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blood is power theorycraft build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


feedback… uh…

I don’t get the point in why someone would want to run a build for the sake of just 10 stack of might. Plus, using it in a power build over a condition build seem to be a net loss of dps.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Healing Signet still worthless.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


“Necromancer’s get 110 health every time there minions hit something, 50 health every time they hit something, and another 50 health every time they critical, and 1036 health every 2 seconds from there minion hits.

They DO have high passive healing. Your argument is VERY invalid."

Sadly when someone talk about mancer minion hitting something… All Necromancer start laughing to death. And well, it’s not passive healing cause you need to hit to gain something. Vampirism is 37 on hit and 52 on critical. You gain regen from staff which is a very slow weapon.
Necromancer don’t have any passive healing (except from food).

And as for ranger, they do need to heal their pet, Warriors don’t need to heal their sword.

Warriors have tons of strong point that ain’t used cause of GS supremacy. Most of the warriors don’t even use their “F1”. I can’t even see any other classe that are better without using their spécial skill (And don’t say “Guard” you would only shame yourself by saying it.)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

DS 5, Boon Hatred, and the new Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well… (first excuse me for my poor english)

I think you’re idea may be nice but is displaced (uncalled for?). What we do in death shroud don’t (and shouldn’t) affect on our main body. So you’re healing thing go in vain.

Condition wise, I think our main problem remain in the fact that they choose fear to deal damage. For me it would have been wiser to add condition damage on chill which is our best way to flee or chase a foe.

Boon hate? Well, we are already super op for this. If we got more all classes will cry for nerf.

DS 5… This skill we long for it since age… It could be anything but it will be on a looong CD (yes like all fifth skill, that make sense). I think a condition won’t do us good in this case. In fact, Necromancer need more spike damage skill or survival/mobility skill then condition damage skill.

Why don’t we just ask for something on DS 5 like :
Putrid explosion : You consume all conditions an your foe. For each condition you consume your target and foes around take X damage. CD 45s cast time 1 s.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Should warriors have good regen ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well, actually it’s the same for all classes.
You want sustain? give up damage for a lil bit of healing power
You want damage? give up some survivability.

Warrior are beast when it come to dodge, due to large access to vigor (Traits : Arms VI, Discipline VIII. Warhorn skill 5) and good way to resplenish endurance (15pt trait in Strength. Signet of stamina). Warriors are good when it come to block to (Just look at mace skill and shield).
You think you ain’t enough sustain? You got no less than any other classe. Healing signet regeneration squale with healing power (Base healing is the same as any other passive regen), the same for Adrenal health. Ya think it’s not enough? Pop tactic banner and hit 2.

All classes trad dps for sustain.

PS.: I’m not exhaustive here. Warrior have a lot more way to survive than just these.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Spatial Surge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dadnir.5038



Right now, Spatial surge behave strangely and is able to destroy siege weapon behind walls (in WvWvW). Even as a fervent user of the mesmer I see this as a bug that should be fixed.

My respect.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

This video is disheartening.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well… When I see this kind of vidéo I always tell myself “Oh great! I’d love to play against this kind of foes!”
Sorry but this zerg is doing so poorly It’s painful to watch. They are barely 15 at the same time against the Ele team and almost never packed. This video could be named “What a zerg should not do”.

Well Ele are like gods actually in a lot of situation. They may have some really good burst spec, great sustain build and really good tanking ability.

But so we did. Healingmancer can sustain and condition transfert without any problem, Powermancer can burst down anything, conditionmancer are super effective. When it come to tanking we are sturdy like rock! I could have gone in this zerg with my current build based on vampirism and danced with them for age.

Necromancer lack very few things to be on par with any other class. Boon that last longer, some combo finisher (nothing on axe/scepter/daguer/horn/focus why?) and a lil bit of mobility.

PS. : Mr Mightytroll yer talking about some préhistoric mecanism. Right now we are free to do whatever we want with each class we play. What you want is narrowing their possibility and that’s prehistory. When i bought GW2 I understood by their advertising that’s they wanted that none of the class could be “best at” and that’s why I bought It. It’s sure that In some way there are classes that are in great need of improvement when it come to quality of life. But all in all the only guys that say that “this class is crap” are guy that don’t understand how to play this class.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

S/D Damage build and fury / crit chance

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Hi, instead, why don’t you go for the superior runes of altruism it will grant you a full 10s of fury each time you use your healing skill.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.