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Goodbye Pistol Whip:

in Thief

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Of course D/D and P/D won’t die. Stealth is still an opening and fight reset move, and that is super powerful. I wouldn’t make a thief build with zero access to stealth. It just won’t be a fight win move, so when people notice that they always have to run away or get squished since they now have 2 seconds less to lay in DPS unseen and they can survive a counter attack, they now have to figure out how to avoid that counter attack.

Venom builds have a ton of built in CC – laying in chills, immobilize, and weakness (halves dodging) on top of weapon cripples would allow you to kite melees to your hearts content. Venom builds are dictated more by weapon choice, and there are a multiple on these forums.

Or a dodge/condition build:;TYAqvMfJ+y+l7L5XA

Thieves also have some of the best dodge traits in the game, allowing a cheaper dodge to grant swiftness, might, drop caltrops, etc. As that also ties in with Bountiful Theft (steal strips boons, gives you those boons and grants 15sec vigor on a tree that makes steal quicker), you can easily create a build that can dodge almost all incoming damage while laying in condition damage. This will be able to lay in constant cripple, bleed, poison, and weakness. Being an asura allows you to touch the occasional confuse. Switching Sundering for Mug will allow you to step in some damage if you don’t put in any precision.

Or you can go for a p/p build that relies on blinds:;TsAg0CnoqxUjoGbNuak1ssYAxGDA

This goes for high initiative gain to be able to keep your higher cost skills going. Black Powder is basically a blind spam, thus basically invuln mode for your unload. Heals gives 6 initiative (using signet) every 12 seconds. Utilities of course are situational – signet of agility allows 1 condition to be removed every 24 seconds vs 3 every 50 seconds of shadow step – as you’re more likely to come across repeatedly applied few conditions over stacked conditions, I find agility better condition removal and more dodges, but situation dictates. You may even need both. Infiltrator is a 24 sec stun breaker/chaser/initiative creator. Roll for initiative I see as the more swappable option for refuge, powder, shadow step. P/D is selected as the alternate weapon set as it gives you a stealth option (if not set as a utility), and a quick step back from a steal (3). This also allows weapon swapping without interrupting auto attacks.

It can go on, and I’m sure many would make tweaks to my builds, but there is no doubt in my mind that once thieves can’t hit more than once in stealth, the meta will open up for them of viable builds that were previously overshadowed by broken mechanics.

Need help with Beneath The Waves

in Sylvari

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Obviously very late, but Stelleriath is right. You have to kiss the door to get the prompt. There also may be an order to it – I personally opened Frog > Asura > Tegwen. Frog was a quick prompt, had to get the right placement on the other two. Admittedly this quest needs to be looked at for the interaction trigger zones.

Remove loot drops entirely

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I support this.

Blacklion Trading Company Bugs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Trying to understand your issue – but I may have some answers.

The BLTC and your backpack are not tied to each other – you can open or close one or the other without them affecting each other. So if you want to look at the BLTC while your inventory is open, you will need to open your inventory as well. Note that your windows default to opening in the center, so they will cover each other – your inv may very well be open, but you just cant see it. You can move windows around by grabbing the top edge and dragging it around on your screen. As most people have wide screen monitors, you should be able to drag the BLTC to the left and your inventory to the right so you can see both windows at once.

This also applies to shopping – move windows around so you can see everything.

As for stats of items, hover your mouse over the item, and the stats will show up. This applies to items in the BLTC, NPC shops, and your inventory. There is no point where it displays it for you in a static window.

Hopefully that will be the solution to all of your problems!

Hair makeover color is not all same

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I would also note that it looks different than that on my own Asura. As Nike said, hair (like armor) has different shaders, so colors will vary due to the hair. What you see in the preview on your makeover should have shown you this – and if not, THEN it’s of reportable concern. I do happen to have a spare kit, so if I remember, I can look into this when I get home.

That said, I do wish that you had the option to turn off those shaders (Though colors like Abyss and Celestial would become redundant to black/white :p) to be able to reach more pure colors if desired.

Unforgivable Asuran experiments on Sylvari

in Asura

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

My own Asura would be willing to experiment on Sylvari. She always wondered how they worked. She would also do it for 3 gold.

Goodbye Pistol Whip:

in Thief

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Of course this conversation turned to stealth – the OP went that his build that was crutching against the unlimited food heal spam is now ‘broken’ because his rapid sword attack move is no longer a win button, and now the only option left is the stealth spamming backstab build. I argue that the thief has many tools and could be a great advanced class, but the stealth with broken culling makes it where no other build could compare. If that were fixed, we would have a half dozen good builds on thief. Stealth spam builds will always stay – but you stealthing won’t stop me from hitting you. Well timed blinds/evades/CC would. Thieves have that in spades, but never needed it as they have easy exploits – who cares if I can hit you when I never know where to hit you ever? The food was lost (all classes used this). I’m hoping they’ll now lose the other.

