Ever since they fixed the guardian shout audio, I’m begging to reactivate the shout, even if it is "this" for sylvari. They say, they want to wait, till they have rerecorded it, but, like an expansion for GW2, it will never happen.
It’s been since the events at the “Tower of Nightmares” that the human female running animation has been destroyed. And ever since I was hoping for a patch to fix this.
The problem:
The running animation on Human female characters has been changed (most visible by the movement of the arms). It looks a bit like the male animation on female characters. But that’s not all. Two-handed weapons behave oddly while sheathed on the back (especially staffs/hammers). But if your character is in fight and the wepons are stowed, she uses the old, better looking, more feminine, and bugfree running animation.
By the way: Every human female NPC in the game still uses the old running animation regardless of the situation.
The question:
Is there any chance to get the old and bugfree animation back?
I made some videos a while ago to show the difference, when the character is in and out of fight.
new animation: front
new animation: hammer
new animation: greatsword
old animation: front
old animation: hammer
old animation: greatsword
The bug is still not fixed! But at least we are getting more useless s... in the gemstore. Nice.
They could at least fix the running animation!
Soooo sorry! I asked about this and forgot to post!
Some time ago, it was noticed and reported as a “bug” that during cinematics, the “fidget” animations continued. So you’re seeing this exciting story bit about a dragon attack and, behind the scenes, your character is yawning and toeing the sand. It just didn’t fit.
So the animations were temporarily removed to be worked on and reincorporated in a way that allowed them to perform normally in the game but to stop (or maybe change) during cinematics. But getting to a place where the animations could be configured on a more fine-grained basis took more time than anticipated.
From what I understand, the team has the tools to reconfigure and re-enable the animations, but the team lead told me that naturally they’ll need to figure out when someone (or maybe more than one person) can be assigned the task. As it turns out, each animation bit needs to be reconfigured individually.
TL;dr: This change is coming, as soon as it can be scheduled and prioritized. Naturally, some matters that are higher on the priority list but this project will be scheduled as appropriate.
Gaile, could you also please ask the developers, what’s going on with the Human female running animation?
Every NPC and also your character — if she is infight — uses the old, more feminine running animation, which never had any clipping problems with the shoulder gear or weapons. Now, with the “new” animation, two-handed weapons — especially hammers/staffs — behave oddly. And big shoulders don’t look good on your running character anymore.
No one ever asked for a change or reported problems about the “old” animation. Of all women in this game, the Human running animation was the best. It got this subtle femininity compared with the Norn or Sylvari (But do you never dare to change these as well, they fit perfectly).
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Thanks Gaile for taking the time and effort and ask the animation team lead about this. I’ve serious problems processing the answer though.
- Almost every patch that came out introduced some bug (sometimes more bugs) that were so serious that people were wondering how this could slip by the gametesters or QA.
- The mesmer community (i main a mesmer) had a list of 40+ bugs out of which some 20 were actually gamebreaking in the way that skills did not activate, phantasms were “kicking dirt” instead of attacking, etc…. but it has been prioritized as not so important, instead we got some tooltip fixes (still important but more important than skills not working?)
- Is the “bug” about the character yawning in the background REALLY that bad that it had to be removed?
- How much time does an average human female spend in a LS2 cinematic and how much in town, waiting for world bosses, trading, and so on being idle?
- If this has already been prioritized kitten insanely important that it just HAD to be removed so as not to break the cinematics, why does it have to be evaluated again and prioritized again? Isn’t it already established that it’s very important?
I don’t know why but i am still hoping it will be fixed and soon (not Soon™ but actually soon). Until then i have to say, i’m very disappointed with this whole approach, and i guess the adventurers and warriors can be happy about having their “look to the side, repeat, repeat, repeat” not-sexualized, politically correct, teen-approved idling.
It’s all because A-Net is very good at removing old, but not at adding new content.
Interesting idea, but what are “Asuras”, “Slyvari” and “Norns”?
