Showing Posts For Ambrecombe.4398:

Superior Sigil of genorosity Viable in wvw?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


i just don’t feel it unless you babysit it, also it procs even if you have no conditions

Wrong, you are mistaken sigil of Generosity with sigil of Purity, Purity does occure on crit even if you don’t have a condition on you while Generosity needs an actual condition on you to be able to transfer it on an ennemy on crit, if you don’t it doesn’t trigger its ICD. That’s why Generosity is much better compared to Purity because you actualy have better control over the condition transfer.

I used that sigil on my Turret Engineer for a while (well until my turrets didn’t dealt any condition damage) and I always removed 1 condition almost instantly when it got applied on my character and I dealt critical damage.

Idea : Soulbound Recovery

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


BTW life force increases numerically with Soul Reaping not in a percentage, making the new value of LF its new base.

Oh I didn’t know that, well we could always increase the base value of the lifeforce consumption and make the Soul Reaping decrease that value a bit?

Idea : Soulbound Recovery

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Hi people,

I have a suggestion that you may find interesting and wich could improve Necromancers for higher lvl of content.

Right now Necromancers are in a very bad situation, while they are true beasts at dealing damage with conditions and have plenty of vitality and life recovery in some case, they do lack the tools to mitigate bigger spikes of damage in both PvE and PvP (especialy PvE). They also have other problems with power builds and combo support, but I won’t speak about these issues.

Necromancers used to be capable to mitigate spikes of damage with Deathshroud, but this got removed and they now take everything that bypass Deathshroud right into their healthpool. With limited (and situational) acces to Vigor and Aegis, their ways to prevent damage are now limited to 2 dodge rolls, deathshroud, protection and life recovery the 3 last of those beeing useless against high level Boss content with OS mechanics.

My idea is simple, keep the Necromancer the way it is right now but add him a new inate perk called Soulbound Recovery, wich would allow him to dodge at the expense of 32,5% of his base life force when the Necromancer is out of stamina. The Necromancer would of course keep his ability to enter Deathshroud but would get extra options to expense his ressources.

Why 32,5% base lifeforce? Well I think first it is a pretty considerable ammount of lifeforce and that same quantity would allow people wich invest 30 point into soulharvest to get 130% total life force and dodge 4 extra time in a row instead of 3.

Edit : Or instead, sinds Andele explained me how Life Force Pool worked decrease the effective Life Force cost for a dodge.

While 4 extra dodge rolls sounds very unbalanced, do not forget Necromancers would actualy need to fight to generate enough lifeforce to dodge an extra time.

What do you people think about this idea?

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


You can’t campare invulnerability with stealth, that’s just wrong…

Invulnerability is a defensive skill wich grants you almost complete immunity to damage, unless you already were afflicted with conditions on you. It is also one of the boons with the highest cooldown in game, it is not like people can do it all day

Stealth on the other hand is a defensive skill wich helps you to reposition yourself and attack your ennemies in the least predictable way available in game, not to mention you can use that same skill to flee anytime you want. It is also very available and can be upgraded in different ways depending wich profession you play to get specific advantages. (exemple : next hit = critical, condi removal, health regen, …)

So yes tracking in stealth is anoying, but did you know you can disrupt channeling skills simply by walking trough players? Not to mention, are people just supposed to let themself hit because you decide you are in stealth and should be untouchable while doing so? Than why not do exactly the same change for AoEs sinds invulnerability protects you against it anyways?

Turret Bug Reference Guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Ambre: Only affects the Overcharge, now? Used to be that they would affect everything but the Overcharge.

Aarga: As we don’t know how many enemies Flame Turret is supposed to hit, I wouldn’t count it as a bug.
Also, what distance are you from your target when the Rocket Turret ceases firing? Within normal maximum range or in the range RTB adds?

Just going to go ahead and test these now. Will update accordingly shortly.

Yeah sorry about that, wasn’t very clear. I was actualy speaking about the UI when I made my point about turret range, the UI is updated by 300 units for the overcharge but it doesn’t change the UI of the turret basic fonction.

Turret Bug Reference Guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I…I guess that counts as a Turret bug.
After all, it’s a bug regarding Turrets, even if it’s Turrets delivered by a non-Turret skill.

Anybody have more details on which traits don’t affect Supply Crate Turrets? When I add a bug to the list, I also report it on the game bugs boards, and I abhor vagueness in reporting – it gives them a reason to delay resolution, not that they’ve ever expressed much interest in resolving these.

I don’t have any problem with supply crate, I get the damage reduction, extra damage and range (partialy), structure regen and detonation when those get destroyed.

On the other hand Rifled Turret Barrels tooltip is inconsistant and tells us it increases the range of our turrets by 50% while it shows +300 on my UI and only seems to affect the overcharge somehow. (needs further testing)

Returning Engineer with a Broken Heart

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Yeah I’m disapointed too,

That patch pretty much ruined my Turret Engineer, I was playing Pistol/Shield and Rocket Turret was my main source of Burning damage.

I have tried alternate builds with a Rifle, but the damage just isn’t there anymore, even with all my turrets up.

Also I have to disagree with posters saying they got improved on the long run, they lost most of their control power. Rocket and Net turret used to CC targets twice when overcharged now rocket turret only shoots 1 overcharged rocket and the net turret is so broken it gets stucked and doesn’t shoot anymore. Not to mention, Net Turret fire rate bug got normalised to 13sec (instead of getting fixed) while it was supposed to shoot a net every 10sec. Rifle Turret lost its bleeding damage for a weak vulnerability application while a ton of skills already apply vulnerability in a way more effective way.

