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Missing Shadow for Ascension Glider

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atros.9607


Just noticing this now, but upon gliding with the Ascension glider, the shadow is missing. The backpack shadow exists as it’s visible when falling from a glide, but the glider shadow itself is missing.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Atros.9607


I dedicated 8 hours in WvW to soulbeast with a hybrid assassin/commander’s spec. I went marksmanship, skirmishing, and soulbeast. I took longbow and greatsword. Pets were tiger and smokescale.

The Result:
This spec is a very versatile roamer with ability to burst hard. Hitting mauls for 10k with 10 might or less. The movement is okay given the greatsword swoop and range of longbow. It was clear this was meant for a condition oriented build play, but also lended itself to maybe ally support. However, this build shines in selfish gameplay where you leap in and smash stuff hard.

I felt that worldy impact was slow and rarely hit unless I chained a CC in somewhere. One wolf pack should not critically hit because I can proc the skill 10 times in a single burst which hit for 1.2k a hit for 12k in total damage alone. Added to longbow 2, smokescale assault, worldly impact (if it landed), and 2x mauls. I could stack 50k in damage.

The condition clear in this spec was very lackluster which required very conservative play in terms of sitting in conditions or facing the condition reaper/daredevil.

There is no zerg play in this sepc. Don’t do it; you have better use of your time than getting mowed over in the mass of bodies. Play for picks and don’t be dumb. Pair this spec with a holosmith or deadeye, and you have a potent combo for pressure and instanukes.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Emergency waypoint fails to load

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Yea, you get only 1 min to load in all the resources and if there are 50+ players in that loading area, you will be stuck loading a lot, which is quite dumb, but the way that the waypoints are done in WvW.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Fort Aspenwood

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


FA is quite nice. NA is active and always someone on. Our SEA/OCX is also active with commanders on home bl and ebg. EU is fairly quiet with pug tags up here and there.

Community resources are always active.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Emergency waypoint fails to load

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


I get a problem sometimes when I attempt to use an emergence waypoint. The waypoint is pinged to chat, I double-click on the waypoint, the game starts loading the level.
But when about finished loading the level, it starts loading again to the default waypoint of the map. By the time this has finished, the emergency waypoint is gone and I’m not able to help my team there.

It’s due to the way anet made the WP work. You have 1 min to load into the map completely before the waypoint kicks you back to the citadel.

If you own a potato, too bad and start running, if you own a beast of a rig, too bad, you are lagging still.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Upcoming Elite Testing and Week of Aug 18

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Sounds like we’ll be denied loot and such while our server either suffers/benefits from us the scrubs that get to beta these new specs. Just like HoT, except shiner and fresher

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Upcoming Elite Testing and Week of Aug 18

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


On this upcoming test, we are going to see the PoF elites come into the competitive scene. But Friday, August 18th is also WvW reset.

What course of action will happen this week in terms of reset and scoring? Last week, our accounts were cloned. So will WvW be cloned too and will we have a PoF WvW and a non-PoF WvW, or will scoring carry over from the beta into the live game later in the week?

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Economic Crash Foreseeable with PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


In particular, I am referencing the trader’s crates that players can buy with little to no effort in the maps. The crates are sold by heart vendors for 5k karma and 5 contracts. These crates contain materials and items that would flood the market such an influx of resources that I see T6 mats falling to single digit silver prices.

I understand this is a beta/demo and will change but I want to bring attention to this now so that this easily on demand resource acquisition does not get accidentally shipped with PoF.

For example, I pulled 40 crates and managed 40 T6 blood, 45 T6 claws, and 42 T6 bones. Another set of 5 ingot crates dropped me 16 darksteel ingots.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Unbound Magic's Role in PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


I am considering buying the permanent unbound tools with the 4k gems from preorder, but I need to know what the role unbound magic will play in the upcoming expansion. The season 3 maps have replay-ability and such, but with the forward direction that this games goes, I fear that if I get the tools, my gems will be going to waste in 4-5 months time as the currency will be ousted for something else that comes with PoF or Season 4.

