“commander can i have a word”
“commander can i have a word”
and I think he’s now a spy.
fyi he’s by magnus
“commander can i have a word”
protesting on the EU server now…. LA is swamped
“commander can i have a word”
what does the 10% attack speed increase mean? do I get more attacks (instead of a 3 chain I get 4) or do I deal more damage? (whole f=ma thing)
please help
“commander can i have a word”
how do I use pathping?
“commander can i have a word”
I keep getting dc’d or booted out because it says I’ve lost connection to the server, i’m still connected to the internet but it just keeps cutting ever 2-5 minuites, I can even get off the lions arch loading screen before it dc’s now been happening since sunday.
please help.
“commander can i have a word”
running FOTM since launch 500+ pristine relics and still no fractal sword, loads of shields. I play a thief ….
“commander can i have a word”
all the fractal skins in my bank ,If you give me the fractal sword skin :-D thats about 5 shields 2 hammers and more riffles than a thief needs.
“commander can i have a word”
found it thanks, had me in a panic
“commander can i have a word”
you do know there are some recipes that use Bloodstone Dust as a material,
“commander can i have a word”
That is correct. You get 1 Pristine Fractal relic for a level 1 – 10 Fractal, another 1 for a level 11 – 20 Fractal etc. etc. If you could do up to level 50 Fractals, you could technically get all 5 Pristine relics in a single day. But most players will do it more slowly.
even slowly its only 5 days meaning you could run a fractal and craft your once a day food etc
“commander can i have a word”
Fractal Boss suggestions:
I would really like to see something from one of the novels, like when eir took on a jormag minion.
“commander can i have a word”
didn’t fit under any catergory but:
Fractal weapon boxes or a way of swapping skins you don’t want/need for the one you want instead of single weapon drops like the kitten weapons.
I started fractals to obtain one weapon for my thief the fractal sword. 600+ Pristine relics later i now have every fractal skin except the fractal sword (ironic I know).
“commander can i have a word”
Fractal gameplay change suggestions:
Pick the first fractal
How come we can’t choose our first fractal?
feels like were jumping in blind when the whole point is to explore events from tyria’s past, wouldn’t it make more sense to choose the first instance we wanted to explore (like during the reactor LW) and then (like dessa conversation always goes) she keeps failing to get us home.
“commander can i have a word”
Just run 5 fractals and stop crying …….
Pristine are a reward for completing a set of 4 fractals. if you could buy them, it takes away from the reward part.
“commander can i have a word”
(edited by Arc DLad.2194)
how do you get the stalwart shoulders/helm, the wiki says the chest is available via story, what about the rest?
“commander can i have a word”
(edited by Arc DLad.2194)
not agreed with OP. if only 5% manage to do the achievements, it just means that 5% were better than you and could achieve feats you can’t.
(not everyone can run 100 meters in 5 seconds)
took me ages to get the dont get knocked down achievement, but when i did i was thrilled. if they’d just given it to me with little to no effort how would i have felt?
living worlkd is an extension on the characters main story. in a roleplay sense, how would you charactor know where to go or RElive events they’ve never done? player knowledge =/= charactor knowledge.
“commander can i have a word”
It gets better when you get to higher levels (20’s – 40’s) then bell curves again (40’s – 50’s)
best you can do is either lfg – speak english/ know what to do.
when you do run with someone good ask f you can add them so you can run together again
“commander can i have a word”
first question, what level are you running that you get so many swords, cos that the skin i want. TELL US YOUR SECRET LEVEL!!!
all they need to do is setup an algarythem that says ifo if skin is in your wardrope present a different skin, and it loops till a skin you don’t have is present ot it goes through all the skins and presents you with an alternate reward/random frac skin
“commander can i have a word”
I find once you hit 80, the levels come fast which is backwards to how it should be.
not really, if 1-80 were easy complaint would be “i just bought this game and its too easy cos i reached max level too quick.”
the machine can’t tell the difference between if this is your alt or yur partners/relatives first charactor on your acount. so they added loads of tomes etc to help ease the process, the cat dumb the game down completely
“commander can i have a word”
well there is an Asuran alphabet, just need to ad a sound to each letter i guess,
norn, have the great hunt i guess.
“commander can i have a word”
read the patch notes for next update:
world bosses are going on a once every 8 hour spawn, but guild leaders can purchase an item to activate the bosses/events at any time, allowing guild wide challenges to be planned like current rushes etc.
“commander can i have a word”
Copied legendary skins just have the look and none of the added sparkles (foot prints, lightning effect, unicorns).
simular to when you currently transmute a legendary onto a lower rank item
“commander can i have a word”
You just fought your way through a burning city, caught in an explosion, killed your main enemy, and nearly lost one of your members, wouldn’t you want to go for shawarma…. I mean a meal to celebrate you just defeated a great evil, and try and not think about the hundreds of people that died or wen’t missing.
It was the end of an adventure before they begin a new one, i mean wouldn’t want to send one legged broham at aother dragon would we.
“commander can i have a word”
does, saving those to two trapped asura, and putting the cores in the slots actually do anything?