I honestly have never seen the difference between the “old” and “new” running animations, but I admittedly don’t like playing human characters despite having two of them. The idle animations would be nice to have back.
Eyes on the two-handed weapons, please. ^.^
animation „new“: front
animation „new“: hammer
animation „new“: greatsword
animation „old“: front
animation „old“: hammer
animation „old“: greatsword
Better not tell A-Net or they are going to remove the animation completely. But then the bug would be fixed, right? ;-P
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
See, I told you someone could help you here. ^.^
Let’s hope, it is going to be fixed soon.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Da*nit, A-Net. Get your things together! It’s a serious thing, which you broke and have to be fixed. It’s not only about “idle animations” anymore. There are many animation bugs in this game now, which YOU introduced.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Maybe post it in the audio subforum, too? The guys over there might help you out. Bug forum is to overfilled with other partly minor stuff (except animation bugs ;-P).
Let’s see, if they managed to fix the animation bugs. Although I would like to see the fixed, old and feminine running animation more than the idle animations.
Still no plans on reactivating the "Hold the Line" audio? :-(
I just tested it myself and I can fluently use any other swordskill, while autoattack is at stage 1, 2 or 3.
So let me get this straight, the human female only has 1 animation after this “bug” while other races and genders are relatively untouched?
They replaced 2 unique idle animations with a recycled one from the female norn.
But they also removed the sword throw idle animation on human/sylvari male.
And do not forget about the kittened up running animation, which is in the game since “Tower of Nightmares”. Or the female longbow animation on male norn since “Edge of the Mists”. :-)
This seems like blatant censorship. I mean, I can see how they removed the code that rendered your character completely naked, but this is ridiculous. And dull. Really dull. Please let this be a bug. Please don’t numb down the most basic movements of our characters.
The most blunt censorship in this game was to remove the straps from the Masquerade Armor. But they also removed the skulls from the “Tamini Death Markers” at this heart in Queensdale. The last one does not even make sense.
I didn’t even notice the garter belts were removed. It must have been pretty recent because I swear they had them around release.
What straps are you two talking about? Masquerade armor has never had any garter belts.
If think, they removed it with the official release of the game, but at least in the third beta weekend (since I played) the straps still existed.
Here a german video from the second beta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZVeEL5v8E0
This seems like blatant censorship. I mean, I can see how they removed the code that rendered your character completely naked, but this is ridiculous. And dull. Really dull. Please let this be a bug. Please don’t numb down the most basic movements of our characters.
The most blunt censorship in this game was to remove the straps from the Masquerade Armor. But they also removed the skulls from the “Tamini Death Markers” at this heart in Queensdale. The last one does not even make sense.
I hope, they won’t take the opportunity to change the human runing animation completely. There are minis, who are using a new kind of runing animation, like “Liadri the Concealing Dark”, “Queen Jennah” and “Watchknight”.
As far as I can see, it looks more horrible than the bugged one and, viewable on the Watchknight, staffs behave even dumber.
Those are the things that made the game unique. I’m sure you’ll miss it. :(
They did not only made the game “unique” but the race also. If this continues, the only differences between Humans, Sylvari and Norn will be the hight and the voice.
Now I discovered something really strange this morning.
In Divinity’s Reach at the Lyssa Waypoint, there is a human female, who is doing the stretch animation the whole time. Too bad it’s a static idle animation, but eventual an evidence that the animations are still in the game. ^.^
Edit: There seems to be more human females in Divinity’s Reach, who are behaving the same. Seems a bit illogical, removing the idle animations but leave some NPC, who are still using them.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
It’s really easy to ignore missing idles though. Don’t stand there. Go play the game. Do a jumping puzzle. Run a dungeon. Earn 10,000 Geodes in Dry Top then spend them all on clay. Do something instead of just sitting there staring. I don’t see my idle animations every time I play my character, and I play female humans almost exclusively. Because I’m too busy running around doing things. However, when I’m doing all that stuff, I can’t not see my character’s bum clipping through the back of her skirt.
