“commander can i have a word”
“commander can i have a word”
your point 1: she said something along the lines of “lets investigate the scene of the crime in lion arch”. logic would dictate your actions on where to go.
your point 2: yes if you speak to her she gives you an idea of where all 5 are but you then recieve a letter telling you she’s found 3 for you to investigateand is still looking for the other 2. logic would dictate you would go to these 3 and then expect another email with the other 2 locations. (when this doesn’t happen you’d ask on chat or go online to figure out whats going on).
Those on map chat asking “how do you do the event, where do i go for the event” either havent read the mail at all, just logged in and want the achievement as fast as possible.
“commander can i have a word”
Hi noticed for a while, that i’ve been getting two drops from monsters sometimes (green and a white), is this intentional or was this meant to be a rare/exotic?
extra info ( i usually have +200% magic find when it happens)
“commander can i have a word”
a charr and a norn walk into a bar…. the asura walks underneath it.
Q:how does Treaherne change a light bulb?
A:Commander can i have a word
“commander can i have a word”
I may be wrong but aren’t the spineguards sould bound on aquire? so your just transmuting them to another soulbound item
“commander can i have a word”
when the story mode ended (spoilers) your charactor chose to walk there own path till the next dragon hunt, so the instances reflect that; random things that happen while you wait.
randomly buying iron at the iron cidedal and refugess show up, you investigate and realise you can’t destroy a facility alone so you get help.
decide to get a tan on a karka filled island and realise you cant defend the island by yourself.
your enjoying the dragon bash festival with you other, an it goes to pot. you leap into battle to defend the carrage while everyone battles.
in the word’s of final fantasy “This is my story”
“commander can i have a word”
Those are bad rules. Many high DPS/fast attacking parties might choose to focus on getting some of the adds down before focusing on the shield, especially if it’s in the middle.
ofcourse there are situations where you can do enough dps to do something different, i never said it was the best and only way to do it haha.
“commander can i have a word”
if you’re in a guild do a shout out to help clear the island/ kill the queen, worked for me yesterday.
“commander can i have a word”
Not a bad idea. They did similar story telling in GW1 with the purchasable mission packs.
if the did the purchassable mission packs which unlocked an instanced version of the living story missions/events with the rewards/achievements. that would be perfect.
could call it an asura time gate patent pending
“commander can i have a word”
1: keep the boss in the middle -(as far away from all the sacrifices as possible)
2: when the bubble is up all attack to pop it.
3: take out the worms once the shield is down. then repeat 1.
4: if someone goes down, target a low level worm for them to kill and lead boss away.
extra notes: if your party has regen/ projectil shields use them, othrwise keep moving
“commander can i have a word”
boost toughness and vitality then use a sharpening stone (+10% of your toughness and vitality to to attack power) bullet time mhahahaha
“commander can i have a word”
Hi, this has happened a few times but when I/team try to revive myself/other players in the down state in fractals nothing happens, or it just heal 1hp a tick till they die.
“commander can i have a word”
Thanks, i didn’t ask what there reward level was,just assumed they weeren’t jumping 20 levels :-S
“commander can i have a word”
Hi, did several 28- 38 fractal runs last week and on most of the runs someone received a non infused ring, is this an error or has the drops been changed, (if so wiki needs updating)
“commander can i have a word”
“commander can i have a word”
So i’ve been wondering, how do the legendary weapons fit in the GW story/history.
were they crafeted by the gods, or weilded by uber beings?
“commander can i have a word”
if its the steam jumping puzzle, its not you its generally an evil jumping puzzle.
you’ve got 2 options:
1- if you wan to do it lagit save save your pride and honor , learn the timings of each jump and work on the run and hittin jump while you change the angles.
2 – if you really just want the achievemnt , do a shout out for a mesmer to port over the first part.
“commander can i have a word”
it only closes is the instance creator leaves the party not the instance , which is definatly an intentional choice by them.
only options are open the instance yourself so your sure everyone gets the chest.
screen capture party names at the start and if ti happens, report the instance creater.
“commander can i have a word”
kiell told noll to send the contracts by boat so she could secretly arrange for them to be destroyed, and then conviently blame conach for their destruction. ie she opposes the slavery of the refuges as much as cannach.
did you not find it convenient that she said there were none of her men on the boat.
“commander can i have a word”
need those wing druel,…… geek-gasm.
but I would just love if at the end of the event one of the holographic dragons turns out to be a real one and blows up lions arch XD
“commander can i have a word”
colosus 3 rules:
1: don’t attack the target (or his side if mostly aoe guys)
2: don’t change the target
3: drop and charge the hammer in tunnel
“commander can i have a word”
it’s a one time reward, the reason it happened daily the first 2 days was because the patched the area and accidently reset it, so everyone got a second chest the next day.
“commander can i have a word”
go on gw2lfg.com make a post and tick thebox for first time/new to dungeon.
“commander can i have a word”
if you after skill points the fastest way i know (and use) is the fractals. you can buy them for about 30 something fractal coins, which at higher levels you get about 200 fractal coins a day. pretty much how i do the daily laurels X-D
“commander can i have a word”
But this isn’t real life. This is a video game. And GW2 is not trying to be a real-lfie simulator.
erm it acutally is, hence been called “living story” say 1monthly updated it like a day/week ingame time .
the event are a made to keep those who complained they were getting bored of the old monotomy of farming for their skins and wanted more story in the end game. it’s tempory because it follows in game real time. – once the world is changed it done. best example was the statue in lions arch, which blew up and was under construction each month till they finished.
I understand you couldn’t play becuase of your machine setting, tempory content is annoying, but the living story are world global events, have multiple running at the same time would mess things up (like what is happening in certain ascalon areas).
