Showing Posts For Dadnir.5038:

Solutions to silk prices.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I don’t see any problem. Never paid for silk and have tons… ><’

Solution : salvage everything you loot and be patient. 2h of game give you around 150 silk (without even trying).

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

My political hopes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Pretty good thread in fact.

I don’t really know how I can say anything that you already said here. Yes, It’ would be really cool to see these aspect entering in GW2. At least alliances would be a pretty interesting addition.

Other than that, I could see faction emerging from the different races but, in the storyline right now the whole thing is that our toon try it’s best to unify everybody. Differents factions would hurt this work a lot.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Do you believe Raids are coming?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I belive that raids are already in GW2 since a long time. The only thing that people dislike about this fact is that it’s openworld raids and not instanced raid.

Now, if the real question is : Do you believe instanced raids are coming with HoT?
The obvious answer will be : I seriously doubt they are coming. And they won’t come until they are prepared to add in game a system that allow more then 5 player in a party. Or at least a system to tie party together.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Caudecus' Manor P2... With a Healer!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


It is a joke when you can completely ignore it with proper usage of player skills and defiance control. 1 ele with an ice bow can completely disable a boss for 5 seconds and if you have a thief/mesmer to strip the defiance you can deep freeze again for total 10 seconds of care free dps uptime which is enough for most bosses in sub lvl 80 dungeons.

Yeah, at the moment you are right, that’s why I said the futur change to defiance which will lead to small window where you can actually use control skills on bosses and a pre-set effect that will probably not be the same as the allmighty Ice bow freeze. In other word, it’s a good point if you ready yourself for futur changes. That was my point.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Charr or Asura?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I asked myself the same question about 2 years ago. So I tried and start with charr, stopping midway at level 40-50 and then tried with an asura.

In the end I choose asura. Why? aesthetic. Hobosac are less of an eyesore on asura then on charr.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Caudecus' Manor P2... With a Healer!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Considering the futur change to defiance which could maybe lead to some mechanic change in dungeon, I feel it was a really good showdown on how powerful a healing support may be in dungeon/fractal.

We can see on the squishy elementalist that the guard is pretty good at keeping up with the damage done.

Now, i don’t think they upload the video for a record. And we all know that zerk gear properly used is “optimal” and “meta”. But, we can at least aknowledge that a support healer ain’t no joke.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Specializations misinterpreted

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Still, wording may be interpreted the way whoever want to interpret it. I will believe it when i’ll saw it officially announced with misc and all.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Specializations misinterpreted

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well if mesmer lose access to shatter skill, you can pretty much remove all traitline since they all have trait that depend on shatter… Same for :
Ranger, no pet, alle traitline screwed.
Necromancer, no DS, all traitline screwed.
Warrior, no adrenaline, all traitline screwed.
Ingeneer depend on toolbelt not range weapon but, whatever, all traitline screwed.
Elementalist, no attunement swap, all traitline screwed.
Thief, no steal, all traitline screwed.

I clearly doubt they will mess up with the profession base mechanic and I’d be really surprised if they change a whole traitline.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

New Minion Skill Suggestions, Version 3

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Wanna make minion active skills super awesome and overpowered? Do that :

Rejoice, after a specialization centered around GS and spectrals skills that will end up disapointing. Anet will anounced a new specialization centered around hammer and minion.


While wielding it’s hammer the Horror’s minion become it’s bone and flesh. The Horror can’t summon minions but gain a direct acces to their active skills when equiped.
Blood fiend : You gain a passive regeneration when the active shill ain’t on cool down.
Bone minions : Grant you a double reliable blast centered at your feets every 20 seconds
Shadow fiend : personal teleport to your foe, blinding it and gaining life force.
Flesh wurm : a targeted teleport that blast on impact.
Bone fiend : a ranged attack that root your foe.
Flesh golem : You launch a powerfull charge with so many bonus it’s awesome.

Party synergy, teleport skill, passive regen and even 15 s stability on a 40 s coold down. Awesome, our minion have all we always wanted. (well except the stuff that revnant have.)

