Showing Posts For Chokolata.1870:

GG rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


This has nothing to do with balance. WE can’t even get proper bug fixes. Half the traits are not working properly. Abilities are not working properly. Pets don’t have the 150 stats that were supposed to be given to them as baseline.

At this point i really do not care about balance but the lack of bug fixing.

Zephyr’s Speed nerf :(

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


They do but they will not. We all know the vast amount of bugs on the ranger and none have been fixed.

GG rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Seriously, the pet did not get its missing 150 stats that it was supposed to get baseline. THIS IS A MAJOR ISSUE IN ALL THREE GAME MODES!!!!

Game Update Notes - July 7, 2015

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


None of the ranger bug fixes actually fixed anything other then taunt.

HS still doesnt heal the pet hahhaha

Ranger bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Patch came out, fixed nothing.

GG rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


-150 base stats from pets missing was not fixed
-HS still does not heal the pet
-Natural healing is still broken, it heals your pet every 3s and not 1s and it does not heal the ranger every 3s

And I am sure there are many more

Much patch, such wow

(edited by Chokolata.1870)

Traps and RNGus

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


And they have not provided the 150 stats to pets they were supposed to get by default as other classes got for their mechanics. It is still only 150 if you spec into BM. The 150 base is missing.

Much patch, such wow.

Balance list - Tracked by Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


The Elementalist is a balance issue, the Thief is a design one.

Simply put, at the moment, the Ele is OP due to two objective issues: burn stacking is OTT and the celestial amulet is too good. After these two we are left over with some really important traits becoming baseline and I feel that the Ele benefited the most from taking 3 full lines. The stone heart or diamond skin is just so good when you factor in arcane and water lines.

My suggestions would be:
-reduce the celestial amulet stat pool by 15-20%
-reduce certain skills burn duration by a tad, for example drakes breath
-reduce the duration of the boons provided by elemental attunement, for example protection from 5s to 2s.

Nerf ELE

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Let us try by nerfing celestial amulet by say 20%. And perhaps by toning down some of the burn duration on elementalist skills.

Scratch that, Cele is utterly broken and needs a massive nerf. Mesmer being OP does not justify this abomination of a class.

And after he goes out of water he can go to earth and be unable to get crit and gain 5 seconds of protection. Yay.

(edited by Chokolata.1870)

New Builds List - [Being Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


@Heimskarl: The build i suggested uses SoS instead of muddy terrain, and Scooby Doo instead of hawk

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Question: Does MoC increase the spike trap KD?

Why did ArenaNet nerf ranger specs??

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


That is the whole point i am trying to make is that these 3 classes are so much above the rest that drastic nerfs like these would bring them in line

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


The trait that was increasing the radius of all off-hand skills on ranger is no longer in the game. This has made torch radius very small as well as dagger evade a very small range. Simple fix would be to combine off-hand skills gain increased range/radius trait into Ambidexterity. F.

This is from the document. Now I do not know if this is fixed as baseline or via trait, but honestly it will be addressed.

@Josh: Thank you for responding to this topic. Please take the opportunity to tweak Sick Em, Protect me and Guard.

Sick Em- please fix the issue of it being overwritten by other commands. Perhaps lower the CD a bit from 40s to 35 or 30.

Guard- allies in the area the pet is defending take 10-15% reduced damage

Protect me- rename to Protect yourself – Instead of pet killing itself by taking your damage you and the pet gain 4-5 seconds of protection and resistance. It fixes the shout and it gives the whole shout set an anti condition ability like every utility set should have.

WS skills can be trated, traps have the HS and spirits have the elite.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I personally think that all the notes on Ranger were on the spot. Sure there are some missing, like all utility shouts being worthless and spirits being abysmal with this patch. But everything that was commented on was quite solid.

