Showing Posts For AllNightPlayer.1286:

Missing unobtainable armor pieces.

in PvP

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


So, are there any plans to make all these skins a available? Maybe even apart from the PvP reward track system? It would be easier to implement, too.

Festivals for the Rest of Us

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Make is the equivalent of July 4th on the Tyrian calendar. We don’t have a fourth event, and that’s perfectly fitting. The day sylvari gained true independence from their tyrannical creator. Independence Day, or Sylvan Independence Day, to clarify in the world between the races. Idk

Pah! No everything revolves around the U.S.A.. For the rest of the world, the 4th of July is meaningless, especially for us Europeans. Find a better, more important day in the calendar to celebrate.

can anything be done about afk?

in PvP

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


It’s A-Net’s fault after all. If they don’t find ways to motivate their playerbase to actually play the game, it’s not surprising that even streamers go AFK in PvP matches.
As long as PvP and it’s matchmaking doesn’t get an overhaul, people will continue not to play a match until the end.

Charr and Asura female precursor armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


and this thread go on, the President of Anet even made it

The way this Armor look is so important for the game, there is nothing more important.
There so much useless thread and topic that the president needed to reply in such an imprtant thread.

I am amazed.

My thoughts exactly. PvP and WvW are slowly falling apart, but an armour skin from an armour set, which only 20% of the whole playerbase are eager to get, get’s the most attention.

Missing unobtainable armor pieces.

in PvP

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Here’s the full Heavy Scale set and some might not tell the difference between it and worn scale. I’ve taken a picture with both for comparison.

Heavy Scale not only has a metallic glance, which Worn Scale dosen’t, it’s also tailored differently. You better compare it with Charr or Asura.
It’s the same for the Guild Armour sets. There are similarities between Banded, Council Watch, and Devout, but for some reason, they are tailored noticeable different. This may be the reason, why there is a whole set of them in the wardrobe.


(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Missing unobtainable armor pieces.

in PvP

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Wow, I didn’t know that. I just knew about the underwater-weapon-paradox.
I still remember it clearly. I fell in love with the Krytan weapons in the first months of the release. But I never really liked the harpoon gun. It looked so ugly, so non-krytan-like. And then I started to play PvP a bit, I found out about the Valley weapons and behold, a real Krytan-looking harpoon gun. At the present day I have both Krytan spears and harpoon guns, but why should other people, especially those, who are not as long in the game as I am, not get the opportunity to add these extra skins to their wardrobe?

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Missing unobtainable armor pieces.

in PvP

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


With the recent patch, three PvP-only armour sets were made obtainable. But there are still armour sets and even more interesting weapon skins, that are still not available since the wardrobe system was introduced.

I. Armour sets:
The following sets are still not completely available through any game mode.

Heavy Scale
Suggestion: Add them to the Legacy Armour Box.

Guild Defender
Guild Watchman
Guild Archmage
Suggestion: Add them all to the inventory of the Guild Armourers.

II. Weapon skins:
There are many underwater weapon skins, which were PvP-only. They often have a PvE-only counterpart version, which looks similar, but not the same. Sometimes the harpoon gun or trident just uses the skin of the rifle or staff from the same weapon set, although there is a unique skin in the wardrobe.

Legionnaire Harpoon (-> image)
-> counterpart: Legionnaire Spear (-> image)
Suggestion: Add the skin to the Ascalon Weapon Skins Box.

Krytan Harpoon (-> image)
-> counterpart: Krytan Spear (-> image)
Krytan Harpoon Gun (-> image)
-> counterpart: Krytan Speargun (-> image)
Suggestion: Add them all to the inventory of the Seraph Outfitter.

Lionguard Harpoon (-> image)
-> counterpart: Lionguard Spear (-> image)
Lionguard Harpoon Gun (-> image)
-> counterpart: Lionguard Cannon (-> image)
Lionguard Trispear (-> image)
-> counterpart: Lionguard Trident (-> image)
Suggestion: Add them all to the inventory of the Lionguard weapon merchants Killian, Ceana, and Trokk.

