Of course D/D and P/D won’t die. Stealth is still an opening and fight reset move, and that is super powerful. I wouldn’t make a thief build with zero access to stealth. It just won’t be a fight win move, so when people notice that they always have to run away or get squished since they now have 2 seconds less to lay in DPS unseen and they can survive a counter attack, they now have to figure out how to avoid that counter attack.
Venom builds have a ton of built in CC – laying in chills, immobilize, and weakness (halves dodging) on top of weapon cripples would allow you to kite melees to your hearts content. Venom builds are dictated more by weapon choice, and there are a multiple on these forums.
Or a dodge/condition build:
Thieves also have some of the best dodge traits in the game, allowing a cheaper dodge to grant swiftness, might, drop caltrops, etc. As that also ties in with Bountiful Theft (steal strips boons, gives you those boons and grants 15sec vigor on a tree that makes steal quicker), you can easily create a build that can dodge almost all incoming damage while laying in condition damage. This will be able to lay in constant cripple, bleed, poison, and weakness. Being an asura allows you to touch the occasional confuse. Switching Sundering for Mug will allow you to step in some damage if you don’t put in any precision.
Or you can go for a p/p build that relies on blinds:
This goes for high initiative gain to be able to keep your higher cost skills going. Black Powder is basically a blind spam, thus basically invuln mode for your unload. Heals gives 6 initiative (using signet) every 12 seconds. Utilities of course are situational – signet of agility allows 1 condition to be removed every 24 seconds vs 3 every 50 seconds of shadow step – as you’re more likely to come across repeatedly applied few conditions over stacked conditions, I find agility better condition removal and more dodges, but situation dictates. You may even need both. Infiltrator is a 24 sec stun breaker/chaser/initiative creator. Roll for initiative I see as the more swappable option for refuge, powder, shadow step. P/D is selected as the alternate weapon set as it gives you a stealth option (if not set as a utility), and a quick step back from a steal (3). This also allows weapon swapping without interrupting auto attacks.
It can go on, and I’m sure many would make tweaks to my builds, but there is no doubt in my mind that once thieves can’t hit more than once in stealth, the meta will open up for them of viable builds that were previously overshadowed by broken mechanics.