Showing Posts For Ambrecombe.4398:

PVE turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


so after spending a few days trying out turrets in dungeons as 30-10-0-030 grenade engie i found it can be good and bad.

for example, i have ground target turrets so alot of fights i can pop them on ledges above a boss and they last the entire fight.

but in other fights i can deploy a turret 10-20 seconds after a fight starts to avoid “agro” and they would be killed seconds later by a ground target aoe e.g subject alphas dragon tooth (this is just 1 example of many bosses that do this)
and lvl 48 fractals is not a turret friendly place either

It realy depends on the fight, turrets shine when they are isolated from their targets and when the engineer has enough toughness to grab agro away from them. They are only bad when it comes to rooms filled with random AoEs, targeted ones are still manadgeable.

so a few ideas for DUNGEONS only as i do like the idea of turrets but in there current form where most encounters in dungeons are aoe heavy.

dungeons would include the following

as not any one of these involve any pvp at all or have any link to pvp and would only affect turrets when inside a dungeon there is no need to comment on it being OP.

Seperated it in different subsection for PvE is already a bad idea, A-net is already going to seperate it from PvP by adding more Hp for PvE players. It doesn’t need another category.

Banners can not be destroyed because they are bundle, you can pick them up as a weapon in any fights and relocate them where you need them to be. They also have 0 offensive abilities and their sole purpose is to buff the party and use their Blast Finisher for extra combo effects.

imagine if warrior banners took dmg from aoe / boss attacks how long would it take before anet gave them aoe immunity ?

Remember what happend to the guardian spirit weapons? You got A-net answer.

1. turrets cause no threat …

2. turrets cause no threat …

3. turrets cause no threat …

1) Ennemies should consider turret as a threat, they shoot bullets, rockets, flames, shock waves, nets and heals the Engineer allies around them, why would a foe ignore that?

2) They only blow themself up on reflects because you didn’t take the defensive tools to counter that problem. The Wrench and Autotool-Instalation trait take care of that issue. You want them to survive reflect skills, well take tools at your disposal to repair them or use a Flame or Thumper turret that doesn’t suffer from reflect skills.

3) Turrets are already ignoring some of the AoEs wich targets every players in range because they are considered as structures and not NPCs, they are only vulnerable to these effects when players are near of them or when they take aggro from that specific encounter. And it isn’t that bad either, do you prefere to see the OS abilities from a Legendary shoot one of your allies down or loose a turret instead?

this would also make turrets viable for any build in DUNGEONS allowing them to be used with out any worry from being killed 5 seconds after deploying them even if using the ground target turret trait.

It would also make almost every Invention traitlines related to turrets pointless and make turret gameplay brainless. If they get destroyed 5sec later after you deployed one, you either lack toughness or put them on the wrong spot.

this would not work in open world PVE WVW or SPVP / TPVP. so cant be used for “botting” or unkillable turrets in any form of pvp.
so no need for any kind of “BUT ITS OP IN PVP”rubbish.

Offensive turrets with defensive traits could already kill ennemies without the help of the Engineer and can sutain long enough to take care of dynamic events. A-net took care of this issue by adding a 5min duration limitation to every turrets. So even with or without invulnerability a player would still requiere to replace them every 5 minuts (+Turret cooldown), making AFK bot impossible unless you use a third party mod.

and the turrets could use the new target system

You should realy read the forum more before posting random stuff like that, Turrets are going to target the last ennemy hit by the Engineer on october 15, so we will even be able to shoot at dragons with our turrets now.


as would many other engineers in dungeons.

Well you made the choice to make them more fragile, so don’t ask for a Jail Free card that renders other traits pointless. You want your turrets to be effective, OK, trait for them or assume the fact they are weaker than a proper traited turret Engineer.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Explanation for daily karma nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


They nerfed Karma from daily because of this

By decreasing our daily Karma it decrease the potential Obsidian Shards we can spend our karma on every day, slowing down the Ascended crafting process even further and keeping us longer on the game.

[BUG] Turret Bugs (compilation)

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Hey Anymras, I know what cause Net Turret to cease fire, it is somehow related to Rifled Turret Barrels, this is the video showing the bug.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

The Engineer's Guide to Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


If you overcharge when the turret is deployed right before its initial attack your net turret will cease doing any actions for the rest of its lifespan. That’s how it works.

I found the real culprit and I’m right now, check this out

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

The Engineer's Guide to Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


If you overcharge when the turret is deployed right before its initial attack your net turret will cease doing any actions for the rest of its lifespan. That’s how it works.

Well this is a very interesting video, I just have a problem, I did some testing October 1st and it was still not working like it did on your video. So i’m going to do some testing around (again, after work) and I will make my own video. And I shall take use every possible steps to understand why your Net Turret does work and not mine. And don’t tell me nonesensical things like “you are doing something wrong”, or I might not stay as polite as I was before.

“Because it is clearly an unpredictable side effect that wasn’t intended in the first place.”,
is not a good enough reason.

It is more than enough, if you think otherwise you are simply deluded or beeing dishonest. If something doesn’t work, or if nothing about that effect is mentioned in a tooltip or any patch note that same effect is clearly not intended and should be quickfixed. Because a Bug is a Bug, and taking advantage of a Bug is called an exploit even if it is pretty minor Bug.

Your reasoning to fix this exploit is obviously wrong. Now if it the detonate turret exploit allowed you to spam it in one turrets lifetime, then hell, of course it should be fixed. If it caused the knockback on use without the turret being there, then yes, it should be fixed. But no, it does nothing but act as a blast finisher.

But I really don’t get it. Explain to me, other than the reason its an exploit and how its unintended, why it should be fixed. Otherwise, I’m against you both for this.

My reasoning and the one of many people consist to take down every possible bugs including the positive one and negative one. There is no good or evil there, we are asking for a fix and we want our turrets to work exactly like they should in theory, we don’t need extra gimmicks, we want instead something accurate and loyal to its tooltip and everything that was previously said before on official patchnotes.

That’s how it works, and should always work.

The Engineer's Guide to Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


If you overcharge when the turret is deployed right before its initial attack your net turret will cease doing any actions for the rest of its lifespan. That’s how it works.

Well this is a very interesting video, I just have a problem, I did some testing October 1st and it was still not working like it did on your video. So i’m going to do some testing around (again, after work) and I will make my own video. And I shall tak every possible steps to understand why your Net Turret does work and not mine. And don’t tell me nonesensical things like “you are doing something wrong”, or I might not stay as polite as I was before.

“Because it is clearly an unpredictable side effect that wasn’t intended in the first place.”,
is not a good enough reason.

It is more than enough, if you think otherwise you are simply deluded or beeing dishonest. If something doesn’t work, or if nothing about that effect is mentioned in a tooltip or any patch note that same effect is clearly not intended and should be quickfixed. Because a Bug is a Bug, and taking advantage of a Bug is called an exploit even if it is pretty minor Bug.

