My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Blueprint: Guild Flame Ram
When building site, says guild ram
When built, turns normal.
Bonus points to those who get the above.
All in all, we get the guild flame ram:,
Build it as a guild flame ram:
When built, it becomes a magical regular flame ram with normalized damage:
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
I am really not sure where most guilds are in upgrades but if any one has these Tier 1 nodes and has the same issue, or somehow fixed the issue; let Dark and I know.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
I would run it without the side panel and see if that drastically drops temperatures first.
Yours are way too high. It sounds like it might be an airflow issue.How far apart did you take it to clean it?
Just took the side panel off, good call, though I gotta keep an eye on dust now.
As for cleaning it, I took it all the way apart. Down to the copper cooling tubes inside my 770.
Just for the record, you shouldn’t need to worry about keeping your stuff not under max load (theoretically the cooling should be capable of handling it; for example, my GPU maxes out at ~75 under 100% load).
Assuming you built that recently (or at least moderately recently) you should be fine, but you’re clearly not. How many case fans do you have and in what configuration? Can you give us a picture of where your computer is so we can actually see how closed in it is?
My build is new-ish. Being about 2 years old.
I have 3 case fans. 2 in front covered by the front panel. And 1 rear. For basic picture, the front is tucked against my bed with the rear 4 1/2 inches from my desk. There is 2 feet of space that’s my leg room for the hot air to dissipate.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Anyone else have seen/having node issues?
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
(edited by Atros.9607)
Guild has Tier 1 Ore and lumber nodes and I and others seem to constantly get Green wood and copper ore.
Not once have we gotten iron or soft wood as stated in the description of the upgrade.
Just a heads up for anyone looking at these as a good node to have.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Quick rundown on my specs before I start:
I am active all over the game and would really like to keep the activity of my system to a solid state. Yet when running through the monitoring of my specs, I notice that a lot of my processing power/temperature rises on just GW2 alone.
@ idle: My computer is rather quiet and free of load. (As it should)
@ “Normal Day”: This is me running GW2 with NVidia-recognized “optimal” settings.
CPU is not over-clocked and I do not have a cooling system. Currently the case is next to my stool, a bit tucked in a corner but enough room for the fans to breathe. I am still relatively new to computers and the upkeep of them.
I have taken my build apart to give it a good dusting/cleaning but I still peak at 95 Celsius. So I really turn to the more tech savvy to key me in on things I might be missing to take less stress of my PC.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
(edited by Atros.9607)
This is an edit to this post: I just found out it’s indeed bugged out and not actually limited. /endfreakoutmoment
Prior to patch today, guilds were able to claim one objective per map. As of now, this is now one objective per guild?!
Patch notes do not show this change and frankly this is really going to draw down defenders. These buffs are crucial over each individual map. Some servers may have a few dedicated WvW guilds that need to claim across all maps. Say goodbye to that option. One objective per guild is too strict and unfair to those who:
1) Done the work for the war room to earn these upgrades.
2) Cannot afford to upgrade as fast or far as some other higher tier guilds.
Do not let this happen in WvW. The old claiming system works. Limiting one claim per guild (especially not stating so in the patch notes) definitively ruins defending and opens even more opportunity for Karma Training through the Borderlands/EBG.
Edit: To add a screen cap of the issue at discussion.
Edit 2: Apparently this is in-fact a bug! Says I cannot claim but I still can and hold the claim in other BLs.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
(edited by Atros.9607)
To me, it’s a shame they decided to use guild halls as a way to pull materials out of the economy instead of making activities for the guild to do together to level up the guild.
Boom – we have a winner. HoT has been detrimental to guild activities with the changes and bugginess of guild missions along with the well documented WvW issues. And then you have the concern of some players doing all the heavy lifting on the guild upgrades, leading to hostility within the guild (my guild hasn’t seen this much but I can easily see it happening with the costs of these upgrades.) And that grind! Everybody is off gathering mats up, but we are all doing it separately. There is no togetherness in getting this grinding done.
Last night we finally did a PVP fundraiser together in a desperate bid to get Heavy Supply Bags. (Supply Bags that are going for 5 g on the TP that Anet wants players to happily hand over to their guild.)
