Just wanted to also ask where should I look for updated info about this issue? Should I look here to this thread or the support website? And I apologize for typing your name wrong Gaile
FYI you can edit all your posts on the forums
Widowmaker and anonymouse, I never claimed that NCSoft/Arenanet was 100% secure, and I admit, from the outside it does seem rather convenient that there were even 0.01% of guildwars2 users accounts hacked; however, you and I both know that there are plenty of tricks that (what we call today) “hackers” have in their arsenal that they can use compromise users accounts even from outside NCSoft/Arenanets perimeter . I am neither confirming nor denying any accountability for the compromised accounts, I am simply stating an observation and making a peer to peer suggestion.
No its a fake email, they mask who it’s from.
You even said your self you haven’t got a Diablo III account, it’s for stupid people who click the link that links to a really random mix of us. someword here blizzards website.
It’s fake, it’s not real, just another misinformed person claiming security breaches…
I get it to my email address that isn’t even a battle account
Wow your name is a good reflection of your disposition lol. No really I work for Verizon for 4 years as 1 of 5 tier2 email/portal support, worked very closely with security every day. Today I am in charge of Frontier Communications chronic third party circuits.
brag brag brag believe me lol
This isn’t Anets problem Ive been getting wow account suspended emails for 3 years even without ever owning a battle.net blizzard account till Starcraft 2 was released and that is on a different email to what I get the spam on.
So yes agreed individual passwords and emails etc also blizzard got there database stolen a month ago which has found its way to the gold sellers it seems.
It may not be Anets problem but it definitely concerns them when there are gamers out there that treat a password like a key around their neck thinking “I will have one password for all my games”. It cannot be denied that user information acquired through other game systems is being tested against all other games in an attempt to maximized the exploitation of that information.
I was not accusing Anet or the ncsoft players for the security threats occurring on battle.net or on ncsoft systems, I simply identified a red flag and thought I would bring it to this communities attention since a large percentage of ncsoft games have or had a battle.net account at one point. And used this as a vessel to once again remind my fellow players that their individual security is pertinent to our over all security.
Yesterday I received an email from Battle.net stating that my DiabloIII account had been locked due to suspicious activity and a password change will be required before I will be able to access the account again.
1. I do not have a DiabloIII account, just a wow battle.net account
2. I have not logged into my battle.net account in over a year
3. I did verify that the source of the email was legit
4. Upon attempting to log in my battle.net account it BECAME locked due to suspicious activity
(I was able to unlock it with an account verification and password reset process)
These points tend to indicate a security breach on blizzards systems, or at the very least that they suspect one relating to Diablo III linked accounts.
If you have a battle.net account I implore you to make sure it is NOT the same as any other password including(but not limited to) other games, emails and ESPECIALLY banks. Ideally you want to have a different password for everything you log into (I know I do).
If you want to go one step further, I would encourage you to delete any wow addons and the curse client if you have it and then run a virus scan. I have have guild mates in WoW that have been hacked by using plug-ins(Addons) which is why NCSoft does not allow them and tends to stay very secure because of it.
Maximum security on your account helps make all of ncsoft games more secure for you and everyone else.
Plus, you paid at least $60 for this game, dont let those thieves take that from you
Yes, if both tickets are for the same thing I would suggest making sure both tickets have the same information in them and make sure the ticket number is in both so that it makes it easier for them to close out both once one is resolved
Just out of curiosity, what is “the list” your compiling GaileGray? And what are you planning to do with it?
P.S. again I cannot stress enough how appreciative I am for your assistance in getting these old tickets addressed
Yay, GaileGray is getting updates on old tickets (5+ days it looks like) and on my new ticket I got an email that it was referred to billing, though I see no indication that was done, maybe it is another ticketing system or something… *stays positive…
Thank you , I really appreciate it!
Just got my ticket resolved (Hopefully). I received an email this morning saying it was resolved, but I’m at work so unable to check. I’ll update when I get home.