Guesting is an exploit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

They do limit guesting to 2 servers for this reason. However I do agree that it is now used for that purpose rather than to be with friends.

1 – agree
2 – don’t agree – I still want to help my guild while playing with friends
3 – agree
4 – agree

Guesting was never meant to be extra farming zones, and find such use bonk. There will always be those that do, but any step that hinders that without taking away things when I guest over to hang with friends is a good thing.

Ways to implement a race change.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Several concerns:

- NPCs interact with you based on progression of your personal story, race, and faction choice. By changing race, you break personal and race interaction. You may also break faction. If faction is not broken, and end game interaction is 100% race hooked, this may be ok… but I see serious issues
- Racial armor. I see game crashing bugs caused by different races cultural armor equipped when you change.
- All story that you have completed would be invalidated. You can argue away even sex changes with the makeover kit (Tyria has great plastic surgeons it appears), but there is no glossing over races. This breaks a little too far away of what you have accomplished as your character.

The last reason is the only one why I would say no even if this was feasable, but I wouldn’t complain if it happened. I just can’t see a way that wouldn’t be prone to glitches.

2x Pink Quaggan Backpacks

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Can’t buy pink quaggans with gems.

2x Pink Quaggan Backpacks

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

From what I can tell, one is the packed version (you double click to get the skin + level 0 statless back strap), and one is just the skin (unpacked, they used the strap for nefarious deeds).

Craft or buy rares for dusk?

in Crafting

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

80 rare: cheaper to buy off TP (subject to flunctuate)
80 exotic: cheaper to craft

Partial completed dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I’ve made many arguments for various things that I consider breaking from “playing my way”. To be blunt, not having enough play time to finish your dailies is not a factor of the game not fitting your play style, because simply said, you’re not playing the game enough to have a style to fit. It’s when 0 of the dailies are viable options for what you want to do (WvW, open world, dungeons, etc) that it’s a problem.

As for the ‘partial’ reward system, that’s already in place. The game rewards you with XP for every daily item you finish – and now with 9 daily items, you can even get more XP beyond the 5 required for the main reward. I think those XP bonuses is more than enough of a reward for partial or over completion.

Goodbye Pistol Whip:

in Thief

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Of course, you pretty much got rid of the rapid attack healing option, but that is ok because we still have backstab. Now we can all be the same!

True until the fix stealth and/or culling. Once people can’t rely on being basically permastealth, or stealth is given a counter, then metas can finally be built around using all of the tools they have instead of just stealth spam. Thieves have so much potential to be a good high-skill class… they just don’t currently need it.

Goodbye Pistol Whip:

in Thief

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Ahhh, all these posts of “broken food that I completely relied on to not have to actively play is now fixed, breaking my build”. This supposed nerf has driven every aoe/rapid attack build to the ground. The simple fact is, these in of themselves are not “builds”, but setups that exploited an OP food and were reliant on that broken mechanic.

Honestly the thief has the highest combat mobility in the game. Almost every weapon combination contains spammable mobility moves, a ton of evade and blind moves. They have so much going for them to allow them to control a fight that I don’t see there as a bad weapon choice if traited right. The only thing is culling breaks stealth in WvW, so any build that doesn’t exploit that is comparatively weak now that the food exploit is gone.

Keg Brawl Toss skill nerf?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I completely agree with this. The last second fumble fun is lost when half the field is given to tossing.

Note, Frizz, though, that if you can, always engage inbetween the goal and the carrier – that way you at least block the toss until they knock you down or roll past you.

Whirling Axe Healing

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

To be honest, I found the food to be a bit OP. Any class with rapid fire/aoe weapons had a win button with this as they could just spam powerful heals. The fact you could pull numbers like what I showed in my answer post shows how broken this was, and Warrior was not the only class that could do this. Their ‘nerf’ was to add a 1 sec cool down… and to be honest, this is much more balanced imo. You still get consistent heals without win buttons, but it’s now a game of actual CC, dodging, and food choice rather than a single (as pie/ghost are the same thing) food option so powerful everyone used it.

Awesome purple/pink hair on the Gem page

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

But it is not available as a new hair color. Just flat bright colors or hard to see black streaks. While happy to have some more fun colors, I did find the new item ad in the gem store to be misleading, and myself a bit disappointed. More colors exclusive to the donation is the right direction, but please add the colors on your splash so it’s accurate advertising, and also take the queue of some color streaked hair for some more interesting options.