There is that sort of stress with the newness of HoT and guild halls. I feel the squeeze and many others do too (especially with those that are active in 2+ guilds). The economy for T6 mats is falling due to map bonuses but it seems all the mats for upgrades for the halls did not make it into the map bonuses.
So it really seems that the economy for legendaries and the sort is going to plummet while the economy for these new mats is going to stay at the 10 silver range for the foreseeable future.
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Update: Looks like a few issues with the scribing profession were handled with the raiding update launched today. But reading the patch notes, I still sense some deflection in the decoration crafting and some of the costs for the scribes (namely the nerf to sand drops in SW)
Hopefully this feedback thread will stay afloat through today’s patch.
I love nondescripive patch notes like “an incorrect amount of sand”
That should read “not enough sand” or “too much sand”
We as players have no idea what the “proper” amount is, so this is a useless bullet point.
Prevent speculation in the market is my best assumption. Can’t have those pesky TP players ruin the economy
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Update: Looks like a few issues with the scribing profession were handled with the raiding update launched today. But reading the patch notes, I still sense some deflection in the decoration crafting and some of the costs for the scribes (namely the nerf to sand drops in SW)
Hopefully this feedback thread will stay afloat through today’s patch.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
i didnt bother with scribing yet because i know that thing isn’t completed
u can get sand easily from a pvp reward trek
flax if are easy if u hav hard working ppl
I get where you are coming from and yes there are ways around this. But with guilds <50 people, you are looking at weeks of works. Whether PvP for the sand or daily looting of the therein mentioned flax farm in VB.
Still the issue is that the materials cost was rushed. With 3 weeks out now and the current state of the economy for these new items leveling out, you can see how hard it is to acquire these items and how much players value their supply. Flax is still 5s a piece and sand is twice that at 10s a piece. Either way, the cost in time or gold is too high for medium sized guilds to work at if the halls are just going to be buff factories.
A little rework and thorough brainstorming is all I ask.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
One last thing I forgot to mention, and this is really a grievance for me, a charr player. The decorations in the hall are so small. They come up to my hip. So tiny for tiny asura~ Not for big charr
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
We are now 3 weeks into Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns expansion. My guild is level 23 and I am 125 scribe. Now, it’s time for me to sit down and give feedback about my experiences as a guild leader and scribe for my guild.
For starters, Arena Net did an amazing job on these environments. Gilded Hollow and Lost Precipice are just so beautiful. My guild personally chose the latter one just for the gliding opportunities around the map. The hidden areas and things around the hall are so fun to find and share; as you train your masteries (as I have advanced gliding), you get more fun around the hall!
The new panel is cleaner and easier to navigate and I am really happy about the fast travel option in the panel to the guild halls. Certain areas are all centrally located and other, more specific buildings have their own dedicated areas that add a completely different feel to the hall. The arena is really cool to glide over and see all the action as you glide into the spectator area. The ability to fully customize your decorations adds a personal touch to the area that your guild calls “home”.
But as always there are still some things that made into the official release that need to be addressed. Namely the scribing discipline and the vast redistribution of wealth that will come when guild reach level 30+.
For starters, I want to address scribing and what I call “a QA nightmare.” Now, I premise this by saying that I am unsure if Anet intentionally mishandled scribing because decorations are required or they just ran out of time and pushed it as is. As scribing stands, most players have stalled out around 50 to 75. Occasionally, players with more resources are able to get up to 125 to 150. Now, this is nice because when scribing gets fixed, we’ll be able to craft some high tier items out of the gate. However, the current state of scribing eats too many resources and leaves too many items uncraftable:
1.Resonating Fragments- A Scribe 75 craftable item that is completely missing it’s recipe.
2.Bags of Mortar- A direct purchase item missing from the master scribe’s inventory.
3.Decorations- Some basic decorations unlock at scribe 25. But the prerequisite decorations are not buyable until guild level 34.
4.Sand/Flax/Flax Fibers- John addressed the flax issue in a forum post hinting about a missive flax stash in VB. However, sand is now the next common rarity that permeates the economy. And such, finishing kits will require more and more flax/sand as we scale up. This will be a serious blow to the economy when scribing actually becomes a legitimate profession. In addition, flax fibers will soar in price as it requires 50 fibers just for one WvW schematic; which most WvW guilds cannot PvE to get.
