Showing Posts For Asmodeius.2751:

Make Gemstoreitems "dupable"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I can’t completely disagree with this idea, however it is less likely ANET will do it. I however like the idea of the achievement weapons, where that great sword i got i can replicate to all my characters.

Disable Jumping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


another vote to not disable jumping. This is just nonsense, if content is poorly designed and people able to bypass it, it is the content fix that is necessary. In pvp Jumping and heightened grounds offer a strategic superiority over the enemy if used wisely, it should not be removed.

Made this long ago! (Fist skills!)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I believe there is a version of each in game already, some of yours actually do repeat. it’s like frost shock, fire shock, earth shock and etc. same thing, different effect.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Zietlogik, you however don’t back up your words, did you at least read about the life span and the actual start of the game? i owe ANET nothing, i want to have fun meanwhile i don’t want to just kill time. If i wanted to kill time i would happily downloaded hacked version of Hitman contracts or Elder Scrolls. I unfortunately not interested in simple time killing. I want to do fun content together with gamers like myself and i want it interesting. The interest alone is fueled by life span of the content. Some thing with short life span, like leveling 1-80 is not what i’m interested, this is a pure time killing, which i could do for free as i mentioned above.

New Weapon Skills + Capes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I think we need more weapon skill customization as well, however i’d prefer them be open for every one. Slot one, since it’s auto attack, should have like 4-5 alternations but only bound to slot 1. the 2,3,4,5 should be customized by player from pool of let’s say 20 skills per weapon. Of course to keep it balanced, each individual skill should have their own cost.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Since my Idea of no levels and even content is too much of a decision for ANET to make, i would happily settle for instant level 80 scroll. so i can be in action Right where the significant content starts, and by significant i meant the content with fair life span, which will matter for some time before becoming obsolete.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


First of all i want to thank all those who have brought up the idea of leveling by Professions, i got my Guardian to 75 and will wrap it up after a little gold farming to 80 skipping the bad content, or content i don’t like so much.

With all the cons you guys trying to bring up i would still disagree.

The game starts at 80, every thing before level 80 is pointless time sync. Getting to 80 is not a reward, it’s actually a punishment. I perhaps see the game from a different angle, i would say a more modern perspective.

It’s not my nor your problem that ANET implemented levels. Therefore they had to make a scaled content. Scaled level wise and Reward wise. The scaled content creates lots of dead, underpopulated zones that people have to grind through while leveling alternative character and never return after they hit 80. Those underpopulated zone stay dead because no one wants to do down scaled content, because not a single level 80 will want to take level 50 reward.

Now Imagine there was no levels or to make it easier to imagine, all the content would be level 80 and issue level 80 reward. This will not necessarily make all dead zone popular again, however it would give alternative for people to grind gold, farm skins, do fun events with zone based rewards. It would be a totally different approach to the PvE.

As i mentioned before, level 80 is when the game begins, there no people who say “i’ll stay at level 50 because i like it more at this bracket”. People rather think " i have to hit 80 so i can have access to better loot, better content, more popularized content".

Everyone understands that level 20, level 54 is not constant and approximate life span is so small and insignificant that you wont want to spend much time there. Rather scale fast to 80 to get to the content with more permanent rewards or rewards with a longer life cycle.

a little example here:

at level 30 i get to do Ascalonian catacombs, i need to farm it for few days to get good and sexy exotic level 30 helmet from the vendor that will be good and powerful only for the next 3-5 levels.

Now i think, i can hit level 40 before i go to sleep, should i farm ascalonian catacombs for next 3 days for reward that wont matter the day after? My answer is simply no.


We have same set up except i need to farm exotic piece at level 80, a level 80 exotic helmet from one of the dungeons. This helmet will serve me at least a month or until ANET comes up with a sexier, or stronger one.

Of course i’d rather spend 3 days grinding to hit to 80 to get to farm reward that actually means some thing and will have a much longer life span, than grind 3 days to get item that will not mater the next morning.

