the 2ed that just the truth of playing a video game there is no different from other ppl playing the game.

I don’t disagree with the gist of what you’re saying. But GW1’s PvP actually was at a sort of E-Sport level. Especially early on in the games life when they had a lot of tournaments going on, and GvG remained pretty E-sporty throughout the games life. PvP just died down a lot as the game got older and what we were left with was a whole bunch of people playing RA.

The thing is E-sport where there when GW1 was out and the best that came from pvp in GW1 during the time where in house torments. Even smash brother N64 (cant for the life of me remember the full name) had a major game for ppl to play vs each other and to this day ppl still play it as that level of competition. Its truth for other e-sport level games at that time that still hold out to this day. That was the problem with GW1 pvp it was fun in the moment but it had no true staying power. GW2 is Anet try at making a true e-sport level game.

Think you missed my point entirely and I understand why because I didn’t explain it really well. I mean there’s no lore behind how my class came to be. WoW offered a lot with stories revolving around certain classes. Hell, an entire expansion was dedicated to Paladins defeating the Undead Lich King. It even at one point had class specific quests specifically for paladins to get their Charger mount. I’m looking for that, I want depth to my profession. I don’t want the story to only be about me but my story of my profession. I mean, it’s even a part of your selection at the start. I picked Visionary but that hasn’t really been brought up yet.. the story is so lacking.

What GW1 feature would you bring to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


A lot…
Guild halls
Armours (gw1 armours are so much better…)
Trading with other players
Bigger party sizes!
The chat interface… ._.


Professions don't have that "wow" factor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


On another note, none of them feel special via story. I don’t feel like a Guardian. I just feel like a common soldier. My class has no depth. Where is my super cool Guardian’s Guild of Guardians who practice the Guardian ways? Like the Paladin order in WoW? I feel like just another person with abilities that feel different. I don’t feel apart of anything..

can't drop sieges in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Quality coders ftw!

If you played other mmos you would realize how lucky you have it here at GW2 with things getting fixed.

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Stuck at 4/5 forever...

in Living World

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I don’t understand the people posting that they missed achievements too and don’t care.

That’s great for you that in your mind it doesn’t matter to YOU.

Obviously, this guy cared about completing it and missed out (even though his way of missing out was pretty silly.)

People have different feelings towards different things. Trying to get him to “move on” and forget about it isn’t really going to make him go away or feel better about it.

Just my 2 cents.

new patch on tomorrow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I have more hope on the balance part.

Better balanced thief or better (an complete overhold ^^)

I sense…your Thief hate…it only feeds my stalking of WvW.

Eh my only problem with thieves is the constant stealthing and blinds. It’s nearly impossible to do anything to one. That coupled with high damage can make for a really deadly and overpowered class. I don’t want an argument though. Just stating my opinion

Why Guild Wars 2's combat is clunky

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


What is this? I don’t even.

Guild Wars 2 not doing well, True or False?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675



What this guy said.

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Feel like this is a terrible idea.. I am tired of playing TC who has one of the highest populations in all of Guild Wars. But this just makes it worse… I guess we’ll have to see in practice how it works out.

Low FPS on High End Computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


DCUO locks it’s FPS at 30 if I’m not mistaken. Making it impossible to ever play at a “choppy” rate.

Sudden drastic drop in FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


4 gigs of ram is really low. The average I’ve seen in most peoples machines is about 16 GB of ram. I’m running at 8 myself. The game needs space to be able to run and move around files to allow it to run. If it has insufficient space it could cost in performance.

Just my two cents on the matter. I am not an expert on this.

Since last patch: 99% GPU load / FPS lags

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I have shadows set to none (For WvW mostly to give me more fps there) and my load is still pretty high. (Reflections are off too.)

They really broke the engine more.

Low FPS on High End Computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


The game has bad optimization in place. Turning my camera will sometimes give a “stutter” feeling. Staring at smoke or such will cause a dramatic drop. WvW is the only place I can accept anything below 30 fps which does happen at times. (20 the least.)

The game needs work for sure.

Patch download failure.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I finally got it to finish after leaving it open for a while. I still don’t get what was causing it.

