so after spending a few days trying out turrets in dungeons as 30-10-0-030 grenade engie i found it can be good and bad.
for example, i have ground target turrets so alot of fights i can pop them on ledges above a boss and they last the entire fight.
but in other fights i can deploy a turret 10-20 seconds after a fight starts to avoid “agro” and they would be killed seconds later by a ground target aoe e.g subject alphas dragon tooth (this is just 1 example of many bosses that do this)
and lvl 48 fractals is not a turret friendly place either
It realy depends on the fight, turrets shine when they are isolated from their targets and when the engineer has enough toughness to grab agro away from them. They are only bad when it comes to rooms filled with random AoEs, targeted ones are still manadgeable.
so a few ideas for DUNGEONS only as i do like the idea of turrets but in there current form where most encounters in dungeons are aoe heavy.
dungeons would include the following
as not any one of these involve any pvp at all or have any link to pvp and would only affect turrets when inside a dungeon there is no need to comment on it being OP.
Seperated it in different subsection for PvE is already a bad idea, A-net is already going to seperate it from PvP by adding more Hp for PvE players. It doesn’t need another category.
Banners can not be destroyed because they are bundle, you can pick them up as a weapon in any fights and relocate them where you need them to be. They also have 0 offensive abilities and their sole purpose is to buff the party and use their Blast Finisher for extra combo effects.
imagine if warrior banners took dmg from aoe / boss attacks how long would it take before anet gave them aoe immunity ?
Remember what happend to the guardian spirit weapons? You got A-net answer.
1. turrets cause no threat …
2. turrets cause no threat …
3. turrets cause no threat …
1) Ennemies should consider turret as a threat, they shoot bullets, rockets, flames, shock waves, nets and heals the Engineer allies around them, why would a foe ignore that?
2) They only blow themself up on reflects because you didn’t take the defensive tools to counter that problem. The Wrench and Autotool-Instalation trait take care of that issue. You want them to survive reflect skills, well take tools at your disposal to repair them or use a Flame or Thumper turret that doesn’t suffer from reflect skills.
3) Turrets are already ignoring some of the AoEs wich targets every players in range because they are considered as structures and not NPCs, they are only vulnerable to these effects when players are near of them or when they take aggro from that specific encounter. And it isn’t that bad either, do you prefere to see the OS abilities from a Legendary shoot one of your allies down or loose a turret instead?
this would also make turrets viable for any build in DUNGEONS allowing them to be used with out any worry from being killed 5 seconds after deploying them even if using the ground target turret trait.
It would also make almost every Invention traitlines related to turrets pointless and make turret gameplay brainless. If they get destroyed 5sec later after you deployed one, you either lack toughness or put them on the wrong spot.
this would not work in open world PVE WVW or SPVP / TPVP. so cant be used for “botting” or unkillable turrets in any form of pvp.
so no need for any kind of “BUT ITS OP IN PVP”rubbish.
Offensive turrets with defensive traits could already kill ennemies without the help of the Engineer and can sutain long enough to take care of dynamic events. A-net took care of this issue by adding a 5min duration limitation to every turrets. So even with or without invulnerability a player would still requiere to replace them every 5 minuts (+Turret cooldown), making AFK bot impossible unless you use a third party mod.
and the turrets could use the new target system
You should realy read the forum more before posting random stuff like that, Turrets are going to target the last ennemy hit by the Engineer on october 15, so we will even be able to shoot at dragons with our turrets now.
as would many other engineers in dungeons.
Well you made the choice to make them more fragile, so don’t ask for a Jail Free card that renders other traits pointless. You want your turrets to be effective, OK, trait for them or assume the fact they are weaker than a proper traited turret Engineer.
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)