This brings us to different problem, not the instant level 80 scroll. The problem is when the game starts and when we can do the content that will mater, will have longer life span and reward us with items that will not loose their significance as soon as tomorrow. The game starts exactly when you can access the content with meaningful life span and every thing before it is pointless time sync.

I want to go to Diessa plateau, i like the zone, i’d like to do more of it. Experience new events, look from nice vistas at the sexy graphics of the zone, however i will not do so. I will not revisit Diessa plateau, no mater how much i like it, just because it has nothing to offer me at level 80. i don’t want to do those events purely for the fact of doing them, the reward for them is already outlived, it turns into TP trash. If ANET would scale content, give good, usable rewards at 80, i would happily go to Diessa plateau and do it again and again.

It all comes down of life span of the content. The content i want to do should have what i call fair life span. Where rewards and content it self wont loose it’s significance in a week.
my personal life span brackets(each bracket includes life span of gear, rewards and actual content to do):

Poor (1 day to 2 weeks) – content i’d rather skip, rewards i’d rather not receive. I would skip completely unless forced to do it.
Average (1 to 3 months) – content that would provide us some interest but nothing significant and could be skipped if necessary. Perfect example green items, they are good place holder until you get some thing better.
Fair (4-8 months) – This is all the exotics, sexy skins, and etc. This is where they can give zone distinctive rewards purchasable from vendors for doing the certain amount of events in the zone.
Good (constant) – Constant content/rewards, it’s content that is ever lasting, that will always give us appeal. Good examples would be: Trading post, Mounts (that you don’t want to implement so much), Cosmetic Wings (we have now). Pretty much every thing that is worth doing to get it once and it’s good forever or always do it (like TP). Content and rewards that we always be attracted to.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


agree with ProtoGunner. at least give us options.

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Mounts alone wont do it, however for cosmetic reason they would be a nice little addition just like those wings we got now.

Trait system - Worst part of the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I would want some changes as well. I want some more meaningful talents, or major talents that would make the difference felt immediately. Also would like more weapon skills, actually want to chose weapon skills for for my weapon rather than have set ones. give me 5 per slot to pic from.

New WvW Traps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


i guess this would be a good addition.

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Brave Mallyki, So far ANET is not doing any thing constructive asides from crappy living world events. The talents need revamp, dead zones need to be reanimated and so on. They need to fix and return lasting appeal to what’s there now, instead of developing new staff in the old manner. Cosmetic mounts are quick and easy addition which can be done within a month by just 2 people from their development team. They will make some of us happy, those that want them, those who doesn’t, aren’t forced to get one.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


EnemyCrusher, i offer mounts as cosmetics. I want to graciously travel on a wolf or some thing. don’t need speed or combat abilities. Just to look sexy.

Just got back to GW2, awsome updates, but...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


New races, classes and mounts would be good. Also better talent system, a little deeper one and better balanced.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


GW2 Is very good and innovative game. They can solve this problem easily. Implement ground mounts, those who don’t want to have them, wont get them and those who want them, will get them. Just that simple.

There just plenty of selfish people who don’t want mounts them selves and want to force every one else not to have them. Since game play wont be changed for you with mounts or without mounts, how about we (people who want them) get them and you (those who don’t want them) will not get them.

i want mount even if it’s just cosmetic without any speed enhancements.

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


LanfearShadowflame, As for mounts i think it’s two sided. You say it doesn’t offers any thing essential, so no need to implement it. However even without a speed addition or some thing else like that, i would like to have a mount purely to boast my epin.

So what we have now? you say no mounts, but i want mounts to give me a better cosmetic look while i sit in LA, or just traveling without speed boost through Tyria.

So if it’s implemented and doesn’t offers any purpose or essential element some oen like you wont get it, wont farm for it. Some one like me, who wants his Charr sit on good looking beast to show off will get one.