5.Wood Cost- Soft, seasoned, and hard wood logs are already expensive as all hell to get. Requiring five pulps, as it sounds reasonable, is just too much for one paper.
6.Inks- No. I get the idea to upgrade your inks, but no. 10 brown and 10 red inks for one basic ink well is not okay for anyone. And I can only imagine the 325 and 400 scribe ink wells. So far ink is not growing on trees and I do not see any reason for the drop rates to get changed anytime soon.
7.Crafting Itself- I know crafting is hard to keep pace on but I cannot even craft linseed oil as a scribe. Scribes use it too, and it should be craftable. But as I click on craft, it processes and stops before I get the refined product. Which means I need another crafting discipline that is already 400 to craft linseed oils.
8.Crafting Unusable Items- I can craft Boxes of Banner Supplies at 125 scribe but cannot use them in recipes until 200 scribe. So it’ll just sit in my inventory until I can use them? Just something that seems rather redundant.
Now, I go onto the guilds and halls themselves. As it seems the halls do have their ups, they also have their downs.
One such issue I see with my hall is that there is little incentive to use this hall other than for the occasional refresh of my map bonus buff. The hall has little to offer and does not seem like a central place of gather like Anet was aiming for. They are dwarfed compared to the availability of resources in cities. No bank, no TP, and nothing in crafting. All of which the players of GW2 use on a more-that-constant basis. I remember the blog post about not wanting to oust cities but in doing so, Anet ousted their own new content.
Lastly, I want to address this wild assumption that there are massive amounts of spare resources in the GW2 economy. In this, I am looking toward John to lead the support of my argument. Guild hall upgrades are unbalanced to the extreme! Sure, basic starter upgrades are all fine and easy, but come guild level 25 and the progression of finalized buildings, you are looking at stacks and stacks of items that are expensive to acquire.
Example: Workshop Restoration 2. 500 Watchwork Sprockets (okay), 500 mithril (easy), 400 Linseed oil?!…further down the list…400 ori ingots, 50 elonian leather… (cheapest ascended mat but still expensive)
I know anet has not outright said what they call a guild but the mat costs really can tell how they view guilds.
Another example: Tavern Restoration 2. 1000 elder and mithril (okay), 200 elonian wine (little expensive, but okay), 200 kegs and 300 glass mugs… That is quite a jump from 10 kegs and 50 mugs for restoration 1.
I am not trying to rag and rant and gripe and complain. This is structured feedback from a guild leader. I would like to voice my thoughts on this issue and thoughts about the work I have ahead of me. I like HoT and the guild halls, but I think that the QA department and other departments need to sit down and rethink the material cost and overall design of halls and scribing. Just like they did with elite specializations. There is a fine line between what is and what the player base thinks it should be. Maybe the player base can work something out with Arena Net because as it stands, a lot of <50 player guilds are at risk of falling behind in the guild race and will dissolve as quickly as they can type up a kitten storm on the forums.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
(edited by Atros.9607)
Beginning to think this was intentional to stop us grinding it out and to create a buffer of Slivers from the initial Guild Missions. When I contacted support they wouldn’t acknowledge it was a bug. Frustrating.
If it is in fact not a bug, and we’re expected to discover a recipie for it, it would be nice to get red name confirmation of this so we can stop treating it like one and spreading misinformation that scribing is broken.
I mean hey, just tell me “the recipie exists, but it needs to be discovered” and I’ll be a happy camper.
Ontop of these said issues, I have noticed that:
-You cannot craft linseed oil as a scribe
-Decorations are scaled way too steeply. (At 125 you can craft yellow balloons, yet need a white balloon. To buy a white balloon your guild needs to be level 35)
-Linen rope still costs 200 fibers. While the supply bag got dropped to 25 from 250.
Admittedly, they are minor annoyances but inb4kittenstorm.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
I might send John an email about this supply shock. This was an unintended consequence of the removal of the Alpine BLs so I am pretty sure no one has really noticed yet and it’s not really a bug, but it does need attention.
Thank you! This is a very good upgrade in terms of Aetherium / GXP rate and also good tactics in WvW for scouts so it is good to have it.