This won’t happen but look at how much potential actual minions skill have if the necromancer was using them himself. Other than that, I don’t think changing minions skills frome their actual state would do any good.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Ranger's traits need serious refinements

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I can make this post because I understand and experiences all classes already, and can see what’s wrong with ranger’s trait line compare to some of the other classes. I wouldn’t say all classes traits are fine, but instead of letting them rot, you should ask for fixes for other classes, instead of stopping ranger from being fixed just because other classes have rotten meats too.

If it was true, your major concern on ranger would be that Longbow outshine every other weapon in this classe. And no, for the sake of diversity, you have to have some diversity for trait. It’s not because you think it’s garbage that nobody can transform any trait in a strengh for it’s build. The problem is that you are to involved in this while you should step back and look objectively.

When you say that GS and sword gain from spotter change, this is pure non sense they gain also power and condi duration from spotter in marksmanship which ain’t bad for the two of them.

Which class can have a passive 20% incoming range damage reduction (and you can add protection which is 33% damage reduction)? which class have a passive 50% damage reduction while under 25% health (again you can add protection to that)?

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Ranger's traits need serious refinements

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


First I’m talking about axe and shortbow.
If, you happen to look at axe auto attack what do you see? Only direct damage. Axe skill #2 damage and bleed, axe skill #3 damage and chill. Is this a condi weapon for you? Short bow is the same : auto if you are not flanking? Only direct damage. Then a poison skill and some direct damage utility skills. This is hardly a condition damage weapon. This is an hybrid weapon.

Celestial… Did I talk about that? No. Celestial work if you happen to have an easy way to apply yourself boons. But this is a totally different topic.

Did I talk about torch? No.

lol your argument on Signet of stone and “Protect me” are ridiculous. They are mitigation skill like defy pain. And excuse me but would you really want GW2 to be a game without trait and choice of trait? Without diversity?

Seriously, your saying that rangers are full of trait to cleanse himself passively and at the same time he can’t cleanse himself? Maybe signet of renewal ain’t good enough? Maybe healing spring ain’t a good healing skill? What would say a thief when you whine because you think you have limited access to condition cleanse?

Each profession have their strengh and their weakness. In regard of condition cleanse or damage mitigation, ranger is pretty well balanced.

NB : 29700 HP it’s way more than necro DS HP. Should we ask for them around 10k more HP in their LF pool to satisfy equality?

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Ranger's traits need serious refinements

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well, to be honest, I do not main ranger, I play all classes equally and that’s probably why I see that what you say is flawed. I’m playing ranger since december 2012 and i’ve got a pretty good experience on it. Before the pet damage nerf, I was able to solo CoE with it. Proud? no I can’t now, it’s just out of my reach, I was carried by my pet.

The state of the ranger right now is that the ranger is way to dependent of the Longbow. See yourself, you want all longbow trait, you don’t want to chose. If i had to agree about something, it’s that there is way to many trait related to longbow, there is so much love to longbow in rangers traits it make me sick. The only balance in this, is that these traits aren’t spread in many traitline.

Other then that, here are the misconception :

- Axe/shortbow are condition weapon, I hope it’s a joke because at a moment they nerfed shortbow range due to player pewpewing in zerk with it and many complaint coming from cough cough PvPer. They are Hybrid weapon.

- Warrior have 2 access to stability : balance stance and dolyak signet. Rangers have 2 access to stability RaO and SotW

- Rangers have an invulnerability skill called signet of stone and they have this horrendous shout called “Protect me” wich work as a 60k HP shield if you got a bear.

- Warrior have a trait like spotter called “empower allies” that grant power to their allies. This trait is in the vitality/boon duration traitline. And they don’t whine about this fact.

- If we could get rid of all the useless trait for PvP, I’m sure WvW players and PvEer would be pretty sad. (like falling trait)

- The point in “Hide in Plain Sight”, is that it has a good synergy with “remorseless”.

