Too many elite specialisations are too powerful (just another power creep).
More diversity is needed (power, condition, support, bunker): Core build good for two options, 1st elite good for one option, 2nd elite good for another option.
About my favourite Soulbeast:
Permanent Beastmode is good. Perfect for WvW (pet dies here instantly). But the Blue Jellyfish really needs to be supportive instead of deadly. Jellyfish is the underwater support pet (the only underwater Water Field).
About Deadeye:
Remove the un-revealing. Pretty stupid to introduce an option to counter stealth Mesmers and Thiefs just to introduce an anti-counter option again.
A new three stat combo Power + Healing Power & Concentration. I already like it. May not be the most efficient attribute combo, but I love it and will try to acquire as fast as I can. I’m also happy, that new three combos will be added.
By the way, can I use Blood Ruby Trinkets and the other ones, to acquire PoF attributes, once it has been released? Would be a nice feature and wouldn’t get you the nasty “grinding” comments?
So Avengers CAN still stomp the wrong person, its just way less likely. Thanks to some new tech I could potentially rebuild them... again... so that they DEFINITELY can’t stomp the wrong person.
Low on my priority list but yeah just saying.
Why not just remove this mechanic completely, if you are unable to fix it??
No one was unhappy, when the avengers did not kill at all. And all the new fractals get such AoE overkills, that even normal rezzing or going down gets dangerous enough.
They definitely changed it. The bracelets always vanished, if you stowed your weapons.
This changed makes me rage. I already disliked the arm effects on Revenants and always wished, they would change it, so the effects would disappear, if the weapons are stowed. Now, they did it the other way round. If I would love my character to bling bling, I would build legandary weapons and armours.
Please, change it back. And while you are at it, change Revenants, too.
Am I the only one, who thinks, it would be a nice feature? Come on! 27 symbols? That’s too much.
Can Concentration and Expertise be added to Celestial, please?
I would love to see an option to toggle off the elite specialisations symbols and therefore titles.
The option should work like the Standard Enemy Models (SEM) or the Team Colours. Its effects are only client-sided.
How shall it work?
If I activate the option, the client will only show the symbols and titles of the 9 core professions in every aspect of the game (character information, if I click on a character in the open world; squad and group interfaces; guild member list etc.). The option will also entitle mine and others’ characters as a core profession (aka “Necromancer” in place of “Reaper”) only.
Why should such an option been added?
In some cases, all the specific symbols and titles can be confusing. And soon there will be 9 more, making it 27 in total. The elite specialisation defines the profession by only 33.3%. And since the option would be optional and client-sided, no harm will be done.
Is a similar option already in the game?
Yes, there is! The LFG tool and the PvP uses the symbols and titles of the core professions only. In PvP you have to figure out, if the player uses an elite specialisation, by watching the skills he uses.
But adding this option also means, that, if I toggle the option off, the LFG tool and the PvP will also finally identify the elite specialisations.
Stupid hiding behind stupid mechanics.
I want a direct 1vsX fight, no runing around to do mechanics. Your chance, A-Net, and you wasted it. Now I will only play this kittenty story until I got into the new map and unlocked the new reward track. Never ever again.
Right here. Honestly, Anet needs to go a step further and if the available tactic slots are not slotted within 2 minutes, then the objective should become public again to claim/guild gets kicked off.
Nah, that’s too drastic. You have to keep in mind, that a claimed object provides Guild Objective Aura, which can very useful for roamers, who are running near by, as well for defenders.
If no guild member with the permission to acivate tactics is on the map anymore, the system reverts back to “public“. It’s some kind of security mechanism to avoid sabotages from a guild. Since the guild doesn’t even need to put in all the tactics, which can also be put in by “random” people, it’s a good thing.
And if the remaining members start representing other guilds, it also counts as “no members” on the map anymore.
You’re lucky, that Face of Angel aka Waldmaus didn’t go afk and sabotated your match, like he/she always did.
How about disabling the ability to post Legendary Insights, Magnetite Shards, and other currencies? This way, it can no longer be uses a a “requirement” for runs. It would make the community less toxic about Raids.
And while your on it, attributes shouldn’t also be shown on armour and weapons anymore. Just like the changeable trinkets from Living Story 3. This would prevent these gear checks.
I don’t understand this. Why are Thiefs so bad for a competitive PvP team?
If you have 5 Dragonhunters, you will win. If you have 5 Necromancers, you will win. But if you have 2 or more thiefs, you will lose in 95% of the cases.
