Showing Posts For Chrury.4627:

Twilight Arbor Aetherpath Last boss bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrury.4627


An addendum: if you have an hour or so, you can destroy the generators yourself. It’s like meleeing a gate in WvW but it can be done. The boss starts up as normal once all 8 have been destroyed.

Joke&Useless Runes and Sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Ha! Much fun

Superior Rune of Minor Fortress(6/6)
(1): +10% Luck Gain
(2): – 20% Skill Cooldown
(3): +15% Power (of Will, Concentrated)
(4): +5% Pleasure
(5): +50% Agony (AKA Pain)
(6): +100% Reason to Remember the name

LF Dungeon Guild (NA, semi-casual player)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Let’s give this a shot.

Hey there! I’m looking for a guild to play dungeons with. Note how I said “play” and not “run”. I’m not interested in speed-runs and I don’t gear for any of the metas that might be floating around. I just find dungeons to be one of the most enjoyable parts of GW2. The 5 man team reminds me of GW1. I wouldn’t mind doing fractals as well but I have no interest in seriously fighting agony.

I’m ok with stacking and I will listen if you have suggestions/preferences for what the group might need. I’m more than willing to respec traits, skills and weapons as needed (and for some PUGs, it was REALLY needed) but I won’t min-max my armor or trinkets to be super-effective and/or zerk.

I’ll gladly rep when playing a dungeon or doing other guild things but I do have another guild I’d like to keep tabs on.

My characters are as follows:

  • Chris Sanson (Human Ranger and my main. I’m most comfortable swapping his skills and traits around compared to my others. I can run frost-spotter but I don’t generally bring frost unless I’m doing other spirits as well)
  • Keiko Sanson (HumanThief. Currently sword/pistol + Shortbow. her steal is magic)
  • Shizuka Janai (Sylvari Engineer. I like turrets but have been enjoying flamethrower and tool kit as well.)
  • Etahoff (Asura Guardian. My newest but I’m liking his support style play. Staff + sword/focus with shouts. loads of healing, buffs, and burning and blind.)

I’ll be up-front and say that I am trying to get “Dungeon Master” and that I have four of the hardest left to complete. TA Aetherpath, and Arah 2-4. That’s not to say that I don’t want to do other dungeons, I do! I’d just like to get those four under my belt eventually.

Let’s see….what else. I’m currently on JQ and I play about 5 times a week. usually around 10 PM EST. Weekends: whenever.

Feel free to ping me in-game or here. I’ll check in on this thread for a couple weeks.

Thanks for reading!

[Suggestion] What to do with Personality.

in Audio

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I like this idea! Could add a new edge to character customization. Getting the voice actors back would be the tricky part.

And Unfortunately, the greatest fear missions are currently missing from the game. They were removed and/or mis-shuffled when the NPE came out.

It's been done now leave thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Some collections have unique skin rewards, don’t they?

I don’t know yet, haven’t had a chance to poke extensively at it. Don’t think they have unique skins at all . . . I recall one gives a Champion bag skin but . . .

Spirit Crafter at least has a unique back item called Spirit Smith. Not much so far, but I haven’t discovered some of the other collections. So there’s one new skin for sure, and more kittentainly be added. Of course titles can be shown off too and there are some of those.

This is true. There are a few unique skins tied to collections at the moment. But you’re forced to choose whether showing your accomplishment with the item is worth possibly messing up your look.

As for titles, since I can’t select myself, I never know how awesome I look with one on. (petty, I know).
And for some reason, once you have a title, there’s no quick way to tell where it came from. I found yesterday that I have titles that I don’t remember getting on what I did to get them! How am I supposed to feel awesome about some accomplishment when I can’t recall what I did?

Would it be possible to get a new category in the achievements panel maybe? It wouldn’t add new achievement but instead work like the watch list and just keep all of the title awarding achievements in one easy to analyse spot. Maybe not for PvP and WvW though. “Achievement with a title” describes almost every achieve there.

It's been done now leave thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Collections are great for bolstering the endgame BUT they aren’t something I can show off, which is a shame.