So, just understand that it’s not that I don’t know about the current issue that the ranger is facing. It’s more that I can see things differently due to 2 years worth of experience playing all the classes. And I do care about all the classes. And, for what I know, “hide in plain sight” and “empathic bound” could be swap with the trap traits. Sure these are defensive traits but so is “primal reflexe”.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

[qT] Thief Solo CM Story 8:31 min

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


The necromancer in me is terribly sad to see how much health a thief gain just by hitting mobs…

Well, good job!

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

[Bow] Dungeon Records

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Oh sorry, let’s say It was in my mind! Maybe i was to blinded by the awesomeness of the bearbow that I imagine that a bear was in fact a spider or a cat… My apologies.

Also, i may have seen the use of an axe at the start of TA but it must be in my mind.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

New 80 signet build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


So I am looking at something like this to survive in melee and still do ok damage while I get used to being an ele. Do you pros have any tweaks or suggestions? I have been getting my butt kicked in Silverwastes. The idea is D/F, run thru the good attunement skills, and end up in water with a hammer. Gear wise I have been using Soldiers armor, assassin weapons and trinkets. Thanks in advance.

I’ve looked at your build, took into consideration what you want to do (It’s more where your butt have been kicked imo, but anyway) and your gear.

First thing, Signet ain’t for you. Sure signet of air is fancy and all but, you will more likely use signet build with condi gear.
Second, using D/F is fine but, understand that most of the SW mobs aren’t melee friendly.

Buy yourself a staff and follow fracture tips, you’ll see your life will be way easier. By the way, while they are not melee friendly, silverwaste mobs have an amazing weakness to movment impairing condition, chill and cripple are life saving.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Ranger's traits need serious refinements

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


1- These traits affect 2 weapon, not only one while warrior trait affect only riffle. Engineer have a trait that allow pistol to pierce (and only pistol) with no other feature. Thieves don’t have piercing traits, They do have a trait that give them a tiny chance of rebound after hitting a foe. I see no fair reason for this number 1.

2- Spotter in skirmish line… Honestly, who care? It’s fine where he is.

4- Pet related trait in skirmish. Sorry but you are hitting a very sensitive spot here. So let’s be blunt : Ranger, in GW2, is THE Pet profession. Which mean that you gotta take in account the pet. Me, as someone that actually use this profession with (and not against) the bound mechanism (Yes the whole pet feature), I am very very glad that skirmishing offer wonderfull buff for my pet who hit like a truck thanks to them.

6- You are looking at trait’s and classes that are totally different. But, in short : ranger have shared anguish (90 CD) AND Hide in plain sight (30 CD) that stealth you. Although I m pretty sur that warrior are jealous of this whole 8 seconds stability and damage boost that ranger gain when falling under 25% HP with the trait enlargement (60 CD).

My opinion : Although you’ve spotted Strider’s defense which is a so-so trait that still may help melee rangers in zerg v zerg situation, all you’ve said is pretty much nonsense. I would be a dev reading this, I would facepalm and sigh.

You’ve spotted the wrong design flaw. The fact that trap traits are in skirmishing (which is the Precision/ferocity line) is a flaw in design, they should be on the wilderness survival trait line. But, they don’t intend to change that.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Ranger-pet damage split [video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Which only makes the argument “your attacks do 70-80% of the damage of the other classes because of the pet” laughable.

That’s why you see such an amount of rangers simply running condi builds, because their condition damage is not reduced to accommodate the pet while the base values of their power based weapons are.

Well, this is the pet class of GW2. Thus, it’s bound to be balanced around the fact that you play with a pet. Beside, the pet can dish out some pretty amazing dps when you use it well even after the nerf to their damage.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


If it were me, I would have just interrupt the pet while he was licking the ranger’s wound with something like… humm… GS#5.
And no, the pet won’t restart licking the wound if he is interrupt unless the ranger skill is up again. Though the wiki is wrong about the fact that the pet will resume and attenpt again.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

[Bow] Dungeon Records

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I think I saw a spider used in SE P3 and a cat in TA.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

[HoT Suggestion] The Operative

in Thief

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


If they end up giving a rifle to the thief, they will more likely restrain their access to stealth. Why? because the philosophie of this game is : low risk low reward. And range weapon are low risk low reward.