Please let me know what role will that magic be having in the upcoming xpac and further.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Pulled into wall @ Mid [Kyhlo]

in PvP

Posted by: Atros.9607


>Spear of Justice
>Pulled into wall on red spawn side @ mid
>Enemy Team refuses to kill me
>Forced to quit for the entire match and now I lose rating because broken map

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

What determines placement on leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Atros.9607


Myself and my friend have been PvPing since we placed high gold on placements. Through the long slog of getting to mid plat and on the top 250, we both have noticed that we are not on the leaderboard. We have the minimum games required to be there, so what other external factors are preventing our names from being on there?

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Reminder about Forum Etiquette

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Most of the players in WvW are just upset that nothing has really happened in months and we feel like we’ve been ignored.

We just want to see what is actually going on behind the scenes with WvW, maybe given some DevBlog update style stuff since you’ve been mostly silent on what is changing and being worked on.

Different companies communicate in different ways and sometimes the process evolves over the years. Mike O’Brien explained how we choose to communicate in this forum post a few years ago. What he said was, “We’ve set a clear policy in the past year: we don’t talk speculatively about future development. We don’t want to string you along. Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t; sometimes we go back to the drawing board over and over before we get something right. If we make optimistic promises and then can’t deliver on them, everyone suffers. So when we attend a trade show or give an interview, we’re there to talk about what we’re getting ready to ship, not to speculate on what we might ship someday.”

I understand that some players would prefer a different manner of communication. I wanted to share the comments above to show that silence does not point to inaction or neglect or indifference.

The topic of conversation doesn’t matter. Nobody’s asking to talk about future developments.

What people here want is actual communication. Look at how many ANet devs often make cheeky oneliner comments on Reddit. It fosters a sense of cooperation there, and people on Reddit know that the Devs are listening even if no Dev ever actually talks about future releases.

We need that here. We need the active presence of a few different devs, so that people know they’re being listened to. So far, regardless of what you may say about WvW not being abandoned and Devs are listening, it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it here.

In an ideal world, a dev could post without making disclosures, could joke without being lambasted, could participate without expectations of meaty information or forward-looking disclosures. But when someone does share information and still ends up on the toasty end of a marshmallow fork, I’m not sure if that’s possible.

I’d love it if it was, but have seen so many “verbal downvotes” for non-disclosure interaction. I’ll discuss — we’ll see. Thanks for the suggestions.

There is no we’ll see, Gaile. We are asking the WvW team talk to us. The reason there is so much lambasting, griping, whining, and overall negative atmosphere is the lack of interaction with the community that pours their entire being into building a community of competitive players.

We see this as an investment of our time and worth our effort and we do not see the same attitude coming from the team that is supposed to represent us as players and leaders. We are only asking for some developer communication in form of “We’re looking into X”, “We’re considering Y”, “Give us feedback about Z”.

A thriving community comes from both ends and finds common ground in the middle. But what common ground can we find but barren wastelands and empty conversations with a silent god?

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Guild halls theme pack?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Atros.9607


Honestly, if we are going into the new, we need to bring up the old. Just made some furniture today for the scribe’s hall and well…


[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Blue BL North Camp EAST Yak is not spawning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atros.9607


No mention in this update about the WvW bug so I am going to bring it up.
In the Blue BL, there was no yak spawning that fed supply to the North East Tower or East entrance of Garrison for the past 2 days. Only on the Blue BL was this occurring and kept the tower paper with 0 yaks.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

WvW World Bonuses and Raids

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


Being a longtime WvW player, I know about the world bonuses and how they apply to my play in PvE. But I was curious about such bonuses being applied to me in raids. Do these bonuses apply to only open world content in PvE or ALL PvE content (including instances like raids).

For example, our world has an 8% bonus to all healing done. Now, that applies to my druid in both WvW play and PvE play. But do I ALSO get the 8% bonus to raids and fractals?

I would like to test this theory but not really sure where to start other than asking the community for ideas or even if the answer is already out there. But I might update this thread later with my results if they are even worth testing.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

DHs are so weak

in Guardian

Posted by: Atros.9607


You also, as a 1k toughness, thief decided to shadowstep out of the dragon’s maw past Test of Faith, not once but TWICE. You deserved to die.