“commander can i have a word”
Bad feeling is something to do with fractals, I hear there are things they couldn’t patch out in those things.
“commander can i have a word”
tbh he’s one of the few bosses that’s designed relistically with he’s targting.
if there isn’t a clear first person who hit him, he basically goes for the most dangerous class in the party (with least health first) ie the one that can do lots of damage outside his attack range (ele aoe etc) and or help other characters out of tricky situations (thief stealth), or he just doesn’t like thiefs
“commander can i have a word”
never gonna happen.
- racial skills
- a story mode that deeply entwins your charactos home region
- racial armor
– how would you explain that to your characters mother X-D
“commander can i have a word”
randomly seeing a down player overrun at a kait event and tellnig them “i’ll rez him” conditioning every enemy on screen , stealthing and rezing them so fighting them off covering each others back till we complete the event, with the npc’s respawing after the event to cheer us on. thats when i felt like a hero.
“commander can i have a word”
a flame and frost based fractal, where the dredge/ flame legion win (cos we know they’re gonig to lose)
or just some new fractals at higher levels, and the other assended gear been available in fractals
“commander can i have a word”
the bad guys are flame legion (charr) so obviously you go to the good charr first to sort out their mess, before you call in the big boys to lay the smack down!!!!!
“commander can i have a word”
you tried turning off your shoulders?
“commander can i have a word”
i’ve run the fractals pre and post patch (28-36) and I on average get 4-6 rare 1 exotic (usually account bound) and mostly green’s and whites(annoyingly), this is with out magic find armour, so i’l not sure how that effects the drops.
“commander can i have a word”
Was it a level 10 or higher fractal?
Is the character you used reward level 10 or higher?
if the answer is yes to both of these then its a error you should report. If not, you didn’t meet the requirements for a Daily chest.
“commander can i have a word”
(edited by Arc DLad.2194)
black lion chest are launched – people complain there’s nothing in them worth spending money for keys on.
they add in all the trading post sale items (revive obs, salvage kits, transformation stones) – poeple complain well if i want it i’ll just go to the store stop giving me these chest there still pointless.
they add a unique item to the chest – people complain.
conclusion : They gotta pay the server electricty bill some how. buy buy buy X-D
but seriously, its not as big a gamble as FOTM skins (could have been a random skin in the chest).
Anet saw somethnig key that was underpreforming and so found a way to fix it.
“commander can i have a word”
still confused but ok if i’m level 40, and did, 28 (got daily chest), then did 30, would i get a second daily chest for that teir or as stated since the level change thing am i just getting the level 40 daily chest?
“commander can i have a word”
if my party completes fractal 28, gets our daily chest (chest that pops in the right corner of screen), the run fractal 30, will we get another daily ( it says one every 10 levels, so is it level 10-19, 20-29, 30-39 etc). or is it 10 levels different from the last one I did ( i did 28 so i’d have to do 38 for the chest again)?
“commander can i have a word”
(edited by Arc DLad.2194)
I kind of like it.
Things are happening in the game in real time, is what they’re trying to do. and rather than been centre focus of the story we kind of find it. My take on it:
so part one, we hear rumours of refugeess coming from the mountains, all to scared and injured to tell us what going on but in need of help, so we help as many as we can to the major cities for shelter (takes about a month cos they walk slow).
Part two, they calm enough to tell us what happened ,as abstract as it is and we hear of some of them losing their most treasure belongings. you help one or two and as more people flood in over the month more request for lost stuff are made (they really are taking advantage of my good will). on the search we find out its (spoiler) flame legion and dredge who are behind it, and we holt their advance down the mountain.
we don’t know why they attacked, why they want these people dead, or what their end game is.
“commander can i have a word”
point 1: top right corner there are two stats: fractal level, reward level. if you run fractal 500 but you reward level is 1 yuo will only get the reward you should ave got at level 1.
point 2: if your level is 10-18, and you’ve got the daily chest, then run level 20+ you will not get another prestine because your reward level is still in the bracket 10-19.
point 3: as stated the open level joining was done to help group finding, but it very unlikely that you’ll find a group that will drag you along say level 40, when you’re level 1 with no AR. they’ll most likely do an AR check prior to entering the fractal, or boot you when they realise your bringing nothing to fights.
“commander can i have a word”
yea about this “if your not in a big guild your screwed” arguement – you can join more than one guild for this exact reason.
“commander can i have a word”
the only thing i can see wrong is that once you get to fractal 40-50 and have the rings/backpiece/weapons you want. you haven’t got a reason to go further. if chest 50 dropped amulets that allowed me to get to 60 which dropped earing that allowed me to get to wherever, it would be epic.
“commander can i have a word”
you can also do the guild missions and get one in less than 50 day
“commander can i have a word”
i can view weapons in the store XD thief with the twilight awesomeness
“commander can i have a word”
i think the best fix would be to count healing = damage contibution for the loot. person A & C deals 10k damage to the boss gets an rare, but person B was healing and rezing Person A and C and healed 20k’s worth of damage gets an exotic for his efforts.
“commander can i have a word”
salage rings, and trade the weapon + relics for the weapon we want.
i spent ages trying to get the sword and just got a bow :-(
also i can secound the 1/10 drop chance what i got.
“commander can i have a word”
1) a guild hall/home where i can meet other guild characters – like to add a face to a chat name.
2) norn transformation length uped to 1min – the cool down is a bit steep for a 30 second form that cant move when it attacks.
3) what your looking for a group to do added to the the looking for group option on the friend list or catergories/groups added so we could find people looking for the same thing easily.
“commander can i have a word”
i’d like to know this aswell
“commander can i have a word”
3 hours and it disconnected, cries so close to killing it
“commander can i have a word”