A-net was going forward when they improved Healing Turret and made the others of them scale on condition damage. Now they made two step backward and created even more broken powers (rocket turret toolbelt underwater…), not to mention the broken new AI, while still not having fixed turrets most important bugs like overcharges, firerate, hitbox, etc…

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Suggestion for healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Do you people mind reading the tread instead of killing yourself with off topic comments? The guy is just sugesting to rework how healing signet works because right now there is no reason to use its active effect over its passive.

His sugestion is to make the Regen vulnerable to boon stealing/destroy and make the active source stronger to give the Warrior a reason to sacrifice his regen for a biger healing burst.

While I dislike the idea of making it a boon, I think it would be interesting if the healing would be reworked around a slightly lower Regen and a more impactfull Burst heal. This way you still get a powerfull Regen, with lower efficienty and a decent Burst Heal on par with the rest of the other skills. The only flavour is the extra regeneration you loose should you use the signet while the other skills keep their own twist.

Harvesting tools!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


“Permanent Harvesting Tool Changes

We’re changing the way that the Black Lion Trading Company’s permanent harvesting tools work! Moving forward, all permanent harvesting tools we sell will be account-bound, for a small price increase, from the get-go. Already bought a permanent tool that’s soul-bound? Talk to a Black Lion Weapons Specialist today to trade in your old, soul-bound tools in exchange for new, account-bound tools!

To kick this initiative off, we’re making the account-bound Jack-in-the-Box Scythe and Bone Pick available for one week only at their new price!"

Thank you so much!

Eruption change to make cond staff viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


It could work I think but I Eruption is very special because the animation starts before the cast time has even ended. So does your sugestion make the power an almost instant use ability or does the cast time remains the same, delaying the damage spread over a longer period of time?

why nerfing "Burst Mastery" ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


They are doing a big mistake, Burst Mastery has always refunded adrenaline points. It is in fact the combination of our previous 2 Grandmaster traits wich were seperatly a cooldown reduction on our burst skill and a decrease cost of adrenaline (wich was actualy a refund) wich got merged together in a patch.

Somehow we only get 1/3 of our adrenaline back instead of the previous 1/2 when they decided to rework our Brawn into a cooldown reduction for Burst skills and now they are willingly going to remove this from our Grandmaster trait judging it as a erronated tooltip value…

Do you even read the tooltip? They are not removing ANYTHING that it does, they are removing garbage text that shouldn’t be there.

Cost Reduction: 33% -> working as intended and staying on tooltip
Damage Increase: 10% -> being adjusted to 7% (which is basically pointless because of how minor a change to your dps it is)
Adrenaline: 15 -> This text is being removed as this is not something the trait currently does. It would be really dumb if activating a level 1 burst gave you back 15 adrenaline while only costing 7.

Well I have to bring you some news, it was never a cost reduction but in reality a refund based on your adrenal level. 5 adrenaline for each stage (from release until burst revamp) wich later became 10 adrenaline at stage 3.

Now they maybe modified the way it worked, but I know for instance it would be easier to refund a fixed amount of adrenaline instead of reducing the cost of it by 33%, especialy when you are working on a table of 30.

Do you know what happens when you divide 10 or 20 by 3, you get infinite numbers that gives you a crap load of useless information you could have ignored if you had selected a fixed value in the first place.

So technicaly they should fix the tooltip information by saying it refunds adrenaline depending on your adrenal level instead of decreasing the cost of your burst skills because that information seems unlikely to be true, and i’m also pretty sure they would never totaly change a skill mechanic to make it work in a very similar way, that would be pointless.

why nerfing "Burst Mastery" ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


They are doing a big mistake, Burst Mastery has always refunded adrenaline points. It is in fact the combination of our previous 2 Grandmaster traits wich were seperatly a cooldown reduction on our burst skill and a decrease cost of adrenaline (wich was actualy a refund) wich got merged together in a patch.

Somehow we only get 1/3 of our adrenaline back instead of the previous 1/2 when they decided to rework our Brawn into a cooldown reduction for Burst skills and now they are willingly going to remove this from our Grandmaster trait judging it as a erronated tooltip value…

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


The are some goods and bad, like we are used to, but I would like to make myself clear about a couple of things I saw and wich are totaly wrong.

  • The base cooldown of the attunement that you just left is now reduced from 16 seconds to 13 seconds. Attunement cooldown rate now increases by 1% per point in Arcane down from 2%. The end result is that now Attunements go from 13s to 10s instead of the old range of 16s to 10s..

The current cooldown is 15sec with 0 to arcane and 9sec when you are fully speced, so you should change the base value from 15 to 12 and the remaining to 9. If you change that value to 10sec it could hurt the Elementalist DPS cycle.

  • Inventions X – Autotool Installation. Increased healing percent from 1% to 5%. * Decreased interval from 10s to 3s.

It has never healed our turrets for 1% health, it is a tooltip mistake wich you implemented in the latest patch and wich got reported by players on the Engineer subsection. The real value is 10% every 10sec or 1%/sec.

  • Skirmishing XII – Moment of Clarity. Stun Duration increased from 50% to 100%.

While it can help out the rangers using a Greatsword and Shortbow, I see one big problem -> Asuras Technobable.

Moment of Clarity increase currently the duration from both Stun and Daze effects, if you increase that effect to 100%, it means an Asura Ranger can have a 6sec daze on a 45sec cooldown.

You are basicaly doing what you are trying to avoid with the stun Warrior.