Guard has lots of passive damage absorption and base health pool. So you are going to need to do more to melt a DH with impairing daggers and 1 backstab. DH will destroy any Thief in a 1v1 with the right skills. Like a lot of people in this thread said, “You have no business attacking DHs as a thief.”

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

NA Top One Tier Concern

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Honestly there is a lot missing here in terms of info. What time did you take this, what day, what is the coverage for your server on that time?

However, Anet made the decision to listen to you and made this:

But there will be salt on both sides about the changes. I for one am really not having the T1 crap. Anet needs to come onto these forums and read suggestions and start thinking about ways to fix the imbalance and linking crap that has caused so much volatility in WvW to allow for “Manual Glicko Adjustments” when they did not need to do that for the first 3 years of GW2’s life.

I am not looking forward to FA being in T1 or close T1. All the blobs can stay in T1 and I will enjoy my small group fights in T2. Because it’s not a blob-fest against SoS and JQ.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

ETA on the balance patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


Hey MO and the ArenaNet development team,

I would like to ask if you, the team, have come out with a proposed set date which we, the players, will see a blanace patch go live.

I am currently waiting to regear some of my characters’ World vs World builds in anticipation for the new patch and would like to have an idea on when this patch will go live; just so I do not spend my resources getting the gear, only for the buid to be changed by the upcoming balance patch.

I am certain I am not the only one wondering. If there is no proposed date yet, I will just go ahead with my changes, but I thought to ask.

Thanks in advance.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

EWP problem

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


I have also posted on this topic some 4 months back. Latency and load times for the WvW servers spike when an map queue or any force large enough takes that EWP. Thus half the playerbase of the defensive force gets booted to spawn and you lose the keep.

Unfortunately, it’s a qualm with defense and not going to be worked on anytime in the near future.

EDIT: Link to my post and responses therein.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

(edited by Atros.9607)

Who is your representative?

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Like Gaile mentioned, devs play on a lot of different worlds and move around frequently and that includes the WvW team. However, the WvW team also plays together on a different random world once a week.

> Lose internet for 3 days
>Come back to see my topic so discussed
> Read dev reply about WvW team in random servers
> Cry happy tears

Joking aside McKenna, I am glad to see that there is some effort being put forth to keep the developers active in the WvW scene. However, I am curious if I could propose some alternatives to a “random server for ALL the WvW team to be on for one week for X amount of time in one timezone” since that’s kind of the vibe I got from your reply.

I would like to counter with maybe split your team in half and have 2 groups rotating about the servers to cover more places and communities. In that, they should also be encouraged to join said server’s teamspeaks/discords and talk with players or commanders. In addition, maybe we have a bit of off-hour coverage. A day on the weekend, have a team play OCX/SEA and learn more about night hours WvW. NA is popular, but OCX has gotten hurt with some of the more recent scoring changes.

I do appreciate the effort to keep tabs on WvW; we should work as players and developers to make WvW stable again.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

(edited by Atros.9607)

Who is your representative?

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


With the changes in WvW lately and the way that servers have been shuffled around lately, I got curious: Who on your server is an ANet dev?

I see Arena Net claiming objectives for servers and that raised a question for me. Does each server have an ANet developer on it, or is a select group transferring to and from servers to see the community on each.

From my experience as TC and Dragonbrand, I have not met a single ANet dev (one that was representing ANet) out in open WvW that was on my server. I have faced plenty of devs and gotten the hidden Achievement for killing a dev in PvP/WvW, but I have not openly met one in open WvW.

So I got to thinking, is each server represented by a dev or do certain devs have specific servers to watch and play for?

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Shield Generators used as Offensive

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Siege Disabler

Use a thief or easy get-away class to disable the generators. 10 supply, easy to use.
10/10, I recommend

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Server Latency and Emergency Waypoints

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Still happening and no signs of things getting any better. I am even getting ported to borderlands whose waypoints I did not even click on.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Koda's Blessing and other S3 Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


I have noticed that some of these new achievements are not quite on par with Anet’s “normal” achievement schemes. A few story instanced achievements are not labeled as such and not given the proper instance title to achieve them in. I.e “New in Box” and “Stay Unfrosty”

However, my biggest concern is Koda’s Blessing! Oh man.