HS fix? yes
Pet attribute fix? yes
EB and WS knowledge in the same place problem? yes
Taunt bug? yes
GS auto attack damage and leap? yes
Pets being weak with condition damage due to new formula? yes

Why did ArenaNet nerf ranger specs??

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Asking Anet to gut warrior, ele and thief damage modifiers and some key abilities. I dont mean nerfing by 10% but by 50%.

For example:
-Nerf 10% extra damage while in fire to 5%
-Tempest defense from 20% to 10% damage to stun fues
-20% while in water to 10%
-Warrior 10% when endurance not full to 5%
-20% after burst skill half duration buff
-Remove the stupid signet auto 100 precision proc, over budged trait for PvE atm
-Reduce No Quarter ferocity bonus from 250 to 100
-Nerf Thief exposed weakness from 10% bonus to 5% to foe with a condition
-Nerf thief ferocious strikes from 10% extra critical damage to 7%
-Reduce Ice bow stun from 5 seconds to 2.5
-Reduce Ice Bow 4 damage by 75%
-Reduce the Lightning storm vulnerability stacking from 25 to 12-13, i.e. fine tune the duration so that it never goes over those values
-Nerf GS mastery damage bonus from 10% to 5%. Might stacking and CD reduction is enough and with 10% extra damage its OTT. Ranger and guardian have a 5% damage buff


One can only hope, but it will never happen sadly.

(edited by Chokolata.1870)

Why did ArenaNet nerf ranger specs??

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


You do not understand, Ele, Thief and Warrior will not be nerfed for PvE. They even reverted the icebow barrage 25% damage nerf. And the reason the engi is not taken even though he can stack stealth, vulnerability and has 3rd best DPS in the game is because what he does on rotation the elementalist does on a singe click and has far more DPS and ICEBOW.

Why did ArenaNet nerf ranger specs??

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


It is quite funny seeing people talk about how PvE Ranger is better then before. Sure we lost some flat damage modifiers with the change to hunters tactics, we do not have to trait the spirit anymore to use it. The pet will do more damage and RaO is a shout now.

But you always have to look in comparison to other classes. And the 3 main classes in PvE, Thief, Elementalist and Warrior got buffed so much more.

The PS warrior is doing the DPS of a pure DPS warrior build. Ele got insane modifiers as did the thief.

I have over 3000 hours on Ranger and finally I am at a point where I can not justify myself taking my ranger into a dungeon anymore. I can sit in Fire with the Ele and spam 1 and 2 on my staff and do twice as much damage as the Ranger. And i can AoE Blind and use Icebow to produce results that are far beyond the scope of any Ranger build out there with a single click.

Fix for Taunt coming soon

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


They did not include the fix to Natural healing

Beastly Warden trait needs a fix.

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


fix the bugs and it working through evades and then remove the ICD or place the ICD per pet and not globally.

Strider's Defense needs more thought.

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


its RNG so it will always suck. If it was say * you and your pet take 25% less damage from ranged attacks* then it would be good and reliable.

[Mesm OP] Blind on shatter needs to go

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


There is absolutely a need to further nerf mesmer damage and PU. Same goes for insane burning damage and elementalist sustain which became ridiculous with the new patch.

Ranger in PvP today

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Aside for some stupid traits and the removal of off hand range increase, the ranger is good. The problem is, Elementalist, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior are much much better.

Spirit Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


How about sun spirit pulses 5 might for 2s?

How to make Ranger more wanted in PvE...

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


In one single change…

Frost spirit buffed to give 20% extra damage up from 10% on a 75% chance.

A net please fix pet missing stats!!

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Before the specialization patch, if a Ranger took the full BM line the pets got 300 of each main stats. Since the specialization patch made it so that all professions got half of their mechanic trait line bonus as basic, Ranger pets should have gotten 150 of each as a baseline and then 150 more if you went into BM. It was stated as such in the stream and in the notes.
The problem is the pets did not receive the 150 as baseline and the maximum you can get is 150 if you take the BM line.