Heavy Supply Bags are also used for Packed Dolyaks upgrade (“Double Dolly”) and critical for scouts too, so I hope an issue will be solved asap.
Agreed. Double dollys are our friends out there in WvWs.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
How did you get to level 100 so fast? I am stuck at 50 and it seems super slow to go farther
If you have the mats and patience, you can craft your way around the decorations wall by making odd bits, like the Theses. Else, you can stock up on crystalline ore and other items to get the decorations merchant.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Heavy Supply Bags drop only from 80 lvl Centaurs. Only 80 lvl Centaurs were located on old Alpine Borderlands and can’t be found anymore. So there is no any way to get Heavy Supply Bags for WvW upgrade except buying them from Trading Post for crazy prices.
Could we get an answer from Anet Devs that they saw bug and working on fix to prevent players to speculate on Heavy Supply Bags prices?
I might send John an email about this supply shock. This was an unintended consequence of the removal of the Alpine BLs so I am pretty sure no one has really noticed yet and it’s not really a bug, but it does need attention.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Dont centaurs in pve drop these? Try that
I don’t think there are centaurs in Tyria who are of high enough level to drop these. I’m not sure if any of the fractals have them, though.
No centaur enemy is level 80 and therefore eligible to drop Heavy Supply Bags. The only ones were in WvW alpine BLs. Which are out of the rotation (for the moment) :/
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
One other thing I thought of last night, was perhaps the BLs will be rotating every month or so, in that we could play the alpine BL again.
But if not, then the supply line has be severed.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
This may or may not be intentional and also may or may not have been reported elsewhere, but I also would like to voice my concern.
As it stands to get a minor supply drop for WvW, a guild must have 50 Heavy Supply Bags. These bags come from centaur NPCs in the WvW alpine Borderlands. With the installment of the Desert Borderlands, these bags are now a rarity. The supply line is virtually cut leaving many guilds, unable to acquire these.
I am aware, you can PvP for them but that is 2 opportunities out of the entire track and a slim chance for their drop. I am sure John will agree with me on this when I say that the supply will dry out and the demand will make these things become as expensive as precursors (something all parties want to avoid).
Thus I am curious if there is a planned fix incoming for these bags in a way that they can be acquired commonly again.
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I took these two screenshots of our victories, which have not rewarded the guild any favor nor the PvP Win for our guild mission. I leave the guild stuff to Ceithlenn, so that’s the best I can describe it. A full [HD] guild with no victory registered. This is immensely frustrating for our mainly PvE guild.
First and foremost, you need to be in a guild team. Those screens show me that you were parties up and won but not in a team. Teams are 3 guildies teamed up together in the match under a team name.
Second, was the mission activated before you queued up, because that is your next requirement. My guild team did all the things necessary and had no issue.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Same. Did not even get to second track…
Also cow, I am a freaking ranger. I cannot have my pet stowed when I enter a map instance. Nice try. C- for creativity.
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TL;DR: Went to follow Rox. Got 1 stone, touched next, story greyed out, not progressing. -.-
When I touched Rox’s second track, I got the noise that the mission progressed but my character never said any dialogue. So now I am stuck at point in time with no way to get out of it.
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After the most recent patch, the Enchanted Treasure Chest from the Treasure Hunter rare collection is no longer showing up at all in my home instance.
Re-entering the instance does not fix the issue.
If you are in the Black Citadel, you will not see it. I filed a ticket last night and got a reply with another item. Upon further investigation, I found only BC is affected. And when I returned my email to them, I got a copypasta response to post about it on the forums instead of maybe telling the QA department directly :/ w/e as long as they “know” about the issue.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Hey friends,
We luv our Wuvs too! And we wanted to let you know that we are working on a fix for this.
We know you do, but as always perception is greater than reality. Thank you for the reply and hope we can progress soon!
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Our guild tried to take advantage of the conversion to boost the Aetherium mining time. We weren’t totally sure how it would work, so we played it safe and bought the 10k boost. We didn’t see any change in the mining time, and now the 100k option is gone ( we currently have 953,135 influence). Just to make sure, we did try buying the 10k option one more time and it still didn’t make any sort of change.