I had the message that I was permanently banned, then changed later to, my account was banned due to suspicious login attempt. I was very angry at first when this happened like many of you. Come to think of it I’m still kindakitten that I wasn’t able to play for about 6 days. My ticket was sent in 09/04 so hope this helps keep ya head up everyone! They are trying to fix everything!
Fantastic!! Thanks for the update
I have not gotten any updated on this Serial Key Linking ticket at all…
Nothing being blocked on email, and not in spam folder.
10 days so far…
so i have the problem with register gw2 CE retail code to another e-mail and not link it to the pre-purchase one.
Is it possible to buy a normal edition or digital deluxe and add the cd-key to my pre-purchase account??
Oh I don’t think you need to do that! If you have a retail code, the team can help you re-link. It may take a few days, to be honest, but I do believe it can be done. I really encourage you to contact Support by filing a ticket through the “Ask a Question” tab on that linked page. They will be able to assist you.
“a few days” in this case meaning at least a week. We’re STILL trying to get our guild leader back into the game with this same issue, and he opened his ticket on September first (ten days ago).
That guild leader being me… my oldest ticket (10 days) has yet to get any attention at all. I received an update stating that my most recent ticket would be transferred to the billing team yesterday but the ticket is still in “updated” from the last time I put in an update.
10 day ticket: 120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue with weird subject
Subject: Submitted from Web – 09/01/2012 02:00 PM
New ticket: 120910-000890 – Serial Key Issue Correct subject
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Alexixiv.4582
Going on 10 days now, would really like my serial key issue resolved…
tickets in signature
Received this message from someone who was having a serial key issue exactly the same as mine:
Hi Alex,
Just to let you know I am back in game,
Guess what the fix is ,yes your idea.
All they do is add a new code and just delete the old one on the other account but you need to keep the new code.
They tried blaming me for the kitten up with the tickets , I didn’t explain right until I pointed out all my tickets were cut and paste off their website and all I added was my details.
Then i got another reply saying why did I title gw1 to gw2 account until I pointed out their merge the tickets that had nothing to do with each other and it was there kitten-up.
Hope you get in soon , will not be adding my name to fix list ,will not give them credit for something the can fix in seconds. Our cases shouldn’t have to wait more then 1hour the fix is so simple.
EnsirI hope this means they are actually working serial key issues now…
Received this message from someone who was having a serial key issue exactly the same as mine:
Hi Alex,
Just to let you know I am back in game,
Guess what the fix is ,yes your idea.
All they do is add a new code and just delete the old one on the other account but you need to keep the new code.
They tried blaming me for the kitten up with the tickets , I didn’t explain right until I pointed out all my tickets were cut and paste off their website and all I added was my details.
Then i got another reply saying why did I title gw1 to gw2 account until I pointed out their merge the tickets that had nothing to do with each other and it was there kitten-up.
Hope you get in soon , will not be adding my name to fix list ,will not give them credit for something the can fix in seconds. Our cases shouldn’t have to wait more then 1hour the fix is so simple.
I hope this means they are actually working serial key issues now…
Got this just this morning…
Hi Alex,
Just to let you know I am back in game,
Guess what the fix is ,yes your idea.
All they do is add a new code and just delete the old one on the other account but you need to keep the new code.
They tried blaming me for the kitten up with the tickets , I didn’t explain right until I pointed out all my tickets were cut and paste off their website and all I added was my details.
Then i got another reply saying why did I title gw1 to gw2 account until I pointed out their merge the tickets that had nothing to do with each other and it was there kitten-up.
Hope you get in soon , will not be adding my name to fix list ,will not give them credit for something the can fix in seconds. Our cases shouldn’t have to wait more then 1hour the fix is so simple.
I am not able to access my account, and I am extremelykitten off that you are prioritizing issues, If their account is hacked put in a way for them to disable their account from the support page and their ticket gets worked in the order it was received.
I have been waiting 9 days, and I am nowkitten off that I have not seen anyone report their serial key issue has been resolved.
kitten off, verykitten off… this is outside my character but I am strongly considering reporting to the BBB if you do not stop cherry picking which issues you are going to work.
Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Alexixiv.4582
I am not able to access my account, and I am extremelykitten off that you are prioritizing issues, If their account is hacked put in a way for them to disable their account from the support page and their ticket gets worked in the order it was received.
I have been waiting 9 days, and I am nowkitten off that I have not seen anyone report their serial key issue has been resolved.
kitten off, verykitten off… this is outside my character but I am strongly considering reporting to the BBB if you do not stop cherry picking which issues you are going to work.
Well I guess this is out the window since Arenanet is showing sold out for guild wars 2…
kitten kitten start addressing other kitten issues other than hacked or banned, this is really pissing me the kitten off…
yeah another weekend without getting into the wonderful world of guild wars 2… maybe tomorrow something significant will happen… and FYI if I dont say anything for a whole day before I state my issue is resolved then know that I was banned, I didnt give up…
hard to believe this hasn’t been answered yet…a little attention here please?
And there goes another weekend without getting to play, could have possibly been avoided if we could get this question answered …
My access was restored approx 3:32pm this afternoon.Toon fully intact, minus gem balance.
All in all – good news!
Good to hear, thanks for the update, happy gaming
Has an answer to this inquiry been requested?
Since my thread has called frivilous by the mod I will legitimatly post my question on this thread
-My pre-puchase key is associated with my account.
-My actual box serial key is associated with another account that was created during registration of the box serial key.
So instead of having to wait could I just purchase an online copy of the game from arenanet to apply to my prepurchased account and then get the @ncsoft account terminated and get a refund from arenanet?
Which would mean I could play right now, put in a ticket for the refund and stop being tortured by the prioritized process…
Is that a valid solution to this type of issue?
Would reeeeeally appreciate a response from GaileGray… This post determines if I get to play tonight…
Seriously, I see mod movement on this forum…. I have asked a simple question, that they may not know the answer to but could go and get and respond to me…
I would be able to play probably if I could get akittenmod to respond to my other post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/account/Possible-Serial-Key-Solution/first#post40740
Download failed! Please check your internet connection and try again.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Alexixiv.4582
Try running the game one time with the -diag command line option, as described here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments
After that, run one time with the -log command line option, and grab the file called Gw2.log in My Documents\Guild Wars 2.
Post the contents of both files here and we’ll take a look and see if we can figure out what’s up.
Hey Mike, how about a response on:
I would really appreciate an official response on weather or not arenanet will cooperate with this course of action…
I would love to get back on after 9 days of waiting for support to come up with a solution… the least they could do is comment on MY solution…
:) glad to hear things mostly worked out ok, have fun
As of right now there isnt a way…
You could associate a credit card that you no longer use and get the card cancelled, but beyond using external tactics such as that, once they got your info, they got it…
what freakin page of the account hacked section r u on cause im still on page 10 with nothing said…..
How do you know what page you are on?
Ok infracted again for bumping this post. So it seems that we are not going to get an official response for this solution… just going to keep ignoring it…
What are you guys doing to pass the time? How long have you been waiting?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Alexixiv.4582
I’ve been trying to play other MMOs, but I just can’t with all the raving reviews about GW2. It’s really upsetting. What games/things are you doing to pass the time?
I’ve been waiting 10 days for my account to be restored with only an automated response.
Right there with you, going on 9 days for me. I am spending all my would be GW2 time poking around the forums…. I cant bring myself to play another game when I just now got a taste of GW2 and LOVED IT then got screwed by a faulty serial key system…
Unable to play since the evening on the 2nd.
How many days were you able to play before that? Just curious…
Hey All,
My ticket was resolved last night. I had a buggy email and forgot my password so couldn’t use the password reset. Support sent me a new password through ticket support and so I was able to login and change/fix the account name.
Ticket duration: 122 hours
But I honestly did not expect you guys to be working the weekend, nice job.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the update!!
-My pre-puchase key is associated with my account.
-My actual box serial key is associated with another account that was created during registration of the box serial key.