Your reasoning to fix this exploit is obviously wrong. Now if it the detonate turret exploit allowed you to spam it in one turrets lifetime, then hell, of course it should be fixed. If it caused the knockback on use without the turret being there, then yes, it should be fixed. But no, it does nothing but act as a blast finisher.

But I really don’t get it. Explain to me, other than the reason its an exploit and how its unintended, why it should be fixed. Otherwise, I’m against you both for this.

My reasoning and the one of many people consist to take down every possible bugs including the positive one and negative one. There is no good or evil there, we are asking for a fix and we want our turrets to work exactly like they should in theory, we don’t need extra gimmicks, we want instead something accurate and loyal to its tooltip and everything that was previously said before on official patchnotes.

That’s how it works, and should always work.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Hey Devs, Detonate Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


After writing my guide someone mentioned that this was an exploit. I say it shouldn’t be, and should stay as a feature of turrets. No one has complained about it for a full year, and this was in here since the beginning.

When you throw a turret, you gain the detonate toolbelt skill, which can be used as an extra blast finisher without destroying your turret, but only during the time it is thrown and when it lands. You can only do it once per turret, except healing turret. You will get the detonate skill again when the turret lands.

By leaving it in the game, you do the following:

-Keeping turrets viable.
-Don’t have to do anything. It’s already in the game.
-Keep turret engineers happy.
-Keep an interesting and hard to use mechanic that comes with using turrets, which would otherwise be considered a lazy skill.

By taking it out, you have to:

-Fix it, in which along with many other things, would take forever to do and time could be better spent somewhere else.
-Pretty much the opposite of the above list.

Hezzerz – Isle of Janthir [XIII]


When you speak of the wolf… Understand me Wexxes, I easely chase after people when I think the things they wrote were incorrect.

You will rarely see me give a good note about something unless it is realy well done and I agreed on everything that was said. I do this because people are usualy very naive and when a guides gets centered around emotions and limited to its own experience it usualy result in a general disinformation, wich is a concept I hate with passion. I also do this because critisism between people tend to make conversation more interesting by un/intentionaly showing the core elements of a specific issue and allowing to recycling previous ideas later into one big and clean pool of information. In other words, this is how you give constructive feedback.

Your post was guided by emotion and didn’t explained anything about what an Engineer is made of. You did show us some research was made on your side about the skills and granted you did gave us a lot of informations about those. But again, you didn’t went to the essential, there was no real reflexion on the topic. For isntance : How do you play your Engineer in those following situations? Are there multiple ways to play that kind of build? Why shouldn’t I pick a particular trait in this specific build? Are there other builds taking advantage of that particular trait you cited before? In wich case how? (and not a simple “It’s garbage because I don’t like it…”)

I understand it took you time to make that post, and it can be frustrating like hell when a guy like me comes in and somehow ruins it for you. But know that no emotions were involved during that time (I am not emotionless, I do flame sometime) and I respect you for trying to give your contribution to this forum.

With great regards,


(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

I won't miss F/U

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


A bit out of topic, but sinds a lot of people do not enjoy Turret Engineer, including myself, because of the many bugs that came over the year should I fear to see my whole ability bar beeing deleted in a near future?

TA F/U path is being removed

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Everyone on the team is really proud of how the new path has come together, so I’m hoping you give it a try on Tuesday and let us know what you think.

At the same time, there is probably none of the senior dev team left to disaprove that change, so it wasn’t difficult I guess to remove the hard work made by the others… You people should be ashamed for this, it is probably the most insulting thing I have ever seen in my entire video game experience… And I played a lot of MMOs!

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

The Engineer's Guide to Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


1st one: Look under Detonate Turret, it’s already there.

Sorry didn’t understood clearly what you were saying, my bad.

2nd: The first part of it doesn’t work for me if I don’t use it as soon as the turret is placed…

Well my Flame Turret is attacking during the smoke screen, it looses a single attack from its cycle because it uses the smokescreen instead but 2sec later it is still attacking.

3rd: Accelerant-Packed Turrets are recommended because they give your turrets much more functionality…

It has nothing to do with the fact you have to wait 10sec or not. But again taking this trait is counter productive in some way, i’m not saying it is useless, because you have to put your turrets in dangerous places first to have its potential effect. You can’t put turrets next to an ennemy and safespots together, if you put your turret far away to let it survive a battle you will have better use of Autotool Installation and builds relying on Toughness while if you use them as bumps there is neither a reason to pick Metal Plating or Autotool Installation sinds it is going to die anyways and you are better to run, in this case, with anything but toughness.

We are talking about two specific gamestyles that are counter productive for each other.

4th: I still don’t like it. My turrets shouldn’t take that much damage and sometimes I’d like my toolbelt skills to use in a final burst of insane damage. As for running around with toolkit, there are ways around that.

Please, do not mix Practice and Feelings, both traits have their fonctionality in different scenarios, the fact you like it or not is out of place.

If your build is centered around power and you use the turrets and toolbelt skill as a compliment to your Burst and Control output, well yeah you are better not to take Autotool Installation sinds it won’t work out for your build.

If you center your build around keeping your turrets alive and making them stronger with condition damage, to compliment your DPS, and use them strategicaly for combo fields instead, you are certainly better to keep Autotool Installation and give up Accelerated Packed Turrets. Because a dead turret is a lost blast finisher.

5th: That happens when I overcharge too early during deployment. I usually use it right as the turret lands, and never really had a problem.

If you overcharge to early before your turret is even droped, your overcharge goes on cooldown and you turret will shoot a simple net. If you overcharge when the turret is deployed right before its initial attack your net turret will cease doing any actions for the rest of its lifespan. That’s how it works.

6th: Rifle Turret Firerate is not an exploit. It clearly says Rate of Fire increase: 50%. Duration is 10s. There’s a lot of things the tool tips don’t say. So if you want to get all technical, it can’t be considered an exploit if its doing what it says. And by the way, if you don’t use it as I ‘recommoneded’, you will lose the attack speed bonus altogether, forever, until the turret is redeployed, so I’d rather have it working as intended, yea?

And that same tooltip says the duration of the overcharge is 10sec. So you should never be able to keep an increased firing rate longer than the initial value in the tooltip, if you think otherwise you are wrong. The fact it doesn’t work after its initial shot shows how bad turrets are in their current state and we can only blame A-net and hope they give us a fix.

As for the extra detonate finishers I’d say that should be the benefit of turret engineer and reward for skillful play. It’s not easy keeping track of turret land times and timing things in the middle of a fight…

While it isn’t the easiest bug to replicate, a bug stays a bug no matter what you think and anyone taking advantage of it to get extra benefits for themselve are indeed exploiting a mechanic of the game. Is it overpowered? No! Is it a bug and should be fixed by the devs? Yes! Because it is clearly an unpredictable side effect that wasn’t intended in the first place.