  • Discipline XI – Burst Mastery. Reduced damage increase from 10% to 7%. Removed erroneous adrenaline gain fact.

The adrenaline fact wasn’t wrong, it used to give halve of our adrenaline bar (or 15 stack of adrenaline) when the burst skill was used. You even fused the effects from both Discipline Grandmaster traits together wich were separetly a CD reduction (wich became the 10% damage bonus) and the adrenaline recovery in one of your patch.

The point of this trait was to use your Burst Skill and switch over to your second weapon set to get an extra 5 stacks from Versatile Rage and follow it up with a lvl 2 burst on your opponent. Somehow that value got decreased to 1/3 (or 10 stacks) of its original value when you changed the burst mechanic into cooldown reduction instead of damage bonus.

To stay short,

I don’t like to sound harsh, but you are the Devs and are supposed to know the game better than we do. And still, I see commun mistakes on skill facts and even on the forums from the devs themselve trying to balance their game around those same mistakes while it would be logical to fix the erronated database and balance the game around the correct value.

So, may you please be kind enough to test very hard your game and fix the mistakes written on this post.

Many thanks!

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Life Siphoning; Anet's Balancing Nightmare!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Those are interesting sugestions, but I have a problem with the things said about lifedrain effects been bad.

They might sound weak in general but they do work great in combination with our Axe and Dagger skills. I personnaly play a Dagger/Focus (switch with Axe) 30/0/0/30/10 and you can run around with a full Berserker Build and have heavy sustain just with your lifedrain skills. Bloodmagic focus around wells and daggers a lot, while those are clearly not the best options for Pvp they do work great for PvE and the sustain from our grandmaster in conjuncture with the minor traits make it pretty strong.

Just take the following exemple, I use a full berserker geared necro’s Well of Suffering with Vampiric Rituals, Bloodthirst and Vampiric. You get 92hps/target this is 460hps if you can hit up to 5 targets alone, and this without including the other wells you can stack on top of it and the lifedrain from your dagger wich triggers, with each of its blows, the Vampiric trait and the high passive amount of healing power you get from traits.

When I play my Blood Necro I rarely stay low on health after taking a heavy blow, so in my honest oppinion life drain effects are working as intended.

Turrets, My thoughts on changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Like I said before, adding mobile turrets isn’t the best fix for them and would probably make them too similar to Minion Master Necros and Spirit Rangers.

There are other ways to make turrets mobile wich doesn’t include wheels or fans. If you make them a bit more resiliant with active defenses and a couple of synergy between the self destruct to allow toolbelt skills to reduce their cooldowns depending on how long your turrets stayed alive I am sure it is possible to make them much more appealing for a lot more content.

Wrench should also have more synergies with turrets, the smack (repair) skill is very counter productive to use and Autotool-Installation trait could use a buff (maybe double the healing factor when equiped with the Wrench?).

Also they need to fix every bugs first before anything else, turrets are in a very bad state right now and could use some help.

Remember to report bugs

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


The last time Furious was updated was June 25th, and it states “x3 adrenaline on a crit”, that means +2 strikes, for a total of 3 strikes on a crit hit.

This was either stealth nerfed, which the dev said didn’t happen, or it’s a bug. So my point stands.

It’s actualy neither a stealth nerf or a bug. The patch note done June 25th was a misinformation, a simple mistake done by the devs.

The previous tooltip told us it doubles the adrenaline when we got critical strikes and they updated the tooltip and say it triples your adrenaline when you got critical strikes while it has always given 1 single strike of adrenaline per crit sinds release.

I’m 100% sure about it sinds it has always been working the same way with Flurry. I still need at least 3 targets to actualy get a level 3 stage of adrenaline. If it had granted me 2 stacks of adrenaline before, I wouldn’t have needed more than 2 targets to get to that same stage.

What happened to Kessex Hills?

in Living World

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I know what is going to happen, Kraits have been working and worshiping very hard to improve Superior Runes of the Krait! :P


(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Being Flammed by actually playing the game?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Yeah, I pretty much have similar ideas, I like to play for fun and see what I am doing. I recently made an Ascalonian Catacombs p3 with a fine group of newbies. They weren’t the most skilled person in the world but we manadge to do everyting without to much trouble.

Two guys left and two others from the LFG joined us for an AC p1, little did I now those guys I moved with were speed farmers. I ended up dying a lot while I didn’t even hit the floor on my previous run. They were shouting whenever we standed one step to much on the left or right and all they did was asking to skip everything and exploit every possible way the game to avoid some of the ennemies mechanics. Not to mention their rudeness…

I realy didn’t enjoy that run, when that guy asked me if I wanted to speedrun p2 I clearly said “no”, he asked me “why?”, I simply told him “Because I don’t like you.”, I quited the group and the remaining people from my previous run whisped me with a smiley.

Inquistion - do not hide.

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


The problem also comes from people letting themself get killed on purpose when the game starts. It is much harder to escape or organising a defense when you have 2-3 ghost taking away your resources and spamming traps and Mad King Says. Not to mention, if you get hit once by a trap or a ghost, you get an in combat speed penalty leaving you vulnerable to any other ghosts chasing you down.

Turret Bug List [It's finally shrinking!]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I was just wondering something, I have read that patch note a lot of time but can’t find anything about the changes made on rocket turrets (+ toolbelt)? Is the burning effect something you guys wanted to remove (sinds it got a small direct damage increase) or is it something that wasn’t intended sinds the tooltip on the action bar still shows the burning duration?