So instead of having to wait could I just purchase an online copy of the game from arenanet to apply to my prepurchased account and then get the @ncsoft account terminated and get a refund from arenanet?
Which would mean I could play right now, put in a ticket for the refund and stop being tortured by the prioritized process…
Is that a valid solution to this type of issue?
OH MY GOSH can I PLEASE get an official response on this!! You have time to infract me but not response? wtf?
this all feels like a scam to me to free up some population for the new ppl buying the game. so many ppl locked out for various reasons
I just posted something to that effect a little while ago
Like its stupid, never seen a police officer start beating someone with their night stick because they asked what the issue was and why the police officer needed to talk to them.
Yes I am finding support is generally ridiculous at this point:
-Prioritizing tickets instead of triaging them and working them in the received order
-Giving preferential treatment to site purchase tickets
-Opening up the forums simply to mitigate the facebook and twitter complaints because that is too much negative publicity
-Infracting users who have kindly moved their discussions to the support forums for asking simple questions regarding their issuesFor the first time I do feel my tickets are in the low priority stack…
Just a thought but have we considered that maybe them not fixing some types of issues is helping take some of the server load off the game giving them less incentive to work all issue types and only give attention to the ones that would negatively impact the economy of the game or their gem purchase flow?
Found this posted from yesterday, looks like they are not going to resolve any serial key issues yet because they are (hopefully) working on a global fix… :
Here is tonight’s update. As you can see, a whole lot of tickets have been addressed in this batch. We strongly believe that, except in cases where we need additional information, a large majority of the other issues that are in the queues now will be resolved by the end of the weekend.
120901-002179 Resolved.
120830-007345 Resolved
120831-006906 Resolved. Karma exploit issue — account is reinstated.
120827-009187 Resolved
120830-016639 Resolved
120830-018172 Resolved
120822-002717 Resolved.
120831-009379 Resolved. Karma exploit issue — account is reinstated.
120830-003200 Resolved yesterday.
120825-002495 Resolved
120831-007656 Resolved
120831-004357 Resolved – player had a typo in their login name.
120830-006425 Resolved
120831-011270 Resolved
120829-011451 Issues resolved on 9/3/12
120831-020256; 120903-009558 Resolved
120831-015265 Resolved – stolen account
120831-017385 Resolved – stolen account
120830-009375 Resolved
120829-007119 Resolved
120831-015962 Resolved
120831-007980 Resolved – Authentication problems .
120829-017006 Resolved
120831-021599; 120902-001379; 120905-005822 Resolved – stolen account
120828-008637 Responded today.
120829-007642 Resolved – stolen account
120831-015403 Resolved – stolen account
120831-009379 Resolved. Karma exploit issue — account is reinstated.
120826-011456 Requested additional information from the player. Can you confirm this is resolved?
120831-008189 Player’s account had been hacked – Reset password (a second time). Let us know if that did not help.
120831-012902 Tome questions; explained that influence cannot be moved or reimbursed.
120830-015908 2 accounts, linking issues; will be resolved soon.
120828-015981 Missing gem issue; still working on this issue.
120830-016564 Mislabeled as duplicate, issue reopened and assigned to German language team for resolution
120828-017417 Serial key stacking issue; solution offered yesterday.
Anyone out there gotten a non gem/hacked/banned issue resolved?
Hahaha, indeed.
Yeah I was merely joking, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some here attempted such a lowlife tactic.
I think many people on this forum would be better of just leaving GW2 out of their thoughts for a week and coming back when this whole thing blows off…
That said I should be in-game and not in this forum. But I can’t be playing all day so I figured I’d try to raise some spirits and crush others on this forum…
Yeah, I would take a break from these depressing forums but this is the ONLY avenue I have to get an update on the current state of my tickets (specifically where I am in the priority line), so the time I would spend playing GW2 I am using to scan the forums instead…
But I do see some prioritising of people who go, “I have a daughter who lost her grandma a month ago, this game was her only solace” get quicker response times and priority. Maybe you should try something of the same caliber yourself! Who knows, it might help!