Where do I start? Well, acquiring the basket(s). As in 19 of them. Almost 10,000 unbound magics, which, is not too much, but still grindy. Filling said 19 baskets…welp, there goes the average player’s chance at getting this achievement. Filling all 19 baskets with the offering (50 ecto, 5 winterberries, 10 icy runestones, and 25 elder wood) is going to cost the average player 950 ecto and 190 icy runestones or in liquid gold: ~500 gold

I have no issue with the scavenger hunt, but I am in no way seeing any player wanting to try this achievement where the gold sink is so large to fill and the reward so underwhelming.

My suggestion is to put either the initial cost to acquire/fill the basket at a higher cost or to have limited use on the baskets, such as 3 or 5 uses and not single use. Because a 500 gold sink for a karmic infusion is rough. Especially when the only difference between the normal karmic infusion and Koda’s Warmth Infusion is that you get permanent warmth in Bitterfrost.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

On the Topic of DDoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Any “advantage” garnered from a series of disconnects won’t noticeably impact the outcome of a match. Odds are your opponents are also suffering those disconnects. Any “free” upgrades they’re gaining on their maps, you’re gaining on yours.
The only thing I recall being particularly unfair is a specific borderland being unplayable for a proloned amount of time. The qq when that happens is for real.

~ Kovu

Kovu, tell TLC I want that 1v1.

Also, mind that upgrades that are already maxed out are not affected. But paper structures are given free stuff.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

On the Topic of DDoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


While I’m not going to go I to the aspect of competitiveness, especially on a general WvW scale these kinds of DDoS attacks do create some issues.

My server was being double pushed during the time these attacks took place, by Gunnar’s in home border and some Gankdara and mainly Gankdara in EB. What happened is we had so many being DC’d and unable to log in that we lost everything due to not being able to mount much of a defence. We’re already outnumbered a lot of the time and clearly don’t belong fighting these servers, a quick look at the match up scores shows this.

Losing upgraded garri and EB keep especially when the enemy has a T3 SMC is a massive blow to prime time operations. Everywhere takes a considerable longer time to get to and defending most towers in EB extremely difficult and all but garri and the north two towers in home border a big uphill struggle. As a result most commanders and people just left for the evening as we will get karma trained by both enemy servers due to having the easier to take stuff.

I’m not saying the answer is to prevent people playing however a possible solution could be to freeze the score income at the point where these events happen along with upgrade levels. Then when normal service is resumed kick everyone out and restore to the state of just before DDoS attacks happened so everyone can pick up where they left off.

I doubt such a system could be implemented though.

This is exactly what I am wanting. Extreme measures are maybe not what we need, but extreme measures are what I suggest until something can be implemented to prevent such double teaming from happening

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

On the Topic of DDoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Leaderboards incite competition. You cannot have 100% of the WvW population say “These leaderboards are meaningless” Someone, somewhere will still use the leaderboards as bragging rights. Mag, BG, TC, whoever. Thus, it’s a competitive scene and subject to the standards of even playing grounds.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

On the Topic of DDoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


If you are going to base of in the definition of the word competition, you need to answer: What are we competing for?

Servers are competing for the top spot. To say they are number 1 on the leaderboards. Just like in PvP, players are vying for the top dog slot to say they are #1. Yes, the scoring system is jank and the balance of servers makes me die inside, but it is still a competitive scene. And thus should be treated as such in terms of equal grounds to play on. Letting a server remain online and active when players are being affected by an issue that causes connectivity to said server to be spotty, then that is not equal grounds to fight on. As this causes an imbalance in the way that the server acts and reacts to players. As noted in issue Number 2

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

On the Topic of DDoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


How is WvW competitive? It hasn’t been remotely competitive since the Tournaments which aren’t coming back as per Devs? You win absolutely nothing if you place 1st and lose absolutely nothing if you place last…….