Ebon Vanguard Harpoon (-> image)
-> counterpart: Ebon Vanguard Spear (-> image)
Hawk Trident (-> image)
-> counterpart: Ebon Vanguard Trident (-> image)
Suggestion: Add the skins to the inventory of the Ebon Vanguard weapon mercants Cadet Rashell, Cadet Ostin, and Cadet Krysta.

Makeshift Spear (-> image)
-> counterpart: Bandit Spear (-> image)
Suggestion: Add the skin to the inventory of the WvW Karma Trader.

Flame Harpoon (-> image)
-> counterpart: Flame Spear (-> image)
Suggestion: Add the skin to the inventory of Mala Greenbow.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Tribal armor set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


They added 3 armour sets, but what about:
Heavy Scale and Marauder? Can you add them, too?
And why don’t you finally add Guild Defender, Guild Watchman, and Guild Archmage to the inventory of the Guild Armorer?

wheres revs 6th traitline?!

in Revenant

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Rev is the only class playing with 5 traitlines ….. WE ARE HANDICAPPED ….
give is pz 6th traitline with something cool to blow all flying conditions away

…. and by the way buff JALIS … omg cant believe it will took years to that happening

Sorry, to crush your dreams, but the Revenant has six traitlines like every other class.


[suggestion:] weapon bonuses for everyone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


No point. Some weapons for some classes ARENT meant to be used for damage, but for other things.

I don’t understand your remark.
It’s about to give bonuses for wielding a weapon. These bonuses don’t have to be power-only. Like Over Shield or Chemical Rounds. It’s either a good bonus or the standard cooldown reduction (- 20%). Or both.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

[suggestion:] weapon bonuses for everyone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I hereby ask Arena-Net, to give every class the possibility to get a buff for certain types of weapons. Every profession has several traits to get buffs (cooldown reduction and/or attribute bonuses) for wielding a certain type of weapon/weapon set. Even most of the elite specialisations can get buffs for their new weapons.
In order to finally standardise this rather good idea for all professions and weapons, I have the following suggestions:

Guardians can get buffs for most of their weapons. But since the new trait system, guardians cannot use a trait to buff their underwater weapons anymore.
-> Suggestion: Use Zealous Blade OR Right-Hand Strength for the spear. Use Honourable Staff OR Glacial Heart for trident.

Warriors can get buffs for every weapon.

Revenants can get buffs for some weapons (mace and axe indirectly through Ferocious Strikes).
-> Suggestion: Use Vicious Lacerations for spears. Add a trait to reward the wielding of the hammer (through a Retribution trait). Make Tranquil Benediction increase the player’s healing power while wielding the staff for instance.

Engineers can get buffs for every weapon.

Rangers can get buffs for every weapon.

Thiefs cannot get a buff for wielding their short bow since the new trait system. And there are only two professions in this game, who can use a short bow.
-> Suggestion: Add a trait like Power Shots again (but for bow only).

Elemantalists can reduce the weapon recharges through attunements.
-> Suggestion: Update the trident fields. Use Blasting Staff (which got implemented for staff) for trident.

Mesmers can buff almost every weapon.
-> Suggestion: Use Improved Alacrity for shield. Change it to only work, while wielding a shield and/or add an attribute bonus.

Necromancers cannot get buffs for even one underwater weapon.
-> Suggestion: Use Unholy Fervour OR Quickening Thrist for spear. Use Lingering Curse for trident.

I really hope, you consider my suggestions, and finally allow every profession to buff every weapon, they can use.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Where is the Revenant's attribut?

in Revenant

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Why does the Revenant not have a profession specific attribut? Why doesn’t Invocation give a bonus on his energy threshold for instance?
Every other classes are able to get some bonuses for either using certain types of weapons or skills or for their profession’s mechanism.

Let’s give an example:
Thiefs work with initiative for their weapons skills, which have no cooldowns, and cooldown timers for their non-weapon skills. Through different traits, Thiefs can either increase their initiative threshold and gain or reduce the cooldowns of their skill sets. Or both.
Revenants on the other hand have to work with both, energy and cooldown timers, for all of their skills (weapon and non-weapon ones). They can neither reduce their cooldowns nor increase their energy threshold or gain.

