Should also have your cursor always stay on screen, it disappears when you mouse move which sux when in middle of a big pixel bomb and you lose track of your curosr. At least an option to keep cursor always visable it’s not asking for much.
SoR does feel the pressure from FoO. And we deal with that pressure. Sometimes we are able to beat them off, sometimes we cant.
That just sounds sooooo wrong.
Sure does. Next.
Personally I would love to drop to t2, T1 is still unplayable even with the culling fix. Skill lag only bennefits the zergs. Smaller scale coordination goes out the window when you can’t use your skills.
Not everyone who plays wvw specs to win 1 v 1. Perma stealth thieves have uses, and it has nothing to do with dueling.
2 forces standing on walls, and they waved at each other? Those low down dirty kittens! HOW DARE THEY WAVE HOW DARE THEY!!
PS. JQ commanders, whisper me for tonight’s super secret plan on 2v1ing BG. We’ll use our normal hand signal /wave to begin the assults. PSS. Don’t forget to flaunt the 2v1, flaunting is the key.
Hey that’s cool man see how that works out for you when you and your pals high fiving on the field with no one to fight. That’s what this game is all about.
Bout 4 hours ago on bgbl, SoR took the BG Gari, while JQ Portal camped any bg trying to enter to defend. JQ after SoR capped did fight Sor for the gari, but it was obvious what was going on. SoR and JQ were even waving at eachother. Then to come here and deny it sure ok, and jq lost last week cause of flame rams in there gari. While BG was running 570ppt.
Dude, didnt you read the chat logs in page 3? We already made it public we are out this week to 2v1 BG.
Apparently so.
Already pointed out above that post, that SoR and JQ were waving at eachother while all this was going on. If it was about the ppt they would be on other maps. It wasn’t about the ppt, it was about 160 vs 40. And they flaunted it with emotes to boot. And yet here I am amazed again how blind people can be.
This. I think BG has a bit of a poor reputation because of incidents in the past, and maybe even current behavior. It’s unfortunate that your server’s community as a whole is affected. So when you guys get a little bit of dirt on your face, it makes razzing you all that much sweeter.
Killing someone who doesn’t fight isn’t fun, killing a friend/ally isn’t fun, killing someone who sparks fire and rage at the mere glimpse of now that is what this is all about. So to the other poster above keep on “Respecting SoR” cause that’s where the fun is.
Yeah our bad for making it interesting. Guess we should just hold hands instead. Because wvwvw is all about “respect”.
Dude, didnt you read the chat logs in page 3? We already made it public we are out this week to 2v1 BG.
Nope I don’t read every page, I go to work, I also sleep sometimes don’t spend the time digging through every page to read up on fights I wasn’t there for. I come here and read through times I play on.
JQ had 60+ SoR had 60+ BG ddin’t even have 40 ya perfect sense attack blue that at that time was 40ppt. Then you look at the map JQ was Green, SoR was Red, EBG was all Green/Red perfect sense for 160 players to go after 1 blue keep? Doesn’t matter, but to the players that come here and are saying there isn’t coop going really are amazing me.
Bout 4 hours ago on bgbl, SoR took the BG Gari, while JQ Portal camped any bg trying to enter to defend. JQ after SoR capped did fight Sor for the gari, but it was obvious what was going on. SoR and JQ were even waving at eachother. Then to come here and deny it sure ok, and jq lost last week cause of flame rams in there gari. While BG was running 570ppt.
My stupid firewall decided to block guild wars 2, I use norton so if any one else gets this prob. Look into that.
As subject says, Is login server down? Getting connection error trying to connect to guild wars 2.
Kain would make for a 3 way match which we don’t have right now, you have sor players posting how they don’t care and just want to kill. So it’s a 1 v 1 where numbers win and that is it. We want a 3 way fight where the strat is put back into play.
If that is your goal, Kain isn’t going to give it to you.
Well sor sure isn’t bringing it either.
Kain would make for a 3 way match which we don’t have right now, you have sor players posting how they don’t care and just want to kill. So it’s a 1 v 1 where numbers win and that is it. We want a 3 way fight where the strat is put back into play.