Warrior - Furious bugged/nerfed (tested it)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Also compare this to the Axe Mastery, Master Discipline trait.
“Critical hits with axes grant extra adrenaline. Reduces recharge on axe skills.” This trait grants +2 strikes of adrenaline on an axe critical, in addition to reducing the axe recharge by 20%.

Compared to the Grandmaster Arms Trait, Furious which currently only grants +1 strike of adrenaline on a critical.

Just the difference between Master and Grandmaster traits makes me think that this has to be a bug.

Well I wouldn’t complain if it becomes a +2 adrenaline gain on critical strike, but I have always used this trait and I can pretty much ensure you it has always been +1.

Now for the master trait affecting axes. I never played a lot with those (because the lack of utility in this set) so I could’t confirm if it has always been +2. I know for instance there wasn’t any cooldown reduction on that trait when I started the game, but if it was a +1 or +2 is something I honestly have no idea.

Improving Turret Targeting

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


They STILL SHOOT THE CLOSEST TARGET when they don’t have a visual clue on the

No one said they didn"t. I was suggesting someone was leaving that out in thier mentioning of how it should work.

And personnaly, I find the F5 a bad idea.

Care to explain why? I have trouble fathoming any logical reason why a button that would lock turrets onto a target when it is in range, while attack the closest target when the marked one is out of range and no new in range target has been marked, as a bad idea.

The answer is a pretty obvious one,

The question you should ask yourself first is, “why would we need a F5 in the first place?”

You can work around making the turrets work with proper targeting scripts alone and because what you are asking for is a rework of the Engineer UI and an extra power at the same time, wich ask unnecessary work. And if you are aware of today philosophy, time is money and certainly not something a couple of devs can spend entirely on a little gimmick wich would only resolve a small part of their bigger plan.

Basicaly, your are asking for the devs to create a proper spot and power dedicated to turrets, wich would only work for them and serve no purpose if you don’t pick them and revamp the whole way turrets actualy work.

While on the other hand, they just have to improve their current script by allowing them to shoot at the current selected target without any extra micro manadging gimmick and any effort engaged on their side.

So you have the choice between two totaly viable options, I give you that one, but one of them requieres a lot more work compared to the other one. If you work in a compagny you would easely know wich one to pick -> the one wich requieres the less time and effort, so you can focus on other things that requiere your attention.

If A-net can manadge to fix in a proper way how turrets work by spending the slightiest effort, I can only agree with their decision and cheer them up for their efficiency.

Wich brings me back to your idea, wich requieres a lot more time and effort input and would probably end up bugged anyways.

Wich is why I strictly believe your idea is bad.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Rifle is underpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Actualy rifle can be a good sustained weapon in a Rampager hybrid build, but doing so completly negates the potential of your Burst skill. I find it usualy a good kiting weapon sinds it has a good cripple on a low cooldown and if the ennemies are comming to close you can always push them away with a Rifle Butt.

But yeah overall the weapon does a pale comparaison to the Longbow (mostly sinds the change on Pin Down), and the fact it offers no real support beside of a small DpS increase with vulnerability and a knock back on relatively short cooldown makes it bad for teamplay.

Improving Turret Targeting

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Ambre: I’m reading what you’re saying as ‘Have them target the user’s target unless the user has no target (or no visual on that target), in which case they just shoot at the nearest target.’ Is that what you’re trying to say?

Yep, that’s it!

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Improving Turret Targeting

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I am suggesting your missing something. If there is not player you have damage in the range of the turret, no player you have targeted in range, shall we just use general proximity next?

In another thread I suggested that they add a function to F5 so that it would allow us to use as a “set turret target” similar to how F1 works for rangers. Seem reasonable?

As a back up to that, I would suggest that turrets use proximity if the player you set them too goes out of range. given general AI issues, I think its best to keep it simple as possible.

And you don’t get it either, because you don’t seem to have tested turrets sinds the latest changes.

They STILL SHOOT THE CLOSEST TARGET when they don’t have a visual clue on the last target the Engineer attacked. So if :
a) Priority 1 : “Attack the last damaged target by the Engineer.”
b) Priority 2 : “Attack the closest hostile target in vicinity.”

Changing a) to : “Attack the Engineer target.” doesn’t change how b) works. Those are both different condition a) beeing priotirized over b). So your complaints about not beeing able to use turrets the way you want because you don’t target an ennemy are uncalled for because condition b) would still be applied and allow them to shoot the closest targets near of your turrets.

Edit : And personnaly, I find the F5 a bad idea.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Improving Turret Targeting

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


The problem with having them simply attack what the Engineer is targeting is the massive distances you can target from, and the potential for people to do things like leave a nest of turrets at a choke point, run off to max targeting distance, and then just pick a target as they enter range.
I think that’s what they were trying to avoid with ‘last damaged,’ anyway. Have to ask them to know for sure.

I think you don’t understand what I was trying to say.

Right now, our turrets both attack the closest targets and the last damaged one.

When our turrets are in close vicinity of the Engineer and when they have a reach of a target they will attack the one we damaged. On the other hand they still shoot te closest ennemy in vicinity when they can’t shoot our target.

So I believe it is possible for A-net to implement that change, Turrets will focus the Engineer target unless they do not have any acquisition, making them go to their previous script wich is to shoot the closest targets around.

I think it is the best all around solution.

Improving Turret Targeting

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Well I think the easiest thing to do would be to make the turrets fight the target the Engineer is currently targeting instead of the last target the Engineer dealt damage on.

The Turrets still shoot the closest targets in vicinity when they are out of reach from the Engineer’s target, so I can see this option beeing implemented while keeping their passive ability to fight ennemies in close proximity.