I beg you, add some options for Revenants to have at least a better energy management. Make Invocation add one or two bars of energy (on both sides of the threshold) through some minior traits.

Or in other words:

Give Revenants a profession attribut!

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Auto-Attack cancels itself at maximum range

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


But … that’s normal and intended. Why should the auto attack keep firing, once the target is out of range?
That the projectiles are actually firing further than 1.200/1.500 is different problem.

Scribe: Cooper Plate too expensive

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Is there still no reaction by A-Net?
Keeping this system up, will only kill the tactic system and make it unpopular. Small guilds and poor guilds with even poorer scribes cannot afford this very much longer. And if you continue to nerf these tactics, too, no one will build them anymore.

WvW Poll 14 June: Desert Borderlands (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Why does this poll have such a long uptime, while others, which also needed a supermajority (DBL and ABL mixed) didn’t? Seems a bit unfair especially since the poll about the mixed BL was a close one.

Guild Permissions: "Admin Lower Ranks"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


They are merged together for the same reason, you are not able to control the Treasure Trove and the Deep Cave separately. That is: None.

Scribe: Cooper Plate too expensive

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I just saw, that Training Supplies (for Iron Guards) and Bags of Dolyak Chow (for most of the (resource) camp tactics) also need an additional Linen Supply Sack. Speedy Dolyaks even needs a Resonating Fragment although you promised, that every WvW Claiming shall only need Resonating Slivers.
Please, change these recipes, too, so they only need one Linen Supply Sack as a whole.
The WvW Banners for instance need a Box of Banner Supplies, which do get along fine without another Linen Supply Sack.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Charr and Asura female precursor armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


In my opinion, you should never have used male-only versions on female Charr and Asura in the first place. Sometimes the female versions of armour may look even better without all the curves. ;-) Skimpy maybe, but still good.

All you have to do is to look at it as an armour, which has different or skimpy breastplates, and not as an armour, which has armour-like brassieres.

Altogether I still wish for the day, where you update every armour in the game, so the Charr and Asura women can finally use the female-only version. If others dont like it: Get a male character. XD

Precursor Armor - Now with bigger butt capes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I know a good shoulder-waist-ratio on men is considered sexy, but I still think they overdid it on my Sylvari. XD


(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

WvW Poll 6 June: World Linking Schedule [CLOSED]

in WvW

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


The poll has ended! After removing all votes for “Don’t Count My Vote” the final results are:

38.1% Reevaluate match-ups monthly.
28.9% Reevaluate match-ups quarterly.
15.9% Reevaluate match-ups every other month.
11.6% Reevaluate match-ups every 6 months.
5.5% Reevaluate match-ups every 4 months.

After analyzing the results we have decided to go with a 2 month world linking evaluation schedule because the majority of players voted for evaluations to be more frequent than quarterly but less frequent than monthly. Since we have decided to reevaluate every 2 months we will be reevaluating the current world links and making adjustments on the very last Friday of every even month starting this month on the 24th. Thank you to everyone who voted!

I’m afraid that you do not understand the system of a plurality vote. In the last poll, 70% wanted 1 Desert and 2 Alpine borderlands. But you said, it wasn’t enough, so the vote were meaningless.
Now, the majority wants monthly change, but again you say it’s not enough. So you choose a system, no one voted for. Are you kidding me? If this goes on, you can keep your polls for yourself and don’t annoy us with these anymore!

Scribe: Cooper Plate too expensive

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


So, are there any plans to normalise the plates’s costs? Or do we have to wait a year for it. It’s not like the first three WvW tactics can be considered valuable. Especially since you nerfed Hardened Gates.

Scribe: Cooper Plate too expensive

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Why does the Copper Reinforcing Plate need copper ore and more important Linen Supply Sacks? This is making them more expensive than any other plate, which only require ingots!
Since the Bags of [insert tier] Energy also require Linen Supply Sacks, the first three WvW tactis altogether need two Linen Supply Sacks, which again need rare and expensive Flax Fibers.