Yes yes yes
Just timed it and watched counter. No boost to production. Looks like that is 10k influence gone!
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Hey friends,
While we look into this – can you let me know if you guys:
(1) Created a Guild Team and were partied together?
(2) Launching the mission before entering the match?Thanks!
Thanks Essence
Can you provide screenshots showing the team window in the guild panel and arena scoreboard during the match? I’m investigating the issue.
So a little backstory to these screens. Our guild experienced the above mentioned bug by completing the entire guild mission in one go. We won the match in a landslide victory with our 2 top players scoring accumulated 650 points. However, we failed the mission. BUT
We did it again. Lost the first match and got 315 total points. Second match rolls around, we get the last 185 and boom. Mission complete!
So it seems like the game registers after one match and starting another the points earned in the first match. But as you requested, I have screens of the match and queue. But with the mission being completed now.
Posted on earlier thread. It seems that PvP missions bug out if completed within the first match and no subsequent matches are played.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
I have completed Treasure Hunter and going into my home instance today, I do not have the reward chest that should be there.
Nothing else is missing, but I am curious if anyone else is experiencing these issue.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Thanks Essence
Can you provide screenshots showing the team window in the guild panel and arena scoreboard during the match? I’m investigating the issue.
So a little backstory to these screens. Our guild experienced the above mentioned bug by completing the entire guild mission in one go. We won the match in a landslide victory with our 2 top players scoring accumulated 650 points. However, we failed the mission. BUT
We did it again. Lost the first match and got 315 total points. Second match rolls around, we get the last 185 and boom. Mission complete!
So it seems like the game registers after one match and starting another the points earned in the first match. But as you requested, I have screens of the match and queue. But with the mission being completed now.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
TL;DR Team does PvP conquest first match. 500/500. No rewards.
Timer counts down to 0, says we fail mission.
Now we have to restart mission.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Atros.9607
I am surprised we basically know nothing, aside from that it will cost an unknown number of HP.
It’s why I have not pre-ordered the expansion. I want to know the details personally.
My main sits with 100% mapping + WvW + Krait Shard for a total of 214 HP. I speculate somewhere in that region for elite spec unlocks + new utilities.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
My guild is 24/24 in upgrades and has 2/5 mission unlocks. Around what ballpark level would my guild start at?
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So drawing from my experience last time this happened, I logged out for an hour to two hours and the issue seemed to get resolved. Then again, this was when Anet was AWARE of the bug. Now that it’s o-dark-30 here in the Pacific, we may not get an active effort until morning. I suggest logging off and waiting out this kitten storm that will arise from this bug…
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
We are trapped in pvp ;-; guess this is the last game of the night
Save our Ship
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Stuck in post-match game with 9 others. JUST LIKE STRONGHOLD BETA LAST TIME.
Anyone, please save us.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
1. Daredevil – New physical skills bring more synergy to movement and condi application. And skill based finishers! Stomps became a lot easier.
2. Druid – I main ranger so seeing this new healing spec is nice since we lost all support when spirits got nerfed. The base healing is good so we do not have to sacrifice much of our dps to get that healing.
3. Reaper – This brings a whole new aspect to the power builds. Greatswords and reapers cause so much physical dps. Self boon applications in large fights usually guarantee 25 might. Skills are not too slow and the added life force change for gs skills is a welcome sight
4. Scrapper – Engi is my go to for PvP. I run a glass cannon and seeing this new melee design makes me content. I got gap closers that I did not have and hard lockdowns aside form the soft rifle 2. Not sure about gyros yet but who knows, I could be wrong.
5. Berserker – Warriors are finally getting love for their adrenaline. Facing one is a nightmare if you are ill equipped, and I usually steer clear of them as their condi pressure is amazing. It is also good to see that burning is not relegated to guards and eles now.
6. Herald – As much as I have love for glint, the skills are rather lackluster. I found myself activating their passive effects, only to burn the active effects 4 seconds later because I was getting overwhelmed by attacks. I will stick to my mallyx/shiro combo for the moment, until I feel like the glint utilities are good to use.
7. Tempest – These kittens are annoying to fight. Self healing plus their overcharges are just so annoying to solo in PvP/WvW. Though I give credit where it is due in their conceptualizing, I think that the skills need to be tuned down slightly for any sort of solo viability.