You must play at a time when everyone is asleep. Besides the past few days SoR has been there during NA primetime competing. We were also in the lead the first night after reset until everyone logged off.
Now not many are seeing a point in trying to compete when we just don’t have the coverage to win.
It’s also us seeking the competition.
Yup I Play when SoR sleeps, and JQ dominates. Getting backdoored by 60+ in my prime time play gets old, because JQ can field 20-30 pug across all map and have FoO float and backdoor any action BG makes, because SoR won’t even take a camp for about 6 hours of play. Gets old quick, its why many want kain, if not kain anyone for that matter to split the forces so its not a non stop backdoor fest, by the more populated server.
Completely disagree, kain is not just WM, and in my 2 weeks of fighting SoR in t1 I’ve yet to see them field more then 10 players. That isn’t t1 material anymore, maybe before server stacking but not now. Kain would field 60+ during JQ prime and that wasn’t just WM, you had another 40-60 on other maps with Meow tofu and pugs. Toatally different ballgame then what sor is currently bringing to wvwvw.
Kain is not just WM, getting WM would not make SoR competitive, getting WM, Tofu and Meow might make sor competive but you are asking for all of Kains primetime players and would leave the server almost barren.
Look at how close T2 is.
I bet you none of those servers wants anything to change. Too bad the populations are so skewed in T1, otherwise it would be great to have something like that here too.
Yup and only way most of think that could happen is with a different server in #3 spot.
It’s about the WvWvW not the wvw I can’t explain it any simpler then that.
I love the people saying SoR is a t1 server, SoR is not a t1 server it got in t1 in a fluke of server xfers to sos/jq when xfers were free leaving them to dominate there tier and skyrocket their score. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying SoR is bad, I am saying there coverage has a hole so big you could drive a mack truck through it, during JQ’s number 1 time for point gain. Leaving for a steady blowout every week not a competitive nail biting match.
Kain does have gaps in coverage to, but its prime is right in line with FoO’s prime. Kain would make for a closer more competive match. Also this isn’t about just having WM back in t1, you likely haven’t seen the numbers [meow] and [tofu] can bring to wvw which has the same play time as WM.
Not every thief out there abuses culling, this change won’t affect my playstyle at all.
I haven’t seen the SoR server in wvw for the 2 weeks BG has been back in t1? Seriously this is a WvW matchup not WvWvW. Kain would actually bring a fight during FoO prime when SoR sleeps making T1 a much more competitive matchup. This would force FoO to either prioritize or work split on multiple maps, therefore not having the luxury of using a 60+ zerg to just backdoor any action bg takes. There is no 2 v 1 atm, that is part of the problem.
Sucks though t2 is extremely competitive atm, and will likely be 3 weeks if not more to finally get Kain to move up. Big score diff between SoR and Kain atm.
I would have been able to take the video a lot more serious if there wasn’t so much swearing. The profanity, to me, changed the video from ‘motivational’ to ‘comical’.
My thoughts exactly. If you are going to record a motivational speech, you will come across a lot more intelligent without the profanity. You didn’t see MLK saying kitten this or kitten that now did you? Video didn’t last 2 minutes for me because I thought about some wow troll trying to get me pumped up to fight.
I miss the TC/KN/BG thread this thread is already full of haters.
Stackedgate back with a vengeance, let the culling wars begin!
My opinion, it is not against the rules to pvp in a pvp zone. You don’t like that go to another zone, or like another said above coordinate a hit on the offenders and wipe them out.
As the op feels that this hampers the zone play by the players not contributing to the servers efforts to increase ppt, it is multiple sides involved in the coordinated duels so both teams are at a loss.
Still though you as a player don’t get to dictate how others spend there in game time, if they want to /dance in wvw all day it is their choice.
Pretty sure dev’s said they were looking in to balancing ele’s more, but no actual yay or nay was said as to what they planned. Not gonna dig for the post I read it about a month back.
Dear TC please defend your borderlands from Kaineing.
-Love Blackgate
We should all get participation trophy’s too! It’s not fair for someone to lose in a competition.
Aww how sweet a 5 year old pwning noobs, so cute!