I beg you, change this recipe, please! Make Copper Reinforcing Plate only require Copper Ingots like every other tier of plates.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Headbutt on full cooldown on weapon swap?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


It’s intended. Weapon swap always cancels skills.

[suggestion:] new UI options - symbols & SEM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


3. Team Colours

I hereby ask you to add an additional option to the Team Colours.
Add an option to show Team Colours on everyone but yourself. I would love to work more with Ally-/Enemy-Colouring, but leaving my own character in original colouration. I do not care, if team mates look similar, but my character has to keep his colours.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Norn Female Run Animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I would be more happy, if they would give them a proper animation, while holding a hammer. They are using the Human female animation.
Some problem with main-hand pistol. Also Human animation.
This may work on Sylvari, but on Norn with all their skipping, it looks ridiculous, since Humans don’t skip.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I do not understand all this fuss. The new auras are much better. The old ones were too inconsistent. They were too small on Asuras and too big on Norn for example. The new ones finally scale properly on the character’s size. The next thing, they need to do, is updating the Light Aura as well.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Thanks for improved Effect LOD

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


In opposition to this thread I am very thankful for the downgrade of some attack effects. And you have my thanks for introducing the improved version of the Effect LOD. Now there is finally a system behind the visual downgrading. All my effects now fully play, while others are muted. Making fights in WvW enormously clearer.
Just a brief reminder by the way, that the Light Aura still needs to be changed, since you plan to always update the effects and already did for auras.

Fix "Presence of the Keep", please!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


kitten, ANet! Fix the tactic Presence of the Keep already!
The buff only applies in one out of ten cases, when reaching a keep. Making the tactic or rather the construction of the tactic redundant.

t2 desert camps

in WvW

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Ehm, when shall the promised change be live again? I thought, it would come with the light redesign we got on Tuesday.

Is the Hyena appearance bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Why do Juvenile Hyenas look like they got mange? Shouldn’t your pet, especially since they are “juvenile”, look healthy and youthful? I do not think, that ill pets would be able to fight like this.


Huge Nerf to Defending Keeps/Towers

in WvW

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


No, no, no. This was a bug and I am glad they finally fixed it. The damage/condition damage of siege weapons should not scale on player stats. There are better ways to defend a objective, rather than putting condi-builds on siege weapons.
If you want to defend your keep properly, build superior siege weapons and place them strategically.

Suggestion: standardise the start of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Well, if there isn’t any change for the start weapons, the signet healings really should be changed. Especially since you are stucked with them for a while.

Why haven't you built a Legendary Weapon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286



Why haven’t you built a Legendary Weapon?

I haven’t build a Legendary, because I am a poor WvW player. ;-D
And I love plain, but elegant weapons without (much) effects, and which look like a real weapons. (I <3 Krytan weapons)


Suggestion: standardise the start of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Rangers and Thiefs should start with a one-handed sword

Are you serious? Don’t get me wrong, I love my one-handed swords on my rangers, but it’s hands down the most difficult weapon to get used to in the line-up of ranger weapons. Aside from that, the ranger sword skills don’t really have much in common with the thief sword skills, so what good is putting those as starting weapons?

As a general rule, I don’t see any advantage in leaving new players, unused to our combat system, the skills, skill animations, and dodge rolling, stuck with a melee weapon. The current starter weapons leave much more margin for error, making it easier for new players to learn the game and mechanics.

Especially new elementalists are often overwhelmed already due to the squishiness of the class. Making them start on dagger and going toe to toe with foes in the starter areas will surely turn a good part of new elementalists off the game before they even get a chance to really experience it.

Axe was good on ranger, but longbow is a kittenty weapon for the beginning (and no class should get a two-handed weapon for the start). And the “most difficulty” of the one-handed sword was the lockdown. But this part has finally been fixed.
As a veteran, I think it’s better to learn the meele first, about it’s dodging and all. Range combat should be introduce later, like — when do they get the next weapon? — this point.