Now if we had a collections armory in our home instance, that would be grand. It would be…well like the HoM now that I think of it. I’d have more reason to fill collections, as I could poke my buddy and say “Hey man, you HAVE to see my complete spoon collection!” It would be an actual THING that fills up as you progress. Something that you directly change in the game world, if only an instance.

New Heals - I Don't Understand

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Going off the title of this thread, I don’t understand why these skills cost 25 skill points if they’re supposed to be balanced options. As is, the cost implies that they are all elite level skills, instead of something I would slot in a healing spot.

[Survey] Worthless abilities

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I know turrets themselves have been mentioned but I’d like to throw in mention of one of the toolbelt skills.

Skill: Rocket The tool belt skill for Rocket Turret.
Class : Engie
Why is it worthless: The skill is ground targeted (ok), causes no conditions, creates no fields, and the projectile has such a ridiculous arc and pathetic speed that it takes anywhere from 3 to 8 seconds to touch down. With it’s peasley radius, anything that might have been hit has moved already.
This change was a ninja patch in NA. It used to be a longer recharge/ more damage version of Rifle Turret’s tool skill, which was just fine. As it is, I actively avoid using Rocket Turret because of this. And I play turrets in PvE DESPITE all the bugs.

A Hypothetical

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chrury.4627


So my most recent attempt at the Marionette failed (again) but unlike most attempts I was left dead up here by the platforms. Luckily the old kill almost everybody thing happened and we were able to res up here.

Now I know this goes against the design of the event but…

If I stayed up here and waited for the next event, could I technically use spirits and pet skills to buff those fighting on the platforms? I know there is a (slightly leaky) barrier between platforms preventing platforms from helping each other but what about out here? Could a mesmer portal a small team of support characters up here to be even more effective? Would they all get event credit?

Just a hypothetical. I’m going to go jump off this edge here now.

That was already covered. You will get kicked out of the area when the event starts.

Well pants. It was worth a think.

A Hypothetical

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Chrury.4627


So my most recent attempt at the Marionette failed (again) but unlike most attempts I was left dead up here by the platforms. Luckily the old kill almost everybody thing happened and we were able to res up here.

Now I know this goes against the design of the event but…

If I stayed up here and waited for the next event, could I technically use spirits and pet skills to buff those fighting on the platforms? I know there is a (slightly leaky) barrier between platforms preventing platforms from helping each other but what about out here? Could a mesmer portal a small team of support characters up here to be even more effective? Would they all get event credit?

Just a hypothetical. I’m going to go jump off this edge here now.


Oddity: Error reporting window on exit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Same problem here, attached is the correspondig crash log.
(Removed system name and IP – why the hell are they in the log?)

I’ve played WvW (on Eternal Battlegrounds) before this happened and exited (ALT+F4) while I was dead.

To find the crash log go to the folder (might be hidden):
C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2\

Ah, thanks for that filepath. I wouldn’t have looked in Roaming.
I’ll try minimizing before quitting a game session next time. Perhaps I can catch the crash window with its pants down.
Here’s my log.


(edited by Chrury.4627)

Oddity: Error reporting window on exit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrury.4627


This doesn’t affect my game-play but I find it a bit worrisome nonetheless. After the most recent update; the “Guild Wars 2 has crashed, please send us info on what occurred” window will pop up for a brief moment after I exit. It’s a bit inconsistent but it appears to happen most often when hitting Esc and clicking “exit to desktop”.

If the window stayed around long enough to use, I would send it off saying that nothing appears to be wrong but it’s always gone just as fast as it appears. :/

Rag Doll Physics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Probably not a good idea. Ignoring the need for a physics engine in general and the load those calculations have on the servers, ragdolls wouldn’t really be visible most of the time. With GW2’s downed state, a dead player would just sorta flop over. And you can’t do it while a player or enemy is alive as ragdolls would affect where it looks like someone is. Which is pretty important if you’re trying to rez someone or regain melee range after launching something.

Also, they look really silly most of the time. :p

Instrument skills reordering

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Small idea: I really enjoy the Bell Choir activity. So imagine my surprise when I try to use one of the consumables and the layout is completely different.