Gems for level 80 - please take my money.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

One of the great things about GW1 was the ease to get any character to the endgame. You could also spend money to unlock all the skills for PvP. This was great for me.

I currently have one level 80 character, a warrior, but I would really like to play a different character at times, while having access to 70 trait points.

One thing I am not doing is grinding another character to 80, especially as any time I had to do such an activity is now committed to mandatory dailies.

2000 gems for a level 80 character sounds about right. I still have plenty of gearing to do once there.

Please take my money.

Umm, dailies are stopping you? Daily, dailies can be done by any character at any level. Dailies can easily be handled with little diversion, especially since the selectable daily. If you’re talking about daily dungeon/fractals, those have no punishment for doing it today or tomorrow, as the worst is it would only delay getting items for the char you’re not playing at the time anyways.

So there is no reason to not start a new char unless you hate the quick leveling system here so much that you have no desire… and as people have said, sPVP all chars are 80 no matter their standard level, so you could play around with an 80 with 70 trait points day one.

Whirling Axe Healing

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Well, my friend, my answer may have been made outdated today:


Food items that give special bonuses upon a critical hit now have an internal cooldown before they can produce the special bonus again.

Depending on this cooldown, WA may lose half if not 99% of it’s healing power. Mixed opinion of this – the no cooldown was admittedly a bit kitten, as it was a win button for anyone with rapid attacks… but it looks like we’re losing our warriors only real option to face-tank. Time to trait for dodging or get a Guardian. :p

Whirling Axe Healing

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

It is indeed. WA is a rapid AOE attack – the star combo of max potential of on-crit heal food. Note this is MAX stars alligned heal – you have to crit AND have the heal trigger.

So WA does 15 attacks, and can hit up to 5 people.

Omnomberry Pie/Ghost:
325 (level 80) heal per x 15 × 5 = 24,375 max potential heal.

Sigil of blood:
Cooldown only allows it to trigger once from your WA – so 453.

There are others, but they all have cooldowns as well.

So your answer – YES you can potentially get fully healed off one Whirling Axe with ONLY omnomberry ghost pie/ghost. Wouldn’t bother with heal sigils as food is 100x better for healing and sigils have better potential for damage than food. Note, though, that this is assuming that every hit crits, and you get lucky on your 66% chance. Offhand axe pretty much assures perma-fury (so 20% crit chance), so it really is a match made in heaven for self-sustaining just off the food.

Remember that you’ll only average 66% of that if you have 100% crit. Then you have to count that each target counts for 1/5 of the heal. So most of the time you only see a small fraction of that heal potential.

(edited by Drawing Guy.3701)

Daily Dodger - easy fix!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

It’s not poor AI. I play with five people, and we know what we’re doing. The AI is fine, the fact that if you’re doing things right, only two people need to be dodging ever is the problem.

The AI is fine? When you can just walk in circles and never get hit? Or it just chews your pet because it’s closest? When it never cancels a long run move when runs? Hell, we need flying dragons, more teleporting mobs to anti-kite, when it sees itself chasing, to cast cripples/chills, etc. We need AI that has target prioritization (that also opens up depth for NPCs hating certain races/classes/moves). So much needed to make this game more challenging. And if you always have people to tank for you, that’s a luxury that only works in PvE due to the poor AI. Step up and ‘tank’ yourself sometimes.

Monk, but not like in GW1, another monk.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Monk is almost as overdone as warriors in MMOs, but to be honest, they’ve also always been my favorite classes to play (DDO still has my favorite implementation of a Monk).

Problem is here, hand combat would require either new weapons (gloves, wraps, etc) to allow for the stats weapons would normally give. And pretty much every monk weapon is exotic, so they would need full weapon sets (aka so much work it would never happen), or just be shoved into existing molds which I think would break the flavor a bit.

Short answer: Don’t think it will happen.

Daily Dodger - easy fix!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Honestly, I think “daily dodge” was the best daily they added. Too many people just run up and face tank trash because it always dies before they do. If you don’t have a hard coded habits of dodging general content, how can you succeed in end game content, WvW or PvP? This daily helps wake people up to actually dodging attacks.

Now for the people that dodge too early, note that this is DPS hurting in some cases. If you have to wait 1 second for the enemy attack before going back in, that’s 1 second you could have laid in a hit or two before rolling out. That adds up over time, and can be the difference of victory or defeat. Also, dodging into targets is another good tactic – just like that 1 second wait, by dodging through a target instead of away, you no longer have to run back to the target. Sometimes it can actually be a big difference as you can quickly start hitting again as that mob/foolish warrior lays out a 100B and you just cork him in the back.