In some case, if you fight with bombs or grenades, you can even make sure they won’t target a specific foe and keep dealing their supressive fire on ennemies around them.

Summons + Latest Patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Yeah the Rock Elemental is a freaking tank now (well it technicaly already was), and the Ice Elemental is a bit more viable because it now heals himself before it dies.

The change seems also to have affected racial summoning skills, my Warband Support dies way slower than usual.

Turret Upgrade (movement) <-Idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I don’t like the idea to make turrets move on their own, I rather see A-net fix the bugs related to turrets and later improve their mobility issue by rewarding people for keeping them alive as long as possible.

If it was up to me, I would completely remove the pick up mechanic and make Self-Destruct reduce the cooldown by the time the turret remained deployed. This way you actualy have a good reason to keep every single turrets you have alive and use your toolbelt abilities.

By doing this, you actualy give a cycle in the gameplay of the Turreteer wich allows you to take advantage of their Self-Destruct ability whenever they are going to be hit by AoEs and grant extra blast finishers as a bonus.

I would also tweak a couple of things, like increasing turrets health a bit and allow some extra synergy between Autotool Installation and Wrench to make that kit a viable support tool for our turrets. And lastly, I would add a temporary AoE preventive shield (probably with a trait) that would allow turrets to resist AoEs, like a temporary Eagis (15sec CD) or maybe a complete preventive invulnerability or protection buff for 5sec (25sec CD) whenever they get stucked by AoE.

I’m pretty sure if those changes were done, turrets would be very much viable for nearly all content.

Warrior - Furious bugged/nerfed (tested it)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Well I see that you’ve missed my point.

If double is [12 x (0 + 1) x crit chance/100] then triple should be [12 x (0 + 2) x crit chance/100]

I understand what you are trying to say but that statement is just wrong. Anytime you speak about doubling or tripling a product you increase its value exponentialy, not additively.

So in this exemple, should it ever state you gain 3 times the product of a base value, the result should always be 3 times that base value, no matter what. If you do otherwise the description remains inaccurate.
If 1×3 = 3 = triple -> 1 Normal Blow
than 0×3 = 0 = triple -> 1 Blow from Burst Skill

The description can only be true if it was writen the following way “you gain additional adrenaline with each critical hits”, and in this case specificy the amount you gain in the tooltip.

Furious trait change intended or a bug?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Who Whoo! relax!

Sorry, about that, I am just very sensitive to disinformation.

First: Furious pre patch discription = Grants triple adrenaline.
On wiki it also says: Bug: only grants +2 (so not +3)

Wiki states it grants double adrenaline, when you double a value you take the initial one and you multiply it by 2. So the number you are looking for is not +2 but instead x2.

So at this point i am OK with it.. we know it wassnt +3.. but i asumed it did give +2 adrenaline…

Maybe it should give 2 strikes on critical hits, I don’t know. But I have played my Warrior enough with that trait to know it has always been 1 strike. So it is either a tooltip error or a bug depending if A-net wanted us to gain 1 or 2 strikes of adrenaline.

Well i am not testing every skill we got, also didnt test the Furious pre patch…
But now it says: Adrenaline +1
At this point i am confused (many more i think) .. but.. but it was +2 wassnt it??

Nope, it never was +2. with a 80% crit rate I always needed at least 3 targets to refill my adrenaline fully with a Flurry.

So i tested the skill and yes it is indeed +1 and not +2. but i cant test the old Furious at this point, so why didnt they tell us?

That’s actualy a good question, but unfortunatly I am not the one who can it, only A-net can and probably won’t.

Now it feels like a nerf.. thinking you get gold but nope you get bronze.

Well, that doesn’t make a lot of sense sinds it is still the same trait if it was gold for someone it remains gold, if it was bronze for another it remains bronze. They just fixed the tooltip but the description of that trait remains wrong, awkward isn’kitten

Also why does a grand master traits gives +1
And a master trait gives +2 +20% skillduration reduce (yes only on axe)
Still seems bit weird dont you think?

Because Furious works with every weapon while Sharpened Axe only works for axes, Furious can also take advantage from Sword and Longbow burst skills while Axe do not get the same advantages out of it.
Edit : Just remase a test, it is +2 now, awkward! :O

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Warrior - Furious bugged/nerfed (tested it)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I don’t see how making it triple rather than double would stop you from continuing to do that. I’ve never gotten any adrenaline from flurry(I don’t use the trait) so I am not sure how that works.

Ok let me explain it with an exemple.

For instance right now when you hit a target, you gain 1 strike of adrenaline. Dealing a critical hit gives you 1 additional strike of adrenaline. So every critical hit you do with you strike will generate
a. [(1 + 1) x crit chance/100] = overall strikes of adrenaline with normal attacks.

If I use Flurry, wich is our burst skill on sword, you spend all your adrenaline whenever you use that skill. Because every hits done by this skill generates 0 additional strike of adrenalines. But with Furious trait, I am still generating adrenaline because it works this way
b. [12 x (0 + 1) x crit chance/100] = overall strikes of adrenaline with your Flurry.

Should I now use your version of it granting triple adrenaline on every critical strike I would get the following results
a. [(1 × 3) x crit chance/100] = overall strikes of adrenaline with normal attacks
b. [12 x (0 × 1) x crit chance/100] = 0 strike of adrenaline with your Flurry.

Do you understand my point now?

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Warrior - Furious bugged/nerfed (tested it)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Well the June 23rd patch did mention Furious is supposed to give triple adrenaline and the most recent one said nothing therefore triple has to be correct! :P

I know, but the June 23rd patch note was the most awkward change sinds the effect never was a multiplying value to start with and the previous tooltip was closer to its true value compared to the new one.