The Engineer's Guide to Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


So what exactly do they offer that Mesmer Clones and Illusions dont offer? They do less damage, they dont move, they have MUCH longer cool downs. The only bonus they have is that they are killed quite easily by AoE but you can get around that quite easily

Mesmer clones don’t repeatedly immobilize targets every few seconds, they don’t burn targets every few seconds, they can’t create smoke fields and they can’t be used as combo finishers.

Also the highest burst damage I’ve seen for the Engi has come from the use of turrets.

Just to compliment your words, but Turrets are also immune to condition damage.

The Engineer's Guide to Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398



A couple of things :
- You should mention Turret Blast Finishers are centered around the Engineer and not the turrets themselve.

- Rocket Turret does AoE damage with its basic attack (up to 5 targets), the radius is good. The overcharge on the other hand only affects a single target (but has smaller explosion radius).

- Flame turret does attack during the smoke screen, but only 2sec (+ rotation time) after the initial smoke pulse. And can be self detonated when you stand in the Smoke Screen for team stealth (stacks in duration if you blow other turrets).

- Accelerant Packed Turrets are only recommended if you play an offensive Engineer. Any Engineer investing in Toughness doesn’t need that trait because doing so will allow him take aggro away from the turrets making it more intersting to leave them into relative safespots.

- Autotool Installation is the only real sustain tool for our turrets, the Wrench is better at healing turrets but is counter productive sinds it force your ennemies close to your turrets leaving them vulnerable to cleave.

- It is not recommended to overcharge Net Turret at its initial attack because right now there is a bug causing it to cease fire whenever your turret initial attack is overcharged.

- Recommending to use bugs like Rifle Turret firerate on initial attack and quick detonation finishers should never be shown in any guide, it’s called an exploit and it’s against the chart of the forum to share those openly between players on these same forums.

Thats about all.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Rejoice! Staff PvE is viable!!!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I missed an ‘m’, chill out man.
Literally any other trait would be better than Lava Tomb, if you plan on being downed a lot maybe you should take +downed damage nourishment.

And yeah I sacrifice a bit of my potential DPS when i’m up, but see it more like an insurance, Lava Tomb deals very good damage over a long period and makes you dangerous even when you get downed, not to mention, it can even be reactivated with Vapour Form should your allies be unable/unwilling to get you back on your feet. While yes a lot of people don’t like downed traits overall, this one has saved me a couple of times when I did mistakes and has earned his rightfull place in my build, its just my oppinion about it beeing a viable trait.

I must be missing something, I already said Eruption to blast your own Fire Field, you’ve got Arcane Wave and you said you have Elemental Surging so there’s no Evasive Arcana blast finisher, where’s the 3rd blast finisher coming from? Also trying to make heads or tails of people’s obscure builds is harder than it looks.

Don’t search for a third blast finisher I only have 2, but with the following rotation Flame Burst -> Lava Font -> Eruption + Arcane Blast -> Auto-attack -> Eruption -> Lava Font -> Flame Burst -> Auto-attack I can build my might with optimal frequency. When I play solo I usualy get between 21-24 stacks of might over a 20sec period of time while my team stays between 9-12 stacks of might, not perfect, but not negligeable either.

This thread is completely about min/maxing, considering the opening post is the best possible damage build you can have with a staff.

It shows a build taking advantage of most dmg traits and it speaks about its viability in PvE, so I am very sorry if I find the topic and some of the answers misleading…

And finally my build can consistently stack 12 party-wide might in just over a second, 15 with some fancy footwork, with all the accompanying Fury from Persistent Flames.

Off topic again, yes I could generate a lot more stacks of might and fury for my team if I went with a Scepter and a Dagger offhand but you would give up a lot of DPS doing that. Scepter DPS is far from the best option and isn’t very suited for Power damage builds either unless you like to camp in Air attunement and Burst damage abilities like Dragon Tooth and Phoenix, so this argument takes no places in this discussion sinds we were speaking about staves.

Don’t start a stationery war with me I can assure my pencil case is bigger

Unless I break your Pencils one by one… Yes, I can, because I’m evil!

(edited by Moderator)

Rejoice! Staff PvE is viable!!!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


30 in Arcana? What is this PvP? I bet you camp range so your boons hit no one.

Sinds when does Arcana automaticaly means PvP builds only? I took Arcana because most of my skills are Arcane utilities and I use them with Elemental Surge to add a layer of versatility to my utilities. I also wanted to bring more than just Dps to my gameplay, so I went for a hybrid glasscanon Dps/buff/debuffer kind of build with my Elementalist.

A big reason also why I chose Arcana is because it increases the duration of boons and reduce the cooldown from attunements down to 9sec wich is perfect when you cycle between Fire and Earth attunements (and when you equip a Sigil of Battle). Not to mention, traits between those 2 traitlines synergise very well. I took for instance, Lava Tomb wich is an incredible trait when you play with Blasting Staff and Persisting Flames. Elemental Surge is pretty powerfull with the extra 30% condition duration. And the the 30% boon duration is even more beneficial for your team when you blast your firefields around with Persisting Flames.

To respond to your speculations, I can ensure you I don’t need the maximum range on my staff, I just stay close to my team, blast ennemies around while buffing my allies and debuffing my ennemies. The only downside of this build is its overall squishiness (only 14,5K health with Bers/Valk mix) wich is compensated by easy recoveries (with Lava Tomb. The healing capabilities are very limited too making it hard to survive prolongiated ranged pressure when Magnetic Aura is under cooldown.

But overall, my build allows me to do a lot of things better when you compare it to most of the other professions playing similar roles.

Rejoice! Staff PvE is viable!!!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


What rotations? Both LH and staff builds require you to camp in the same attunement all day.

If your doing that you actualy loose a good chunk of your Dps, I play a 30/10/0/0/30 and I find my self switching a lot between Fire and Earth attunements. With Persistent Flames you can switch from Fire to Earth and blast your Lava Font and you won’t loose any Dps because you burn your target with each of your projectiles and you have extra burst wich compensate for the lower damage output from your auto attack. Your Lava Font or Meteor Showers are still capable to deal damage when you switch attunements and with a Sigil of Battle and Explosion Finishers you can get a lot of extra stacks of might and fury whenever you switch attunement or use a combo with a fire field, building your DPS over time.

Staff has a lot of synergy between each attunements and can deal outstanding damage against groups of ennemies and large creatures. So camping attunement isn’t an option when you play staff.

Staff Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Fire #2 was more like necros mark where the first tick is instant, perhaps hits harder than the rest.