I know it’s not the most important matter in this game, but still a good way to make the so-called new player experience even more pleasant and — more important — more uniform.

But why?

It would make more sense for each class to feel unique and distinct from the others at the start.

Doesn’t matter much either way, at this stage in the game completely new players are likely to be power levelling and veterans will jump straight to 80 via tomes.

In my opinion it’s more interessting the way like this: “Oh, this class can also use this weapon? And look, what cool things this class does with it.”

Suggestion: standardise the start of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Even though the idea may sounds a bit lame, but in my opinion the, the start weapons and healing abilities need to be a bit more standardised for all classes.

1. suggestion: the start weapon
In this game, meele weapons are the best way to start into a combat for the first time.

a) heavy classes
To make the start consistent, Warriors, Guardians, and Revenants should all start with a mace. It’s a good and easy weapon for the start and new players (or new players to the class) are going to learn about the different ways, how one class uses the same weapon (takes effect for all following classes).

b) medium classes
To make the start consistent, Rangers and Thiefs should start with a one-handed sword, Engineeers with a pistol. For theses classes, a sword is a good weapon for the start. (Especially since they fixed/change the ranger’s sword auto-attack.) And Engineers got only one main-hand weapon.

c) light classes
To make the start consistent, Elementalists and Necromancer should start with a dagger, and Mesmers with a one-handed sword.

2. suggestion: the first skill aka the healing skill

a) Warrior
Mending is a good start skill. No change needed, although it finally should be put into a category. Physical for example.

b) Guardian
Shelter is a good start skill. No change needed. Although it finally should be put into a category. Consecration would be a perfect fit.

c) Revenant
Dictated by the start legend though, but Soothing Stone is a good start skill. No change needed.

d) Ranger
“We Heal As One!” is a good start skill. No change needed.

e) Thief
Signet of Malice as a signet is too hard to use, and too weak. Withdraw would be better start skill, especially since there shall be no stealth a the beginning.

f) Engineer
Elixir H is a good start skill. No change needed.

g) Elementalist
Same as Thief. Signet of Restoration is too hard to use, and too weak as a first healing skill. Glyph of Elemental Harmony would be a better start skill.

h) Necromancer
Consume Conditions is the least complicated healing for a Necromancer. No change needed.

i) Mesmer
Ether Feast is a good start skill. No change needed, although it finally should be put into a category. Glamour or Phantasm/Clone for example.

I know it’s not the most important matter in this game, but still a good way to make the so-called new player experience even more pleasant and — more important — more uniform.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

About the return of the Alpine Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Hmm, my scepsis and my confusion stays. But I hope for the best to see both maps (properly updated/balanced) again.

Suggestion: remove Magnetic Wave

in Elementalist

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Magnetic Aura

1. isn’t a blast finisher
2. doesn’t remove conditions
3. doesnt do damage
4. perpetuates a really boring, cheesey meta elementalist

Then again, I’m bias because I want aura heal-o-mancer nerfed HARD. Would like to see more power / burst ele viability in the next meta. things like the fire and arcane traitline need more work than anything in earth/water at the moment.

I didn’t want the skill to simply become like the staff’s Magnetic Aura. I only wanted the reflecting effect to be accomplish by a real aura. All other effects (blast finisher, damage etc.) should stay. But no one seems to like auras nowadays. :-(

About the return of the Alpine Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


What I still do not understand: Will the Alpine Borderlands return and the Desert Borderlands be out of the game forever?
I was hoping for some rotate system including both maps. Just having the old maps back will not fix the boredom of the WvW.

What I want to know: Will both maps be fixed/updated and rotate (monthly for instance)? Or have the Desert maps been abandoned forever (not a good idea in my opinion)?

Pet blocks capture progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


A Juvenile Fire Wyvern was blocking the progress to capture a point in a PvP match, while its master, the ranger, himself stood far outside the circle.
I do not think, this is an intended behaviour. At least I cannot remember, something like this was possible in the past. I also do not know for sure, if minions of all types can hold or even capture points.