Anyway, like Kurow said : Only bad thieves are DYING for a 1200 ranged weapon…especially in PvE.

That would be interesting… Taking away stealth and giving a rifle. Not sure if anyone really wants specifically that.
They should also make the rifle a melee weapon to sweeten the package. Stealthless, melee, rifle – exactly what everyone has been hoping for.

It would probably be wiser to foresee a rifle with limited access to stealth (only utility skill) and with high range control potential. It wouldn’t be what everyone want but, the would be better than a “One shot, one kill, nobody saw me” range weapon.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Ranger-pet damage split [video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Ah, I think you’re a bit confused. Pet’s used to do 30% of rangers damage on non pet centric power build. Since a long time now, pet’s damage have been nerfed to the ground due to the fact that pet centric build’s were to good in both damage and survivability.

Now, sure, 12% is a bit low but you’re in a condition build which is more effective for rangers than power build (I mean when you play solo) because condition damage ain’t affected by the specific balance on ranger’s weapon.

In your build, I’m not sure agility training is worth it. You probably should use a spider instead of the marsh drake (for more controle). If you end up with 2 range pet, use pet prowess instead of agility training, you will probably end up with a pet doing more than 12% of your damage.

Edit : just looked at your video. most of your drake blast happen before or after you got a firefield, that’s something you need to fix in your gameplay.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Discussion: Why WOULD you want a necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Maybe you could try to phrase your title like this :

What classe would do you want in your groupe in [PvE/PvP/WvW] and why?

And then, in your post, you could add : and on contrary, what classe don’t you want and why?

People will then give you the rôles that they expect for each class and express what limitation they expect from classes they feel in a bad spot.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Ways to raise ranger skill cap

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I’m a bit confused by the title, because mostly the change ain’t raising the skill cap. But, if you want a meaningfull change in the same line as yours, here I go :

- Give us the possibility to disable some of our pet’s skills.

Just that would be an enormous improvement.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

[HoT Suggestion] The Operative

in Thief

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


If they end up giving a rifle to the thief, they will more likely restrain their access to stealth. Why? because the philosophie of this game is : low risk low reward. And range weapon are low risk low reward.

Anyway, like Kurow said : Only bad thieves are DYING for a 1200 ranged weapon…especially in PvE.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

HoT Necro changes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038



While wielding it’s hammer the Horror’s minion become it’s bone and flesh. The Horror can’t summon minions but gain a direct acces to their active skills when equiped.

Sounds pretty awesome. But that is actually the new legendary stance of the Revenant. :P

Would it be another proof that dev read the necromancer’s forum?

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Don't want my pet to hold aggro

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Switch a lot your pets (this is a pretty much a good way break their aggro) and use dps pets with low hard CC ability like cats, birds, spiders and drakes. Also try not using hard controle and be the first to engage the fight.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

HoT Necro changes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Rejoice, after a specialization centered around GS and spectrals skills that will end up disapointing. Anet will anounced a new specialization centered around hammer and minion.


While wielding it’s hammer the Horror’s minion become it’s bone and flesh. The Horror can’t summon minions but gain a direct acces to their active skills when equiped.
Blood fiend : You gain a passive regeneration when the active shill ain’t on cool down.
Bone minions : Grant you a double reliable blast centered at your feets every 20 seconds
Shadow fiend : personal teleport to your foe, blinding it and gaining life force.
Flesh wurm : a targeted teleport that blast on impact.
Bone fiend : a ranged attack that root your foe.
Flesh golem : You launch a powerfull charge with so many bonus it’s awesome.

NB.: This is a joke, but this is an awesome joke!