Yes, there are people that can crutch against poor AI with kiting and pets never needing to dodge, but that doesn’t make this daily item broken – that means the AI needs improvement.

Support Elementalist VS Support Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

As others have said – people use your fields, warrior doesn’t even hold a candle. Ele can give a lot more might (warrior can give 3 perma. Ele can stack as man as people burst on their fields, not counting their at least 6 self triggered), actual perma fury, heals, regens, prots, GIVE condition damage, etc. On top of giving constant better buffs via fields, auras, and attunements – they are also a great utility share with frost bow and fiery GS.

On top of all that, most warriors don’t build for support. The most you can usually expect is FGS spam and maybe a flag. An ele spams support just by doing it’s copious AoEs and hopefully attunement swaps. The only concern with ele is if they go full pvt (which is relatively likely). They’ll have crappy DPS while the warrior wouldn’t.

Good support ele: Ele wins
Good team: Ele wins by a mile
Everyone sucks: Warrior wins

Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Hmmm… I have zero intention of getting ascended rings with laurels. Fractals are not tough, and take just as long as doing dailies. The argument that just because you can get a laurel by doing what you want but have to do fractals to get pristine relics is the whole freaking problem. Agony is a fractal mechanic, stats are not. The rings on the Laurel vendor do not have agony resistance – you can get infused rings from 20+ fractals. Stats may not be 100% of combat, but it makes a difference. Critting for a couple hundred more is not “oh, I wish I didn’t do that damage because I don’t need it”. Gear + skill > either alone as any kind of edge matters. Why the argument ascended gear is not needed was ever made is just ‘silly’.

So really, why is a month of ginding dailies so easy that it should take well over three times as long as someone grinding a fractal daily? Ok – so if you’re in a crappy pug, fractals are harder than the dailies, but I can also get rings directly in fractals. I can do multiple fractal dailies in a day – there is zero options on getting extra laurels in a day (other than the day you finish monthly). Fractals will still be the fastest method of ascended rings. I get far more gold in fractals than I do from dailies. Heck I can even have a chance at precursors. The difference in ease of getting ascended items is infinitely easier in fractals – so much so, that if I want them, I have to do fractals. I do fractals. I have and will get more gear from fractals. But in the environment Anet says is their goal, it doesn’t fit – Right now it forces a mechanic. What I proposed I feel would help make it fit the “play how you want”.

(edited by Drawing Guy.3701)

Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

As the title says, Ascended rings should only cost 10 Laurels. You can get them in Fractals with only 10 dailies, and you could even kitten through multiple daily levels if you’re 20+. In addition you have the chance of getting the rings themselves. People who do constant fractals have more rings than they know what to do with… however those that don’t want to do fractals have to grind 35 kitten days (or 25 if you do monthly)? Where is that cost considered fair? Even at 10 Laurels, this would still be the much slower method.

The second concern is that the infusions are WEAKER stat wise than the fine recipes that take mist essences. So once again, for the best stat characters, you are still REQUIRING Fractal runs. Cost is fine, and not having agony is fine – but they should have the same stat bonuses.

Last, of course, is the back piece. Minimum: A mist essence replacement (or mist essences themselves to save on coding) that can be obtained for laurels/karma/whatever. This would allow for at least the extremely expensive ascended back piece MF crafting. If back pieces were to be added directly, I would limit them to the MF ascended items, as the fractal backs should be a fractal only item.

Turning karma into ectos; exploit or safe?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

How could this be considered an exploit? The problem with “priced correctly” is that the economy isn’t flat while karma acquisition is. He’s not adding gold into the economy, as him selling any ectos is actually shaving 15% OUT of the economy as only already existing gold from other players is used. In addition, if enough people deem this karma useage as ‘profitable’, then an influx of ectos would drive the price down cutting on that value.

Look at the current numbers, though. He’s spending ~4k karma for a 1 in 3 chance of a rare for once again a chance at ectos. That’s an average of ~12s current circulation profit per 4k karma… not that much better than just NPCing items you get. Now, of course, this is all RNG gods here, so you can pull much more or much less, but I find that to be perfectly fair and balanced on pricing.

Crit damage and Healing scaling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Windu – crit chance is fine. Your “18%” is a gross exaggeration. 90% is you most likely counting food and/or buffs, which don’t scale down. 9% Heightened focus + 20% fury already puts you at 29%. I personally can’t think of a time where my warrior has been below 70% crit chance in combat at any level scale ever since hitting 80.