Also I rather keep the way it has always worked, it is so fun to root your target in place with Flurry and to be allowed to follow it up with a Combustive Shot whenever you switch weapon.

Warrior - Furious bugged/nerfed (tested it)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


nicknamenick, Furious has always granted 1 stack of adrenaline whenever you did critical damage, the tooltip was wrong sinds day one.

But I don’t know why, for some reason a dev once messed up that tooltip even more (in a “correction” patch note, the irony) into triple adrenaline. Wich is completely wrong.

Sinds Warriors need to have 30 stacks of adrenaline for a lvl 3 Burst and a considering a single flurry can still achieve to get
1 Bar when dealing critical hits on 1 target
2 Bars when dealing critical hits on 2 targets
3 Bars when dealing critical hits on 3 targets

We can consider the effect hasn’t change sinds the patch note and the tooltip now actualy display its real purpose.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Furious trait change intended or a bug?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


The description for Furious now reads “Adrenaline: 1” on critical hits. Is this an intended change or a bug? Before it was 2 Adrenaline for critical hits.

Furious has always granted 1 stack of adrenaline whenever you did critical hits, the devs just did a horrible job and blindly changed the tooltip from double adrenaline (wich was already wrong, sinds it granted 1 stack) into triple adrenaline but never realy tried it out or changed the actual effect to grant triple adrenaline.

To proof my point, gaining triple adrenaline would imply you get no adrenaline when you use skills that doesn’t generate any (AKA : Burst skills). I played a sword warrior sinds release and I have always generated adrenaline with my Flurry when i dealt critical damage.

So nothing changed there, Furious is still the same solid trait.

yeah it sucks now… hope the Dev reply on this..

No it is still the same trait, so stop complaining!

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Make a list: Engi issues post 10/15 patch

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I can give you a couple related to the new skills and turrets.

- Rocket Turret next attack, after shooting with overcharge, deals halved damage.
- Rocket (toolbelt) can’t hit ennemies during underwater sessions because it remains a ground targeting skill.
- Turret Hitbox is still way to big.
- Autotool Installation trait tooltip is wrong, it shows 1% health every 10sec instead of the current 10% every 10sec.
- Rifle Turret rate of fire is still broken, shooting faster when overcharged at the first shot and not getting any firerate bonus when overcharged at any shots succeeding the first one.

there are probably a lot more bugs, but I’ll let other people expend the list.

Turret health wasn't increased this patch...

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


And I’ll say this again, it’s not WoW however combat is combat the same numbers that affect WoW combat also are calculated in this game, if you can’t understand math then don’t make the argument about something you don’t understand.

Every game has had to wrestle with this and they all have the same concepts it doesn’t make any difference if you personally can’t see that.

HoTs, DoTs, Resists, Buffs, Debuffs all exist in this game like they do in any other mmo out there action oriented or not, and ignoring one of the most well tested and easiest fixes to the pet problem because of a sense of superstition about a game is just ignorance.

The games pets need resistance to AOEs, I’d argue that they also need the ability to NOT be allowed to be tab targeted as well because that would make combat so much more smooth as even in PVP and sPVP players aren’t trying to kill pets initially.

Don’t call me ignorant when you can’t make the smallest difference between the combat (<- it isn’t the same!) between those two games. I had experience with a game called Champions Online wich had the exactly same target limitation on every AoE skills like in GW2. They later added AoE resistance to pet because they were dieing instantly when facing Legendary or Cosmic ennemies and it totaly broke the game because pets were soaking 75% of the damage and players were left uninjured (this in PvE and PvP!). They had to reduce it to actualy make sure pets wouldn’t survive the blows, making that feature pointless and a total fail.

Champions Online share more similiraties with Guild Wars 2 in its combat system compared to WoW. The idea of adding AoE immunity might have work in some games, but it isn’t always the best solution and certainly not one suited for GW2. But I do agree with your statement, it is the easiest one to implement (when you don’t care about balance)!

Lets take your exemple in a context, lets say pets do have 90% AoE and you fight the Nageling Giant (sinds you took this champion as an exemple). If you have 2 necros using a full minion build you can basicaly reduce every stomp (wich takes away between 50%-100% health depending on your health and toughness) and reduce those damage up to 12 targets in the Area only to 5%-10%, wich means 12 players won’t have to use their dodge because there is a high chance pets will soak the damage instead!

If you can’t see the issue right there you are blind and there is no point to argue with you anymore.

Turret health wasn't increased this patch...

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Well they could always make it work like our elixirs, you throw it and use it again to deploy the turrets or explode the torpedo.

New rocket turret toolbelt.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I like how it work right now, but it is completely broken underwater!

Turret health wasn't increased this patch...

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I just tried the Rocket Turret underwater and I’m wondering something… How the hell do you target ennemies with Rocket (toolbelt) when you are underwater?!? O.o

GG : Turret Engineer still Broken

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I realy wish right now A-net could put an end to our misery, but I guess I’ll have to upload slow as hell fraps video on youtube again…

Turret health wasn't increased this patch...

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Can we finally and at long last get 85% to 90% immunity to AOE on all pets across the board now pleasE?! Because seriously just did the champion giant in nageling and they were all isntakilled even the 1 ranger that was there his pet kept dying so even if the extra hitpoints were there it wouldn’t make a bit of difference At All!

I have already said this before, and I’ll say it again. Giving AoE immunity is a bad idea because because this game isn’t wow, you have target limitation and anything giving almost immunity can break down the damage done by AoE if you focus turrets or minions on a single spot.