My suggestion here is to reorder the skills on the bells (and presumably the other instruments) to better match the activity’s version. Keep skills 1-4 where they’re at but move the octave changes to skills 5-6 and the other four notes to skills 7-0. (Mockup below) This would keep every note under a finger for comfort and consistency.

I can’t do a proper test but having the octave shifts on 5-6 should work well. If you’re playing up the scale; the key order would go something like: 7, 8, 9, 0, right index hits 6 for the change, left hand takes over for 2, 3, 4, right hand 7, 8, 9 ,0. Same for going down the scale. This setup would keep the shifts off the hand that is more likely to play the next note.

Thanks for reading!


"Rocket" half-unusable.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Rather annoying thing here.

In one of the recent updates Rocket (the tool belt skill for Rocket Turret ) got an change. Instead of shooting straight out at your target on activation, the skill is now ground-targeted, and has a different cast animation as well as a flying arc that increases the further away you cast it.

The animation is… odd but not game-breaking. It’s just using the Box o’ Fun fireworks animation. Not really consistent with Net Attack, Rumble, or Surprise shot but whatever.

The flying arc is ridiculous. If cast at max range (1500) the rocket shoots up a good 2-3 times the height of a giant and takes a good 7 seconds to impact. The height seems to scale linearly with the targeted range. This arc makes the skill practically useless when fighting indoors, in caves, or under overhangs as the rocket will explode on impact with the ceiling.

And here’s the kicker, the ground-targeting change also affects the underwater version of the skill. Yeah. Good luck hitting anything with that if you aren’t in a shallow stream. >_>

I’m hoping this is a bug and not an intended change. It was only mentioned in the Wiki Notes for the update (Oct. 15) and not in the build notes posted on the forum.

EDIT: Oh, on the off chance it affects anything, my Engie is a Sylvari.

(edited by Chrury.4627)

Ranger's pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


If the speed buff thing is having issues then I agree that should be looked into.

The moving attack thing I’m not so sure about. First, some of the animations would look silly I imagine (how would a lynx swipe while running on three legs?). And Yes it would probably increase your DPS but Pets have more uses than just attacking. If your opponent is dodging/moving from your pet, your keeping them shaken up. And if you want to make sure they hit more often, use one of the many cripple or daze skills Ranger has access to. They’ll run out of endurance pretty quick.

If that’s still not enough, try changing up your pets. The flying birds have a swiftness skill, and many if not all of the cats and dogs have some form of leap for closing the gap.

So I would say pet builds are very viable anywhere. It’s just more of a nuance thing instead of a brute force thing.

Achievement Progress at a Glance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Just a small UI suggestion here for the achievement detail window. Would it be possible to move the tier achieve points and tier requirements out of the hover floaters and into the window by default? Hovering works but it’s not the quickest or most intuitive when you want to look at upcoming tier rewards or requirements.

My first thought would be like the first image below. (Just a rough mock-up I whipped up) A good number of achievements grow exponentially so the progress bar could also break up by the (in this case) kill requirement OR perhaps expand the tier section you’re currently on to better see your progress within the tier.

Not that a progress bar is the end-all be-all. Getting the hover data out of the two separate hover floaters is the main thing. I’d be happy with a consolidated graph with the data. (second image)

Thanks for reading.


Jumping Puzzle Shortcuts - not an exploit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


The shortcuts is not intended. The things that make up the shortcuts is there for decorative purpose, not for players to cut the difficulty and time of the jumping puzzle by half. thats why they got removed.
The chest reward at the end of the jumping puzzles is the reward for going trough the whole thing.

Personally I dont mind shortcuts, especially when it comes to the EB jumping puzzle.

Whether a shortcut is intended or not, why not roll with it? Particularly with shorter, low-level-chest JPs.

Jumping Puzzle Shortcuts - not an exploit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I’ve noticed this a couple times while browsing the wiki.
The initial release of The Lost Shores included a shortcut that allowed you to jump onto some barrels and reach the rafters easily from a broken pillar; the barrels were removed shortly after.
Another shortcut was removed by the May 14th 2013 update. This one made use of a half-constructed building & tent near the main building.

