“commander can i have a word”
“commander can i have a word”
I can’t seem to buy gems at the moment, is it down?
“commander can i have a word”
same. I think its an EU thing
“commander can i have a word”
screen shot of what i’m currently wearing
“commander can i have a word”
hi what are the closest dyes to the Chuka and Champawat skin
“commander can i have a word”
patch killed my game. my precious daily
“commander can i have a word”
pistol pistol with interrupt runes/palm strike its just amazing, best tech for beating necros
“commander can i have a word”
its awesome, if you picked the stomp evade instead of the 3way run. immob inside metoer shower hurs
“commander can i have a word”
Actually the guy who said eat it is right. there are blood stone/ ethereal shard eaters in the game that eat 50 or 250 at a time
“commander can i have a word”
Thanks i’ll try marauding runes for the hp buff.
but even that. everything they should be masters of is outclassed by the other classes. stealth – engies last significantly longer
traps – there 2×5 square pales in comparion to the 10×10 square of a herald. even the damage is significantly greater with the offensive traps comparison.
conditions – masters of poison, (and bleed) but melts te second were hit because of vast situation cleanse compared to – necro/revenants/warriors/everyone else.
burst dps, great, once the 3-5 second cool down on stealth wears off and you can do your big damage again.
masters of evade. and that about the only thing we do better at the mo.
“commander can i have a word”
is it the necro engi meta? or is it the fact that with 11k health tey have to weaken their dps just to survive a single hit/
“commander can i have a word”
100 gld for doing all 100 levels
“commander can i have a word”
a quagin holding you up with balloons.
something elite spec related. (like when you finish story on a class you unlock the elite glider) i’d love a spirt glint glider for my revenant.
or some sort of ninja related thing for daredevil (a giant kite or something)
“commander can i have a word”
This is a good idea, it really gives added reason to enter the HoT maps, and would give incentive for those bored of tyria dailes. eiter add them to the current cycles (PVE teria , PVEHoT, WvW PvP) or add a new tab like they do for fractal dailies.
the argument that it gives a disadvantage to those who haven’t bought HoT is bull as it really doesn’t change anything for them. as they weren’t getting any of the HoT perks in the first place.
“commander can i have a word”
I would love to have it need to get extra lore in the lw story instances, like over hearing a conversation that would unlock an achievement goal.
“commander can i have a word”
its just a loading issue that happens sometimes when you waypoint into a new zone, its well known.
very fun when it happens and you’re gliding while holding a kite
“commander can i have a word”
gliding in central tyria will do three things :
1) the money going to way point near jumping puzzles will dramatically fall.
2) people will make challenge videos of themselves gliding across the whole map in one go.
3) have a backlash of people failing jumping puzzle because the held the space bar too ling and glided off.
no gliding in cities is a must as that’s game due to home instance areas. but
the majority of jp in tyria go upwards, as gliding is a decline it won’t break them. at most you’d have a dramatic drop in deaths. and to those saying it will break jp’s can you please give an example of a jp and how gliding will break it. hopefully with a video link to the jp most I’ve ever heard is that griffin rock you can glide over first climb so you don’t need to take A) the falling damage from the first jump. and agro the first giffon group. everything after that is an accent, at most you save your self 10 seconds on the bomb clock.
“commander can i have a word”
venom enhancement doesn’t go off when I apply torment via the sigils or runes.
is this a bug or working as is?.
venom enhancement: when you apply torment, also apply poison
superior sigil or tormnt: 50% chance on crit to apply aoe torment
“commander can i have a word”
two fix ideas:
1) if someone has lost x pips they drop down a tier, (min pip requirement) and they can only play people with that min/max pip number for that bracket.
2) once you lose x matchs, you next game win/loss you rating drops to that of you opponents.