Anju – actually crit damage had to be nerfed over the old method. Realize at level 5 you’re supposed to be in single stat armor, none of which offer crit damage. You have to pick and choose what stats you get, and if Anet were to scale where each were to hit base armor, they would have you running like you had 3 sets of armor on… so they had to scale it back a bit farther. On top of that, you’re running with full traits, so you already have every trick in your bag. Personally, the nerf took it from me 1-shotting everything in low level content to 2-shotting. Your stats are lower than someone your level sometimes, but your traits + skills + superior runes/sigils + food = stronger than you could ever hope to be at that level. Just realize that as content is no longer trivialized like it used to be, you actually do need to dodge/block/etc to survive.

Recipe to break down materials - Needed!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

How exactly would one unload a stock of a material they cannot farm? When you go to those mid level areas, sure you can get metal and wood (thus they’re cheap), but you get at level armor and weapons, so you don’t get the mid-level common materials. I admit I’ve only done farming through my altaholic habits, so bags/fine mats I cannot definitively say if they drop at level or zone level, though I don’t ever remember getting zone level mats on any dungeon runs or the zones the dungeons are in.

Really, though, why would you not support this? What could this do but help balance the market? And if the case is that the market is already balanced, and there is no profit margin in material demotion, it simply wouldn’t happen then unless people need it personally. It’s pretty much a win-win as far as I can see it. You don’t have to go to zones you don’t want to to farm mats (if you can that way). Level scaling doesn’t punish farming goals if you do want too. Demotion > promotion would be expensive, and at a loss, so this is not a market breaking process. So what are you arguing against?

(edited by Drawing Guy.3701)

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Seriously, people need to ask – why are they not attacking the thief? It’s true that WvW is full of noobs, but most have the basic intelligence of when they see someone walk up to them and hit them, to break away or engage that person. If you don’t see someone and take a damage number, it’s easy to attribute that to a ranged attack you may have walked in front of. Yes, in the thief video we may see him visible 90% of the time just flashing invisi every now and then… but to the zerg and their joyous culling – THEY DON’T. It’s not them going “der der der, ignore this guy we see right there killing us”, it’s “where the hell is that thief?!” and not being ready to dodge invisible damage 24/7. People may brag they can win 90% of the time in a 1v1 against a thief where they have no distractions, culling doesn’t eff them, and they have the aoes/cc to drop and hope blind luck/crappy thief gets the thief dead. That does not apply in zerg fights, and thieves are a total win button when they can exploit that. The linked video is an example of his culling making him OP, not idiot players. They actively went after him, and were only able to target him if he didn’t cast a stealth move after 5+ seconds.

Culling issues makes stealth broken. I also think that a defense ability with zero counters other than blindly aoeing and hoping the thief is standing there is also imbalanced (especially since they now want to nerf AoEs). Making stealth have a very slight visibility (and I’m talking very slight) gives it a counter on top of solving culling. Their skills, though, shouldn’t be touched until stealth/culling is fixed. Hard to tell how OP a move may or may not be when it’s backed by exploiting thieves.

Recipe to break down materials - Needed!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

That’s part of the reason why the breakdown yields more rather than less, as you are indeed paying to step down. There are a chunk of advantages, though of breaking down -
- You’re 80 and have a bunch of Silk. You haven’t leveled your crafting really. You can break that down at the cost of a skill point and a few dusts and be able to get the mats you need rather than paying 3s a cloth mat
- Prices show the supply imbalance. Silk costs coppers. The lower tiers reach 10x that in cost. Until it balances, you could make mad profit on the materials. I’d give up a skill point for a few gold.

That last point is the linchpin – when it’s profitable, people will do it, balancing the market. When it’s not, they won’t unless they want mats without buying them off TP. I’ve mastered every single crafting school, and have multiple 80s… I can assure you that the drop rate is no where close to being able to support crafting. That very fact is why many items in crafting are so unprofitable – the mats cost too much as demand just for leveling crafting alone exceeds supply, allowing for inflated prices.

Boxing gloves, no "POW" Animations

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

So with costume brawl, they changed it so that it happens with any costume weapon when you hit someone. While I do agree that takes of a bit of the fun outside of costume brawl, I actually do find costume brawls fun themselves. I’ve had some pretty epic battles in Lions Arch and guild events.

Sadly they can’t add them back to the gloves, as then you would never know if you’re successfully engaging in a brawl, or just wiffing air.