But why? Shouldn’t it be alarming to A-Net, that Thiefs provide such a bad team play support? Especially since they also have/want to play WvW in a zerg and PvP in a team?
Why is there no /gg command in the PvP?
In 90% of the cases you know after the first 3 minutes, if your team is going to win or not. Going /gg would be faster and easier, than to go afk and wait for a quick end.
I do not understand this new option. What exactly does it do? What kind of “announcements” are going to be hidden, if I activate it?
But, but .. how could you not love this armour???
Just look how it magically transforms from a non-skirt effect trench coat for Sylvari men to a full-skirt effect on all races.
If anything, I am looking for cuts to this list, not adds.
Why should we suggest cuts??
They just change the Byzantium chest in PvP to give tickets every time. But the WvW counterpart does not give tickets, if repeated???
Please, add a level 20 rank requirement for unranked arenas and rise the rank requirement for ranked arenas to level 40 or 60. Rated arenas should be off limit for completely new players. New players should learn, how to play their professions and how to play structured PvP in hotjoin first, like we veterans had to do in the old days, then there were Tournament Tickets.
I am not willing to carry newbees in rated matches the whole time.
And why does Tempestuous Aria not reduce the cooldowns for the usual 20%?
If anet would give WvW as much attention as they do on clippings for legendary armor we would get somewhere.
Its quite shameful anet rather communicate in clipping stuff than be there in wvw topics as well
And do not forget the discussion about the female armour version for Charr and Asura. This also triggered the president in no time.
I would prefer clipping.
It’s not like clipping would be anything new to this game.
Which reward track(s) in PvP and/or WvW provide the biggest income of Bloodstone dust?
I personally would prefer if you looked at sounds in relation to gameplay and pvp balancing rather than always be cosmetic or QOL improvements or gem shop related....
I.e Many attacks due to the power creep and overpowered HOT skills and weapons could do with more telegraphing due to their hard hitting natures. Why not focus on adding extra wooshing sound effects which supplement the minimal telegraphs some of these new abilities and attacks bring the the game.
You should really be prioritising and focusing your efforts to fix these kinds of issues over fluff and gem shop items before your customers become cynical and leave for pastures new as your balancing seems to take a backseat to all your other "qol fixes".
What does the sound department have to do with profession balance and armour/outfit creation??
Oh, and by the way:
The guttural sounds of the destroyers from Ember Bay (or all destroyers?) seem to use the voice sound channel instead of the effect channel. This makes their grunts extremely loud on my side, since the voice slider is set to the max, but effects isn’t.
Not about the legendaries, but still a matter for the sound department:
How about adding a "mute" checkbox for every sound channel category? This way, I would not have to move the sliders up and down everytime, I want to mute the music or player instruments for the moment.
I did fracal level 98 today. After the third bombing (Mai Trin’s health at 25%), Mai Trin returned to the fight (still with 25% hp), but her three crew members did not apear.
This made the boss fight much more easier to finish.
Does the Vending Changes affect Ascended trinkes as well? Because, since they cannot be crafted, what kind of "crafted material" would you demand?
I have a fix for this coming in the not too distant future.
Ehm, will the fix be published this year or do we have to wait for the next Lunar New Year?
Will A-Net finally do something about all these minion master Necromancers and trap Rangers standing around in Bitterfrost Frontier?
Having to report all these players disturbs my daily run for Winterberries.
Since always the nourishment Truffle Steak has been bugged. Although the feast requires 10 single-plates like every other feast, it only lasts 30 minutes instead of 1 hour.
I beg you, fix the duration, please. The Truffle Steak is the nourishment for playing berserker and a must-have for a WvW backline player.
I’d rather have one player always staying on point and defending it, than four players fighting off point and even lose the fights.
may be they can add a role play area, like in southsun cove.
As a WvW player, I’m always looking for easy preys to satisfy “my bloodlust”. And roleplayers are even simplier to kill than resource farming PvE players.
So, thumbs up for this area!
Well, going afk also happens in ESL/tournaments. And everything, what happens there, sets the standard for our PvP.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Who chooses these work titles?
Did you guys play Crusader Kings or Europa Universalis recently? Or will the Byzantine Empire rise once more and rule over Tyria again?
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Originally the Invisible Boots would be quite useful for me, but I would need three of them (for each armour class). So, I discard this idea.