A net please fix pet missing stats!!

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


With half of the profession mechanic bonuses becoming baseline you have missed something. Ranger pets did not get the 150 power, precision, toughness and vitality as baseline. They only get the +150 if you trait into beast mastery.

This is a major issue that influences all 3 game modes, fix it please.

Was LB 1 nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I am comparing the damage to the 60260 SotF RtW build and not the 66200 build.

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Because we have a total of 2 pets that have an under 20s f2 ability they placed an ICD on both taunt and invigorating bond. They will nerf BW, trust me.

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


The fact that it goes through blocks will probably be fixed and then it becomes the opposite of fear. We already have ample CC be it soft or hard. Seriously we do.

But the main reason we are not part of team compositions anymore is because we do not have any force multipliers ever since they gutted spirits more then a year ago.

DD cele is a multiplier, hornbow was a multiplier. Engi brought extreme versatility and the thief mesmer combo had huge spikes and innate survivability due to stealth and teleports. Hell, bunker guards are multipliers.

As it stands, our hope, in my opinion, is to encroach on the territory of the engineer. To, after balance tweaks, become a good 1v1 class and one with great versatility. We already are but engi is better.

It is all about roles you see and we just do not have the proper toolkit for a mid anchor or DPS class as of yet. So hybrid it is.

Was LB 1 nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I know we lost the 5% eagle eye damage modifier but the values are much much lower then they used to be. I was auto attacking a mesmer for 500 ish damage non crit and 900ish with crit with a marauder amulet.

Even if the Mesmer had protection it seems too low.

Was LB 1 nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Simple question really… Was it nerfed? I am seeing much lower values then before the patch. I was not really paying attention to it but auto attacks that used to be 2-2.5k on golems are now around 1-1.5k.

Or am I just imagining things?

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


First of all it is unique for the next 2 months maybe?

Secondly, the ranger was always good in small scale skirmishing 1v1, 2v2 but as soon as it came to team fights, it was a whole different story.

And finally, it puts an ICD on an activated ability, so as far as I am concerned, I will never use it, just how I never used Invigorating bond. ICDs on active abilities are a major NO in my book.

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I really really really think you people are overestimating a 2 second taunt. Like really!

Please give Anet time to balance things

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


For example the bug that did not get addressed is that the ranger pets did not get the 150 stat bonus by default….

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I will never use BW for the simple reason that it gives an ICD even though it traits an active ability

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


No its not an on demand interrupt as it has a ICD

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I think you guys are overestimating BW

Address of state of Ranger to Anet

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Pet stats HAVE NOT been raised. Currently they are bugged and you only get 150 of each if you take the BM line!!!

Runes of Trapper + Ranger Trap broken!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


What you used to do with frost now you can do with HS, when they debug it ofc.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


It was introduced into the Diablo universe which is about a conflict between angels and demons with humans stuck in the middle. In the diablo universe everything you fight is essentially a demon, even the skeletons are produced by Leoric who is a demon himself.

As far as the name goes, i do not care either way, just wanted to point out the diabo stuff to you.

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


As a Ranger power spec the no1 concern of mine is how to not die in 1s. The only reliable way to accomplish that is by taking WS and NM together. The third line is debatable but as far as PvP goes, nothing beats evasive purity, protective ward, companions defense and bark skin with the cleansing offered by WS.

Eura - Current Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Haha, it is true that QD is good, but the whole Skirmishing line is bad in itself.

Wilderness, NM and BM for power builds all the way baby.

Ranger + pvp = nope

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


How is the damage lower other then the 5% modifiers on Eagle eye gone? Hunter tactics changed from a 10% damage to a 10% critical chance modifier.
Pet attribute bonus base is bugged though they should do more damage.

Ranger is in a better place then before, but the problem is other classes are in a way better place then before.

