For christmas I’d like to get a crossbow for my characters.
With love, a cute kitty.
Thanks alot, I’ll check up all of that for the next time. See you soon on teamspeak I expect.
Arborstone (and quite honestly french commanders’ authority when leading the TT event is nonexistant from what I’ve seen).
Yap, I’m from EU, forgot to put that, sorry. I guess it’s the guild I meant ; my main server not being an european server, and since I have no friend/guild from english servers, it is, as I understand and see it when I go to the Bloodtide Coast before the event, impossible for me to join an english megaserver as I am put in a megaserver which speaks my own tongue everytime. So I stand by my request about the names of the admins of a Wurm-killing oriented guild, or ones that does both Tequatl and Wurm, since I won’t be able to ask on the map chat, not being on an english server.
Even if they would look similar, that’s what LoL does “stealing” character ideas.
Stealing…right… Because guildwars 2 was the first to introduce large men covered in tattoos with a stupidly big shield with a ram design. me and alot of other gamers here could list off piles of games with characters who have similar shoulder pads, tattoos, ram designed shields, and barely dressed Vikings something even more then just 1 of the above.
No, Riot Games have been “stealing” characters for years. For more information search that on google ; a good exemple would be Vayne which looks EXACTLY like a manga character for exemple (and looks even like some other characters), and Nashor / Roshan if you don’t wanna look too far. However as stated before this is common, and although Riot did it a lot, this is how it works.
Alright, thanks. Well since I left before taking a break, who should I /w to be able to get in ?
Meow fellows kitties,
So I took a pause from the game a while ago, as far as I remember Triple Trouble didn’t exist yet (or atleast I didn’t do it, not being much versed in WB). So I came back just one day before megaservers, and after a few attempts to kill it (and having concluded that we would need a whole day to down it at this rate), that just got me wondering, are people even interested in the event ? It looks like it recquire even more coordination than Tequatl, yet I can’t seem to find a commander that know what he’s doing, nor do I find people that actually listen to him and don’t go FFA mode – which looks harder now with megaservers.
So, long story short, do I have any ways to do it, since people doesn’t look that interested in it ? Like, is there any guilds specialized in it like I remember there were for Tequatl ?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: AnAspieKitten.5732
All of that for this ._. Well yeah we are, thanks. So if I transfer to her server, do the ameliorations and the influence transfer aswell or is it lost ?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: AnAspieKitten.5732
So, basically : we’re two in the guild, I am able to use the guild stash and to modify the guild emblem while my friend can’t and get a “sorry but you haven’t bought that yet” message everytime she tries to use it, also she can’t see influence rising (or she see only the influence she brings) ; we have the right ameliorations, I gave the right of use, I kicked her out and invited her again, tried to create new guilds where she is GM etc… nothing works.
So we messaged the support team a couple of times ; I tried to see what we could do about that with the french and the english support, who both told me the account may be taking some time to refresh then told me that she should message them herself. Allrighty then, we did that, so we got a pretty cool ctrl + V of a message describing what a guild is and how influence works or something. Yep, cool. So, yeah, is there a way to manually refresh her account via the support ? It’s starting to be quite annoying after two months, so since support won’t answer I figured it would be better to ask here if I got into the wrong person of if support really won’t help…
Yep, now when I kill a mob I need to press C and wait for 2 seconds, how interesting is that.
This is only lag, I always have the 0,5 scs latency at the places you talked about, and I can definitely always jump through the glass if I get it right ; only thing is I need to time it really well since there’s this lag issue. Jumping right when the lightning strikes work for me.
Which is stupid anyway since that basically means we can’t do anything this year and have to wait ATLEAST until next year.
Don’t get me wrong having a personnal node is cool and everything, but this is not worth it by far.
From what I remember you’d get 7 tricks or treat bags for finishing it last year, so…
I remember what I told myself last year… “oh, 20g, don’t have it right now but I guess that’s k I’ll just be patient until I can get them next year”. Oh boy how wrong I was…
Don’t tell me they couldn’t do this (changing player skins for others) without disallowing friends to play together. And why would theyr not allow group join anyway ?
My thoughts exactly… what the hell.
I think I started this character like two or three months ago. I’ll check tomorrow, thanks!
Though is it normal that I see every zone with all the POI ? Shouldn’t there be a 20/21 or something somewhere ?
Rather than removing the conditions of that type I think it would be better if every condition over the cap was converted into direct damage that scales based off condition damage.