There no reason not to add them, those who don’t want them simply wont get one and those who do, will get them. That’s it! you will be happy with mounts or without since you wont get them any ways, and i will be happier with a month if i can get one. Why would you deprive me of that happiness? Specially that you wont care any wyas since you wont get one.

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Brave Mallyki, Even if mounts are purely cosmetic, for the looks it’s still cool. We have dragon wings, but we can’t fly. Mounts will add up to the epin, give cooler look and if they rework speed overall a little they could be fairly usable.

I personally want to see my Char riding the Embraided wolf, just the sexiness alone would bring me to dead content if i could get it as a drop.

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


uknortherner, well cosmetic gear is of course good, but cosmetic is a little not enough. if gear is bad looking for that mater, no one will go and do the Raid zone. You need another carrot to bring people there. I do agree it shouldn’t turn into gear grind like WoW for higher stats, however if another carrot wont be invented to bring people into the zone, dungeon, raid, those places will die out. If new carrot wont be invented than ANET will be forced to implement vertical gear progression for PvE, or zones will die out, than the game (except it’s pvp element).

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


uknortherner, i understand your concern, i didn’t meant to ask ANET to bring in WoW like raids the way they are.

The raids i see in GW2 would be some thing like dragon fights, also on timber, without subscription fees. The raids with gear bound to the raid event, few bosses rather than one and with a little more mechanic. That would be the raid in GW2 how i see it and it’s not the WoW like raid.

Lock mouse to camera control

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


i Support this Idea, however i’d like it to be optional. I’m personally fine with controls the way they are right now, but there no reason not to have an option that will suit other players.

Gold to gems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


agree, absolutely no reason to make not implement this and this i believe is an easy fix.

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Brave Mallyki, brings up few good points, there. however, coloring weapons should only be available for general weapons with bad cosmetic look. Now the WoW argument, This is not WoW, WoW wasn’t first to invent mounts either. Mounts were used by people long before age of Internet, there absolutely nothing wrong with introducing ground mounts to GW2. I want to see my cool char sitting on even cooler wolf like mount, that dropped of world boss, this boasts my epin and there absolutly nothing WoWish about it.

This game will never be like WoW, however few successful elements could be taken from WoW, for example PvE gear progression, Pugable raids and mounts.

There is no reason to surrender a good, already proven, successful elements just because it’s taken from WoW or for that mater any other Game.

When ATM machines were invented, Citi bank didn’t say “yo, we wont implement ATM machines because we’ll resemble Chase bank!”, they implemented it, because it was good, convenient and successful element, not because “we’ll look like Chase now” thing.

Guild Taxes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


gold is too easy to get any ways, no reason to have a little tax for guild.

Guild Taxes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I’m for it, this is great idea.

new editions to boost game play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


weapon dye and mounts with little more speed than walking would be cool. Mount just for looking cool it self are worth it. as for bikini not sure, so as for companion, i run every thing solo and haven o problems with it, i avoid every group event as time consumed vs reward usefulness time is just bad, so i don’t want time on meaningful content like that.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I will make my self clear to why i don’t want to level, i think people don’t understand it.

I beat the game on my first Character. Now i can gear him up with gear that will serve me for 1 month or so. That gear will keep me happy, give sense of achievement. Will allow me to do better content, be better in WvW. Be overall better and i know that, that coolness wont disappear is 1 hour or one day, it will last until i get another good thing that will make me even cooler and/or better and it should take like about 1-3 months for the transition.

I don’t want to level because every thing i acquire pre-80, doesn’t gives sense of achievement. Does not gives me the feel of security of my gear not becoming outdated. The content becomes out dated and useless, i don’t want to return at 80 to diessa plateau for the crappy quests or events that don’t offer usable reward, or rather reward that maters to me at my level 80.

If there were no levels, just meaningful content with meaningful rewards it would of been much better.