Also, by your own logic of “If the armour clips, don’t wear it”, well, if the idles for one race/gender are gone…
Don’t play it. Even if you loved it the most.
Too bad, that missing idle animations are not the only bugs I considered. There are more animations on different races/genders A-Net destroyed. Like male Norn now using the female longbow animation or once they are throwing greatswords, it looks unrealistic now. Human female getting stucked by casting “Wave of Wrath”. And so on.
I am sorry, that my characters are not just tools to achieve everything in this game. If you just log into this game, do dungeons and farm like there is no tomorrow, it’s your decision. I also play this game, do dungeons and go WvW/PvP. But I also like do enjoy other things in this game, like waiting at the bank and see my character doing silly things.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Just to point out to the people saying that the loss of idle-animations is trivial ...
Yes, they’re trivial - and you can say exactly the same about cool armour skins, combat-animations, detailed terrain, dialogue, character facial-features and all manner of other stuff. If efficient functionality is all you want, let’s reduce the entire game to a spread sheet, where you plug in certain values and then look at the result.
Fact is, we are *not* slogging through a spread sheet for our job. We are playing a game for fun. ’Trivial’ ambiance and flavour-details - distinctive idles based on in-game race, for example - are important.
In my opinion, animations are even more important than armor clipping. It’s easier to bypass a clipping armor part by chosing another armor (even if you loved it the most). Bugging animations are harder to ignore. You see them EVERY time you play your character (I barely play my human female guardian. Bugged running animation and stupid hammerhead looks like it’s about to fall over her shoulder now). And skiping a whole race in this game is much more painful than ignoring two or three armor sets.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Has been confirmed as a bug and they are trying to fix it. Hope they finally fix the running animation as well.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Hmm, looks a bit like the Heritage armor from the Hall of Monuments
Apples were too complicated for beginners, that’s why they got removed. Working as intended. ;-P
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
To fans of the “old” running animation (still think the “new” one is just a bug):
The animation is still in the game. Every human female NPC uses the “old” animation. And if your character is infight and their weapons are holstered, she also uses the normal, better looking animation. And two-handed weapons behave much better too.
Did some videos a while ago to show the difference. I admit they are not the best ones, but enough to see the difference.
new animation: front
new animation: hammer
new animation: greatsword
old animation: front
old animation: hammer
old animation: greatsword
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
First they break the running animation and now they replaced the unique human female idle animation with the norn female one. Same animation for different races. Well done!
Another loose troll in the forums?
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
I think, I know which song you mean. If it’s the same, it’s also played at the character creation.
Is there a warhorn “skin”, that makes the attacks sound different than the usual ones — except the Super Adventure ones? In the days, than where was the sound bug with norn (everything they did had a deeper sound) the horn attacks sounded cooler.
There seems to be some new issues with the shouts. I definitely hear other guardian’s shouts (except for deactivated Hold the Line! audio). But now, I rarely hear warrior’s and ranger’s shouts. Please, adjust these again, so everyone can hear them sometime (like the mage’s attunements). Especially Sic ’Em! should be heard by others to counter Revealed better.
You also hear Conflagrate / Feel my Wrath! now, but I don’t think, this is a good idea. Just like the stages of adrenaline, there is no need for this to be heard by others for reasons of balance.
But only, if your side lost a keep or tower. Not like in Edge of the Mists, where I don’t give a kitten, if red or blue took Bell Tower while I am green, but still hear the bells across the map.
Now, that we hear most guarian shouts (except for buggy humans):
Oh please, PLEASE reactivate the "Hold the line" audio. I don’t give a kitten, if it’s THE or THIS, just give it a sound. I know about the german version the sylvari also say THIS in german rather than THE but I do not care. At least it’s something.