Wait a week or two to buy the game, let it play out get feed back from others. You don’t have to be that Oh em gee must have game first day guy.
Also it’s not my fault you play in t1 as I mentioned above maybe the op should move to a lower tier where it is not 24/7 zerg and more comfortable to his playstyle and works in his operating range.
I’ve been in t1 and now I’m in t2 I can tell you we don’t have the problem the zerglings in t1 have so sorry everyone bandwagon’d to your servers and now can’t play the game. Change servers or uninstall your call, once again I don’t care.
I enjoy the game sorry you don’t, so I guess it is buh bye to you as well. Capitalism works go away, take your friends, don’t care if the game is a bomb peoples money will decide. 60 dollars isn’t much when you have a jobby job and can make more. Sorry you broke your piggy bank as well. Next time do more research before you buy.
Big ups to BG TC and Kain for rocking the extended matchup thread with no locks. Setting the standard like pro’s. This is something you will never see of a T1 thread.
Maybe you should play on a less populated tier if you can’t handle the culling bombs. But whatever, your mind is set buh-byes. Life goes on and so does the war, good bye posts to try to make others dislike the game are pointless. Cause really no one cares.
Jeff Bridges, the Dude abides
Yup you don’t see our thread being locked. You see plenty of positive responses to each other, and good competition for all. Sorry we aren’t Zergcore enough for t1 haters.
Please don’t implement this, the difference between t1 and t2 is miles apart, after everyone bandwagon’d to the top tier due to the end of free transfers. This would just make it so T2 winner every week would move up for a week lose horribly then move back down. So Winning in the T2 bracket would actually be losing because T2 now is by far the best bracket imho. 24/7 fights but not 24/7 Zergs. The system as it is you only move up if you completely dominate your bracket and therefore should be moved up into the next bracket, but if the match is competitive the matchup stays the same as it SHOULD imho.
WvW is War, and I’m pretty sure no one ever said war is fair, I could be wrong though maybe we signed a no portal bombs treaty recently or something. Sorry I’m not up to date on my Guild Wars politics. /shrug.
Get in a group with Dps classes, you support them, they kill you get badges! Do that support thing you claim to do!
When do I get my participation trophy? Thanks, and can you put inscription on it? “All hail Dredrum with out his participation all hope would be lost”
Spartan like defense tonight in KBL Garrison hours of fun!
What happened to the 30+ FA that defended greenbriar in FA BL? After we finally took that it seemed everyone disappeared and got no defense for the rest of the map? No Fun!
I don’t know if this was said, but I find this all ironic to say the least. First Anet says it will end free xfers lots of players bandwagon to high ranked servers, which I am not sure anet expected so many to do, or to go so far as to have massive logouts to enable big guilds to xfer to full capacity servers.
So now Anet is stuck with the problem that a few servers have been much more heavily populated then the rest of the servers and now this all seems like how they are fixing it. Now that Pay xfers is enabled, suddenly WvW ques are horrible and they suggest to consider xfering to a lower ranked server, or spread out on other bordlerlands.
So much for all the players who thought they could outsmart the system and jump ship to number 1, instead they got number Que!
As it stands right now there is a t8 server moving up to t1 cause they winning by most points. The t1 servers JQ SoS and SoR all moving down cause its a close matchup. Next month is gonna be wacked out.
Heightend Stomp build combo’d with other class skills time warp whatev which you will have plenty of in LARGE scale fights would make for being able stomp multiple players in less then a second, so on large scale a speed stomping class would clean up the field for the zerg making the downed state nul and void and at which point shouldn’t be in the game if it will be completely null. You think small I am thinking BIG. I think downed is balance for large scale you want to tweak it for you. Just like I mentioned earlier on rifts over tweaking ruining the game for me. You are pushing to tweak without looking at the big picture.
@Sansarah you ask would a designated stomper ruin your gameplay? On a large scale where you have 40+ yes because it would completely eradicate downed state and there for be a waste to even have downed state in the game. Whcih many of us that don’t play wvw on a small scale think is balanced and enjoy as is, but you who don’t want to spvp want to change wvw to spvp. This post is about you not us. Yes i have a problem with that.