While I think the idea of revamping Lava Font isn’t a bad idea, I was wondering how you would balance the change with the trait “Lava Tomb”. The Lava Font from this trait is a very powerfull survival tool, it deals 33% extra damage when you are downed and last twice as long compared to the staff version and it can also be upgraded to last longer with “Persisting Flames” or get a larger radius with “Blasting Staff”.

So if you increase the initial damage pulse and only leave a short firefield, how does it affect Lava Tomb overall?

Arcane Spell Revamp:

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Daecollo, why don’t you start a kickstarter project and make your own games, with your own balance and ideas? I’m sure you will get “a lot” of support…

No but seriously, those treads you are always starting are realy getting ridiculous and out of hands. None of your ideas are even fonctional, mostly because they are outright stupid or disbalanced, so do you realy expect an elementalist to cast 8,25sec of his time to get a short Uberburst? How is this even interesting in any practical sense?

Let me take a exemple : Do you see a lot of Mesmer playing with mantras right now? The answer is no, you don’t because the cast time is horrible and you are very susceptible during the recovering time and they also offer very little utility compared to the rest of the Mesmer tricks. You are asking to change Arcane skills into Mantras, wich almost nobody uses!

Arcane skills are different, they have very limited utility and are a bit underpowered unless you go deep into the arcane traitline, wich turns them into very versatile powers that can both be used offensively or defensively, unless you take evasive arcana, wich almost everybody does…

While arcane skills may use some help especialy on some of their cooldowns (arcane blast and shield more in particularity) they do not need a complete redesign. They are fine by design but just need a couple of tweeks right and left before they are balanced between each others and the other professions.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

GW2 AI is worst than GW1 AI.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Well the AI is kinda strange in the game, when you compare for instance Bandits with your regular NPCs, the ranged bandits are going to run away from you when they use ranged weaponery and sometimes they even dodge your slower projectiles.

Its like multiple people worked on the AI from scraps and didn’t bother sharing their finalised version of it.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Wait there, you bought two celestial rings, the kind of item that gives you every stat possible, JUST because of the magic find?

lol, LOL. Man, I have bad news, but you are either naive or an idiot, no offense

The magic find update was a correction of a broken system (or an attempt). Getting MF was a huge waste of stats, effort and time

Yes and you know WHY ?
Those asc. rings at that time were ONLY among asc. rings WITH MF
Do you get that now ?

But again, Exotic magic find items were still giving more Magic Find compared to ascended Celestial ascessories. I’m gonna tell you what realy happend, you chose to sacrifice some magic find for extra stats instead. You know why? Because you didn’t cared about the minor magic find penalty in the first place! If you would have tried to optimised Magic Find on your set you would never have replaced it with anything inferior to its previous Magic Find value. So i’m sorry to tell you, but this is te most plausible evidence that shows us you favored Celestial for stats and not the MF, if it was not the case you would never have buyed those ascended rings.

Also, sinds Celestial gear didn’t loose any of its major attributes, unlike other sets wich lost a major attribute, and sinds you could recover it with a free 20% magic find account wide gift you don’t deserve any compensation because you didn’t got penalized at all for using Celestial gear. You still got more Magic find, you got compensated for any real magic find sets and you can still play the game at a regular rate and earn some extra Magic Find with recycled items. And this while keeping all your combat attributes and your Magic find attribute shared on every single character on your account.

If you don’t see the good side of it, you should realy think harder!

Powerful Shouts! (PwrfulBnr Replacement.)

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


You could always make it a Grandmaster trait and instead of dazing your target, make shouts deal damage and be consider like blast finishers, that would actualy make shouts a lot more versatile when playing with a group.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Can you please just go back to your other class forums and leave Warriors alone?

Not that I support OPs idea, but slighty ironic coming from yourself!

Upcoming bodyshot change.

in Thief

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


The big issue with p/p right now is the lack of mobility. The devs could always remove the vulnerability from it, make it a Leap Finisher : you would jump backward while you shoot and immobilize your foe for 1sec, giving a synergy with Black Powder and allowing a better stealth play with the pistols.

Suggestion: Make Turrets Viable

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I have a better idea to make those more mobile while keeping their stationary attribute, lets just see how turrets can be improved :

1) Fix the bugs related to turrets (check?).
2) Fix the targeting issues (check).
3) Remove pickup fonction “f” and improve Turrets self-destruct toolbelt ability, reducing the specific turret cooldown by a duration equal to the time it remained deployed.
4) Make overcharges instant abilities.
5) Give Metal Plating 33% damage reduction to all turrets (check) and allow each turret to become invulnerable for 3-5sec whenever those get strucked by an AoE (20-25sec CD).
6) Merge Power Wrench with Autotool Installation, increase its base regeneration to 4% max health every 3sec and double that amount when the Engineer wears his Wrench.
7) Make turrets scale with every stats to allow more build variety.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Turret Brainstorming

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Ambre: With Drawback #4, he’s suggesting…hm. Lessee. I’ll try to explain by example: Let’s say you’re using a Rifle Turret. If it gets destroyed, regular 20-second cooldown, but if you use Pick Up, it would change the cooldown according to how much health it had – from 10 seconds with 100% to 29 seconds with <5%.
I imagine there’s some ironing-out that would need to occur, given that, in the example I just gave, the Rifle Turret would be better detonated than retrieved after 55% of its HP was lost.

Oh, ok I understand now! But I prefere my own idea! XD

Turret Brainstorming

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Drawback #1: They do not scale with player stats other than condition damage in any way, shape, or form.
Turrets should vary with all player stats, not just condition damage. However, this raises some issues. For example, Net Turret has frequent and reliable access to a 2 second stun, while rocket turret has frequent and reliable access to a knockdown. In their current state, they can be used alongside other abilities to lock down a single target. This is balanced out by their relative fragility. If these two turrets inherited player stats, then an engineer wearing PVT would be a force to be reckoned with.

Well you could try to technicaly make all turrets scale with every single stats you are using, take for instance how Phantasm works for the mesmer. You can either choose to make them take some blows before they die with high Vitality or Toughness or make them pure glasscanons with High condition damage or Power/crit build. Only issue comes from the fact Turrets are Structures and not NPCs, and I believe they only share the basic Health/Armor and nothing else. You would say but they share condi and healing power. Yes and no, those are based on condition wich your turret apply but wich you are the source from. Wich is why I think they can scale from those stats.

Drawback #2: They are entirely immobile.
Some people have suggested that they become mobile, and act like a necromancer’s minions. I dislike this idea, as I feel it detracts from the “feel” of the turrets.
My Idea:
Make a trait to replace all “Detonate Turret” toolbelt skills with “Relocate Turret” skills. Many people have suggested merging the reduced damage taken trait with the regenerate health trait; if that happened, then this trait could fill the new slot. Alternately, this could be a secondary effect of the deployable turrets trait in tools.