I love the new aura's effect, but ...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Still no plans to update this aura’s visuals?

Suggestion: remove Magnetic Wave

in Elementalist

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


… and replace it with Magnetic Aura. Or at least, replace the pseudo-aura effect with a real aura, which tiggers traits’s and rune’s effects.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

[Bug] Party Member Nameplate

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I will ask about this one. Sorry we didn’t see it earlier.

Can you introduce an UI option to toggle group nameplates on and off? I — for instance — do not like to see all the nameplates in big WvW squads. I only want so see enemy nameplates. It keeps the fights clearly.

[PREDICTION] April Fool's Day Prank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


reads the patch notes





Did miss a “Ha”?

Seriously, that’s all?

Human Druid #1 skill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


But more importantly, why does it require a target?

They really need to revert this one. Especially with the option Stop Auto-Attacking on Target Change off and the newly introduced option Allow Skill Retargeting on, it’s finally possible to change targets while using Arc Lightning or Rapid Fire or even Spatial Surge without losing the “rest” of the attack.

Human Druid #1 skill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Why does the animation have to be this bad!?

I mean it looks like my druid is holding a broom next to her head thinking its a bazooka or something.

do other races have the same stance? Or is there one that looks less “special”

In my opinion, the human/sylvari/norn female is the most elegant animation. Originally taken from the mage, the animation fits the auto attack perfectly. Especially since druids use the normal staff stance (was hammer stance in the beta O.o).
And she does not hold it like a “bazooka”. With her main right hand, she holds the staff up, so the head end faces forward and can canalises the beam. She uses the back of her left hand to support the weight of the long staff. It’s a bit like with mesmer’s greatswords or guardian’s “Wave of Wrath”. She needs to place the weapon in the right position, so the power can canalises through it.
And no, it does not look any better on other races/genders.

[PREDICTION] April Fool's Day Prank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Wow. No april fools this year? Now we really know, in what a bad state GW2 and A-Net must be.

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

[suggestion:] new UI options - symbols & SEM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I have some suggestions regarding Specialisation Symbols and Standard Enemy Models.

1. Specialisation Symbols
I hereby recommend to introduce an option to toggle the symbols of specialisations on and off.
For some people — like me — it’s a bit confusing to associate the new symbols to their classes. Only the nine core classes are important. So could you please add an option to the user interface, where you can decide for yourself, if you want to work with the additional new symbols or just stay with the nine core class symbols. Especially since there are more class specialisations and therefore more symbols in the future to be added. This option should effect all game modes, meaning that it should also allow to toggle the symbols on for PvP, since they are currently deactivated.

2. Standard Enemy Models
Similar to above, I hereby ask you, to expand the SEM for your own team and other PvP game modes.
I know, it does sound a bit strange, but could the SEM also effect your own team mates? Since the option is for oneself only, it would sometimes be cool or helpful, to work with human models only in certain match ups. Or in every match up. Who cares? It only effects your own client. The option should be simular to the option, how you can toggle the team colours on and off: SEM deactivated. SEM on enemies. SEM on all (except yourself). This option should also effect all PvP game modes, including unranked, practice (aka Hotjoin), and other custom arenas. By the way, could you please update the male thief model, so he uses the same armor as his female counterpart. It would also make it easier to tell him apart from a male ranger!
Furthermore, could you please consider, to introduce the SEM to the WvW. Or at least give it some thought. (I know, there are racial skills, but the animations are all the same.) It would be fun, just to fight with and agains humans only. (^.^)

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Bug: Scrappers & Finishing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Minions can finish enemys for you? Isn’t that … a bit out of balance?

Bug: Scrappers & Finishing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


The finishing animation seems to be broken. Especially on scrappers. With increasing frequency I see engineers (scrappers), who start their finishing animation, walk away and the enemy still gets finished. I’m pretty sure, it’s not because of quickness, since you will still be bound till the enemy is finished.
Has anyone else experiencing these things?

(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)

Fix revenant's Chaotic Release, please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Are there any plans on fixing the massive fps drop, while activating the skill?