“commander can i have a word”
if your using stealth one person still has to run. if your all stealthed, AI thinks its out of combat and resets
“commander can i have a word”
Scarlet: “Oh no! You beat me! I bet you’re wondering why I did it…” (hits down skill 4 – heal)
Braham: “NO! ” (stomp attempt)
“commander can i have a word”
You fighting an overwhelmingly large groupie enemies with only a handful of men. The logical stance is to stand back to back so you can cover each others openings its a tactic as old as time. I once saw 300 men use it against the armies of Persia.
“commander can i have a word”
my ultimate form mhahaha
“commander can i have a word”
for all those beloved npcs we hated hearing over and over again but now miss and frantically search to make sure they survived so we can hate them again.
This glass s for ogdan, he so loved his great saving
for raisson face who we worried was gonna get eaten,
For the man needing the toilet, we hope he found a latrine
for the skritt who loved the sewer, we’ll take one last swim just for you
to the female shopper who weren’t looking at his bag, and found savings today and everyday, were those saving really worth it?
and for our greatest loss this attack, the …the.. tears up the training dummies, the impossible has been done. you shall be avenged.
“commander can i have a word”
is he a Zodiac?
“commander can i have a word”
They cut down a forest, blew up a tower and black-end the sky with poison.
the released a boss so hard it takes 150 people perfectly synched to complete and means we now have a title so prestigious you can’t help but go legend when you see someone with it.
we elected a mayor.
They introduced a main villain who we started to think may not be all evil then she blew up a city… and its now in ruin….
“commander can i have a word”
Why do people think LA will be rebuilt?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Arc DLad.2194
Anet has 3 options:
1) leave the city as permanant wreck and force players to the other main cities/home instance. – this would alos allow a post LA expansion and help drive the idea the living world change the game for good., we’ve had the after match of the tower which is still there and awesome, so leave this.
2) have the city rebuilt but over a long period of time (the whole of next season)
3) someone drops 4 legendaries in zomoros and the city magically rebuilds….
“commander can i have a word”
yay, Lions Arch can burn then i hate waiting on that load screen,
“commander can i have a word”
If you smash the Fractal gate before i get that sword, scarlett someones gonna get a hurt
“commander can i have a word”
thief :off hand sword
“commander can i have a word”
So i’ve been thinking about another possible change they could do other than nerf ABC (which there resistant to do). why not just make it count as 2 of the 3 fractals before the boss.
and why are the odds for a weapon skin better at 11-20 than at 40-49?
“commander can i have a word”
all’s well and good say add an epic brain challenging story quest to get the precursor, but we all know it’ll go like this:
anet release precursor story, hardest challenge ever > boot up game >3 mins later > boot up wiki/dulfy on how to do it > complain it was too easy on forum
“commander can i have a word”
Tara strong is scarlett :-O wow that woman has a vocal range
“commander can i have a word”
cores, just sell, but the fragments give you a chest for every 25, which contain the rare dragonite, so its work collecting
“commander can i have a word”
very true, hmm ok let me make a senario.
2 fighters identical in all ways except 1 has a rifle other has a great sword and the both attack tequatel ( or any boss) at the same time. which attack would make him go ouch.
“commander can i have a word”
force = mass x acceleration (speed over a distance) -(resisting forces)
a big sword swung at a short distance means if its swung fast enough it will deal alot of damage – no resistance force slowing it down.
a small arrow/bullet fired from a gun although moing faster travels a longer distance and has to take into accound, gravity and wind changing its direction and slowing it down.
scientifically speaking they should be weapker
“commander can i have a word”
well it does a long time to make dragon slaying black arrows, gotta find somethnig to do in that time
“commander can i have a word”
There is a way to choose you stats….. its called crafting.
If it was easy everyone would do it
“commander can i have a word”
If I remember right 1-49 were classed as the lower levels and high levels (where ring stopped dropping and we get fractal weapon boxes) were still been worked on
“commander can i have a word”
Wow this spiralled down hill fast.
this comparison of gw1-2 is annoying. story wise they were totally different games an so they’d have different mechanics etc.
ascended gear is what exotic should have been – a hard to get armour set that requires a lot of effort.
the living world, although a tedious start, story wise it was the right call. put this this was spoilers if you still haven’t killed zaitan:
you kill Zaitan, you use up all your resources to do it and you cure Arah. what do you do next? go after the next dragon? but you have no resources, you’ve lost cities in the fight and the roads are littered the corpses of the dead/former undead. only option is to chill till someone else cleans up your mess. but evil never waits and the world keeps moving.
I’ll put it this was. list the story points of gw1 in the first year 1/2 and gw2 including living world till now (1year 1/2 or so) see how they compare.
“commander can i have a word”
darn i was hoping there was an actual recipe
“commander can i have a word”
where can i get this recipe?
“commander can i have a word”
if i increase my health would my regen scale up with the increase. also would my skill 6 also scale up to compensate? eg:
i have 100hp my regen ticks at 10hp if i go up to 200hp would it tick at 20hp?
thanks in advance
“commander can i have a word”
What if the whole point of the nightmare tower was to make it an artificial “pale tree”
What if by blowing it up, we just revealed to scarlet how to blow up the real pale tree,
I mean we can’t be the only ones to combine those 4 items in that room, and if scarlett did all of that to kill the pale tree, why?
“commander can i have a word”
(edited by Arc DLad.2194)