It's may 2013 and still no lfg system ingame?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I agree, I don’t get why this game didn’t launch with an LFG. Neverwinter is an MMO in BETA and it has an LFG tool. It’s pretty much a standard for MMOs today.

Mini Rant and a question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Why do people keep saying there are things to do? Yes, there are all those puzzles, map completions and titles. But dungeons? That’s a joke to find a group for. With no actual group finder or lfg system (which is now a standard in almost every mmo) getting a group as someone who just logs on for a few hours and logs off. Is impossible.

Using a site outside the game is not acceptable. Newer mmos with less work put into them like Neverwinter even have a working LFG tool. I still don’t understand why Anet refuses to add it. I’d rather dungeon crawl for hours instead of doing jumping puzzles, those just aren’t for me.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Boasting end game being the entire game sounds awesome. It really isn’t and that is where the game is the weakest. At 80 there is nothing to do except WvW. Without an ample way to get a group (group finder) in this game it’s rather pointless to do dungeons. Spamming an LFG all day is boring. At least I can run around in other games and do things while I wait for my queue.

Using a site IS NOT the way I or many people want to find a group. The game should support itself with the correct tools.

Patch download failure.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Is this going to be fixed soon? It’s been days now

Patch download failure.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I’m still stuck at 0% after days of not being able to update. I’m about to just uninstall the game since I rarely play it anyway and on top of that I can’t even update the launcher. Just a waste of hard drive space on my computer.

Patch download failure.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I’m still stuck with 1 file remaining. I restarted the client and it is still stuck. I have no AV software on.

Bad patch I’m guessing on your end. Good luck fixing it.

I wanted to play some GW2 as I rarely play it (wanted to try out your extended story as that’s all I really do anymore)

It seems you broke your patcher though. I’ll come back when you fix it.

(edited by Aevic.9675)

Game feels incredibly anti-melee.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


As a guardian, I can relate. I haven’t played scepter in a really long time… I can’t say I remember my ranged capabilities being very amazing. Correct me if I’m wrong. It’s basically melee or go home for me and most of the time nothing is melee friendly.

Hall of Monuments fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Hall of Monuments.. It’s there to reward the original GW1 players with the years of work and dedication. There are no REAL rewards. Just some iffy skins and titles.

If you’re irrate that you can’t get something you didn’t earn through months/years of work, then maybe you should put forth the effort in GW1/EOTN that we [gw1 OGs] did.

That’s a fair point. But it still begs the question as to why the other expansions didn’t get any love? I played them all EXCEPT EOTN and I get nothing? That seems a bit silly to me. I would be content with maybe a title for Factions and Nightfall completion.. Not asking much, still I don’t care either way. It just doesn’t seem right really.

Hall of Monuments fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I’m in the same boat as you OP. I quit during Nightfall and never played EOTN. Therefore I got absolutely nothing for my 4-5 years of dedication to the game. It sucks but what can you do.

Something I miss from GW1.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


As a Charr… I’m sorry everyone for not letting you have capes… please don’t hurt me… I miss them too.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I absolutely loved Cantha… When I got my Prophecies Monk their and set foot into Kaineg City… I was totally in love… so much nostalgia and good memories of that place…

I miss it enough that I might go re-install GW1 and just explore Cantha for a bit

Please bring it back

How do you feel about leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


I’ll probably never do it or if I do it will take me a while.

Anti-ascended gear: What do you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


If they were going to add ascended gear as the final tier. It should have been in game from the start. I don’t get why it was added months later. If that’s their stance that it will be the final tier for everyone to collect. Then I’m fine with it but the fact is I think they will be adding another higher up tier later and that bothers me.

As it is for me right now I have no exotic gear at all because I don’t get to chance to log on and do that much or haven’t lately. If they keep increasing gear I’m going to be even further behind. The fact I don’t have to grind gear for my character is one of the reasons I like this game. It’ kitten up and play.

If they remade a GW1 mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


All of GW1… I’d love to re-live everything.

Human Zones and Totalitarianism

in Human

Posted by: Aevic.9675


You’ve never played GTA I guess? Pulling people out of there cars into the streets and executing them with guns. This kind of stuff has been in games for a while.

You took this out of context however as they attack you first. You aren’t dragging them out and executing them as I stated above.