So, has this been tested enough in dungeons/fractals?
I think people who argue that DD Cele is not OP are delusional. Is it not a good thing for OP builds to be toned down? I really do not think anyone here wants the DD cele to be removed from the game entirely but its clear as day that the build is over performing. Every team had the class/build and the winning team had 2.
So out of 20 slots, 5 were taken by the DD cele, does this not speak for itself?
Different roles of the weapons. Longbow is a 1500 single target pressure that gets its AoE potential through piercing. Barrage is a soft CC ability.
I have the feeling that the DH is more of a mid range skirmisher/control spec.
And please, following the latest patch, the ranger is actually quite solid in zergs.
I really had no favorite team, but the clear loser here is GW2 PvP.
It will probably make it so you cant outsustain 3 guys on point with it though.
double DD ele for the win. So sad.
Dota 2 is a real PvP E sports game, GW2 is not.
Why are there only 4 teams? Is this a competition for ants?
Already did, ty
How does one register for this?
It is simple, Mesmer has so much stealth because they got over tuned. They got every single weakness removed and every advantage pushed forward. And you got this abomination now.
It will all depend on whether the DD Cele is OP or not. If it remains OP then every elite spec, including the DH will be trash tier. Same goes for most of the base classes.
Seriously…. There are so many plays, soft and hard counters to range in this game, not to mention the fact that ranged weapons do far less damage then melee ones. Usually its the absolute trash tier players that complain about longbow.
Ele is 1 out of 9 classes now, It would not be the end of the world if it fell out of the meta for a bit in the adjustment period.
What is the base armor value of pets considering no toughness?
ty in advance
What is the PvP population? What was it 2 months ago? 6? 2 years ago?
I do not think ranger is that bad.
My tier list would be..
Top: Ele, Mesmer
Everyone else
Well vitality is worth only 50% of what its worth to players. So, for instance, 100 vitality gives the pet 500 hp and not 1000.
No it was not. Warrior is fine. The fact that DD ele and Mesmer are still OP has nothing to do with whether warrior is good or bad. It is competitive with engi, ranger, necro, guardian and thief.
If it has indeed happened, then this is a good change. People have talked about these 2 being the dumbest thing ever since a long time.
Lets nerf the current OTT PvE damage traits. Some classes can get over 40% extra damage from static trait buffs.
Well, its a possible 780 extra toughness if you spec for it in fractals.
Why would you even spec into BM if you are running with a zerg? Go MM, WS and NM.
New Revenant legend, TRAHERNE!
Heal mantra will also heal allies if you have the trait. It also gives you bonus damage stacks.
I disagree on the notion that Ele cannot be played as either berserker or sustain. The perception is skewed twofold however.
It is a mater of internal and external balance.
Internal balance:
- Water and Arcane are extremely dominant when it comes to both PvP modes. But this is not something that is Elementalist specific. For example, Warriors need both Discipline and Defense, Rangers have needed either Wilderness or Nature for the longest time too.
The issue arises that the combination of Celestial amulet, Water + Arcane, passive proc traits and DD create something that is head and shoulders above any other Elementalist build. But, even though DD is the dominant build, does not mean that FA, Staff bunker or even that Wooden Potatoes silly bunker res build are bad. There is simply no reason to go anything other then DD.
Celestial amulet + DD + might stacking + Elemental A + Evasive arcana + Cantrips + condi cleanse on regen have pushed DD before the patch and now we can add the stupid frozen aura trait.
Of course the burning is an issue in itself, but it is not so for all classes. Currently only Ele, Engi and Guardian can deliver mass burns and the ele issue is derived from might stacking and the Master of all trades issue atm.
On the issue of internal balance, EA is totally an over budged trait especially for a minor. So is evasive arcana. And by god, so is cleansing water. Perhaps if Anet considered reducing the number of procs on regen would open up the other 2 GMs up for play?
External balance:
- This is in relation to other classes obviously. A big part is how a build compares to another classes build that has a similar function. For example, a bunker Ele is not bad but Guardian is simply better at the role. It can sustain itself, sustain allies, it can res people and pretty much covers the role perfectly that, in an organised team, there is no need for any other bunker build.
There is a similar issue with FA Ele. This build is amazing when you compare it to many a burst build of other classes. The issue is, Thief is better at +1 due to mobility and map coverage… and now we have the new and improved Mesmer. Thief + Mesmer is the ultimate spike combo is it not? But that does not mean that FA ele does not have skills to die for, spikes that deal significant damage in a short amount of time, but the biggest issue is… IT HAS NO STEALTH. Guess what have people been complaining for 3 years about? What has really poor counter play? And why has Thief shut down any other class DPS build?