This is MMO after all, PvE in MMO to give constant interest to player base has to have vertical gear progression. In other words in PvE people need that carrot, those who don’t can enjoy Elder scrolls, you beat it once, twice, trice and trow it out. Such games like Elder scrolls i call walk throughs, you buy it, you beat the game, and trow it away, it doesn’t offers lasting appeal. You will always say i did beat that game and it was fun, and the game is cool, however all it is, is 2-7 days of your play time.

GW2 is not the game or should of not been the game with limited lasting appeal. To give lasting appeal the players have to be rewarded with rewards that will mater for considerable time, and not get outdated 3 minutes later.

PvP is on the other hand is good as is. PvP bows to another rules and another gaming appeal. PvP players want to get cool looking gear, make up the build and compete with others only to measure whose D**k is larger. PvP players want to get recognition for being “the best” thief on server, in the world and etc. However PVP is not the problem. It’s PvE, which has crappy lasting appeal.

The conclusion is: I personally want to do staff that will give me lasting appeal, reward that will mater for considerable time. Leveling is pure time dump, therefore i don’t want to do it. There many of those like me, who think the same way and who would want insta-80 scroll.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I don’t understand most of you guys who are against insta-80 scroll. All the arguments given against it are bad and insufficient.

You want to reanimate dead content? you want to have fun? you want to be more engaged in the game? Than please tell me why you lead ANET a wrong direction?

Instead of focusing on level grind and material grind to reanimate dead zones they should make those zones interesting for 80s, create more fun staff to do and rewarding staff. For me it is important to be rewarded with meaningful rewards for fun content that will last at least a month to boast my epin. any content pre-level 80 lasts 20 minutes to 1 day tops. than every one forgets it.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Ken, i don’t want to level more than once, it’s not fun. It ends up being boring grind. Why should i be forced? you want to level, go ahead, no problem. I want to enjoy end content, some thing that will stay some what permanent and i wont have to change gear every 2-3 levels. Neither i want to grind level through content where i will never ever return at 80. What i get at 80, those exotics, legendaries, they will at least serve me for few months until ANET wont come up with new Content, ideas on how to reanimate dead content and etc.

I personally can play 2-3 hours a day, no more, and not every day. I know some hardcore grinders can hit 80 in a week, for me it takes 2 months. Every 5 levels i get so bored on my alt that i just stop and go watch movie or some thing, because i’m bored as hell killing meaningless mobs only to get to 80 where all the fun starts, where gear maters, where my build will mater.

You want to level? please do so, if it’s fun for you, no one is taking that fun from you. For me and those like me, leveling is not fun, i want gear progression, i want some thing that will mater, the spec, the gear, the epin. Why should fun be taking away from me, or why should i be punished just because i don’t enjoy leveling and i don’t enjoy explorations.

Raid world Event suggestion. Good Idea.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Hello once again,

Today i want to propose ANET to implement a Raid world content, not one like WoW has, some thing much more fun and better. So here is what i propose:

This will be an Event, not a Dungeon however should have a good scale just like Dragon events, or at least attract such player base. I will lay it out as i see it, however every thing is up for discussion.

I will call the event “Cursed castle”, of course with such name the venue of the event should be a Castle. I say ANET need to take place in one of those dead zones, revamp the portion and set up a castle there. The even should as i see it be time sensitive. The way i see it the even should launch once a day, every day let’s say at 8-9 pm server time and area should be locked for the even until 5 AM.

During the day time, the castle is open to every one, get few mini events there with rewards and exp as well as regular hearts. Small events would be like " take this dolyak, run him to get grains and come back". Also set there vendors with gear for the Major event, the vendors again only available during day time.

The Major event of Cursed Castle starts at 8-9 pm. This is convenient time, people come back from work take a nap and can afford to spend one hour for the event. Weekends every one is available too.