I think removing all our combo explosion isn’t a solution, they should reward us instead for keeping our turrets alive and blowing them up after an extended period of time. Just remove the “F” fonction and reduce the cooldown of your turrets by 100% of the time they remained deployed when you use Self-Destruct. This way you reward people for keeping their turrets alive and you finaly make Healing Turret more than just a healing grenade. And you also punish people for bad turret manadgement wich give an inscitive to learn to play more effectively.

Drawback #3: They are extremely easily destroyed.
A number of people have suggested merging the reduced damage taken trait with the regenerate health trait. I support this fully. In addition, I think that turrets could use some flat buffs to their survival stats. I do not feel that this suggestion requires significant explanation.

I wouldn’t say easely destroyed, it will always take some time to get them down unless you fight champions, but again a hit taken by one of your turrets is a hit my allies won’t have to take. The real trouble are AoEs and cleaves (and the hitbox doesn’t help either), I feel turrets should at least have some more pro-active defenses against AoEs when you trait for them.

I had an idea to help Turrets against AoEs, by giving metal plating an pro-active ability that makes your turret pre-invulnerable for a short amount of time (3-5sec) whenever those get strucked by an AoE (with a 20-25sec CD, for each single turrets). With the buff beeing pre-active it could be used as a safe shield against direct damage AoE and give you time to self destruct them against lingering AoE effects, allowing you with my idea above to recover a good chunk of your cooldowns and deploy them shortly after in combat.

I also feel Autotool Installation could use a tweak, but instead of merging it with Metal plating I would merge it with Powerwrench (keep it in invention), increase its base effect to 4% health every 3sec, and increase that amount by 50%-100% when your Wrench is equiped. Making you a repair specialist and giving a real synergy between Turrets + Wrench and not a clunky design that force you to go melee with your turrets whenever you watch your ennemies cleaving them down while you desperatly try to keep them alive. The current wrench is just counter productive…

Drawback #4: They have significant cooldowns.
This is most painful when seen in conjunction with drawback #2. I feel that the changes in #2 would help somewhat, but there are other changes I feel would be useful.
My Idea:
Give all turrets their current CD when destroyed, but give them all a CD of 10s + 1s per 5% of missing health. That way, a near-death turret would have roughly a 30s CD, which seems reasonable to me, while an engineer that creates a turret nest in a dungeon can keep up with the party.

I don’t understand this part of your sugestion, what are you trying to explain?

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Turret Brainstorming

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Drawback #5 they are as stupid as all of the other AI pets in the game and often either miss their intended target entirely or aggro anything nearby.

The upcoming balance patch will allegedly have them targeting the user’s target, which should be handy. Some of them will still miss often if they don’t improve projectile speeds (particularly Rocket and Net), but they’ll at least be more controlled.

I have a bad feeling they will completely remove the auto attack to closest target and almost certain our turrets won’t do anything anymore if you leave them out of your reach or if your target is simply out of range.

I realy hope I’m wrong on that one!

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

[Idea] Sword Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


While those ideas sounds funky (and also disbalanced), I was just wondering why you didn’t choose a staff instead of a sword?

Make kick an F2 burst move

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I always ran kick on my Sword&Shield build using distracting strike, even before they created the runes of Perplexity, and it always worked fine.

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


An automated Mortar turret would be pretty cool – maybe have the autoattack be the #1 skill, and the Overcharge would be the concussion barrage, with a bunch of Blast Finishers (it is an Elite’s Overcharge, after all).

Not sure how to handle its targeting, though – that’s one I’d especially want functioning effectively, preferably either with the attacks centered on me or my target.

That said, I also like this Teleporter Turret idea.

There is actualy an automated version of our Mortar in Firehearth Rise, as an inventory bundle, near Breakthoot waypoint when you finish the mortar event near Noxious Castrum.

If you make a copy out of the bundle, add a Meteor Shower like overcharge ability (with area selection), keeps its range at 1400 (+100 with GM trait), reduce its cooldown a bit, increase its duration to 5 min. It might become usefull for Major boss fights and WvW.

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Lets face it, we all started an Engineer in some part because we loved the idea of TURRETS! (ok maybe not “all” of you but most)

However our dreams were quickly crushed when we found out how terabad turrets were. So we flood the forums and talk about buffing the HP of turrets giving them more damage and overall crazy OP stuff like that.

And you seem to have missed the most important part of the discussion too, the biggest issue with turrets right now comes from the fact they are not fonctional :
- Crappy AI
- Huge Hitbox
- Broken Overcharges
- etc

While yes some people may have spoken about crazy ideas like :
- 75% to 100% AoE immunity
- Mobile Turrets (I don’t get it why people want such a crappy perk…)
- More Health
- More Damage

If you fix the issue above there would be a lot less complain about Turrets and people wouldn’t ask for ridiculous statistical upgrades that wouldn’t change anything to my previous statement. Turrets would still be broken.

The thing about turrets is that they are already really strong, think about it turrets are a 3 in 1 ability you get the turret, the overcharge, and the tool belt. I can see why ANET is hesitant to just give out damage buffs.

Actualy it’s more of a 4 in 1 sinds your toolbelt skill can either be used to explode your turret for a blast finisher or be used as an additional utility skill.

IMO the issue with turrets isn’t damage or HP its mobility! so here is my idea +1 if you like it.

Mobility isn’t the real issue, and in my believe should be a small drawback for having stationary battle stations. Some of your turrets with Rifled Turret Barrels have over 1200 units and you can throw those 900 units away if you have the deployable trait. The real issue is like I mention above the fact they are not fonctional. Sinds I have started to play this game, I only had a single month worth of my time with my Turret Engineer because for every other months I have played this profession there was always something terribly broken.

New Elite Turret

~While deployed the Turret will provide some kind of buff to the other turrets in the area (my idea is a small shield around the turrets that blocks projectiles)
~The Overcharge will teleport the turret and all other turrets in the area to your location
~The Tool Belt will teleport you to the turret

I think we really need a new elite and this fits right in the playstyle of an Engineer without being IMO overpowered

Let me know what you think!

While the initial idea doesn’t come with any balance disregard, I’ll explain you why this sugestion you made is a bit useless.

First off, Turrets greatest nightmare are AoEs, not projectiles, you could use the Teleporting turret to regroup your turrets to a single points when one of them is vulnerable but it would just kill them faster because next time an NPC is going to get close and cleave your turrets or any time an AoE is going to be throwed at your teleporter, every turrets are going to be destroyed while earlier you would just have lost a single turret at a time.

Secondly, Turrets takes no vertical space, so if a projectile targets you, you can’t even get behind a turret and take advantage from its shielding. So it offers no support to your team beside of a quick self teleport wich can be destroyed at any time.

Third, the support crate gets every advantage from every turret traits while your teleporting turrets would only benefit out of the defensive ones. Making the grandmaster trait in the invention traitline useless for our Elite skill. Don’t you see a problem there?