“commander can i have a word”
We really need an answer to what they feel thief’s place is in this game because its really painful playing the game these days.
staff thief, drastically under powered.
venom share thief : slightly better with new stats but still only has poison as valid damage which is a waste of an elite trait for one skill.
condi: subpar
burst stealth : reveal every where even in bloody Fractals, really…
trapper: were the only class with a rectangular trap, why?
all the thief op comments from people who have either just faced their first thief and or never played a thief to se how hard it actually is to get skilled on, have caused this game state. i mean the recent unexplained change to steal (which i believe has been undone now) shows how out of touch balance teams are with this class now they have they’re shiny new ones.
we’re meant to be the fastest class, swift hitting with burst damage or huge burst condi. in a 1v1 we use traps/stealth to gain the edge agains the other classes. and new physicals give us the close range edge to we can get in and take hits in a tanky dps build.
at the moment its arrow to the knee, down state ,dead. you’re a thief don’t join us, you too weak in everything. you unique utilities, we don’t need them because the other classes who gained them as specialisations, now do them 100 times better than you did, don’t worry at least you have a nice dodge animation.
Please rebalance this class back. look at what you’ve added to the game and see how you’ve destroyed it.
“commander can i have a word”
please can you add:
A raid section
seperate the open world by region : ascalon, orr kryta
lock the open world lfg so you only see events for the region you are in.
“commander can i have a word”
doesn’t that guild item force the bosses to spawn on the new maps?
“commander can i have a word”
hey guys I have been unable to login after getting the balance patch due to being busy at work so have been unable to test this but with the balance patch did anet finally fix that glint bug where our facets would deactivate themselves for no reason or is there a workaround if there is no fix?
its not a bug…..
when you use a facet it reduces your recharge. when your recharge drops below 5 (usually 3 facets active) it becomes a degen. when the percentage hits 0 you lose all facets.
you basically have no soul power left to use.
“commander can i have a word”
I think the newsletter should be more frequent, with stuff like updates on new black lion items, community events and the occasional q&a. what do you think?
“commander can i have a word”
December 15 if I remember right
“commander can i have a word”
Enjoyed it greatly full of emotion and shocks, but a few things just bugged me.
Eirs death: I loved it really, was kind of shocked how she just accepted death but playing the story as a norn you get the feeling she was ready to die along time ago. but was there any explanation to how faolain go there?
rytlock : no reference to the voices e can hear in his head, especially when we hand over glints egg, I expected atleast a “something tells me we can trust them” from him. we doubled the exalted.
he gave a long speal about how he;s still getting used to these powers. but I would have loved something on his inner conflict with the spirits.
getting to the ending: it felt so off, like chunks were was missing,
getting to the idea of attacking his mind needed a better setup. like caithe or cannch referencing the fact tat when a sylvari dies its memories return to the pale tree so maybe they could access the mind similar to the way we received a dream about the pact.
The fight with Moredremoth was amazing, but I wanted more tormenting from him.
we’re in his mind, and when we actually fight him all he does is roar. where was the “who thinks they can challenge me” from the trailer or something equally as menacing as we square off against him, showing how un beatable he feels.
the moments when he summons your allies would have been the perfect opportunity to hammer the whole " you have left then to die , one by one I will take them from you, this world is Mordremoth"
And a reference about snaff would have ben a godsend. like “snaff, you clever fool, it worked” and having rytlock say it would have added the revenant mystery, who else can he channel
but anyways keep up the good wirk
“commander can i have a word”
My biggest issue is that there’s no significant new content that doesn’t run on a timer.
That’s not a game I want to play.
This is the in a nutshell. everything is on a timer, your gating people to have fun. the past 3 days, I’ve come in from work thinking " I’ve got 15 minutes so I’m totally gonna beat my guildies gold score" log in cant play cos the meta event is happening…… oh wait this event is going on and there’s a big mob, let me pop my gold sink experience booster and saved birthday booster and level up my mastery with this awesome find.
zero exp from all mobs…. wasted items, wasted time, wasted effort.
this expansion is end game content, but It focused only on the players that wanted long big event fights and it alienated the players who wanted to do smaller things like the mini games, farming tokens to buy X, levelling up masteries by doing several different things.
where as tyria was a web of things to do. maguuma is a straight line.
“commander can i have a word”
it would stop random level 50’s trying to join if it was called floor 50 or stage 50
“commander can i have a word”
they all start at different daily chests and rotate between them
“commander can i have a word”
not getting the chest on my engi.
alos its the third character I use to get the daily chest. is this an issue?