Recipe to break down materials - Needed!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Right now we face the issue of T2 – T4 crafting materials being outrageously expensive. This is not because they’re super high demand, but rather that they are low supply comparatively to T1 and T5 (T6 is it’s own beast. High supply/High demand)

This is because of the loot scaling system. It is super easy to level in this game, so there are very small windows in which T2 through T4 is obtained by players (T1 has short life players and class experimenters that don’t pass 10 to bolster). So with this choked supply not being able to support the demand properly, we face prices where it costs 20s to craft an item that sells for 3s. Amazing, right?

Thus what I would like to see: The ability to break DOWN mats. Basically a reverse recipe of promotions, but with higher rather than lower returns. Example:

50 T3 common/fine materials
1 T2 common/fine material
5 T3 Dust
3 Philosphers Stone
50 – 250 T2 materials (that’s 1-5 return per upper tier)

Or using wiki formula:
(50 x tier A material) + (1 x tier A-1 material) + (5 x tier A Dust) + (A x Philosopher’s Stone(s)) = Random amount (50 to 250) of Tier A-1 materials

This would apply to BOTH common (cloth/metal/leather/wood) and fine materials (including dust where the dust recipe item is replaced with crystal)

By doing this, I see it accomplishing the following:
- A complete balance of tier crafting values. The dirt cheap T5 would shoot up, while the T2 – T4 would be driven down as they now can be supplied at any level
- Crafting now has more room to be profitable. If breakdown allows the supply to exceed the demand of simply grinding crafting levels, the price would be actually driven by the demand of the crafted items and their value.
- Playing in any zone has the potential of getting what you need: Low level mats can be promoted, high level broken down. This opens up your gameplay to center around where you want to play rather than what you have to farm. With this, though, I do think higher level nodes need to be scattered on lower level maps.

How to crit for 100k?

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

True – my full glass cannon warrior with 25 stacks of might (which puts me at about 4.3k attack power) against a target with 25 stacks vuln is lucky to push 40k at the end of the attack sequence. Now if you were to add the damage up of the move, it easily passes 100k… so maybe that’s what they’re thinking in their head when they make that claim?

Oh boy, major bubble bursting now. . .
your “final hit” is your full damage of a 100b chain.
I haven’t reached 40k mark myself, highest I’ve hit is around 34k I think, but I’m 4x ogre/2x ruby orbs, so not max zerker in that area. I do hope that your numbers are correct not just loosely rounded up.

Oh? I actually did not realize that – so my noobness shows! Though I should have seen it with the consistant damage mobs would take vs sudden spikes. And, no, it’s not loosely rounded up. 100% glass cannon zerker gear, flag, might, vuln, blood gives you the stars aligned damage number. Also use 10% crit food. Basically I do all I can to drool over super high numbers, then destroy them by having to constantly dodge and save WW for attack evasion. I do time my 100B so that I can almost always land the full run without getting hit, but the day looks like it’s coming soon that I should switch to axe. :p

Slot Sale = Gem Price Skyrocket

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Holy kitten!

I was trying to buy 320 Gems with gold, but I couldn’t even keep up with the market, one second it’s 6 Gold 73 Silver for 320, and 5 seconds later it’s already gone up to 7 gold 21 silver.

This kind of kitten is exactly the final nail in the coffin for me when it comes to the GW2’s market and inflation.

It’s not inflation – the gem market and the game economy are completely separate. The market is driven by how many people convert gems > gold and vice versa. I still strongly believe that the BL gem conversion is NOWHERE near what it should be – people are not converting gold to gems not because they find items too expensive (with the exception of consumables which are currently a rip-off both money and gold wise), but because they have nothing they want to buy. When they add things that have actual demand, I still expect your 320 gems to cost 20+ gold. Yes, I expect good cosmetic items to cost the same as cultural armor, as I think the amount of gold in the economy to easily support that.

That said, until the Gem market is in a good state, you’re riding a wave of super cheap Gold > Gem conversions, and such a low value makes it extra volatile. When certain more static but low demand items, such as character slots or storage bags, go on sale, the market will spike hard. Things like these items are “could use, but I can wait”… but when it goes on sale, that “could use” becomes, “I could use that, and better get it before it goes back to full price”. It shot up 30% last time they had the character slot sale. These bumps will be flattened out a lot more with what as I see as a “proper value” gem market as the “buy now” urges will be changed from “everyone can afford” with a few quick dungeon runs to an actual economic question of farming that takes effort or purchasing with real money… and thus people couldn’t afford to spike it.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Even a simple implementation would be nice – cast, and you have a 1% chance per second to catch something. You can get lucky and have a bite instantly, or need to fish for a few minutes before you get the bite. I find the “wait bar” where it’s always the same as boring as there is no surprise factor.