Not saying it is a bad idea, but my morals prevent me from telling a lie just to play a game… the only thing that is being damaged here is my free time and social life…
reality of the matter is that the game is still free to play and if it wasn’t then I could probably justify slapping them with a guilt trip to tug their heart strings. I think me saying my friends (whom I talked into playing GW2) have not loggedin in 5 days because they want to play with me. I told them they should go on without me because the more they do in game the better perks our guild gets, but they are just loosing interest because their community is incomplete… The game is called GUILD WARS after all and not EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF WARS (cuz it would be a long title anyways)
I do… it saddens me to see my friends playing without me…
week long tickets are bad…I’m sorry that you’re not in the game, but where in the world does 4 days equal a week? The team will help you, no matter “a week” or “four days.” Just hand in there.
I have two tickets opened, the oldest one was opened on 9/1/12
Judging by your signature it looks like you have a ticket created on the fourth and the fifth.
Sorry, I had the wrong ticket number in my sig, one is from the 5th and the other is from the 1st. Thank you for pointing that out, I didnt realize the date was in the ticket number
Like its stupid, never seen a police officer start beating someone with their night stick because they asked what the issue was and why the police officer needed to talk to them.
Yes I am finding support is generally ridiculous at this point:
-Prioritizing tickets instead of triaging them and working them in the received order
-Giving preferential treatment to site purchase tickets
-Opening up the forums simply to mitigate the facebook and twitter complaints because that is too much negative publicity
-Infracting users who have kindly moved their discussions to the support forums for asking simple questions regarding their issues
For the first time I do feel my tickets are in the low priority stack…
Just a thought but have we considered that maybe them not fixing some types of issues is helping take some of the server load off the game giving them less incentive to work all issue types and only give attention to the ones that would negatively impact the economy of the game or their gem purchase flow?
Since my thread has called frivilous by the mod I will legitimatly post my question on this thread
-My pre-puchase key is associated with my account.
-My actual box serial key is associated with another account that was created during registration of the box serial key.
So instead of having to wait could I just purchase an online copy of the game from arenanet to apply to my prepurchased account and then get the @ncsoft account terminated and get a refund from arenanet?
Which would mean I could play right now, put in a ticket for the refund and stop being tortured by the prioritized process…
Is that a valid solution to this type of issue?
Would reeeeeally appreciate a response from GaileGray… This post determines if I get to play tonight…
I do… it saddens me to see my friends playing without me…
week long tickets are bad…I’m sorry that you’re not in the game, but where in the world does 4 days equal a week? The team will help you, no matter “a week” or “four days.” Just hand in there.
I have two tickets opened, the oldest one was opened on 9/1/12
Judging by your signature it looks like you have a ticket created on the fourth and the fifth.
Please refrain from posting unhelpful things in our forum, this is against our code of conduct, thanks for your understanding.
Why is this a unhelpful things ?? and were is this in the code of conduct
I agree, I dont understand what I have done wrong…
Private Message
Forum Moderator: Moderator Notes:
Please refrain from making frivolous threads.
Thank you for your understanding.
Sorry guys, please dis-regard my last comment, I just received an infraction for questioning the moderators authority… I was informed that I should send an email to arenanet to appeal the infraction…
I will not be sending an email because I am not going to generate one more issue that is not receiving a response on top of the already two tickets I have had open for 8 days with no response…
I am probably about to get banned from the forums…
Thanks for the moral support community
Thanks for the ticket updates guys, tells us yet are still just working hacked accounts so far.. .
Seems like this deserves a bump… would be nice if it would occur from people posting they have been resolved. ..
I do… it saddens me to see my friends playing without me…
week long tickets are bad…I’m sorry that you’re not in the game, but where in the world does 4 days equal a week? The team will help you, no matter “a week” or “four days.” Just hand in there.
I have two tickets opened, the oldest one was opened on 9/1/12
Would reeeeeally appreciate a response from GaileGray… This post determines if I get to play tonight…
If I can get confirmation that it will go down that way on their end. .. bump