[kuh m-pet-i-tiv]
1. of, pertaining to, involving, or decided by competition :
2. well suited for competition; having a feature that makes for successful competition
3. having a strong desire to compete or to succeed.
4. useful to a competitor; giving a competitor an advantage:

cough cough

[kom-pi-tish-uh n]
1. the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.
2. a contest for some prize, honor, or advantage:
3. the rivalry offered by a competitor:
4. a competitor or competitors:
5 Sociology. rivalry between two or more persons or groups for an object desired in common, usually resulting in a victor and a loser but not necessarily involving the destruction of the latter.
6. Ecology. the struggle among organisms, both of the same and of different species, for food, space, and other vital requirements.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

On the Topic of DDoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Why should they close the game mode when this acctually does not affect anyone in any way? What difference does it make if you win or you lose in WvW? And what about the players that only play WvW? Should they be denied of their game mode just because of server issues? Then better off shutting the whole game as people on PvE are suffering the same issues (in fact I lost my T4 Solid Ocean party 4 times because of the disconects).

Because unlike your PvE parties where you can reset over and over again in the hopes that the connection says stable long enough to complete Jade Maw, WvW does not reset midmatch, WvW does not care if players are online or not, and more importantly WvW keeps on going even if Anet servers are not optimally operating.

In a competitive scene, WvW should not be allowed to continue operating if players are allowed to play in an unfair environment. I am a WvW-only player and I do not want to have the hassle of logging onto the borderland to continue to push a group that is taking advantage of the situation. It is dirty tactics and kittening annoying to have to deal with.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

On the Topic of DDoS

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


When Anet servers are having issues and things seem to be in a place where the company recognizes the ongoing issues, there should be something said to the imbalance that comes with leaving WvW open for play.

First and foremost, there is a wave-by-wave disconnect/reconnect in where players get kicked, reconnect, fight, then get kicked and repeat the cycle. Eventually players get tired of the constant tides of DC and reconnect and stop all together for the night/day. This dwindles population in a given borderland to a point where it becomes either free ktrain or slaughter. Thus affecting the PPT and overall scores. Not fair to servers behind and not fair to servers ahead.

Secondly, allowing WvW servers to stay open during the connectivity issues allows for objectives to become upgraded completely uncontested. Yaks are running from supply camps unhindered and unobstructed. Thus allowing for keeps and castles to get Waypoints and all objectives to upgrade free from contest.

Finally, the imbalance caused by the connectivity issues causes the fights in WvW to become jittery and stand off-ish. Players are too scared to push in because they do not want to DC or end up out of place and enemies back away or range attack because melee is too unreliable. Thus the battle becomes more a ballet of drunks than actual fighting.

Overall, the issues with known connectivity issues skew the balance and fairness of competitive matchups to the point where it becomes disgustingly silly to log into an unreliable connection and try to play the gamemode correctly.

TL;DR – Shut down WvW when you (ArenaNet) know you are having connectivity issues.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

First dibs on guild claims? needs fixes

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


I can add my two cents about the solo person and issues there.

When a guild who takes an objective already owns a claim on the same map, they will be in less priority over the guilds who do not already have a claim in the map. For example: [YAK] has garrison claimed and takes SET, but prior to the cap, a player from [SLAP] gets into the ring, then [SLAP] will have first claim as [YAK] has a claim already.

There are safeguards in place to prevent a guild from unclaiming an objective by accident.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Server Latency and Emergency Waypoints

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


In the time frame that an emergency waypoint is pulled and active, you expect players to be able to port into a map and nearly overload the server to a point where we are stuck on a loading screen for 50% of the WPs active duration.

Most of the time, players end up not getting the WP and getting punted back to spawn because the loading times were too much and therefore cancels the player’s use of the EWP. I know some of it has to do with ISP and local side, but there is also a lot to do with the load on the server. And that is completely unfair to the defenders whose force was just halved because they were stuck in loading screen for too long.