Event starts like this: The citizen ring the castle bell, announcing 30 minutes window before the gates close for the night. All players who get inside before the window closes get to participate in 1-1.5 hour event. When gates close all citizen turn into were-wolfs (in my version, you can make it vampires, froglings, dragonkin and etc.).

Event starts with every one turning werewolf, players are in backyard and the fight starts. When players clean the back yard the first boss spawns, big ugly cursed wolf (not werewolf yet).

When players kill him, event continues, Gate into the Keep opens and waves of mobs rush out to face players, as players fight the mobs they come inside the castle, and secure first level, once it’s secured the mobs stop spawning (to avoid run in cheating make the floor contested, the capture bar isn’t moving while a single mob alive). Once floor Captured players move to the 2nd floor, face mini boss guards and than the Cursed King (huge werewolf). I leave it for you to decide on the boss abilities and mechanics. I will suggest one for Final boss.

The final boss, we meet on the Roof of the keep, we find this out from the King when he is dying. A scene where he says that there “some one” dark and scary who laid the curse on the Castle and can be found on the roof. So players move to the roof, when they arrive some mini event with mob slaying starts. Once they killed the Ritual is performed to summon the final boss.

Final boss should be bigger size than the Cursed king, a little smaller than the Dragon. I would suggest some demonic/winged Being. Yeah, let’s settle on demon with wings. So the players fight the demon.

Mechanics i suggest for last boss. Demon looses HP only if ritual is performed. If ritual is interrupted the boss goes invisible and continues attacking, suffers no damage. To damage the boss ritual has to be resumed. By ritual i mean a 5 point star, at each point player has to stand and channel an ability. Make up some attacks for the boss, and at 20% hp i would suggest boss to spawn 2 identical copies, each copy gets same amount of hp as boss at the time however they have life link with the boss, damage to one damages all 3 of them.

Rewards: for first boss, make some thing up with 1 exotic, for king, make some thing up with 1 exotic and chance for ascended gear, and for final boss make some thing up with 1 ascended drop, chance for wings and other cosmetic fun staff + chance for legendary weapon mats that is farmable only off this event (let’s say you need to farm even for about a month to collect emblems which you can turn in for 1 legendary weapon of your choice.

I justify the Legendary being acquired within 1 month of farming event, since even is open during particular time and requires good amount of people to perform.

Please feel free to offer changes, add ideas to the event.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


two things i want to disagree on with DeathMetal and i have valid arguments for it.

1. For those who are forced to re-level and don’t want to, leveling is actually a punishment already. This only makes us unhappy, to keep us happy and not loose player base ANET should not further punish us with a Dollar. therefore 3k-4k gems for insta-80 is just bad and inconvenient. It shouldn’t be free, but it shouldn’t cost more than 20$ for 1 insta-80 scroll.
2. Limit 1 per month of insta-80 scroll is bad idea, we have character slots limiting us already which is good enough and if you think a person has to be crazy spamming the game with insta-80 characters for 20$ per scroll.

For convenience, ANET could implement 20 level scrolls. those scrolls would add 20 levels to the characters current level (no mater what level it has already) and make it cost 1/4 of the insta-80 scroll. That way if you have zone that you particularly like leveling through you will have that chance.

One thing is bad and i believe every one should agree with me on it is forcing us to do bad, unwanted, not fun content. Instead of forcing us, revamp the content, make it wanted and fun. People will go there and do it much better and faster than just forcing us.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Daishi has the right point there, needless to restate but i’d like to summarize the arguments people give not to allow insta-80 scrolls and reasons why should it be done. We’ll see which out-weights which.

Reasons people don’t want insta-80 scrolls:

1. increased amount of unskilled players.
2. vacant content
3. There is a way to do it already
4. Selfish people’s greed

Every thing else is too insignificant to be valid. Let me counter each of the stated arguments.