Probably the best idea. Some classes may hit the 25 stacks cap alone sometimes, so a burst damage of all that’s left seems kind of bad for general PvE (aka weaker mobs would get downed in two seconds). But if they can’t get raise the bleed cap, which seems weird since some other MMO don’t have problems about that but who am I to tell, then atleast do something like that. Conditions builds are a HUGE part of DD builds, you have multiple traits and stats related to it, making it useless shouldn’t be alright.
Besides I don’t get why conditions don’t work on structures neither. Alright a bleeding door is stupid, but it makes the game more balanced so who would care ? And don’t tell me we do’nt care cause it’s PvE, it’s extremely frustrating to take 20 seconds to destroy something that is destroyed in three secondes by a powerbuild (well perhaps not 20 but you get my point), and it also affects WvW.
mmmm at 16min the dragon is bored to walk over corpses and kill all ppl on map with his powerfull poisoned breath of wrath.
here is your mechanic ^^
u dont need a mechanic u need more Imagination, try classic RPG games for a while.
Wow how creative, so you’re telling us Tequatl is just lazy or he’s done eating humans so he flies away giving up the invasion ? Great imagination you got there.
I’d completely agree with a worldwide announcement (perhaps with an option to activate/deactivaite it) + timers for the freed camps, perhaps also a scaling timer depending the number of people doing the events or something. Although the Queen is still getting killed on some servers, it’s much harder to spawn than other WB and is more a matter of luck (especially for servers with low population) than something else, like “will we be enough to complete the events before they get done or will we spend 20 minutes+ there for nothing ?”. Frustrating for nothing.
Also, when a Dragon spawns, everyone come do it, it just requires a teleport every 2h30 or so, and sometimes a pre-event done in 5 minutes once it’s spawned. The Queen is located on a low population zone, with a pre-event taking more time to do than the actual fight with the Queen, a pre-event which can fail and will fail if you’re not enough, and the Queen herself can fail… yea, KQ is a hard WB compared to what we already have, the reward is cool, but the fact that we can’t try to fight her most of the time and are stuck with the pre-event is frustrating.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: AnAspieKitten.5732
It may not be Pay to Win, but it is opportunistic.
If the game started you with 1 character slot and a bank tab with 10 slots, and then sold bank tabs at 600 gems each, it still wouldn’t be Pay to Win. But you’d have to wonder if the conditions were deliberately made so severe to encourage players to pay for quality of life items.
It’s the same thing here. Sure the content is optional. The item may not be Pay to Win. But it does affect gameplay. And that is a slippery slope.
^this. I bought the coin and still think like that, I paid for an easy TM. Not that I coudln’t complete it without it, but it would just takes too much time tryharding to not die (as I do not follow guides since it’s absolutely no fun). With the IC I do enjoy some parts of TM, mainly the second times I do the zones. The problem is here, imo, I paid to have fun, otherwise I would just miss 3/4 of the event.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: AnAspieKitten.5732
Agreeing with OP. People want the nomral mode to be fun and bring back old memories. Really, who remembers “oyeah, THAT level where I spent my entire day to make that jump !” from his old games and is actually happy to have done that ? Not a lot of people I guess. Tribulation should be here for that, and although I don’t agree with how try and die it is, it still should be hard enough for the masochist part of the playerbase, but normal mode doesn’t have to be part of it.
Do you not see that this is trial and error, and not based on skill.
You’ve described 100% of pve in 100% of mmorpgs there. If you’re looking for skill in pve, you’re looking in the wrong place.
Oh really, please tell me how you die thirty times in a row in PvE just to understand the mechanics of a dungeon.
What I really dislike here is this is a false difficulty. It’s kinda like putting 20000000000000 hp to a boss and say “hey look that’s hard”. I mean there’s a point where challenge is no fun, even for those who like it, and that point is reached when there’s nothing you can do about your death. When there’s little to no counterplay to what you’re dealing with, it starts to get frustrating and stupid.
Now add the grinding. Grinding in a minigame like SAB in order to be able to continue just feels bad already, if I have to grind I want to do it in the real game where it is already more entertaining than this… yup, even more frustration.
But wait, now you can even go into nightmare/tribulation mode ! Where NOTHING is challenging, because you’re facing unseen threats in a pure try and die. “Hey look, you just felt in that hole which you absolutely couldn’t see 0,1 second before, funny isnt it ?” “No.” and so on.