I don’t like to destroy ideas from people, but I neither see any potential in your current idea so I can’t approve on this one.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Battle Frenzy: New Trait Ideas!

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


While there are a lot of useless or bad sugestion mad eby Daecollo, I read his post and those doesn’t seem too bad.

Battle Frenzy actualy sounds balanced at first but it think could be toned down a bit, 125 doesn’t sounds a lot but (30×125)x2 is a lot when you can build adrenaline very fast with the Furious grandmaster trait. On the other hand, it would synergise very well with that same trait and others like Cleansing Ire, Healing Surge, Signet of Precision, Berserker Stance, Adrenal Shouts, etc.

I find the Shield Mastery idea ok, you get 3sec of protection after a shield bash and shield stance wich could definitly give the Warrior some extra sustain with shield without making it OP.

Healing surge is fine, it doesn’t need protection…

Thick Skin can also definitly get help and the 5% damage reduction wouldn’t be OP in any ways.

Finaly, if spiked armor get protection with retaliation, its cooldown should at least be increased by 5-10sec. But I personnaly don’t think that trait is worth to be a Grandmaster trait anyways and should be completely redesigned.

Evasive Burst is a bad and disbalanced idea. Warriors burst skills don’t have the same activation time and neither serve the same purpose. What is the point of evasion with Hammer or Mace? Flurry would become OP compared to Bluried Frenzy, and I already find that skill way too powefull on the Mesmer. Not to mention god mode Killshots…

Revamping Runes of the Krait :

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398



With the removal of magic find and the revamp of some of the older rune sets I was wondering if the Runes of the Krait could also get some love.

I see more and more runes that focus on a very particular aspect of condition gameplay, for instance :
- Perplexity -> Condition, Confusion and Interupts
- Agony ->Condition and Agony
- Noble -> Condition and Might Stacking
- Speed -> Swiftness and passive Speed (25%)
- …

It would be very cool if some of them would be tweaked to focus a bit more on bleeds. Right now the best condition runes focussing on that aspect only gives you a 15% flat bonus duration unless you match them with other runes with the same benefits, but you loose some crucial condition damage under this process.

The Rune of Krait seems for me a perfect match for a rune focussing around condition damage and bleed generation and I realy believe it could use an overhole sinds it has some very weak or situational perks.

My idea is the following one ,

Supérior Rune of the Krait :
1) 28 condition damage
2) 15% bleed duration
3) 55 condition damage
4) 10% chance to apply “Vicious Strike”* on hit (15sec ICD)
5) 100 condition damage
6) 15% bleed duration, 25% speed (underwater)

*Vicious Strike : Hit your target instantly with a vicious strike dealing “[(0.5 x condition damage) + (3 x Level) + 2] + (2% x Bleed Intensity)” and bleed your target (2stacks) for 12sec.

With around 1500 condition damage, at level 80, this extra strike would deal :
750 + 240 + 2 = 992dmg
With 25stacks of bleed it gets an extra 50%, so it would deal instead :
992 + 496 = 1488dmg

What do you people think about that idea?

Do you people have other sugestion to revamp existing runes or creating a new one? Do you think there should be more variety in every category of runes (like precision runes or critical damage runes)? Please feel free to give your oppinion and ideas bellow!

Revamping Rune of the Krait

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398



With the removal of magic find and the revamp of some of the older rune sets I was wondering if the Runes of the Krait could also get some love.

I see more and more runes that focus on a very particular aspect of condition gameplay, for instance :
- Perplexity -> Condition, Confusion and Interupts
- Agony ->Condition and Agony
- Noble -> Condition and Might Stacking
- Speed -> Swiftness and passive Speed (25%)
- …

It would be very cool if some of them would be tweaked to focus a bit more on bleeds. Right now the best condition runes focussing on that aspect only gives you a 15% flat bonus duration unless you match them with other runes with the same benefits, but you loose some crucial condition damage under this process.

The Rune of Krait seems for me a perfect match for a rune focussing around condition damage and bleed generation and I realy believe it could use an overhole sinds it has some very weak or situational perks.

My idea is the following one ,

Supérior Rune of the Krait :
1) 28 condition damage
2) 15% bleed duration
3) 55 condition damage
4) 10% chance to apply “Vicious Strike”* on hit (15sec ICD)
5) 100 condition damage
6) 15% bleed duration, 25% speed (underwater)

*Vicious Strike : Hit your target instantly with a vicious strike dealing “[(0.5 x condition damage) + (3 x Level) + 2] + (2% x Bleed Intensity)” and bleed your target (2stacks) for 12sec.

With around 1500 condition damage, at level 80, this extra strike would deal :
750 + 240 + 2 = 992dmg
With 25stacks of bleed it gets an extra 50%, so it would deal instead :
992 + 496 = 1488dmg

What do you people think about that idea?

Do you people have other sugestion to revamp existing runes or creating a new one? Do you think there should be more variety in every category of runes (like precision runes or critical damage runes)? Please feel free to give your oppinion and ideas bellow!

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I’ll tell you how the engi rifle has better CC against skilled players

  • immobalize > cripple..
    - enemies can’t dodge while immobilized
    - enemies can’t tuen, walk behind them and /laugh cause most of their skills don’t work

PS: if you also want cripple u can take sitting duck and it will equal to using the warriors #2 + #4(almost) at the same time

  • Overcharged
    - launch.. too good
    - Longer range
    - cast time almost instant
    - fast projectile travel time
    - launch down players……….

using net shot at Max range or missing overcharged (not sure how that’s possible) seems to be more of a player skill issue.. js

ps: rifle 5 only outshines overcharged on PvE, other than that; it’s to telegraphed, easy to predict and awkward to use against skilled players, not to mention skilled players will laugh at a warrior for using rifle to begin with

Well, after playing with both Warriors and Engineer a lot. I must say, the leveling part with my Engineer was something I realy liked. I was using a Rifle and mixing it up with my flame turret smokescreen to stealth jump shot away while the ennemy blindly tried to hit my flame turret until I came out of stealth.

But sinds I ran with Turrets mostly I went for a Pistol&Shield build to get greater benefits out of my condi turrets. You can realy get some great burning area of denial with both Flame Turret and Rocket Turret. I used to run with Runes of the Undead, but with Perplexity I found some real good usage to my shield.

On the other hand, Warrior Rifle is very bursty if you play berserker. But if you do so you end up beeing a 2 trick pony and left with a very bad dps when your skills are on CD. I found an alternative build with Rampager Gear that focused on bleeds. My kill shot and volley took a big hit (compensated by the bleeds), but my overall dps with the mix of raw damage, bleeds and confusion gave the versatility and level of pressure my weapon desperatly needed.