There is a miniature, I desire to acquire: The Mini Karka, but it got excessively rare.
Update — 1st May
I got finally my Mini Karka through the recently available Consortium Chest. But I did not get the Southsun Mask. If anyone is reading the old posts, I would really appreciate to get the mask from a generous player.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Moas can also "walk" underwater aka have an underwater animation, but they are still no amphibious pets.
I’m absolutely okay, if this mode gets retired respectively transformed into conquest, but what about all my Mist Champions? Will there be some kind of refund? Especially if someone has everything unlocked.
This always been like this. Even in the old claiming system buffs wouldn’t work on EotM.
This has been fixed later. Only to be removed completely (again) with the new system.
Solution 1: Alliance Names Proposal
• Names would be generated from a pool of names that we create.
If this name pool is as bad as the one from the PvP, I would rather not see this one.
Solution 2: Guild Focused Proposal
Instead of having an alliance name, worlds would be referred to by their color.
• The borderlands would now be called Red Desert Borderlands Green Alpine Borderlands, or Blue Alpine Borderlands.
• The color designation would replace the “host” world’s name in almost all areas except within announcements.
• When objectives were captured, the name of the guild that contributed most when capturing the objective would be displayed. For example, “Objective Captured! [Guild Name] has captured [objective name].”
Seems legit. I could almost work with this one, although it would make WvW rather dull fighting only against colours. The guild name thingy could be pretty confusing, since no one knows, which guilds are on which servers. ANd what about meaningless bank guilds?
Solution 3: Some Guest Names Proposal
In areas where there is more player involvement, such as capturing objectives, guest world names may appear.
• When objectives are captured it would now display the guest world’s name: “Objective Captured! [Guest World Name] has captured [objective name].”
• The map name would remain the host world’s name.
• We would not display guest world names to enemies because we believe that would make fighting enemies more confusing since it would be harder to tell which world you were fighting.
This one seems most interessing. Working with both names simultaneously. But what about Links with 3 or more servers in it?
Altogether all three solutions have more disadvantages than advantages and I would not vote for any of it.
Why not show all server names and put a colour tag infront of it?
Red—-Dzagonur [DE] Bronze Invader
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
They broke stuff that was linked to the state of temples back when they implemented megaservers. It was fixed a little over a month ago.
The Promenade of the Gods is nearly deserted, if both temples are hold by the Pact. I like this new Orr.
If I’m near a deactivaded statue, I encounter much more Elementals and Ghosts and nearly no Risen anymore. For example the statue of Melandru south of Murmur Isle. I have never ever seen Ghosts down there before.
If there has been a "fix", I’m grateful for it. Finally making it much more worth it for the whole map to deactivate the temples.
Yeah it seems the only consistent communication is Glint’s absolutely terrible groaning VO. It sounds like... I dunno, a frustrated voice actress?
Well, the German voiceover is much better. No problem on my side.
Why do the Legends talk so sparsely? And why can’t other people hear my legends, if I use them? The legends do only talk, if (a) I switch to them, (b) use the healing skill, and (c) use the elite skill. The voice overs are quite good, so why not hear them more often like Elementalists yelling their Attunements or Mesmers charging their Mantras?
I beg you, change the rate for the voice overs to be played and make them hearable for other players.
What happend to the Lunatic Inquisition activity? Why isn’t it part of the Halloween events anymore?
Wintersday on the other hand still got its Bell Choir Ensemble, Snowball Mayhem, and Toypocalypse.
Please, make Earth more useful for staff users.
Make Shock Wave ground targeted. This way it cannot only be used in a more effective way for groups, but can also be cast behind the Elementalist (like Vine Surge).
Reduce the delay of Eruption to 1 or 1.5 seconds. This way, it will finally be a reliable source of a blast finisher for staff Elemantalists.
The hungry cat is missing from the updated PvP lobby.
Hey there,
With the launch of Halloween, ArenaNet team members are planning to invade Lion’s Arch to have a mini-celebration with you!
When: Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Time: 2:00 to 3:00 PM Pacific time (-7 GMT)
You guys are rather confident, that the game will work at this hour. Since it’s a big patch, it will break some important aspects of the game again. Maybe you should delay your event for about a week, so all the important hotfixes can be applied properly. ;-)
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Necromancer in the charr personal story dual wields Infinite Light …
You mean Soure Doomsday? He’s actually a Mesmer although everyone refers to him as a Necromancer.