So from my list of components that make the current DD build OTT the most reasonable thing to tone down would be, considering both internal and external, as I have said in the opening post:
some burn duration on skills and/or stacks, shave the Celestial amulet a bit, definitely tone down some of the boons and passive procs
I fail to see how any of this will QUOTE Ruin the class !! That is utter nonsense. Elementalist being this strong with a single build is not healthy for both the Elementalist and other classes. Because the Ele is this strong, the Mesmer needs to remain strong. And i dare say, it would not be a sad thing if we arrive at a point where the Ele is not a class that has a guaranteed spot on a PvP team, 2 slots in a dungeon run or be mandatory for GvG organised play!! It should be one of the options, but not THE option, as with any class.
(edited by Chokolata.1870)
The bug fixes and the omitted changes that are given to us by this patch actually buff us substantially.
Travelers give me everything I need for my build, be it for PvP or WvW. 15 boon duration, 25% movement speed. The important part is that QZ fury and swiftness go up to 8s when you have NM slotted and traveler runes. Protective ward and companions defense also mean permanent protection.
Lets see if Natural healing works as it used to and if pets get extra critical chance from precision or not.
Yes those 3 and the removal of background mantra CDs.
Actually, going by that logic Water + arcane is the best target for a nerf because every Ele runs these xD
I use Traveler runes. I find them overall the best for PvP and WvW as there is no on demand swiftness with a WS build.
What is this fixation on going full out DPS when using a LB. Seriously, go MM, WS and NM. Also why do you keep calling barrages? Seriously its a low impact skill.
GS is good for WvW due to mobility and the easy leap that allows you to troll people.
MM, WS and NM
-SotW proc, signet trait, LtW
-Oakheart, shared anguish, WK
-Allies aid, evasive purity, protective ward
LB, GS, berserker armor with traveler runes, dual spiders
The problem is not that they made mistakes, the problem is that they are extremely slow at fixing them. It has been more then a month since the patch came out and they have not fixed the majority of the bugs even, let alone obvious balance issues.
Blinding dissipation, confounding suggestions, mantra background recharge and prismatic understanding.
Timiok, buddy I am not calling you out, I am responding to many a post of how we need to leave Ele because reasons.
The fact of the matter is that the class is over represented in every game mode. In PvE you have 2 elementalists as a must, in WvW it is one of 4 viable classes for team oriented play that makes up the army volume.
But seeing how this is a PvP forum, we are discussing PvP related changes and scenarios it is quite obvious that Mesmer and Ele are OP, specifically the builds that are being played right now. Not Ele or Mesmer, but both classes have OP builds. And the builds need to be toned down.
As for the whole argumentation that Ele does not have other builds other then DD, this is not true. They have but DD is so overwhelmingly strong that there is no need to explore anything else. Are those build comparable to DD, Mesmer and so on, ofc they are not. But those builds are comparable to other classes builds.
So, you would rather buff 7 classes and god knows how many builds instead of nerfing 3 builds on 2 classes that are head and shoulders above the rest at the moment. Much logic, such wow!
Wow, i really hate seeing builds that are all over the place.
The Ranger starts with the axe.
Celestial amulet has 3920 stat points compared to basic 3 stat amulets that have a total of 3000. 4 stat amulets have 3220 stat points. Which means that Celestial amulet gives 21,7 and 30.6% more points then other amulets!
With what I suggested the amulet would have 3400ish stat points which would still make it better then other amulets in the total stat pool.
Also, Cele engi is non viable because of mesmer spikes first and foremost. Warrior shouts got nerfed and even if they did not, the build would not be viable because Mesmer is bonkers.
Its conceptually wrong to justify one OP thing because another thing is OP. Also, Celestial amulet in itself is bloody OP.
Ok guys, there have been a lot of topics that all call for nerfs on this and that. But, taking a serious look at Ele, how would you go about nerfing it?
Personally I would:
-reduce the stat bonus from the Celestial amulet from 560-480
-reduce the damage bonuses from Pyromancer training and Burning rage from 10% to 7% (similar to how the Guardian +% to burning got reduced)
-reduce the burning duration of Drakes breath from 3s to 2s
-reduce the Ring of Fire burn stacks from 3 to 2
-increase Soothing Ice ICD from 20s to 30s
-reduce the Protection duration from Elemental swapping from 5s to 2s
What do you think? Too much? Not enough??
If I played a Mesmer as my main I wouldn’t be too worried. A-Net can’t and won’t nerf elementalits because they get feedback from the top teams that have a lot of elementalists. Toning down burning is not an Ele nerf. Because of this they can’t really touch the Mesmer in any significant way either, because if they did then Ele will be the absolute king of PvP.
My expectations are:
-blinding dissipation can be dodged
-daze trait icd to 10 from 5s
That’s pretty much it what will happen.
Dodging Mesmer burst is not an issue, the issue is that they can do it so fast after the first one that you simply run out of dodges and CDs. Also something about no tell instant stuns or spikes from stealth simply do not sit well with me. Heh, it is funny, we though that thief was OP and now we got the Mesmer, which makes the Thief look like an old man with arthritis.
You can just tag an ally and move on, the pet will finish the res.
Remorseless is better with GS, PO is more reliable and better overall for DPS.
I just wanted to share my appreciation for this fine trait. No joke, its awesome!