8. Dragonhunter – I like the direction it went but fighting against dragonhunters is too easy. They lack lockdown skills and traditional/condi dps. The bow is easy to dodge from and their traps are easy to escape.
9. Chronomancer – I do not play mesmer for a very good reason; Too much face rolling button smashing and if your burst chain gets broken, you have to wait a good part of it invisible. The wells do not seem too thought out but it is funny to watch defiant enemies float I like alacrity but it does not do too much in the way of recharging long cds.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
So here is what I have as of today:
My main has:
- 100% Map completion (WvW included)
-Krait Shard in Home instance
-All base specs unlocked
-214 hero points unspent
So this leads me to think that the elite will be 214 since I cannot get anymore hero points. However, we can possibly get some hero points added to the Maguuma jungle that we did not see in the betas; though I find that hard to believe. Also data mining is not 100% accurate so do not rely on it all the time.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Taunt is only working as intended with players. NPCs are still able to utilize their other skills and heals as if it does not work 100%. You can see this with PvE, PvP, and WvW NPCs. Anet has not (to my knowledge) released an acknowledgement of this bug but it will be addressed (hopefully) with the drop of HoT; as in the betas, taunt seems to work as intended.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
WvW is fast paced at best and worst times. Pre-selecting in either the guild panel or in the claiming panel itself is a great alternative to diverting attention to the select screen.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Just like me, a lot of you have the Free2Play decision whirling around in your heads that it is blocking us from thinking rationally. So here is a second to stop, pause, and unwind on this decision.
Let’s look at what Anet has been telling us about their business model in TL; DR fashion: New accounts are above veteran accounts
As a finance and economics major, studying business I can tell you: Profits are higher when more accounts are made
Look at it this way:
New account Pricing
Core cost: $25 (prices do vary)
Expansion cost: $50 (if they buy HoT directly)
Veteran Pricing
Core cost: $0
Subscription cost: $0
Gem Store: $0
So where is the profit coming from? Not from veteran players. The business model is to attract new players to buy Guild Wars 2 so that they (Anet) can in turn continue to produce more content for us veterans.
Anet could change their business model if the sense of entitlement was not so prevalent amongst the veterans. I hear vets complain about outfits this, and wanting free that. They fail to realize that the core profits from Guild Wars 2 comes from new players. If we (the vets) could out profit the new players, we would get more attention and more detail in our outfits and endgame content.
But we don’t.
The only profits Anet can make from vets is Gem Store and with the gold to gems and the behind the scenes grinding we do to get gem store items for free is not profitable to Anet. Unless we start using our credit cards to pay for gem store items, Anet sees no profit in veterans.
Business speaking, there is a loss in veterans. They pay devs, QA’s, and all sorts of other employees salaries to pump out content we vets play for free. Instead of tearing down Anet with gripes and whines and all other forms of ignorant complaints, try to make a difference in the game and company’s way of thinking.
TL;DR Anet lives off new players. Veterans need to outweigh new player profits to make a change.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Are not most of the so called servers your worried about already full population wise anyways?
Server population fluctuates. The servers (s)he and you are referring to are not always full. At times when people are not on (OCX, early EU) I see those servers at very high. Granted that is at 3am PST, but that does not stop WvW server trolling. Sad fact of competitive, but fact nonetheless.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
I am not afraid to call out the Blackgate player!
Cerrica thinks it is funny to do this and it is high time that something that is unfair to proper etiquette be dealt with.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
I know that this is a bit of a touchy subject since more people place siege for the right reasons but there are some people who think it funny to cap a keep and even a map with nothing but ballistas. And I know this does not just happen in one server in particular but this is just a joke to see people running around naked in a guild so obviously set up to ruin the gameplay experience of WvWers.
My specific story is dedicated to Eternal Battlegrounds at Overlook keep where a certain player decided that he would want to cheat by placing 20 ballistas over water gate and outer. Why is this cheating? 1) Siege caps and now we have to wait 1 full hour to place proper siege 2) Supply is falling at an atrocious level where if we were attacked, we have no supply proper. 3) Gives enemy players the opportunity to attack a keep with improper defenses.