And this one, which I had used once or twice before the update:
The January 28th, 2013 update removed a third shortcut that allowed you to jump to the pillars that come just before the first boardwalk.

I argue that shortcuts like the above are not exploits and thus shouldn’t be removed. Why? Because finding and using a shortcut can take longer than the planned path and successfully implementing a shortcut will usually involve some tricky (and sometimes risky) maneuvers.
And while the end chest is still the ultimate goal; a shortcut is its own reward. It’s potential time saved and 1 set of jumps traded for another. The possibility for a shortcut encourages exploration and jump-thinking.

In fact, we could probably use MORE shortcuts, not less. Not completely bypassing a puzzle of course but short alternate routes to liven things up a bit. Just enough to put the “Puzzle” back in “Jumping Puzzle”.

My 2 cents.

Keg Brawl. No way to play with friends

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I too have been enjoying Keg Brawl. And I agree, as a PvP activity, it should roll with the stuff PvP is getting. Perhaps even Keg Brawl tournaments!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


If you’re truly running out of space and you have filled all 240 potential bank slots (you can expand up to 8 panes) then maybe you should consider selling some of your materials. Yes, prices fluctuate but you can always get almost anything back later when you need it.

Transport: The start of a new mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Fun. It’s like a spiced GW2 takeoff of TF2 Payload and/or Counter Strike. I support this idea.

A suggestion suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Here’s a small idea. On the off chance that a player suggestion gets implemented, perhaps reward them with an item? Something along the lines of TF2’s Wiki Cap or a town clothes t-shirt, perhaps?

Just a little something to reward player involvement. Thoughts?

A new way to Dye

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I have found that switching dyes on my armor is not ideal and sometimes inconvenient. There’s no issue if I want to paint everything Royal Blue (I don’t) but what if I’m testing rather similar colors? Like say…Salmon and Papaya?

To test one dye currently takes two clicks (once on the dye, once on the armor section). Add two more clicks and the mouse travel back and forth for every test. And if you accidentally choose the wrong armor section (annoyingly easy for leather/medium armor); you have to waste time hitting revert. >_>

My idea: Hover Dyeing.
1: Instead of selecting the dye first, you select the armor section you wish to change.
2: Instead of straight up clicking the dye, you can hover over the dyes you’re considering and the armor dynamically changes color to match.
3: Click on the dye to confirm your selection. If you find you don’t want to change, simply don’t click a dye and deselect the armor piece. It will go back to the color you started with, no reverting necessary.

And with an option toggle; this could work alongside the current dyeing system.

What do you think?


Login Screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I support this idea. The launcher feels…unprofessional somehow. Having the login in-game would be much better.

Knockback and Fall Damage for PVE enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I’ve been running around Guild Wars 2 for a while now and this has bugged me for the longest time.
So I’m adventuring around as a Ranger, and I encounter some enemies on my first (rather small) cliff. As happens occasionally, I get hit and knock(back)ed off the edge! “Oh cool”, I think. “An extra layer of depth.” So I grab my longbow and trek back up there to give them a piece of their own medicine.

You can guess how that went. “Point Blank Shot” -> enemy is knocked back AND…..he sticks to the edge.


C’mon guys. In PvP; launch and knockback have extra strategic value. Sometimes it is more viable to knock someone over an edge; either for the fall damage or to get them out of the fight for a bit. Why can’t we have the same options in PvE?

I can see how this might make some areas too easy (dredge catwalks/jumping puzzle comes to mind), and if that’s the case, why not add Unstoppable or a variation thereof to the Veterans there? But your standard mook should still be knock-off-able. Possibly with less (or none!) xp gained on enemy-fall-damage-kills.

Ideally flying enemies (harpies, fireflies, whathaveyou) wouldn’t fall at all, but that’s another can of worms altogether.

I understand that it might be an AI issue (what happens if a enemy survives the drop but can’t get back to its spawnpoint?). And I have no idea how that could be solved.

TLDR version: I suggest PvE enemies be able to be launched/knockbacked over edges and damaged/killed by fall damage.