And for the ranger part, you were playing with a bad ranger, I could do Nageling Giant well before the health buff and I could just switch whenever I needed to my other pet when he was chaining his 3 shockwaves at it to make its attack completely miss. So the guy you played with was one of the 75% rangers who camp longbow with bears and never heard of F4.

Extra heath is always helpfull, even if it just prolongiates the inevitable and it would also make autotool instalation a bit more effective too, maybe usefull enough to make your turret survive a couple of extra hits.

GG : Turret Engineer still Broken

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398



I am very disapointed about the new patch, there are a couple of good things like usual but Turrets Engineer still got the short end of the stick.

I realy love for fact turrets now focus my main target while still keeping their ability to fight ennemies in vicinity. But, yeah there is a but… Whenever I find myself attacking multiple targets with AoEs my turrets are just freaking out and are starting to mess around before shooting at my selected target.

Also, turrets are supposed to have their rate of fire fixed when I read the patch note (at least Net Turret). Net Turret doesn’t cease fire whenever you overcharge its first attack, wich is good fix, but it doesn’t get any firerate increase. Meanwhile, did you people completely forgot about Rifle Turret? Mine still has bugy firerate whenever I start the overcharge too soon or too late? And what about Rocket Turret? Its overcharge still only shoot a single rocket instead of the previous 2 and now it doesn’t even deal Burning condition damage anymore? What the… ? What happend there, why does the tooltip state it is still burning my target but doesn’t do it whenever it hits my target with a rocket (I tested with and without traits)?

Speaking of wich, even some of your new tooltips are wrong! Autotool Installation : 1% every 10sec? Not realy, its more like 10% every 10sec.

And realy? Every minion gets a free 71% health bonus in PVE but our Turrets only get an extra 3% reduction with trait? While I could understand for Mesmer wich already had a buff to their Clone and Phantasm health in a previous patch. I realy can’t understand why turrets are the only one not receiving this threatment (they could realy benefit from this).
Edit : Also damage is halved for the next rocket comming after an overcharged one.

In the end I am very saddend, again… Because I haven’t played my Engineer for months and it is a profession I would like to play again, when it actualy works like it should, because I like him alot.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)


in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I think it would be best for you to take an Axe for the extra damage, sword has some burst capabilities but it remeans ideal in rampager builds.

The Burst skill on Axe also doesn’t lock you in place making it very effective with traits like “Building Momentum” for stamina recovery or “Cleansing Ire” for the extra condition removal. If you are not looking for the most damaging possible build I would recommend you to go for a 20/0/20/0/30 and mix it with Berserker/Knight gear. You will get some some decent damage and surviability against both physical and condition damage. You will have plenty of adrenaline to spend and your burst skill will be a very big part of your gameplay.

Hope it helps!

Perplexity runes

in WvW

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Your logic is flawed thinking of 1v1 only. If I’m in a group of 5 putting oodles of confusion on everyone who cares if I’m not doing much other damage. It was just an example anyways to show how many interrupts you can have at one time to point out the need for an icd.

This is where you are wrong, I always think in every possible perspective I can see.
You still use a bad exemple and try to find a sorry excuse to say I’m wrong because I should not take into consideration the things you say.

Speaking of your exemple, we are talking about something close to 65 dmg per confusion stacks, in Pvp without any condition gear, while with a condition gear you should be around 172 dmg a stack. That’s almost 1/3 of its base power, so your 25stacks of confusion are more like 9 stacks of confusion from a real condition build perspective and anyone playing a condition build relying on confusion is going to be mildly annoyed because anyone using that build is going to leave no room for real condition damage builds.

Also any team fight has condi removal flying around like it is Christmas, so that kind of build is going to be shutdown whenever you will have a guardian applying stability to your team or whenever you someone is going to put a field that clears condition.

Anyways, lets look at a REAL condition warrior build that I ran and was completely ridiculous.

With Mace/Sword Sword/Shield and bleeds that ticked 135 BEFORE might. I had btw 28k hp, 3000 armor and still ran with Cleansing Ire, this is with no Ascended btw only exotics. I still had 6 interrupts (including fall trait – which btw you would be surprised how much use you can get out of in normal terrain), could have been 7 but I ran one defensive utility. Torment that ticked very high along with bleeds ticking 135+ and the ability to stack 21 confusion with 2 interrupts(very easy to do).. All while still being very defensive with 3 blocks and decent condi removal through cleansing ire. This is also while having spam immobiles through leg specialits + flurry.

You can’t be serious calling this a “real condition warrior build”, Mace&Sword is one of the worst combination you can come with and you don’t have Fast Hand meaning you get stucked for 10sec with a subpar combination with no mobiliy whenever you would like to apply Torment or chain Stun your foe for the use of distracting strike + rune of perplexity. If you run 28K health and 3K armor it means you have almost 0 critical chance so you get almost no benefits from precise strike.

It is just a troll build, you get a lot of reflects and confusion but whenever someone sees trough your little game and take any form of condi removal, blind or stability you are left with subpar damage and no way to beat your opponent.

The build itself was already over the top, these runes with no ICD made it utterly ridiculous.

I don’t think so, this build is probably one of the worst anyone could create, you will see a lot more Sw/Sw + longbow combos and Mace/Shield + Hammer running around and be a lot more effective.

Perplexity runes

in WvW

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


SkullCrack, Pommel Bash, Shield Bash, EarthShaker, Staggering Blow, Backbreaker, Kick, Stomp, Bulls Charge, Fall Trait.