But should I choose between the two profession wielding Rifles, I would keep myself to the Engineer one.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Wars gap closers need work

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Wait a minute? I should be punished when I use my Savage Leap to gap away from my target so I can safely switch to my rifle? Should I be penalized for playing differently because you aren’t able to immobilise me or daze me during my leap animation?

I used to be able to cripple, gap away and switch back to my rifle. Now, with the changes that came on sword/mh I give away my cripple, wich is tied to Savage Leap, if I want to gap away and I can’t rely on Hamstring sinds it has a ridiculous short duration cripple. So my only option left is Aimed Shot and after that, unless I get back in melee range I have nothing left to kite you…

Also, if RoL got nerfed it is for the simple reason you could get away unhindered with a single click and be out of range of any attacks. It was basicaly a free cheating death card every 20sec… If you freeze or cripple a greatsword Warrior he looses all his extra mobility, wich wasn’t the case of the elementalist. Exception is the warrior longsword, but it hasonly a 600 leap unaffected by swiftness compared to a 1200 leap wich was affected by swiftness.

What they should have done with RoL is easy, reduce its cooldown and its range to every other 600 units Leaps This way it would have been more balanced and elementalist would have need at least 2 RoL to get out of range from ranged foes. And people wouldn’t have complained and the elementalist would have got an option to gab away while staying in range for their scepter attacks.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Downed State and Vengeance

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Would be nice if vengeance didn’t activate and you still get spiked while standing up…

You’re invuln for 5 seconds after you use Vengeance. L2P?

That has absolutely nothing with somebody’s finish still going off while your character’s standing up animation is happening.

I think there was a small misinterpretation of your quote. Gamers usualy use the word “spiked” when you get killed in very short amount of time. Beeing “stomped” would have been a much more appropriated word.

So please, both Chill!

New turrets ideas??

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


However, one bit of the code is…I honestly have no idea how it’s supposed to work – Priority 4, see, reads (translating all signs into plainspeak for those lacking a passing familiarity with coding and changing Turret Critter to Turret Target for consistency):
“Closest Critter is not Closest Critter if Critter is not Turret Target or Closest Critter.”
What’s this do?

I was kind in a rush when I made my post, but the idea was more like this
“If Closest Critter and Engineer Critter are false -> Ignore Critter”

The point about this was to make sure your turrets wouldn’t shoot at anything obstructed while it had nothing else on its priority list. But i’m going to edit that part of the post because now that I read this, it makes no sense. XD

But it still miss something, like an option to only shoot placable (like Gates, Crates, Structures, …) when the Engineer is currently shooting it and while it is in line of sight and in range of the Turret.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

New turrets ideas??

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


This is my Turret sugestion list I made a whileback,

Edit : Lasersighting was just an idea I made before I actualy took a look at the turrets AI and made a sugestion about how to improve their AI.

Turrets focus fire your targets, not closest target.

If you do that turrets won’t be able to defend points or even support you whenever they are out of range or not in line of sight.

Priority (edit) :
1) Ignore Critter if
Turret Target =/= Turret Critter or Closest Critter
2) Ignore Placable if
Turret Target = Closest Critter
3) Turret Target =/= Engineer Critter if
Critter = out of range and not in line of sight
source : player %t
if condition 3 is true
Ignore condition 4
4) Turret Target = Engineer Critter if
Critter = in range and in line of sight
source : player %t
5) Turret Target = Closest Critter if
Critter = in range and in line of sight
source : Self (the turret)

Make the AI script look like this (approximatively) and you fix every issues related with turrets not shooting structures or shooting at wall of brick because the current one only shoots at the closest target.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Downed State and Vengeance

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


-Sweet Vengeance increases the duration from 10s to 15s, and gives the Warrior 4s of stability when vengeance is activated.

This makes no sense, you already are invulnerable for 5sec when you use Vengeance, so why would you add stability for 4sec if the invulnerability is alreay going to protect you against any controling abilities???

My thoughts on Runes of Perplexity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I personnaly think the no internal cooldown should stay, I used distracting strike in my sPvP build after they upgraded it and I never had any complaints about my Warrior stacking multiple stacks of confusion with distracting strike, people were actualy claiming that trait was weak…

Now we get the complete opposite reaction while it does exactly the same thing, but a bit better. In my oppinion, the only thing that needs a change is the duration of that confusion and its intensity. It is basicaly an improved distracting strike. To my oppinion it should be similar or a bit weaker compared to the warrior trait. 3-4 stacks of confusion during 8sec would already be more balanced.

Warband support, worth takin?

in Charr

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Are you sure that’s the case? I started playing well after the game release, and I definitely had Ash Legion warbandmates that did the standard “Ash Legion blind” attack.

Now if only I could summon my sparring partner from my personal story… :/

Pretty sure of it, I have 5 Charrs, 2 in the Blood Legion, 2 in the Iron Legion and 1 in the Ash Legion and every time I use this skill I get exactly the same 2 generic NPCs, with the same skill sets, no matter wich legion I chose.

But I do remember back in beta, Warband Support was summoning some of the generic NPCs found around Ascalon. For instance Iron Legion had the current Sharpshooter with the mine and an Iron Legion Grenadeer with a Net Turret while on the other hand the Ash Legion would use an Assassin with blinds, a lifedrain and hearthseeker (don’t remember the second NPC).

Warband support, worth takin?

in Charr

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


It’s not a bad skill per-se, but more situational than anything else. The actual summons themselves are not hard hitters, so don’t expect to pop them and begin wasting things, bit they are decent distractions and depending on your legion affiliation, can offer different things.

This used to be true back in beta where you’re legion would determine what NPC you would have. But sinds the release, every legions offers exactly the same 2 generic NPCs but with just a different skin.

You have a melee NPC wich grants 3 stacks of might for 10sec and can throw a sword to cripple its target. And you have a Ranged NPC wich shoots your foes, has also a weaker version of Brutal Shot and lays a mine wich hardknocks everything around it for 4sec.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

A-net dissapointed in lack of Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Well, I kinda like the Charrs.

My first character was one, and when I tried to make another race, I just couldn’t run past the story with them.
- Humans = Boring
- Norns = Boring
- Sylvaries = While the story and design is very interesting, I just couldn’t play a naive leaf man connected to a dream world with only a single purpose in its life…
- Asuras = Again very interesting story and design, but couldn’t play with them because they sounded like little egocentric children fighting over an over for no good reason…

So I made 4 other characters, all Charrs. Right now i’m building my fifth character, a female Charr elementalist and I love her voice acting (at least the french version ), her ferocity and just the fact I can have a family relation with the flame legion allowing me to throw fire and scortch earth into hellfire! Mouhahaha!

Axe should Bleed and Torment.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


What about we completely get rid of the useless skills on Sword/mh and turn it back to a true Condi/Hybrid like it used to be (offhand is fine by the way)?