Real problem with all that is it’s getting too frustrating while you’re playing a minigame in a videogame, aka a game in a game, aka something fun in something fun, or atleast it’s supposed to be. Grinding for some secondary ressources is NOT interesting, even less when you’re not really playing the actual game, going through some levels in which you can barely move before being knocked everywhere is NOT fun, playing a mode in which you have to die countless times to start to believe that you could imagine there’s something that will kill you two steps forward is the worst.
The idea of SAB is great, it could have been really cool, but all the fun has been taken away now. Just make something really challenging which doesn’t make you want to uninstall after a few try, and it’ll be fine again, I mean you did it one time, how is w2 that much harder ? How come tribulation is that stupid, did someone actually found that fun when you tested it ? Or did you just tested it in a SM-themed party ? That would be the most logical answer.
Dw I’m not actually angry at the game or anything else, just disappointed because I thought I would get something fun after this month of grinding-based event, and in the end it turns out I have to grind again, for a minigame this time, and I can’t even say it’s funny to do it one time atleast because I don’t enjoy having so few chances to go through. Let’s hope someone find a a miraculous solution or ANet with all this, otherwise I’m really affraid of the next SAB…
Wow dude. SAB is a whole tribute to older games, that doesn’t mean there is a need to make it EXACTLY like them, there’s a reason it EVOLVED, and that’s because it was stupid.
I agree that that was one of the worst LS ever since Halloween. The Mad kind LS was real fun. But this – this is absolutely no fun, and I’m saying that as someone that likes farming. This is not just farming, this is kittened farming. “Go with the 30 other people, drop a couple of AoE, spam your loot key, you can’t see anything anyway, just look for the champions and fire, don’t mind about the event, it’s useless.” that’s how it is.
Farming is okay. But this is far beyond the “okay” point.
I did the bosses on both of my warriors, one specialized in supporting, one specialized in alterations and using S/S bow. Didn’t have any problems against any of them, just because I took the time to read their descriptions every time. Obviously I got killed a few times because I wasn’t aware of what was going on (like I had a camera glitch with the guy with the ring of fire, which is, I agree, very annoying and should have been fixed – everyone know this camera sucks), but really had no problem otherwise. All the OHKO are really easy to dodge, and the bosses are actually quite fun to duel for most of them, and tbh if ANet would just let them be after the event I’d like it so much. They are balanced as they are, that’s pretty much all, just imagine if the bosses that actually have an OHKO didn’t have one, then what ? Is it like I’m fighting a trash mob with more health ? No thanks lol. And if they have more damage ? You can’t facetank it but you can’t dodge it everytime, so the fight would be “I’m running around with my bow and you can’t catch me” ? Just think, what the hell do you want then ? More health ? Highly doubt so. All you want is a boss you can kill, but they ARE easy to kill if you really are 80, some classes may have a harder time for a particular boss but that’s ALL.
Then I faced Liadra, with the alteration based warrior. And again, I agree this boss is really difficult, at first I was getting killed everytime at P1, then I started to get it, since the fight is always the same, you know where to go, you can do the same everytime, and I just couldn’t lose that part. Just try until you understand. P2 is pretty tough tho, I left her 10% hp multiple times, one time I couldn’t even see her health anymore. That was incredibly annoying, but since I couldn’t fail P1 anymore, it was more a matter of time. So I just ended up like that : waiting for the red circles, go into a safe place, shoot with bow, when the OHKO thing falls from the sky, go where the red circles were at the closest (which mean towards Liadra, which wasn’t really a problem anyway if you manage to keep your distance well), do the same thing over and over again until I can’t keep my distance with her anymore, then I just run to another safe spot and I start again, she dies pretty quickly. All you need to do, one more time, is to time your dodge and save your endurance, which is why I prefer to run towards her when I need to find a safe spot, because most of the time I can actually stay away from her without having to dodge, otherwise I wouldn’t have enough endurance.
Yeah, it’s not easy, but the fact the fight is scripted makes it ridiculously easy to deal with since P1 is just thirty seconds at best. Then once you get how to deal with P2 aswell, no problem. I’d say the more stupid thing about this boss is you need to be able to have a permanent heal all the time, otherwise you just die at p1, which is kittened. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying this is easy or anything, just that you need to understand the mechanics to win, that’s all.
I played with warhorn for Liadra, tho. Don’t have access to my build right now, if some Wars are interested I will give it in game.
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