The waypoint system and the load times surrounding the system need to be reworked. Either by giving a minor increase to its active duration or by giving players the benefit of the doubt in terms of porting in on an EWP. Defenders should not be penalized because the server could not handle the amount of players loading into one area.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Relinking "every two months"

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


So it’s been 8 weeks (or 2 months), when and where is the relink? I want to watch the glicko ratings have massive heart palpitations.

Moreover, I want to finally get an even matchup where we are not getting 6v1ed anymore. Literally killing the WvW community in my server and waiting one more week is really driving a nail into the coffin. Especially when we were given the promise of 2 months a new relink.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Time to stop rallying off guard deaths

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Just because you think it’s advantageous fight them while they are in combat doesn’t change the fact that you KNEW they could rally off NPCs and still CHOSE to engage them anyway. The camp don’t insta flip once all NPCs are dead, you could have waited last NPC die and jump in to fight while they problably still had some skills on CD and fought without any issue.
If you are going to fight along with NPCs then you carry the burden of it.

You seem to think I disagree with you about carrying the burden of choice. And in order not to get this thread closed, I will not argue with you anymore.

There exists in WvW a concept of PvP over PvE (unless you are in EotM or it’s ktrain day). If that is the case, then let PvP supersede the PvE elements in situations where it could turn a fight on its head. Fighting regardless of location or pretense means a player(s) verseus player(s) situation and that is what I am focusing on.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Time to stop rallying off guard deaths

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Good case today was me fighting 1v2 against a guard and reaper in desert borderlands’ NEC. I down the guard and fighting the reaper when an NPC dies and the guard rallies. Now I am low health, fighting off this guard who has full health and his reaper. That should never be the case. I should not have to be worried about dealing with a guardian back at full health who was just in downed state.

You did a “1v2” with NPCs helping you… If there was no guards he wouldn’t rally. You could have waited they had killed all guards prior engaging if you didn’t wanted to deal with that. Again, you chose to fight under NPCs so you carry the burden of it.

I went into a fight to defend my camp. NPCs do not help anything once they burn their main skills. Auto weakness/cripple. A rabbit could do more than an NPC. Engaging when an enemy is in combat and using their skills would be more preferable to waiting until they were out of combat.

Again, my issue is nothing about l2p and timing issues. It’s about unfair shifts in fights when a player is able to rally off NPC cannon fodder. Since the consensus of these replies all agree NPCs are nothing more than that.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Time to stop rallying off guard deaths

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Often times in a roaming situation, you are either late to the draw and find players already attacking the guards/lord or right in time to watch the wall/door go down in which case, many players push the lord’s room anyway.

Good case today was me fighting 1v2 against a guard and reaper in desert borderlands’ NEC. I down the guard and fighting the reaper when an NPC dies and the guard rallies. Now I am low health, fighting off this guard who has full health and his reaper. That should never be the case. I should not have to be worried about dealing with a guardian back at full health who was just in downed state.

I managed to finally kill them both but only after being downed myself. Case in point should never happen in a situation like that.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Time to stop rallying off guard deaths

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


I am not talking camps here, I am talking team scale fights in a tower lord’s room. Not solo roaming either, this is with a 5v5 fight to keep a tower and when we focus one person they rally off a guard because they got lucky. They by all rights are dead! And they got lucky to res off a guard and are invulnerable for that short period so that my team’s cooldowns are up.

It’s a silly mechanic to have people res off a guard that does nothing but cripple/poison/blind or stun/immobilize/weaken. Guards are trash mobs and should be not used for a rally bot.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Time to stop rallying off guard deaths

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Like in PvP, players were able to rally off the deaths of guards and lords. Now, players cannot, but for some reason in WvW, it still exists. And this is a bad mechanic when fighting small team fights in the lord’s room of a tower or keep. All a player has to do is kill a random NPC and they rally. Like…really?

It turns a fight completely around in favor of the person who, by all rights, is dead. This needs to change for the better as guard rallies can tilt a fight the wrong way.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Hardened Leather Section

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


There are lots of examples of the insider trading that went down prior to HoT and the new markets. Anet’s hands on the market just made it worse and now the laissez faire attitude is going to sink the market even further since lots of “investors” are sitting on stacks and stacks of T6 leather.