Rewards are easy, as it could catch fish for cooking. Throwing in a few specials, like hooking a black lion key or mat bags could make it worthwhile for anyone.

How to crit for 100k?

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

True – my full glass cannon warrior with 25 stacks of might (which puts me at about 4.3k attack power) against a target with 25 stacks vuln is lucky to push 40k at the end of the attack sequence. Now if you were to add the damage up of the move, it easily passes 100k… so maybe that’s what they’re thinking in their head when they make that claim?

Person-to-Person Trading System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I personally think it is a good thing to not have a trade system.

What a trade system gains you:
- A way to directly trade with someone an not worry about getting scammed

Why I think that point is moot:
- Anyone I would be selling an item to at a steep discount would only be friends or guildies, which I trust in the mail system. If a guildy scams me, then we got a way to filter out guild trash at only the cost of an item or two. The ONLY exception I can think of to this is an item-for-item trade with a stranger, and I see no reason why TP can’t be the medium as each of you can place a buy order and any uneven trade would also be solved there preventing further scamming of ignorant players of item value.

What having trades would cost us:
- Constant spam for trades
- New avenues for scamming new players
- New avenues for hacks/cheats (almost every dupe method in MMOs involve the trade system)
- Delays in PUG dungeons as players waste time bartering/begging over the item someone just looted.

Would I complain about a trade system being added? No, as I would indeed use it occasionally (such as to circumvent the stupid mail spam limit. Why the heck is it not at least 4 or 5 so someone can supply a dungeon run?), and I could really care less about spam as I ignore all but guild chat 90% of the time… but we really are better off as is.

How to crit for 100k?

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Or you could just eviscerate/kill shot a bunny and potentially break 1 million.

Issues with terrible accuracy

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Never missed my Fire Grab on anything but a too far or evading target… Lightning whip on the other hand misses all the time. Quite frustrating, especially when it STILL misses with target selected and no matter how you position yourself. Short answer – if you find yourself needing an auto-attack filler/lazy trash killer, fire is much much more reliable. Pretty sure, though, lightning whip failure rate is a known bug.

The bl TP being abused

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Couple of problems though:
1. Players control that market
2. If we were to step in and do that, we would inflate the economy and the extra value you were getting in real terms would be negligible

John Smith is right – also note that any false step would just collapse anyways as people just bought Gems > gold, but no one used gold to buy gems. HOWEVER if they worked on the Gem store (more items, cheaper consumables as they’re far too expensive atm, etc… I’ve already made detailed posts one what I would think fix it) – they create something that would not only create a more fair gem to gold trade, but a better gold sink as well – thus better value without inflating the economy. The quaggan backpack alone bumped the Gem market by 30% with the initial purchase and has since settled over 10% higher… and I think it can support much much more… people just need a reason to buy stuff off the gem store.

Official xbox controller support

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I don’t see how it would be that difficult to set up the 360 controller – left stick is forward/back/strafe, right is camera. Bigger problem would be the fact you’re giving up fingers to hold the controller, making any binding combination to be able to handle the 15 button minimum (f1 – f4, 0 – 9, F) impossible without forcing you to take your thumb away from a control.

What I would do:

Directional Pad: F1 – F4
Right Trigger: 1
Right Bumper: 2
Left Trigger: 3
Left Bumper: 4
Left Thumb Stick click (LTSC) + Right Trigger: 5
LTSC + Right Bumper: Util 1 (7)
LTSC + Left Trigger: Util 2 (8)
LTSC + Left Bumper: Util 3 (9)
X: Heal (6)
Y: Elite (0)
A: Jump (spacebar)
B: Interact (F)
LTSC + X: Walk/Run mode (useful for escort events or roleplay)
LTSC + Y: Select closest target
LTSC + A: Weapon Swap
LTSC + B: Weapon Sheath (used to cancel moves)
Right Thumb Stick click (RTSC): Flip 180

The ultimate goal is keeping your full movement at all times possible while keeping access to your moves. Due to targeting limitations, you are pretty reliant on auto-targeting. Another option is to replace my LTSC + X and LTSC + B with more targeting controls.

Hopefully that suggestion is something that works for you!

Vengeance should not result in death.

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

teg needs to work on his sarcasm meter a little bit – especially if you couple it with my post that happened just before your own.

Short – Vengeance is awesome as is, but with ZERO options against multiple targets like every class in the game has, we’re effed, so Vengeance never gets to happen in any situation in the game except when we only have one target (zero works too! Though would just use the 4 heal in that case) without stability against us. That is a problem that NEEDS fixing.