Yes, this assumes that the keep is attacked but that is semantics. We are in WvW, everything is contested.
I am not asking for this person and anyone in the [Now] guild to be banned (though everyone else is calling for this person’s head), I am asking Anet take a proactive approach and cap the amount of siege any one person can place in a certain radius. This is far out of control and ruins the gameplay for people actually wanting to play right.
We have gotten so used to Anet’s lack of love for WvW, most forums are dedicated to WvW’s dying. Commanders and other players just ignore this issue by saying “Report him, all we can do” and the siege trolls are just laughing and mocking us in team chat. I am shocked that no one cares enough to actually promote fairness in a competitive matchup.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Bumping post. Did all stories last night, stopped on VoD. Just ran it to cannons; still not interactable. Ran to each starboard side cannon and nothing. Giants attacked and voice overs with captain are just fine but cannons are not. Now we play the waiting game.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
They confirmed on reddit that fractals will not be the only place where you can get the ascended salvage kits.
Breathes a heavy sigh of relief This needs to be posted in actual blog post >.>
its the same as for ppl who want the pvp skins need to do pvp even if they dont like it.
so just deal with it
Uh what? You are talking shortsighted there my good man. I am talking big picture. But semantics is semantics.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Mind you, Quickness is a thing and the more slow casting a skill is, the greater effect you net from having it. While Necro might not be able to achieve lots of quickness itself, if we’re looking at a PvE scenario, that just makes such support all the more useful and desired.
A++ on this and +1. Run a party with one of your friends as a mesmer (better yet chronomancer) and you will be totally floored at the faster casts and more DPS you can do with that “slow GS” in PvE and competitive scenes.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
So pretty much after reading the blog post, I am under the impression that in order to even salvage the rings and such I get from PvP and WvW, I have to go into FotM however many times to buy a limited use salvage kit that will cost me x amount of (pristine) Fractal Relics.
What I am getting at here is that I do not run FotM. So the population of us that does not run FotM is now alienated from this salvaging kit and thus alienated from making legendary precursors. Yes, we “could run fractals with the changes coming and do it easy mode” But really, there is nothing announced on how many relics we need for the kits and how many uses we get from the kits. So for all intensive purposes, I will say the kits are 25 uses and 5 pristine relics.
That is 3 days I have to get into a group of people to do something I am not fond of. Something I do not want to do because it does not really appeal to me. Now, I maybe the only one that Fractals does not appeal to; maybe I am not, but I do not think that I should be required to do fractals for a salvage kit required in making a legendary. If a gem store item came out that was like the copper or silver fed salvage kits, then great problem solved; if not, then this article is a feedback about the idea of putting the Fractal salesmen in charge of fractals. Because I guarantee you, LFG is going to be consumed with people selling fractals, both high and low for people like me: those who do not run fractals.
TL; DR EDIT: Anet confirms via Reddit (of all places) ascended kits can be purchased elsewhere.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
(edited by Atros.9607)
4 hours later, no fix. BUMP! I am desperate to get into PvP. That is what I do mainly now.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did
Hello, I’m not sure if anyone has run into this trouble before, but I’ve hit a snag in my personal story.
I have a level 40 elementalist, who completed all of her quests specifically with the Order of Whispers. I’m in the quest, “A Fragile Peace” and am at the part where I’m supposed to meet my mentor. Only, the mentor I’m meeting is General Almorra Soulkeeper for the Vigil. This confused me, since I hadn’t done any quests for the Vigil on my elementalist. Instead, my level 30 necromancer (same account) was doing the Vigil story. I’ve reported it as a bug and contacted customer support over the past 2 days, but whenever I try to enter the instance, it always ports me to the Vigil mentor.
Is this a thing? Do all my characters have to go with the same order? Is this a bug? I don’t know what this is and I’ve stopped playing my elementalist for now until it’s resolved. I didn’t think all characters on the same account had to go with the same order, but I could be wrong. Does anyone know what’s going on or has had trouble similar to this? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Personal story is er character. However, when choosing the order the games goes by your last story mission path. Meaning that whichever plan you chose to go with (whispers, vigil, priory) you are in that order. The story mission you chose is to become an initiate of the vigil. Sorry.
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did