The demand will stay the same since we are still getting players to run druids and engineers as some metas call for it. But the absolute worst part are the changes in input for the leather. This thing is everywhere now and with the new recipes and quotas for upgrades, the price will not be going back to its pre-HoT days. I think we are lucky to have it stable around 20s as the speculators could easily jack the prices on us at any moment…

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

[Suggestion] Infusion Combining

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


This topic is one that I think is on one hand a bad idea, but on another a good QoL improvement. So I will just put it out there and see how the discussion trends.

I play all parts of the game and I know that PvP does not use infusions so this goes for just WvW and PvE. In this, I believe that the players should be able to combine WvW and PvE infusions to benefit from the bonuses provided by both.

We as players have 16 available infusion slots and in those infusion slots, most players have agony infusions that give 150 AR. Now, that is great and with the 9/5’s going around, we can have up to 90 extra stat points in addition to the 150AR. But. But, for those that play WvW, they are losing the benefit of getting an extra +16% offense/defense against guards, lords, and supervisors. And we cannot just go spending the gold to get 11-13 infusion extraction devices to extract the WvW infusions and put in the Agony infusions and visa versa. As that adds up to lost gold and wasted time.

I know we could put in the higher tier agony infusions like +20 and save a slot or 2, but that is more gold and effort than necessary; since getting a high infusion is 2^n where n is the agony resist desired. But you see on the trade post that +20’s are around the ballpark of 1k gold!

I would love to see something be done for players of both game modes to get the opportunity to have the benefits of both infusion types. Either through a WvW traitline or through a mystic toilet recipe that spits out an exotic infusion that gives 10 of a stat (finger crossed)/ 5 AR/1% offense/defense. In this, players would not have to be forced to choose between 2 types of infusions or carry 2 different sets of armor.

I believe this will make a great quality of life improvement.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

(edited by Atros.9607)

Glicko Temporary Manual Adjustments 10/7

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


We are going to make several temporary Glicko rating adjustments for tomorrow’s resets.

Northern Shiverpeaks: +150
Northern Shiverpeaks has been leading tier 4 for the past several weeks and we believe that moving them to tier 3 will create more competitive matches for tier 4 and tier 3. This adjustment will give Northern Shiverpeaks ~72% to move to tier 3 and ~28% to move to tier 2.

Dragonbrand: -150
Dragonbrand is not very competitive at tier 3 and we believe moving them to tier 4 will give them a better chance at being competitive. This adjustment will give Dragonbrand ~83% to move to tier 4 and ~17% to stay in tier 3.

Yak’s Bend: replace +150 with +75
We believe the +150 adjustment to Yak’s Bends is now too high. They still need a slight adjustment to remain in tier 1 where they are competitive so we believe adjusting it to be +75 is more balanced. This adjustment will give Yak’s Bend ~64% to stay in tier 1 and ~36% to move to tier 2.

We evaluated EU matchups as well. Riverside, Drakkar Lake, Jade Sea, and Vizunah Square are the worlds that could be adjusted for potentially more competitive matchups. However, those worlds have good enough odds to move on reset without any adjustments so we decided to not make any temporary adjustments for EU at this time.


I appreciate that your team adjusted Dragonbrand’s glicko last night to bring our matchup from a 4v1 to a 6v1. (2 dual-linked servers vs Dragonbrand to 2 tri-linked servers vs Dragonbrand)

I am curious if your team has considered relinking servers early to prevent the concept of “Dragonbrand not being competitive.” Since what your team is saying is "we are putting this outmanned server against 4:1 situations and consider them not competitive. "

Our server team is in it for the long haul since you believe adjusting glicko is the more reasonable thing to do instead of giving thought to an early relink. As much as it pains me to say these words, Your team needs to sit down and work out a better relinking system and start listening to the community other than the occasional poll.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Heroics Notary and Missing HoT Recipes

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


The recipes for some of the exotics you mention are cheap on the TP:

Only the ‘Burl’ recipes are expensive (and that’s because they only drop from the less-farmed Dragon’s Stand).