1st change :
Put Sword/mh back to the way it used to be…
a) 1. Gash -> Deep Wound -> Final Thrust
b) 3. Hamstring : 7se Cripple (15sec CD)

2nd change :
Keep the extra flavour on Final Thrust but instead of dealing more damage when target is below 50% health it deals instead 1 stack of Torment during 8sec.

3rd change :
Remove Cripple from Savage Leap and add an evade instead to give it more utility.

4th change :
Add 2 stacks of torments during 8sec on Hamstring so it can be either used to chase someone or kite him to death when you switch to ranged weaponery.

Make these change and you basicaly fix Sword/mh and make it an exclusive weapon for Condition&Hybrid builds, there are already enough power weapons available for Warriors, we don’t need another one.

NB : Daecello, your axe ideas are a big no for me.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Rune of Perplexity on Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Here my montage that I posted 2 weeks ago. I hope that this video was what you are looking for. Enjoy it.

Finaly someone using a Sword&Shield combo instead of a blunt weapon! I was tired to see all those people building confusion warriors around Mace or Hammer…

But i’m surprised you took bullcharge and stomp, wouldn’t you be better by replacing Dolyak Signet with Balanced Stance and Stomp with Kick instead for your build? Sinds those have pretty long animations and make it hard to interupt any good players? Also you are a primary condition build, isn’t that retaliation you deal a bit weak and situational?

Using sword/shield for an interrupt build is pointless only one stun and that is with shield 4 makes more sense to run mace hammer simply because you have a higher chance for interrupts

I have to disagree with you.

Getting higher chance of interupts with Mace or Hammer? I don’t think so. You can root your target in place with Flurry and have garenteed interupts while your target is rooted in place. So you don’t need more interupts sinds you will most likely hit your target while he is unable to dodge. Not to mention you can still get Kick, wich got a relatively short cooldown and fast animation, while even take a Rifle if you run a Rampager build to get an extra interupt every 15sec (or 12sec if traited). It gives you an extra edge on a condition build and if you couple it with some physical utilities it becomes even more dangerous.

While if you choose a Mace or a Hammer build, you will make your confusion damage terrible, even with 25stack. Not to mention, both Hammer and Mace have usualy long duration stuns making your confusion uptime less effective. Finaly, Hammer and Mace are both power weapons, so you will have to choose between ridiculous damage coming out of confusion or sacrifice raw damage to get greater number out of your only damaging condition, wich is counter intuitive (like Daecello told us above). So yes, Sword&Shield gets a lot less interupts, but it still gets the best out of distracting strike.

With my Rampager 20/30/0/0/20, even glassy, I can still easely get 3 interupts and take down most of the players in Spvp (without the runes), and if you master interupts, you don’t need more. Not to mention if you can get a Flurry with a Fear Me in between, your target is most likely going to try to heal, making him vulnerable to your next shield bash, or kick. Leaving him low on health, with tons of bleedings and confusion to prevent him from fighting back.

Rune of Perplexity on Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Here my montage that I posted 2 weeks ago. I hope that this video was what you are looking for. Enjoy it.

Finaly someone using a Sword&Shield combo instead of a blunt weapon! I was tired to see all those people building confusion warriors around Mace or Hammer…

But i’m surprised you took bullcharge and stomp, wouldn’t you be better by replacing Dolyak Signet with Balanced Stance and Stomp with Kick instead for your build? Sinds those have pretty long animations and make it hard to interupt any good players? Also you are a primary condition build, isn’t that retaliation you deal a bit weak and situational?

Rune of Perplexity on Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Is Insanely Funny
because your interrupts last more then a second, so the trait and rune are both counterproductive.

As a Warrior I have always used a Rampager condition build (20/30/0/0/20 beeing my latest one), and with Sword&Shield + Rifle. It always worked fine for me, even without perplexity runes, I was able to dish out 3 short interupts. Because you know, your interupt skills aren’t limited to your weapon set but also your utilities(and those are rather short duration knocks or stuns). Kick does a wonderfull job to take advantage of distracting strike, and while Rifle can be builded for burst damage, it can also be builded for sustained dps if you take a Rampager gear set and its interupt cooldown is rather short when traited for it.

What kills me most, is the fact everyone was whining about how distracting strike was bad, and all that kind of stuff, even when it got buffed from 3 stacks during 5sec to 4 stacks during 8sec. I recall seeing threads asking to replace it with something else (wonder if you, Daecello didn’t whrite one of those either…), and now that we get the Runes of Perplexity, everyone is crying about the new confusion rune beeing OP while the Warrior has been able to do that for a while to a bit lesser extend.

And even if you build around getting 9 stacks of confusions with your Warrior on interupts, you end up loosing something you may need like an extra 30% bleed duration for condi, or physical damage if you go with Mace (wich I don’t recommend), or survival traits like Shield Mastery, Cleansing Ire, Adrenal health if you build a more defensive one that doesn’t rely on Distracting Strike. Those things can be recover with food, but making a build around things you can recover with food is just wrong…

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Artillery Barrage - Does anyone use it?

in Charr

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Racials suck. Period. Radiation Field is the only one I have much use for, and half the high end mobs dash out of it as soon as it goes down, so there goes that theory.

What ANet should have done, instead of making racials suck is make them equal to any other trait, elite or non-elite, so that they would’t create a preference. Instead of making them the clear loser, they should have made them all contenders, but not superior. That would have given people more reasons to chose their races effectively.

Well that’s untrue, some racials are actualy quite usefull, for instance :
- the Charr Warband support isn’t very tough overall, but they do have utilities worth for you to pick them up. You get an extra cripple and 3 stacks of might from the Melee NPC while the ranged one has a mine with a 4sec Hardknock (and its an AoE).
- The Charrzooka is a pretty strong ranged weapon. The auto attack while weak is more about stacking burning in duration, but you get loads of interupts, and a powerfull AoE.
- The Schrapnel mine is also very good, it is a low cooldown trap with long duration bleeds and 5sec cripple.

I think the race with the worst racial abilities are probably the Norns, sinds transformation abilities are quite broken in this game. And the one with the strongest one are probably the Azuras and Sylvaris, if you exclude the Hazmat Suit of course.

Who is Josh Davis?!?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I know it is a bit out of topic, but we have got some great reponses recently on the bug section of the Guild Wars 2 forums, and I realy want to thank the man doing so far his best reading the hell out of every single post in that section.

But sinds we have never met him before, my question is : “Who is Josh Davis?!?”

Can someone give him a little introduction?

Eng.Turrets Don't Attack World Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


…, but I didn’t notice whether Turrets attacked World Bosses (simply wasn’t looking) ….

I can confirm you that turrets were shooting like they should, they attacked any types of boss, back in the days. I did a lot of Twilight Harbors with my Guild and my turrets were shooting the Tree of Nightmares until we actualy got a fix on Flame Turret cooldown beeing the old value under deployable turret trait.