At the moment we don’t know what will happen to the necro with HoT. Sure Revenant cause an uproar in the necromancer’s community but, maybe, the community fears won’t come true.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Balance Stance should not be a boon.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


What’s irrelevant in the fact that you can return every attack of the lich to the lich? Yes, lich auto attack that hurt like hell is a projectile that can be reflect. Plus when in lich form necro don’t have acces to their heal so… a bunch of reflect and the match is over.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Discussion: Why WOULD you want a necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


At the moment :

PvE : sadly, there is no reason to pick a necro over any other profession.
PvP : corrupt boons
WvW : Corrupt boons

After HoT (with what we know at the moment) :
PvE : Dark field… wait… no, any other profession will do better and add utilities.
PvP : corrupt boons.
WvW : corrupt boons.

This sum it all.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Revenant story = not chronological?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Oh but, it’s easy to set, really.

Revenant existed before Rytlock jump into the mist. It was just that Rytlock and chaar in general have more cultural value for the “warrior” profession. Rytlock just follow what a good chaar would have done, he followed the path of warrior.

When Rytlock entered in the mist, he started to encounter some hardship, meet powerfull spirit and start to think on what would be the best way to overcome this hardship. The spirit entrusted him to the fact that they were already lending their hand to a group of people using a profession called revenant.

They entrusted him with the fact that the from old ritualists, using item spell to borrow the power of ancient spirits. A group start to act as medium with these ancient spirit and bit by bit, as their channeling ability grow, the revenant was born as a full profession.

Impressed by the possibility that this profession could grant him, Rytlcok chose to leave the path of the warrior and start to follow the path of the revenant.

Hope you enjoyed my little story

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Racial Legends (if Racial Skills are blocked)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Or maybe, the whole fact that we see the possibility to change skills on legend is here to allow players to actually insert racials skills in there legends utility build.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Let's talk about balance issues...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


[Quote]Healing power is useless because it should be useless: anet stated many times that they don’t want parties to be unable to complete content due to lack of healer[/Quote]

What’s ironic is that the support they give to necromancer is basically “Party healing” and at the same time they don’t want “party healing” being effective. Truly a bad move.

Hybrid damage weapon :
From my point of view, there shouldn’t be DD weapon or Condition weapon. They should all be hybrid and balanced around that. This wouldn’t pigeonhoing people in [whatever weapon] if they want to play condition damage or direct damage.

Necromancer :
Necromancers need to be usefull in party. They are already in a pretty good spot in WvW and they hold there own in PvP. By the way someone point out that dark field could become interesting for burst blind spam when we will need to break the breakbar.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

WARRIORS, lets FINALLY fix useless traits

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


yessir, thank you for the thread. fixing useless traits AND utilities should be one of their priorities. dare i say, even some weapons need to be redesigned. id just like to point out a few examples:

- useless (or near-useless aka not competitive aka does not bring enough to the table) shouts, spirits and traps; that’s 12 skills
- OH axe, warhorn
- BM and skirmishing lines
- 70% of pets do not have a use, period.

- sigils, conjured weapons

- MH dagger, warhorn
- questionable minions

- MH pistol, s/p pistol

- rifle, OH sword, banners

ALL the new healing skills they attempted to introduce! none are being used to this day! most of the new GM’s…still not being used.

probably a few dozen other useless traits, and so on…I hope they’ve been using their metrics to see what is and isn’t being used in pvp and wvw.

Oh god… Who are you? You must not play the same game… Absolutely impossible. This or you are trolling…

Rangers : I recon that shout need some work but there are viable build with them. Other than that… Let’s say that you don’t know how to play a ranger.

Ele :
Sigil → extremly strong if you properly build around them
Conjure → Should I say that it’s heavily used in PvE?

Necro :
D/WH → Best dps weapon set, thank you
Minion → perfectly fine if you build around them. Active skill are mostly badly designed.

Thief :
MH pistol is fine especially for condition builds.
S/P allow you to almost permastun stuff, it’s fine.

Warrior :
Banner → One of the greatest strengh of warrior. With just this they are desirable in PvE.
Off hand sword → a block and a pretty strong torment and damaging skill? what more could you want from 2 skills?