There are certain bad traits like Most dangerous game, Predators instinct, Honed axes, Enlargment, Natures vengeance. Brutish seals is bad when compared to other classes too.
The biggest issues are bug related or an oversight like OH training range not being made baseline thus making dagger, OH axe, torch pretty bad….

(edited by Chokolata.1870)

Wait a minute...

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


So I just checked, it seems that the pets are indeed bugged and are not receiving the base attribute 150 boost.

W T H?

We're In the Same Position Necros Were

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


There are many issues that are ailing PvE.

1) ICEBOW – As was with FGS before it, this is the biggest offender. Nothing will ever be better then 4x icebows on a large hitbox mob. Also 5 seconds of stun on a boss is irreplaceable on a boss.

2) Some classes have abundant damage modifiers while others do not. Take elementalist as an example.
They get 150 power while in fire, which they will be for most of the fight, 10% to burning foes and 10% while in fire. Other then using Ice bow, their strongest damage is casting 2 then auto attack while on staff in fire.
Then we have a 20% damage while the foe is under 50% HP, 20% on a stunned foe which it will be with Ice bow.
And then either 10% while over 90% hp while if you take water or the ferocity boost/2% per boon if you take arcana. This is extreme damage

Now these are only damage modifiers for a class which already has high base damage. As far as utilities go, ice bow, condi cleanse, and 3 on demand blast finishers. Glyph of storms permanent blind or 25 instant vulnerability stacks.

And you take two of those. Then you take the thief for the highest single target dps in the game and stealth and the guardian to reflect. Warrior for solid damage and unique buffs and PS.

It was very hard to justify taking anything other then this composition into dungeons before the patch, and now the difference between these 4 classes and the other 4 have just been highlighted even more.

I have played my Ranger for over 3000 hours, albeit i went AFK a lot. 1000s of fractals. I love the core changes even if some are bugged or not good enough. But as far as PvE goes, I am done for the time being. I have a fully decked out warrior and elementalist. I cannot justify taking a ranger into a dungeon anymore.

We're In the Same Position Necros Were

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Wow really? The pets did not receive the base 150 stats?

Just wow…

How would you rate the Ranger now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


So what would a good PvP team now be then?

What do we need for condi buffs?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Just because burning is ridiculous does not mean necromancers need a buff. They have a very nice balance between spread out condition application, manipulation and sustain.

As far as PvE goes, never bring conditions.

(PvE) Are rangers in a worse spot?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


You will match the dps of a war but never of the ele or thief. They are in another galaxy compared to the rest

Is LB no longer a viable SPVP weapon?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I am using a 00666 power build with LB and sword/axe or GS. Works wonders. WS and NM are amazing at simply not dying to the new burst Mesmers.

I have written this many times already, but here i go again. I have had amazing success with this build in the last few days.

Ammulet – Marauders
Runes – Travelers
Sigils – Fire and Air on LB, bloodlust and energy on the sword/axe or energy and intelligence on the GS

WS traits – oakheart salve, shared anguish, wilderness knowledge
NM traits – instinctual reaction, evasive purity, protective ward
BM traits – go for the eyes, wilting strike or GS mastery, zephyr speed

So why am i playing this? Well, I am not a fan of burst first or die type of gameplay. And currently, because of stealth openers you are at an inherent disadvantage vs Mesmers and to some extent thieves.

My logic is that, since you used to take the MM line for the eagle eye and read the winds trait there is no need to do so anymore. Furthermore if you look closely, the line is just BAD unless you go for remorseless.

Skirmishing line is equally bad for power builds. Vigor on evade? I don’t need it. Spotter? Who cares. Quickdraw is nice but not necessary.

With the build I am playing i got ample sustain with near permanent regeneration, protection and solid condition removal, good damage and utility due to pet and a lot of quickness. 3 stun breaks. And most importantly I can survive the initial burst with more then 60% HP and promptly heal back up with TU while in stealth or SoS. The funnest part is unloading axe 4 and sword auto attacks while under quickness.