You say, you want to record it correctly sometime, but be honest I do not think this will ever happen.
I released a thread on the german forum about some (important) bugs concerning animations on characters. Since English is not my mother tongue, there are no plans of translating the topics myself. But I just wanted to let everyone here know, that there is a “massive” thread about the changed human female running animation or the recent norn longbow/greatsword changes.
I also made some recordings to visualize the changes or proposed solutions.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Everything is canceled by dodging, but the Dragon Tooth’s animation still went on.
They fix it, so canceled skill no longer have their animations going on. They didn’t deal any damage either.
I am a little bit confused about the new reward system. It’s possible to gain dungeon weapon and armor skins. But what about the PvP only skins, like the famous Voodoo Outfit or Commando Armor? Will they still be obtainable?
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
What default answer did you get? :\
"Thanks for taking time to fill in a report."
"Don’t forget to use the ingame report function."
"Post the bug on the bug-subforum."
"If there is another problem, contact us anytime."
These ones ^.^
Has anyone heard any word from A-net at all? I’m thinking as submitting this as a bug report.
Of course not, they don’t give a kitten about animation problems. Just like they did with human women, who run like men now.
I sent in a report and got a default answer back. :/
I don’t understand, why they changed it anyway. Where is an animation the female sylvari, humans and norn use, then the male human/sylvari one (two types he swiches between) and the unique norn male animation. But now, one animation is gone and the norn lose some more of thier uniqueness towards the humans/sylvari.
You’re not a developer, you’re just a community coordinator.
Oh my, what a nice thing to say. You sure know how to put on your best behaviour.
Anyway, I don’t think, the developers just play one profession. Warrior of course is the easiest to play, but they surely also main another profession.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
No feedback from Anet so far. Seems only few other players noticed the change, the new animations look very strange and i hope Anet changes this back to the old longbow animations.
The terrible thing is, it’s not "new". It’s the women’s animation. :-o
this is because the #6 of the rune ONLY effects those affected by shouts.
That’s not completly true. Using "Fear Me!" and "On My Mark!" removes conditions from allies, too.
But if so, they should change it. Why would I want to remove conditions from my pet only? And I’m sure, not even this works while using the rune.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
The 6. effect of the Superior Rune of the Soldier, the condition removal, does not work on others by using the ranger shouts. It does not matter, which of the four I use, only I get my conditions removed. People around me still get the boons from “Nature’s Voice”, but don’t have their conditions cleansed.
Oh, don’t you worry. It’s all recorded in their papers. But they printed both sides of the paper and they keep forgetting to turn them.^^
PS: The Moa-Form -> Necro-Minionkiller is on the same page.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
There you don’t play your norn for a while and it becomes completly crappy.
Please, change it back. I don’t have a proof, but I’m sure, he never twisted his spine like that, when he was shooting. It hurts my eyes.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Just checked it on my warrior.
A-Net, what have you done??? Change it back!
It looks so horrible. Looks like he has no spine at all. Why do they keep changing animations?
Edit: Just checked some old videos on YouTube. They really changed it. Norn never twisted their spine at an angle of 90 and more degrees.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Bump, bump, bump. Bump, bump, bump. Bump. Bump
I just saw the new UI for WvW. It’s cool and neat, but is it true, that every server of the current match-up can now see, how much people are currently online and playing WvW — even of the enemy?
In that case it could and would be a huge disadvantage for any server of the match-up. Wasn’t there some reason, why the outnumbered/outmanned buff is not shown to the enemy any more?
The stealth should be 5 seconds either way. The 3 and 3 3/4 seconds are both obsolete regardless to if they refer to Stealth or Stability. Looks like there’s multiple layers to this bug, as we wouldn’t want just a 3 second Stealth added underwater. Make sure you report it in game.
No, no. The stealth duration is both (on shore/underwater) 5 seconds minimum (formerly 4 minimum). I meant the duration of Elixir S itselft (not thrown).