Just to give you an idea how many interrupt skills a warrior can have AT ONE TIME. Thats 10 with 1 being situational(fall trait). It’s easily feasible to always have an interrupt available in this setup. So yes I do think an internal CD is needed for the runes. Also your suggestion still allows a warrior to stack 17 stacks of confusion with only 2 interrupts, that’s still beyond ridiculous.

That logic is flawed, you are talking about taking a Mace&Shield with physical utilities wich is a power build. It means you have very low condition damage unless you sacrifice a more important stat and end up with less direct damage or defense for doing so.

Also the idea of chain stunning your ennemy to max out confusion isn’t smart either because an incapacitated ennemy can’t trigger confusion damage if he is unable to attack you. That’s why lowering the duration and intensity is the best you can do to nerf the Rune because you keep flexibility with your controls but it also prevents you from chain stunning the ennemy while still keeping a way to forgiving uptime on your remaining confusion stacks.

Adding an internal cooldown also breaks its potential with AoE, just look what happend to the Warrior leg specialist trait when they added an internal CD because of the Sword/Mh revamp. Greatsword, Hammer and Rifle (traited) builds took a very big hit and the trait became worthless. Even for a sword build it is counter productive to use that trait.

I’m not saying my solution is perfect, sinds it will remain powerfull to both Warriors and Thiefs, but adding an internal cooldown is just a good way to make Rune of Perplexity the next Leg Specialist candidate.

(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)

Are Rangers Worth It?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Yes pets are rather fragile and vulnerable to AoEs, but your pet surviability is tight to 3 important basic facts :
1) Boons, protection and regen helps the pet a lot.
2) F3 to move it out of AoEs.
3) F4 to switch it away from a heavy blows and focused fire.

Keep those 3 facts in mind when you play your Ranger and your pet will be fine against most encounters.

There are also other traits and signets that helps your pet out of difficult situations but they are far from beeing mandatory (you can see those more like a bonus).

Overall the Ranger is a solid Profession wich exceed on his own and offers utility with a variation of different fields, buffs and the pets.

Perplexity runes

in WvW

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I realy got to love people reactions!

A couple of months ago, people would just spit with disgrace at the Warrior’s Distracting Strike saying it was a garbage trait, even when it got improved. Now we get a Rune wich does exactly the same to a bit greater extend and people are crying out loud for a nerf.

- Does it realy needs a nerf? Yes, because the confusion effect last way to long compared to available traits and skills from other professions. Runes should remain inferior to profession mechanics, not otherwise.
- Does it need an internal cooldown? No, because it only works on interupts skills wich have usualy long cooldowns and because it is already hard countered by stability.
- Should the duration stay greater compared to other confusion effects? Yes, because your ennemies do not trigger confusion when they are stuned or knocked down/away.

So my sugestion would be to reduce both duration and intensity from the 6th bonus on the rune.

Right now,
Rune of perplexity : 5*Confusion during 10sec (+30%) / no internal CD
Distracting Strike : 4*Confusion during 8sec / no internal CD

After some rebalancing,
Rune of Perplexity : 3*Confusion during 8sec (+30%) / no internal CD
Distracting Strike : 4*Confusion during 8sec / no internal CD

Adding an internal cooldown isn’t smart, because (unless you play an offhand pistol thief) condition weapons usualy lack decent amount of stuns/knocks. The other weapons with greater acces to those effects are mostly power weapons meaning you will either deal bad condition damage or sacrifice direct damage instead to make confusion more effective.

The only remaining issue comes with the Thief profession, because they can build up for initiative regen and keep using their headshot. If you already consider the fact Dagger&Pisol, Sword&Pistol and Pistol&Pistol are a lot more focused around power build rather than condition, you can greatly reduce its effectiveness by lowering both intensity and duration. Let the Rune set keep its no internal CD, they already gave up a lot of damage by going around that kind of build.

Just my 2cents!

Bugs : Distracting Strike

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398



When you get interupted as a Warrior by a thief with Basilic Venom you suffer from 4stacks of confusion (wonder if it does the same with rune of Perplexity).

On another note, Distracting Strike doesn’t work with Hammer Toss (downed ability) while it does with Rune of Perplexity.

Can someone take a look at this?


PVE turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


i would also like to use an example from another game and how they sorted the problem engineers in GW2 currently face. and i assure you its all relevent

a long time ago World of Warcraft came to life and they had a class called the Shaman.
the shamans mechanics was based around totems and these can be compared to turrets in gw2 as they do basicly work exactly the same.

its 2013 and we have a aoe heavy game that does not provide protection for fragile summons / pets / minions in dungeons where they dont live very long at all

World of Warcraft is a bad exemple because unlike Guild Wars 2, AoEs don’t have any cap limitation. Instead they get diminushing returns when they exceed a fixed ammount of targets on the location.

A better exemple would be to take Champions Online wich use a similar limitation on AoEs and added during a period of time a 75% damage reduction on every summoning powers. This made the game ridiculous because Cosmic ennemies (wich were the toughest ones) were not even hitting players when the numbers of summons were exceeding the AoE cap from the boss (usualy 10-15). They nerfed it back to 50% and added an option with traits to get up to 70% to more specialised builds.

Now imagine this in PvE or PvP whenever that cap gets reached, any pets, minions or turrets would just soak every damage done to players should they be packed all together, making zerg rush even more unbalanced.

You are just asking for another broken mechanic and use bad exemple to make your point. So for me, your sugestion is a big no unless they make that AoE protection limited to a proc on cooldown.