In other words, the recipes that are easily-acquired for PvE are also easy for WvWers to acquire. The ones that are scarce for WvWers are also scarce for PvErs.

The idea is that all HoT recipes were listed in the provisioner traitline. At least, in semantics, it says HoT recipes. Which one can assume means all, but really mean all VENDOR recipes. Issue is, I am only at a break-even point when it comes to WvW. I spend as much gold as I make, so dropping 57g on a recipe is heart-breaking.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Heroics Notary and Missing HoT Recipes

in WvW

Posted by: Atros.9607


Since this affects both WvW and PvE, I will keep this thread here.

I have noticed that the Heroics Notary is missing some key recipes from his merchant list and consequentially, affecting the availability of HoT items to WvWers. Prior to my revelation, I will concede to the dissent since most people will post that “You can get it this way and get it that way” without looking into the heart of my issue. Yes, I know I can farm reward tracks to get the ASCENDED quality item I seek, but I am looking for the EXOTIC quality item’s RECIPE.

Now, I was looking through the recipe list of the vendor and I noticed that there are many container specific recipes missing from his list. Recipes from things that drop in the containers all around the HoT maps. These containers drop the recipes and therefore are HoT recipes, yet they are missing from his list. I attached a screen of the traitline that quotes that we get the HoT recipes, yet in the vendor many of the new jeweler recipes (Burl Orichalcum, Black Diamond Orichalcum, Freshwater Pearl Orichalcum) for amulets, rings, and accessories. I am talking the EXOTIC quality items’ recipes are not obtainable via the vendor.

My issue is that most of these recipes are very RNG dependent and therefore are a little pricey, so I can see the reason why it’s so, but for me and most WvWers I know, it’s not feasible to throw the time and/or gold cost at these recipes. Could there be some consideration for those WvW players?


[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Guild halls block squads

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atros.9607


From my understanding with the way GHalls work is that, you start with a small instance and then move progressively to a larger and larger instance until the instance supports your entire group. Be patient and use one person as an anchor to taxi in the group(s) until you are all on one instance.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

WvW boost in Celebration boost, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


Now that the WvW reward tracks are solidified within the community, I believe that celebration boosts should now have the 10% increase in WvW reward tracks as they do in the PvP reward tracks.

Even the wiki thinks it’s a bug. Though, I doubt that, I just want to bring light to it. Maybe some Wuv for your WvWers?

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

WvW Guild Auras and Presence of the Keep

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atros.9607


I have been noticing a disparity between the Guild aura and Presence of the Keep in regards to the order placement of +5 supply. I am only noticing this because some guilds in my server do not have the Aura 8 upgrade yet.

In the text display of both the objective aura and Presence of the Keep, they list the correct order with +5 being the first and Magic Find being the last. However, the actual effect of Presence of the Keep is still the old system with Magic Find being first and supply being last.

I have to put in a disclaimer here as this bug is only present for guilds claiming keeps when their aura buff is not maxed.

Now, when I lose the PotK buff, I noticed in my hero panel that my Magic Find dropped by 20% (in addition to the other buffs to power/precision/etc). That being the case, I was able to realize that the order of the PotK buffs is still on the old system even though the buff’s tooltip reads as the new system.

You can confirm this by also trying pick up max (25) supply under the buff and only getting 20.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

Are we slowly losing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atros.9607


Okay so since the Bloodstone Fen patch, I’ve been followed around by what looks like a smaller version of the VG or unbound guardian.

So I ask, who else has seen this and are our characters slowly losing it? What theories are out there about this man/thing/…light being?

Cleaner link:

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

New female Charr Hairstyle changes eyecolor!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atros.9607


You eye color does not change! The eye positioning does in the preview.

Upon previewing the new hair style from my MALE charr (I used a total makeover preview to female looks), my charr’s eyes were kitten ed like yours are. That’s it. No change to eye color, just a positioning bug.

[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did

[WvW] Guild Rams to Regular Rams

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atros.9607


Also: The recipe is wonky…


[ShW] Shrouded Warband § Gold Invader § Fort Aspenwood
My pugs are not lemmings, they just fell off that cliff because I did