I agree that every classes are plagued with bad traits and revenant traits are all sexy but honnestly try to consider everything before saying “This is bad”. Rangers is the pet class of this game. BM and skirmishing grant awesome traits to support your pet which should be the way you use a pet classe.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

What do you think Spec's will lose?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well just look at this this way. You will specialize yourself in one aspect of the base classe, making it better. This way, you will need restriction to avoid overpowering the specialization. It’s like what we got in real life, exemple : doctor. A doctor may be a generalist, a surgeon, a knynestesist… etc. They may use the same tools but they will really shine while using their own specialized tools.

The best way is to tied the effect of the specialization to the tools that will make this specialization shine. Which mean that the Druid spec will depend of the staff to be effective. But this also mean that when you got an off hand you will still be able to use basic tools for your main hand (exemple shield for mesmer will be usable with scepter and sword, allowing a smooth weapon switch where it will be harder for the profession that get 2 hand weapon).

I think that doing this keep the core profession, avoid messing with traits and give a new meaning to some utilities/trait worth a “specialization”.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

What if Adren was used for Utility Skills?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


This would not be an easy change, and will probably not happen ever, but man would it make the class feel so much more like GW1. It would also raise the skill cap because resource management would be a thing. Some of the changes that would be needed include:

  • Increasing the speed of adrenaline gain via normal hits and traits.
  • Determine what the cost of the skills and what the soft CD of these skills would be.
  • Fixing Bull’s Charge.
  • Whatever new systems you would need to make some utilities cost adrenaline.
  • Making sure you don’t screw up any builds by making the wrong ones cost adren.
  • Fixing Bull’s Charge.

I’m hoping that w/e out new specialization is it increases the skill cap.

I think you really want a fix for Bull’s charge…

Joke aside, adren is a good material for their new feature : Upkeep skills. I hope a bunch of these will be available with the Xpac and not just for the specialization.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

New Elite Skills + Revenant Legends

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


It seems Revenant will be getting 4 Legends. Each Traitline will be tied to a Legend.

That would be sad. Absolutely no trait customisation allowed. No room for specialisation… etc.

This means the Revenant is getting 4 Elite skills(1 per Legend), 12 Utility skills(3 per Legend) so far, and 4 Heal skills(1 per Legend).

Meanwhile, other professions have 3 Elite skills so far. According to Specialization, each profession is getting 1 additional Heal and 1 additional Elite. This sets it to 4 Elites per professions.

Yeah pretty much how I see it. Elites are more utility skills and their low coold down make them a bit imba with huge synergie with specific runes at the moment. (Just imagine Mallyx with superior runes of lyssa.)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Balance Stance should not be a boon.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Lich form necro comes to mind…Stab makes them completely ridiculous and impossible to deal with as a warrior.

When I see things lke that, I can’t refrain myself… I have to link you this video.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

HoT - PvE Shatter Mesmer Confirmed :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Thought, all the area denial stuff hurt a lot mesmer. Will mesmer clones/fantasms even be able to reach the boss?

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

What do you think Spec's will lose?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I’ve already say it, I think specialization’s feature will be restrained to the use af the weapon added. So that you will be specialized in the use of a weapon which will grant you some real qualitie of life regarding some utilities (I’m rooting for a staff wielding equiped spirit passive effect for ranger). When switching weapon you lose the value of your specialization. This way, i really think things would be really easy to balance (without tons of new trait/mechanism/utilities).

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

The New Defiance(Article)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Feel like this is a really refreshing change. I like it.
With this, maybe ranger will start to watch their finger and stop spaming PBS. Anyway, them spamming PBS will have almost no impact and that’s already good news. So thanks for the job Anet.
Now i’m really looking forward to play with this mechanism.

PS.: I don’t think this will be pug friendly. This will probably work better in organized group where people actually use their skills at the right moment. I’m also really curious on how this will impact dungeon (obviously this will be where the mechanism will be introduced first in the core game).

