Given that World vs World is where a lot of players spend almost all of their time in the game, it makes sense that Wintersday rewards should be available to those players as well. Otherwise there’d be complaints that the player population in World vs World had gone off a cliff and nobody could get a decent team together.
In short, ‘multiplayer’ means not everyone has the same priorities as you. If that bothers you, there are lots of single-player RPGs out there in which only your priorities matter
It is fun… Just reduce the wait time between attempts.
This. Having to sit and wait for a minute or more between attempts != fun, as good as the jumping puzzle is.
Are the jumping puzzle rewards level based? I’ve seen people get flawless snowflakes and giant bags but I only got a small (I’m level 11). Should I switch to my 80 Norn?
Someone from Anet said in another thread that the bag size is level-determined (‘giant’ is 60-80 IIRC) and they give ‘level-appropriate’ loot.
No it is busted. I spent a ton of wool stuff to get one of the same wool material
It is like blowing say 20 plat ores to get one in return.
WTF is this junk?
You bought a Giant Gift (lottery ticket) instead of one of the weapon skins or consumables, and the lottery ticket you bought was a losing one. Not junk, not a conspiracy
They announced when the update was coming (albeit imperfectly) and since it’s logical to assume they wouldn’t want it done when most of the staff had gone home it wasn’t exactly unexpected that it would come some time after WvW reset.
There are also non-gem store skins that you need to collect event drops for, but it’s good to give everyone a way of getting event items that suits them.
Edit: Anthony beat me to it!
Wiser choice would have been to have patched it before hand then simply activated the content.
That’s exactly what we’re doing. The patch is today, the Wintersday event starts tomorrow. We wanted time to catch any emergencies that might pop up tonight.
I think what s/he meant was that other platforms (Steam is one that comes to mind) often make the ‘locked’ content available for background download up to a week before its actual release. Then when the game is released/the event starts etc. all the server has to do is activate the content rather than provide the bandwidth for zillions of downloads all at once.
(Honestly it would have been better to just say it would start on the 15th if you needed this much time)
Please Dwayna don’t start that again – my flameproof suit is in the wash
(edited by Carzor Stelatis.9435)
Does anybody else find it inconvenient and possibly poor planning to have such large/major patches drop during prime-time 5-10pm?
Maybe it has to do with the fact that having the majority of your userbase all pounding away on your servers to download the fresh content all at once causes them to behave as if they were experiencing a D.O.S. attack.
They know how many customers they have, so there is no excuse for failing to provide sufficient server capacity. This isn’t an online store being knocked offline because it had a 70% off sale on Crocs and suddenly gets 100x the traffic the owners were expecting – Arenanet know how many people bought the game and therefore the maximum server load.
Reports though that it’s already getting better, let’s wait and see.
You guys from EU need to calm down. When Anet releases stuff like this it’s always been by PST. Everybody is going to get the content at the same time. You’re not special and are going to get it earlier than everyone else just because it’s almost the 15th over there. This isn’t WoW you know.
Edit: I’d also like to note that you EU people don’t wait for this any longer than we do. Everybody gets told at the same time and the wait time is the same for everyone else.
Nobody has a problem with it launching on the 15th in the EU. We have a problem with Arenanet lying to us and telling us it was launching on the 14th.
Get that whole quote and put it here as im not going to go looking for it to disprove you. I am already assuming that the 14 that it was saying also had a time on it that would have PST right after that time… making it the 14th in california…
No, the one-time events had times listed (with, as you say, ‘PST’ clearly marked) but the European website simply stated ‘December 14th’ as the launch time for the ‘festivities’ generally.
Umpteen years developement, and several months of preperation for what was in GW1 traditionally the biggest event, and this critical (imo) release is so shaky that the release time it is just sometime, 12-14-12, in your Your Time Zone. Hatchling the rest of the world.
The longer-term problem is that Arenanet is getting a reputation for being unprofessional. So far we’ve had three major events (Halloween, Karka, Wintersday) and not one of them has been released, working, at the time that was advertised to paying customers. That’s not the way to attract new customers, or to convince your existing customers to give you more money.
But….. every patch has always come out on the PST time zone… like every single one for every single event…. I don’t get why people all of a sudden thought this was going to change?1
Because Anet posted on their European websites that it would happen on December 14th, and in most of Europe it’s now December 15th.
Man it’s like some people don’t realize that real life has delays. Ever get stuck in traffic for an hour? Just chill and be happy that life is so cool that we even have a game like this.
The problem isn’t with the timing itself. The problem is the incorrect advertising: Arenanet claimed on the European localisations of their website that the event would start on December 14th despite the fact that (as has been explained above) they did not intend to start the event on December 14th in those countries. Had they said “the event will launch at 8am December 15th” that would have been fine: it’s the misleading information people have a problem with.
Hey folks.
We understand everyone is excited to hop in and experience the fun and excitement of all the Wintersday content. As we mentioned earlier, the game update will arrive at sometime today, Pacific Time (which is the time zone in which our development studio is based). We do not have a specific time at which it will go live.
The first event which will occur at a specific time will happen tomorrow, December 15, per the schedule on the website.
Remember: you will have until January 3 to enjoy the content.
Perhaps you could have the PR team remove the incorrect claim from the Great Britain (en-gb) localised site that the event will launch on December 14th?