“commander can i have a word”
the trait trait gives ressitance when you use a demon skill doesn’t work with elite skill anymore. downed myself when I used it X-D
“commander can i have a word”
theres a guy in lions arch that tells you everything that happened itn living world 1,2 +cutscenes. you don’t have to buy It unless yo want to play it but HoT is essential for progression
“commander can i have a word”
(edited by Arc DLad.2194)
can we customise the finisher? i’d love to use my 3 year finisher
“commander can i have a word”
How can we not talk about family when family’s all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gon’ be with me for the last ride.
god kitten the emotion. when you fight along side someone for so long. you gotta give them the send off they would have wanted
“commander can i have a word”
ahh she’s parked there, thaks i’ll try that
“commander can i have a word”
please can you add a moustache for asura’s. with al there scientific power how could they not have made a moustache making machine
“commander can i have a word”
hi I’ve been farming the dredge commissar on my toons, but when I run on my engi I don’t seen to be getting the daily chest that should appears, happened 3 times now (mon/tues/wed) and not the first time.
please help
“commander can i have a word”
HoT expansion, you pick which fractals you do now arc out drops the mic
“commander can i have a word”
if you played nightfall " I demand you release me" is most shiro audio he says. everything is kind of different.
“commander can i have a word”
My feedback:
the class is well designed and hasa good play style but there are just a few annoyances/ things that make so sense.
1) why does the skill 1-5 drain you bar as well as have cool downs, it hinders them way too much and means once you unleash a stream of attacks you can’t heal or do anything other than auto attack.
2) I get its not a boon boosting class, but you’ve gotta give it swiftness somehow,
3) the trait lines are missing the -20% recharge/cost time trait, or a way to increase the speed your legend bar recharges
“commander can i have a word”
first time player, stick em in your bank and fight your way to 80, you tome up you’ll start complaining the game is too easy, experience the challenge first.
rerolled toon. tomb to lv10, tomb lv 30-35 and lvl 76-80
“commander can i have a word”
- I would like to receive reward for completing all 3 daily tasks -
I log into gw2 get my daily chest. the tab opens up with 4 rng selected dailies each in pvp, pve an wvw (3/12). if you cant do the wvw one’s there are two other sections to choose from (3/8).
If you joined this game soley to WvW, the opening question should have been something like " Is there anyway to enter WvW before level 31?
go to your hole city and portal to lions arch then portlal to WvW
“commander can i have a word”
love the new changes , can’t wait to see how they affect fractals but all I can say is :
fractal reset never forget
“commander can i have a word”
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Arc DLad.2194
new player pay $100 dollar for gw1+2
older players paying $100 for gw1+gw2 living world 12 + extra character slots + previous living world exclusive legacy items like the halo/devil horns
“commander can i have a word”
skills 1-5 shouldn’t drain the legend bar, I find myself just waiting on the bar to fill up to do anything (even heal)
as we cant change the skills 6-0 how about building the revenant around changing skills 1-5 for each weapon legend combo.
does the staff 1-5 need another heal skill, its only real attacks are 1,2,5 ad after you use skill 5 you need to wait on the charge…
condi build is good but you the constantly waiting on cool downs because your 1-5 used up your bar really takes away its power.
maybe adding a traite that reducing the cost on your bar by 20% like they do with the other classes
“commander can i have a word”
venom share build is too good now
“commander can i have a word”
Thank you Anet, just saw the new post, Thank you for listening to your community, I look forward to gliding for many more years
“commander can i have a word”
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Arc DLad.2194
the main problem is this it can only be viewed like this :
new potential player – I get the polished base game and the expansion added on free
loyal veteran players – I have to rebuy the base game again which I already own and have been playing for years to get my free expansion.
really all they need to do is say hey here’s a slightly cheaper version that’s just expansion for the vet players to purchase
if you already have the base game you get something else instead of the game.
“commander can i have a word”
Offhand sword can’t really work with mainhand dagger. It doesn’t make sense. But seeing as this thread is a joke, why not have mainhand torch? You haven’t lived until you’ve beaten something to death with a burning stick.
your thief is left handed….
“commander can i have a word”
the 3 man vote is much better that the previous 2 man vote system, if you’re having 3 people join you and your friend, ever consider just adding a guildy/friend as a third man and only invite 2 people (you control the majority vote)
“commander can i have a word”