1. amount of bad players wont increase if the scroll will be only available after you level your first 80. That way you will see how the mechanics work and how game is. Dodge mechanic is the same for every class so is the healing mechanic, there fore don’t tell me they will need skill to dodge as warrior in a different manner than a Thief. On top of it, if you want to learn your class specifics you can go to sPvP and play around with builds, check out additional mechanics and roll out into PvE full of knowledge. Learning Dungeon fights will be done during level of initial 80.

2. Forcing us to level new character thinking it will re-populate dead zones is straight up dumb. People like my self who want another 80 but don’t want to level, will just rush through the easy quests and exploration solo, and the zone will remain empty. Dead Zones wont get more dead than they are now with insta- 80 scroll. First of all not every one want to pay to get leveled, so if there been let’s say 8 people per dead zone on time, after scroll goes live there will be 5 people per dead zone.

3. This is straight up invalid, professions were not made to be a way to get to 80 fast. Professions are things you have to do along while leveling, if you want to do it. On top of it, professions should create some thing meaningful, not just burn mats to max it out and than create one ascended sword or a pistol.

4. I’ve noted that there a lot of people who don’t want to have insta-80 scroll because they don’t want to pay for it, or can’t pay for it. So they want every one to be forced to level with them, so they don’t feel lonely (well it’s already lonely no mater how you look at it). There other people who simply want and like to level again, but i don’t understand why they want to force the rest who doesn’t like it, to do it. However, no one is forced to buy the insta-80 scroll, if you want to level and you like it, knock your self out, go level, god bless you. If you don’t and you think paying a little to get to 80 is fair, buy scroll and continue enjoying the game. For greedy people or kids that don’t work, all i can say if you don’t want the scroll, go level normal way, but don’t deprive others from having fun the way they want it.

All in all, i can honestly say there is no problem for ANET to do it, the show will start bringing more revenue for them if they open this scroll, people who want insta-80 will get happier, people who don’t want insta-80 will have their time leveling as they wanted to.

As for re-population of the zones. Only way to repopulate them is to offer zone specific set rewards, get more global events like dragons to attract people to the zones. get a good amount of pre-events with good bounty so people will come and do them, for gold, for mats and etc. Force leveling unfortunately wont re-populate dead zones, we see it in every MMO including WoW.

The game is meant to be fun, for some one it’s leveling, for some one it’s vertical gear progression, for some one end game (be it dungeon content or world bosses). GW2 has potential to make every player happy. you want to level 10 characters, do it if it makes you happy. I don’t want to level, i want insta-80 and just farm gear, have fun. Why should i not have my way? considering many people want it.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


The dead zones part is valid Argument, but cant you see that im interested in repopulating them through world events, rewards and etc. not a forced level grind. The 80 noobs are not an issue, dont want them? Dont take them, this game is not rocket science, every zone is pugable, you dont need 5 ultra dedicated people to do these dungeons. I realy dont think there should be leveling in gw2

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Moshari., insta-80 would only be allowed after leveling first 80. That solves the problem with noobs. Asides from that, there is no hard enough content that would require you to have a full dedicated group like the heroic raids in WoW, every thing is linear, stack here, dodge this.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Zalman, It’s already hurting the game, without the scroll. ANET need to invent more cool world events with worthy rewards and scatter them to different zones. Just because i’m forced to re-level doesn’t makes me do the dead content. i just grind easy quests and etc. bypassing every thing that is not time convenient and that is it. why enforce that burden on me?

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Adine, I actually proposed to let the insta-80 scroll only be available after you level your initial first level 80 character and only than you can use the scroll for alts.

viehawk, i disagree completely. I have spare cash i want to pay for the insta- 80 scroll, why not if i want to? on the other had why should i be forced to level grind another character, is it my job? no, i want 80 alt. so i can play him and enjoy, avoiding level grind. This is a game after all not work.