"Rune" Set that increases Trait Points.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

100% fury uptime is not difficult to obtain on warrior even without boon duration – 30% on your boon duration really depends on what you are looking for – for you, you obviously value vigor over DPS/CC options… and while you can easily trait in immobilize, break immobilize, vulns on crits, a more powerful axe dps hand to go with your horn, etc… all of which I would personally consider worth having a few second buff gap (on hit vigor would dictate anywhere from 0 sec to 10 sec gap – but with boon duration, that just changes 0 sec to 7 sec vigor gap. Swiftness you do have a gap that would take a flag to cover, though I only see that ever as a concern against a constant kiting permaswift opponent where that 8 every 40 seconds may matter (though if you got immobilize on crit, you could keep perma-cripple and immobilize every 6 or 7 seconds… I’m pretty sure that wins any chase better than matching someone’s speed). All of this, though, is arguing from the stand point of keeping your main goal that you traited for – and if you’re a warrior that has a main goal of perma vigor/swiftness as even a small gap makes you cringe, you indeed are correct that boon runes win. If you’re a warrior that cares more about anything else, traits would win.

Completing Story should award Precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

FFXI had specific recipes with specific places to farm. Certainly it was a bit more grindy, but it was finite steps for a finite goal. Precursors are complete RNG – the one in a million from a chest/mob is not reliable enough to consider it grindable, so it’s a complete game of throwing rares/exotics into a toilet and hoping to get lucky, or being filthy rich. Certainly not difficult, certainly not legendary – just annoying. Many of us would prefer ‘grind’ over ‘RNG’ even if the RNG were much faster, as it is much easier to apply yourself to that goal rather than go, welp, is this going to cost me 12G or 1200G?

"Rune" Set that increases Trait Points.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Well, I use 2 Monk, 2 Water, 2 Divinity for my Warrior, who is 25/25/0/0/20.

I have perma fury/swiftness thanks to the boon duration, which adds +30%.

I also use the war-horn and the trait that gives 10 vigor/10 fury, so I have a lot of access to vigor and other boons.

I couldn’t really add 10 points to anything to make it any better, if I add 10 points to the Critical Bonus Tree, I would lose 4% critical bonus, 20 of all stats and 30% boon duration.

Need the full build so I know your weapon and trait selections. You have your own link to fill!

"Rune" Set that increases Trait Points.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Already told you what I would do with my 10 points on my current high levels. When you sit and make your builds with 10 extra points, do you really struggle with figuring out how you can make your characters more powerful? As I said, I would do it even if I got ZERO additional stat points – it’s that awesome. But the thing is, I’m only sacrificing 15 stat points to do it.

The bigger challenge is telling me what existing rune combination would be remotely as powerful as what you’re proposing on any class and build – then I’ll show you how 10 more trait points on that build will make that rune combination stupidly weak comparatively.

I went through all your posts, you did not link me a build and say what 10 points you added, so I can’t determine what you did or what your saying, sorry.

Please link me a build with all traits you would take listed, then add 10 more points to that build and tell me what you would take.

I didn’t post full builds – I posted what those 10 points would give to my current builds. I can easily slap together builds that show my base, but it doesn’t matter if you think such huge improvements to my builds are OP or not as I think they are for myself.

I was asking YOU to post a build where you think ANY existing runes would service it better than your proposed runes. I would then show you where you could take those 10 points and do something that was much better than the existing runes.

Of course I would love to have these – this would be such a massive improvement to any build…. but there in lays the issue.

Dungeon (dps) build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

All of my classes are full zerkers, with the exception of my Guardian (first char I played). I see PVT as only a “retaliation build” or a “this is a difference between my being a 1 shot or not” item. I’m not perfect, but I use my dodges, ports and evade moves. V/T is the weakest defense in this game.

While those numbers still are not warrior level DPS, they are still more impressive than I thought they would be. I’m still leveling my Ele, and while I still plan on going ‘all stat’ ascended items (ele has too many little heals + conditions + still wanting a toughness/vit boost to make up bottom tier base defense), I just may have yet another zerker char. The sellers of powerful blood love me. T-T

"Rune" Set that increases Trait Points.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Already told you what I would do with my 10 points on my current high levels. When you sit and make your builds with 10 extra points, do you really struggle with figuring out how you can make your characters more powerful? As I said, I would do it even if I got ZERO additional stat points – it’s that awesome. But the thing is, I’m only sacrificing 15 stat points to do it.

The bigger challenge is telling me what existing rune combination would be remotely as powerful as what you’re proposing on any class and build – then I’ll show you how 10 more trait points on that build will make that rune combination stupidly weak comparatively.