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Revenant Getting What We've Always Wanted?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Drarnor, do you really think a being like Glint who :
- lived for more than 3000 years
- who can foresee the futur
- which is a being of high intelligence and wisdom that reveal things only on the necessary moment
- which have been granted enough power from the god to guard the world
could be fool enough to bet everything, resigning it’s long time duty given to her by the god, on a fight with a small party of human being. And this without a back up plan. Living the world protection to an orphan newborn being without any clue of what to do but with a power strong enough to shake the ancient dragon.
Sorry but I highly doubt it. There is a great difference between glint and rurik. Rurik is a low life span mortal while glint is way more than that.
Beside some LS2 chapter would feel awkward to do with the revenant.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Speculation on new weapons for professions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Think along the lines of what each profession currently lacks the most of…. Ranger lacked support (in the metagame) so they got staff. Engi lacked melee so they got hammer. Necro lacked a 2nd 2-handed weapon so they got, you guessed it, a 2nd 2-handed weapon that isn’t a duplicate staff. I am willing to bet the necro’s GS will have more Marks, finally. That’s just one example.

Not a lot of things are set in stone right now. They have said profession mechanics that fundamentally change the way your profession plays is one of the cornerstones of specializations, so we can only surmise they’ve been thinking about existing weapon skills, traits, utilities, all of it. Think most about what your profession is really bad at so far, and that’s probably one of the areas they’ll develop with specializations.

A new weapon, whether two handed or even just an offhand, is sort of minor in comparison to the other changes. So when you speculate about what new weapon you’ll get, try and think about what aspect of play you think it should expand on.

“Ranger lack support” Sorry I lol’ed and stop reading here.
The ranger it’s :
-2 fire fields on short cool down
-1 blast and 2 blast in combat from pets
-fury and might from WH + boons from pets granting you chose the right pet
-a water field that clean condition and grant regeneration
-trait on shout that grant regeneration
-trait “spotter”
… etc.

Yeah yeah… ranger lack support, sure!

Considering that they don’t have a 1200 range weapon, I wouldn’t say they gain nothing.

I’ve never felt a lack of range ability with the thieve. A lack of aoe maybe but no lack of range. But I’m not a counterstrike fan so…

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Revenant Getting What We've Always Wanted?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Palawa Joko practically rules Elona right now. That’s actually canon.

Glint is popular for a lot of reasons. First, she’s one of the most influential figures of Tyria’s past. Second, Rytlock himself knew her and, if he would channel anyone, it would most likely be her. Third, we already have screenshots of her silhouette over Rytlock.

I understand all of this but you gotta take into consideration all the mysteries around glint egg. Which is not something you can push away saying : “Na! nobody care!”. If this egg is a mean for glint to resurect then there is absolutely no point in revenant channeling it’s spirit.

Beside didn’t they said that at the moment only mallyx and Jalis were decided? An hint for another legend that isn’t yet decided is a bit strange.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Name a Legend for your Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


i’m not really into glint because he/she died not so long ago and we still got this glint’s egg issue that simply could be a way for glint to resurect ( a kind of back up for it’s spirit if you want)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Name a Legend for your Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Legend name : Sogolon
Legend role : Support

Heal skill :
Shout – “There is nothing to fear” Heal yourself for [amount] and apply regeneration to allies in [radius]

Utility :
Shout – “Brace yourself” A spear descend to targeted area dealing [aoe damage] and grant protection to allies. Blast combo of course

Upkeep skill – “Enduring harmony” Boon received while under “Enduring harmony” last 20% longer for you and your allies. Enduring harmony cannot be stacked.

“Burning shield” Grant aegis for [duration] to allies around you and burn foes around you.

Elite :
Shout – “We shall return” revive up to 3 allies around you granting them protection and regeneration.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Aquatic weapons

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Maybe, when we will have to deal with the water dragon, they will be of use.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Sugg; make War Prof. Risk/Sacrifice like Gw1

in Warrior

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


To make it simple :

GW1 warriors had people doing the survivability work for them from behind (monk/ritualist/paragon). In this regard they could afford to do the meat shield work.