1)Alt Chars 2)Side-Kick System.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


alt. problem isnta solved, give us insta 80 scroll for 300-400 gems.

as to reanimating old zones, ANET need to invent more world bosses, better and bigger world events, increase bounty to attract 80s.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I of course don’t want to be forced to help newbies to level and i wont do it one way or another, if they wont implement insta-80 scroll, i will just never level another character. On the other hand if they want to reward me to help low levels, i would happily help them. Like low level sends out request for help, if high level accepts it and helps the lowbie, he gets like a point or coin that eventually he can use to craft gear, get some thing else (current it would be logical to give 1 dungeon emblem).

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Moshari, this is a game, not a rocket science. i want to enjoy the game, not re-level through the same zones. Help that you’re speaking off should only be provided in some way on group events. I didn’t need any one to help me when i leveled i was eager to explore and learn the drills my self, however 1 time was enough for me. Now i want to be insta-80 and enjoy end content.

To reanimate old passed out zones ANET need to do some thing else, like boosting bounties, attracting 80s there and etc, i have whole tread on it. I simply don’t want to level grind again, i just want enjoy end game, that requires more end game content invented.

Epic new armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


i want more gear with various effect, like that ghost glowing armor, or the effect similar to legendaries foot prints.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


i don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t be an option, WvW bring you to level 80, spvp givs you free 80s, why not get the PvE 80s for small charge and make it optional? i want instant 80 so i can start working on gear that will mater and will last with me, not collect junk for 80 levels and go through the pointless level grind.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


why not? make it only available after you level your first 80 on the account and that’s it, than leave the choice to people, to get isnta-80 or level your self.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Flying mounts, no way. ground mounts for sexiness a little speed burst YES!!, but not usable in spvp and Limited speed, like 30-50% no more, so WvW wont be ruined.

Instant 80!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


After reading some Threads, i think would be a good Idea to implement instant 80 leveling scrolls for 300-400 gems in the gem store. This would perfectly work for me, i’m sure as hell don’t want to level another character and go through that boring level grind again. I would prefer instant level 80 alt. and just do end game with him.

Who else likes the idea?

Change old to new!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


I’m for alliance battles and More titles, those Ideas have right to live! the rest is also valid.

Zones repopulation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Axz, absolutely agree. same feeling i get now when i started leveling my guardian alt.

What does end game mean for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Elothar, GW2 will never be like WoW, WoW is totaly different, with bad, pvp, with bad world pvp, bad graphics, worse character customization, and endless quest grind. GW 2 is much better, and vertical gear progression if implement will not be stolen from WoW, every other game has it. Raids not only give you good loot, but also give sense of unity, a reason to belong to a guild. what you’ve said basically means you want a regular solo game, for that reason GTA will work better for you. I play mmos to have fun, progression, rights for brag and etc. not just sit in Lion’s Arch and wait till ant bites my rear and i’ll need to do some thing.

What does end game mean for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Danikat, i disagree. what you say we need “game over” screen once we hit level 80. that’s not end game, that’s The end. End game is when your character is at full personal fruition and you have good, fun and rewarding content to do.

What does end game mean for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Zalman, those are exactly my words, i want the dungeons and missions to be fun, a little challenging and not linear. I also want them to be some what rewarding.

What does end game mean for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Farzo, i would say living story is nothing. I didn’t do a single even and i don’t think i missed any thing, bounty of them is bad. The quests/actives for them are fairly bad too, specially when they stick in those ugly ridiculous outdated graphics, the sponge bob like monsters and other crap, really want me turn around and run away. I want a god kitten sexy dragon with sexy loot, not a pac-man mini game for Christ’s sake.

What does end game mean for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asmodeius.2751


Scrambles, that’s the feeling i get too, the drops in GW2 are just meaningless just i just TP it or sell it. Same with rewards from quests, events and etc. I want to actually feel and want the reward.

GW2 PvP is good, the best out of mmos. however i don’t feel rewarded enough for pvp, i want bigger bounty and i think they need to encourage teaming up, not just for the ex paid tourneys. Actually ex paid would work, but not many people want to team up for it.