GW2 warriors must foresee how much risk they can take because, despite the fact that other professions can give some support, doing the meat shield work is just pure suicide.

decrease all warrior survival design- include mobility/versatility by 50%. Increase all defense design by 25%

This will just make warriors necromancer’s like and nobody want to be like necromancers. Relying on defense design in this game is a very bad idea.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Revenant Getting What We've Always Wanted?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Yeah… Palawa joko creep me. For what we know he could still be (dead)alive and kicking. Also I know glint is a pretty popular choice but it would hurt a lot of possibilities in the storyline (like the egg being a back up for it’s spirit).
For a supportive legend, i would root for Sogolon which was already a legendary paragon in nightfall with enough fame that one of the henchman npc was named after him. He also has his ashes used by the ritualists.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Speculation on new weapons for professions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


The only thing i’d like to say is that I’d be very sad if they came up with rifle thief… Thieve would gain like absolutely nothing from a rifle. So I’d say :

Thief : Torch (welcome aoe and fire fields we love you!!! Fire themed dual weapons skills, I’m already drooling!)
Guardian : Bow (another mean of range option is really needed)
Elementalist : Sword (probably the most logical choice even if mace would suit better the new engine techs)
Warrior : I’ll root for scepter (It’s a magic weapon but a magic weapon can open up some idea for upkeep skills that would use adrenaline and i really dislike the possibility of a warrior with 2 burst skills, it’s just a bit to much)

Others are already known.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

"Point Blank Shot"

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Noooo!!! Another thread about the same complaining “i’ve been owned by a bear bow” and that it is low. That say to all of us you need to L2P urgently.
Meanwhile we’ll keep enjoying pushing down the cliffs noobs and such.

PBS is not necessary but instead is A MUST for the LB. I even would say for how the LB works there should be more utilities that can overcome its own limitations.

LB do damage by long range that decrease a lot in “short” range imo must have knockbacks, crippling, stealth and all the utilities we have already. Although i miss more effects associated to our weapons skills, other classes do a lot of different support/damage secondary effects, like cleanse, healing, etc… And the few there are should at least work that is not the case (LB#3 is very peculiar..)

To change knockback to knockdown they should improve the speed and the damage shouldn’t diminish within short range but instead keep the same damage as longest range.

Seriously you have 5 SLOTS for 5 characters and can buy more. Just choose one for a ranger and play, level it up and try P2P or WvW. Then you will see how warrior, thief or mesmer are easy as pie to play with instead ranger or necro that are the most difficult classes as right now.

Threads of children whining all the time because the loose a match are just tiresome.

You absolutely don’t get it. And to be honest, i’m playing all 8 classes (and I’m doing a daily rotation of these classes to keep a good feel with each of them), I’ve got a pretty good idea on what’s their own weakness and strenght.

Ranger’s don’t need a knock back on their longbow. I would understand if they were rooted when using a skill but no, you can move while attacking. I would understand if they hadn’t any melee option but it’s the same here, you can switch weapon.

The fact is that longbow is a weapon for lazy rangers. You can’t change people, they will always stick to their bad habit. A slight twick to the most annoying skill (when playing with and not against the ranger. Because, you know, I could careless about a ranger blowing me to nowhere but it’s extremly annoying when a ranger blow my foe to the end of the world.) would relieve tons of hate.

Don’t misunderstand this skill, in bad hand (sadly there are tons of bad hand), is a vast dps loss for every group. You need your foe to stand in the aoe and PBS blow foes out of aoe. Melee need to be at melee range to be effective and PBS blow their foe at range. Your pet need a stationnary foe to be effective and PBS blow your foe out of it’s range. Most of the hate ranger suffer come from this not from people complaining that they’ve been blown by a ranger, Engi are way better at that. PvP wise, I’m perfectly fine when the ranger newby blow me out of range of the thief that’s killing me.

Moving the knockback to an utility skill would be even better for the ranger since they wouldn’t be pigeonholed in the longbow to use it. Oh and lore wise, “point blank” is melee range not 900 or 1200 range and more then that, don’t you think that the fact that you can deliver a hit so strong that you blow your foe away without any kind of drawback like casting time is strange? Even guardian’s hammer blow have a cast time (maybe that’s why they use it more wisely then ranger use PBS)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.